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A peer-reviewed open-access journal

PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 1
doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.134.37979 RESEARCH ARTICLE Launched to accelerate biodiversity research

A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in

Mesoamerica, including six new species

Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar1,2, Reinaldo Aguilar3, Laura P. Lagomarsino1

1 Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium, Department of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge,
LA 70803-1705, USA 2 Missouri Botanical Garden St. Louis, MO 63166, USA 3 Los Charcos de Osa Centro
de Diversidad de Plantas Regionales Osa, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Corresponding author: Daniel Santmaría-Aguilar ([email protected])

Academic editor: T.L.P. Couvreur  |  Received 4 July 2019  |  Accepted 20 September 2019  |  Published 23 October 2019

Citation: Santamaría-Aguilar D, Aguilar R, Lagomarsino LP (2019) A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in

Mesoamerica, including six new species. PhytoKeys 134: 1–82.

A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) is presented for Mesoamerica. Fourteen species are recog-
nised, amongst them six are described and published as new, based on morphology: V. allenii D.Santam.
& Aguilar, sp. nov. from Costa Rica, V. otobifolia D.Santam., sp. nov. from Panama and V. amistadensis
D.Santam., sp. nov., V. chrysocarpa D.Santam. & Aguilar, sp. nov., V. fosteri D.Santam., sp. nov. and V.
montana D.Santam., sp. nov. from both Costa Rica and Panama. Additionally, a lectotype is designated
for V. koschnyi, accompanied by an epitype in view of the fragmentary material. Finally, we recognise V.
laevigata and V. nobilis as morphologically distinct species, though these are frequently considered syn-
onymys of V. guatemalensis and V. surinamensis, respectively. Of the fourteen accepted species, twelve of
them are endemic to Mesoamerica, while the remaining two species (V. elongata and V. sebifera) extend
into South America. Illustrations, species diagnoses and distribution maps for each species are provided,
as is an identification key to all species.

Costa Rica, Flora Mesoamericana, hallucinogenic, Magnoliales, nutmeg, Panama, taxonomy

Myristicaceae, a member of the magnoliid order Magnoliales (APG IV 2016), com-
prises 21 genera and nearly 500 species of woody trees, shrubs and, occasionally, lianas
(i.e. Pycnanthus spp.) By far the most economically important species of the family is
Myristica fragrans Houtt., the source of the common spices nutmeg and mace. Myristi-

Copyright Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
2 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

caceae has a broad pantropical distribution, though most species are found in lowland
rainforest habitats. The family is represented in America by about 101 species (Ulloa
Ulloa et. al. 2017) in six endemic genera: Bicuiba W. J. de Wilde (1 sp.), Compsoneura
(A. DC.) Warb. (19 spp.), Iryanthera Warb. (~20 spp.), Osteophloeum Warb. (1 sp./ 2
subsp.; as Osteophloem in Smith and Wodehouse 1938), Otoba (A. DC.) Karsten (~10
spp.) and Virola Aubl. (~60 spp.). Species richness of American Myristicaceae is high-
est in the lowland forest of the Amazon, where it is considered a hyperdominant fam-
ily (Smith and Wodehouse 1938; de Wilde 1991; Kühn and Kubitzki 1993; Janovec
2000; Jaramillo et al. 2004; ter Steege et al. 2013; Cardoso et al. 2017).
Virola is the largest genus of Myristicaceae in America and, with about 60 species, it
is the fourth largest genus in the family. The plants have two particularly distinctive char-
acteristics: their growth form and the mature fruit. The growth form, sometimes called
myristicaceous branching (e.g. Gentry 1993), corresponds largely with Massart’s Model
(Hallé et al. 1978), which is characterised by a monopodial, orthotropic principal shoot
with plagiotropic lateral branches that are developed in regular tiers by rhythmic branch-
ing of the main axis (Kühn and Kubitzki 1993). Fruits of Virola are distinctive and strik-
ing: they dehisce by two valves when ripe, displaying their single seed, which is covered
by a brightly coloured laciniate aril that is rich in proteins, lipid and sugars. Birds and
monkeys are primary dispersers of these seeds (Howe and Vande Kerckhove 1980; Howe
1981, 1982, 1993; Sabatier 1997; Moreira et al. 2017). Not surprisingly, given the impor-
tance of their fruits as a food for wildlife and its abundance in many lowland forests, the
ecological importance of Virola has been extensively documented (e.g. Frankie et al. 1974;
Pitman et al. 2008; Steeves 2011; Riba Hernández 2017). Below, we provide a review of
the morphology, biogeography, taxonomic history and ethnobotanical uses of Virola.

As with many magnoliids, Virola has aromatic tissues. Unlike other magnoliids, though,
when the bark is cut or a twig is broken, it yields an exudate that is initially watery and
clear and quickly changes to red or pinkish. The leaves, which are exstipulate and simple
with entire margins and occasionally have pellucid punctuation, are distichous. Most
surfaces of the plant, including leaves, are usually covered with stellate or dendritic tri-
chomes. Staminate inflorescences are paniculate, with few to many branches. Flowers,
sometimes reported as fragrant, are unisexual, ebracteolate and inserted on a receptacle;
they are produced in lax to dense clusters. Their yellow or brown perianth is connate to
varying degrees and uniseriate, usually with 3-lobes. The androecium is compound, with
filaments fused into a column, with 3– (4–6) anthers fused to the column. The pistillate
inflorescences are shorter than staminate inflorescences. Pistillate flowers have a perianth
that is more carnose than those of the staminate flowers and their gynoecia are pubescent
and sessile or short- stipitate, topped by a stigma that is usually bilobed (Smith and Wo-
dehouse 1938; de Wilde 1991; Kühn and Kubitzki 1993; Jaramillo et al. 2004).
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 3

Figure 1. Genera of Myristicaceae present in Mesoamerica A–C Compsoneura sect. Compsoneura (C. ex-
celsa) D–F Compsoneura sect. Hadrocarpa (C. capitellata) G–J Iryanthera (G–I Iryanthera spp; J I. megisto-
carpa) K–L Osteophloeum platyspermum M–O Otoba novogranatensis. Photos by Reinaldo Aguilar (A–C,
M–O), Benjamin Chambi (E), Jason D. Wells (D, F from; Robin Foster
(G–I, K from; Alwyn H. Gentry (J from http://www.tropi-; and David A. Neill (L).

In Mesoamerica, where five of the six native genera of American Myristicaceae oc-
cur (Fig. 1), Virola can be identified using the following key:

1 Leaf blades with tertiary veins conspicuous and more or less parallel and per-
pendicular to the lateral veins...............................Compsoneura (Fig. 1A–F)
– Leaf blades with tertiary veins inconspicuous or, when conspicuous, not as
2 Leaf blades with malpighiaceous trichomes on abaxial surface......................3
– Leaf blades with stellate, dendritic, or irregularly stellate trichomes on abaxial
3 Vernation convolute; abaxial surface of leaf blades without hyaline crystals;
flowers with bracteoles; fruits transversally ellipsoid, if globose, the pericarp
7–8 mm thick; seeds not gibbose at the apex.............Iryanthera (Fig. 1G–J)
– Vernation conduplicate; abaxial surface of leaf blades with hyaline crystals;
flowers without bracteoles (in Mesoamerica); fruits longitudinally globose to
subglobose; seeds usually gibbose near the apex............. Otoba (Fig. 1M–O)
4 Trichomes on abaxial leaf surface stellate, concolorous; inflorescences sessile,
with 1–2 (–3) main branches; flowers with bracteoles; stamens 10 (in Mesoa-
merica); fruits transversally ellipsoid.....................Osteophloeum (Fig. 1K–L)
– Trichomes on abaxial leaf surface dendritic, irregularly stellate or if stellate,
the central part of the trichome reddish to reddish-clear, constrasting in col-
our with the hyaline branches; inflorescences distinctly pedunculate, with 1
main branch; flowers without bracteoles; stamens 3–7; fruits ellipsoid, glo-
bose, ovoid or subglobose....................................................................Virola
4 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

Virola is found throughout tropical America. Species have been collected from Mexico
to southern Brazil, though are notably absent in El Salvador. Occurrence in the Carib-
bean is limited: one species is found in the West Indies (V. surinamensis [Rol. ex Rottb.]
Warb.), though a fossil Virola flower, recently described from Dominican Republic
(Poinar and Steeves 2013), suggests that genus has persisted over geological time in the
region. Species richness is highest in western Amazonia, with the greatest concentra-
tion of species in Brazil (~35 spp.), Colombia (~ 29 spp.) and Peru (~ 23 spp.), where
they are found mainly in humid forests, though some species grow in dry formations
(e.g. V. sessilis [A. DC.] Warb., V. subsessilis [Benth.] Warb.) (Rodrigues 1980, 2015;
Gradstein 2016; Vásquez et al. 2018).
Within Mesoamerica, the greatest concentration of Virola species occurs in Costa
Rica and Panama. Together, these two countries contain 10 and 11, respectively, of
the 14 Mesoamerican species (Fig. 2). Of the 14 species treated in this synopsis, 12
are endemic to Mesoamerica, while V. elongata (Spruce ex Benth.) Warb. occurs from
Panama to Brazil and V. sebifera Aublet from Honduras to Brazil; both of these species
are widespread in South America. The majority of Virola species occupy lowland wet
forest below 800 m elevation, with a few species reaching montane forests up to 2000
m elevation (e.g. V. montana). A single montane species of Virola can occur on both
slopes, though, within a country or region, there is a tendency to find them on only
one, more often the Caribbean slope (e.g. V. fosteri, V. amistadensis, V. multiflora). A
list of the current species of Virola in Mesoamerica with geographic distribution by
country, elevations and slope is given in Table 1.

Virola has diverse ethnobotanical uses and there are many reports of local use of several
species of Virola for many non-medicinal purposes. For example, the oils from the seeds
of Virola (e.g. V. guatemalensis, V. sebifera) are used as lubricant in machinery and to
make soap and candles that emit intense light, produce little smoke and smell pleasant;
Pesce 2009). Instead of using the extracted oils, indigenous people of the Talamanca
mountains of Costa Rica (Pittier 1978) and the Cuna tribe of Panama (Duke 1975)
burn whole seeds as candles. Wood from many species, including Virola fosteri, V. ko-
schnyi, V. sebifera and V. surinamensis, is used for construction and carpentry, to make
matchsticks, as pulp for paper and to manufacture plywood (Rodrigues 1972; Flores-
Vindas and Obando-Vargas 2014; Pérez and Condit 2018). The seeds and arils of Virola
guatemalensis, a common shade tree in coffee plantations in Veracruz, Mexico (Sánchez
Hernández et al. 2017), are used to flavour chocolate drinks and other beverages (War-
burg 1897; Standley and Steyermark 1946; Pennington and Sarukhánn 2016).
Virola also produces many chemicals that are biologically active in humans. For ex-
ample, Virola is perhaps best known for its hallucinogenic properties, which are often
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 5

Figure 2. Geographic distribution of Virola in Mesoamerica, with the number of species native to each
country indicated in parentheses below the country’s name.

Table 1. List of the 14 accepted species of Virola in Mesoamerica with countries of occurrence, slope
preference and elevation within Mesoamerica.

Species Distribution Slope Elevations (m)

V. allenii D. Santam. & Costa Rica Pacific 0–350 (–1350)
V. amistadensis D. Santam. Costa Rica, Panama Caribbean 650–1200
V. chrysocarpa D. Santam. Costa Rica, Panama Pacific 0–700
& Aguilar.
V. elongata (Benth.) Warb. Panama Caribbean 50–450
V. fosteri D. Santam. Costa Rica, Panama Caribbean 0–350 (–800)
V. guatemalensis (Hemsl.) Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras Both slopes 150–1250
V. koschnyi Warb. Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Both slopes, mainly 10–1000 (–1700)
Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama on the Caribbean side
V. laevigata Standl. Costa Rica, Panama Pacific 0–500 (1600?)
V. megacarpa A. H. Gentry. Panama Caribbean 50–550
V. montana D. Santam. Costa Rica, Panama Both slopes 700–2000
V. multiflora (Standl.) A. Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica Caribbean 0–650 (–1400)
C. Sm.
V. nobilis A. C. Sm. Costa Rica, Panama Both slopes 0–400 (–1300)
V. otobifolia D. Santam. Panama Caribbean 50–850
V. sebifera Aubl. Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama Both slopes 0–1000
6 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

incorporated into indigenous cultural practices of South America. The hallucinogen

is usually obtained from the exudate of the inner bark of several species, including:
Virola calophylla Warb., V. calophylloidea Markgr., V. duckei A. C. Sm., V. elongata, V.
sebifera, V. surinamensis and V. theiodora Warb.; it has also been documented in Iryan-
thera and Osteophloeum platyspermum (Spruce ex A. DC.) Warb. (Schultes 1954, 1969,
1979; Schultes and Holmstedt 1968; Prance 1970; Soares Maia and Rodrigues 1974;
Bennett and Alarcón 1994). In addition to being psychoactive, the reddish exudate of
various Virola species is thought to have medicinal properties. For example, the sap of
V. melinonii (Benoist) A. C. Sm. and V. surinamensis is applied to treat skin conditions,
alleviate tooth pain, soothe colic and as a styptic (i.e. a substance used to stop bleed-
ing) to treat ulcerating sores and wounds, haemorrhoids and other sources of bleeding
(Plotkin and Schultes 1990). The sap of an undetermined species of Virola has been
reported to be used as a contraceptive by Indians on the Rio Negro of Brazil and is re-
putedly effective for a period of two or three years (Plotkin and Schultes 1990). Finally,
the oil obtained from the seeds of Virola officinalis Warb, V. sebifera and V. surinamensis
has many medical folk uses, including treatments for asthma, rheumatism, tumours
of the joints, intestinal worms, skin diseases, erysipelas, haemorrhoids and bad breath
(Rodrigues 1972, 1980; Plotkin and Schultes 1990).

Taxonomic history
Virola was first described by Aublet in “Histoire des plantes de la Guiane Françoise”,
based on V. sebifera Aublet (Aublet 1775). It is likely that the etymology of the generic
name is derived from one of the common names mentioned in the protologue, which
stated: “Nomen Caribaeum Oyapocenfibus VOIROUCHI; Sinemarienfibus VIROLA;
Galliucum JEAJEAMADOU” (Aublet 1775). Subsequent authors have attributed this
etymology to a Galibi or Sinemari vernacular name for V. sebifera in French Guiana
(Rodrigues 1972, 1980; Cardona et al. 2010; Mari Mut 2018). However, others be-
lieve that the name is derived from the Latin viriola (bracelet), in reference to the aril
that surrounds the seed (e.g. Flores 2010).
There is a long taxonomic history to the American species of Myristicaceae. This
began with George Bentham (1853), who was the first to publish on these species in
“Notes on the American Species of Myristica”. In this treatment, he recognises 12 spe-
cies of Myristica (nine of them new) and places these in three different groups, charac-
terised by differences in the androecium (i.e. number of anthers and shape, thickness
and length of the column) and leaf venation (i.e. number of veins and their degree
of separation). Alphonse de Candolle published the second and broadest treatment
of Myristicaceae, including species from both the New and Old World (de Candolle
1856). He recognised ca. 84 species, which he divided into 13 sections in a single
genus, Myristica, which included two sections that contain species today recognised
as Virola: Virola (Sect. III/ 8 spp.) and Sychoneura (Sect. IV/10 spp.). In this work, he
described 12 new taxa that now belong to Virola. The British botanist William Bot-
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 7

ting Hemsley was the earliest author to publish an account of the Mesoamerican spe-
cies of Myristicaceae in “Biologia centrali-americana” (Hemsley 1882). In this work,
three species are newly described: Myristica guatemalensis Hemsl., M. mexicana Hemsl.
[=Compsoneura mexicana (Hemsl.) Janovec] and M. panamensis Hemsl. The most com-
prehensive treatment of Myristicaceae during this era was produced by the German
botanist and agriculturalist Otto Warburg in his “Monographie der Myristicaceen”
(Warburg 1897). Warburg recognised 240 species in 15 genera, including Virola (rec-
ognised for the first time as a genus). Warburg’s concept of Virola included 27 species
in two sections: Oxyanthera Warb. (13 spp.; anthers longer than the column) and Am-
blyanthera Warb. (14 spp.; anthers equal to or shorter than the column). Amongst the
Virola species that Warburg recognised were two previously recognised as Myristica: V.
guatemalensis (Hemsl.) Warb. and V. panamensis (Hemsl.) Warb. Following the publi-
cation of Warburg’s treatment, generic recognition of Virola became broadly accepted
and, subsequently, five new names were published for Mesoamerica: V. koschnyi Warb.
(Warburg 1905), V. merendonis Pittier, V. warburgii Pittier (Pittier 1916, 1922), V.
laevigata Standl. and V. brachycarpa Standl. (Standley 1929, 1932). These names and
species identities are followed in regional taxonomic treatments (e.g. Standley 1928,
1930, 1931). “The American species of Myristicaceae” (Smith and Wodehouse 1938)
by Albert C. Smith, with contributions of pollen analysis by Roger P. Wodehouse was
the next contribution to the taxonomy of Mesoamerican Myristicaceae. These authors
proposed the division of Virola into six groups: Mollissimae (I), Sebiferae (II), Calophyl-
lae (III), Rugulosae (IV), Surinamenses (V), and Subsessilis (VI). The characters used to
delimit these groups included trichome type, degree of perianth connation, spacing
of secondary leaf veins, column shape and anther apex shape. Of the 38 species of
Virola recognised in Smith and Wodehouse (1938), the following proposals pertain to
Mesoamerican species: (1) V. panamensis, V. warburgii, V. merendonis and V. laevigata
were sunk into synonymy with V. sebifera, V. sebifera, V. koschnyi and V. guatemalensis,
respectively; (2) the description of V. nobilis A. C. Smith from Panama; and (3) the
transfer of Dialyanthera multiflora Standl. to Virola multiflora (Standl.) A. C. Smith
and the designation of V. brachycarpa Standl. as synonymous with this species.
Since then, 17 new species of Virola have been published from South America
(Ducke 1945; Smith 1953, 1956; Williams 1964; Little 1970; Rodrigues 1977, 1989;
Sabatier 1997; Jaramillo et al. 2000) and one from Mesoamerica: V. megacarpa A.
H. Gentry (Gentry 1975). Several important local floristic accounts of Virola have
also been published, some of which made important taxonomic changes for their re-
gion (South America: Cogollo 2011, Gradstein, 2018 [Colombia]; Achá and Liesner
2014 [Bolivia]; Rodrigues 1980, 2010, 2015 [Brazil]; Jaramillo et al. 2004 [Ecuador];
Mitchell 2002 [central French Guiana]; Aymard et al. 2007 [Guiana Shield]; Vásquez
Martínez 1997, 2010, Vásquez et al. 2018 [Peru]; Rodrigues 2008, Rodrigues et al.
2001 [Venezuela]; Mesoamerica: Acevedo-Rodríguez and Strong 2012 [West Indies]);
(Balick et al. 2000 [Belize]; Jiménez 2007 [Costa Rica]; Nelson 2008 [Honduras];
Villaseñor 2016 [Mexico]; Gentry 2001 [Nicaragua]; Duke 1962, Correa et al. 2004
[Panama]). Perhaps the most substantial of these is “Revisão taxonômica das espécies
8 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

de Virola Aublet (Myristicaceae) do Brasil” (Rodrigues 1980), which provided a treat-

ment for Brazil and refuted the infrageneric proposals by previous authors.
Virola has been the subject of limited phylogenetic analysis. The first molecular
phylogenetic study of Virola– and the only to date– demonstrated that the genus is
divided into two large subclades, informally called “Multinervae” and “Sebiferae”
(Steeves 2011). Morphologically, Multinervae is composed of tall emergent canopy
trees that typically have more numerous secondary leaf veins, thicker pericaps and
arils that are lacinate throughout their length, compared to the sub-canopy to canopy
species of Sebiferae that have fewer secondary veins, thin pericarps and arils that are
only lacinate for half of their length. This phylogeny, or future improved phylogenetic
hypotheses, has the potential to provide information for future infrageneric reclassifi-
cation of Virola.

Materials and methods

This work was undertaken as part of the “Flora Mesoamericana” project (http://www. by the first author. However, our definition of “Mesoamer-
ica” is different than that used in the Flora; here, it refers to the portion of Central
America and southern Mexico from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Mexico in the
north to the Panamanian-Colombian border in the south.
Approximately 500 physical herbarium specimens of Mesoamerican Virola were ex-
amined for this study from the following herbaria: CR (including ex INB), LSCR, LSU,
MO, NO and USJ (acronyms follow Thiers [continuously updated]), though specimens
from MO represent the majority of the material studied. All type specimens, as well as
general collections, hosted by virtual herbaria, were consulted, including those maintained
by: the Field Museum (F;, In-
stituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA;, JS-
TOR Global Plants (, Museum of Natural History, Paris (P; http://, Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseums (LI;
portal/es), University of Maryland (MARY;,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (MEXU;
biodiversidad/) and the National Herbarium of The Netherlands (U; http://herbarium. Images of specimens not available online were provided by: EAP, F, HUH,
NY, PMA, SCZ and US. When specimens were only studied digitally, they are denoted
by an asterisk following the herbarium acronym (e.g. EAP!*). Label information of speci-
mens studied and housed at Museo Nacional de Costa Rica (CR) and Missouri Botanical
Garden (MO) are available online via the ECOBIOSIS (http://ecobiosis.museocostarica., HERBARIO (
fy-solr/Herbario/) and TROPICOS ( databases.
Species descriptions are based primarily on herbarium specimens, though observa-
tions during fieldwork by the first and second authors, especially in the Osa Peninsula
of Costa Rica, were also important. If necessary and material permitted, flowers from
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 9

herbarium specimens were rehydrated before measurement. A ruler was used to meas-
ure leaves and inflorescences; a digital Neiko caliper was used to measure fruits and
seeds, as well as the thickness of the twigs, petioles and peduncles; and, finally, flowers,
trichomes and thickness of the pericarp were measured with a micrometer calibration
tool (1div = 1mm) under a dissecting stereoscope (Bausch & Lomb).
The preliminary conservation status of each new species was assessed using quan-
titative criteria recommended by the IUCN Red List (IUCN Standards and Petitions
Subcommittee 2014). Georeferenced specimen data were used to determine the area
of occupancy (AOO) and the extent of occurrence (EOO), which in turn were used to
determine threat status. All analyses were performed in the R package conR (Dauby et
al. 2017). When the recommendation differed between AOO and EOO assessments
for a given species, we opted to conservatively recommend the more vulnerable status,
following Knapp (2013).
Specimens cited are listed first by country in a north to south sequence. Within
country, specimens are listed alphabetically by major division and then alphabetically
by province or department and, finally, in alphabetical order by the collector’s sur-
name. When the coordinates and/or elevation were not included on the herbarium
label, but were present in the TROPICOS database, the values from TROPICOS are
included. Dot-distribution maps were compiled from studied specimens and gener-
ated with SimpleMappr (Shorthouse 2010).
In the nomenclatural section for each new species, we cite both accession numbers
and barcodes when present. Barcodes are included in square brackets and follow the
format of a series of numbers preceded by a herbarium acronym (e.g. [GH00039891]);
all other numbers correspond to accession numbers.
Knoweldge of the group was improved by numerous field trips since 1991 through-
out Costa Rica, especially in the Osa Peninsula and La Selva Biological Station, by the
second author and, more recently, by the first author in the same region.

Key to the species of Virola in Mesoamerica

1 Abaxial leaf surface with pediculate trichomes (sometimes sessile in V. sebifera
and with short pedicle in V. elongata) (Fig. 3C, G, I, J, N)...........................2
– Abaxial leaf surface with sessile trichomes (Fig. 3 A, B, D, E, F, H, K–M, O).....5
2 Leaf blades with 9–17 lateral veins per side, free or slightly anastomosing
near the margin and without forming a very marked intramarginal vein, in-
dument on abaxial surface caducous; petiole slightly canaliculate; staminate
flower with the filament column 0.1–0.4 mm long, anthers with apiculus
0.1–0.2 mm long; fruits 1.1–1.7 (–2.3) × 0.8–1.3 (–1.6) cm, globose to sub-
globose (Fig. 4K); pericarp 0.3–0.6 (–0.9) mm thick.................... V. sebifera
– Leaf blades with (16–) 20–50 lateral veins per side, anastomosing near the
margin and forming a conspicuous intramarginal vein, indument on abaxial
surface persistent; petiole markedly canaliculate; staminate flower with the
10 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

filament column 0.7–1.5 mm long, anthers without apiculus or this very in-
conspicuous; fruits 1.9–5.7 × 1.5–2.9 cm, ellipsoid, ovoid-ellipsoid or some-
times subglobose (Fig. 4 E, F, P); pericarp 1.2–6 mm thick..........................3
3 Leaf blades with (32–) 40–50 lateral veins per side; fruits 4–5.7 × 2–2.9 cm,
the apex acuminate to rostrate (Fig. 4P); pericarp 3–6 mm thick...................
................................................................................................ V. megacarpa
– Leaf blades with (16–) 20–35 lateral veins per side; fruits 1.9–3.1 × 1.5–1.9
cm, the apex acute to apiculate or obtuse; pericarp 1.2–3.1 mm thick.........4
4 Mature leaf blades on adaxial surface pubescent and asperous to the touch in
dry specimens, abaxial surface densely hirsute to hirsutulous, trichomes with
3–6 branches, the branches 0.2–0.6 mm long; staminate flowers with fila-
ment column 1.3–1.5 mm long..............................................V. chrysocarpa
– Mature leaf blades on adaxial surface glabrous to glabrescent and smooth to
the touch in dry specimens, abaxial surface densely tomentose, trichomes
with 4–10 branches, the branches 0.1–0.2 mm long; staminate flowers with
filament column 0.7–0.9 (–1.4) mm long.................................... V. koschnyi
5 Leaf blades with 9–20 lateral veins per side, (0.8–) 1–3 cm apart; stami-
nate flowers with perianth infundibuliform, the filament column 0.2–0.9
(–1) mm long; fruits green when mature; aril laciniate in very narrow bands
distally when dry, membranaceous...............................................................6
– Leaf blades with 10–34 lateral veins per side, 0.2–1.1 (–1.5) cm apart;
staminate flowers with perianth campanulate, globose or subglobose, the
filament column 0.6–1.3 mm long; fruits yellow, orange or a combination
of these colours when mature; aril laciniate in narrow bands distally when
dry, coriaceous..........................................................................................9
6 Abaxial leaf surface sparsely pubescent, trichomes concolorous, the tri-
chome branches 0.1–0.2 mm long; peduncle of staminate inflorescences
0.07–0.15 cm thick; staminate flower with the perianth 1.5–1.9 mm long;
fruits 1.6–1.9 × 0.9–1.1 cm (Fig. 4L), the line of dehiscence canaliculate or
smooth; pericarp 0.5–0.7 mm thick............................................. V. elongata
– Abaxial leaf surface densely pubescent, trichomes dicolorous (the central
part usually reddish, contrasting in colour with the hyaline to pale reddish
branches), the trichome branches ± 0.01–0.05 mm long; peduncle of stami-
nate inflorescences 0.09–0.34 cm thick; staminate flower with the perianth
(1.5–) 2–2.8 mm long; fruits 2.1–4.5 × 1.5–2.9 cm (Fig. 4A–C), the line of
dehiscence (generally) carinate; pericarp 1–4.7 mm thick............................7
7 Leaf blades elliptic to widely elliptic; staminate flowers with the filament col-
umn 0.2–0.4 mm long; fruits with pericarp 1–2 mm thick......V. amistadensis
– Leaf blades oblong-elliptical or rarely elliptical; staminate flowers with the fila-
ment column 0.5–1 mm long; fruits with pericarp (2.7–) 3–4.7 mm thick......8
8 Leaf blades 3.2–7.3 cm wide; lateral veins 15–20 per side, with 4–5 per 5 cm,
1.2–1.8 cm apart; staminate flowers in dense terminal fascicles; staminate
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 11

perianth lobes glabrous or sparsely pubescent on the adaxial margin; filament

column 0.5–0.6 mm long, thin throughout its length (sometimes slightly
thickened at the base), not constricted at the apex; mature fruits with tri-
chomes that fall like dust................................................................ V. allenii
– Leaf blades (4.1–) 7.3–14.2 cm wide; lateral veins 10–16 per side, with 2–4
per 5 cm, 1.7–3 cm apart; staminate flowers in lax terminal fascicles; stami-
nate perianth lobes pubescent adaxially; filament column 0.9–1 mm long,
conspicuously thickened throughout its length, except constricted at the
apex; mature fruits with persistent trichomes............................. V. otobifolia
9 Abaxial leaf surface with caducous trichomes or practically glabrous or, if some
persistent trichomes, then along the veins, never on the entire surface..........10
– Abaxial leaf surface with trichomes persistent throughout..........................11
10 Twigs and petioles glabrous; leaf blades with 12–20 lateral veins per side;
staminate flowers with the filament column 0.8–1.3 mm long; fruits 1.8–2.9
× 1.5–1.8 cm (Fig. 4M), glabrous to glabrescent or very sparsely pubescent,
the line of dehiscence canaliculate or smooth; pericarp 1.8–2.8 mm thick;
0–500 (1600?) m elevation......................................................... V. laevigata
– Twigs and petioles pubescent; leaf blades with (15–) 18–30 lateral veins
per side; staminate flowers with the filament column 0.6–0.9 mm long;
fruits (2.8–) 3–3.6 × 2–2.5 cm (Fig. 4H), densely tomentose to tomen-
tulose, the line of dehiscence carinate; pericarp 3.2–5 mm thick; 700–
2000 m elevation...................................................................V. montana
11 Leaf blades 1.4–3.6 (–4.8) cm wide...........................................................12
– Leaf blades (2.4–) 3.8–7.1 (–8.9) cm wide.................................................13
12 Leaf blades with the base revolute; lateral veins 16–24 per side, with 10–15
veins per 5 cm, 0.2–0.5 (–0.7) cm apart; staminate flowers with the fila-
ment column 0.9–1.3 mm long, anthers 0.6–0.9 mm long; fruits 1.5–2.3 ×
1.2–1.8 cm (Fig. 4I), pericarp 1.5–2.5 mm thick.............................V. fosteri
– Leaf blades with the base not revolute; lateral veins 10–18 per side, with (6–)
8–10 veins per 5 cm, 0.4–0.8 (–1.2) cm apart; staminate flowers with the
filament column 0.7–1 mm long, anthers 0.3–0.6 mm long; fruits 1.3–1.9 ×
0.9–1.2 (–1.4) cm (Fig. 4J), pericarp 0.7–1 mm thick.............. V. multiflora
13 Lateral veins 13–21 per side, slightly elevated or flat on the abaxial leaf sur-
face, tertiary veins almost indistinct or very slightly visible on both surfaces
(Fig. 3F) ; fruits commonly glabrous or glabrous distally and pubescent at
base or scattered and inconspicuously pubescent; pericarp 0.4–1 (–2.5) mm
thick...................................................................................V. guatemalensis
– Lateral veins 20–30 (–32) per side, markedly elevated on the abaxial leaf sur-
face, tertiary veins usually distinct on both surfaces (especially abaxially) (Fig.
3L); fruits densely tomentose to tomentulose; pericarp 2.3–3.5 (–4.2) mm
thick...............................................................................................V. nobilis
12 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

Figure 3. Trichomes in Mesoamerican Virola A Virola allenii (R. Aguilar 2224, MO) B V. amistadensis
(G. McPherson 8703, MO) C V. chrysocarpa (O. Valverde 970, MO) D V. elongata (G. McPherson 13674,
MO) E V. fosteri (G. McPherson 20913, MO) F V. guatemalensis (R. Cedillo 3349, MO) G V. koschnyi
(R. E. Gereau et al. 3455, MO) H V. laevigata (R. Aguilar 2004, MO) I V. megacarpa (J. A. Duke 15261,
MO) J V. montana (E. Bello 855, MO) K V. multiflora (R. Rueda et al. 8196, MO; inset, J. C. Sandino
3302, MO) L V. nobilis from Barro Colorado (R. J. Schmalzel 320, MO) M V. otobifolia (G. de Nevers &
H. Herrera 7056, MO) N V. sebifera (F. Almeda et al. 5553, MO) O V. nobilis from Osa Peninsula (R.
Aguilar 11186, MO).
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 13

Figure 4. Fruits of Mesoameican Virola, organised in groups of morphologically similar species A V. al-
lenii (P. H. Allen 6727, GH) B V. amistadensis (G. McPherson 9715, MO) C V. otobifolia (A. Gentry & S.
Mori 14199, MO) D V. macrocarpa (A. E. Lawrance 675, MO) E V. chrysocarpa (B. Hammel et al.16864,
MO) F V. koschnyi (R. Robles 1587, MO) G V. guatemalensis (S. Sinaca 1542, MO) H V. montana (J. Utley
& K. Utley 5054, MO) I V. fosteri (S. Mori & J. Kallunki 4891, MO) J V. multiflora (R. Rueda et a.l 9960,
MO) K V. sebifera (T. B. Croat 5959, MO) L V. elongata (J. D. Dwyer & M. Correa 8420, MO) M V. laevi-
gata (R. Aguilar 1585, MO) N V. nobilis from Barro Colorado (T. B. Croat 8090, MO) O V. nobilis from
the Osa Peninsula (G. Herrera 4222, MO) P V. megacarpa (G. de Nevers 5184, MO). Scale bars: 1 cm.
14 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

1. Virola allenii D.Santam. & Aguilar, sp. nov.
Figs 5, 6, 7A

Diagnosis. Species resembling Virola macrocarpa in its leaf blades that are whitish on
the abaxial side and covered with stellate, sessile trichomes with the centre reddish and
contrasting with the hyaline branches to reddish-clear in colour and lateral veins that
are not densely arranged, as well as large fruits that are covered with ferruginous tri-
chomes. It differs in its narrow leaf blades (3.2–7.3 cm vs. 7–11 cm wide) with acute or
obtuse to rounded bases (vs. broadly obtuse), fruits with thick pericarp (3.2–3.8 mm
vs. 1.8–3 mm thick) and preference for humid lowland forests at 0–350 (–1350) m
elevation (vs. montane forests in Andes of Colombia at around 1100 m elevation).
Type. Costa Rica. Puntarenas: Esquinas forest preserve, 0 m, 10 Jan 1951 (♂ fl),
P. H. Allen 5763 (holotype: F-2 sheets* [1394346!, 1679106!]; isotype: USJ [9016]).
Description. Tree 13–30 m × 10.4–50 cm DBH; bark sometimes described
as smooth and reddish or dark brown. Exudate sometimes described as abundant
and reddish or watery, but without specifying from where or red in the trunk. Twigs
0.16–0.22 cm thick, terete to slightly flattened laterally, puberulent, trichomes stellate
to irregularly stellate, ferruginous. Leaves: petiole 0.5–1.4 × 0.13–0.24 cm, slightly
canaliculate, tomentose, the trichomes stellate to irregularly stellate; leaf blades 16.2–
29.2 × 3.2–7.3 cm, oblong-elliptic or rarely elliptic; adaxial surface of mature leaves
olive or light brown (sometimes shining) when dry, glabrous or with scattered stel-
late trichomes, the surface smooth; abaxial surface pale brown to whitish when dry,
densely but inconspicuously pubescent, trichomes stellate, sessile, the central part of
the trichome reddish and contrasting in colour with the hyaline branches to reddish-
clear, with 4–10 branches, the branches ± 0.01–0.05 mm long, persistent; lateral veins
15–20 per side, 4–5 veins per 5 cm, 1.2–1.8 cm apart, the same colour as the adaxial
surface or slightly transparent, on adaxial side flat to sunken, on abaxial side slightly
elevated, arcuate-ascending, slightly anastomosing near the margin and without form-
ing a very marked intramarginal vein; tertiary veins barely visible on both sides; mid-
vein adaxially slightly elevated (sometimes flat, distally), abaxially raised, rounded to
somewhat triangular, tomentose to glabrate; base acute or obtuse to rounded, not revo-
lute, flat; margin flat; apex acuminate or rarely rounded. Staminate inflorescences
3.5–5.5 cm long, axillary, axes flattened, tomentose, with trichomes irregularly stellate,
ferruginous; peduncle 1.2–1.9 × ca. 0.1 cm long; bracts not seen; terminal fascicles
dense, with 15—40+ flowers. Staminate flowers with the pedicel 0.3–1.2 mm long;
receptacle 1.2—2 mm wide; perianth 2–2.8 mm long, infundibuliform, yellow when
fresh, connate by 1.1–1.7 (–2.3) mm long, external surface pubescent, with brown
trichomes, internal surface glabrous or with few trichomes close to the margin of the
lobes; lobes 3 (4), 0.8–1.5 × 0.6–0.9 (–1.2) mm; stamens 3, the filament column 0.5–
0.6 mm long, glabrous, straight, thin, sometimes slightly thickened at the base, not
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 15

Figure 5. Virola allenii A leaves B fruit C partial inflorescences. Drawn by Pedro Juarez based on P. H.
Allen 6727 (A), R. Aguilar 2224 (B) and R. Aguilar (C) from a photo, physical specimen not seen.

constricted at the apex; anthers 0.6–0.9 mm long; apiculus 0.06–0.1 mm long, acute
to apiculate, connate. Pistillate inflorescences and pistillate flowers not seen. In-
fructescence 2.5–7.5 cm long, with 2–13 fruits, peduncle 2–3.5 × ca. 0.47 cm. Fruits
2.7–3.5 × 1.5–2.5 cm, usually ellipsoid or rarely ovoid, stipitate, densely tomentose,
16 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

Figure 6. Virola allenii A treetop B branching C lower trunk and buttress D branch with leaves, show-
ing the adaxial surface E leaf blades on abaxial surface F exudate of the trunk G leaf blade surfaces, adaxial
(above) and abaxial (below) H petiole and leaf base I mature fruit, inset left and arrow showing the galls
on leaves and branches, respectively J fruits K fruit close-up. Photos by Reinaldo Aguilar.
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 17

the trichomes dendritic, ferruginous and falling very easily to the touch (as dust), the
surface rugose or smooth when dry, the line of dehiscence usually carinate, but not
very conspicuous, the base obtuse, the apex acute to obtuse, green or golden and fer-
ruginous by the pubescence when fresh; pericarp 3.2–3.8 mm thick; pedicel 0.4–0.7
cm long; seed ca. 2.5 × 1.3 cm, the testa when dry whitish-greyish, markedly grooved;
aril usually described as red when fresh, pale brown when dry, membranaceous, the
texture dry and thin, laciniate in narrow bands distally. Germination epigeal, seedling
cryptocotylar, the first pair of leaves (sub)opposite (Ley López and Chacón Madrigal
2017; as V. macrocarpa).
Distinctive characters. Virola allenii is recognised by its narrow leaf blades with
lateral veins that are well separated (Fig. 8A) with a whitish abaxial surface and covered
with stellate, sessile trichomes with the central portion of the trichome reddish and
contrasting in colour with the hyaline branches to reddish-clear (Figs 3A, 6F); the
staminate flowers with the lobes of the perianth almost glabrous on the inner surface,
the column of filaments straight and not constricted at the apex, anthers that are usu-
ally longer (0.6–0.9 mm long) than the column of the filaments (0.5–0.6 mm long)
and an apiculus that is 0.06–0.1 mm long. It is also distinctive for its large, usually el-
lipsoid fruits (Figs 4A, 6I–K) with thick pericarp that are green when ripe and covered
by ferruginous trichomes that fall very easily to the touch (Fig. 6K inset); and seeds
with the testa markedly ribbed.
Etymology. The specific epithet honours the collector of the type specimen, Paul
H. Allen (1911–1963), who was probably the first person to collect this species 67
years ago (P. H. Allen 5763; 10 Jan 1951). During his five-year residency in Palmar
Norte, Puntarenas, Costa Rica (Grayum et al. 2004), Allen made important collections
and publications in this region (e.g. The Rain Forests of Golfo Dulce, Allen 1956).
Distribution. Virola allenii is known only from Costa Rica (Puntarenas and San
José) (Fig. 9A). It is found on the Pacific slope, at 0–350 (–1350) m elevation.
Preliminary conservation status. Virola allenii is Vulnerable following IUCN
critera B1a and B2a. Justifying its status, it is known from seven localities and has
an EOO of 3,424 km2 and an AOO of 40 km2. Specimens have been collected regu-
larly since the 1990s during botanical expeditions in the Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica,
though only 22 specimens have been verified.
Common names. None recorded.
Phenology. Flowering of Virola allenii has been recorded in January, March, April
and December. Fruits have been observed in January, August to October. Pistillate
flowers were not seen in the studied material.
Field characters. The bark is described as brown and smooth or as peeling in small
pieces, sometimes with a strong, spicy scent. Twigs and leaves often have galls (e.g. Fig.
6I). Leaf blades are adaxially lustrous and abaxially whitish. Staminate flowers are yel-
low and fragrant. Fruits, which are ca. 5 × 3.2 cm when fresh, are green at maturity and
covered with brown trichomes that fall very easily when touched and have a pericarp
that is ca. 6 mm thick. The aril of mature fruits is red and white in immature fruits.
Seeds have a white testa.
18 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

Figure 7. Comparisons of Virola macrocarpa with similar species in Mesoamerica A V. allenii (P. H. Allen
5763, F; inset fruits, from P. H. Allen 6727, GH) B V. amistadensis (G. McPherson 9717, MO; inset fruits,
from G. McPherson 9715, MO) C V. macrocarpa (A. E. Lawrance 675, MO) D V. otobifolia (J. P. Folsom
1440, MO). Image courtesy of Field Museum (A).
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 19

Figure 8. Pattern of the lateral veins in Mesoamerican Virola A Virola allenii (K. Thomsen 1284, NO)
B V. amistadensis (G. McPherson 8703, MO) C V. chrysocarpa (B. Hammel et al.16864, MO) D V. elongata
(M. Correa & R. L. Dressler 1078, MO) E V. fosteri (G. de Nevers 7226, MO) F V. guatemalensis (G. Ibarra
957, MO) G V. koschnyi (J. Miller & J. C. Sandino 1110, MO) H V. laevigata (N. Zamora & T. D. Pen-
nington 1583, MO) I V. megacarpa (G. de Nevers 5184, MO) J V. montana (E. Lépiz & J. F. Morales 284,
MO) K V. multiflora (J. Manzanares 3561, MO) L V. nobilis from Barro Colorado (R. J. Schmalzel 320,
MO) M V. otobifolia (G. de Nevers et al. 7530, MO) N V. sebifera (T. B. Croat 5959, MO) O V. nobilis
from Osa Peninsula (R. Aguilar 11186, MO).
20 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

Figure 9. Geographic distribution of Virola allenii (A), V. amistadensis (B), V. chrysocarpa (C), V. elon-
gata (D), V. fosteri (E) and V. guatemalensis (F).

Discussion. Virola allenii is most similar to V. macrocarpa, a species from montane

forests at 1100 m elevation in the Andes of Colombia (Boyacá) and this name has
been previously applied to the species described here (e.g. Jiménez 2007; Cornejo et
al. 2012; Aguilar et al. 2017 onwards). It is differentiated from V. macrocarpa by the
characteristics presented in the diagnosis and in Table 2.
The comparison presented hereafter for Virola macrocarpa (Fig. 7C) is strictly based
on the protologue (except for the pericarp thickness), from which we have been able
to study two physical duplicates deposited at MO (A. Lawrance 675, MO-2 sheets!,
fr [Fig. 4D]) and the images at A! (st), F! (2-sheets, fr), G! (2-sheets, st.), K! (st), S (fr)
and US! (2-sheets, fruits likely in the packet, but not seen). We confirmed all measure-
ments from the protologue on Lawrance 675 (MO) and found them consistent with
the exception of pericarp thickness; while 2–4 mm was stated in the protologue, our
measurements ranged from 1.8–3 mm, which we present in Table 2 below. In our
estimation, all other observed South American specimens, annotated with this name,
represent an amalgamation of different identities (D. Santamaría-Aguilar, in prep.).
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 21

Table 2. Comparison of Virola allenii with the morphologically most similar species.

Character V. allenii V. calophylla V. calophylloidea* V. macrocarpa

(15–) 20–60 × 10– 16–33 × 4.5–8 cm;
16.2–29.2 × 3.2–
16 cm; base (usually) base cordate to 20–40 × 7–11 cm;
Leaf blade 7.3 cm; base acute or
deeply cordate to rounded or broadly base broadly obtuse†
obtuse to rounded
truncate (obtuse) obtuse
Length of staminate
3.5–5.5 cm 6–30 cm 1–4 cm Unknown
Length of perianth
2–2.8 mm 1–2.1 mm 1.7–2 mm Unknown
of staminate flowers
0.7–0.8 mm long;
0.5–0.6 mm long; not 0.2–0.6 mm long;
Filament column abruptly narrowed Unknown
constricted at apex constricted at apex
at apex
Anther length 0.6–0.9 mm 0.4–0.5 mm 0.5–0.6 mm Unknown
2.7–3.5 × 1.5–2.5 cm; 2.5–3 × 1.2–2.5 cm; 1.8–2.1 ×0.8–1.1 cm; 2.7–3.3 × 2–2.3 cm;
base obtuse base usually truncate base obtuse base obtuse†
Pericarp thickness 3.2–3.8 mm 0.5–5 mm 0.5–0.8 mm 1.8–3 mm
From Smith 1938.

Table 3. Comparison of Virola allenii with the two other morphologically most similar species in Mesoamerica.

Characters V. allenii V. amistadensis V. otobifolia

12.3–22.8 (–27) × 4.4–9.5 (14–) 18.2–42.5 × (4.1–)
Leaf blades 16.2–29.2 × 3.2–7.3 cm
(–12.5) cm 7.3–14.2 cm
Lateral veins 15–20 per side 9–15 per side 10–16 per side
Length of staminate
3.5–5.5 cm 3–7.5 cm 3.5–9.5 cm
Length of perianth
2–2.8 mm 1.5–2.2 mm 2.5–2.8 mm
of staminate flowers
0.5–0.6 mm; not constricted 0.2–0.4 mm; constricted at 0.9–1 mm; constricted at the
Filament column
at apex the apex apex
Anther length 0.6–0.9 mm 0.6–0.7 mm 0.6–1 mm
2.7–3.5 × 1.5–2.5 cm (Fig. (2.7–) 3.5–4.5 × (1.9–)
Fruit 2.1–3.8 × 1.7–2 cm (Fig. 4B)
4A) 2.3–2.9 cm (Fig. 4C)
Pericarp thickness 3.2–3.8 mm 1–2 mm (2.7–) 3–4.7 mm
Seed ca. 2.5 × 1.3 cm 1.6–2.2 × 1.4–1.6 cm 2.5–2.8 × 1.5–1.7 cm

Based on a number of features listed in the diagnosis of V. alleni, including colour of

the abaxial leaf blade, sessile trichomes, degree of separation of lateral veins and the length
of the anther apiculus, V. allenii is similar to V. calophylla (Fig. 10A, B) and V. calophylloidea
from South America; the latter was recently included as a synonym of V. calophylla (see
notes below). Furthermore, Virola allenii also shares narrow oblong-elliptic leaf blades (3.2–
8 cm broad) and short inflorescences with V. calophylloidea. However, it is distinguished
from both species by the filament column that is constricted at or towards the apex (vs. not
constricted in V. allenii) and the tendency towards short anthers (0.4–0.7 mm vs. 0.6–0.9
mm long). Additional differences amongst these three species are presented in the Table 2.
In Mesoamerica, Virola allenii can be confused with V. amistadensis and V. otobifo-
lia (which are formally described as new below). All these species have lateral veins that
are well spaced (Fig. 8A, B, M) and an abaxial leaf surface that is usually whitish with
sessile stellate trichomes; for differences between these species see Table 3.
22 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

Figure 10. Virola calophylla A branch with leaves, showing both sides B branch with inflorescences. Vi-
rola elongata C leafy branch with inflorescences, inset fruit D inflorescences. Virola guatemalensis E, F leaf
blades showing adaxial (E) and abaxial (F) surface. G young twigs and petioles. Photos by Robin Foster
(A, B), from; Steven Paton (C, D), Rolando Pérez (C inset),
from and Angela Rojas (E–G).

Some of the first specimens of this new species were confused with other taxa,
though they differ based on their trichomes: Otoba (e.g. L. J. Poveda 887, CR!) with
malpighiaceous trichomes (vs. stellate trichomes), Virola sebifera (e.g. N. Zamora et al.
1440, CR!) with dendritic to dendritic-stellate and generally pediculate trichomes (vs.
stellate and sessile) (Fig. 3A, N); or V. guatemalensis (e.g. P. H. Allen 6727, F, GH) with
the central part of the trichome colourless (vs. reddish) and with more compressed
lateral veins (0.6–1.1 cm vs. 1.2–1.8 cm of separation between veins) (Figs 3A, 8A, F).
Notes. The holotype, deposited at Field Museum (F), represents two sheets with
hand written annotation (“Sheet 1 of 2,” “Sheet 2 of 2”), which suggests that they rep-
resent a multi-sheet specimen of the same plant (ICN Art. 8.3) (Turland et al. 2018).
The specimen B. Hammel et al. 24041 (CR!; fr) from 1370 m elevation in the Tar-
razú region of San José province (Costa Rica) differs from other members of this new
species by its more rounded and pubescent fruits and its occurrence at a higher eleva-
tion than other specimens. It is included here with some reservation. This specimen
is most similar to E. Alfaro 492 (CR!, LSU!, MO!; ♂ fl), which was also collected in
montane forests on the Pacific slope of the Cordillera de Talamanca (1240 m eleva-
tion). E. Alfaro 492 differs from the rest of V. alleni in its larger staminate perianth
(ca. 3.8–4 mm vs. 2–2.8 mm long) that is fleshy with dense pubescence on the entire
adaxial surface (vs. glabrous or with sparse trichomes close to the margin of the lobes
in V. allenii) and the column of the filaments (ca. 0.5–0.7 mm vs. 0.5–0.6 mm long)
that is shorter than the anthers (ca. 1.2 mm vs. 0.6–0.9 mm long). This specimen was
also discussed by Jiménez (2007) as V. macrocarpa.
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 23

The specimens [P. H.] Allen 5763 (type; F, USJ) and [P. H.] Allen 6727 (F, GH),
cited as V. guatemalensis in The Rain Forests of Golfo Dulce (Allen, 1956), correspond
with this new species.
Virola calophylloidea has recently been considered synonymous with V. calophylla
(e.g. Rodrigues 1980; Jaramillo et al. 2004; ter Steege et al. 2019). However, here, it
is treated as a morphologically distinct species. This is due to its smaller leaves, more
compact staminate and pistillate inflorescences and infructescences, staminate flow-
ers with the filament column longer than the anthers and smaller fruits (see Table 2).
Some representative collections of V. calophylloidea include:
Brazil. Acre: Rio Jurua & Rio Moa, Serra da Moa, 30 Apr 1971 (♂ fl), P. J. M.
Maas et al. P12659 (MO). Amazonas: Rio Urubú, 04 Aug 1979 (♂ fl), C. E. Calderon
et al. 2922 (MO); Km 500 on Manaus-Humaitá road, 17 Sep 1980 (fr), S. R. Lowrie
et al. 54 (MO); Km. 133, Manaus-Itacoatiara Road, 11 Sep 1974 (♂ fl), T. D. Pen-
nington & O. P. Monteiro P22638 (MO); Rio Cuieras, 12 Sep 1973 (♂ fl), G. T. Prance
et al. 17790 (MO); Reserva Experimental Station of INPA, 30 Aug 1974 (♂ fl), G. T.
Prance et al. 21689 (MO); Rio Javari, Rio Curaçá, 8 miles above mouth, 26 Oct 1976
(♀ fl), G. T. Prance et al. 24133 (MO). Pará: Km 133, Madeira-Mamore Railway, 15
Sep 1963 (♂ fl), B. Maguire et al. 56666 (MO); Itaituba, Km 60 da estrada Itaituba,
16 Nov 1978 (fr), M. G. da Silva & C. S. Rosário 3775 (MO). Rondônia: Basin of Rio
Madeira, 23 Nov 1968 (fr), G. T. Prance et al. 8775 (MO).
Specimens examined. Costa Rica. Puntarenas: Golfito, alrededores de la es-
tación Agujas, 300 m elev., 22 May 2000 (st), L. Acosta et al. 1389 (CR!); Golfito,
Piro, 100 m elev., 14 Oct 1991 (st), R. Aguilar 511 (CR!); Golfito, estación Los Patos,
200 m elev., 02 Sep 1993 (imm fr), R. Aguilar 2224 (CR-2 sheets!, LSU!, MO!); Osa,
Bahía Chal, La Parcela, 150 m elev., 12 Dic 1996 (st), R. Aguilar 4735 (CR!, MO!);
Península de Osa, Rancho Quemado, sendero a Cerro Brujo, 343 m elev., 30 Jul 2013
(st), R. Aguilar 14519 (CR!); area between Rio Esquinas & Palmar, 60 m elev., 18 Feb
1963 (fr, dupl. in GH), P. H. Allen 6727 (F!*, GH!*); Osa, Sierpe, 1 km antes de la
Villa de Banegas, 55 m elev., 14 Oct 2007 (fr), E. Chacón et al. 885 (USJ!); Osa, fila
Casa Loma, Aguabuena Sur, 07 Oct 1992 (fr), 50–150 m elev., A. Fernández 410 (CR!,
MO!); Osa, Playa Campanario o San Josecito, 1–10 m elev., 29 Dec 1991 (fl bud),
P. Harmon 291 (CR-2 sheets!); Golfito, bosque de los Austriacos, La Gamba, 300 m
elev., 09 Jan 1994 (fr), W. Huber & A. Weissenhofer 136 (CR!, LI*); Golfito, near the
Tropenstation La Gamba on the fila, 200 m elev., 27 Jan 2002 (fl), H. Huber 3012
(LI-2 sheets!*); Golfito, Jiménez, Piro, no elev., 20 Jan 2012 (fr), J. M. Ley-López 69
(USJ!); Golfito, montaña aledaña al campo de aterrizaje, 07 Jun 1994 (st), L. J. Poveda
887 (CR!); Osa, 3 km después de la quebrada Banegas, camino a Rancho Quemado,
200 m elev., 10 Jan 2018 (fr), D. Santamaría & R. Aguilar 9865 (CR!); Península de
Osa, Aguabuena, 3.5 km W of Rincón, 350 m elev., 14 Jun 1993 (st), K. Thomsen 746
(CR!); Península de Osa, Aguabuena, 3 km W of Rincón, 130 m elev., 15 Apr 1993
(♂ fl), K. Thomsen 857 (CR!, MO!, NY!*); Península de Osa, Aguabuena, 3 km W
of Rincón, 130 m elev., 05 May 1993 (st), K. Thomsen 915 (CR!); Península de Osa,
Aguabuena, 3.5 km W of Rincón, 150 m elev., 06 Oct 1994 (fr), K. Thomsen 1049
24 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

(CR!); Península de Osa, Aguabuena, 2.5 km W of Rincón, 150 m elev., 10 Mar 1995
(fl), K. Thomsen 1283 (NY!*); Península de Osa, Aguabuena, 2.5 km W of Rincón, 150
m elev., 10 Mar 1995 (♂ fl), K. Thomsen 1284 (NO!, NY!*). San José: Tarrazú, del
puente de San Marcos 18 km camino hacia Quepos, 1370 m elev., 13 Jan 2006 (fr), B.
Hammel et al. 24041 (CR!); Esquipulas, base del Cerro San Isidro, alrededores del río
Naranjo, 400 m elev., 28 Aug 1987 (fr), N. Zamora et al. 1440 (CR!, MO!).

2. Virola amistadensis D.Santam., sp. nov.
Figs 7B, 11

Diagnosis. Similar to Virola calophylla in its abaxial leaf surface that is whitish and cov-
ered with stellate, sessile trichomes whose centre is reddish-clear to reddish and con-
trasting in colour with the hyaline branches and the lateral veins that are well-spaced.
Virola amistadensis can be distinguished from V. calophylla by its shorter leaf blades
[12.3–22.8 (–27) cm vs. (15–) 20–60 cm long] with a usually acute or sometimes at-
tenuate base (vs. usually deeply cordate to truncate), shorter staminate inflorescence
(3–7.5 cm vs. 12–30 cm long) and fruits with an obtuse base (vs. usually truncate).
Type. Panama. Bocas del Toro: Vicinity of Fortuna Dam, below pass on Chiriquí
Grande road, ca. 800 m elev., 27 Jun 1986 (♀ fl), G. McPherson 9717 (holotype: MO!
[5565285, MO281258]; isotypes: INPA!* [144165], PMA!* [046113, PMA36179]).
Description. Tree 4–13 m tall, no recorded DBH; bark and exudate not described
in herbarium specimens. Twigs 0.18–0.42 cm thick, inconspicuous but densely strigu-
lose, glabrescent, trichomes irregularly stellate to dendritic, ferruginous to whitish.
Leaves: petiole 1.4–2.3 × 0.18–0.23 cm, slightly canaliculate, pubescent, trichomes
stellate; leaf blades 12.3–22.8 (–27) × 4.4–9.5 (–12.5) cm, elliptic to widely elliptic;
adaxial surface leaves pale to dark brown (sometimes shining) when dry, glabrous or
occasionally with scattered stellate trichomes; abaxial surface usually whitish-greyish
when dry, but can be very light to dark brown, densely but inconspicuously pubescent,
trichomes stellate, sessile, ferruginous or sometimes with the central part of the tri-
chome reddish, contrasting in colour with the hyaline branches to reddish-clear, with
4–8 branches, the branches ca. 0.02 mm, persistent (the surface with a dense layer
of squamiform hyaline structures, especially obvious at high resolution); lateral veins
9–15 per side, 3–5 veins per 5 cm, (1.2–) 1.4–2.5 cm apart, the same colour as the
adaxial surface, on adaxial surface flat to slightly elevated or slightly sunken, on abaxial
surface raised, free or slightly anastomosing near the margin and without forming a
very marked intramarginal vein; tertiary veins barely visible or indistinct on both sur-
faces; midvein adaxially raised, slightly sunken in a channel, abaxially raised, rounded,
tomentose, adpressed pubescent to glabrate; base usually acute or sometimes attenu-
ate, not revolute, flat; margin not revolute; apex acuminate. Staminate inflorescences
3–7.5 cm long, axillary, axes flattened, pubescent, with trichomes stellate, ferruginous;
peduncle 1–2 × 0.09–0.16 cm; bracts not seen; terminal fascicles lax, with 2–11 flow-
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 25

ers. Staminate flowers with the pedicel 0.7–1 mm long; receptacle sometimes ca.
1 mm wide; perianth 1.5–2.2 mm long, infundibuliform, brown when fresh (possibly
due to indumentum), connate for ca. 0.8 mm of length, abaxial surface pubescent
with brown trichomes, adaxial surface pubescent, especially on the lobes and margins;
lobes 3, ca. 1.2 × 0.7 mm; stamens 3 (–6), the filament column 0.2–0.4 mm long,
glabrous, straight, conspicuously thickened throughout its length, constricted at the
apex; anthers 0.6–0.7 mm long; apiculus 0.1–0.15 mm long, apiculate, connate or
slightly separated at the apex. Pistillate inflorescences 4.3–5 cm, similar to staminate
inflorescences; peduncle 1.5–1.8 × 0.18–0.25 cm; bracts not seen; terminal fascicles
of 4—10 flowers. Pistillate flowers in terminal fascicles of 4–10 flowers; with the
pedicel 1.5–2 mm long; perianth 3.4–3.8 mm long, infundibuliform, brown-yellow
when fresh, connate for 2.2–2.5 mm of length, abaxial surface pubescent, with brown
trichomes, adaxial surface pubescent, especially on the lobes and sparsely pubescent
basally; lobes 3, 1–1.4 × 1–1.2 mm; gynoecium 1.8–2 × 0.8–1.1 mm, densely pu-
bescent, ovate, sessile; stigmatic lobes 0.4–0.5 mm, erect. Infructescence 2.7–6.3 cm
long, with 1–5 fruits, peduncle 1–2.5 × 0.25–0.5 cm. Fruits 2.1–3.8 × 1.7–2 cm,
ovoid to globose, shortly stipitate, densely tomentose, the trichomes irregularly stellate,
ferruginous, persistent, the surface smooth to rugulate when dry, the line of dehiscence
slightly carinate, the base obtuse, the apex acute to obtuse, brown to brown-yellow
when fresh; pericarp 1–2 mm thick; pedicel 0.4–0.9 cm long; seed 1.6–2.2 × 1.4–1.6
cm, the testa when dry pale brown; aril described as red, pale brown or blackish when
dry, membranaceous, dry in texture, thin, laciniate in narrow bands.
Distinctive characters. Virola amistadensis is recognised by its elliptical to widely
elliptical leaf blades with lateral veins that are well separated (Fig. 8B) and abaxially
covered with stellate, sessile trichomes (Fig. 3B) and a dense layer of squamiform struc-
tures that are hyaline in colour; the small staminate flowers with a thickened filament
column that is markedly constricted at the apex and shorter (0.2–0.4 mm long) than
the anthers (0.6–0.7 mm), which are apiculate at the apex; and the ovoid to globose
fruits (Fig. 4B) with relatively thin pericarp (1–2 mm thick) (Figs 7B inset, 11D) that
are covered by a dense, but inconspicuous layer of ferruginous trichomes. It is also dis-
tinctive for being a small tree (4–13 m tall) and its preference for premontane forests.
Etymology. The specific epithet, amistadensis, refers to Parque Internacional La
Amistad, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, shared between Costa Rica and Panama
where the holotype and some of the paratypes of this species were collected.
Distribution. Virola amistadensis is known from Costa Rica (Limón) and Panama
(Bocas del Toro and Veraguas; Fig. 9B). It is found on the Caribbean slope at 650–
1200 m elevation.
Preliminary conservation status. Virola amistadensis is Endangered following
IUCN criteria B1a and B2a. This species is known from 4 localities and has an EOO
of 2,573 km2 and an AOO of only 28 km2. Only nine specimens were verified in this
study. While it occurs in protected areas, its montane habitat is particularly prone to
habitat disturbance.
Common names. None recorded.
26 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

Figure 11. Virola amistadensis A leaf with staminate inflorescences B leaf C fruits D pericarp E seed.
Drawn by Pedro Juarez, based on G. McPherson 9717 (A) and G. McPherson 9715 (B–E).
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 27

Table 4. Comparison of Virola amistadensis with the morphologically most similar species.

Characters V. amistadensis V. macrocarpa

Leaf blades 12.3–22.8 (–27) × 4.4–9.5 (–12.5) cm; on 20–40 × 7–11 cm; on abaxial side,
abaxial side, densely but inconspicuously inconspicuously puberulent*
Lateral veins 9–15 per side, 3–5 veins per 5 cm, (1.2–) 14–16 per side*, 4–5 veins per 5 cm, 0.8–1.5 cm
1.4–2.5 cm apart apart
Petiole 0.18–0.23 cm thick 0.3–0.5 cm thick
Fruit size 2.1–3.8 × 1.7–2 cm (Fig. 4B) 2.7–3.3 × 2–2.3 cm* (Fig. 4D)
Infructescence 1–2.5 cm 2.5–3 cm
peduncle length
Pedicel length 0.4–0.9 cm 0.3–0.5 cm*
in fruit
Pericarp 1–2 mm thick, with persistent trichomes 1.8–3 mm thick, with caducous trichomes
Seed size 1.6–2.2 × 1.4–1.6 cm 2.2–2.5 × 1.5–1.7 cm*
Tree size 4–13 m 20–30 m†
From Smith 1938.

Phenology. Flowering of V. amistadensis has been recorded in April, June and July
and fruiting in January to March, May, June and December.
Field characters. Plants are trees that are 4–13 m tall. Flowers have a yellow-
brown perianth and brown fruits.
Discussion. Herbarium specimens of this new species usually have been identified
as Virola calophylla (Figs 10A, B) or V. macrocarpa (Fig. 7C), probably because its leaves
are abaxially whitish and covered with stellate, sessile trichomes with a reddish-clear to
reddish centre that contrasts in colour with the hyaline branches and lateral veins that
are well-spaced. Differences between V. amistadensis and V. calophylla are enumerated
in the diagnosis, while those separating it from V. macrocarpa are listed in Table 4.
In Mesoamerica, Virola amistadensis is similar to V. allenii (Figs 6, 7A) and V.
otobifolia (Figs 7D, 23A–E), two species from the lowland wet forest of Costa Rica
and Panama. Their similarities include the characteristics of the leaf blades mentioned
above. Their differences are summarised in Table 3.
Notes. Specimens from Veraguas Province (Panama), have smaller leaf blades and
lateral veins that are more deeply sunken on the adaxial surface than the specimens
from Limón and Bocas del Toro provinces.
Specimens examined. Costa Rica. Limón: Parque Internacional La Amistad,
subiendo por la fila entre la margen derecha del Río Uren y la Quebrada Crori, Cror-
iña, 650 m elev., 17 Jul 1989 (♂ fl), A. Chacón 194 (CR, MO!). Panama. Bocas del
Toro: Along pipeline road in area of Fortuna Dam, 900–950 m elev., 08 Mar 1986
(fr), G. McPherson 8703 (INPA!*, MO!, PMA!*); vicinity of Fortuna Dam, below pass
on Chiriquí Grande road, 800 m elev., 27 Jun 1986 (fr), G. McPherson 9715 (INPA!*,
MO!); along old pipeline road from continental divide, 900 m elev., 27 Dec 1986
(imm fr), G. McPherson & J. Aranda 10169 (INPA!*, MO!, PMA!*). Veraguas: Vicin-
ity of Escuela de Agricultura Alto Piedra, near Santa Fé, 2800–3200 ft [850–975 m]
elev., 03 Apr 1980 (♂ fl), T. Antonio 4011 (INPA!*, MO!); vicinity of Cerro Tute,
28 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

850–1000 m elev., 19 Mar 1987 (fr), G. McPherson 10687 (MO!); near Cerro Tute-
Arizona, above Santa Fe and Alto de Piedra, 850–1100 m elev., 05 Feb 1988 (fr),
G. McPherson 12047 (MO!); vicinity of Santa Fe on slopes of Cerro Tute-Arizona
above school at Alto Piedra, 900–1100 m elev., 29 Jan 1989 (fr), G. McPherson 13669
(INPA!*, MO!); Cerro Tute, 1 km beyond Escuela Agrícola Alto Piedra above Santa Fe,
900–1200 m elev., 14 May 1981 (fr), K. Sytsma & L. Andersson 4653 (MO!).

3. Virola chrysocarpa D.Santam. & Aguilar, sp. nov.
Figs 12–14

Diagnosis. Species similar to Virola koschnyi due to many characteristics of the leaf,
including overall shape, number of lateral veins and stalked trichomes. It differs in leaf
blades with pubescent adaxial surfaces that are rough to the touch in herbarium speci-
mens (vs. adaxial surface glabrous to glabrescent and smooth) and abaxial surfaces that
are hirsute to hirsutulous (vs. tomentose) with trichomes that have few (3–6 vs. 4–10),
but long branches (0.2–0.6 mm vs. 0.1–0.2 mm long), staminate flowers with a longer
filament column (1.3–1.5 mm vs. 0.7–0.9 [–1.4)] mm long) and fruits with an acute
to apiculate apex (vs. typically obtuse).
Type. Costa Rica. Puntarenas: Golfito, Parque Nacional Corcovado, Estación
Sirena, 10 m elev., 06 Feb 1994 (♂ fl), R. Aguilar 3082 (holotype: CR! [9864];
isotypes: CR! [201389], LSU! [0193694, LSU00199098], MO! [5551151,
MO280080], USJ! [60813]).
Description. Tree 15–45 m × 25–50 cm DBH; bark sometimes described as red-
dish to reddish-brown. Exudate described as light red but without specifying from
which part or red from the trunk. Twigs 0.18–0.28 cm thick, terete, flattened lat-
erally to slightly angulate, hirsute tomentose, trichomes dendritic, yellowish or very
pale brown. Leaves: petiole 1–1.6 (–2) × 0.15–0.28 cm, canaliculated, pubescent, the
trichomes dendritic; leaf blades (17.5–) 24.2–28.8 × 7.6–10 cm, obovate to oblong;
adaxial surface of mature leaves olivaceous, brown to greyish when dry, hirsute to hir-
sutulous, asperous (in new leaves hirsute, the trichomes dendritic-stellate, pediculate,
asperous to the touch); abaxial surface similar in colour to the adaxial surface when dry,
densely hirsute to hirsutulous, trichomes dendritic to dendritic-stellate, yellowish to
pale brown, pediculate, with 3–6 branches, the branches 0.2–0.6 mm long, persistent;
lateral veins 28–32 per side, with 5–7 (–11) veins per 5 cm, (0.5–) 0.7–1.3 cm apart,
the same colour as the adaxial surface or sometimes contrasting in colour, on adaxial
surface flat to slightly sunken, on abaxial surface conspicuous and raised, straight to
slightly arcuate, anastomosing near the margin, forming an intramarginal vein; ter-
tiary veins usually inconspicuous adaxially, conspicuous abaxially; midvein adaxially
flat, pubescent, abaxially raised, rounded, pubescent; base usually markedly cordate,
not revolute, flat; margin flat, sometimes ciliolate; apex acuminate. Staminate in-
florescences 4–8.5 cm long, usually at nodes lacking leaves or, on few occasions, in
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 29

Figure 12. Virola chrysocarpa A branch with leaves and fruits B base of young leaf C fruit D partial
staminate inflorescences E staminate flower. Drawn by Pedro Juarez, based on R. Aguilar 11190 (A–C)
and R. Aguilar 11569 (D, E).

the axis of leaves, axes slightly flattened, densely pubescent, the trichomes dendritic,
yellowish to pale brown; peduncle 1.5–4 × 0.13–0.19 (–0.3) cm; bracts 0.5–0.8 ×
0.3–0.5 cm, pubescent on both sides, caducous; terminal fascicles dense, with 15–30
+ flowers. Staminate flowers with the pedicel 2.8–3.5 mm long; receptacle 2–4 mm
wide; perianth 2–3 mm long, subglobose to rhomboid, yellow when fresh, connate for
0.6–1.5 mm of length, abaxial surface pubescent, with pale brown, yellowish or golden
30 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

trichomes, adaxial surface with few scattered trichomes, especially on the lobes; lobes
3, 1.5–2.3 × 0.6–1.5 mm; stamens 3, the filament column 1.3–1.5 mm long, thin, not
constricted at the apex; anthers 0.6 mm long; apiculus apparently absent, the apex ob-
tuse; pollen 28 µm, with bilateral symmetry, boat shaped to elliptic grain, exine reticu-
late, exine structure tectate-perforate (based on Lambright 1981; Skutch 4260, US).
Pistillate inflorescences and flowers not seen. Infructescence 3.2–7.5 cm long, 1–2
fruits (sometimes 4 in an immature infrutescence), peduncle 1.2–5 × 0.18–0.27 cm.
Fruits 2.4–2.9 × 1.7–1.8 cm, ellipsoid, sessile, densely tomentose to glabrate, the tri-
chomes dendritic, brown to brown-reddish, the surface smooth to rugulose, the line of
dehiscence smooth, canaliculate, to slightly carinate, the base rounded, the apex acute
to apiculate, yellow, orange or ferruginous (possibly by the indumentum) when fresh;
pericarp 1.8–2.5 mm thick; pedicel 0.5–0.8 cm long; seed ca. 1.7–2.1 × 1.3–1.4 cm,
the testa pale brown to blackish when dry, slightly grooved to almost smooth; aril
usually described as red or pink when fresh, brown or yellowish when dry, oily, thick,
laciniate in narrow bands or wide distally. Germination epigeal, seedling cryptocotylar
(Ley López and Chacón Madrigal 2017; as V. koschnyi).
Distinctive characters. Virola chrysocarpa is distinguishable for its leaf blades with
pubescent adaxial surfaces that are rough to the touch in mature leaves (at least in her-
barium specimens) and abaxial surfaces that are hirsute to hirsutulous with trichomes
with long branches (0.2–0.6 mm long) (Fig. 3C), numerous lateral veins (28–32 per
side), tertiary veins that are usually conspicuous on both surfaces (Figs 3C, 8C) and
with a base that is usually markedly cordate; staminate inflorescences that are little-
branched (Fig. 14D) with flowers with filament columns that are much longer (1.3–
1.5 mm) than the anthers (0.6 mm); and fruits that are acute to apiculate at the apex
(Fig. 14E, F, H). Additionally, as far as we are aware, this is the only Mesoamerica spe-
cies that is completely deciduous (i.e. all leaves fall off the tree) (Fig. 13A).
Etymology. The specific epithet, chrysocarpa, is derived from the Greek chryso
(gold) and carpo (fruit). This is in reference to its common name, “fruta dorada”
(golden fruit), which is used by locals of the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica, where this
species is frequent.
Distribution. Virola chrysocarpa is known from Costa Rica (Puntarenas and San José)
and Panama (Chiriquí) (Fig. 9C). It is found in the Pacific slope at 0–700 m in elevation.
Preliminary conservation status. Possible Near Threatened: This species has a
small estimated AOO (60 km2), though a relatively large estimated EOO of 5,334 km2.
Its eighteen known specimens represent eleven localities. This limited number of speci-
mens warrants a Possible NT status, though additional collection efforts may demon-
strate the lack of conservation threat for this poorly known species.
Common names. Costa Rica: fruta dorada. Panama: bogamani.
Phenology. Herbarium specimens of flowering Virola chrysocarpa have been col-
lected in December to March and fruiting specimens from March to June. Herbarium
specimens with pistillate flowers were not observed. In the Osa Peninsula, leaves fall
completely during the dry season, which occurs in November to February (Allen 1956;
Quesada Quesada et al. 1997; and R. Aguilar pers. obs., 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019).
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 31

Figure 13. Vegetative characteristics of Virola chrysocarpa A tree showing deciduous nature of the spe-
cies B trunk C buttress D branch showing new leaves E leaf blades on abaxial surface F leaf blades on
abaxial surface, showing margin detail and venation G leaf apex H new branch and leaf base. Photos by
Reinaldo Aguilar.

A study of vegetative, flowering and fruiting phenology has been published by

Lobo et al. (2008; as V. koschnyi) in the Osa Peninsula and Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica. In
this study, flowering was documented in January and February, when the canopy was
deciduous. Fruiting occurred in the rainy season from June to August.
Field characters. Plants are large trees with boles that are straight and do not begin
to branch until they reach a great height, with buttresses, up to 1.6–2.5 m tall. Bark is
sometimes described as finely fissured. The new leaves are lime green in colour. Twigs,
petioles and leaf blades on both surfaces (especially the youngest ones) are covered with
golden, brown-reddish to rusty-red trichomes. Flowers have yellow or yellow-cream
perianth and anthers. Mature fruits are yellow, orange or ferruginous (possibly due to
their indumentum). Seeds are brown or blackish and covered with a red to scarlet aril.
Discussion. Virola chrysocarpa resembles a morphological group of species from
South America that includes V. caducifolia W. A. Rodrigues, V. decorticans Ducke, V.
guggenheimii W. A. Rodrigues, V. multicostata Ducke, V. multinervia Ducke, V. poly-
neura W. A. Rodrigues and V. rugulosa (Spruce) Warb. These species are character-
ised by having leaves that are evidently pubescent, some with dendritic to irregularly
dendritic pediculate trichomes on the abaxial surface and leaf blades with numerous,
conspicuous and comparatively dense lateral veins; staminate flowers with anthers that
32 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

Figure 14. Fertile characteristics of Virola chrysocarpa A branch with staminate inflorescences B stami-
nate inflorescences C staminate flower buds and open flower D Infructescence E open fruit F seeds.
Photos by Reinaldo Aguilar.

are subequal to or shorter than the filament column; and fruits with thick pericarp.
Additionally, these species tend to be large, sometimes deciduous trees with cordate
leaf bases and staminate flowers with the anthers that are obtuse at the apex. Table 5
presents the differences between these species and V. chrysocarpa.
In Mesoamerica, Virola chrysocarpa resembles and has been confused with, V. ko-
schnyi (e.g. Allen 1956; Quesada Quesada et al. 1997; Jiménez 2007; Aguilar et al.
2017 onwards) (Figs 3G, 4F, 17), from which it differs by the characteristics included
in the diagnosis. Additionally, V. chrysocarpa is a deciduous (vs. evergreen) species of
the Pacific slope (vs. Caribbean slope). In the region, Virola chrysocarpa can also be
confused with V. megacarpa from Panama for its leaf blades with dense lateral veins
and a prominent marginal vein, as well as pediculate trichomes on the abaxial leaf
surface; however, V. megacarpa has more lateral veins [(32–) 40–50 vs. 28–32 per
side], the fruits are larger (4–5.7 × 2–2.9 cm vs. 2.4–2.9 × 1.7–1.8 cm) and with an
acuminate to rostrate apex (vs. apex acute to apiculate) (Fig. 4E, P) and thick pericarp
(3–6 mm vs. 1.8–2.5 mm).
Notes. The illustration presented in Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica (Jiménez
2007) as V. koschnyi is a mix of these two species. The branch with leaves and inflo-
rescences (and, most likely, the trichomes) are based on material that represents V.
Table 5. Comparison of Virola chrysocarpa with the most morphologically similar species.

Character V. chrysocarpa V. caducifolia‡ V. decorticans‡ V. koschnyi V. guggenheimii‡ V. multicostata‡ V. multinervia‡ V. polyneura‡ V. rugulosa‡
Petiole length 1–1.6 (–2) cm 0.5–0.35 cm 0.7–2 cm 0.5–1.5 cm 0.5–1 (–2) cm 0.2–0.4 cm 0.4–1.5 cm 1–2.5 cm 0.8–1.1 cm†
Leaf size (17.5–) 10–42 × 3.5– 25–60 × 11– 14.1–29.9 × 5–22 (–25.5) × 20–28 × 4–10 25–45 × 8–16 5.5–11 × 4–8.5 20–27 × 7–9.5
24.2–28.8 × 12.5 cm 21 cm 4.2–8.7 cm 2–6.5 (–10) cm cm cm cm cm
7.6–10 cm
Adaxial Pubescent Glabrous Pubescent Glabrous Pubescent Glabrous or Glabrous Glabrous Glabrous
pubescence (pilose) (sparsely pubescent on the (pubescent on (pubescent on
strigulose) veins† the midvein) the midvein)
Trichomes on Pediculate Sessile Pediculate Pediculate Pediculate Pediculate† Pediculate Pediculate Pediculate
abaxial side
No. of lateral 28–32 48–60 (–69) 45–60 (16–) 20–35 24–58 50–60 40–60 30–50 23–27
Staminate infls. 4–8.5 cm 18 cm 22 cm 5–11 cm 14 cm ca. 15 cm 15–20 cm 5 cm 25 cm
Staminate 2–3 mm 1–1.4 mm 1.5–1.8 mm 2–2.5 mm 1–1.5 mm ca. 1 mm 1.2–1.5 mm None recorded 1.3–1.5 mm†
perianth length
Filament column 1.3–1.5 mm 0.7–0.9 mm 0.3–0.4 mm 0.7–0.9 (–1.4) 0.3–0.4 mm None recorded ca. 0.6 mm§ None recorded Not described
length mm
Anther length 0.6 mm 0.4 mm 0.5–0.6 mm 0.5–0.7 0.4–0.5 mm None recorded ca. 0.5 mm§ None recorded Not described
(–1) mm
Fruit size 2.4–2.9 × 1.7– 2.5–3 × 1.3– 2.7–3.5 × 1.7– 1.9–3.1 × 1.5– 2–2.8 × 1.5– 2–3.5 × 1.8– 2–3 × 1.5– 2–2.3 × 1.5– 1.5–2 × 1.5–
1.8 cm 2.5 cm 2.2 cm 1.9 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm 2.5 cm 1.8 cm 1.7 cm
Pericarp 1.8–2.5 mm 2–3 mm Not described 1.2–3.1 mm 2–4 mm 2–5 mm 1.5–4 mm 1–2 mm 3 mm
Leaves Deciduous Deciduous Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Deciduous Deciduous Evergreen Evergreen

From Rodrigues 1980, except where it is specified otherwise that it comes from †Smith 1938 and §Jaramillo et al. 2004.
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica
34 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

chrysocarpa (R. Aguilar 3082, 3125), while the other parts of this illustration (stami-
nate flowers and fruits) represent V. koschnyi and are based on F. Araya 197 (fl), and U.
Chavarría 1918 (fr) (B. Hammel pers. comm., Feb 2019).
Specimens examined. Costa Rica. Puntarenas: Osa, Parque Nacional Corcova-
do, Estación San Pedrillo, 10–100 m elev., 19 Feb 1994 (♂ fl), R. Aguilar 3125 (CR-2
sheets!, MO!); Osa, Reserva Forestal Golfo Dulce, Mogos, a 20 km. de Chacarita, 17
Apr 2008 (fr), R. Aguilar 11190 (NY!*, USJ!); Rincón, Banegas centro del pueblo,
49 m elev., 15 Dec 2008 (♂ fl), R. Aguilar 11569 (MO!, NY n.v., PMA!*); forest be-
low Esquinas Experiment Station Residence, area between Río Esquinas and Palmar
Sur de Osa, 100 ft [30 m] elev., 30 May 1950 (fr), P. H. Allen 5554 (CR-2 sheets!,
MEXU!*, MO-2 sheets! [photo & dried specimen], PMA!*); Golfito, Estación Agu-
jas, 300 m elev., 18 Feb 1998 (♂ fl), A. Azofeifa 683 (CR-2 sheets!, MO!); Osa Penín-
sula, Rancho Quemado, ca. 15 km W of Rincón, 200–400 m elev., 28 May 1988
(fr), B. Hammel et al. 16864 (CR!, INPA!*, MO!, PMA!*); Rancho Quemado, a lo
largo de Río Riyito en la pura entrada al valle, 200 m elev., 31 Mar 1991 (imm fr), B.
Hammel et al. 18186 (CR!, MEXU!*, MO!, USJ!); Parque Nacional Corcovado, Pavo
Forest, 0–150 m elev., 16 Jun 1988 (fr), C. Kernan & P. Phillips 582 (CR!, INPA!*,
MO!); Parque Nacional Corcovado, Ollas trail, 0–100 m elev., 09 Jan 1989 (fl bud),
C. Kernan et al. 876 (CR!, MEXU!*, MO!, USJ!); Parque Nacional Corcovado, Llo-
rona Forest, 0 m elev., 16 Jan 1989 (♂ fl), C. Kernan & P. Phillips 913 (CR!, INPA!*,
MO!, USJ!); Parque Nacional Corcovado, Sirena, 1–20 m elev., 15 Jun 1990 (fr),
G. Maass 34 (CR!, MO!); Golfito, Parque Nacional Corcovado, sendero Las Ollas,
100–150 m elev., 21 Mar 1995 (fr), J. F. Morales 3690 (CR!, LSU!, MO); Aguabuena,
3 km W of Rincón, 120 m elev., 06 May 1993 (fr), K. Thomsen 371 (CR-2 sheets!).
San José: [Pérez Zeledón], Vicinity of El General, 700 m elev., n.d., Feb 1939 (♂ fl),
A. F. Skutch 4241 (MO!); [Pérez Zeledón], Vicinity of El General, 740 m elev., n.d.
Mar 1939 (♂ fl), A. F. Skutch 4260 (MO!, US n.v.); Tarrazú, San Lorenzo, camino
entre cerro Pito y cerro Toro, 600–700 m elev., 26 May 1998 (fr), O. Valverde 970
(CR!, MO!, USJ!). PANAMA. Chiriquí: Progreso, no elev., Jul–Aug 1927 (fr, at GH,
NY), G. P. Cooper & G. M. Slater 175 (F!*, GH!*, NY!*).

4. Virola elongata (Benth.) Warb.

Fig. 10C–D

Virola elongata (Benth.) Warb. Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. German. Nat. Cur.
68: 178. 1897.
Myristica elongata Benth. Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 5: 5. 1853. Type. Brazil.
“Brasilia prope Borba”, Aug. 1828, [L.] Riedel 116 or s.n. (holotype: K; isotypes: B
destroyed, BM, C, G, LE, P, S; fide Jaramillo et al. 2004).

Distinctive characters. Virola elongata it is recognized by its relatively small leaf blades
[10.8–18.5 × 2.7–3.7 (–5.1) cm] with a sparsely pubescent abaxial surface with stellate to
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 35

dendritic-stellate trichomes that are usually sessile (Fig. 3D) and few lateral veins (9–14 per
side) that are well separated [(0.8–) 1–1.7 cm apart] (Fig. 8D); staminate inflorescences
with thin axes and flowers with short filament columns (0.3–0.4 mm long), anthers that
are apiculate at the apex (apicula 0.1–0.2 mm long) and more than twice the length of the
column (0.6–0.9 mm long); and its small fruits (1.6–1.9 × 0.9–1.1 cm) (Fig. 4L) that are
green when ripe (drying light brown in herbarium specimens with the surface blistering
to rough), inconspicuously to sparsely pubescent (densely pubescent when young) with
trichomes that are dendritic and brown to ferruginous in colour (when present), pericarp
that is 0.5–0.7 mm thick and an aril that is thin and laciniate in narrow bands.
Distribution. In Mesoamerica, Virola elongata is only known in Panama (Colón,
Panamá and San Blas) (Fig. 9D). It has been recorded from between 50–450 m elevation.
Common names. None recorded in Mesoamerica.
Phenology. Specimens of Virola elongata with flowers were collected in July, Oc-
tober and September and with fruits in January, February, April, July, August and
October. Collections with pistillate flowers were not seen.
Field characters. Plants are trees between (3–) 7–15 m tall and 0.7–12 cm DBH.
Bark cuts are sometimes aromatic. Leaf blades are light green or whitish abaxially.
Flowers have a yellow or yellow-orange perianth.
Selected specimens seen. Panama. Colón: Camino a la zona maderera de Santa
Rita, no elev., 03 Oct 1968 (♂ fl), M. D. Correa & R. L. Dressler 1078 (MO!); Santa
Rita, East ridge, no elev., 23 Jan 1968 (fr), J. D. Dwyer & Correa 8420 (MO!); near Rio
Boqueron, no elev., 11 Oct 1974 (♂ fl), S. Mori & J. Kallunki 2423 (MO!); Santa Rita
Ridge, 1000–1200 ft [305–365 m] elev., 25 Sep 1985 (♂ fl), K. J. Sytsma 1346 (MO!).
Panamá: Una milla después del Lago Goofy, no elev., 04 Jan 1968 (imm fr), M. D.
Correa & R. L. Dressler 585 (MO!); El Llano-Carti road, 350 m elev., 16 Jul 1987 (fl
bud), G. McPherson 11275 (MO!); Cerro Azul, [600 m elev.], 06 Aug 1961 (fl bud,
imm fr), J. D. Dwyer 1383 (MO!); Canal Zone, between Chilibre and Madden Dam,
no elev. and date (fr), J. D. Dwyer 8420A (MO!); vicinity of El Llano, no elev., 07–08
Sep 1962 (♂ fl), J. A. Duke 5508 (MO!); along Rio Terable, [50 m elev.], 14–15 Sep
1962 (♂ fl), J. A. Duke 5667 (MO!); West of El Llano, [20–50 m elev.], 03 Oct 1972
(imm fr, ♂ fl), E. L. Tyson 6866, 6867 (MO!). San Blas: San Blas–Panama border, 300
m elev., 01 Feb 1989 (fr), G. McPherson 13674 (MO!); Río Cangandi, 100 m elev., 17
Feb 1985 (fr), G. de Nevers 4891 (MO!).

5. Virola fosteri D.Santam., sp. nov.
Figs 15, 16

Diagnosis. Species resembling Virola multiflora due its small leaf blades and fruits,
similar leaf shape and inconspicuous stellate, sessile trichomes on the abaxial leaf sur-
face. Both species also occur on the Caribbean slope of Mesoamerica. They differ in the
shape of the leaf base (revolute in V. fosteri vs. not revolute in V. multiflora), the length
36 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

of the filament column (0.9–1.3 mm vs. 0.7–1 mm long) and anthers (0.6–0.9 mm
vs. 0.3–0.6 mm long) and thickness of the pericarp (1.5–2.5 mm vs. 0.7–1 mm thick).
Type. Panama. Bocas del Toro: Isla Colón, Aprox. a 8 km al NE de los laboratorios
del Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales, Big Creek, 5 m elev., 23 Apr 2009
(♂ fl), C. Galdames, M. Stapf, K. Toribio & Arsenio 6422 (holotype: PMA!* [094201,
PMA92162]; isotypes: MO! [6421737, MO-2504180], SCZ!* [17752, SCZ17684]).
Description. Tree (15–) 20–35 m × 35–60 cm DBH; bark brown or reddish. Exu-
date described as watery-reddish possibly from the bark, damage to any part of the plant
causes the flow of a watery exudate that turns reddish moments later. Twigs 0.12–0.24
cm thick, terete to slightly angulate, puberulent, trichomes stellate, yellowish to pale
brown. Leaves: petiole 0.4–0.7 (–1) × 0.07–0.12 cm, canaliculate, densely tomentose
to sparsely pubescent, the trichomes stellate; leaf blades 7.8–12 × 1.4–2.7 cm, narrowly
elliptical or oblong to oblanceolate; adaxial surface dark brown, light brown or blackish
when dry, glabrous, the surface smooth; abaxial surface pale brown to reddish-brown
when dry, puberulent, trichomes stellate, sessile, yellowish to pale brown, with 4–8
branches, each branch ± 0.03–0.05 mm long, persistent; lateral veins 16–24 per side,
10–15 veins per 5 cm, 0.2–0.5 (–0.7) cm apart, the same colour as the adaxial surface,
on adaxial surface sunken, on abaxial surface flat to slightly elevated, arcuate-ascending,
slightly anastomosing near the margin and not forming a marked intramarginal vein;
tertiary veins adaxially almost indistinct to slightly sunken, abaxially almost indistinct;
midvein adaxially canaliculate, glabrous, abaxially raised, laterally compressed and
sometimes resembling a cutting edge, tomentose to sparsely pubescent; base attenu-
ate, revolute; margin revolute (especially near the base) or flat; apex acute to acumi-
nate. Staminate inflorescences 2.5–5.3 cm long, axillary, usually in the axil of terminal
leaves, axes flattened to irregularly angled, tomentose, with trichomes stellate, yellowish
to pale brown; peduncle 0.9–17 × 0.13–0.25 cm; bracts 2–5 × ca. 2.5 mm, tomentose
on both surfaces, the indumentum more clustered on the external side, caducous; ter-
minal fascicles dense, with 5–15+ flowers. Staminate flower with the pedicel 1–2 mm
long; receptacle 1.5–2.3 mm wide; perianth 2–2.5 (–3) mm long, subglobose, yellow,
orange or yellow-orange when fresh, connate for 0.5–0.8 mm of length, abaxial pubes-
cent, with golden to yellowish trichomes, adaxial surface glabrous somewhat pubescent
near the lobes; lobes 3, 1.5–2.6 × (0.6–) 1.3–1.8 mm; stamens 3 (–6), the filament
column 0.9–1.3 mm long, glabrous, straight or rarely thickened near the base in some
flowers (McPherson 20148), thin, not constricted at the apex; anthers 0.6–0.9 mm long;
apiculus small enough to as appear absent, acute to obtuse. Pistillate inflorescences
1.3–3.9 cm long, axillary, with trichomes on the axes similar to those of the staminate
inflorescences; peduncle 0.7–2.2 × 0.08–0.14 cm; bracts not seen; terminal fascicles
of 4–7 flowers. Pistillate flowers with the pedicel 1.5–2.5 mm long; perianth 2–3
mm long, subglobose, yellow when fresh, connate by 0.6–0.8 mm long, abaxial surface
pubescent with golden to yellowish trichomes, adaxial surface sparsely pubescent, the
indumentum on the lobes; lobes 3, 1.2–1.5 (–2.5) × 0.7–2.1 mm; gynoecium 1.6–2.4 ×
1.1–1.4  mm, densely pubescent, globose to subglobose, stipitate; stigmatic lobes ca.
0.6 mm, erect. Infructescence 2.5–3 cm long, with 1–3 fruits, peduncle 1.5–1.7 ×
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 37

Figure 15. Virola fosteri A branch with leaves and inflorescences B partial inflorescences C fruit D seed
with aril E seed. Drawn by Pedro Juarez, based on C. Galdames et al. 6422 (A–E).

0.15–0.38 cm. Fruits 1.5–2.3 × 1.2–1.8  cm, ovoid, sessile or very shortly stipitate,
tomentose, the trichomes stellate, reddish-brown, the surface rugose when dry, the line
of dehiscence canaliculate or smooth, the base obtuse to rounded, the apex obtuse, yel-
low, orange or golden brown when fresh; pericarp 1.5–2.5 mm thick; pedicel 0.4–0.5
cm long; seed ca. 1.6 × 0.9 cm, the testa pale brown when dry, very slightly grooved; aril
usually described as red when fresh, reddish-brown when dry, coriaceous, oily, some-
38 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

what thick, laciniate in narrow bands. Germination epigeal, seedling cryptocotylar, epi-
cotyl hairy, moderately dense, stellate and sessile (Garwood 2009; as V. multiflora).
Distinctive characters. Virola fosteri is recognised by its small leaf blades (7.8–12
× 1.4–2.7 cm) and fruits (1.5–2.3 × 1.2–1.8 cm) (Figs 4I and 16F–H), as well the stel-
late, sessile trichomes on the abaxial surface of the leaf (Fig. 3E). It is also distinguished
by its leaf blades that have numerous lateral veins (16–24 per side) that are prominent
on adaxial surface, the revolute leaf margin and the base (Fig. 16C), the midvein that
is laterally compressed adaxially and sometimes resembling a cutting edge; staminate
flowers with a filament column (0.9–1.3 mm long) that is longer than the anthers
(0.6–0.9 mm long); and its thick pericarp (1.5–2.5 mm).
Etymology. The specific epithet honours one of its collectors, Robin B. Foster
(1945–), ecologist and botanist at Field Museum in Chicago (F) who pioneered the
cataloguing of the flora of Barro Colorado Island (BCI) in Panama, where V. fosteri
occurs. Robin noted on one of his collections (R. B. Foster 2931) that it could repre-
sent a new species. In addition, on the same herbarium sheet, he observed one of the
taxonomic characters that we here use to distinguish this as a new species: “Leaves are
consistently small throughout the tree and on juvenile plants.”
Distribution. Virola fosteri is known from Costa Rica (Limón) and Panama (Bocas
del Toro, Colón, Panamá, San Blas and Veraguas) (Fig. 9E). It is found on the Carib-
bean slope from 0–350 (–800) m elevation.
Preliminary conservation status. Virola fosteri is Vulnerable following IUCN cri-
terion B2a. While the EOO for this species is large (25,645 km2), the small AOO (40
km2) with only eight known localities warrants its conservative status.
Common names. Panama: bogamani, fruta dorada.
Phenology. Flowering of Virola fosteri has been recorded in January to April, June
and October and production of fruits in January to April.
Field characters. Plants are large trees with tall buttresses. Bark exudes reddish
watery exudate when damaged. Their small leaves are white or grey below. Flowers have
pale orange or yellow perianth. The mature fruit is yellowish or golden brown with a
red aril and brown seed.
Discussion. In addition to the characteristics presented in diagnosis, Virola fosteri
tends to have a higher number of and sunken (vs. plane) lateral veins per side than V.
multiflora (16–24 vs. 10–18 per side), denser trichomes with longer branches on the
abaxial leaf surface (Fig. 3E, K) and larger fruits [1.5–2.3 × 1.2–1.8 cm vs. 1.3–1.9 ×
0.9–1.2 (–1.4) cm] (Fig. 4I, J).
It is also comparable to V. micrantha A. C. Sm. from Colombia due to the similar
size of the leaf blades, which also have sessile stellate trichomes on the abaxial surface
and short staminate inflorescences. Virola micrantha is a name apparently ignored in
recent publications (ter Steege et al. 2016, 2019; Ulloa Ulloa et al. 2017; Gradstein
2016). Until recently, V. micrantha was only known from the type specimen (R. E.
Schultes & G. A. Black 46-377, US*); however, via a herbarium study at MO, we iden-
tified additional Colombian material with staminate flowers (R. Jaramillo et al. 7846,
MO-2 sheets!) and can also extend its distribution to Venezuela (E. Marín 571 [MO!],
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 39

Figure 16. Virola fosteri A lower trunk and buttresses B branch with staminate inflorescences C leaf
blades showing adaxial (left) and abaxial (right) surface; also demonstrating the revolute base D branch
with staminate inflorescences and leaf blades on abaxial surface E close up of staminate inflorescences
F fruit G aril covering the seed H seed Photos by Rolando Pérez (A), Carmen Galdames (B, D, E), Steven
Paton (C, F, G, H); all photos from
40 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

R. L. Liesner 6778 [MO!] and J. Velazco 851 [MO!]). Virola fosteri differs from this
species by its attenuate leaf base and acute to acuminate apex (vs. obtuse on both sides,
also mucronulate at the apex), longer perianth of staminate flowers (2–2.5 [–3] mm vs.
ca. 1 mm long) and longer anthers (0.6–0.9 mm vs. ca. 0.3 mm long) (Smith 1953).
Virola coelhoi W. A. Rodrigues (Colombia; S. Defler 411, MO!. Peru; C. Grández &
N. Jaramillo 2787, MO!) from Brazil, and V. parvifolia Ducke (Brazil) are other species
with similarly-sized leaves with revolute margins, traits shared with V. fosteri. Addition-
ally, with V. coelhoi, which it is more likely to be confused, V. fosteri shares overall leaf
shape and the type of trichomes on the abaxial surface (i.e. stellate, sessile and yellow-
ish). The new species is distinguished from V. coelhoi by the abaxial surface that is pale
brown to reddish-brown when dry and puberulent (vs. abaxial surface yellowish, very
densely pubescent), staminate inflorescences with small bracts (2–5 × ca. 2.5 mm vs.
2.5–9 × 4–6 mm), and staminate flowers with longer filament columns [0.9–1.3 mm
vs. (0.3–) 0.6–0.7 long] and anthers (0.6–0.9 mm vs. 0.4–0.5 mm long). It can be dif-
ferentiated from V. parvifolia by its leaf blades and inflorescences that are glabrous or
nearly so (vs. pubescent in V. fosteri) (Ducke 1936); additionally, Ducke (1936) men-
tions that V. parvifolia has numerous small granules or tubercles on the branches, leaf
blades and peduncles that are lacking in V. fosteri.
Jiménez (2007; as Virola sp. B) mentions that the new species is similar to Virola
pavonis (A. DC.) A. C. Sm. from South America. This is probably because both species
have sessile and stellate trichomes on the abaxial surface of the leaf, sometimes a similar
leaf size, a similar number of lateral veins (though there is a tendency towards higher
numbers of veins in V. pavonis) and the length of the filament column and anthers.
However, the new species differs in its shorter staminate inflorescences [2.5–5.3 cm vs.
(3–) 7–15 cm long], smaller fruits (1.5–2.3 × 1.2–1.8 cm vs. 2.5–5 × 1.5–2.5 cm) and
in the canaliculate or smooth line of dehiscence (vs. carinate).
In Mesoamerica, other species with leaf blades that are covered with stellate and
sessile trichomes on the abaxial surface (Fig. 3E, F, L) and a filament column that is
longer than the anthers are V. guatemalensis and V. nobilis. However, these two species
have larger leaf blades (12.3–17.2 [–27.5] cm vs. 7.8–12 cm long) and fruits ([2.1–]
2.3–2.7 [–3.1] cm vs. 1.5–2.3 cm long). Similarities with V. nobilis, specifically, in-
clude their distribution pattern (at least in Panama), leaf blades with more lateral veins
per side (20–30 [25–32] vs. 16–24) that are markedly elevated abaxially (vs. flat to
slightly elevated), the leaf margin and base that are usually not revolute (vs. revolute)
and fruits that generally have thick pericarp (2.5–3.5 mm vs. 1.5–2.5 mm).
Notes. The species referred to as Virola sp. B in the Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica
(Jiménez 2007) and as V. multiflora (G. de Nevers 7608, MO!) in the Catálogo de las
plantas vasculares de Panamá (Correa et al. 2004) correspond to V. fosteri.
Specimens examined. Costa Rica. Limón: Talamanca. San Miguel, Asacode, sen-
dero a San Miguel, 30–100 m elev., 18 Jan 1997 (♂ fl), J. González et al. 1632 (CR!,
MEXU!*, MO!); Lomas Mreduk (La Pera), antiguo campo de exploración petrolera,
300–350 m elev., 06 Oct 2002 (fl), J. Gómez-Laurito et al. 13903 (USJ!); cerros al sur
del camino entre Puerto Viejo y Manzanillo por un camino nuevo hacia Bribri, 100
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 41

m elev., 18 Jan 1992 (fr), B. Hammel 18392 (CR-2 sheets!, MEXU!*, MO!). Panama.
Bocas del Toro: Parcela ubicada a 10 km de la desembocadura de la quebrada Boca
Chica en la margen izquierda del río Changuinola, 550 m elev., 23 Oct 2007 (fl), R.
Aizprúa et al. 3398-RA (PMA!*, US!*); ibid, 23 Oct 2007 (fl), N. Daguerre et al. 660-
ND (PMA!*); along road to Chiriquí Grande, ca. 1.5 miles along side road east of
highway, 250–300 m elev., 24 Jun 1986 (♂ fl), G. McPherson & B Allen 9646 (MO!).
Colón: San Lorenzo, no elev., 15 Jun 2009 (fr), J. Lezcano & E. Spear 593 (PMA!*);
Donoso, Teck Cominco Petaquilla mining concession, 300 m elev., 22 Feb 2008 (♂
fl), G. McPherson & M. Merello 20148 (MO!, PMA!*); Donoso, westernmost part of
province, site of proposed copper mine (INMET), 150 m elev., 12 Apr 2009 (imm
fr), G. McPherson 20913 (MO!, PMA!*); camino viejo de Piñas-Sherman, no elev.,
22 Sep 2013 (fl), R. Pérez et al. 1130 (MO n.v., PMA!*, SCZ!*). Panamá: Zona del
Canal, Barro Colorado Island, slope between AVA 7 and FD 5, [10–100 m elev.], 30
Mar 1979 (fr), R. B. Foster 2931 (MO!, PMA!*); Barro Colorado Island, Wetmore trail,
[10–100 m elev.], n.d. 1980 (♂ fl), R. B. Foster 2946 (CR!, F!*, MO!, PMA!*, U!*,
US!*); Barro Colorado Island, Drayton, Drayton 18–19, [10–100 m elev.], 31 Mar
1988 (fr), N. Garwood 2301A (PMA!*). San Blas: El Llano Cartí road, km 26.5, no
elev. 10 Apr 1985 (fr), G. de Nevers et al. 5285 (INPA!*, MEXU!*, MO!, PMA!*); El
Llano-Cartí road, km 32.3, 200 m elev., 02 Mar 1986 (♀ fl, imm fr), G. de Nevers 7226
(INPA!*, MO!, PMA!*); Cangandi, 30 m elev., 27 Mar 1986 (♀ fl, imm fr), G. de Nev-
ers et al. 7608 (MO!). Veraguas: Santa Fe, near the entrance to the agriculture school,
Alto de Piedra, [800 m elev.], 26 Feb 1975 (fr), S. Mori & J. Kallunki 4891 (MO!).

6. Virola guatemalensis (Hemsl.) Warb.

Fig. 10E–G

Virola guatemalensis (Hemsl.) Warb. Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. German.
Nat. Cur. 68: 220. 1897.
Myristica guatemalensis Hemsl. Biol. Cent.-Amer., Bot. 3. 66–67. 1882. Type. Guatemala.
[no specific data in location], [no date], [seeds], [G. U.] Skinner s.n. (holotype: K!*).

Distinctive characters. Virola guatemalensis is distinguished by many characters of

its leaf, including overall size [12.3–17.5 (–24.1) × (2.4–) 3.8–5.5 (–8.9) cm], incon-
spicuous pubescence of tiny stellate and sessile trichomes on abaxial surfaces (Fig. 3F),
13–21 lateral veins on each side of the leaf that are barely distinctive abaxially (Figs 8F,
10F) and slightly revolute margins. Additionally, the staminate flowers have a filament
column that is longer (1–1.2 mm long) than the anthers (0.5–0.8 mm long) and fruits
that are 2.7–3.4 × 1.7–2.3 cm, ellipsoid (Fig. 4G), commonly glabrous or glabrous
distally and with pubescence at the base with the line of dehiscence slightly carinate or
smooth and a thin pericarp [0.4–1 (–2.5) mm thick].
Distribution. Virola guatemalensis is known from Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca and
Veracruz), Guatemala (Sololá) and Honduras (Yoro) (Fig. 9F). It has been recorded
42 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

between 150–1250 m elevation. Standley and Steyermark (1946) mention that it also
occurs in Alto Verapaz, Suchitepéquez, San Marcos and Huehuetenango in Guate-
mala, while Standley (1931) indicates that it occurs in Lancentilla (Honduras), where
it is noted to be one of the most common tree species. While Gentry (2001) postulated
that V. guatemalensis is an expected species for Nicaragua, no Nicaraguan collections of
this species are known.
Common names. Mexico: cacao, cacao volador (Chiapas), cacaotillo, cedrillo (Ve-
racruz), k’ik’ che’ [Lacandon name]. Guatemala: chucul, palo de sebo, cacao volador,
cacao cimarrón. Honduras: sangre.
Phenology. Flowering of Virola guatemalensis has been recorded in April and May
and fruit production in January, March, August, October and December.
Field characters. Plants are trees between 12–35 m high and 45–130 cm DBH
with a straight trunk, sometimes with moderately sized buttresses. The bark is variously
described as smooth or fissured and scaly and is brown to greyish-brown in colour and
exudes watery reddish transparent sap when damaged. Flowers have yellow, green-
yellowish or brown perianth. The mature fruit is yellow with a red aril.
Discussion. While the name Virola guatemalensis has been applied to herbarium
specimens from Costa Rica and Panama in the past, those are here interpreted as a
distinct species, V. montana. Based on our interpretation, V. guatemalensis is restricted
to Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. It is distinguished from V. montana by a series
of characters, described below. While V. laevigata was typified with material from the
Pacific slope in Chiriquí, Panama and is frequently considered a synonym of V. gua-
temalensis (e.g. Smith and Wodehouse 1938; Standley and Steyermark 1946; Duke
1962), we treat these as morphologically distinct; differences between these two species
are discussed under V. laevigata.
Notes. The specimens, identified in Gómez-Laurito and Ortiz (2004), Haber
(2014) and Monro et al. (2017) as V. guatemalensis or V. surinamensis, correspond to
V. montana (R. Aguilar 1131, [E.] Bello 470, M. Chinchilla 3, J. Gómez-Laurito 11846,
11970, J. González 823) or V. amistadensis (A. Chacón 194). Additionally, a specimen
cited as V. guatemalensis in Flora of Panama (Duke 1962) corresponds with the type of
V. laevigata (G. P. Cooper & G. M. Slater 308).
The specimen J. A. Steyermark 47624 (MO-3 sheets!) seems to represent two differ-
ent individuals – two of the sheets have staminate flowers, while the third has immature
fruits. The duplicate of this collection at the Field Museum (digital image) has two sheets,
both from a pistillate individual: one sheet carries flowers and the other immature fruits.
Virola guatemalensis, along with another Mesoamerican species, V. koschnyi (see
below), produce the largest grains of pollen in Virola (Walker and Walker 1979).
Selected specimens seen. Mexico. Chiapas: Tila, Chewupaj, 1000 m elev., 10
Dec 1982 (fr), A. Méndez 5223 (MEXU!*, MO!); Peltalcingo, slope of Ahk’ulbal Nab
above Peltalcingo, 1700 m elev., 27 Feb 1981 (fr), D. Breedlove 49868 (MEXU!*);
La Trinitaria, 10 km east northeast of Dos Lagos above Santa Elena, 1170 m elev.,
19 Jan 1982 (fr), D. Breedlove & F. Almeda 57553 (MO!); La Independencia, ridge,
45–50 km E of Lagos de Montebello National Park on road to Ixcán from Santa
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 43

Elena, 760 m elev., 22 Jan 1982 (fr), D. Breedlove & F. Almeda 57735 (MO!). Oaxaca:
Matías Romero Avendaño, ± 11 Km. al S de Aserradero La Floresta, ± 24 Km. al S
de Esmeralda, lomas al S del Río Verde, 300 m elev., 24 Apr 1981 (fl), T. Wendt et al.
3235 (MEXU!*). Veracruz: Cima del cerro Vigia, 450 m elev., 19 Apr 2005 (♂ fl), E.
Velasco-Sinaca 678 (MEXU!*, MO!); La Escondida, 3 km NO de Estación de Biología
Tropical Los Tuxtlas, 200 m elev., 05 Apr 1983 (♂ fl), G. Ibarra 604 (MEXU!*, MO!);
Estación de Biología Tropical Los Tuxtlas, 200 m elev., 29 Oct 1983 (fr), G. Ibarra 957
(MO!); camino Laguna Escondida, 2 km NW de la Estación de Biológia Tropical Los
Tuxtlas, 200 m elev., 08 May 1984 (♂ fl), G. Ibarra & G. Gómez 1607 (MO!); Ocotal
Grande, 5 km N de Mecayapan, 1000 m elev., 14 Mar 1985 (fr), G. Ibarra et al. 2357
(MEXU!*, MO!, NO!); 2 km al NW del rancho Rubén Sánchez, 250–350 m elev., 28
May 1985 (♂ fl), G. Ibarra 2450 (MO!); Santiago Tuxtla, Alta Luz, 540 m elev., 11
May 1968 (♂ fl), M. Sousa 3680 (MO!); Catemaco, Tebanca, no elev., 20 Oct 1971
(fr), J. I. Calzada 615 (MO!); Cerro El Vigia de Santiago Tuxtla, 800 m elev., 18 Feb
1967 (fr), R. Cedillo 9 (MO!); Catemaco, El Chinchero, 14.2 km al SE de Tebanca
camino al río Huacinapan, no elev., 19 Dec 1984 (fr), R. Cedillo & G. Pérez 2958
(MEXU!*, MO!, NO!); Hidalgotitlán, lomitas al SE de Poblado 6, 150 m elev., 27 Apr
1982 (♂ fl), T. Wendt et al. 3898 (LSU!, MO!). Guatemala. Sololá: Bordering bar-
ranco on Finca Olas de Mocá, just west of Finca Mocá, south-facing slopes of Volcán
Atitlán, 1000–1100 m elev., 15 Jun 1942 (♂ fl, imm fr), J. A. Steyermark 47624 (F!*,
MO-3 sheets!). Honduras. Yoro: Cascada de Río Guán Guán, 400–440 m elev., 20
Apr 1995 (♂ fl), T. Hawkins & M. Merello 768B (MO!).

7. Virola koschnyi Warb.

Fig. 17

Virola koschnyi Warb. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 1: 71. 1905. Type. Costarica
[Costa Rica]. [Alajuela] San Carlos, Th. Koschny s.n. (lectotype, here designated:
F!*, fragment with B photo [649050, F0360191F]); Costa Rica. Heredia. [Sara-
piqui] Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo, bosque primario frente al Puesto La Cei-
ba, 450 m elev., 23 Dec 1988 (♂ fl), M. Ballestero 72 (epitype, designated here:
CR! [16354]; isoepitypes: CR! [156734], MO! [5550256, MO-299037].
Virola merendonis Pittier., Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 20: 453. 1922. Type. [Honduras].
[Copán:] Collected in the forests of Cuchillitas, between Arranca Barba Hills and
Mohanes, in the Cordillera de Merendon, borders of Guatemala and Honduras,
in fruit, [10–] 18 May 1919 [fr], H. Pittier 8530 (holotype: US!*; isotype: NY!*).
Virola costaricensis nomen nudum

Distinctive characters. Virola koschnyi can be recognised by the densely tomentose leaf
undersides with pediculate, dendritic trichomes (Fig. 3G) that are soft to the touch, the
numerous lateral veins [(16–) 20–35] that form a clear submarginal vein and tertiary
veins that are usually inconspicuous abaxially (Figs 3G, 8G). Adaxially, the new leaves
44 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

are densely covered with dendritic sessile or subsessile trichomes that are deciduous
at maturity, resulting in glabrous to glabrescent and smooth adxial surface on mature
leaves. The staminate flowers have filament columns that are 0.7–0.9 (–1.4) mm long
with anthers 0.5–0.7 (–1) mm long. Its fruits are 1.9–3.1 × 1.5–1.9 cm and ellipsoid
or subglobose (Fig. 4F), with a pericarp 1.2–3.1 mm thick.

Figure 17. Virola koschnyi A lower trunk and buttresses B trunk C branching D leaf blades on abaxial
surface E leaf blades on adaxial surface F twig, petiole and leaf base G leaf venation on adaxial surface
(left) and abaxial surface (right) H branch with fruits, showing the interior part of the fruit I seed J ma-
ture fruit. All photos by Reinaldo Aguilar from, except G by D.
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 45

Distribution. Virola koschnyi is known from Mexico (Chiapas), Guatemala (Iza-

bal and Petén), Belize (Cayo, Toledo and Stann Creek), Honduras (Atlántida, Cortés,
Gracias a Dios and Olancho), Nicaragua (Atlántico Norte, Atlántico Sur, Jinotega and
Río San Juan), Costa Rica (Alajuela, Guanacaste, Heredia, San José and Limón), and
Panamá (Bocas del Toro) (Fig. 18A). It is found mainly on the Caribbean slope, where
it has been recorded between 10–1000 (–1700) m elevation.
We consider this species restricted to Mesoamerica. The collections identified as V.
koschnyi from Ecuador in Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador (i.e. C. H. Dodson
et al. 6465 [RPSC, SEL]; Jørgensen and León-Yánez 1999) correspond to V. multin-
ervia Ducke (Jaramillo et al. 2004). Determinations of V. koschyni cited for Colombia
by Cogollo et al. (2007) are doubtful and do not cite voucher specimens, while those
of Gradstein (2016) could not be confirmed.

Figure 18. Geographic distribution of Virola koschnyi (A), V. laevigata (B), V. megacarpa (C), V. montana
(D), V. multiflora (E) and V. nobilis (F).
46 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

Common names. Guatemala: Cedrillo, drago, sangre. Belize: banak, black banak.
Honduras: bának, sebo, sangre de montaña, sangre real. Nicaragua: banak blanco, ba-
nak colorado, cebo, fruta dorada, sebo. Costa Rica: achiotillo, fruta dorada.
Phenology. Flowering of Virola koschnyi has been recorded in January, March and
May, July, September, October and December. Only three herbarium specimens with
pistillate flowers were seen, two from Costa Rica and one from Nicaragua. Fruits are
produced throughout the year, though most often collected in March, May and June.
Field characters. Plants are trees (4–) 10–70 m tall and 12–80 cm DBH, with
a trunk that is straight with well-developed buttresses. The bark is described as
scaly and falling off in small plates or as smooth, red-brown or whitish in colour;
clear, red or reddish exudate is released when damaged. Flowers usually have yellow
perianth, though it can sometimes be white, brown, or orange. The mature fruit is
yellow, orange or brown, with a red or pink-red aril. The testa of the seed is black,
brown or white.
Typification. Virola koschnyi was described by Otto Warburg based on a collec-
tion made by Theodor Koschny (Warburg 1905). Warburg indicated in the protologue
“Costarica: San Carlos, leg. Th. Koschny,” but did not mention where the type was
housed. The type is presumed to have been housed at Berlin (B) and subsequently
destroyed during World War II.
The only known original material of Virola koschnyi is a fragmentary specimen
accompanied with a photograph at the Field Museum. The photo shows the original
specimen was composed of three fertile branches with leaves (two with inflorescences
and one with fruit), with a handwritten annotation of “V. costaricensis Warb”, pre-
sumably by Warburg, though this name was never validly published. The fragment
material consists of pieces of leaves, two inflorescence branches with a few immature
flowers and a broken fruit comprising pericarp, testa and seed. Since they are mounted
with the photo of the Berlin specimen, these fragments presumably originated from
the holotype. Although it is not ideal type material due to its fragmentary nature, the
specimen at F appears to be the only extant original material and is sufficient to con-
firm that it coincides with the protologue and concept of the species used and so is here
designated as lectotype. In order to ensure the precise application of the name, given
the fragmentary type material, an epitype was selected from the studied specimens.
Notes. Most of the specimens from the Pacific slope of Costa Rica and Panama previ-
ously identified as V. koschnyi are here interpreted as V. chrysocarpa. The similarities and dif-
ferences between V. koschnyi and V. chrysocarpa are discussed under the latter species. While
most fruiting specimens of V. koschnyi have obtuse to rounded apices, G. Herrera 1092
(CR!, MO!) from Costa Rica and R. Rueda & H. Mendoza 17069 (MO!) from Nicaragua
have apiculate apices. Aside from the fruit apex, these specimens conform to the species con-
cept adopted here in all other characters (e.g. number of lateral veins, submarginal vein and
tertiary veins that are usually inconspicuous abaxially and pediculate, dendritic trichomes).
Selected specimens seen. Mexico. Chiapas: Ocosingo, En ejido Chaju, 150 m
elev., 17 Mar 1993 (fl), E. Martínez & C. H. Ramos 26336 (MEXU-4 sheets!*); Boca
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 47

de Chajul, 800 m al SE del poblado, 350 m elev., 21 May 1992 (fr), G. Domínguez
438 (MEXU!*). Belize. Cayo: At mile 28.5 m on Hummingbird highway, 200–300
ft [60–90 m] elev., 14–21 Jun 1973 (fr), T. B. Croat 24562 (MO!). Stann Creek:
Mountain Cow, [200 m elev.], 25 Mar 1940 (imm fr), P. H. Gentle 3277 (MO!);
Big Eddy Ridge, [50–200 m elev.], 21 May 1940 (fr), P. H. Gentle 3347 (MO!); 22
miles Stann Creek, 200 ft [60 m] elev., 27 Jun 1927 (fr), W. A. Schipp 949 (MO-2
sheets!). Toledo: Bladen Nature Reserve, 20 m from the Bladen River, 45 m elev., 27
Feb 1997 (♂ fl), S. W. Brewer 178 (MO!); Southern Maya mountains, Bladen Nature
Reserve, 250 m elev., 23 May 1996 (fr), G. Davidse 36211 (MO!). Guatemala. Iza-
bal: Between Seja and Fronteras, no elev. 08 May 1971 (fl bud), E. Contreras 10751
(MO!); Livingston, Creek Jute, Biotopo Chocón Machacas, [0–5 m elev.], 28 Jul
1988 (fr), P. Tenorio et al. 14953 (MEXU!*, MO!). Petén: Chinchila, Sebol road, [20
m elev.], 16 May 1967 (fr), E. Contreras 6924 (MO!); La Cumbre, [300 m elev.], 30
Jul 1969 (fr), E. Contreras 8790 (MEXU!*, MO!). Honduras. Atlántida: Lancetilla S
of Tela, 20–50 m elev., 25 Jun 1970 (fr), G. Davidse & R. Pohl 2178 (MO!). Cortés:
[Santa Cruz de Yojoa], 660 m elev., 13 Feb 1952 (fl), P. H. Allen 6456 (GH!*, EAP-2
sheets!*). Gracias a Dios: La Mosquitia, Ahuas Bila, 100 m elev., 5–13 May 1985
(fr), C. Nelson & G. Cruz 9484 (MO!). Olancho: San Esteban, montaña El Carbón,
460 m elev., 02 Feb 1994 (fl bud), A. Meras 02 (MO); a 3 km comunidad El Carbón,
430 m elev., 12 Mar 1997 (fl), I. Rivas 08-C1 (EAP!*). Nicaragua. Atlántico Norte:
Bonanza, Musawas, 50–150 m elev., 17 Oct 2002 (♂ fl), C. Aker et al. 624 (MO!);
Siuna, Waspado, 100–120 m elev., 06 Oct 1982 (imm fr), F. Ortíz 252 (MO!); sur de
río Wawa, 40 m elev., 16 Mar 1971 (imm fr), E. L. Little Jr. 25164 (MO!). Atlántico
Sur: Kurinwac[s]ito, 80–100 m elev., 18–22 Mar 1984 (♀ fl, fr), P. P. Moreno 23682
(MO), P. P. Moreno 23701 (MO!); El Zapote, 40 km NE de Nueva Guinea, 130–150
m elev., 29 Feb 1984 (♂ fl), J. C. Sandino 4808 (MO!). Estelí: El Zacatón, entre
Mesas Plan Helado y la laguna de Miraflor, 1300–1400 m elev., 29 Mar 1983 (imm
fr), P. P. Moreno 23788 (MO!). Jinotega: Cua Bocay, Reserva de Bosawas, comunidad
de San Andrés, 180 m elev., 30 Jun 2005 (fr), I. Coronado et al. 1951 (MO!). Río
San Juan: El Castillo, Reserva Indio Maíz, 100–200 m elev., 15 Mar 1999 (♂ fl), R.
Rueda el al. 10319 (MO!); San Juan del Norte, Reserva Indio Maíz, 30 m elev., 18
May 2002 (fr), R. Rueda & H. Mendoza 17069 (MO!); río Sábalos, 2 km de Santa
Eduviges, 80 m elev., 18 Feb 1984 (♂ fl), P. P. Moreno 23042 (MO!). Costa Rica.
Alajuela: Parque Nacional Rincón de La Vieja, 900–1000 m elev., 07 Mar 1988 (♀
fl), G. Herrera 1607 (CR!, MO!); Upala, Dos Ríos, 500 m elev., 02 Nov 1987 (fr), G.
Herrera 1092 (CR!, MO!); Upala, Estación San Ramón, 550 m elev., 27 Jan 1995 (fr),
F. Quesada 243 (CR!, LSU!, MO!); Upala, Finca San Gerardo, 600 m elev., 20 Feb
1998 (fl bud), F. Quesada et al. 577 (CR-2 sheets!, MO!, USJ!). Cartago: Turrialba,
CATIE, 650 m elev., 08 Feb 1975 (fr), C. Vaughan 93 (USJ!); Bosque de Florencia de
Turrialba, 650 m elev., 31 Jul 1969 (fr), R. Ramalho 7990 (USJ!). Guanacaste: Santa
Cruz, road from Santa Cecilia to La Esperanza, 340 m elev., 29 Dec 1989 (fr), R. E.
Gereau et al. 3455 (CR-2!, MO!); Parque Nacional Guanacaste, Estación Pitilla, 700
48 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

m elev., 02 Mar 1991 (♂ fl), P. Ríos 309 (CR-2 sheets!, MO!). Heredia: Parque Na-
cional Braulio Carrilo, Estación El Ceibo, 500–600 m elev., 01 Oct 1989 (fl bud), R.
Aguilar 9 (MO!, LSU!, USJ!); Los Arbolito, al N de Puerto Viejo, 20 m elev., 09 Mar
1993 (♂ fl), F. Araya 197 (CR-2 sheets!, LSU!, MO!); between La Selva entrance and
bridge before Puerto Viejo, [100 m elev.], 18 Apr 1981 (fr), J. Folsom 9791 (MO!).
Limón: Refugio de Vida Silvestre Gandoca Manzanillo, sendero Cerillo, 1 m elev.,
03 Mar 1999 (fr), U. Chavarría 1918 (CR-2 sheets!, MO!); Cordillera de Talamanca,
ridge separating Río Madre de Dios from Quebrada Cañabral, 440 m elev., 02 Sep
1988 (♀ fl), M. Grayum et al. 8692 (CR-2 sheets!, MO-2 sheets!, USJ!); Sixaola, Que-
brada Mata de Limón, 20–40 m elev., 27 Jan 1987 (fr), M. Grayum et al. 8004 (CR!,
MO!); Río Peje, no elev., 14 Jun 1979 (fr), R. Ocampo 2582 (CR!); Parque Nacional
Tortuguero, Estación Agua Fría, 40 m elev., 02 Feb 1988 (fr), R. Robles 1587 (CR!,
MO!); Cerro Coronel, 20–170 m elev., 16–23 Jan 1986 (♂ fl), W. D. Stevens 23768
(CR, MO). San José: Z. P. [Zona Protectora] La Cangreja, Santa Rosa de Puriscal,
350 m elev., 01 Oct 1992 (fr), J. F. Morales 764 (CR). Panama. Bocas del Toro: Isla
Colon, camino central, unos 4 km de Boca de Drago, 2–25 m elev., 16 Mar 1993 (fr),
R. Foster et al. 14549 (F!*).

8. Virola laevigata Standl.

Fig. 19

Virola laevigata Standl. Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 4(8): 209. 1929. Type.
Panama. Province of Chiriquí, Progreso, [July–Aug.] 1927 [♂ fl], G. P. Cooper &
G. M. Slater 308 (holotype: F!*; isotypes: NY!*, WIS!*, US!*).

Distinctive characters. Virola laevigata is distinguished by its glabrous or nearly gla-

brous vegetative parts (i.e. twigs, mature leaf blades on both surfaces [Fig. 3H], peti-
oles); when trichomes are present, they are primarily on the leaf buds or very new
leaves. Additionally, leaves have 12–20 lateral veins and margins and bases that are
slightly revolute, staminate flowers have a straight filament column that is longer
(0.8–1.3 mm) than the anthers (0.5–0.7 mm) and relatively small fruits (1.8–2.9 ×
1.5–1.8 cm) (Fig. 4M) with pericarp that is 1.8–2.8 mm thick.
Distribution. Virola laevigata is known from Costa Rica (Puntarenas and San
José) and Panama (Chiriquí) (Fig. 18B). It is found on the Pacific slope, where it has
been recorded between 0–500 (1600?) m elevation. Jiménez (2007) suggested that the
maximum elevation for this species in Costa Rica is 1600 m, potentially based on L.
González 3089 from Cerro Turrubares (San José province) (B. Hammel pers. comm.,
Aug. 2019); however, we have not found any specimen that occurs this high.
Common names. Costa Rica: fruta dorada. Panama: bogamani.
Phenology. Flowering of Virola laevigata has been recorded in January, May, July
and November. Fruits are produced from December to February. Pistillate flowers were
not present on herbarium sheets studied.
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 49

Figure 19. Virola laevigata A branch with staminate inflorescences B leaf blades on abaxial surface, inset
showing the glabrous midvein C twig, petiole and leaf on adaxial surface D close up of staminate inflores-
cences E leaf base F leaf apex, inset showing leaf punctations G branch with immature fruits H close-up
of immature fruit I open fruit, showing the aril. Photos by Reinaldo Aguilar.

Field characters. Plants are trees 9–40 m tall and 35–60 cm DBH with a straight
trunk and small (ca. 20 cm tall), triangular buttresses. The bark is described as finally
grooved, smooth, flaking in vertical strips or scaly and is grey, blackish or reddish
in colour, with exudate that is reddish or colourless and oxidising to reddish-cream.
The leaves are bright green on both sides and have numerous pellucid dots that are
most visible against the light. Flowers have yellow, yellow-brown or yellowish perianth,
sometimes with a slight aroma in staminate flowers (N. Zamora & T. D. Pennington
1583, but the specimen label states pistillate flower). The mature fruit is yellow with
a red aril (when immature, it is white). In the Osa Peninsula, where this species is fre-
quent, it prefers riparian habitats.
Discussion. Virola laevigata has traditionally been considered a synonym of V.
guatemalensis (e.g. Smith and Wodehouse 1938; Standley and Steyermark 1946; Duke
1962), likely due to limited material. However, with new herbarium specimens, both
species can be clearly distinguished vegetatively and with fruit characters. Vegetative
material of V. laevigata can be distinguished by petioles and mature leaf blades that are
abaxially glabrous (vs. diminutively pubescent with tiny stellate, sessile trichomes in
50 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

V. guatemalensis). Their fruits also differ in size, shape and thickness of the pericarp;
in V. laevigata, they are smaller (1.8–2.9 × 1.5–1.8 cm), ovoid or subglobose and with
thick pericarp (1.8–2.8 mm); while in V. guatemalensis, they are large (vs. 2.7–3.4 ×
1.7–2.3 cm), ellipsoid and with a thin pericarp [0.4–1 (–2.5) mm].
In addition to Virola guatemalensis, herbarium specimens of V. laevigata have been
determined as V. surinamensis (interpreted here as V. nobilis). However, V. laevigata is
distinguished by its glabrous or almost glabrous abaxial leaf surface (Fig. 3H, O) and
mature fruits (vs. pubescent) and its tendency towards thinner pericarp [1.8–2.8 mm
vs. 2.5–3.5 (–4.2) mm thick]. In the Osa Peninsula, where these two species grow
together, they can be easily distinguished in the field: V. laevigata prefers riparian habi-
tats, does not usually develop tall buttresses and the external bark has a greenish tone,
while V. nobilis grows far from bodies of water, has tall buttresses and the external bark
is reddish to brown. For a description and comparison of the bark of these two species,
see Moya Roque et al. (2014), as Virola sp. A and V. surinamensis.
Notes. The seedlings of V. laevigata are described by Ley López and Chacón Mad-
rigal (2017) (though as “Virola sp. A”). Additionally, the species presented as “Virola
sp. A” in Jiménez (2007) and as V. surinamensis in Jiménez Madrigal and Grayum
(2002; RZ [=R. Zuñiga] 459) corresponds with V. laevigata. The illustration in Que-
sada Quesada et al. (1997) as V. guatemalensis is potentially also V. laevigata.
Selected specimens seen. Costa Rica. Puntarenas: Golfito, 1 km antes de llegar
a La Palma, 8 m elev., 16 Jan 1993 (fr), R. Aguilar 1585 (CR-2 sheets!, LSU!, MO!);
fila Carbonera, cabo Matapalo, 300 m elev., 16 Jul 1993 (♂ fl), R. Aguilar 2004
(CR!, MO!); estación Sirena, 10 m elev., 12 Oct 1993 (fl bud, fr), R. Aguilar 2490
(CR-2 sheets!, LSU!, MO!); Golfito, orillas del camino a las torres de comunicación,
450–500 m elev., 12 Jan 1999 (fr), J. Gómez-Laurito & V. Mora 13191 (CR!); Playa
Cacao, Fila entre quebrada Nazanero y el mar en Punta Voladora, 200 m elev., 26
May 1994 (♂ fl), G. Herrera & G. Rivera 7076 (CR!); Parque Nacional Corcovado,
Sirena, 10 m elev., 28 Feb 1989 (fr), C. Kernan & P. Phillips 962 (CR-2 sheets!, MO!);
Parque Nacional Corcovado, Sirena, Ollas Trail, 1–20 m elev., 19 Oct 1989 (fr), C.
Kernan & G. Fonseca 1288 (CR-2 sheets!, INPA!*, MO!); Jiménez, Piro, camino a
Laguna Silvestre, [0–100 m elev.], 01 Feb 2012 (fr), J. M. Ley-López 74 (USJ); Osa,
fila Esquinas, 200 m elev., 26 May 1993 (♂ fl), M. Segura & F. Quesada 69 (CR!,
LSU!, MO!); Rincón de Osa, in vicinity of airstrip, 40 m elev., 25 Jul 1974 (fl bud),
J. Utley & K. Utley 1236 (CR!); Garabito, por Carara, cerca de la toma de agua, 97 m
elev., 22 Nov 2006 (fl bud), L. D. Vargas & D. Castillo 1870 (CR!); Osa, Uvita, cerca
de Dominical, 200 m elev., 28 Jan 1991 (♂ fl), N. Zamora & T. D. Pennington 1583
(CR-2 sheets!, INPA!*, MEXU!*, MO!); Puntarenas, Montezuma, camino a Cóbano
por el río Montezuma, ca. 1.5 km oeste de la intersección con camino a Cabuya, 101
m elev., 11 Dec 2005 (fr), B. Hammel & I. Pérez 23944 (CR!); Montezuma, por el
Canopy, 100 m elev., 08 Jul 2006 (fl bud), B. Hammel & I. Pérez 24149 (CR!). San
José: Carara, sector Agrominas, sitio Carretera Costanera, 100 m elev., 20 Sep 1991
(fr), R. Zuñiga 459 (CR-sheets!, LSU!). Panama. Chiriquí: Río Platanal-Bugaba, 10
Dec 1975 (fr), M. M. Gutiérrez 21 (MO!).
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 51

9. Virola megacarpa A. H. Gentry.

Fig. 20A, B

Virola megacarpa A. H. Gentry. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 62(2): 474. 1975. Type.
Panama. Colón: Santa Rita Ridge, 23 Mar 1972 [fr], [A. H.] Gentry & [J. D.]
Dwyer 4804 (holotype: MO!; isotypes: BM!*, MEXU!*, WIS!*).

Distinctive characters. Virola megacarpa can be recognised by its large and oblong
leaf blades (20.3–37 × 7–13 cm) with numerous [(32–) 40–50 per side], dense lateral
veins and a densely pubescent abaxial surface with dark brown to ferruginous dendritic
trichomes (Fig. 3I). It is also the species with the largest fruits (4–5.7 × 2–2.9 cm) in
the region and likely the genus; these are also densely pubescent with an acuminate to
rostrate apex (Fig. 4P) and thick pericarp (3–6 mm).
Distribution. Virola megacarpa is only known from Panama (Colón, Panamá, San
Blas and Veraguas) (Fig. 18C) from 50–550 m elevation.

Figure 20. A. Virola megacarpa A branch with fruits, both leaf blade surfaces shown B fruit. Virola no-
bilis from Barro Colorado C lower trunk and buttress D branch with fruits, leaf blades on both surfaces E
pistillate flowers F staminate flower and bud G fruits. Photos by Carmen Galdames (A, B), Rolando Pérez
(C, D, G), Steven Paton (E, F); all photos from
52 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

This species is attributed to Colombia in Cogollo (2011), based on the specimen J.

Brand 1252 (JAUM!*; fr). It is also mentioned as occurring in Colombia in Gradstein
(2016) and Ulloa Ulloa et al. (2017), though these references do not mention a vouch-
er specimen (likely they refer back to the same specimen cited by Cogollo [2011]). The
first author has seen a digital image of this specimen (J. Brand 1252, JAUM) and it
appears that the leaf undersurface and fruits are scarcely pubescent, as well as smaller.
This specimen clearly corresponds to a species of the group Surinamenses sensu Smith
and Wodehouse (1938) and not V. megacarpa. For that reason, V. megacarpa is consid-
ered restricted to Mesoamerica.
Common names. None recorded.
Phenology. The only observed herbarium specimen with flowers (these stami-
nate) was collected in August. Fruits were collected in February and March and Au-
gust to November.
Field characters. Plants are trees 12–30 m tall and 21.5–53 cm DBH. Damaged
bark releases exudate that is red or that oxidises reddish-brown. Flowers have pale yel-
low perianth. Fruits are densely pubescent with brown trichomes and a red aril.
Discussion. Vegetatively, Virola megacarpa can be confused with V. koschnyi and
some specimens have been identified as the latter (e.g. G. de Nevers & H. Herrera
7917, MO). Both species share leaf blades with numerous and conspicuous lateral
veins and pediculate trichomes on the abaxial surface. However, V. megacarpa has
more lateral veins per side [(32–) 40–50 vs. (16–) 20–35] and these are more closely
spaced (Figs 8G and I) and fruits are larger (4–5.7 × 2–2.9 cm vs. 1.9–3.1 × 1.5–1.9
cm) (Fig. 4F, P).
Specimens examined. Panama. Colón: East of Portobelo, 50–100 m elev., 12 Oct
1992 (fr), G. McPherson & M. Richardson 15873 (MO!); Teck Cominco Petaquilla
mining concession, 220 m elev., 20 Feb 2008 (fr), G. McPherson & M. Merello 20081
(MO!); East ridge, no elev., 23 Feb 1968 (fr), J. A. Duke 15261 (MEXU!*, MO!).
Panamá: [Chepo] El Llano-Cartí road, 5 km N of Pan-American Highway at El Llano,
300 m elev., 10–11 Nov 1973 (imm fr), M. Nee 7920 (MEXU!*, MO!); El Llano-Cartí
road, 16–18.5 km by road N of PanAmerican Hwy, at El Llano, 400–450 m elev., 28
Mar 1974 (fr), M. Nee & E. Tyson 10983 (CR!, F!*, INPA!*, MO-2 sheets!). San Blas:
El Llano-Cartí Road, Km 19.1, 350 m elev., 19 Mar 1985 (fr), G. de Nevers 5184
(INPA!*, MEXU!*, MO!). Veraguas: Santa Fe, Valley of Río Dos Bocas along road
between Escuela Agricola Alto Piedra and Calovebora, 450–550 m elev., 31 Aug 1974
(♂ fl), T. B. Croat 27785 (INPA!*, MO!).

10. Virola montana D.Santam., sp. nov.
Figs 21, 22A–D

Diagnosis. Species most similar to Virola guatemalensis, from which it differs by the
mostly caducous (vs. persistent) trichomes on the abaxial leaf surface that have 3–10
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 53

Figure 21. Virola montana A branch with leaves and inflorescences B fruit C flowers. Drawn by Pedro
Juarez based on G. Herrera et al. 514 (A–C), and R. Lent 3899 (B).

branches and are 0.2–0.6 mm long (vs. 3–6 branches 0.05–0.1 mm long), staminate
flowers with a shorter filament column (0.6–0.9 mm vs. 1–1.2 mm long) and fruits
with a thicker pericarp (3.2–5 mm vs. 0.4–1 [–2.5] mm thick).
54 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

Type. Costa Rica. Cartago: Jiménez, Taus de Pejibaye, 900 m elev., 06 Apr 1994 (♂
fl), E. Lépiz & J. F. Morales 284 (holotype: CR! [201663]; isotypes: CR! [CR1578073],
LSU! [0193696, LSU00199100], MO! [5551138, MO280083], USJ! [75968]).
Description. Tree 6–35 m × (4–) 10–50 cm DBH; bark not described. Exudate
described on one occasion as orange in bark, branches and fruits. Twigs 0.13–0.4 cm
thick, angulate to lightly compressed, densely tomentose to puberulent, trichomes den-
dritic, yellowish, brownish to ferruginous. Leaves: petiole 0.5–1.2 × 0.16–0.3 cm, can-
aliculate, densely to sparsely pubescent, the trichomes dendritic to irregularly stellate;
leaf blades (11.2–) 15–30.5 × (3.9–) 4.5–7.4 cm, oblong-elliptic; adaxial surface on
mature leaf blades dark brown when dry, reddish-brown or greyish-blackish, glabrous
or with trichomes very sparse and scattered, the surface smooth; abaxial surface pale
brown, dark brown or whitish-greyish when dry, sparsely pubescent, but usually dense-
ly to sparsely pubescent along the lateral veins and midvein (in new leaves, blades with
a dense layer of trichomes that fall readily when touched, covering the entire surface),
trichomes dendritic or rarely irregularly stellate, sessile, yellowish to pale brown, with
3–10 branches 0.2–0.6 mm long, caducous; lateral veins (15–) 18–30 per side, (4–)
6–9 veins per 5 cm, 0.5–0.9 (–1.5) cm apart, the same colour as the adaxial surface or
sometimes lighter, flat or very slightly sunken on adaxial surface, raised on abaxial sur-
face, straight to slightly arcuate (especially towards the distal part), slightly anastomo-
sing near the margin and without forming a very marked intramarginal vein; tertiary
veins usually visible on both surfaces; midvein adaxially flat to slightly canaliculate, gla-
brous or with scattered trichomes, sometimes densely pubescent at the base, abaxially
raised, rounded, densely tomentose (with trichomes that fall very easily to the touch) to
glabrescent; base acute to rounded, not revolute, flat; margin flat; apex acute to acumi-
nate. Staminate inflorescences 3–9 cm long, axillary either at the junction with a leaf
or at leafless nodes, axes slightly flattened to irregularly angled, densely tomentose, with
trichomes dendritic, brown to yellowish-brown; peduncle 1.7–3.5 × 0.05–0.12 cm;
bracts 3–7 × 1.9–4 cm, pubescent on both sides, caducous; terminal fascicles dense,
with 7–20 + flowers. Staminate flowers with the pedicel 1.7–3.4 mm long; receptacle
1.5–3 mm wide; ; perianth (1.6–) 2–2.7 mm, subglobose, yellow, greenish-white or
brown, possibly by the indumentum), connate by (0.2–) 0.5–0.8  mm long, abaxial
surface pubescent, with brown to ferruginous trichomes, adaxial surface glabrous at
the base, sparsely pubescent on the lobes; lobes 3, 1.5–2 × 1–1.4 (–1.8) mm; stamens 3
(–6), the filament column 0.6–0.9 mm long, straight or sometimes slightly thickened
at the base and somewhat narrow at the apex, thin, not constricted at the apex; anthers
0.5–0.8 mm long; apiculus ca. 0.07–0.1 mm, inconspicuously apiculate. Pistillate in-
florescences 3.5 cm long, at leafless nodes, with trichomes on the axes similar to those
of the staminate inflorescences; peduncle 1.8–2.5 × 1–2 cm; bracts not seen; terminal
fascicles of 5–6 flowers. Pistillate flowers with the pedicel 3.5–4 mm long; perianth
3.5–4.6 mm long, globose to subglobose, pale brown when fresh (possibly by the indu-
ment), connate by 1–1.5 mm long, abaxial surface pubescent, with brown trichomes,
adaxial surface sparsely pubescent; lobes 3, 2.5–3.5 × 1.5–2.2 mm; gynoecium 2–2.7
× 1.5–1.6 mm, densely pubescent, subglobose, stipitate; stigmatic lobes ca. 0.3 mm,
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 55

erect. Infructescence 3–6.2 cm long, with 1 (–2) fruits, peduncle 2–3.3 × 0.19–0.3
cm. Fruits (2.8–) 3–3.6 × 2–2.5 cm, ovoid-ellipsoid, sessile, densely tomentose to
tomentulose, the trichomes dendritic to irregularly stellate, pale brown to ferruginous,
the surface commonly rugulose or smooth when dry, the line of dehiscence carinate,
the base obtuse, the apex acute, orange, golden or yellowish-brown when fresh; peri-
carp 3.2–5 mm thick; pedicel 0.7–1 cm long; seed 2.2–2.5 × ca. 1.5 cm, the testa dark
brown, almost smooth; aril usually described as red when fresh, yellowish- or reddish-
brown when dry, coriaceous, oily in texture, thick, laciniate in narrow bands distally.
Distinctive characters. Virola montana is recognised by twigs, new leaf under-
surfaces, petioles and inflorescences covered in indument of dendritic to irregularly
stellate, caducous trichomes, with long branches; on the underside of the leaf, this in-
dument is mainly found on the midvein and the lateral veins (Fig. 3J). Additional traits
that distinguish this species include leaf blades with numerous lateral veins [(15–)
18–30 per side; Fig. 22C, D]), the length of the filament column (0.6–0.9 mm long),
nearly the same size as the anthers (0.5–0.8 mm long), fruits with thick pericarp that
are densely tomentose (Fig. 4H) and carinate in the line of dehiscence (3.2–5 mm), as
well as its montane habitat.
Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the montane habitat where the species
has been collected.
Distribution. Virola montana is known from Costa Rica and Panama, where it
has been collected on the Caribbean slope in the provinces of Alajuela, Cartago, Gua-
nacaste, Heredia and Limón in Costa Rica and Bocas del Toro in Panama; it has only
been collected on the Pacific slope in Puntarenas (Costa Rica) (Fig. 18D). It has been
recorded between 700–2000 m elevation.
Preliminary conservation status. Virola montana is of Least Concern following
IUCN guidelines. It has both a large EOO (14,606 km2) and AOO (104 km2) and is
known from nineteen localities.
Common names. Costa Rica: fruta dorada.
Phenology. Flowering of Virola montana has been recorded in January, March to
May, November and December; only two herbarium specimens with pistillate flowers
were seen. Fruits have been collected in March and June to December.

Table 6. Morphological differences between Virola montana and V. guatemalensis.

Character V. montana V. guatemalensis

Leaf blades size (11.2–) 15–30.5 × (3.9–) 4.5–7.4 cm 12.3–17.5 (–24.1) × (2.4–) 3.8–5.5 (–8.9) cm
Indument and Sparsely pubescent, but usually densely Puberulent, trichomes over the entire surface;
trichomes on abaxial to sparsely pubescent primarily along the trichomes with 3–6 branches, the branches
surface lateral veins and midvein; trichomes with 0.05–0.1 mm long, persistent (Fig. 3F)
3–10 branches, the branches 0.2–0.6 mm
long, caducous (Fig. 3J)
Lateral veins (15–) 18–30 per side, on abaxial side raised 13–21 per side, on abaxial side slightly raised
(Figs 8J, 22D) or flat (Figs 8F, 10F)
Filament column 0.6–0.9 mm long 1–1.2 mm long
Pericarp thickness and 3.2–5 mm thick, carinate 0.4–1 (–2.5) mm thick, smooth or slightly
presence of a carina carinate
56 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

Figure 22. Virola montana A juvenile tree showing branching pattern B leaf blades on adaxial side C leaf
blades on abaxial side D venation. Virola multiflora. E Branch with staminate inflorescences, inset show-
ing twig and flowers F twig, leaf blade on abaxial surface and inflorescences, inset showing immature fruit
G lateral view of a perianth H close-up of staminate flowers. Photos by J. Esteban Jiménez (A–D); B.
Hammel (E–H), Indiana Coronado (F, inset).
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 57

Field characters. Leaf blades are lustrous, dark green above and whitish or silver
below. Flowers have yellow, cream, greenish-white or brown perianth. Mature fruits are
yellow, pale brown, brown yellow or orange. The seed is brown with a red aril.
Discussion. As far as we know, the first specimen of this species was collected 115
years ago by Henri F. Pittier (1857–1950) in the mountains of El Rosario de Orosi,
Cartago, Costa Rica (H. Pittier 16628, NY-2 sheets!*). Paul C. Standley treated this
specimen as V. koschnyi in “Flora of Costa Rica” (Standley 1937). Shortly after, Albert
C. Smith and Roger P. Wodehouse (1938) included the Pittier specimen under V.
guatemalensis and this remains the name that is most frequently misattributed to speci-
mens of V. montana (e.g. Standley and Steyermark 1946; Jiménez 2007). However,
V. guatemalensis, as interpreted here, is restricted to northern Mesoamerica (Mexico,
Guatemala and Honduras). In addition to the differences given in the diagnosis, the V.
montana can be distinguished morphologically from V. guatemalensis by the differences
summarised in Table 6. Although it is difficult to quantify, specimens of V. montana
commonly have twigs, petioles and inflorescences covered with more trichomes with
long branches (see Fig. 3F, J).
In addition to Virola guatemalensis, herbarium specimens of this new species have
been determined as three other species: V. koschnyi, V. sebifera and V. surinamensis (here
treated as V. nobilis). Vegetatively, V. montana can be distinguished from these species
by its mature leaves that are abaxially sparsely pubescent (vs. covering the entire sur-
face of the leaf blades abaxially). The first two species are distinguished by pediculate
trichomes on abaxial surface of leaf blades (vs. sessile in V. montana, these primarily
present in young leaves). Finally, V. nobilis has trichomes with short branches [0.05–
0.1  mm (Fig. 3L) vs. 0.2–0.6 mm long (Fig. 3J)], tends to have more lateral veins
[25–34 vs. (15–) 18–30 per side] and has a preference for lower elevation habitats
[0–500 (–1300) m vs. 700–2000 m elevation].
Based on the number of herbarium specimens collected, Virola montana is the
most common montane species of Virola in southern Mesoamerica and it is usually
the only species where it occurs. However, three fruiting specimens of Virola sp.,
represented by R. Aguilar et al. 4327 (CR!, MO!), G. McPherson 8723 (MO!) and G.
McPherson 10514 (MO!), have been collected in the general vicinity of V. montana
in its preferred elevational range (1050–1500 m). These specimens clearly differ from
V. montana in their small leaf blades [10.5–12.5 × 2.3–3.5 cm vs. (11.2–) 15–30.5
× (3.9–) 4.5–7.4 cm] with trichomes on the abaxial surface that have short branches
(0.08–0.1 mm vs. 0.2–0.6 mm long) and cover the entire surface (vs. sparsely pubes-
cent, but usually densely to sparsely pubescent along the lateral veins and midvein
in V. montana). These specimens share characteristics with two lowland species of
Virola: V. nobilis and V. fosteri, including sessile, stellate trichomes on the abaxial
surface of leaves. Additionally, these three specimens share their small leaves with V.
fosteri, though not V. nobilis (9–17.2 [–27.5] × 2.5–5 [–4.7–7.1] cm vs. 10.5–12.5
× 2.3–3.5 cm). Further, the fruits of V. fosteri are smaller (1.5–2.3 × 1.2–1.8 cm vs.
2.8–3.2 × 2.2–2.7 cm). Additional collection and study is necessary to determine the
identity of these specimens.
58 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

Specimens examined. Costa Rica. Alajuela: Reserva Biológica Monteverde, Río

Peñas Blancas, parcela de Badilla, 800 m elev., 23 Oct 1988 (fr), E. Bello 470 (CR-2
sheets!, INPA!*, LSU!, MO!); Reserva Biológica Monteverde, Parcela de Jesús Rojas,
850–900 m elev., 05 May 1989 (♂ fl), E. Bello 855 (CR-2 sheets!, INPA!*, MEXU!*,
MO!); Reserva Biológica Monteverde, Ref. Aleman, 900 m elev., 10 Nov 1993 (♂
fl), E. Bello 5404 (CR!, LSU!, MO!); Reserva Forestal de San Ramón, 850–1150 m
elev., 12–14 Mar 1987 (♂ fl), W. Burger et al. 12152 (CR!, F!*); San Ramón, Reserva
Biológica Alberto Brenes, Estación San Lorencito, 900 m elev., 03 May 2000 (♂ fl), K.
Caballero 2 (CR-2 sheets!, MO!); Reserva Forestal de San Ramón, 900–1200 m elev.,
12–15 Mar 1987 (♂ fl), J. Gómez-Laurito 11446 (CR!, USJ!); Reserva Forestal de San
Ramón, 900–1200 m elev., 16–19 Apr 1987 (♂ fl), J. Gómez-Laurito 11484 (CR!,
F-2 sheets!*); Reserva Forestal de San Ramón, Estación Río San Lorencito, 850–900
m elev., 18 Oct 1989 (fr), J. Gómez-Laurito et al. 11846 (CR!, MEXU!*, MO!, USJ!);
La Balsa, 1100 m elev., 02 Jul 1990 (st), J. Gómez-Laurito & J. A. López 11970 (USJ!);
Reserva Biológica Monteverde, Río Peñas Blancas, 850 m elev., 31 Mar 1987 (♂ fl),
W. Haber & E. Bello 6978 (CR!, F!*, INPA!*, MEXU!*, MO!); Reserva Biológica Mon-
teverde, finca Wilson Salazar, 800 m elev., 07 Nov 1987 (fr), W. Haber & E. Cruz 7698
(CR!, INPA!*, MO!, USJ!); Río San Lorenzito, 800–1000 m elev., 30 Mar 1987 (♂
fl), G. Herrera et al. 514 (CR!, INPA!*, LSU!, MO!); La Fortuna, Finca El Jilguero,
1160 m elev., 20 Nov 1992 (fr), G. Herrera 5544 (CR!); 2 km N.E of La Balsa de San
Ramón, 900 m elev., 26 Sep 1976 (fr), R. Lent 3899 (CR-3 sheets!, INPA!*, MARY!*,
MEXU!*, MO!, PMA!*, U!*); Reserva Forestal San Ramón, Estación Río San Lorenzo,
sendero al Volcán Muerto, 1100 m elev., 26 Apr 1993 (♀ fl), F. Quesada 20 (CR!,
LSU!, MO!); Lago Coter [Cote], Hotel Eco-Lodge, 700 m elev., 09 Apr 1997 (♂ fl),
J. Rivera & B. Petruzzi 2933 (CR!). Cartago: Taus, faldas del Cerro Alto El Humo,
900–1200 m elev., 06 Apr 1994 (♂ fl), J. F. Morales & E. Lépiz 2654 (CR!, MO!);
El Rosario de Orosi, no date, Jan 1903 (fr), 1120 m elev., H. Pittier 16628 (NY-
2 sheets!*); Turrialba, Monumento Nacional Guayabo, Santa Teresita, sobre los ríos
Guayabo, Lajas y Torito, 700–1800 m elev., 08 May 1992 (♂ fl), G. Rivera 1659 (CR!,
MO!, USJ!); límite Sur del Monumento Nacional Guayabo, sector Las Ventanas, 1100
m elev., 07 Jul 1992 (fr), G. Rivera 1910 (CR!, F!*, MO!, USJ!); [Paraíso] 5 km N.W
of Río Grande de Orosi at Tapanti, 1300 m elev., 27 May 1976 (♂ fl), J. Utley & K. Ut-
ley 5054 (CR-2 sheets!, MEXU-2 sheets!*, MO-2 sheets!). Guanacaste: San Gerardo,
1000 m elev., 21 Nov 1998 (fr), E. Bello 553 (CR!, INPA!*, MO!). Heredia: Sarapiqui,
Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo, puesto El Ceibo, 750 m elev., 05 Mar 1994 (st), B.
Boyle et al. 2938 (MO!); Cariblanco, 800 m elev., n.d. Mar 1950 (fl bud), J. León 2368
(USJ!); Cariblanco, 800 m elev., 10 Aug 1950 (fr), LRH [L. R. Holdridge] 2618 (USJ!).
Limón: Talamanca, Bratsi, Alto Lari, Kivut, 1300–1500 m elev., 15 Mar 1992 (fr), R.
Aguilar & H. Schmidt 1131 (CR!, MO!). Puntarenas: Coto Brus, Zona Protectora Las
Tablas, sitios Las Juntas, 1500 m elev., 03 Jul 1999 (fr), E. Alfaro 2357 (CR-2 sheets!,
MO!); [Coto Brus], Las Tablas, río Cotoncito, [1300–1500 m elev.], 10 Dec 1983 (fr),
I. Chacón et al. 1819 (INPA!*, LSU-2 sheets!, MO!); Parque Internacional La Amistad,
Estación Pittier, 1650 m elev., 28 Jan 1995 (♀ fl), M. Chinchilla & IV curso de para-
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 59

toxónomos 3 (CR-2 sheets!, LSU!, MO!); Zona Protectora Las Tablas, 2000 m elev.,
01 Sep 1992 (fr), A. Fernández 354 (CR!); Fila Tigre, SE of Las Alturas, 1350–1450
m elev., 29 Aug 1983 (fr), G. Davidse 24178 (CR!, INPA!*, MEXU!*, MO!); Parque
Internacional La Amistad, Santa María de Pittier, 1700 m elev., 13 Jun 1995 (fr), J.
González 823 (CR-2 sheets!); Coto Brus, Zona Protectora Las Tablas, Hacienda La
Amistad, 1600–2000 m elev., 28 Dec 2003 (♂ fl), R. Kriebel et al. 4174 (CR-2!, MO!).
Panama. Bocas del Toro: Bocas del Toro-Chiriquí border above Fortuna Dam, 1200
m elev., 04 Dec 1985 (imm fr), G. McPherson 7756 (INPA!*, MO!, PMA!*).

11. Virola multiflora (Standl.) A. C. Sm.

Fig. 22E–H

Virola multiflora (Standl.) A. C. Sm. Brittonia 2: 499. 1938.

Dialyanthera multiflora Standl. Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 8: 12. 1930.
Type. [Belize] British Honduras. In jungle, Stann Creek Railway, alt. 30 m, 16 Jul
1929 [♂ fl], W. A. Schipp 279 (holotype: F!*; isotypes: A!*, BM!*, G-2 sheets!*,
GH!*, K!*, MO!, S!*).
Virola brachycarpa Standl. Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 131. 1932. Type.
[Belize] British Honduras. Stann Creek Valley, 13 Jan 1932 [fr], J. A. Burns 20
(holotype: F!*; isotypes: BKL!*, G!*, US!*, WIS!*).

Distinctive characters. Virola multiflora is recognised by its usually small and narrow
leaf blades [5.5–15.5 × 1.5–3.6 (–4.8) cm] with an inconspicuously pubescent abaxial
surface with stellate and sessile trichomes (Fig. 3K), lateral veins that are not very
prominent (Fig. 8K) and long and thin petioles [0.5–0.9 (–1.1) cm long]; staminate
flowers with the filament column longer (0.7–1 mm long) than the anthers (0.3–
0.6 mm long); and for its small fruits [1.3–1.9 × 0.9–1.2 (–1.4) cm] (Fig. 4J) with the
pericarp 0.7–1 mm thick.
Distribution. Virola multiflora is known from Belize (Cayo, Stann Creek and To-
ledo), Honduras (Gracias a Dios), Nicaragua (Atlántico Norte, Atlántico Sur, Jinotega,
Matagalpa and Río San Juan) and Costa Rica (Alajuela, Cartago, Heredia and Limón)
(Fig. 18E). Throughout its range in Mesoamerica, it is only known from the Caribbean
slope. It has been recorded from between 0–650 (–1400) m elevation.
While V. multiflora is not documented from Guatemala in herbaria, Standley and
Steyermark (1946) postulated that the species is to be expected to occur in Izabal
(Guatemala) and Jiménez (2007) attributes it to that country. Conversely, while it is
mentioned as occurring in Peru by Jiménez (2007), specimens could not be located.
The Peruvian specimen attributed to V. multiflora (R. Vásquez & C. Grández 17507,
MO!; fr) in Vásquez M. et al. (2018) corresponds to a species related to V. multinervia.
Finally, the report presented in the Nuevo Catálogo de la Flora Vascular de Venezuela
(Rodrigues 2008) is errorenous. Based on this evidence, V. multiflora is considered as
restricted to Mesoamerica.
60 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

Common names. Belize: banak, bastard banak. Honduras: asang banak, bának,
banak almuk, báhanak luhpia, sangre, sebo álmut, sebo negro. Nicaragua: conchillo,
samo. Costa Rica: fruta dorada.
Phenology. Flowering of Virola multiflora has been recorded in March to August,
with a noted peak in July; just one herbarium specimen with pistillate flowers was seen
and it is from Nicaragua. Fruits were collected in December through April.
Field characters. Plants are trees between 6–30 m tall and 17–35 cm DBH. Bark
exudes latex red. The leaf blades are sometimes whitish abaxially. The flowers usually have
yellow, golden or orange perianth. The mature fruit is yellow or orange with a red aril.
Notes. We were not able to locate any Panamanian specimens of V. multiflora: all
fertile Panamanian specimens identified as V. multiflora that the first author has studied
are actually V. fosteri. However, V. multiflora is to be expected in Panama because it oc-
curs in physiognomically similar forests in Costa Rica near the border. The similarities
and differences between V. multiflora and V. fosteri (which is formally described above)
are discussed under the latter species.
Selected specimens seen. Belize. Cayo: Hummingbird Highway south of Belmo-
pan, 200–300 ft [60–90 m] elev., 26 Jun 1973 (♂ fl), A. Gentry 8615 (MO!). Stann
Creek: Big Eddy Ridge, [50–200 m elev.], 12 May 1940 (fl bud), P. H. Gentle 3333
(MO!); Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, 80 m elev., 17 Jan 2007 (fr), P. Hechen-
leitner 289 (MO!). Toledo: Between Rancho Chico and Cockscomb, no elev., 26 Mar
1943 (fl bud), P. H. Gentle 4342 (MO!); Big Creek, 100 ft [30 m] elev., 02 Dec 1931
(fl bud), W. A. Schipp 858 (MO-2 sheets!). Honduras. Gracias a Dios: 1 km al sureste
de Krausirpe, pie de montaña de Wimpi, 90 m elev., 18 Feb 1994 (fr), P. R. House
1888 (MO!); transecto Botánico Cerro Krautara, 120 m elev., 16 Mar 1995 (♂ fl), P.
R. House 2308 (MO!). Nicaragua. Atlántico Norte: El Salto, along Río Pis Pis, 100 m
elev., 27 Feb 1979 (fr), J. J. Pipoly 3615 (MO!); 13 km above Kururia on road to San
Jerónimo, 200 m elev., 02 Mar 1979 (♂ fl), J. J. Pipoly 3846 (MO!). Atlántico Sur:
Nueva Guinea, Reserva Indio-Maíz, 200–300 m elev., 05 Jan 1999 (fr), R. Rueda et
al. 9857 (MO!); 2 km de Colonia Serrano, Comarca El Escobillo, 80–100 m elev., 28
Jul 1982 (♀ fl), J. C. Sandino 3302 (MO!). Jinotega: Cua Bocay, Reserva de Bosawas,
278 m elev., 03 Oct 2005 (imm fr), I. Coronado et al. 2306 (MO!). Matagalpa: Río
Blanco, Reserva Natural Cerro Musún, 500–1400 m elev., 15 Jul 2000 (♂ fl), R. Rueda
& O. Caballero 14294 (MO!). Río San Juan: 1 km al NW del Río Santa Cruz, 60 m
elev., 22 Feb 1984 (fr), P. P. Moreno 23253 (MO!); sobre el río Sábalo, 40 m elev., 07 Jul
1984 (♂ fl), P. P. Moreno & W. Robleto 25984 (MO!); Boca Negra, 120 m elev., 14 Feb
1990 (fr), P. P. Moreno 27266 (MO!, P!*); Estación Biológica Bartola, 50–100 m elev.,
26 Jul 1998 (♂ fl), R. Rueda et al. 8196 (MO!); Estación Experimental La Lupe, 100 m
elev., 22 Nov. 2000 (fr), R. Rueda & W. Velásques 15004 (MO!). Costa Rica. Alajuela:
Corredor Fronterizo Costa Rica-Nicaragua, 2 km antes de Boca San Carlos, 0–100 m
elev., 15 Mar 2004 (♂ fl), J. F. Morales 10322 (CR!, MO!). Cartago: 24 km northeast
of Turrialba on highway to Limón, 450–525 m elev., 10 May 1983 (♂ fl), R. Liesner
et al. 15390 (MO!). Heredia: Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí, camino a Cerros Sardinal,
Caño Negro, 71 m elev., 25 Jul 2016 (♂ fl), B. Hammel & I. Pérez 27148 (CR!); along
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 61

Guácimo ridge trail, 315 m elev., 18 Jan 1983 (fr), G. S. Hartshorn 2553 (CR!, MO-2
sheets!). Limón: Siquirres, Fila Mirador, camino a Las Brisas de Pacuarito, 400 m elev.,
13 Feb 2000 (fr), M. Blanco & A. Vega 1460 (USJ!); Bajo Telire, 400–600 m elev.,
n.d. July 1984 (♂ fl), L. D. Gómez 24151 (CR!, MO!); Talamanca, Finca La Culebra,
a 1.5  km de camino Bribrí, 0–200 m elev., 26 Oct 1992 (fl), J. Gómez-Laurito &
H. Gómez 12340 (USJ!); Matina, intersección de Río Barbilla y Quebrada Cañabral,
100–200 m elev., 11 Oct 1988 (imm fr), G. Herrera 2167 (MO!); Parque Nacional
Tortuguero, Lomas de Sierpe, 100 m elev., 15 Aug 1988 (♂ fl), R. Robles et al. 2063
(MO!); Sixaola, San Miguel, camino entre Fila Tsipubeta y Cerro Mirador, 200–300 m
elev., 12 Nov 1999 (fl), O. Valverde & S. Hernández 1237 (CR!, USJ!).

12. Virola nobilis A. C. Sm.

Figs 20C–G, 24B

Virola nobilis A. C. Sm. Brittonia 2: 490. 1938. Type. Panama. Canal Zone, Barro
Colorado Island, 07 Jan. 1932 [imm fr], [R. H.] Wetmore, [E. C.] Abbe & [O. E.]
Shattuck 155 (holotype: GH!*; isotypes: A!*, F!*, MO!).

Distinctive characters. Virola nobilis is recognised by its narrow, oblong leaf blades
(9–17.2 [–27.5] × 2.5–5 [–4.7–7.1] cm) with numerous lateral veins (20–30 [25–32]
per side) corresponding to 8–11 (5–7 [–9]) veins per 5 cm, as well the stellate, ter-
tiary veins that are slightly sunken above (Fig. 3L) and sessile trichomes scattered on
underside of the leaf (Fig. 3L); the staminate flowers with the filament column longer
(0.8–1.1 [1.2–1.3] mm long) than the anthers (0.6–0.8 mm long); and usually el-
lipsoid or ovoid fruits (2.3–2.7 × 2.2–2.4 cm [2.1–3.1 × 1.6–2.5 cm]) (Fig. 4N) with
thick pericarp (2.3–3.5 mm [2.5–4.2 mm]) and aril.
Distribution. Virola nobilis is known from the Pacific slope of Costa Rica (Puntar-
enas, San José) and the Caribbean slope of Panama (Bocas del Toro, Colón, Panamá,
San Blas). It is recorded from 0–400 (–1300) m elevation (Fig. 18F). Jiménez (2007) re-
ported this species (as V. surinamensis) from just one locality (Chitaría) on the Caribbean
slope in Costa Rica; however, we have not examined the specimen (Poveda 144, CR).
Common names. Costa Rica: Fruta dorada. Panama: bogamani, coton cuinur gia,
sabdurgia (Kuna name).
Phenology. Flowers have been collected in January to April, July, August, Novem-
ber and December and fruits in almost all months except October.
Field characters. Plants are large trees between (5–) 15–40 m tall and 20–70 cm
DBH. The trunk is straight, usually with conspicuous buttresses and does not begin to
branch until it reaches a great height. The bark is reddish and releases red exudate when
damaged. The leaves are whitish with inconspicuous trichomes on the abaxial surface.
Flowers have yellow perianth. The mature fruit is yellow to orange with a red aril.
Discussion. This species has usually been treated, identified and included as a
synonym of Virola surinamensis (e.g. Gentry 1975; Croat 1978; Correa et al. 2004;
62 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

Jiménez 2007), which has similar leaf morphology (i.e. number of lateral veins, stellate
and sessile trichomes scattered on the abaxial surface of the leave blades). However,
Virola surinamensis (Figs 23G–J, 24A) is characterised by having a shorter perianth
that is also somewhat fleshy to submembranous and smaller fruits that are also ovoid
to subglobose, glabrescent and with a thin pericarp (Figs 23I–J, 24A inset; also see il-
lustration in Rodrigues 1972, 1980). Although both species may have similarly-sized
leaves, they tend to be smaller in V. surinamensis, which also has inflorescence axes that
are longer and with many more flowers (Figs 23F, 24A).
Notes. Virola nobilis exhibits complex variation that requires more fieldwork, ideally
in combination with molecular phylogenetic analysis, to clarify species boundaries. For
example, specimens from the Pacific slope in Costa Rica (see specimens cited below and
Figs 24C, 25) are included, with reservation, under V. nobilis. These specimens differ from
other collections of V. nobilis, including the type and additional specimens from Barro
Colorado Island (the type locality), in having wider leaf blades, fewer lateral veins, tertiary
veins that are less inconspicuous below (Fig. 3L, O), a longer filament column and ovoid
fruits with obtuse to rounded apices (Fig. 4N, O). These specimens also resemble V. reidii
Little, a species from Colombia and Ecuador (Jaramillo et al. 2004). The measurements
presented in square brackets [] correspond with the Costa Rican material under question.
Other material that potentially belongs to V. nobilis includes a few collections from
Panama, including both infertile and fruting specimens from El Llano Cartí and others
from Cerro Jefe (e.g. G. de Nevers & H. Herrera 4333, imm fr, MO!; R. L. Liesner 657, fr,
MO!; E. L. Tyson et al. 3353, fr, MO!). These differ from V. nobilis by having the abaxial
surface of the leaf blade covered by a dense and a very inconspicuous layer of stellate,
sessile and yellowish trichomes and fruits with a more or less smooth surface and that
are not carinate in the line of dehiscence. Finally, R. Aguilar 3408 (CR-3 sheets!, MO!)
from the Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica and G. McPherson 11474 (MO!; fr) from Panama
differ from the species concept that we adopt in having trichomes on the abaxial leaf
side with long branches (ca. 0.2 mm long) that are often shortly pediculate; and small
fruits (ca. 2.1 × 1.6–1.7) that are ovoid to subglobose and apiculate at the apex.
Selected specimens. Costa Rica. Puntarenas: Golfito, camino a Piro, finca de
Adrian, 50 m elev., 16 Apr 2005 (fr), R. Aguilar & X. Cornejo 9739 (MO!); Osa, Punta
Pargos, 0 m elev., 17 Apr 2008 (fr), R. Aguilar 11186 (MO!, USJ!); Osa, Rancho Que-
mado, siguiendo el nuevo camino a Drake, 400 m elev., 20 Jun 1990 (fr), G. Herrera
4222 (MO!); Trocha de La Tarde rd. 10 km SW of La Palma, 150–200 m elev., 28
Apr 1988 (fr), B. Hammel & R. Robles 16722 (MO!); Osa, Fila Ganado, 350 m elev.,
15 Dec 1990 (♂ fl), B. Hammel et al. 18017 (CR-2 sheets!, MO!); Osa, Fila Ganado
hasta Guerra, 1–300 m elev., 28 Mar 1991 (fr), B. Hammel et al. 18170 (MO!). San
José: Tarrazú, 900–1300 m elev., 19 Aug 1997 (fr), O. Valverde & A. Estrada 135
(CR!). Panama. Bocas del Toro: North of Fortuna Dam, on road to Chiriquí Grande,
500 m elev., 18 Jan 1986 (fr), G. McPherson 8098 (MO!). Colón: Carretera Gatún-
Piñas, 0–50 m elev., 26 Jul 1994 (fr), C. Galdames et al. 1415 (CR!, MO!). Panamá:
Barro Colorado Island, [10– 100 m elev.], 23 Jan 1969 (fl bud), T. B. Croat 7488
(MO!); ibid, 22 Feb 1969 (fr), T. B. Croat 8090 (MO!); El Llano Cartí, 1100–1200 m
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 63

[335–365 m] elev., 28 Dec 1974 (fr), S. Mori & J. Kallunki 4151 (CR!). San Blas: El
Llano-Cartí, 100–350 m elev., 03 Nov 1985 (imm fr), G. de Nevers et al. 6172 (MO!).

13. Virola otobifolia D.Santam., sp. nov.
Figs 7D, 23A–E, 26

Diagnosis. Species most similar to Virola macrocarpa in having leaf blades that are
discolorous abaxially with stellate, sessile trichomes with a reddish central portion
and similar number of lateral veins (10–16) that are not densely spaced. However,
it differs in its leaves with dense, but inconspicuously pubescent leaf undersides (vs.
inconspicuously puberulent) with 2–4 veins per 5 cm that are 1.7–3 cm apart (vs.
4–5 veins per 5 cm, 0.8–1.5 cm apart) and fruits that are (2.7–) 3.5–4.5 × (1.9–)
2.3–2.9 cm, densely tomentose with persistent trichomes, a rugose surface when dry
and a line of dehiscence that is conspicuously carinate (vs. 2.7–3.3 × 2–2.3 cm, to-
mentellous, with caducous, dust-like trichomes, a smooth surface when dry, the line
of dehiscence slightly carinate), as well as the production of thicker pericarp [(2.7–)
3–4.7 mm vs. 1.8–3 mm thick].
Type. Panama. [Panamá: Chepo], El Llano Cartí road 6.9 km N of Panamerican
Highway, 350–500 m elev., 23 Jan 1977 (fr), J. P. Folsom 1440 (holotype: MO-2 sheets!
[2601823, MO117643, 5551400, MO299335]; isotype: PMA!* [101093, PMA111119]).
Description. Tree 6–30 m × 24.9–37.3 cm DBH; bark not described. Exudate
from the trunk sometimes described as red, watery-red, or black-reddish. Twigs 0.23–
0.34 cm, terete to slightly flattened, glabrescent to puberulent, trichomes stellate to
irregularly stellate, ferruginous to greyish. Leaves: petiole (1–) 1.3–2 × 0.19–0.44 cm,
flat to very slightly canaliculate, tomentose, the trichomes stellate; leaf blades (14–)
18.2–42.5 × (4.1–) 7.3–14.2 cm, oblong to elliptic; adaxial surface of mature leaf blades
brown (sometimes shining) when dry, glabrous or sometimes with scattered stellate
trichomes (especially along the veins), the surface smooth; abaxial surface when drying
whitish-greyish or sometimes very light brown, dense but inconspicuously pubescent,
trichomes stellate, sessile, the central part of the trichome usually reddish, contrasting
in colour with the hyaline branches to reddish-clear, with 4–11 branches, the branches
± 0.01–0.05 mm, persistent; lateral veins 10–16 per side, 2–4 veins per 5 cm, 1.7–3 cm
apart, the same colour as the adaxial surface, on adaxial surface flat to slightly sunken,
on abaxial surface slightly elevated, arcuate, slightly anastomosing near the margin and
without forming a very marked intramarginal vein; tertiary veins barely visible on both
surfaces; midvein adaxially elevated, but submerged in a channel, abaxially raised, tri-
angular to rounded, tomentose; base acute to obtuse, sometimes slightly cordate, not
revolute, flat; margin flat to slightly revolute; apex acuminate. Staminate inflorescences
3.5–9.5 cm long, axillary either at a leaf or at a leafless node, axes flattened or irregu-
larly flattened, tomentose, with trichomes irregularly stellate to irregularly dendritic,
brown to ferruginous; peduncle 1.4–2.2 × 0.22–0.34 cm long; bracts not seen; terminal
fascicles lax, with 5–13 flowers. Staminate flower with the pedicel 1.5–2 mm long;
64 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

Figure 23. Virola otobifolia A branch with leaf blades showing both surfaces and inflorescences B leaf blade,
venation and base on abaxial surface C infructescence D fruits E detail of fruit, showing an aril of an imma-
ture fruit. Virola surinamensis. F Branch with inflorescences G, H leaf blade on adaxial (G) and abaxial sur-
face (H). I Infructescence J detail of fruits, including a longitudinal section of an immature fruit. Photos by
Rolando Pérez (A, B from; Jerry Harrison (C), Alwyn H. Gen-
try (D, E from and John P. Janovec (F–J from
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 65

Figure 24. Comparisons of Virola surinamensis with collections of V. nobilis A V. surinamensis (S. Mori
& R. Cardoso 17467, NY; inset showing fruits from W. E. Broadway 5264a, MO) B V. nobilis (T. B. Croat
7488, MO) C V. nobilis from Costa Rica (B. Hammel 18017, MO). A, image courtesy of New York
Botanical Garden.

receptacle 0.7–1.5 mm wide; ; perianth 2.5–2.8 mm long, infundibuliform, yellow or

brown when fresh, connate by 0.9–1.5 mm long, abaxial surface pubescent with brown
trichomes, adaxial surface glabrous or with few trichomes close to the base; lobes 3 (4),
1.2–1.5 × 0.9–1.1 mm; stamens 3 (–6), the filament column 0.9–1 mm long, straight
and very thickened throughout its length, fleshy, constricted at the apex; anthers 0.6–
1 mm long; apiculus ca. 0.1 mm long, acute to apiculate, connate or slightly separate.
Pistillate inflorescences 3.2–4 cm long (immature), axillary, axes flattened or irregularly
flattened, tomentose, with trichomes stellate, brown to ferruginous; peduncle 0.6–1.2
× ca. 3.2 cm long; bracts not seen. Pistillate flowers not seen. Infructescence 3.2–5 cm
long, with (1–) 2–4 fruits, peduncle 1–3.5 × 0.35–0.53 cm. Fruits (2.7–) 3.5–4.5 ×
(1.9–) 2.3–2.9 cm, ellipsoid, shortly stipitate, densely tomentose, the trichomes stellate,
ferruginous, persistent, the surface rugose when dry, the line of dehiscence conspicu-
ously carinate, the base obtuse to subtruncate, the apex acute to acuminate, brown (pos-
sibly by pubescence), although presumably green when fresh; pericarp (2.7–) 3–4.7 mm
thick; pedicel 0.5–0.8 (–1) cm long; seed 2.5–2.8 × 1.5–1.7 cm, the testa dark brown
when dry, markedly grooved; aril described as red when fresh, brown to blackish when
dry, membranaceous, with a dry texture, thin, laciniate in narrow bands distally.
Distinctive characters. Virola otobifolia is recognised by its large leaf blades with
well-spaced lateral veins (Fig. 8M) and a whitish abaxial surface that is covered with
stellate, sessile trichomes (Fig. 3M); staminate flowers that have a filament column that
is straight and very thickened throughout its length, except where it is constricted at
the apex and anthers that are almost the same length as the filament column; and its
large fruits with thick pericarp that are densely tomentose and with a conspicuously
carinate line of dehiscence (Fig. 4C).
66 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

Figure 25. Virola cf. nobilis from the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica A trunk B branch with fruits C leaf blades
on adaxial surface D twig, petiole and leaf base on adaxial surface E exudate on a twig F, G leaf blades on
abaxial surface and trichomes (G). H Leaf margin I leaf apex J staminate inflorescences K detail of staminate
inflorescences L detail of staminate flower M branch with fruits N fruits O seed. Photos by Reinaldo Aguilar.

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the similarity of the leaf blades with
Otoba, another member of Myristicaceae. This epithet was, in part, inspired by the fact
that some of the first collections of this new species were initially confused with this
genus (as Dialyanthera Warb.; e.g. A. Gentry & S. Mori 14199, MO).
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 67

Figure 26. Virola otobifolia A branch with leaves and inflorescences B fruits. Drawn by Pedro Juarez,
based on S. Mori & J. Kallunki 5542 (A) and J. P. Folsom 1440 (B).

Distribution. Virola otobifolia is only known in Panama (Colón, Panamá and

San Blas), where it is found on the Caribbean slope (Fig. 27A). It has been recorded
between 50–850 m elevation.
68 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

Figure 27. Geographic distribution of Virola otobifolia (A) and V. sebifera (B).

Preliminary conservation status. Virola obtobifolia is Endangered following

IUCN criteria B1a and B2a. Justifying this status, it has both a small EOO (3,269 km2)
and AOO (36 km2) and is known from only five localities.
Common names. Panama: velario, miguelario; cuinur burwi, putmas (Kuna).
Phenology. Virola otobifolia has been recorded with flowers and fruits in February
to April and one collection with fruits was made in October.
Field characters. Exudate is slow to appear and is watery and red-black. Leaf
blades are whitish abaxially. Flowers have yellow perianth. Fruits are green, but appear-
ing brown (possibly due to pubescence).
Discussion. Specimens of Virola otobifolia have been confused with and identified
as V. macrocarpa (e.g. Correa et al. 2004; Condit et al. 2011) (Figs 4D, 7C), probably
due to the similar size of the fruits and the leaf morphology (i.e. large discolorous leaf
blades, with stellate, sessile trichomes with a reddish centre, and lateral veins that are
well-separated). However, it is easily distinguished by the leaf width, pubescence on
abaxial surface of the leaves, the number of lateral veins, fruit morphology and habitat;
a comparative table of these two species is presented in Table 7.
Two similar species from Mesoamerica that resemble Virola otobifolia are: V. allenii
(Figs 6, 7A), which ocurrs in the lowland wet forest on the Pacific slope of Costa Rica and
V. amistadensis (Fig. 7B) from montane forests of Costa Rica and Panama on the Carib-
bean slope. Morphological comparison between these species is presented in Table 3.
Notes. The holotype, deposited at Missouri Botanical Garden (MO), represents a
single collection mounted on two sheets that are clearly labelled (“Sheet 1 of 2,” “Sheet
2 of 2) as being parts of the same specimen (ICN Art. 8.3) (Turland et al. 2018).
Specimens examined. Panama. Colón: Teck Cominco Petaquilla, 200 m elev.,
21 Feb 2008 (fl bud), G. McPherson 20135 (MO!); [Donoso] Westernmost part of
province, site of proposed copper mine (INMET), 150 m elev., 12 Apr 2009 (fr),
G. McPherson 20905 (MO!). Panamá: [Chepo] El Llano Cartí road, near El Llano,
[460 m elev.], 27 Mar 1976 (fr), T. B. Croat 33725 (MO!); Cerro Jefe, Parque Na-
cional Chagres, [985 m elev.], 17 Jan 2002 (fr), N. Flores & R. Aizprúa B3156 (MO!);
[Chepo] El Llano Cartí road 18 km from Pan-Americana Highway, 330–370 m elev.,
14 Feb 1975 (fr), A. Gentry & S. Mori 14199 (MO!, SCZ!*); El Llano-Carti road, 12.7
km N from Pan American Highway, 350 m elev., 15 Feb 1975 (fl bud), A. Gentry &
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 69

Table 7. Morphological comparison between Virola otobifolia and V. macrocarpa.

Characters V. otobifolia V. macrocarpa

Leaf blades (14–) 18.2–42.5 × (4.1–) 7.3–14.2 cm; dense, but 20–40 × 7–11 cm; inconspicuously puberulent on
inconspicuously pubescent on abaxial side abaxial side*
Lateral veins 10–16 per side, 2–4 veins per 5 cm, 1.7–3 cm 14–16 per side*, 4–5 veins per 5 cm, 0.8–1.5 cm
apart apart
Petiole (1–) 1.3–2 × 0.19–0.44 cm 1.5–2.3* × 0.18–0.23 cm
Fruit (2.7–) 3.5–4.5 × (1.9–) 2.3–2.9 cm; densely 2.7–3.3 × 2–2.3 cm*; tomentellous, with
tomentose, with persistent trichomes; the cauducous trichomes that are dust-like when
surface rugose when dry, the line of dehiscence they fall; the surface smooth when dry, the line of
conspicuously carinate. dehiscence slightly carinate.
Pericarp (2.7–) 3–4.7 mm thick 1.8–3 mm thick
Habitat Lowland or premontane rain forest, Central Montane forests at high elevations Andes of
Panama (Panamá, San Blas) at 50–850 m elevation Colombia (Boyacá) at 1100 m elevation*
From Smith and Wodehouse 1938 (except the pericarp).

S. Mori 14213 (MO!); below Cerro Jefe, along road to Río Pacora, 850 m elev., 09 Jan
1986 (fr), G. McPherson 7946 (INPA!*, MO!, PMA!*). San Blas: El Llano-Cartí road,
24.5–25 km from PanAmerican highway, [250–350 m elev.], 12 Apr 1975 (♂ fl), S.
Mori & J. Kallunki 5542 (MO!); El Llano-Carti road, 350 m elev., 01 Oct 1984 (fr),
G. de Nevers & H. Herrera 3981 (MO!, MEXU!*, PMA!*); Cangandí, 30 m elev., 10
Feb 1986 (fr), G. de Nevers & H. Herrera 7056 (MO!, INPA!*, PMA!*); ibid, 10 Feb
1986 (fl bud), G. de Nevers & H. Herrera 7068 (MO!, INPA!*); Cangandí, 30 m elev.,
27 Mar 1986 (fr), G. de Nevers et al. 7430 (MO-2 sheets!, PMA!*); ibid, 27 Mar 1986
(fl bud), G. de Nevers et al. 7448 (MO!); ibid, 27 Mar 1986 (♂ fl), G. de Nevers et al.
7530 (MEXU!*, MO!, PMA!*); ibid, 27 Mar 1986 (fl bud), G. de Nevers et al. 7605,
7607 (MEXU!*, MO!, PMA!*).

14. Virola sebifera Aubl.

Fig. 28

Virola sebifera Aubl. Hist. Pl. Guiane. 2: 904. 1775. Type. French Guiana. Cayenne,
1775, [J.] Aublet s.n., (holotype: BM!*; isotypes: NY photograph of BM holotype).
Fide Jaramillo et al. 2004.
Myristica panamensis Hemsl. Biol. Cent.-Amer., Bot. 3: 67. 1882. Virola panamensis
(Hemsl.) Warb., Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. German. Nat. Cur. 68: 185.
1897. Syntypes: Panama. shady forest near Cruces, n.d. (fls.), Seemann 545 (BM!*,
K!*); [Canal Area], Lion Hill station, [28 Mar 1862, leaves, excl. fr], S. Hayes 618 (K!*).
Virola warburgii Pittier. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 18: 143. 1916. Type. Panama. Pan-
amá, collected in forests along the Chagres River above Alhajuela, 12 May 1911
[fls], H. Pittier 3505 (holotype: US; isotype: BM).
Distinctive characters. Virola sebifera is recognised by its dense pubescence of
pediculate and ferruginous trichomes (Fig. 3N) that cover almost all parts of the plant;
leaf blades with few lateral veins (9–17 per side), well-spaced between them [3–4 (–5)
veins per 5 cm, 1.3–2.7 cm apart] (Fig. 8N); the long staminate inflorescences that
70 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

Figure 28. Virola sebifera A leaf blade on adaxial surface B leaf blade on abaxial surface C, E leaf base on
both sides D flowering branch G staminate flowers H infructescence I fruits and aril. Photos by Reinaldo
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 71

are very branched; the staminate flowers with the filament column short (0.1–0.4 mm
long) and the anthers more than twice the length of the column of the filaments (0.6–
0.8 mm long) and apiculate at the apex; its small fruits [1.1–1.7 (–2.3) × 0.8–1.3
(–1.6) cm] that are globose to subglobose (Fig. 4K), covered by a dense layer of tri-
chomes that fall easily and a thin pericarp [0.3–0.6 (–0.9) mm]; and the thin aril that
is laciniate in narrow bands. There are also usually many fruits per infructescence.
Distribution. Virola sebifera is the most collected and widespread species in Mes-
oamerica. It is known from Honduras (Gracias a Dios), Nicaragua (Atlántico Norte,
Atlántico Sur, Jinotega, Matagalpa and Río San Juan), Costa Rica (Alajuela, Cartago,
Guanacaste, Heredia, Limón, Puntarenas and San José) and Panamá (Bocas del Toro,
Chiriquí, Coclé, Colón, Darién, Herrera, Panamá, San Blas and Veraguas) (Fig. 27B).
It has been recorded between 0–1000 m elevation.
Common names. Honduras: walus, banak. Nicaragua: banak, cebo, cebo ma-
cho, cebo sirsio, sangre drago. Costa Rica: coton, fruta dorada, miguelario. Panama:
bogamani, copidijo, fruta dorada, gorgoran, malagueta de montaña, mancha, sangre,
tabegua, velario colorado.
Phenology. Herbarium specimens of flowering and fruiting individuals have been
collected throughout the year. In the Osa Peninsula and Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica,
flowering occurs in December to May.
Field characters. Plants are shrubs or trees between 8–25 (–40) m tall and 7–40
cm DBH. Trunks are straight, sometimes with small buttresses and with long and hori-
zontal branches. Bark is described as dark, minutely fissured vertically or flaking off in
small pieces and aromatic. Exudate from different parts of the plant is red or reddish.
The leaf blades are bright green above and whitish to greyish below in living material.
Flowers have brown, cream, orange, yellow-brown or yellowish perianth and are some-
times fragrant, with a lemon or sweet aroma. The mature fruit is green and covered by
a dense layer of trichomes, with a white seed with a red aril.
Notes. The leaves of this species are very variable in shape and size. Sometimes, a
single individual may have leaves of different sizes. Individuals with small leaf blades
from Panama (e.g. G. McPherson 15341, MO; G. McPherson 20671, MO), that are
sparsely pubescent and with sessile trichomes on the abaxial surface of the leaf, may be
difficult to distinguish from V. elongata. However, specimens of V. sebifera tend to have
thicker twigs, petioles and floriferous and fruiting peduncles.
Selected specimens seen. Honduras. Gracias a Dios: Monte Alto de Anastasio,
90 m elev., 17 Mar 1994 (♂ fl), P. R. House 2019 (MO!); al sur de Krausirpe, 25 Mar
1995 (♀ fl), P. R. House 2351 (MO!); 30 minutos al sur de Krausirpe, 11 May 1994
(fr), P. R. House 2814 (MO!). Nicaragua. Atlántico Norte: 13 km above Kururia on
road to San Jerónimo, 200 m elev., 02 Mar 1979 (♂ fl), J. J. Pipoly 3844 (MO!); Siuna,
La Pimienta, [150 m elev.], 01 Jun 1984 (fr), F. Ortiz 1971 (MO!). Atlántico Sur: El
Zapote, 40 km NE de Nueva Guinea, 130–150 m elev., 27 Feb 1984 (♂ fl), J. C. San-
dino 4767 (MO!); Boca de Sábalo, 70 m elev., 24 Mar 1985 (♀ fl), P. P. Moreno 25639
(MO!). Jinotega: Wiwili, zona de amortiguamieno Bosawas, 170 m elev., 18 Jan 2006
(♀ fl), I. Coronado et al. 2949 (MO!); Wiwili, Reserva de Bosawas, 220 m elev., 09 Feb
72 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

2006 (♂ fl), I. Coronado et al. 3388 (MO!); Wiwili, Reserva de Bosawas, 170 m elev., 09
Jun 2007 (fr), I. Coronado et al. 3969 (MO!). Río San Juan: 2 km al NW del Río Santa
Cruz, 70 m elev., 24 Feb 1984 (♀ fl), P. P. Moreno 23328 (MO!); El Castillo, Finca de
Madrid, 100 m elev., 18 Jan 2005 (♂ fl), R. Loredo 2348 (MO!); entre el pueblo de San
Juan del Norte Nuevo y la casa de Ramón Castillo, 0–100 m elev., 07 Jul 1994 (fr), R.
Rueda et al. 1851 (MO!). Costa Rica. Alajuela: Reserva Biológica de Monteverde, río
Caño Negro, 800 m elev., 19 Oct 1989 (fr), E. Bello 1402 (MO!); Upala, Estación San
Ramón, 550 m elev., 16 Mar 1993 (♂ fl), R. Espinoza 803 (MO!); San Carlos, Fortuna,
255–400 m elev., 27 May 2004 (fr), A. Rodríguez 9046 (MO!). Cartago: Turrialba, El
Zapote Nature Reserve, 700 m elev., 01 Mar 1987 (imm fr), W. Burger & J. Gómez-
Laurito 12030 (CR!, MEXU!*). Guanacaste: Finca La Pasmompa, 400 m elev., 10 Dec
1990 (fl bud), C. Moraga 227 (MO!). Heredia: Tirimbina, Istarú farm, 220 m elev., 28
Jan 1972 (♂ fl), R. W. Lent 2329 (MO); Finca La Selva, [90 m elev.], 09 Jul 1984 (fr), D.
Smith 1088 (MO!). Limón: Parque Nacional Barbilla, 300–400 m elev., 22 May 2000
(fl bud), E. Mora 1155 (MO); Cerro Coronel, 20–170 m elev., 16–23 Jan 1986 (♂ fl),
W. D. Stevens 23823 (MO!). Puntarenas: Golfito, Mata Palo, 160–200 m elev., 09 Sep
1991 (fr), R. Aguilar 363 (MO!); Golfito, 1 km antes de llegar a la Palma, 8 m elev., 16
Jan 1993 (♂ fl), R. Aguilar 1586 (MO!); Punta Burica, 0–100 m elev., 22 Aug 1988 (fr),
M. M. Chavarría et al. 292 (MO-2 sheets!). San José: Puriscal, San Martín, 800 m elev.,
20 Nov 1993 (fr), J. F. Morales 2022 (MO!); vicinity of El General, 915 m elev., n.d.
May 1937 (♂ fl), A. F. Skutch 3118 (MO!); Turrubares, San Rafael, 600–700 m elev.,
08 Dec 2004 (fr), A. Soto & D. Santamaría 409 (MO!). Panama. Bocas del Toro: Isla
Bastimentos, Bocatorito, 30 m elev., 15 Feb 1989 (♀ fl), P. M. Peterson & C. R. Annble
6872 (MO!). Chiriquí: 17 km NE of San Felix, 1000 m elev., 18–19 Mar 1974 (fr),
M. Nee 10664 (MO!). Coclé: Caribbean side of divide at El Copé, 200–400 m elev., 04
Feb 1983 (fr), C. Hamilton & G. Davidse 2756 (MO!). Colón: Area near Guasimo, no
elev., 22 Apr 1970 (♂ fl), T. B. Croat 9950 (MO!); Santa Rita ridge, 500 m elev., 13 Jan
1987 (fr), G. McPherson 10265 (MO!). Darién: Vicinity of Cana, 1750 ft [530 m] elev.,
24 Jun 1959 (♂ fl), W. L. Stern 512 (MO!); serranía de Sapo, 300–800 m elev., 26 Nov
1990 (fr), H. Herrera & J. Polanco 793 (MO!). Herrera: Road between Las Minas and El
Toro, 700–800 m elev., 23 Jan 1987 (fr), G. McPherson 10273 (MO!). San Blas: El Lla-
no Cartí road, 350 m elev., 06 May 1985 (fr), G. de Nevers 5609 (MO!). Panamá: Barro
Colorado Island, [10–100 m elev.], 13 Dec 1967 (fr), T. B. Croat 4275 (MO!); along
Pipeline Road, 125 m elev., 10 Mar 1974 (♂ fl), M. Nee 10445 (MO!); Llano Cartí road,
350 m elev., 26 Jan 1986 (fr), G. McPherson & M. Merello 8148 (MO!). Veraguas: Cerro
Hoya, subiendo por Cobachón, [750 m elev.], 21 Apr 1997 (fl), J. Deago 499 (PMA!*).

In this synopsis of Mesoamerican Virola, 14 species are recognised. Twelve of these are
restricted to Mesoamerica, while the other two species extend into South America. Six
of the treated species are new; these are all from Costa Rica and Panama, countries with
A taxonomic synopsis of Virola (Myristicaceae) in Mesoamerica 73

the highest species diversity of Virola, with 10 and 11 species, respectively. We clari-
fied the application of some names, the resurrection of others and the distribution of
some species previously considered to occur in Mesoamerica (e.g. South American V.
macrocarpa) or South America (e.g. the Mesoamerican V. multiflora). This has resulted
in a much modified taxonomy for Virola, summarised here: Mesoamerican collections
previously identified as V. calophylla and/or V. macrocarpa are here interpreted as three
new species: V. alleni, V. amistadensis and V. otobifolia, while Mesoamerican specimens
previously determined as V. surinamensis are treated as V. nobilis. As a result of this, V.
calophylla and V. macrocarpa are now restricted to South America and V. surinamensis
to South America and the Antilles. Additionally, two new species are identified within
what was previously V. guatemalensis: montane collections from the southern range
now belong to V. montana and we have resurrected V. laevigata, previously considered a
synonym. Under our concept, Virola guatemalensis has a restricted range, found only in
northern Mesoamerica. Finally, the majority of V. koschnyi specimens from the Pacific
coast of Costa Rica and Panama correspond to V. chrysocarpa, while most of Panama’s
collections, identified as V. multiflora, are now considered V. fosteri.
These contributions came to light via detailed comparisons across the complete
range of these species thanks to hundreds of collections made by numerous botanists
and herbaria who care, maintain and provide access to the specimens, including mak-
ing them available online.

We would like to express our gratitude to the curators of the institutions mentioned in
P, PMA, SCZ, U, US and USJ) for allowing access to and use of their physical collec-
tions and/or making digital images available. The authors also are very grateful to the
following people and institutions for providing digital images of herbarium specimens
or live plants: F. Barrie (F), B. Chambi, I. Coronado (HULE), R. F. Díaz (EAP), R.
Foster (F), C. Galdames (STRI), B. E. Hammel (MO), D. Hanrahan (HUH), J. Har-
rison, J. P. Janovec, J. E. Jiménez (USJ), M. L. Kawasaki (F), I. Lin (US), D. A. Neill
(ECUAMZ), R. Pérez (STRI), S. Paton (STRI), A. Rojas (UNAM), A. Weiss (NY)
and J. D. Wells; Atrium Biodiversity Information System, Smithsonian Tropical Re-
search Institute (STRI) and Digital Flora of La Selva, Costa Rica (OTS). Additionally,
we thank I. L. Ek Rodríguez (UNAM), J. I. Moreira (UMSL), J. Harrinson, E. Salic-
etti (LSCR) and O. Vargas (LSCR) for providing important information or references
about Virola; and Pedro Juárez for preparing the line drawings of the new species. The
comments and suggestions provided by B. E. Hammel, S. Oliveira and the subject
editor T.L.P. Couvreur greatly improved this manuscript; an additional thanks to B.
E. Hammel for locating additional collections at CR that we were unaware of during
our initial submission. Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar is very grateful to A. Arbelaez, T.
Bilsborrow, G. Davidse, M. H. Grayum, M. Merello, O. M. Montiel, J. Solomon and
74 Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar et al. / PhytoKeys 134: 1–82 (2019)

H. van der Werff for their help provided during herbarium visits at MO; also, to MO
for providing substantial material as loans and donations. He is also grateful to Jennifer
Kluse (LSU) for her help with with loans and herbarium supplies and to the Shirley
C. Tucker Herbarium at Louisiana State University for providing space and access to
facilities. Last, but no less important, we appreciate the work of all the botanists and
institutions – past and present – who contributed the many herbarium specimens
studied and ensure their longterm care.

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Supplementary material 1
List of exsiccatae
Authors: Santamaría-Aguilar Daniel, Aguilar Reinaldo, Lagomarsino Laura Penolope
Data type: specimens data
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