Characterization of Fault Zones
Characterization of Fault Zones
Characterization of Fault Zones
09 of October 2013
Salzburg Congress, Austria
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Workshops 2013
October 9 2013, Salzburg, Austria
Characterization and Classification of Fault Zones
F. Fasching & R. Vanek
Tunnelling through a Major Fault: Considerable Overburden, Squeezing and Flowing Ground;
At-Face Selection of Support
U. Glawe
Workshops 2013
October 9 2013, Salzburg, Austria
The characterisation of brittle fault zones is one of the essential interdisciplinary tasks in the fields of
engineering geology and geotechnics. The prediction of the rock mass model and detailed knowledge about
the mechanical properties of various fault rocks are of particular significance. The complexity of fault
zones and their relevance for constructions make it necessary to implement a project-specific characterisation of the rock mass.
All relevant geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical conditions should be described. In addition, the
construction and economic background of each project has to be taken into consideration in order to be able
to deliver practical information for the designer team. Considering this, a clear path from investigation,
through the development of the geological model to the geotechnical design and the construction is
The talk summarizes the significant characteristics of fault zones and presents their practical
implementation in a project-specific characterisation. Additional, short descriptions of different types of
fault rocks and fault zones are given. The intention is to illustrate the engineering geological
characterisation of fault rocks and fault zones in order to provide the data needed for geotechnical and
construction design.
Fault zones represent complex geological structures that are composed of various rocks with
different properties.
Figure 1: Longitudinal section of a tunnel drive in a fault zone; two cross sections.
Each fault zone is unique, due to a wide range of different influencing factors, such as:
The interaction of those factors causes the special properties of each fault zone, especially:
Taking into account all the specific properties of fault rocks, an unambiguous treatment as either
soil material or solid rock is not possible. This gives fault rocks a certain special status.
Figure 2: Zones of all kinds of fault rocks with soil and hardrock properties.
For an appropriate characterisation of fault zones, detailed structural geological knowledge about
their origin and development and the resulting internal structures are essential.
Hard-rock properties
Tectonic Breccia
Fault rock
(clay, silt )
*decisive for
grain size
wide spread,
size of blocks > gravel
Fault rock
(Block diameter:
> 63mm)
fault rock
(sand, gravel)
fault rock
noncohesivefault rock
with blocks
cohesive fault
rock, blocky,
grain size
(Cl to Gr)
fine-clastic (fc)
(clay, silt)
< 25%
25 - 75%
> 75%
coarse-clastic (cc)
(sand, gravel)
cohesive BiM-Rock
grain size distribution:
size of blocks >>
matrix (BiM-Rock)
grain size
of matrix
fine-clastic (fc)
(clay, silt)
coarse-clastic (cc)
(sand, gravel)
fault rock
blocky, cc50
noncohesive BiM-Rock
Block proportion (Block >> Matrix)
< 25%
25 - 75%
> 75%
BiM-Rock, cc75
Figure 4: Specific classification system of fault rocks (F. Fasching & R. Vanek, 2010).
The engineering geological and geomechanical characterisation of fault zones is essential for an
adequate design and successful construction of underground structures in a faulted rock mass.
shear zones /
fault rocks
shear bodies /
preserved rock
portions 2
internal architecture
rock mass
rock mass
additional. engin.
geol. information 3
(as required)
according to "ground types" following the "Guideline for the Geotechnical Design for Underground Structures" (GG, 2008)
the properties of shear bodies usually can be characterised analogously to ground types of hard rock mass
The transfer of the engineering geological model of a fault zone into a realistic geomechanical
model is a great challenge in geotechnical design. An adequate implementation requires intensive
interdisciplinary collaboration between the engineering geologists and geotechnical engineers.
In the course of the engineering geological characterisation of fault zones, certain simplifications have to be
made concerning internal architecture and rock mass properties. The requirements for a simplified model
are based on one hand on the incomplete knowledge of the condition of the fault zone, as can be derived
from the geological site investigation. On the other hand, the geomechanical design will need adaptations
due to limited performance and system capacity of numerical models. That requires simplifications to the
spatial-geometrical conditions, the rock mass parameters and the constitutive laws.
In order to ensure that no essential geotechnical criteria are lost through such simplifications, detailed
engineering geological knowledge about the ground is desirable. This requires careful and systematic
investigations and sampling of - if possible - all components of the fault zone (different fault rocks and
shear bodies). The results of field and laboratory tests should therefore be subjected to thorough analysis,
where every single result is being assigned to a specific fault material. This detailed knowledge coupled
with a model of all geomechanical behaviour/failure mechanisms is essential as a precondition for the
adequate determination of rock mass parameters.
The quality of both, the engineering geological model and the geomechanical model finally determine the
reliability of prediction for the construction project.
Brodie, K., Fettes, D., Harte, B. & Schmid, R. 2007. Structural terms including fault rock terms.
Recommendations by IUGS Subcommission on the Systematics of Metamorphic Rocks (Web
version of 01.02.2007).
Brosch, F.J., Kurz, W. & Klima, K. 2006. Definition and Characterization of Faults and Fault Rocks.
Felsbau 24 (5), pp.13-20, Essen: VGE.
Caine, J.S., Evans, J.P., & Forster, C.B. 1996. Fault zone architecture and permeability structure.
Geology Vol. 24, pp. 1025-1028.
Fasching, F. & Vanek, R. 2011. Engineering geological characterisation of fault rocks and fault
zones, Geomechanics and Tunnelling Vol. 4 (3), pp. 181194, Berlin: Ernst & Sohn.
Heitzman, P. 1985. Kakirite, Kataklasite, Mylonite Zur Nomenklatur der Metamorphite mit
Verformungsgefge. Eclogae geol. Helv. Vol. 78 (2), pp. 273-286.
Hobbs, B.E., Means, W.D. & Williams, P.F. An Outline of Structural Geology. New York: John
Wiley & Sons.
Naylor, M.A., Mandl, G. & Sijpesteijn, C.H.K. 1986. Fault geometries in basement-induced wrench
faulting under different initial stress states. Journal of Structural Geology Vol. 8 (7).
Riedmller, G., Brosch, F.J., Klima, K. & Medley, E.W. 2001. Engineering Geological
Characterization of Brittle Faults and Classification of Fault Rocks. Felsbau 19 (4), pp. 13-18,
Essen: VGE.
Schmid, S.M. & Handy, M.R. 1991. Towards a Genetic Classification of Fault rocks: Geological
Usage and Tectonophysical Implications. Controversies in Modern Geology, Chapter 16, London:
Academic Press.
Tchalenko, J.S. 1970. Similarities between shear zones of different magnitudes. Geological
Association of America Bulletin Vol. 81, pp. 16251640.
Twiss, R.J. & Moores, E.M. 1992. Structural Geology. New York: Freeman & Co.
Wibberley, C.A.J., 2008. The Internal Structure of Fault Zones. Geological Society Special
Publication, NO. 299, London: The Geological Society.
Dipl.-Ing. Florian Fasching
Workshops 2013
October 9 2013, Salzburg, Austria
Der Brenner Basistunnel (BBT) wird zwischen Tulfes bei Innsbruck (A) und Franzensfeste (I) errichtet
(64 km). Teil des Gesamtprojekts ist ein durchgehender Erkundungsstollen unterhalb und mittig zwischen
den beiden Haupttunnelrhren. Wesentliche Erkundungsziele sind die Lokalisierung, Bestimmung der
Raumlage und geomechanische Charakterisierung von Strungszonen in den zu durchrternden Einheiten.
Der BBT durchrtert von N nach S den ostalpinen Innsbrucker Quarzphyllit, die emporgewlbten
penninischen Einheiten des Tauernfensters nahe an dessen westlichen Rand, ein schmales ostalpines
Segment (OA) im S des Tauernfensters, die Periadriatische Strungszone und anschlieend den sdalpinen
Brixner Granit (Abbildung 1). Die penninischen Einheiten des Tauernfensters lassen sich grob untergliedern in Obere und Untere Schieferhlle und die Zentralgneise mit dem Alten Dach. Die Trasse des
gesamten BBT zwischen Innsbruck und Franzensfeste verluft zu ca. 75% in Gesteinen mit einer meist
stark ausgeprgten Schieferung, bestehend aus Phylliten und Schiefern der ostalpinen Einheiten sowie der
Oberen und Unteren Schieferhlle. Die restlichen 25% verteilen sich auf kaum bis deutlich geschieferte
Orthogneise und auf ungeschieferten Granit. Bisher wurden im N berwiegend Tunnelbauwerke im
Innsbrucker Quarzphyllit aufgefahren (IQP), wobei hier in erster Linie der Erkundungsstollen mit einer
derzeitigen Lnge von ca. 4,8 km zu erwhnen ist.
Eine Strung wird als sprd bezeichnet, wenn es im Zuge der Deformation zu bruchhaften Verformungsprozessen im Gestein gekommen ist. Diese Prozesse knnen sich entweder auf einzelne isolierte Bruchflchen konzentrieren oder ganze Gesteinsabschnitte penetrativ erfassen und zur Bildung sogenannter
Strungsgesteine fhren. Zu beachten ist hier, dass diese Beschreibung mastabsabhngig ist und immer
im Zusammenhang mit der Gre des betrachteten Gebirgsausschnittes zu sehen ist. Unabhngig davon ist
mit der Bruchbildung generell eine Herabsetzung der Festigkeit des Materials verbunden, wobei es durch
nachfolgende Zementationsprozesse zu einer Ausheilung und zumindest teilweisen Wiederverfestigung
der Bruchzone kommen kann. Aufgrund der Verminderung der Materialfestigkeit sind sprde Strungen
jedenfalls von besonderer bautechnischer Relevanz im Tunnelbau.
Zur Beschreibung der Strungsgesteine knnen verschiedene Klassifikationssysteme aus der Fachliteratur
herangezogen werden [1, 2, 3, 4]. Zudem wurde im Zuge der intensivierten geologischen Vorerkundungen
fr den BBT zwischen 1999 und 2006 bereits besonderes Augenmerk auf die Charakterisierung der im
Projektgebiet auftretenden Strungen gelegt. Die verschiedenen Strungsgesteine wurden neben weiteren
geotechnisch relevanten Strukturen beschrieben, fotographisch dokumentiert und in einem Klassifikationsschema untergliedert [5], und die im Projektgebiet auftretenden Strungen wurden anhand von ObertageAufschlssen im Detail beschrieben [6]. Es zeigte sich im Zuge der fortlaufenden Dokumentation im
Erkundungsstollen allerdings zunehmend, dass mithilfe der bestehenden Modelle die Kategorisierung der
aus geschieferten Ausgangsgesteinen gebildeten Strungsgesteine nicht in befriedigendem Mae mglich war.
Deshalb wurde aufbauend auf den Grundlagen aus der Fachliteratur (insbesondere [3]) und den Ergebnissen
aus der Vorerkundung ein projektspezifisches Klassifikationsschema fr Strungsgesteine zusammengestellt (Tabelle 1 & 2). Es hat sich zudem als ntzlich erwiesen, auch das unter Strungseinfluss stehende
Nebengebirge hinsichtlich des Beeinflussungsgrades durch die Strung in Form eines einfachen Schemas
zu untergliedern (Tabelle 3). Alle Definitionen haben dabei folgende Bedingungen zu erfllen:
Insbesondere dieser Punkt beherbergt das meiste Diskussionspotential. Grnde dafr sind bestehende Unterschiede in den etablierten
Definitionen, die einerseits traditionell begrndet sein knnen [2] und andererseits auch auf die unterschiedliche Herangehensweise an
die Thematik verschiedener Fachbereiche zurckgefhrt werden knnen.
Hauptstrung ist hier ca. 5 m mchtig bestehend aus dm-mchtigen Scherbahnen mit Fault gouge neben
veruschelten und mrbfesten Quarzphyllit (geschieferter Protokataklasit bis Kataklasit). Je nach Position
des Strungssystems wurden die grten Verschiebungsbetrge beim Hereinstreichen und beim Herausstreichen der Strung in bzw. aus dem Querschnitt beobachtet. Auch hier traten Schden am Ausbau mit
Rissbildungen, Ausknicken der Gittertrger und Aufbiegen der Ankerplatten auf, welche im Nachgang
saniert werden mussten.
Bei beiden Abschnitten war an der Ortsbrust selbst kein unmittelbares Standfestigkeitsproblem mit
verstrkten Nachfllen gegeben. Die augenscheinliche Gebirgsverschlechterung war nicht gravierend. Auch
aus den gemessenen Erstverschiebungen lie sich nicht sofort ein druckhaftes Gebirgsverhalten ableiten.
Aus den gemachten Erfahrungen wurde aber fr den weiteren Vortrieb eine Verstrkung des Ausbaus
beschlossen, sobald an der Ortsbrust erste Indizien fr ungnstig streichende, auch nur geringmchtige
Strungssysteme auftraten. Neben einem dichteren Radialankerungsschema und je nach Position der
Strung unterschiedlichen, zumeist asymmetrischen Ankerlngen waren auch. Verformungsschlitze in der
Spritzbetonschale und eine baubetriebliche Abstimmung fr einen raschen Sohlschluss vorgesehen.
eine Zunahme von E-Modul und Kohsion mit steigender berlagerung ergeben. Dieser Sachverhalt ist
insbesondere fr Lockergestein hinreichend bekannt.
(DZ: Hangend /
Liegend der CZ)
Core Zone
Damage Zone
CZ: 3 m
DZ: 5,5 m / 5,5 m
300 m
E = 400 MPa
c = 0,15 MPa
E = 1000 MPa
c = 0,45 MPa
= 25
= 26
CZ: 5,5 m
DZ: 10,5 m / 1 m
E = 600 MPa
c = 0,30 MPa
E = 1000 MPa
c = 0,50 MPa
= 26
= 28
690 m
Fr die Planung und den Bau der Hauptrhren des BBT ist die mglichst genaue Charakterisierung von
potentiell den Vortrieb und insbesondere auch die Wahl des Vortriebsverfahrens (konventionellmaschinell) beeinflussenden Strungszonen von mageblicher Bedeutung. Bei der geomechanischen
Prognose fr tiefliegende Tunnelbauwerke ohne Erkundungsstollen werden die Eigenschaften von
Strungszonen im Normalfall aus Oberflchenkartierungen und Tiefbohrungen abgeleitet. Dabei knnen
sich bedeutende Schwankungsbreiten in den prognostizierten geologisch-geotechnischen Daten ergeben. Im
geologisch-geomechanischen Modell des BBT aus der Vorerkundung (basierend auf Bohrungen und Oberflchenkartierungen) bezog sich beispielsweise die Angabe der Strungszonen auf eine Anzahl je
geotechnischem Homogenbereich mit globalen Gebirgsparametern fr die Strungszonen. Fr das
geologisch-geomechanische Modell der Hauptrhren kann nun basierend auf den Erkenntnissen aus dem
Erkundungsstollen eine diskrete Angabe der Einzelstrung mit jeweils bezogenen Gebirgsparametern
erfolgen. Ziel des vorauseilenden Erkundungsstollens beim BBT ist unter anderem, die notwendigen Daten
der Strungszonen prziser und mit geringeren Schwankungsbreiten fr die Haupttunnel prognostizieren zu
knnen. Damit soll das geologisch-geomechanische Risiko beim Bau der Hautrhren erheblich reduziert
Brodie, K., Fettes, D., Harte, B. & Schmid, R. 2007. Structural terms including fault rock terms.
Recommendations by IUGS Subcommission on the Systematics of Metamorphic Rocks (Web
version of 01.02.2007).
Fasching, F. & Vanek, R. 2011. Engineering geological characterisation of fault rocks and fault
zones / Ingenieurgeologische Charakterisierung von Strungsgesteinen und Strungszonen.
Geomechanics and Tunnelling 4 (3), pp. 181-194, Berlin: Ernst & Sohn.
Heitzmann, P. 1985. Kakirite, Kataklasite, Mylonite - Zur Nomenklatur der Metamorphite mit
Verformungsgefgen. Eclogae geol. Helv. 78 (2), pp. 273-286.
Riedmller, G., Brosch, F.J., Klima, K. & Medley, E.W. 2001. Engineering Geological
Characterization of Brittle Faults and Classification of Fault Rocks. Felsbau 19 (4), pp. 13-18,
Essen: VGE.
BBT EWIV. 2001. Geologie, Erkundung, Strukturtektonik, Schlubericht. Unverffentl. Bericht von
Brandner, R., Decker, K., Ortner, H., Reiter, F., Bistacchi, A. & Massironi, M.
BBT SE. 2005. Charakterisierung von Strungszonen. Unverffentl. Bericht von Brandner, R., Dal
Piaz G.V., Bistacchi, A., Decker, K. & Reiter, F.
Dr. Andreas Tchterle
steerreichische Gesellschaft
r Geomechannik
Austtrian Society for
f Geomecha
hops 2013
October 9 22013, Salzburrg, Austria
ults of Lab
boratory Tests
on BIIM-rocks
T. Pilgerstorrfer
Graz Unniversity of Tecchnology, Insttitute for Rockk Mechanics and
a Tunnellingg, Graz, Austrria
Tecttonic faults are usually com
mposed of lenss-shaped, relattively competeent rock blockks surrounded
d by finely
grainned cataclastic material [1, 2]. Hence, thheir propertiess are highly an
nisotropic andd depend on the
t degree
of thhe regularity of
o the block orrientation, thee total volumeetric amount of the competeent lenses as well
w as the
propperties of the matrix.
To study the priinciple mechaanical properrties of fault material an extensive labboratory prog
gram was
n-matrix rockks. Tunneling in weak rock mass is oftenn accompanied
d by large
condducted on artificial block-in
displacements, heence an inten
nded issue waas to investigaate the behav
vior of BIM-rrocks exposed
d to large
straiins. Lindquistt [3] provided
d a comprehennsive study of triaxial testss on artificiall BIM-rocks. However,
beinng a characteristic of triaxiaal tests large strains are diifficult to achieve and the investigation of failure
surfaaces is rarely possible. Heence it was deecided to exaamine the mecchanical behaavior of artificcial BIMrockks in direct shhear tests. Another importaant issue is th
he knowledge about the strress dependen
ncy of the
defoormation properties, especiaally for TBM -advances in weak rock masses. The am
mount of displacements
whicch are expecteed and the risk
k for a shield-T
TBM getting stuck should be
b known a prriori.
2.1. Matrixx material
A sppecial issue waas finding a prroper matrix m
material, meetting following
g goals:
Characterization of Fault Zo
T. Pillgerstorfer
3.1. Samplle preparattion
The samples weree prefabricated
d in two quaddratic steel sheear boxes. Thee boxes have a height of 18 cm and a
lenggth/width of 200 cm. The gap
p between thee boxes is 2 cm
m, which was sealed with ppolystyrene baars during
sampple preparatioon. First the lo
ower box wass filled with matrix
materiaal. After a cuuring time of about one
hourr the blocks were
w placed in the matrix in the intended orientation an
nd block propoortion. With th
he help of
stenccils it was ennsured that thee blocks remaained in the desired
on. After the matrix had stiffened
littlee, and thus thhe blocks would stay in pplace, the upp
per box was filled
up withh matrix mateerial. The
sampples were left to cure for seeven days.
pure matrix
| | | par.
---- long.
---- trans.
| | | par.
---- long.
---- trans.
No. of
No. of
ure block
| | | par.
---- long.
---- trans.
shear direction
ks vertically alligned, shear in
| | | par.
ks vertically alligned, shear in
ks inclined in ppos. y-directio
ks inclined agaainst pos. y-diirection
---- long. block
ks horizontallyy aligned, sheaar in
---- trans. block
ks horizontallyy aligned,
shear in x-directionn
Characterization of Fault Zo
ones | Results of Laboratory
y Tests on BIM
T. Pillgerstorfer
3.4. Resultts
Figuure 1 shows the
t maximum
m shear strengtth, which is normalized
y the matrix shear strength, versus
blocck proportion. The results depict
a concluusive picture. The shear strrength almost linearly increeases with
increeasing block proportion.
he samples wiith 30 and 90
0 block orienttation feature nearly the sam
me factors
of sttrength increaase (25% - faactor of 1.6, 50% - factor of 2.2, 75% - factor of 22.8). Up to 50% block
propportion the samples with 60 block orieentation yieldeed the highest contributionn to the shearr strength,
whille a decrease of
o shear resistance for 75% block proporttion was observed.
Figgure 1: Max. shear strengtth (normalizeed by matrix strength) verrsus block prroportion for 30
bloock orientatioon (top left), 60
6 block orieentation (top
p right) and 90 block orien
entation (bottom left).
Characterization of Fault Zo
ones | Results of Laboratory
y Tests on BIM
T. Pillgerstorfer
A clloser inspectioon of the sheear surfaces aafter the tests backs the ab
bove mentioneed findings (F
Figure 2).
mples with 90 block orien
ntation experiience during the shearing process a suddden, brittle failure of
bloccks, which ressults in smootth cracks and thus providin
ng low valuess for dilatancyy. The failure plane for
the 330 block oriientation samp
ples features also a smootth surface. However, in thhose cases pu
ure sliding
alonng blocks takees place, whiich yields rellatively high values for diilatancy. The 60 block orientation
arranngement yieldds a contrary picture. At thhe onset of th
he shearing prrocess slight sliding along blocks is
present, which leaads to grinding
g and crushingg of the block
ks with ongoin
ng shear displaacement. Thiss results in
an inncreased shearr surface roug
ghness, which further yieldss a higher conttribution to shhear resistancee.
ure 2: Failuree surfaces aftter the test sh
hown for 30 block proporrtion (top leftt and right), 90 block
portion (bottoom left) and 60 block prooportion (botttom right).
The effect of blocck inclination with regard tto the shear direction
(bloccks inclined toowards or agaainst shear
direcction) is nicelly shown in Figure
3. Deppicted therein
n is the accum
mulated shear energy over the shear
displacement, whiich is defined by equation 11.
( )
( )
Characterization of Fault Zo
ones | Results of Laboratory
y Tests on BIM
T. Pillgerstorfer
Fiigure 3: Norm
malized accum
mulated sheaar Energy verrsus shear dissplacement, shhown for 30 block
prroportion (lefft) and 60 blo
ock proportioon (right).
Largge oedometer tests were perrformed on arrtificial block--in-matrix rocks, in order too study the inffluence of
blocck orientation and block pro
oportion on thhe overall defformation prop
perties and too gain knowledge about
the sstress dependeency of modulli.
Currrent laboratoryy techniques for
f the determ
mination of Yo
oungs modulli or constrainned moduli aree afflicted
withh restrictions. Standard oedo
ometer tests, aas characteristtically used fo
or soil testing are not adequ
uate due to
the small sample size and relaatively low sttress levels. Hence,
those conditions doo not reflect the stress
condditions found at tunnel leveel and standardd oedometer tests
do not alllow obtainingg reliable data about the
stresss dependencyy of moduli att high depths.. In order to circumvent
hese shortcomi
mings a large oedometer
test apparatus waas developed, accounting ffor the issues mentioned above.
A detaailed descriptiion of the
largee oedometer teest apparatus is given in [6]].
Blocks horizontally
aliigned (loadingg in y-directio
on of blocks)
Blocks vertically
ned (loading inn z-direction of
o blocks)
Blocks tw
wisted (loadin
ng in x-directioon of blocks)
Characterization of Fault Zo
ones | Results of Laboratory
y Tests on BIM
T. Pillgerstorfer
4.3. Resultts
The unloading-mooduli for horizzontally aligneed blocks featture about ten to approximaately thirty tim
mes higher
valuues than the looading-modulii. A slight harrdening behav
vior (with incrreasing stress level) can bee observed
in thhe unloading loops, being more pronounnced for samp
ples with high
her block prooportions. Thee ratios of
unlooading modulii to reloading moduli
show values of about 1.3 to 2.0.
The samples withh vertically aligned
blockss show a mu
uch higher rattio of loadingg moduli to unloading
modduli (~ 20 to 50),
5 compared
d to the speciimen with horizontally alig
gned blocks. O
On the other hand, the
harddening behavior (increase of
o unloading moduli with increasing strress level) is much less prronounced
thann in the horizontally aligneed block arranngement. Thee ratio of unlloading moduuli to reloadin
ng moduli
featuures approxim
mately the sam
me values as thhe samples witth horizontally
y aligned bloccks.
Characterization of Fault Zo
ones | Results of Laboratory
y Tests on BIM
T. Pillgerstorfer
E e
horizontaally aligned
verttically aligned
for VB
BP < 50
for VB
BP 50
4.8 VBP
032 VBP
0.032 VBP
11 VBP
0.025 VBP
0.15 VBP
P volumetriic block proportion in [%]]
Characterization of Fault Zo
ones | Results of Laboratory
y Tests on BIM
T. Pillgerstorfer
The performed diirect shear and large oedom
meter tests on
n BIM-rocks provided
valuuable informattion about
the mechanical behavior
of fault
material and yielded a deeper inssight on the factors and properties
influuencing the strength
and deformation behavior. Fu
urther research will focus on an exten
nsion and
quanntification of the
t findings to
o a broad rangge of the indiividual input properties,
likke pure matrix
x and pure
blocck strength andd deformability. However, still putting emphasis
on meeting
the reequirements off a simple
appllication, basedd on easily deeterminable g eological and
d geotechnicall information,, to allow a proper
sounnd characterization for faultt rocks.
Characterization of Fault Zo
ones | Results of Laboratory
y Tests on BIM
T. Pillgerstorfer
Medley, E.
E 2001. Orderrly Characteriization of Chaaotic Francisccan Melange. Felsbau Rockk and Soil
Engineerinng Vol. 12 (4), pp. 20-33, E
Essen: VGE.
majid, V., Kaiiser, P.K. & M
Martin, C.D. 2002.
ng brittle failuure of rock. In
nt. J. Rock
Mech. Minn. Sci. 39 (6), pp.
p 731-741.
Dipl.-Ing. Thhomas Pilgersto
Graz Univerrsity of Technology
Institute for Rock Mechanics and Tunnelliing
Rechbauersttrae 12
8010 Graz
[email protected]
Characterization of Fault Zo
ones | Results of Laboratory
y Tests on BIM
Workshops 2013
October 9 2013, Salzburg, Austria
Cataclasites are highly fractured and crushed fault zone materials with generally poor mechanical
properties. They origin from tectonic activities with very high stress levels and in case of deep tunnels the
cataclasites are excavated in depth with high in situ stress. To investigate the behaviour of the low strength
cataclasites in high stress ground conditions triaxial tests with stress levels comparable to the in situ stress
are performed. The focus is set on the evaluation of the mechanical properties for the geotechnical tunnel
design of the fault zone sections. The testing procedure and the results are described in this extended
The ground material tested in the triaxial test consists of highly crushed and faulted phyllites and schists
and was explored during the ground investigations for the Semmering Base Tunnel project. The fault zone
material is highly heterogeneous with generally poor geotechnical properties while the described triaxial
tests focus on the very weak portions of the fault zones which are predicted with thicknesses of several
meters to tens of meters. Figure 1 shows the typical testing material.
Special care was taken during drilling procedure and handling of the samples to reduce the disturbance
before testing to a reasonable minimum. This includes drilling with triple core barrel (including core liner),
immediate vacuum sealing and protection with core liner and air bubble film. The result was a very high
quality of core samples even in heavily sheared rock mass and fault zones.
Figure 1: Examples of typical testing material; cataclasites from phyllite and schist. The material can
easily be broken by hand.
Depending on the degree of shearing, cataclasites can show different structures. For example, they can be
described as bands of sheared rock or hard particles embedded in a relatively soft matrix. Therefore, the
specimen preparation is very demanding, since cutting the sample with a conventional water flushed
diamond disc saw leads to very irregular cutting surfaces. For this reason, the samples are cut on an
electronically controlled air flushed diamond band saw. The saw consists of an endless metal band which
has diamonds both on its cutting edge and on the lateral sides (for polishing while cutting). The sample is
fastened with a prismatic adapter on a table which moves towards the rotating band saw. This equipment
allows vibration less cutting of the hard inclusions without disturbing the matrix (Figure 2). After cutting
one end of the specimen a parallel cut of the other end can be done by rotating the prismatic adapter by
180. During cutting, the samples are protected against drying by covering them with plastic foil. Since the
end surfaces are directly polished, no further treatment is necessary (Figure 3). After cutting, the specimen
is weighed, photographed and measured.
Triaxial tests on cylindrical specimens are the most frequently used laboratory tests to determine the
strength and deformability of geomaterials. The standard equipment varies based on the type of material to
be tested. For rock, high loads and pressures are required, whereas the pore water pressure is not controlled.
On the other hand, low loads and pressures are applied for soils (about one to two orders of magnitudes
lower than for rock), while controlling the pore pressure.
Since the samples of the cataclasites were recovered at depths of more than 350 m, high loads and pressures
must be applied in order to test the specimen at confining pressures similar to the in-situ stresses. Due to the
fact that most pores of the fault material build an interconnected system, the results need to be interpreted
according to the principle of effective stresses. Therefore, the rock testing equipment must be improved in
order to consider the effect of the pore pressure during the execution of the tests. The first experiences on
triaxial testing of fault rock specimens under controlled pore pressure were gained at the ETH Zurich with
the kakirites of the Gotthard Base Tunnel during the exploratory campaign [1]. As a consequence of the
experiences of further investigations on weak rocks from other tunnelling projects, such as kakirites (from
the Gotthard Base Tunnel during the construction stage and from the Ceneri Base Tunnel, Switzerland),
graphitic phyllites (Visp tunnel, Switzerland, and Seich Sou tunnel, Greece) and breccias from the Straits of
Gibraltar, the equipment was replaced and improved.
The used equipment consists of an electromechanical load frame with a nominal load of 600 kN (2 in
Figure 4) and was designed for applying deformation rates down to 0.1 m / min. In the triaxial cell
specimens with dimensions up to 104 mm diameter and 210 mm height can be tested (1 in Figure 4 and
Figure 5). The cell can withstand confining pressures up to 220 bars, which is generated with an electromechanical actuator with a nominal pressure of 250 bars (4 in Figure 4). The pore pressures at both ends of
the specimen are controlled with two electromechanical actuators (5 and 6 in Figure 4) with a nominal
water pressure of 30 bars. The axial load is measured with a high precision load cell (3 in Figure 4).
Furthermore, and in order to increase the accuracy of the measurements, the deformations of the specimen
are measured close to the specimen (1 in Figure 5), i.e. inside the cell. The axial deformation is measured
as the change of the distance between two magnets placed at both ends of the specimen (3 in Figure 4) with
a non-contact position sensor based on the magnetostrictive principle (2 in Figure 5). The radial
deformation is measured contactless with a linear magnetic encoder fixed on a chain extensometer (4 in
Figure 5) and redundantly by measuring the change of the oil volume in the cell (4 in Figure 5). The latter
is done by measuring the position of the piston of the actuator with a further linear magnetic encoder. Both
ends of the specimen are connected with the respective pore pressure devices (5 and 6 in Figure 4 and 5).
These allow applying a hydraulic gradient prior to the deviatoric loading of the specimen, in order to
increase the degree of saturation. Watering the specimen enables the determination of its permeability by
measuring the amount of water pressed in the specimen over time. After watering backpressure for
saturating the specimen can be applied.
4.1. Testing procedure
The consolidated drained triaxial tests (CD) are performed as multi stage tests with three load stages with
confining stresses in the range of the in-situ stresses and a maximum of approx. 20 MPa. The typical testing
procedure consists of the following main phases.
Additionally, for some samples variations of the testing procedure are done as described below.
Increase of the consolidation pressure (from 5 to 10 MPa) before the triaxial test (representing
approx. 400 m of overburden and a k0 of 1.0).
Variation of the hydrostatic stress level of the different load stages (from 1 to 18 MPa).
Testing of the specimen according to a special stress path by reduction of the axial stress (1)
starting from the assumed in-situ stress condition until failure of the specimen.
A full saturation of the specimen cannot be reached. But systematic investigations with kakirites from
Gotthard Base Tunnel [1] show, that partially saturated material behaves almost similar in case of an
interconnected pore system, which is gained by water flow through the specimen before consolidation. The
collected test data are presented by stress-strain diagrams (deviator stress vs. axial strain) and the relation
between volumetric strain v and axial strain 1. In this paper the result of all tests are discussed while the
result plots of only one selected sample is presented; Figure 6 shows the results for the load stage
3 = 15 MPa.
Figure 6: Results of the CD triaxial test for one load stage with confining stress of 15 MPa.
Additionally to the triaxial test geotechnical index tests such as density, water content, porosity and
saturation are performed after the test. The grain size distribution is used to classify the fault material
according to the specified ground types.
Figure 7: Stress-strain diagram (left) and normalized diagram (right) for the evaluation of the
deformation behaviour.
E50~2400 MPa
Figure 8: Example for the evaluation of E50 (left) and Eur (right) for one load stage.
Figure 9: Results of the numerical back analysis with stress-strain diagram (left) and normalized
stress-strain diagram (right).
The triaxial testing of cataclasites with stress levels comparable to the in situ stresses and the control of the
pore water pressure leads to reasonable material properties, which can directly be used for geotechnical
design of underground structures. With the use of sophistic testing equipment and special testing
procedures shear parameters as well as stress depending deformation parameters and permeability can be
determined for the usually very critical fault zone section of deep tunnels.
Vogelhuber, M. 2007. Der Einfluss des Porenwasserdrucks auf das mechanische Verhalten kakiritisierter Gesteine. Dissertation Nr. 17079, Institut fr Geotechnik an der ETH, Zrich.
Daller, J., Atzl, G. & Blmel, M. 2010. Bestimmung von Gesteinskennwerten an Strungsmaterial.
Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Wulf Schubert. Institut fr Felsmechanik und Tunnelbau, TU
Wehnert, M. 2006. Ein Beitrag zur drainierten und undrainierten Analyse in der Geotechnik.
Mitteilungen des Institutes fr Geotechnik, Universitt Stuttgart, Vol. 53.
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Andreas Goricki
ETH Zrich
Institute for Geotechnical Engineering
8093 Zrich
Workshops 2013
October 9 2013, Salzburg, Austria
P. Schubert
iC consulenten Ziviltechniker GesmbH, Bro Salzburg Bergheim, Austria
Das Thema der Rckrechnung von Gebirgsparametern wurde vom Verfasser anlsslich der Auffahrung des
Erkundungstunnels Paierdorf in der Zone der Lavanttaler Hauptstrung aufgegriffen und mit einfachen
Mitteln (Gebirgskennlinie) zu einem befriedigenden Ergebnis gebracht [1]. Die damals gewhlte
Vorgangsweise soll hier nochmals dargestellt werden, ebenso wie ein Verweis auf weitere Untersuchungen
durch andere Personen zu dieser Strungszone.
Eine Verallgemeinerung der hier gewhlten Vorgangsweise stt vor allem auf 2 Hauptprobleme: a) kurze,
inhomogene Strungszonen, wo ein starker 3D Effekt der primren und sekundren Spannungsverhltnisse
eintritt, und b) die Wahl der Vorentspannung, welche bei stark druckhaften Gebirgsverhltnissen auch
wesentlich von der Steifigkeit des Ausbaus abhngt. In beiden Fllen wrde eine Rckrechnung
aufwndigere 3D Berechnungen erfordern.
P. Schubert
Als weitere Entscheidungshilfe fr den Einsatz von Deformationselementen wurde die Rckrechnung der
Spritzbetonauslastung herangezogen. Dabei wurden ab einer Grenzstauchung von ca. 8 bzw. einer
Auslastung von ca. 80% der Spritzbetonsicherung Deformationselemente zur Anwendung gebracht.
Die Setzungen in der Kalotte zeigen max. ca. 200 mm in den Bereichen mit nachgiebigem Ausbausystem
(Abbildung 2). Gegenber der Erwartung aus der Planungsphase bedeutet dies eine wesentliche Erkenntnis,
da wesentlich hhere Verschiebungswerte erwartet wurden.
2 Verformungsschlitze im Kmpfer
Station [m]
P. Schubert
e 0.15 Pr
u max 3
Mit der angefhrten Methodik gibt es in der Regel eine relativ groe Bandbreite von mglichen
Kombinationen zwischen E, C und . Die Kombinationen werden eingeschrnkt durch das Verhltnis
zwischen Vorverschiebung und gemessener Verschiebung (in diesem Fall etwa 1:1) und den plausiblen
Bereich fr den Reibungswinkel (Abbildung 4). Zu letzterem dienten eine Analyse der Kornverteilung und
die Bercksichtigung von Blockanteilen.
Back Analysis for
Cohesion [MPa]
Back Analysis for
0.75 : 1
1: 1
Friction Angle []
P. Schubert
c [MN/m2]
E [MN/m2]
Das gesamte Verschiebungsverhalten reprsentiert in diesem Abschnitt offenbar eine Mischung aus den
unterschiedlichen mechanischen Komponenten der Strungskernzone. Einzelne Blcke oder auch
Kataklasitzonen haben sich in dem Bauschnitte mit Deformationselementen nicht sehr ausgeprgt in den
Verschiebungen niedergeschlagen. Deshalb ist es sinnvoll, fr weitere Projektierungsschritte Mischkennwerte fr eine tektonische Melange anzunehmen. Eine Einzelbetrachtung der Komponenten feinkrniger,
grobkrniger Kataklasit, Zerrttungszone und Block ist offenbar hier nicht praxisrelevant.
Die Rckrechnungsergebnisse mit der Kennlinienmethode wurden mit einem 2D Flac Modell berprft.
Dabei wurde abweichend vom Kennlinienverfahren die tatschliche Form des Tunnels gewhlt und die
Anker explizit modelliert. Das Materialgesetz Mohr-Coulomb, der primre Spannungszustand und das
Ausma der Vorentspannung wurde analog zum Kennlinienverfahren gewhlt. Dabei konnte gezeigt
werden, dass die Ergebnisse sowohl hinsichtlich Spannungs-Verschiebungsverhalten, Ausbaubelastung und
plastischer Zone weitgehend identisch sind.
TM VS 12,79 m
1500 2100
TM VS 15,36 m
800 2500
TM VS 19,29 m
1000 1800
Man sieht, dass die Einschtzung der Scherfestigkeit (Reibung und Kohsion) sehr hnlich den
Rckrechnungswerten sind, der E-Modul jedoch deutlich hher. Wie stark dieser Befund durch die lokalen
Verhltnisse beeinflusst ist, ist meines Erachtens nicht eindeutig zu sagen. Jedenfalls scheint aber besttigt,
dass tiefliegende Strungszonen durch die hohe Verspannung der berlagerung eine sehr hohe Steifigkeit
aufweisen knnen. Der Einfluss der berlagerungsspannung auf die Gebirgssteifigkeit muss deshalb bei
der Festlegung von Kennwerten unbedingt beachtet werden.
P. Schubert
Die hier gezeigte, offenbar durchaus erfolgreiche Rckrechnung bezieht ihre Vorverschiebungswerte aus
den 3D Modellrechnungen von Hoek et al. [2]. Diese Rechnungen wurden allerdings ohne Ausbau
gemacht. Cantieni und Anagnostou [4] haben uns allerdings drastisch vorgefhrt, dass die Vorentspannung
bei stark druckhaften Verhltnissen und steifem Ausbau erheblich anders zu bewerten ist. Ein steifer
Ausbau reduziert dann die vorauseilende Entspannung ganz erheblich und erhht damit die Lasten des
In unserem Fall ist der Ausbau durch die Deformationselemente sehr weich, wodurch dieser Effekt stark
reduziert wird. Andernfalls scheint aber auch aus diesem Aspekt eine 3D Simulation unausweichlich.
Die oben angefhrte Rckrechnung fr die Lavanttaler Hauptstrungszone beruht auf einem ebenen 2D
Modell. Das ist bei der 450 Meter langen Strungszone berechtigt. Bei kurzen Strungszonen treten jedoch
erhebliche Randeffekte durch die benachbarten kompetenteren Gebirgsbereiche auf, wodurch die
Spannungs- und Verschiebungsprognose eines ebenen Modells zunehmend falsch wird. Zum Beispiel hat
Graziani [5] gezeigt, dass bei den in seiner Studie gewhlten Parametern ab einer Strungslnge von etwa
50 m die Randeffekte weitgehend verschwinden, und unter 20 m Strungslnge sehr erheblich werden
(Lasten sinken auf unter 50%). Eine Verallgemeinerung ist hier sicher nicht zulssig und kurze Strungen
wrden jedenfalls ein 3D Modell fr eine Rckrechnung erfordern.
Es ist hinreichend erwiesen, dass Tunnelstatik mit vielen Fragezeichen behaftet ist. Dasselbe gilt natrlich
fr Rckrechnungen jeder Art. Der Verfasser ist jedoch berzeugt, dass die einfache Methode der
Rckrechnung mittels Kennlinie am ebenen Modell im Vergleich zur Ableitung von Kennwerten aus
Bohrkernen und Laborversuchen zu erheblich wirklichkeitsnheren Ergebnissen fhrt und deshalb in jedem
Fall lohnend ist. Bei komplexen geometrischen Verhltnissen ist allerdings eine aufwndige 3D
Modellierung nicht zu vermeiden.
Schubert, P., Hlzl, H., Sellner, P. & Fasching, F. 2010. Geomechanical knowledge gained from the
Paierdorf investigation tunnel in the section through the Lavanttal main fault zone, Geomechanics
and Tunnelling 3 (2), pp. 163-173, Berlin: Ernst & Sohn.
Hoek, E. 1999. Support of very weak rocks associated with faults and shear zones. In: International
Symposium on Rock Support and Reinforcement Practice in Mining. Kalgoorlie, Australia.
Pilgerstorfer, T., Radoncic, N., Moritz, B. & Goricki, A. 2011. A Evaluation and interpretation of
monitoring data in the test adit EKT Paierdorf. Geomechanics and Tunnelling 4 (5), pp. 423-434,
Berlin: Ernst & Sohn.
Cantieni, L. & Anagnostou, G. 2009. The Effect of the Stress Path on Squeezing Behavior in
Tunneling. Rock Mech Rock Eng 42, pp. 289-318, Wien: Springer.
Graziani, A., Capata, A. & Romualdi, P. 2007. Analysis of Rock-TBM-Lining Interaction in Squeezing
Rock, Felsbaumagazin 25 (2007), Vol. 6, pp. 22-31, Essen: VGE.
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Peter Schubert
iC consulenten Ziviltechniker GesmbH
Zollhausweg 1
5101 Bergheim
[email protected]
Workshops 2013
October 9 2013, Salzburg, Austria
U. Glawe
Freelance Consultant in Geomechanics & Rock Engineering
Unexpected occurence of large faults in tunnelling is common in hydropower and infrastructure projects
located in remote areas. It requires adequate geological and geomechanical characterisation of the fault and
of the encountered materials. Tailoring appropriately the available engineering tools to the prevailing
ground conditions is essential for doing well in the construction of the tunnel. This case study directly
addresses such circumstances, where the top heading of a tunnel was driven through an unpredicted fault
and the obtainable construction utensils were modified to deal with the extraordinarily difficult ground
conditions, successfully. The fault is getting characterised by its geometry, the fault structure, the
geological units in the fault as well as by the hydrogeological conditions. Implemented adjustments of the
support and of auxiliary measures to tunnel through squeezing and flowing ground of the fault are
addressed and typical monitoring results are presented.
U. Glawe
down to 40 m below ground level at a maximum, where the boundary of moderately to slightly weathered
rock is located. The actual soil thickness (= ISRM weathering grade V and VI) is around 20 m in general.
Figure 1: Schematic sketch showing the project arrangement and the tunnel with respect to the
major geological structures and encountered lithological units.
Figure 2: Sketch showing the geological model for the tunnel at tender design stage. (Ch. = chainage
or tunnel meter).
U. Glawe
The construction schedule required that the 1.175 km long tunnel will be driven towards the powerhouse
complex from downstream and down-hill at a gradient of 1%. At the downstream portal the tunnel will
discharge into an exiting reservoir. The full supply level of this reservoir is close to the tunnel roof at the
portal. The respective water level is indicated in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Sketch showing the geological model during detail design prior to construction. FSL stands
for Full Supply Level of the existing downstream reservoir. The dashed red line represents the
assumed rock line. The direction of the tunnel drive is indicated with the black arrow.
Surprisingly, down to an elevation of 10 m below the tunnel invert the entire drilling showed soil like
material with a few small blocks of volcanic rock. The soil in the drilling was visually and from its
estimated grain size distribution similar to residual soil produced by weathering of the volcanic rock.
However, deep-seated weathering was soon excluded from potential sources as the soil was found down to
a depth of more than 100 m and the surface of slightly weathered rock is located generally not deeper than
40 m below ground level. The surfaces of the few blocks in the drilling block showed coatings and signs of
cauterisation. Hence, hydro-thermal alteration along a minor fault or similar genesis was considered to be a
reasonable geological explanation.
Figure 4: Drill cores obtained from borehole HTS-5 (see Figure 3) from the tunnel level with a tripletube core barrel. The borehole penetrated the tunnel at around Ch. 750 (compare Fig. 5 and Table 1
for actual geology at Ch. 750).
U. Glawe
As the location and geomechanical characteristics of the contact sedimentary/volcanic rock was still
unidentified, in-depth geological mapping was performed at the morphological ridge along the tunnel
alignment. Quartz pebbles in the residual soil were used as indicator of sedimentary strata. Based on the
results of mapping another borehole was drilled (HTS44 in Figure 3). It revealed that the contact is not
sharp, but it is characterised by interlocking of the individual strata. This interlocking was irrelevant for the
design and for the construction of the tunnel as both rock types are of good quality when fresh.
A newly developed geological model was set up as presented in Figure 3. It shows a zone of deteriorated
rock, soil with rock blocks from Ch. 727 to Ch. 809. A rock line was introduced that separates the soil
type material from the material with rock properties. At that stage of the project it was still unknown that
the tunnel would cross a wide major fault at a cover thickness of approximately 100 m.
The designed tunnel support for the zone of deteriorated rock is characterised by the following
Steel sets HB 200 x 200 x 49.9 kg/m, grade 275, 1 m c/c; on top heading arch outer rib with
footing (steel plate) and inner rib with connecting plate, only
Canopy tubes for forepole umbrella,114.3 x 6.3, grade 275, 0.5 m c/c, 9 m, 3 m overlap, outward
directed at 6.5 to the tunnel centre line
Fibreglass face dowels, 12 m long, 1.5 m c/c staggered, 3 m overlap (= 30% of excavation diameter)
U. Glawe
Figure 5: The upper block diagram shows the schematised structure of a fault (block diagram
modified after [1]). The actual fault geology and thickness of individual zones observed in the tunnel
is presented in the geological profile below including discharge into the tunnel. The numbers in the
geological profile refer to those used in Table 1. The red bars in top of the profile indicate the extent
of deteriorated rock predicted for detail design. The green lines indicate schematically the probe
drillings ahead of the respective tunnel face.
U. Glawe
Table 1: Fault geology, fault zoning and respective tunnel support. The numbers of the zones refers
to the numbers in Figure 5.
Zone in Fault
To 828
Host Rock
Spot Bolting
828 - 817
Damage Zone
Ribs &
817 - 799
Damage Zone
Canopy Tubes
& Ribs &
Shotcrete &
Face Support
799 - 775
Large Block in
Damage Zone
775 - 763
Damage Zone /
Fault Core
Ribs &
763 745
Fault Core
Canopy Tubes
& Ribs &
Shotcrete &
Face Support&
745 - 724
724 711
Damage Zone
Initially Ribs
and Shotcrete,
then Shotcrete
and Syst.
from 711
Host Rock
Bolting, Spot
U. Glawe
Table 2: Grain size distribution and natural moisture content (NMC) determined for the brownishblackish and the yellowish-brownish matrix material.
Brownish-blackish Matrix
Sieve Size [mm]
Yellow-brownish Matrix
Figure 6: Tunnel face at Ch. 760 prior to shotcreting and placing of steel set. Cohesive yellowishbrownish matrix material and dark-grey andesite blocks (BiM-rock fc25).
Figure 7: Lump of brownish-blackish undisturbed matrix soil of the fault core (Ch. 730). The
material feels similar to damp compacted peat. For grain size distribution and NMC see Table 2.
U. Glawe
Figure 8: Brownish-blackish matrix material with slickensides (left) and layering (right). The
slickensides were presumably generated by deformations ahead of the face (Ch. 735) and not by
tectonic processes. The layering may indicate previous internal tectonic deformation of shear lenses
in the fault core.
U. Glawe
resulted in a unit weight close to 10 kN/m3 and a 28 days cube strength of 6 MPa. This strength allows that
the material can be excavated easily with a standard excavator or even with a pick with difficulty.
After re-establishment of the tunnel a crown failure (= Collapse II in Figure 5) occurred at the same
location as Collapse I (Ch. 757). This happened just before the next rib could be placed underneath the
newly installed canopy tubes. As with the previous collapse, adverse ground conditions were one of the
reasons of the failure. The situation was re-established after only a few days: more than 40 m3 of lightweight concrete and some mortar were pumped into the collapse cavity.
U. Glawe
Improvement of Steel Set Foundations through Grouted Rib Footings and Ring Drains
Softening of the material in the small excavated pits for the steel set footing due to accumulation of water
from sweating and from local water ways was addressed by the following approach: the readily
excavated pits were cleaned shortly before shotcreting. The gap between ribs and the ground was filled with
aggregates and shortly after with grout to create a load bearing connection between the steel set and the soil
foundation material (Figure 9).
A wound roll of geotextile was fixed onto the walls with nails to prevent water flowing from the walls and
from the tunnel face into the pit. The geotextile roll was extended further into the tunnel profile with a
ribbed PVC-pipe (Figure 9) and simply covered with shotcrete. This simple drain worked well prior and
after shotcreting.
Figure 9: Details of rib footings prior to shotcrete application. The footing of the outer ribs
(highlighted with the dashed white line) stands on aggregate and a wooden formwork was installed
before the rib footing pit is filled with grout. A ring drain of wound geotextile is nailed onto the soil to
prevent water from the walls entering the excavation pit of the footing. A steel plate is welded on the
inner rib in preparation for the installation of micro-piles.
Provisions for Micro-pile Foundations for Steel Sets
In the soft ground micro-piles can act as auxiliary foundation of ribs. Hence, there were an option. To
connect possible micro-piles to the ribs, rectangular steel plates (940 mm x 370 mm x 20 mm) were welded
onto the inner flange of the inner rib (Figure 9).
Strengthening of Vault through dense Steel Sets and increased Shotcrete Thickness
Steel rib spacing was gradually decreased from 1.0 m to 0.5 m and the thickness of shotcrete could be
increased only by increasing the excavation diameter to assure the shotcrete does not penetrate the specified
B-Line (here defined as outer boundary of reinforced concrete liner).
U. Glawe
Figure 10: Modified canopy tube for pressure grouting. The non-perforated and perforated sections
are divided by a sleeve of mild steel of the diameter of the borehole and welded onto the tube. In a
first stage the annulus of the none-perforated section was filled with grout at low pressure (red =
return pipe). In a second stage the steel tube was filled with grout until return occurred through the
red pipe. This pipe was then closed and pressure grouting was conducted.
Figure 11: Spalling of shotcrete at the tunnel perimeter in-between canopy tubes. Radial cracking of
the shotcrete at the face and buttress further demonstrated ongoing instability in the face.
U. Glawe
Spalling of shotcrete as well as radial cracking of the shotcrete in the face and face buttress indicated that
the canopy tubes were failing ahead of the face and getting bent down due to squeezing ground (Figure 11).
The tunnel face was getting pushed into the tunnel. Despite all efforts, eventually at Ch. 741 the face gave
way and face collapse of a few cubic metres occurred (Figure 12).
Figure 12: Collapse III at Ch. 741. This face collapse of a few cubic metres only, occurred after
observation of significant squeezing of the tunnel face and the adjacent roof and the side-walls. The
blocks in front of the debris are blocks of matrix soil including smaller rock blocks that were
separated from the face. Note the bent-down canopy tubes in the crown and the discharge of muddy
suspension from the face. The latter was creating large erosional cavities with a total volume of
several tens of cubic metres ahead of the face.
After establishing reasonably safe conditions in the tunnel, three exploratory bore holes were drilled which
indicated far better ground conditions approximately 20 m ahead of the face (for location of drillings and
orientation see Figure 5).
During drilling of the canopy tubes large cavities generated by soil erosion ahead of the face were
discovered. They required filling with more than 40 m3 of light-weight concrete. In addition cement
grouting was conducted along the tunnel perimeter prior to placing the next canopy tubes. At Ch. 741 more
than 30 tons of cement was pumped into the perimeter before the works advanced.
It was evident that the so far implemented measures were insufficient for tunnelling in such poor and
unpredictable ground. To deal with these conditions further support and auxiliary measures were
implemented step by step when the tunnel progressed.
Perimeter and Face Grouting
Perimeter and face grouting was considered necessary for the upcoming 20 m in adverse ground as an
auxiliary measure to contribute to stabilize the face: 9 m long holes were drilled in-between canopy tubes
and grouted at a low water cement ratio with a maximum pressure of 10 bars. The holes were left open and
unsupported prior to grouting; only a 1.5 m steel tube was inserted and the hole was sealed.
U. Glawe
Grouting pressure and w/c ratio were consistently adjusted. Grout takes varied significantly, from nil in
some holes to several hundreds of kilograms of cement per hole. In some of the holes that had high grout
takes, grouting was stopped when no pressure changes but continuous takes were recorded. Grouting was
started along the perimeter to radially confine the soil ahead of the face. This was followed by
systematically grouting of the face towards the centreline.
A few grout holes penetrated distinct water paths. These holes were used as drain holes after a 9 m long
geotextile-wrapped PVC-pipe was inserted (where possible).
Reinforcing Canopy Tubes and Canopy Grouting at significant Discharge
The canopy tubes drill holes intercepted distinct groundwater flow paths with increasing discharge and the
previously introduced tube pressure grouting system (shown in Figure 10) became ineffective. The canopy
tubes were reinforced with three centrally placed 26 mm steel bars of grade 460 and modified as shown in
Figure 13.
Figure 13 a and b: Modified canopy tube for grouting in ground with high water discharge. The tube
is closed at both ends. After installation of the tube the annulus is closed at the face. This is followed
by grouting the canopy tube. This procedure guarantees that the entire tube is filled with grout and
no grout is washed away. Together with the three centrally placed steel rebar it can act as stiff and
strong cantilever. In a second stage the annulus is (pressure) grouted.
U. Glawe
Dense and Double Forepole Umbrella
The spacing of canopy tubes was further reduced to 0.4 m and where the space allowed, a second row of
canopy tubes was installed. The latter procedure was only possible at Ch. 741 (Figure 14).
Figure 14: Upper section of the face at Ch. 741 with double forepole umbrella on the right side of the
roof and side wall. Note that there is a third row of tubes of the previously installed canopy tube set
above the steel set which reaches 3 m ahead of the last installed steel set. The tubes were installed
with protruding ends to minimise the excavation required for the installation of the next steel set. The
yellow circles indicate optical targets placed strategically onto the last steel rib and in the tunnel face
and buttress. This allowed monitoring displacements during canopy installation and during the
Reinforced Micro-Piles as Steel Set Foundations
As previously noted, bearing capacity failure of the foundation soil beneath rib footings was a very serious
concern of the engineer in charge. The results of tunnel monitoring indicated continuous and differential
settlements of the shotcrete-rib vault (Figure 15 and Figure 17). Radial cracking of the shotcrete between
steel ribs at Ch. 746 occurred.
Section 6.2.8 describes the preparation of the ribs to connect them to micro-piles and hence immediate
installation was possible. Material available at the site (= canopy tubes) was used as micro-piles: 6 m long
steel tubes, 114.3 x 6.3, grade 275, one pile at each side of a rib (= four piles per steel rib). The principle for
fixing the piles to the ribs is detailed in Fig. 16. It leads to immediate mobilisation of the piles at any
settlements of the ribs.
Due to restriction in space (drilling rig and location of foot plate of the outer rib) the micro-piles could only
be drilled at a maximum inclination of about 30 to the horizontal. Hence, they are acting primarily through
bending rather than skin friction and end bearing. Therefore, the piles were reinforced with a centrally
spaced steel bar of 26 mm diameter (grade 460).
Initially it was not clear whether the micro-piles could substantially support the steel set foundations and
take the loads transferred from the reinforced forepole umbrella onto the ribs. Tunnel monitoring was an
essential tool to observe functioning of the micro-piles and to identify their role in tunnel stabilisation. The
monitoring results presented in Figure 17 indicate that the micro-piles required more than 20 mm of
displacements until they were significantly contributing to stabilise the tunnel, which is considered to be
small bearing in mind the poor ground conditions.
U. Glawe
Figure 15 a and b: Displacement monitoring results for sections at Ch. 738 and 745 for a period of 27
days in early 2013 (Feb 23 until March 22, 2013). The results indicate differential settlements
between the two sections as well as differential settlements within the section at Ch. 738.
U. Glawe
Figure 16: Construction principle for fixing the micro-pile steel tubes onto the steel sets leading to
immediate mobilisation of the piles (frontal view): a) A steel plate (940 mm x 370 mm x 20 mm) is
welded onto the inner rib. U-shaped openings upside down are cut into the plate; the yellow lines
represent welded seams. b) Holes are drilled for the piles (into the drawing plane and downward).
c) Holes are filled with grout (red) and the micro-piles with a centralized 26 mm steel rebar are
inserted. d) Small steel plates of 20 mm thickness with upside down U shaped openings are welded
onto the larger plate and connected to the steel tube (yellow lines are welding seams).
Figure 17: Results of monitoring the crown settlements at Ch. 745 for the period Dec 07, 2012 until
April 05, 2013. After the collapse at Ch. 741 the micro-piles were soon installed at Ch. 756 to Ch. 745
and settlements continued. It took 23 mm and 11 mm of settlements, respectively, after the piles were
installed to stabilise the tunnel (= cease of settlements).
U. Glawe
Soft matrix with few small andesite blocks and completely saturated soil ( = mud)
Few strong marble blocks (c >> 150 MPa) with a diameter of up to 2 m (Ch. 735 to Ch. 724)
Hence, all necessary support and auxiliary measures were put in place and the tunnel advanced at low rate.
Figure 18: Canopy tube grouting at Ch.735 after pneumatic (dry) drilling and tube installation. The
photograph shows the release of liquefied in-situ mud of the brownish-blackish matrix material from
the holes, which is flowing down the face.
Figure 19: The geological conditions got rapidly better once the damage zone was reached. Fractured
andesite and lenses or bands of clayey-silty soil at Ch. 722 are exhibited in the tunnel face. The lenses
of soil are marked with dashed yellow lines. Some of the lenses were connected with long shear
fractures (dashed white lines).
U. Glawe
The material was at some locations so soft that it was flowing into the tunnel when the face was opened or
during drilling of holes for canopy tubes (Figure 18). Surprisingly, out of the 40 m3 of light-weight concrete
and 30 tons of cement pumped into the face at Ch. 741, only a few cubic metres were found in the mucked
As shotcrete shell settlements and squeezing were still ongoing extreme care was taken. At one location one
could visually observe opening of radial cracks in the face. The situation was controlled by immediately
placing a stabilising buttress/ramp of rock fill against the face and spraying additional 250 mm SFR 40 onto
the face, starting from the crown perimeter and continuing downward.
Simultaneously with the cease of the rib settlements (Figure 17) the last canopy tube set in the fault core
was installed at Ch. 729. These canopy tubes reached into better ground (= damage zone) and squeezing
stopped promptly. From Chainage 724 onward the ground conditions improved rapidly (Figure 19).
Break-through of the top heading of this tunnel was in mid July 2013 and it was in schedule of the project.
Finally it is noted that despite the three collapses and frequent and unavoidable very dangerous working
conditions at the face and in the tunnel no one was injured and no equipment was lost in this operation.
The top heading of a 9.7 m excavation diameter tunnel has been driven successfully through a 40 m wide
core of a major fault at 100 m overburden thickness. The material consisted predominantly of soft soil and
water was encountered leading to squeezing and flowing ground conditions. This required modification of
the initially designed support and auxiliary measures.
The geology of the fault is considered to be reasonably well understood and characterised, but there are
many open geological questions. These inquiries refer to the genesis of the fault, the materials in the fault
(e.g. the origin of the marble blocks) and several other geological issues.
The adjustment of the measures to deal with the prevailing ground conditions was essentially based upon
engineering and experienced-based judgement. The approach selected by the authorised engineer in
charge avoided lengthy academic discussions, but crucial decisions were made pragmatically and promptly
at the tunnel face, and they were instantly directed.
This case study is contributed due to its high relevancy to the subject of the workshop. It is envisaged to
publish this data as part of a more comprehensive paper that will include reference to and
acknowledgement of all participatory stakeholders.
Seidenfuss, T. 2006. Collapses in Tunnelling. Master Thesis, Technical College Stuttgart, Stuttgart.
Ulrich Glawe
PhD. Eng Geol.
MSc. Eng Rock Mech., DIC.,
MSc. Eng Geol.
[email protected]
LinkedIn: Ulrich Glawe
Workshops 2013
October 9 2013, Salzburg, Austria
Geological uncertainties and the ensuing risks in the construction of long tunnels at great depth has been
described in the ITA Report no. 4 - Long tunnels at great depth (ITA) [1]: . the deeper the tunnel, the
larger the uncertainties; the higher the probability of encountering adverse or unforeseen conditions for
tunnelling, the greater the effort and the cost for site investigations to reduce the uncertainties.
Among the identified hazard sources, faults play a dominant role, due to their squeezing potential, swelling
and creep, possible inflow of water (and/or gases) and debris, or eventual displacements along active shear
Tunnelling through fault zones may therefore lead to critical events for both the construction process and
the safety of the personnel. In order to minimise the risk, to be prepared in the case of an event or to
overcome fault zones efficiently, a Fault Zone Management Plan has been developed. This Fault Zone
Management Plan provides a systematic process developed for the cross-border BBT (Brenner Base
Tunnel) railway tunnel at great depth between Italy and Austria (Bergmeister [2]).
Information from other base tunnels, the existing BBT geomechanical project and the knowledge from
currently driven BBT exploratory and main tunnels will be taken into account in order to optimise the fault
zone management process.
Perpendicular main fault in granite crossed by the Aica-Mules exploration tunnel with a
instationary inflow of 160 l/s (Perello et al. [3]).
A fault zone in granite striking sharply to the tunnel axis of the Aica-Mules exploration tunnel: due
to the deformation a four month stop of TBM followed (Barla et al. [4]).
A fault zone striking perpendicular to the tunnel axis of the shallow tunnel Saxen: the tunnel
crossed a principal nappe fault with approx. 20 l/s instationary inflow.
Main fault zones in the phyllite, striking parallel to the exploration tunnel Innsbruck-Ahrental and
flat lying fault zones as crossed by the access tunnel Ahrental with approximately 15 l/s
instationary inflow.
2.2. Specifics for tunnels at great depth derived from design projects and
experiences in fault zone crossing
Specifics for tunnels at great depth, which have to be considered in the Fault Zone Management Plan:
Regional character of tunnel projects at great depth:
Due to the depth of the tunnels, the involved volume of the rock mass is large; this means that
regional knowledge of the geology and hydrogeology is required.
Long tunnels at great depth usually cross multiple tectonic units, therefore tunnels at great depth
usually cross regional fault zone systems. Additional literature on this topic see e.g. Damiano et al.
[8] and Eusebio et al. [9].
Due to the regional character of the fault zone systems, similar faults may be crossed several times
and even by different lots (e.g. NE-SW and N-S striking faults in the BBT project).
Events may have a regional impact, larger than the actual construction lot limits.
Deformation along shear zones leads to the characteristics of the rock mass, including the fabrics
and mineral assemblages.
Major shear zones that cross the crust down into the upper mantle show both brittle and ductile
sectors. Brittle fault related rock masses, such as breccias or gouges, are obviously related to most
of the critical conditions for tunnels, both during excavation and operation.
Complex project:
Characterization of Fault Zones | A Fault Zone Management for Deep Seated Tunnels
Figure 1: Fault Zone Management Plan flow chart with main packages of the working process in
the case of an event.
Characterization of Fault Zones | A Fault Zone Management for Deep Seated Tunnels
As can be seen from the flow chart, the Fault Zone Management Plan can be applied during the
construction of the exploratory tunnel (see left black line on the flow chart) and the main tunnels (see right
black line on the flowchart). The major steps (boxes) are described in the following chapters.
3.3. Investigation
If the first characterisation shows that an investigation programme is recommended for preparing the final
geological and geotechnical model, a detailed investigation programme including the aim of the
investigations has to be drawn up. The purpose of the investigation programme is to characterise in detail
the fault zone with respect to:
A tool box with investigation methods and the related investigation interests is included in the fault zone
management plan.
Characterization of Fault Zones | A Fault Zone Management for Deep Seated Tunnels
Figure 2: Template for the fault zone characterisation. The upper 2 sheets include a description,
illustration and characterisation of the geology and geotechnics of the fault zone. The lower 2 sheets
of the template contain information on the deformation behaviour in the case of available data from
exploration tunnels. The example shows the information for a fault zone inside the Quartz phyllite
striking parallel to the Innsbruck-Ahrental exploration tunnel and dipping east.
Characterization of Fault Zones | A Fault Zone Management for Deep Seated Tunnels
For the design, a distinction is made between preventive countermeasures and those applicable in the case
of the occurrence of an event.
Preventive countermeasures
Event-related countermeasures and equipment
A list with fault zone phenomena and proposed countermeasures from experience made during tunnel
construction under comparable boundary conditions and corresponding references is given in a tool box
(see Table 2).
The definition of possible hazards and preventive countermeasures are based on experience and on
literature, e.g. Amberg [10], Bonzanigo et al. [11], Daller et al. [12], Fellner et al. [13], Ferrari et al. [14],
Rthlisberger et al. [15], Sausbriber et al. [16], Stadelmann et al. [17], Weh et al. [18], Wildbolz [19],
Ziegler [19].
Characterization of Fault Zones | A Fault Zone Management for Deep Seated Tunnels
Table 2: Fault zone phenomena and proposed countermeasures (excerpt). Cases A to D are referred
to the knowledge of a fault zone: Case A = assumed fault zone; Case B = fault zone localized with
investigations ahead of the tunnel; Case C = close to the tunnel lying fault zone localized by
interpretation of monitoring data; Case D = intercepted fault zone.
The proposed BBT fault zone management plan provides a comprehensive action plan that shall be
followed in the case of an event. The plan includes different tool boxes such as proposals for required
countermeasures in presence of unfavourable fault zone conditions during the excavation process.
The presence of a permanent team of specialists, specifically working within the framework of the fault
zone management approach, facilitates transferring the continuously identified design and construction
best procedures and solutions into the subsequent design and tunnel construction packages.
The advantages derived from this ongoing learning, test, apply and transfer sequence will provide a
wealth of experience to the whole project team.
Experience in the next BBT construction lots may provide the opportunity to validate and verify the action
plan and to improve and adapt it.
Characterization of Fault Zones | A Fault Zone Management for Deep Seated Tunnels
ITA WG 17. 2010. Long Tunnels at great depth.
Bergmeister, K. 2011. Brenner Basistunnel der Tunnel kommt. pp. 263, Lana: Tappeiner.
Perello, P., Baietto, A., Burger, U. & Skuk, S. 2013. Excavation of the Aica-Mules pilot tunnel for
the Brenner base tunnel: experience gained on water inflows in tunnels in granitic massifs. Rock
Mechanics and Rock Engineering. In press.
Barla, G., Ceriani, S., Fasanella, M., Lombardi, A., Malucelli, G., Martinotti, G., Oliva, F., Perello, P.,
Pizzarotti, E.M., Polazzo, F., Rabagliati, U., Skuk, S. & Zurlo, R. 2010. Problemi di stabilit al fronte
durante lo scavo del cunicolo esplorativo Aica - Mules della Galleria di base del Brennero. In: Barla,
G. & Barla, M., Proc. XIII ciclo di conferenze di meccanica e ingegneria delle rocce MIR 2010,
ITA Working Group No. 2. 2004. Guidelines for tunnelling risk management. Tunnelling and
Underground Space Technology 19, pp. 217-237.
International Tunnelling Insurance Group (ITIG). 2006. Richtlinien zum Risikomanagement von
Tunnelprojekten (A Code of Practice for Risk Management of Tunnel Works).
Damiano, A., Venturini, G., Alzate, M., Mancari, G., Dematteis, A., Soldo, L. & Vendramini, M.
2011. The Reference Geological Model for the Corredor Bioceanico Aconcagua project. In: Congrs
International AFTES: Lyon.
Eusebio, A., Soldo, L., Pelizza, S. & Pettinau, D. 2005. Preliminary geological studies for the design
of Mercantour base tunnel. AFTES Tunnelling for a sustainable Europe: Chambery.
Amberg, F. 2006. Geologie, Vortriebsmethoden und Bauhilfsmassnahmen in der Multifunktionsstelle Faido. Geologie und Geotechnik der Basistunnels, pp. 225-237, Zrich: Lw Hochschulverlag.
Bonzanigo, L. & Oppizzi, P. 2006. Low Angle fault zones and TBM excavation in Bodio section of
Gotthard Base Tunnel. Geologie und Geotechnik der Basistunnels, pp. 156-184, Zrich: Lw
Daller, J., Atzl, G. & Weigl, J. 2011. The new Semmering base tunnel tunnel design in the fault
zone. Geomechanics and Tunnelling 4 (3), pp.237-253, Berlin: Ernst & Sohn.
Fellner, D., Bachmann, M. & Bnsch, W. 2007. DS-TBM over its Limits / Schwierigkeiten mit
Zuckerkrnigem Dolomit beim Bau des Shanggongtunnels in Sdwestchina. In: Internationales
Symposium BBT: Innsbruck.
Ferrari, A., Fabbri, D. & Sidler, M. 2007. Bewltigung von unerwarteten Strzonen beim TBMVortrieb im Gotthard-Basistunnel Baulos Bodio. In: Internationales Symposium BBT, pp. 56-62:
Rthlisberger, B., Stadelmann, R. & Wei, Z.Q. 2007. Bewltigung der Herausforderungen im
Bauabschnitt Faido des Gotthard Basistunnels. In. International Symposium BBT: Innsbruck.
Sausbriber, T. & Brandner, R. 2001. The relevance of brittle fault zones in tunnel construction.
Lower Inn Valley Feeder Line North of the Brenner Base Tunnel, Tyrol, Austria. Mitt. Osterr.Geol.
Ges. 94, pp. 157-172.
Stadelmann, R., Rehbock-Sander, M. & Rausch, M. 2007. Crossing of fault zones in the MFS Faido
by using the observational method. Underground Works under Special Conditions. Romana,
Perucho, Olalla (eds). London: Taylor & Francis.
Weh, M. & Bertholet, F. 2011. TBM advance in the main adit to the Nant de Drance pumped storage
power plant. Geomechanics and Tunnelling 4 (5), pp. 284-591, Berlin: Ernst & Sohn.
Ziegler, H.-J. 2011. 150 km Vortrieb durch die Alpen Ingenieurgeologische Erfahrungen. In: Swiss
Tunnel Congress 2011.
Characterization of Fault Zones | A Fault Zone Management for Deep Seated Tunnels
Mag. MSc. Ulrich Burger
Characterization of Fault Zones | A Fault Zone Management for Deep Seated Tunnels
Workshops 2013
October 9 2013, Salzburg, Austria
M. Brandtner
IGT Ziviltechniker GmbH, Salzburg, Austria
Figure 1: Typical 3D model for fault zone with transition zones adjacent to unfaulted regions.
M. Brandtner
The determination of suitable model boundaries is essential. One should bear in mind that each plane on the
boundary is a symmetry plane anyway and the influence to the region where the tunnel is driven through
the fault zone should not be influenced by model boundaries.
Stress dependent stiffness (yield surface expands with increase of plastic straining)
The Hardening Soil Model was originally developed for soils, but for cataclastic rocks it seems to be
suitable as well.
M. Brandtner
The shotcrete lining in reality behaves highly non linear, but for the sake of simplicity on this scale of
models a pragmatic approach has been chosen. An average stiffness of 5 GPa regardless of age or time
dependent creep effects is accounted for the support resistance of the primary lining, which is modelled
with linear shell elements. Rock bolts have been completely omitted. The resistance is taken into account
by increase of the cohesion. Special attention was paid to the effects of damping elements. The dissipation
of displacement energy results from LSC elements (lining stress controllers) with a given stress strain
relation. These elements are modelled with nonlinear beams showing a characteristic working curve
depicted in the diagram below.
If dealing with the development of pore pressure the analysis has to be made in real time scale and post
processing the results is another challenging task. One should bear in mind that the job is not done when the
computation is finished, most of the times the effort for looking through and visualizing the results is
underestimated. Exemplarily some results are show in the following figures.
M. Brandtner
Figure 5: Absolute displacements after the tunnel has been driven through the fault zone.
Austrian Society for Geomechanics. 2010. Guideline for the Geotechnical Design of Underground
Structures with Conventional Excavation.
Wehnert, M. 2006. Ein Beitrag Zur Drainierten Und Undrainierten Analyse in der Geotechnik. Mitt.
Inst. fr Geotechnik.
Nur, A. & Byerlee, J.D. 1971. An Exact Effective Stress Law for Elastic Deformation of Rock with
Fluids. Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 76, pp. 64146419.
De Boer, R. & Lade, P.V. 1997. The Concept of Effective Stress for Soil, Concrete and Rock.
Gotechnique 47, pp. 6178.
Innerhofer, G. 2008. Action of Force on Rock Mass by Crack Water Pressure. Geomechanik und
Tunnelbau Vol. 1, pp. 583589.
Ing. Markus Brandtner
IGT Ziviltechniker GmbH
Mauracherstrae 9
5020 Salzburg
[email protected]
Workshops 2013
W. Schubert , N. Radoni
Graz University of Technology, Institute for Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling, Graz, Austria
The combination of high stresses and poor ground quality frequently leads to large displacements,
unsustainable by conventional tunnel supports. Ideas for ductile supports have been around for many
decades, but systematic application has started on a larger scale only in the nineteen nineties. Over the past
decades, various ductile elements have been proposed and sometimes successfully applied. The successful
applications showed to increase safety, as well as considerably reduce displacements. While most systems
fulfilled their role as deforming element, costs and operational feasibility, as well as their interaction with
shotcrete and deforming ground are seldom discussed. This paper focuses on important issues in design and
implementation of ductile elements in combination with shotcrete linings.
The requirements on the ductile support are straightforward and based on common imperatives: structural
safety and operability and cost-oriented considerations. They can be summarised as follows:
The overall structural stability, safety and the minimal clearance profile must be granted in all
situations by the applied support system.
Conventional materials and construction methods should be used, and the applied concept should
not be different from the other support concepts applied in the tunnel.
The load-displacement relationship of the entire support system, and therefore of the yielding
elements, should be easily adaptable in accordance to the observed system behaviour.
The support resistance should be maximized, in order to reduce the displacement magnitude
fluctuations in heterogeneous ground and reduce ground disintegration in the vicinity of the
excavation. In addition, the required overcut of the profile is minimised.
The load-displacement relationship of the yielding elements should be adjusted to the timedependent shotcrete strength development and the overall displacement characteristic of the
ground. Generally said, low initial stiffness (in order to prevent overstressing of the young
shotcrete) followed by a smooth and steady ductile region are favourable. The load-displacement
relationship should not feature strong oscillations, in order to prevent the entire system jumping
into the next valley and producing avoidable fluctuations in final displacements (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Unfavourably oscillating (a) and favourable (b) load-displacement relationship, with regard
to the overall support resistance and final displacement prediction.
Figure 2. Large deformations and their influence on the lining incorporating yielding elements;
Top: undeformed system state; Bottom: deformed system state.
4.1. Boundaries of conventional support
Many criteria for fast determining whether a ductile support must be used or not have been published over
the years, some based on the idea of critical radial strain (Hoek 2001, Aydan et al. 1993) or on the
definition of a critical ground classification number (Singh et al. 1992, Goel et al. 1995). However, all of
the proposed methods fail to recognise that the ground forms an integral part of the ground-support system,
and that the yielding support is simply required when the conventional one is not able to economically and
safely withstand the loads. Simply put: the application boundaries for a ductile support are defined by the
capacity of conventional support methods being applied at the time, and should be changed in accordance
to the progress of material technology.
Radoncic (2011) conducted a Monte-Carlo simulation with this inverse reasoning in mind: first the
maximum capacity of different conventional support concepts (immediate ring closure, top heading, top
heading with temporary invert) has been determined, and then the ability of the chosen concept to attain
equilibrium with the randomly chosen set of ground parameters has been checked. The results show a clear
trend, featuring a clear boundary defined by overburden and radial strain, calculated for the case of
unsupported ground (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Results of Monte-Carlo sampling, showing a clear boundary between lining failure and
The systematic analysis allows the drawing of the pre-design chart depicted in Figure 4 and the definition
of the relationship (Equation 1).
H crit
( H 0 H tan ) 75 1
X 0
Equation 1
The corresponding parameters for different support concepts are given in Table 1.
Table 1. Parameters defining the critical overburden Hcrit.
Full-face excavation
Top heading
Top heading w. Invert
X [-]
0 [-]
H0 [m]
4.2. Pre-design
Radoncic et al. (2009) have presented a method based on extensions to the convergence confinement
method, allowing incorporation of the influences of the ground conditions, advance rate, time-dependant
shotcrete strength and overall support layout into the analysis.
Radial displacement [m]
Radial displacement [m]
Time [d]
Figure 5. Determination of the shotcrete thrust capacity (blue line: maximal mobilised shotcrete
thrust dotted line: total support resistance, green line: available shotcrete thrust capacity).
Radoncic (2011) added additional improvements, incorporating the influence of shear bond between ground
and shotcrete and dowel action of the rock bolts (Figure 6).
Krb,shear,7 Krb,normal,7
Figure 6. Applied discretisation of a shotcrete half-segment, with rock bolts acting like non-linear
springs (both with regard to axial deformation and to tangential shear).
The applied discretisation scheme allows the determination of the shotcrete thrust distribution over the
entire length of the shotcrete segment (Figure 7), while still being directly combined with thedesign graph
presented in Figure 5.
Figure 7. Influence of rock bolting density and friction angle at the rock mass lining contact surface
on the thrust distribution in shotcrete (UCS equals 1 MPa, Yielding element thrust of 900 kN, tunnel
radius of 5 meters).
Following recommendations and conclusions are deemed generally applicable in case of designing and
constructing a tunnel with integrated yielding elements:
Proper determination of ground behaviour is an excellent starting point for the basic support
design: after the influences of structure, rheological behaviour and water have been determined,
the basic layout of lining should follow the anticipated deformation pattern. The layout of the
yielding elements within the cross section does NOT have to be symmetrical, but to orientate itself
on the kinematics of a ductile lining subjected to unsymmetrical deformation field.
The chosen excavation sequence has to closely follow the envisioned support mobilisation.
Advancing a top heading with yielding elements of extreme capacity without taking care about the
proper abutment of the top heading feet is basically meaningless. The systematic rock bolting,
temporary invert installation and/or elephant feet have a limited effect on the top heading
resistance mobilisation. While the temporary invert causes adverse support geometry, the elephant
feet and rock bolting are intrinsically bound to the ground properties and can have a strongly
varying effect. Above a certain level of thrust required in the lining, a short bench and early ring
closure should be envisioned, however this does not immediately imply that full-face excavation
should be used. It is associated with several operational problems: use of heavy machinery, low
accessibility of the crown and shoulders, a great amount of immediate displacement (and energy
release) and heavy face support are the usual consequence.
The rock bolt pattern has to adhere to the chosen yielding element layout. Long and stiff rock bolts
should be either installed far from the yielding elements, or other means of preventing the
combined thrust and shear loading should be used. The general rock bolting concept should
combine frequent short rock bolts (with the goals of homogenizing the rock mass and increasing
its ductility in the vicinity of the excavation, where the strains are highest) and several strong and
long rock bolts for the overall stability (thus anchoring the shotcrete segments and the loosened
weight of the rock mass).
Schubert, W. & Riedmller, G. 1995. Geotechnische Nachlese eines Verbruches Erkenntnisse und
Impulse. Proc. 10th Christian Veder Kolloqium, Semprich et al. (eds.). Graz.
Hoek, E. 2001. Big tunnels in bad rock. 36th Karl Terzaghi Lecture, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical
and Geoenvironmental Engineering. ASCE. Seattle.
Goel, R.K., Jethwa, J.L. & Paithakan, A.G. 1995. Tunnelling through the young Himalayas a case
history of the Maneri Uttarkashi power tunnel. Engineering Geology 39. pp. 31-44.
Radoncic, N., Moritz, A.B. & Schubert, W. 2009. Ductile lining design. Geomechanics and
tunnelling 2 (5). pp. 561577.
Radoncic, N. 2011. Tunnel design and prediction of system behaviour in weak ground. PhD Thesis,
Institute for Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling, Graz University of Technology.
Aydan, ., Akagi, T. & Kawamoto, T. 1993. The squeezing potential of rock around tunnels: theory
and prediction. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 2. pp. 137163.
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Nedim Radoni
Geoconsult ZT-GmbH
GTU Koralmtunnel
Hlzlstrae 5
5071 Wals bei Salzburg
[email protected]
Workshops 2013
October 9 2013, Salzburg, Austria
09 of October 2013
Salzburg Congress, Austria
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