Geophones or Accelerometers BCE Technical Note 10

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Geophones or Accelerometers?

We are regularly asked by potential clients whether they should invest in a system with
geophones or accelerometers as seismic sensors for Downhole Seismic Testing (DST)
investigations such as the Seismic Cone Penetration Testing (SCPT). In this technical note we
want to address this query.
The seismic sensor should provide signals which are unaffected by the sensors inherent
characteristics and as closely as possible reflect the true soil response to the seismic source wave
traveling through it. In terms of frequency response of the receiver, its output should be constant
for all input frequencies. In addition, the phase of the input frequency should be unaffected so
that the waves shape does not change. In general terms it is desirable to have a seismic sensor
with a fast response time and a small settling time.
The response time of the seismic receiver is related to the so-called time constant, which defines
how quickly the sensor responds to the input signal. Typically, the sensors frequency response
curves are generated assuming steady state conditions, whereas, in seismic investigations,
transient conditions are more commonly encountered. Figure 1 illustrates a typical transient
response with the following transient response specifications:
1. Delay time td.: the time required for the response to reach half the final value the very
first time.
2. Rise time tr.: the time required for the response to rise from 10 to 90 percent.
3. Peak time tp. the time required for the response to reach the first peak of the overshoot.
4. Maximum overshoot Mp. the maximum peak value of the response curve measured from
unity. If the steady state value of the response differs from unity, then it is common to
use the maximum percent overshoot.
5. The amount of the maximum overshoot (percent) directly indicates the relative stability
of the system.
Sensors which are sluggish (i.e., high time constant) cannot keep up with rapidly changing input
signals and this characteristic may result in so-called spectral smearing. Spectral smearing
occurs when the seismic sensor is unable to record the transient frequency components of the
inputted signals resulting in the blending or smearing of ambient noise and seismic wave

BCE Technical Note 10

Geophones or Accelerometers?

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Figure 1: Unit step response curve showing transient response specifications td, tr, tp, ts, and
Geophones have larger peak
times and settling times
compared to high precision
piezoelectric accelerometers
with integrated amplifiers;
therefore, they tend to be
more susceptible to spectral
smearing. Fig. 2 illustrates an
example of spectral smearing
for recorded SH source waves
investigation, which makes it
very difficult to digitally
separate the desired seismic
SH-wave from the ambient

polarized SH
waves at 5.97 m
Arrows indicate location of
crossover points

polarized SH
waves at 6.97 m

Time [ms]


Figure 2: Downhole seismic time series data obtained

with a geophone and a 300Hz analog filter applied. This
time series illustrates the difficulty in obtaining
crossovers due to spectral smearing

BCE Technical Note 10

Geophones or Accelerometers?

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So while both geophones and accelerometers are acceptable for downhole seismic investigations,
high precision accelerometers (operational amplifier integrated into sensor) are preferable due to
their low noise, fast response times, and high bandwidths compared to geophones as is shown in
Fig. 3. In general terms, accelerometers typically have highly desirable rise and decay times (in
the order of 5 s), and these characteristics ensure recorded traces with minimal or no sensor
However, if geophones are to be utilized it is mandatory that they have sufficient bandwidth (i.e.,
maximally flat frequency response curves where there is no more than 5% variation over a range
of frequencies consisting of the ambient noise and source waves of P, SV, and SH.). This
ensures that the geophones capture the desired source waves and background ambient noise
without distorting or filtering these signals. In addition, the geophones should not be heavily
damped so that spectral smearing does not occur. To increase the sensitivity of the geophone
arrays, they can be installed as multiple sensing elements arranged on orthogonal axes.







Frequency (Hz)

Figure3: Typical frequency response curves for geophones and accelerometers

Erick Baziw
Gerald Verbeek

BCEs mission is to provide our clients around the world with state-of-the-art
seismic data acquisition and analysis systems, which allow for better and faster
diagnostics of the sub-surface. Please visit our website ( or
contact our offices for additional information:
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: Canada: (604) 733 4995 USA: (903) 216 5372

BCE Technical Note 10

Geophones or Accelerometers?

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