UV and Raman Study of Thermochromic Phase Transition in Poly (Di-N-Hexylgermane)
UV and Raman Study of Thermochromic Phase Transition in Poly (Di-N-Hexylgermane)
UV and Raman Study of Thermochromic Phase Transition in Poly (Di-N-Hexylgermane)
The thermochromic phase transition of poly(di-n-hexylgermane) (1) was reinvestgated using low-molecular-weight (lmw) and
high-molecular-weight (hmw) polymer samples. The equilibrium phase transition temperature Tc of 1, determined by variable
temperature Raman and UV spectroscopy as well as by DSC, was found to lie not in the interval from +15 to − 10°C, as was
reported previously, but in the region 45–55 °C, that is, very close to Tc of the Si and Sn analogues. Thus, the phase behaviour
of the polymetallanes [nHex2M]n, M=Si, Ge, Sn is governed not by the nature of the main chain but by intermolecular
interactions of the substituent groups. The nature of the order– disorder phase transition of 1 depends on the polymer molecular
weight and the sample thermal history. Above Tc, hmw polymer 1 exists as hexagonal columnar mesophase while lmw 1 is in
amorphous state, both with disordered backbone. On cooling to room temperature, hmw polymer transforms to a crystalline
modification with an all-anti conformation of the backbone and ordered hexyl groups, whereas the process of ordering of the main
chain for lmw sample is more complicated. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
0022-328X/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0022-328X(01)01096-8
S.S. Bukalo6 et al. / Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 636 (2001) 164–171 165
sponding theoretical bases can be found in the Dewar’s data obtained for the latter polymer have demonstrated
comprehensive paper [8]. The ‘s-delocalization’ is now that it undergoes a thermochromic PT at Tc ca. 50 °C,
commonly viewed as an intrinsic property of catenated that is, at the temperature close to that for the silicon
chains of s-bonded Group 14 heavy atoms [9]. More- congener. At the same time, an analogous PT of
over, Adams and Dräger [10] came up with an idea that poly(di-n-hexylgermane) (1), which was synthesized and
the red shift of the UV absorption band with increasing investigated by Miller et al. [13], was reported [13b] to
chain length observed for oligomeric polystannanes take place on cooling, between + 15 and −10°C,
could be interpreted as the onset of formation of a though the nature of this PT appeared absolutely the
metal-like electronic band. On this basis they proposed same as for the corresponding polysilane [13b,14]. Such
for such compounds the term ‘molecular metals’. an irregular behaviour of Tc for the polymers [nHex2M]n
Later high-molecular-weight s – s conjugated polydi- in the series M= Si, Ge, Sn seems unlikely.
alkylmetallanes [R2M]n M =Si, Ge, Sn, became avail- Later 1 was synthesized and studied also by Mochida
able [11–16]. Electronic structure of these polymers of a et al. [15]. It is notable that the room-temperature UV
novel type is discussed in the reviews [11], as well as in data reported for 1 by the two groups of investigators
Refs. [17a,18]. Delocalization of s electrons along the (Refs. [13,15]) are different. The solid hmw (Mw =
chain of M atoms results in unique optoelectronic and 950000) sample [13b] exhibited a broad UV band at 332
electrophysical properties of polymetallanes, which are nm, which was assigned to hexagonal columnar
therefore of great interest as potential photodiodes, mesophase (hcm) on the basis of the WAXD data [14].
photoresists, low band-gap one-dimensional semicon- The lmw (Mw = 9000) polymer film reported in [15]
ductors, and materials for non-linear optics [17]. exhibited a complicated contour consisting of two over-
Polymetallanes can exist in amorphous, mesomorphic lapping UV bands: a broad one with umax at 317 and a
and crystalline states, whereas the chain of M atoms narrow one with umax at 339 nm, which were assigned
can adopt different conformations. The chain can be as helical (all-D) and trans (all-A) conformations of the
disordered and can also form helices with a set of Ge backbone, respectively. Thus, neither the UV data,
dihedral angles in the M– M – M – M fragment, the nor their interpretations given by the two groups agree.
extreme case of a helix with =180° being a planar The difference in the UV patterns reported could be
zigzag structure. The latter was designated all-trans due to the difference in the polymer molecular weights,
until recently, when a new nomenclature for linear as it was observed for polysilanes (see, e.g. [22]).
chain conformations has been proposed and new sym- With this in mind, we decided to reinvestigate the PT
bols are recommended [11a,11b,19]. For instance, the of two sets of samples of [nHex2Ge]n, those with lmw
term all-anti (all-A) is now used instead of all-trans, 7/3 and hmw, by variable temperature UV–vis and Raman
helical conformation with =154° is named all-de6iant spectroscopy and by DSC. Our aim was to check the
(all-D) and also chain units with = 165° (transoid, T) PT temperature and to clarify the effect of molecular
are considered among others. weight. Besides, comparison of the data obtained for
According to quantum chemistry calculations, the three polymers [nHex2M]n in the series M= Si, Ge, Sn
degree of s–s conjugation depends on the chain con- will allow us to elucidate the effect of the element M
formation, the all-A structure favouring to maximum and of the substituents on the phase behaviour of these
interaction of the s-orbitals of the adjacent M–M polymetallanes.
bonds (see reviews [11] and references therein). Confor-
mational transformations of polymetallane chains show
themselves as spectacular phase transitions (PTs) of the 2. Results and discussion
first order and of order– disorder type; they are accom-
panied by substantial changes in optical and electro- 2.1. UV and DSC data
physical polymer properties [11,13b,16b,20,21].
Thermochromic PTs have been widely studied on Freshly prepared films of the hmw polymer samples
examples of numerous polysilanes [11]. The most inves- exhibit at room temperature different UV patterns,
tigated is poly(di-n-hexylsilane) whose PT with equi- depending on the conditions of the film preparation. If
librium PT temperature Tc in the interval 40– 50 °C has the films are obtained from a diluted solution in hex-
been thoroughly explored by the whole armamentarium ane, then the temperature evolution of the UV spec-
of physical methods. It is of fundamental interest to trum, reflecting the thermochromic phase transition
compare the behaviour of analogous polymers (Fig. 1), is quite similar to that reported by Miller et al.
[nHex2M]n in the series M= Si, Ge and Sn. Recently the [13]: a broad band at ca. 335 nm (with a half-width
first representatives of high-molecular-weight poly(di-n- Dw1/2 of about 3500–4000 cm − 1) is gradually replaced
alkylstannanes) were synthesized and studied [16], in- by a sharp band at ca. 380 nm (Dw1/2 about 1500
cluding poly(di-n-hexylstannane). Variable temperature cm − 1). According to [14], the former band corresponds
UV –vis [16b] and Raman [20] as well as DSC [16b] to hcm, while the latter to a crystalline phase with an
166 S.S. Bukalo6 et al. / Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 636 (2001) 164–171
Table 1
Absorption bands observed in the UV spectra of poly(di-n-hexylger-
mane) and their assignment
Fig. 4. DSC trace for the lmw sample of [nHex2Ge]n reflecting a Comparison of the results given above with those
first-order phase transition. obtained for various polydialkylsilanes [11,24] and with
preparation, its thermal history and the rate of cooling. the WAXD data for the hmw 1 [14] allows one to assign
Detailed computer analysis has shown that all compli- the four UV bands observed to particular polymer
cated patterns can be represented as superpositions of modifications. Band II at 335 nm corresponds to hcm
the four main bands, having different umax and Dw1/2 [14] (like the band at ca. 315 nm for polysilanes). Band
values (Fig. 5, Table 1), present in variable proportions. I at ca. 320 nm, blue-shifted and more wide compared
Let us designate the observed UV bands and corre- to II, could be assigned to an amorphous phase of the
sponding modifications of 1 by the figures I (umax ca. polymer with a most disordered backbone (its analogue
320 nm), II (umax ca. 335 nm), III (umax ca. 350 nm) and in the spectra of polysilanes is the band at ca. 300 nm).
IV (umax ca. 380 nm). It is necessary to emphasise that The most red-shifted narrow band IV at ca. 380 nm
the exact umax and Dw1/2 values of each UV band evidently corresponds to a crystalline all-A modification
slightly depend on the way of the sample preparation [14]. Basing on the Raman spectra (see below), we
and exhibit slight but regular temperature dependence assign the band III also to an ordered all-A modifica-
which is clearly seen in Fig. 1 for the band IV. The tion, but with a less perfect higher-order structure. As it
same dependence was observed by us for the UV bands is seen from the Table 1, the UV bands of disordered
of the polysilanes studied previously [24]. modifications of the polygermane 1 are red-shifted
Fig. 5. A UV spectrum observed at room temperature for one of the lmw samples (a) and the results of the computer curve-fitting analysis after
base line subtraction (b).
168 S.S. Bukalo6 et al. / Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 636 (2001) 164–171
compared to those of the corresponding polysilane by [24c,25]. The reason for their different umax values is not
20 nm, while those of all-A modifications are not. yet clear. We believe that this phenomenon for both
Thus, our UV results for 1 comprise the bands polysilanes and polygermanes could be related to the
reported in Refs. [13,15] and contain additional infor- polymer morphology, to peculiarities of the process of
mation, showing that the nature of the thermochromic polymer crystallization, which depends on film prepara-
PT of 1 depends on the molecular weight of the given tion conditions. As a result, crystalline regions with
polymer sample, though all the samples have close Tc different higher-order structure could be formed; the
values. Above Tc, the hmw samples exist as hcm, latter affects the length of effective anti-sequencies in
whereas the lmw samples are amorphous. The process the main chain, thus determining the degree of s–s
of PT of the hmw samples always involves hcm and the conjugation and consequently the position of the UV
most ordered all-A modification (UV band IV) and band. The same point of view is reciprocated by Ky-
sometimes also a less perfect all-A modification (UV otani et al. [25]. Another possible explanation proposed
band III), whereas in the PT of the lmw samples all the by Michl and West is that only one modification of the
four modifications participate.
polymer is truly all-A, the other forms have small
irregular transoid deviations from it [11b].
2.2. Raman data
Band assignment in the Raman spectrum of 1 can be
made on the basis of the published data on vibrational
The Raman spectra of hmw 1 (at 25, 13 and
spectra of organogermanium compounds [13b,26–30].
− 50 °C) in the region 50– 1600 cm − 1 excited by 488.0
nm line were reported in [13b] together with the FT-Ra- The position of the stretching vibrations of the Ge–C
man spectra in the region 500– 1700 cm − 1. We have bonds (wGe –C) in the Raman spectra of alkylgermanes
studied variable-temperature Raman spectra in the in- and the dependence of w sGe –C on the nature of sub-
terval from 19 to 100 °C for many samples, both hmw stituents were studied in [27,28]. Reliable information
and lmw (as polymer chunks and thin films cast from about the stretching vibration of the Ge–Ge bond
solutions in hexane), using an excitation line of 514.5 (wGe –Ge) was presented by Fontal and Spiro [30] for
nm. The main result is that the room-temperature Me3Ge –GeMe3. Its intense Raman line at 273 cm − 1
Raman spectra of all our hmw and lmw samples are was assigned to wGe –Ge on the basis of normal coordi-
absolutely identical (see Fig. 6a) and closely resemble nate analysis, which showed, however, that this normal
the Raman spectrum reported by Miller et al. [13b] but mode is not fully localized, the wGe –Ge coordinate
obtained at −50 °C. Narrow intense lines, dominating being coupled with the lCGeC deformation, but not
in these spectra, are typical for ordered crystalline with wGe –C. Using these data, the strong narrow lines
polymers and evidently correspond to the modification in the region 200–300 cm − 1 in the Raman spectrum of
having the most s–s conjugated all-A conformation of 1 can be assigned to wGe –Ge, whereas those in the
the Ge backbone [14]. On heating to Tc, the intensity of region 580–650 cm − 1 to wGe –C. Above 700 cm − 1, the
the strong lines, characteristic of the all-A modification, lines corresponding to internal vibrations of nHex
is gradually decreasing (Fig. 6b,c). At ca. 50 °C the groups are situated.
Raman spectrum changes dramatically, confirming the To elucidate the conformational state of the nHex
PT at this point, and exhibits weak broad bands, tails in 1, it was useful to study the Raman spectrum of
typical for the modifications with a disordered polymer a model compound— a monomer nHex2GeBr2
backbone (Fig. 6d–f). (analogous approach was applied by us to the polymer
The most modern highly sensitive Raman spectrome- [nHex2Si]n [24c,31]). The masses of Br and Ge atoms are
ter T64000 used in our experiments permits registration of the same order of magnitude, so that the monomer is
of the Raman spectra of the same thin polymer films as kinematically modelling to some extent the unit of the
were used for obtaining the UV spectra, thus allowing polymer 1.
the strict comparison of the UV and Raman data. The
identity of the room temperature Raman spectra of two
films, one of the hmw polymer (exhibiting the UV band
IV) and the second of the lmw polymer (with the band
III predominant in the UV spectrum) is a strong evi- At room temperature, di(n-hexyl)dibromogermane is
dence that the UV band III also corresponds to an a liquid which should be an equilibrium mixture of
ordered modification with an all-A conformation of the various conformers due to hindered internal rotation
polymer main chain. Analogous phenomenon was ob- about the Ge–C and C–C bonds. Thus, its spectrum in
served for poly(di-n-hexylsilane), whose crystalline all- the region of internal vibrations of nHex groups (800–
A modifications can exhibit in the UV spectra the 1500 cm − 1) should be complicated. This is evident
narrow bands with umax either ca. 375, or ca. 365, or ca. from Fig. 7a. A similar spectrum in this region is
350 nm, or various superpositions of these bands exhibited by all samples of 1 above Tc, pointing to a
S.S. Bukalo6 et al. / Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 636 (2001) 164–171 169
disordered state of nHex groups (Fig. 7b). Below Tc, the 2.3. Conclusions
spectrum of 1 in this region becomes much simpler
(Fig. 7c). It is especially notable that for the liquid The thermochromic phase transition of the hmw as
Hex2GeBr2 and for the polymer 1 above Tc two fea- well as lmw samples of the polymer [nHex2Ge]n takes
tures in the region 1060– 1080 cm − 1 are observed. The place on heating to ca. 50°C, at nearly the same temper-
band at 1075 cm − 1 is usually associated with the ature as for its Si and Sn congeners. This means that
gauche units in the aliphatic chain, while the neighbour- this phenomenon is governed not by the nature of
ing band at 1060 cm − 1 is characteristic of the trans polymetallane chain but by intermolecular interactions
units [13b,31]. Only the band at 1060 cm − 1 persists in of the side n-hexyl groups.
the spectrum of 1 below Tc. These facts point to nHex [nHex2Ge]n undergoes a complicated phase transition
groups ordering during the phase transition. of order–disorder type with possible participation of
Fig. 6. Temperature evolution on heating of the Raman spectrum of [nHex2Ge]n common to all the samples studied. (a) 20 °C; (b) 35 °C; (c)
48 °C; (d) 50 °C; (e) 80 °C; (f) 100 °C.
170 S.S. Bukalo6 et al. / Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 636 (2001) 164–171
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