Rodamina 6G
Rodamina 6G
Rodamina 6G
Journal of Luminescence
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Article history:
Received 23 June 2014
Received in revised form
26 September 2014
Accepted 8 October 2014
Available online 18 October 2014
Gold nanoparticles
Surface plasmon resonance
Rhodamine 6G photoluminescence
Temperature effects
1. Introduction
Noble metal nanoparticles (NPs) exhibit unique optical properties, such as resonant absorption and scattering of light, not found
in bulk counterparts [13]. Collective coherent excitations of the
free electrons in the conduction band are responsible for the
strong absorption and scattering of the light by the particles. These
coherent oscillations, also known as surface plasmon resonance
(SPR), lead to an enhanced local electric eld close to the surface of
the particles (both inside and outside) [15]. It is well known that
such strong local electric eld enhances the optical processes such
as Raman scattering (SERS), absorption (SEIRA) and photoluminescence (SEPL), etc. of molecules and clusters functionalized on
the surface of metal nanoparticles or close to a rough metal
surface. These methods received considerable experimental and
theoretical attention [614].
The theory of local enhanced electric eld was developed [15]
to describe the nonlinear second harmonic generation and Raman
scattering by rough metal surfaces. An extension of the theory was
developed for non-interacting hemispherical metal particles on a
surface [16]. Such local plasmonic eld can enhance the photoluminescence (PL) of molecules and clusters located in vicinity of
the metal NP as well as PL of the NP itself. The enhancement of the
PL was considered in Ref. [16] to be the result of the enhancement
of the electric elds of exciting laser photon and emitted photon of
luminescence occurring at the SPR excitation in the metal
0022-2313/& 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fig. 1. (a) AFM image of Au NPs array on glass substrate. (b) Lateral size
distribution of Au NPs.
[51]. Thus, we had four samples. The rst is initial glass plate, the
second one gold NPs on glass, the third R6G/shellac lm
covering gold NPs, and the fourth R6G/shellac lm on glass. The
lms were deposited as follows. The metal was vacuumevaporated from simple sources, consisting of tungsten crucibles
with shutters heated by an electric current. The crucibles were
lled with a 99.99% purity metal Au. R6G/shellac hybrid lm was
vacuum-evaporated from two simple sources at the same time.
The temperature in the crucible with a R6G powder was 400 1C,
and in the crucible with a shellac was 200 1C, while substrates
were kept at 20 1C. The pressure in the vacuum chamber was
about 10 5 Torr. The distance between substrates and laments
was about 15 cm. This large distance between substrates and
laments allowed producing quite uniform lms. The thickness
of lms was controlled by both in-situ via deposition monitors
using quartz microbalances and by multi-angle incident ellipsometry ex-situ.
A tungsten-halogen incandescent lamp was used as the light
source for absorption measurements. The single spectrometer
MDR-3 was used for the registration of absorption spectra. PL
spectra of the R6G and R6G/Au samples were measured using a
Cary Eclipse (Varian Inc.) uorescence spectrophotometer. The PL
was excited by a single monochromatic line with wavelength of
480 nm (spectral half-width of 5 nm) cut from the continuous
emission spectrum of a pulse Xe lamp. The repetition rate of the
pulses was 80 Hz, pulse duration was 2 s, and the pulse power
density was 1.3 103 W/cm2. During measurements, the samples
were placed in a nitrogen bath cryostat Optistat DN (Oxford
instruments). The PL spectra were measured at various temperatures ranging from 78 to 298 K. The temperature was maintained
and measured with the use of an Intelligent Temperature
spectrum of Au NPs array (red line) shows the clear SPR band
located at 543 nm that is common value for gold NPs on glass
substrate. The absorption spectrum of R6G/shellac hybrid lm
(black line) contains several bands characteristic for R6G. To
separate these bands from each other we decomposed the total
spectrum to elementary bands (Fig. 2(b)). One can see that the
spectrum consists of 5 bands denoted as Ma, D1a, D2a, C1a, and
C2a. Based on data of Refs. [5256], these bands can be rationalized as follows: Ma band with maximum at 535 nm originates
from the absorption transitions in single R6G molecule (monomer). D1a (494 nm) and D2a (458 nm) ones originate from the
transitions in R6G dimers of different types. 1a (627 nm) and 2a
(687 nm) bands belong to R6G aggregates (complexes). Fig. 2(a)
shows as well the absorption spectrum of R6G/shellac hybrid lm
deposited on Au NPs array (blue line). One can see that this spectrum
reects the peculiarities of the spectra of both R6G and Au NPs.
The main task of this work was to study the temperature effects
in the inuence of the SP eld on the PL spectrum of R6G
deposited on Au NPs array. Figs. 3 and 4(a) show the behavior of
the PL spectrum of hybrid R6G/shellac lm and one deposited on
the gold NPs array correspondingly with the monotonous increase
of temperature from 78 to 298 K. Note, all the spectra presented in
Figs. 3 and 4 belong to R6G species. Indeed, the spectra of Fig. 3
were obtained by subtraction of the PL spectrum of shellac lm on
glass from the total PL spectrum and the ones of Fig. 4 by
subtraction of the spectrum of shellac lm on Au NPs array. It is
seen that PL spectra of R6G both without the gold NPs and
Fig. 2. (a) Absorption spectra of R6G/shellac hybrid lm (black line), Au NPs array
(red line), and R6G/shellac hybrid lm deposited on Au NPs array (blue line).
(b) Decomposition of the spectrum of R6G/shellac hybrid lm to the elementary
bands. The spectra were measured at room temperature. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)
1=2 i;
4 2 V 1 m
m 1 D
where D is the depolarization factor (D 1=3 for spherical particles), is the dielectric permittivity of the metal particle, m is the
dielectric permittivity of the surrounding medium, is the light
wavelength, V 4 r 3 =3 is the NP volume, and r is its radius. The
intensity of PL I l from a molecule located near the metal NP
excited with a photon of energy exc is given by
I l I 0 l L2 exc L2 l ;
where I 0 l is a function describing the intrinsic PL spectrum of
the molecule, i.e. in the absence of metal NP.
The plasmonic factor L depends on T due to temperature
dependence of dielectric permittivity of NP and NP's volume V.
The dielectric permittivity of the metal NP is
; r; T ib D ; r; T;
D ; r; T 1
2p r; T
2 i r; T
; r; T e ph T e e ; T S r; T;
where is the Debye temperature for bulk metal ( 165 K for bulk
gold [62]) and S is the constant. S can be calculated as
theory as [60]
e ph T 0
5 R
=T 0
x4 dx
ex 1
e e ; T Te T fe ;
4 2 p
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