Mapping Heat Origin in Plasmonic Structures: Week Ending 2 APRIL 2010
Mapping Heat Origin in Plasmonic Structures: Week Ending 2 APRIL 2010
Mapping Heat Origin in Plasmonic Structures: Week Ending 2 APRIL 2010
Gold nanoparticles can efficiently absorb visible or in- r2 TðrÞ ¼ hðrÞ; (1)
frared light energy in very confined volumes, making them
ideal remotely controllable nanosources of heat. Besides where is the thermal conductivity (either of the metal or
the fundamental interest of understanding nanothermody- the surroundings), TðrÞ is the temperature distribution, and
namics phenomena, the ability to produce pointlike heat hðrÞ represents the heat source density (HSD) that has
sources opens up a wide range of applications in physics, dimensions of a power per unit volume. For submicromet-
chemistry, and biology. For instance, gold nanoparticles as ric metal structures heated by external illumination, the
nanosources of heat already have promising applications in HSD hðrÞ can be strongly nonuniform, depending on the
nanoscale catalysis [1], magnetism [2], microfluidics [3– morphology of the metal structure [16]. However, despite
5], phononics [6,7], and medicine [8–11], such as for the nonuniformity of the heat origin hðrÞ, the temperature
photothermal cancer cell destruction or drug delivery. TðrÞ remains quasiuniform throughout the metal due to the
However, while the physics of thermal radiative transfer very high thermal conductivity of metals compared with
in plasmonics has been widely studied, mostly by Greffet that of the surroundings. For instance, the ratio between
and co-workers [12–14], the physics of heat generation and thermal conductivity of gold and water reaches about 500.
thermal diffusion in plasmonic nanostructures is poorly As a consequence, thermal characterization restricted to
investigated and understood mostly due to the lack of the steady temperature distribution TðrÞ lacks important
experimental tools. information compared with the heat origin hðrÞ inside the
In this Letter, we investigate experimentally the physics structure [17].
of heat generation in gold plasmonic nanostructures by The novel thermal imaging method presented in this
using a novel thermal microscopy technique. Based on study is based on measuring the fluorescence polarization
fluorescence polarization anisotropy, this technique ena- anisotropy (FPA) of fluorophores dispersed in solution.
bles us to map the heat source density within arbitrarily Briefly, a temperature increase tends to make the fluores-
complex plasmonic structures upon laser illumination with cent molecules rotate faster during their fluorescence life-
a resolution of about 300 nm. We apply this method to two time, which consequently reduces the degree of
different geometries: an elongated gold nanowire and a polarization of the emitted fluorescence. In an earlier study
gold nanorod dimer. We show that the spatial origin of heat we showed that FPA measurements provide direct infor-
in the metal does not usually match the optical near-field mation on the distribution of the steady temperature TðrÞ
distribution. Simulations based on the Green dyadic tech- [17]. In this work, using a dual-objective setup and differ-
nique are performed to validate our experimental data and ent illumination and scanning conditions, the technique has
gain further understanding of the involved physics. Finally, been further developed to assess the HSD hðrÞ, a quantity
as a direct application of our method, we show that nano- that provides much more information than only the knowl-
hole patterning is an efficient way to enhance heat genera- edge of the temperature distribution TðrÞ.
tion in metals. The samples consist of gold nanostructures made by
Let us consider a plasmonic metal structure embedded in e-beam lithography, lying upon glass and surrounded by
a condensed (fluid or solid) medium. In the steady state a glycerol-water (4:1) mixture in which fluorescein mole-
regime, the heating processes inside and outside plasmonic cules are dispersed. The use of glycerol instead of pure
structures are governed by the Poisson equation [15]: water is intended to slow down the rotational motion of the
molecules to increase the sensitivity of the method. where ! is the angular frequency of light and "! is the
Figure 1 presents the setup that we used to perform both permittivity of the metal [18]. Using the Green function
thermal (temperature and HSD) and optical (two-photon formalism, the general solution of the temperature profile
luminescence of gold) measurements. It comprises two inside the structure can be written as
illumination parts: a blue laser beam (473 nm) from the Z
bottom of the sample to excite the fluorescent molecules TðrÞ ¼ Gðr; r0 Þhðr0 Þdr0 ; (4)
and an infrared (IR) laser beam from the top of the sample.
This IR laser beam can be tuned between 700 and 900 nm where the integral runs over the structure volume V,
and switched from cw to pulsed mode. The cw mode is Gðr; r0 Þ is the scalar thermal Green function associated to
used to heat the plasmonic structures while the pulsed the Poisson equation (1) that vanishes at infinity. Similarly,
mode is used for the two-photon luminescence (TPL) using the Green dyadic formalism of electrodynamics
measurements. Using two fast steering mirrors, both laser [19,20], the electric field amplitude inside the structure
beams can be individually positioned and eventually raster reads:
scanned. The sample is mounted on a piezostage that can Z
be raster scanned as well. All these degrees of freedom E ðrÞ ¼ Kðr; r0 Þ E0 ðr0 Þdr0 ; (5)
allow us to assess different physical quantities by scanning V
either the blue beam, the infrared beam, or the sample. To where Kðr; r Þ is the generalized Green dyadic tensor
obtain the steady state temperature map TðrÞ, the metal related to the plasmonic structure and E0 ðrÞ is the external
structure of interest is illuminated by an extended (unfo- field exciting the structure. Under plane wave illumination,
cused) IR light through the upper objective, the sample E0 ðrÞ ¼ E0 ux , where ux is the unit vector along the x axis.
stage is fixed, and the bottom blue beam is raster scanned From Eqs. (4) and (5) and after introducing the complex
throughout the sample. Conversely, to measure the HSD, vector Kðr; r0 Þ ux ¼ Kx ðr; r0 Þ, the HSD distribution gen-
the blue beam and the IR beam are both focused and erated by a plane wave illumination is given by
spatially overlapped while the stage is scanned. In such a
configuration, local heating and FPA probing are per- hPW ðrÞ ¼ !"0 Imð"! ÞE20
K ðr; r0
Þdr 0
: (6)
formed simultaneously at each scan location. In the follow-
ing, we first demonstrate that the HSD is indeed the In practice this HSD cannot be directly measured under
physical quantity measured when using the later illumina- plane wave illumination but by scanning a finite-size light
tion and scanning conditions. spot, as explained above. Let us consider this light spot as a
In a metal and, in particular, in a plasmonic structure Dirac distribution field located in r0 and defined by
under illumination, the HSD arises from Joule effect [16]: E0 ðrÞ ¼ vE0 ux ðr r0 Þ, where v has dimensions of vol-
ume and can be incorporated in the volume of excitation.
1 The temperature distribution generated by such a local
hðrÞ ¼ fj? ðrÞ EðrÞ þ jðrÞ E? ðrÞg; (2)
2 excitation reads then:
where jðrÞ and EðrÞ are the complex amplitudes of the Tloc ðrÞ ¼ v2 E20 !"0 Imð"! ÞGðr; r0 ÞjKx ðr0 ; r0 Þj2 dr0 :
electronic current density and the electric field. The rela- V
tions jðrÞ ¼ i!PðrÞ and PðrÞ ¼ "0 ð"! 1ÞEðrÞ permit us (7)
to express the HSD as a function of the electric field from
the previous equation: This exact solution can be simplified using two approx-
imations. First, as mentioned above, even under local
hðrÞ ¼ !"0 Imð"! ÞjEðrÞj2 ; (3) excitation, temperature processes at the submicrometric
scale are so fast that the temperature remains quasiuniform.
As a consequence, Gðr; r0 Þ behaves as a constant G0 , and
θ, φ TðrÞ can be reduced to Tðr0 Þ. In addition, after applying a
Ti:Sapphire laser Photodiode mean field approximation [21] on the volume V of the
700-950 nm APD1 structure to perform the spatial integrals of Kx ðr; r0 Þ and
Kx ðr0 ; r0 Þ, Eqs. (6) and (7) can be rewritten as
Tloc ðr0 Þ ¼ v2 E20 VG0 !"0 Imð"! ÞjKx ðr0 Þj2 ; (9)
Dioded pumped laser
473 nm
leading to a linear relation between the HSD hPW ðrÞ ob-
θ, φ tained under plane wave illumination—the quantity we
want to measure—and the temperature Tloc ðrÞ measure-
FIG. 1 (color online). Schematic view of the experimental ment under local illumination—the quantity we actually
setup. record in our experiment:
week ending
PRL 104, 136805 (2010) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2 APRIL 2010
while the optical near-field enhancement is expected at
these locations precisely for the other polarization. 21 21
In order to understand this unexpected behavior and get
further insight into the physics of photoinduced heat gen- Two-photon luminescence
eration in plasmonic nanostructures, we study in detail a e 100 f 112
nanorods [Fig. 3(a)]. This structure features a longitudinal
3=2 localized plasmon resonance centered at 850 nm 0 0
[Fig. 3(b)]. The optical near-field properties of this struc-
ture have been extensively investigated in a previous work 0 2 0 2
µm µm
using TPL microspectroscopy [22] where we showed that
the TPL distribution can be directly compared to the near- Simulations
field distribution of jEj4 . HSD measurements for both Heat source density
incident polarizations are presented in Figs. 3(c) and 3(d) g h
*[email protected]
[email protected]
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