Aop 1213
Aop 1213
Aop 1213
Universidad Catlica del Maule, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Escuela de Agronoma, Casilla 7-D, Curic, Chile. [email protected]
Departamento de Zoologa, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanogrficas, Universidad de Concepcin. Casilla 160-C, Concepcin, Chile.
[email protected]
Departamento de Recursos Ambientales, Facultad de Ciencias Agronmicas, Universidad de Tarapac, Casilla 6-D. Arica, Chile. [email protected]
ABSTRACT. A new genus and species of leaf miner (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) for Chile associated to the native tree Lithraea
caustica. We propose the new genus and species of Gracillariidae (Lepidoptera) Hualpenia lithraeophaga Mundaca, Parra &Vargas
gen. nov., sp. nov., leaf miner of Lithraea caustica (Mol.) H. et Arn (Anacardiaceae) occurring in southern central Chile. Aspects of the
life cycle, adult and larval morphology, development and feeding habits of the new genus and species are also presented. We emphasise
the uniqueness and importance of this new species for broadening the current knowledge on the Chilean fauna of Gracillariidae.
KEYWORDS. Hualpn, hypermetamorphic, Insecta.
Mundaca et al.
A new genus and species of leaf miner for Chile associated to the native tree Lithraea caustica
1 mm
Figs. 23. 2. Hualpenia lithraeophaga sp. nov., holotype male adult, 11 mm wingspan. 3. Leaf damage provoked by sap-feeding larva (A) and by tissue
feeding larva (B) of Hualpenia lithraeophaga sp. nov.
Additional Examined material. One male, December 7, 1998; two females reared on January 14, 1999. One of the females was utilised to describe wing venation and genitalia preparation. A second female specimen
was used for the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis. All specimens obtained from larvae collected by Enrique Mundaca at the type locality. Material deposited at MZUC.
Mundaca et al.
Fig. 4. Hualpenia lithraeophaga sp. nov. (A) Adult head, ventral-front view. (B) Proboscis. (C) Papillae analis covered by setae.
Fig. 5. Hualpenia lithraeophaga sp. nov. (A) Wing venation. (B) Male genitalia ventral view, and (C) aedeagus left view.
Fig. 6. Hualpenia lithraeophaga sp. nov. (A) Dorsal view of sap-feeding larva. (B) Details of the scissor-like mandible in the sap-feeding larva. (C) Sapfeeding larva, dorsal view of the head capsule. (D) Dorsal view of plates covered with micro spines present on thoracic segments of the sap-feeding larva.
(E) Lateral view of partially developed legs. (F) Lateral view of the scissor-like mandibles present on the sap-feeding larva.
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 57(2): 157164, June 2013
A new genus and species of leaf miner for Chile associated to the native tree Lithraea caustica
1 mm
1 mm
Fig. 7. Hualpenia lithraeophaga sp. nov. (A) Dorsal view of sap-feeding larva. (B) Lateral view of sap-feeding larva. (C) Tissue feeding larva. (D) Lateral
view of tissue feeding larva.
Fig. 8. Hualpenia lithraeophaga sp. nov. (A) Dorsal view of the head of the tissue-feeding larva. (B) Tissue-feeding larva, maxillae and labium. (C) Detail
of the ocular area of the tissue-feeding larva. (D) Frontal detail of the head of the tissue-feeding larva. (E) Lateral view of tissue-feeding larva legs. (F)
Ventral view of prolegs. (G) Details of the crochets.
to A6 (Fig. 9A). Prolegs with only one row of uniordinal crochets arranged in an uniordinal manner following criteria established by Stehr (1987) (Fig. 8F and 8G).
Examined material. One larva, collected on April 15, 1997, 5 larvae
collected on May 28, 1997, 1 larva collected on June 27 1997, 2 larvae
collected on September 26, 1997. All specimens collected at Parque
Botnico (Universidad de Concepcin) Hualpn Peninsula, VIII Regin,
Chile, Enrique Mundaca leg. Material deposited at MZUC.
Mundaca et al.
1 mm
Fig. 9. Hualpenia lithraeophaga sp. nov. (A) Chaetotaxy of thoracic segments: 12; and abdominal segments: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9 and 10. (B) Pupa, lateral,
ventral and dorsal view.
Egg. Unknown.
So far, it has not been possible to collect eggs in the field.
Marks left on the leaves and the number of larvae found in
the leaves show that there is just one egg laid on the adaxial
surface of the leaf. Only in one occasion we have observed a
mine in the abaxial surface. The larva inside was dead and at
the sap-feeding instar.
Body structure of the last larval instar differs from other
species of the family, such as those of the genera Marmara
Clemens, 1863, (Fitzgerald & Simeone 1971) and Prophyllocnictis Davis, 1994, where the second developmental stage
does not feed and belongs to the spinning type (Kumata 1978)
and resembles a typical eruciform lepidopteran larva. Prior
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 57(2): 157164, June 2013
A new genus and species of leaf miner for Chile associated to the native tree Lithraea caustica
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