End Time Current Events:: Main Website On Youtube
End Time Current Events:: Main Website On Youtube
End Time Current Events:: Main Website On Youtube
Table of Contents:
Ephesians 5:11, 13-16: "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of
darkness, but rather reprove them. But all things that are reproved are made
manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. Wherefore he
saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give
thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."
The 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary defines:
Reprove: To blame, to convince of a fault, or to make it manifest, to excite a
sense of guilt.
Circumspectly: Cautiously; with watchfulness every way; with attention to guard
against surprise or danger.
Matthew 24:24: "...if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
II Corinthians 2:11: "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not
ignorant of his devices."
II Chronicles 7:14: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble
themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then
will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
I John 4:18: "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because
fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love."
Heb 13:6: "So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear
what man shall do unto me."
II Timothy 1:7: "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of
love, and of a sound mind."
Regarding the Endtimes Jesus Warned:
Matthew 24:24: "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall
shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall
deceive the very elect."
Mark 13:22: "For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs
and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.
I Chronicles 12:32: "And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had
understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them
were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment."
Acts 20:31: "Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I
ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears."
I Corinthians 16:13: "Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be
I Thessalonians 5:6: "Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch
and be sober."
II Timothy 4:5: "But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an
evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry."
"A hair-raising confrontation in Korea may, towards the end of the period,
threaten man's very survival." [Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script", p.
North Korea has made this threat many times before, but never after her naval forces
have just sunk an enemy warship!
NEWS BRIEF: "North Korea warns of 'all-out war' ", Press TV, 20 May 2010
"North Korea, which is accused of sinking a South Korean ship, has warned that it
would launch an 'all-out war', should an act of retaliation come about. 'If [South Korea]
tries to deal any retaliation or punishment or if they try sanctions or a strike on us...we
will answer to this with all-out war', North Korean naval spokesman Col. Pak In Ho was
quoted by the Associated Press as saying on Thursday."
Even though North Korea is noted for its extreme hyperbole, this statement that they
will go to all-out war is striking. Historically, in the immediate build-up of major
confrontation, leaders of both sides begin to ratchet upward the public rhetoric. Notice
the threat here that North Korea is threatening to launch war even if sanctions were
An international inspection team has determined that it was a North Korean torpedo
which hit and destroyed the South Korean war vessel.
"An inquiry, conducted by an international team of civilians and military, conceded
earlier on Thursday that a torpedo fired by a North Korean submarine had sunken the
Cheonan on March 26, killing 46 South Korean sailors."
In a normal scenario leading up to all-out war, one or more of the belligerents sever
diplomatic ties.
NEWS BRIEF: "N Korea to sever all ties with South", Press TV, 25 May 2010
N Korea says it will cut off all ties with Seoul as the crisis over the sinking of a South
Korean warship near a disputed sea border escalates. The Korean Central News
Agency (KCNA) said on Tuesday that N Korea was to ban all South Korean ships and
planes from its territorial waters and airspace."
Therefore, this crisis has two new elements not seen in past crises:
Therefore, this crisis has all the earmarks of escalating upward to the point when
someone pulls the trigger, engulfing the entire region in the flames of war.
"President Barack Obama has directed the U.S. military to coordinate with South Korea
to "ensure readiness" and deter future aggression from North Korea, the White House
said on Monday. The United States gave strong backing to plans by South Korean
President Lee Myung-bak to punish North Korea for sinking one of its naval ships ...
The United States still has about 28,000 troops in South Korea to provide military
"The two Koreas, still technically at war, have more than 1 million troops near their
When the President of the United States issues such an order, tensions rise still further.
We note, as we read the wording of the Illuminati Plan, above, that this scripted nuclear
confrontation on the Korean Peninsula, will take place "toward the end of the period".
What "end of the period" does this quote have in mind? The "end of the period" just
prior to the appearance of the Antichrist. Cutting Edge also believes that the world is
getting very close to the final global war which shall stage Antichrist on the world scene.
" http://www.cuttingedge.org/newsletters/
"A primetime CBS show that aired last week featured a notable
example of so called “propaganda placement”, where a talking
point is inserted into the plot in order to shape public perception, often at the behest of
the government. CSI NY’s episode entitled 'Point of View' featured a character who
researches 'conspiracy theories', such the deliberate dispersal of potentially dangerous
chemtrails into the atmosphere."
Do you remember when the term, "Domestic Terrorist" was coined, and by whom?
Attorney General Janet Reno and President Bill Clinton invented this term in 1999,
making it quite clear to me that, as the planned terrorism unfolded, the ultimate target
was NOT the Islamic follower, but American citizens!
We have tried to make this fact quite plain since the attacks of 9/11. So far, few people
have listened. But, more and more people are beginning to pay attention,which means
that a concerted campaign to vilify and then isolate and then imprison, all dissidents as
"domestic terrorist".
The time is quickly approaching when you and I and all Christians and Patriots will be
arrested on the charge of "Domestic Terrorism" and sent to Camp FEMA!
But why continue a crisis or allow a matter to become a crisis through inaction?
One must conclude that the White House wanted the oil spill to continue and wreak
havoc on the Gulf coasts of Louisiana and Florida. Nothing substantive was done to
stop the spread. A great deal of talking, but nothing more.
No serious effort was made by the U.S. government to stop the flow of oil, whatsoever,
despite it being in its power to do so. Few entities have the ability to do anything at
5,000 feet in depth, and the U.S. government is one of the few that can. Despite this, it
was more than a week before any NOAA ships sailed.
No submersibles capable of dumping rock or concrete onto the spill and covering it over
were dispatched to stop the flood of oil. If one piles enough rock and/or concrete upon
such a well, the weight of the overburden will stop the flow– inelegant, but it would
work. No submarines fired wire-guided ADCAP torpedoes into the seabed surrounding
the well to break up the concrete and the surrounding rock. Also inelegant, but if the
pipe and surrounding rock were broken up badly enough – remember the pressure
involved – it would also stop the flow of oil.
Absolutely nothing of substance has been done by the U.S. government to stop the
All the government has done is to talk about the disaster. To complain. To point fingers.
To pontificate. It doesn't accomplish much.
The spill was not even a priority. Department of the Interior chief of staff Tom Strickland
elected to go on vacation in the Grand Canyon, which effectively showed how much the
administration cared about the matter. Imagine if one of President Bush's top federal
employees had done the same thing. We'd still be hearing about it a year from now
from CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC and other networks, using such phrases as
"dereliction of duty."
However, because those media support this administration, the White House is given a
Even preventing the oil from reaching shore has been a matter of talk and no action.
Talk was made of starting the oil on fire and various measures suggested, but little was
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal asked the government to have the Corps of Engineers
push sand into the interstices between the barrier islands as a temporary barrier to oil. It
would have been relatively inexpensive and would have prevented the oil from reaching
the Louisiana coastline. It was ignored.
Now the oil is on the coastline. Birds, plants, frogs, fish and other creatures are dying.
Fisheries will be ruined for at least two to three years after the oil is finally stopped.
So, to recap: We have a federal government that didn't and hasn't acted decisively to
stop the flow of oil, didn't act to prevent that oil from reaching the coastline, and now we
have an ecological disaster. While the initial responsibility is on the oil companies
(assuming the initial explosion and failure of safety equipment was not sabotage), the
final responsibility is on President Obama as he had the power all along to stop the
disaster from happening at several points and adamantly refused to act. That is on his
William Hunt is a former NOAA scientist and a former Corps of Engineers materials
engineering tech. He holds degrees in environmental education, geology and civil
engineering technology
Prominent Oil Industry Insider: "There's Another Leak, Much Bigger, 5 to 6 Miles
Dylan Ratigan--Matt Simmons is an adviser to the Oil Depletion Analysis Centre, and is
a member of the National Petroleum Council. Simmon is chairman and CEO of
Simmons & Company International, an investment bank catering to oil companies.
Simmons told Dylan Ratigan that "there's another leak, much bigger, 5 to 6 miles away"
from the leaking riser and blowout preventer shown on the underwater cameras:
The government should immediately either debunk or admit his claim. If accurate, the
bigger leak could have been caused by the destruction of the well casing when the oil
rig exploded. That is Simmons' theory.
There is another possibility. It is well-known that there were previous accidents at the
Deepwater Horizon rig. For example, as AP notes: From 2000 to 2010, the Coast
Guard issued six enforcement warnings and handed down one civil penalty and a
notice of violation to Deepwater Horizon, agency records show.On 18 different
occasions during that period the Coast Guard cited the vessel for an "acknowledged
pollution source."
And as 60 Minutes reports: [Mike Williams, the chief electronics technician on the
Deepwater Horizon, and one of the last workers to leave the doomed rig] said they
were told it would take 21 days to drill the oil well; according to him, it actually took six
With the schedule slipping, Williams says a BP manager ordered a faster pace. "And he
requested to the driller, 'Hey, let's bump it up. Let's bump it up.' And what he was talking
about there is he's bumping up the rate of penetration. How fast the drill bit is going
down," Williams said.
Williams says going faster caused the bottom of the well to split open, swallowing tools
and that drilling fluid called "mud." "We actually got stuck. And we got stuck so bad we
had to send tools down into the drill pipe and sever the pipe," Williams explained.
That well was abandoned and Deepwater Horizon had to drill a new route to the oil. It
cost BP more than two weeks and millions of dollars.
Scientists: Newly discovered Gulf oil plume is 22-miles long, six-miles wide
The thick plume was detected just beneath the surface down to about 3,300 feet (1,000
meters), and is more than 6 miles (9.6 kilometers) wide, said David Hollander,
associate professor of chemical oceanography at the school.
The first such plume detected by scientists stretched from the well southwest toward
the open sea, but this new undersea oil cloud is headed miles inland into shallower
waters where many fish and other species reproduce.
The researchers say they are worried these undersea plumes may be the result of the
unprecedented use of chemical dispersants to break up the oil a mile undersea at the
site of the leak.
Hollander said the oil they detected has dissolved into the water, and is no longer
visible, leading to fears from researchers that the toxicity from the oil and dispersants
could pose a big danger to fish larvae and creatures that filter the waters for food.
"There are two elements to it," Hollander said. "The plume reaching waters on the
continental shelf could have a toxic effect on fish larvae, and we also may see a long
term response as it cascades up the food web."
A Louisiana State University researcher who has studied their effects on marine life
said that by breaking oil into small particles, surfactants make it easier for fish and other
animals to soak up the oil's toxic chemicals. That can impair the animals' immune
systems and cause reproductive problems.
May 27, 2010 by Alex According to this broadcast, troops, including foreign are
stationed every 500 miles? In case of an evacuation of the Gulf?
“Reports are that the protocols that are being developed, what they are doing is
bringing together primary battle groups. People that can actually be engaged in
combat. Reinforced by foreign troops at 500 mile intervals. Every 500 miles you
have a concentration of battle groups. so that the flow of people when it
becomes beyond anything we have ever seen, they will have these
communication hubs. Overall command is US. Including UN APPOINTED
OFFICERS. Including RUSSIAN. 40 million people potentially to be evacuated.
That does not include the people on the east coast. If this happens you could see
potentially another ten million.P
This is from a former New Mexican State Police officer, he said to me that their
are reports that there had been previously unseen ground units emerging from
otherwise inactive areas in the DESERT SOUTHWEST. Possibly foreign or coming
from underground areas. They were headed toward the east…
June 15 to 20th is the potential for a saturation point where human habitation
would be in jeopardy. The elderly, the sick, and the young could die first. Again I
don’t want people going crazy here, these are the best esitmates at the time for
the worst cause scenario. Phase one would be deep down in the cost with a time
frame from July 1st to July 10th as a potential when levels would reach the need
to evacuate. The potential to affect 50 million.
Worst cause scenario, again these numbers were given to me by the folks who
are working on this plan. This could be up to 200,000 state, county, and local
police personal and upwards to 300,000 volunteers and regular staff that would
be effected. This is not counting the military. Border enforcement will collapse as
all available law enforcement are taken up. All civilian assets would be basically
abandoned. These folks are charged with planning for every case including the
worst case and this of course reflects the worst case”
Editors Note: Could this be why we have had reports of UN troops in San Diego
and Florida? This is really starting to get intense. In no way are we posting this
to cause fear. Our job is to get info to the people and let them decide. Personally I
don’t even know what to believe at this point. Just reporting on Hawks update. It
seems this report may somewhat coincidence with the Intel we have been
receiving. The thing that struck me the most about parts of this radio broadcast is
when Hawk talked about the disinformation campaign that will be launched to
deny these facts. The Intel hub has had many real patriots agree and disagree
with our UN troops story but there has also been a fair amount of what i would
call, “trolls”.
"Knowing" movie and the Oil Rig Explosion in the Gulf of Mexico 2010
robjayshar — May 09, 2010 — The Internet is abuzz regarding the 2008 moving
"Knowing" that includes a scene in which actor Nicolas Cage is watching the
news on television. The clock shows 11:59 when the anchor announces a
devastating fire burning out of control in the gulf. Then the clock flips to 12:00,
and the anchor says "that story leads our headlines at the top of the hour."
Midnight has long been associated with end times. With the "doomsday clock",
the closer the clock is to midnight, the closer the world is estimated to be to
global disaster.
One of the interesting things about the New World Order elitists is that for some
reason they believe they must announce what they're going to do before they do
it to you. Often, this predictive programming is done through the medium of
But if you look at this from the perspective of those who seek to reduce human
population down to half a billion – a much more manageable size for control –
then the possible motivations begin coming more clearly into focus.
That this particular forecast tucked away in the movie Knowing was associated
with the midnight hour is something that shouldn't be taken lightly, especially
considering the far-reaching impact that this unfolding disaster could yet have on
civilization. That midnight and the black of oil would be
paired up serves no small paradox.
Dr. Johnson's Presentation: Avian Flu: Proof Globalists
Telegraph Their Plans-Part 4
In 1995, Steve Jackson of Jackson Games included an oil derrick blowing oil all
over the world in his Illuminati Card Game!
Remember the premise of these cards in this role-playing game: each card represents
an action which the Illuminati is going to take in order to overthrow this present
civilization so the New World Order can be established!
Current news stories indicate that the oil spill cannot be stopped and the oil is spreading
throughout the Gulf of Mexico and into the Atlantic Ocean!
In fact, our featured story reports that President Obama is even considering using
nuclear warheads to stop the oil leak!
NEWS BRIEF: "Nuking the oil spill: nuclear option being considered?", Oil-Price.net,
"The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico continues to spill black venom into the sea. The world
has got to see stirring images of oil gushing with decipherable great force, enough even
to turn a staunch critic towards environmental protection. Initially scoffed and sniffed at,
a radical solution in the form of a nuclear explosion is now trotting as a viable option to
stop the oil spill. Why? Because no effort should be spared and so far, the stratagems
used by BP have been futile. "
Adding radioactivity to the oceans in order to try to stop this oil leak seems a very risky
solution to consider. It seems that it is kind of like trying to swat a flea with a hammer.
But, that is not the point here, is it? The point is that, in 1995, occult leader Steve
Jackson knew that, one day, the Illuminati would use an underwater oil derrick to spread
crude oil throughout the world.
To see other Illuminati Cards, including the Pentagon on Fire and the World Trade
Center Towers Under Attack, click here.
One matter is very clear: in 1995, the Illuminati planned to use an oil derrick blowing up
to spread crude oil over a very large portion of the Earth. Reality is stranger than fiction.
July and onward things get very strange. Revolution. Dollar dead by November 2010.
LEAP 20/20
2010 Outlook from a group of 25 European Economists with a 90% accuracy rating- We
anticipate a sudden intensification of the crisis in the second half of 2010, caused by a
double effect of a catching up of events which were temporarily averted in the second
half of 2009 and the impossibility of maintaining the palliative remedies of past years.
There is a perfect (economic) storm coming within the global financial markets and
inevitable pressure on interest rates in the U.S. The injection of zero-cost money into
the Western banking system has failed to restart the economy. It is slowly rolling over
into the next big down wave, which in Elliott Wave terminology will be Super Cycle
Wave Three, or in common language, "THE BIG ONE, WHERE WE ALL GO OVER
THE FALLS TOGETHER." www.rense.com/general90/predicts.htm
That's right. Instead of controlling our borders, the politicians want to control you and
me. They want to give amnesty to illegal immigrants and make us prove we're not
And President Barack Obama, Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY) are
all working hand in glove to ram this new scheme into law as part of their new
"comprehensive immigration reform" package.
That's why it's vital you sign the petition to your Congressman and Senators
Go to: http://www.nagr.org/BIDpetition1.aspx?pid=1
If passed, the Federal Biometric ID card included in the new amnesty bill will:
And this new Federal Biometric ID would be required for any person wishing to hold a
job legally in the United States.
It seems that whenever politicians are using terrorism, crime, illegal immigration or
something else as their excuse, it's really you and me in their crosshairs.
Just remember those Department of Homeland Security memos listing pro-gun, pro-
constitution activists as "domestic extremists." Go
to: http://www.nagr.org/BIDpetition1.aspx?pid=1
It took less than sixty years to turn the Western world from war heroes to wimps; from
bold, adventurers to crybabies; from devoted couples to divorcees.
"Satanists of the highest order are behind a number of wealthy Conservative, New Right
Christian Churches and organizations in America. These are some of contemporary
Satanism's best cash-flow enterprises (mostly indirectly) and allow mass indoctrination
and networking."
"The strength of International Satanism continued to increase as its oldest families
continued to wither. Their most enduring legacies will be the power structures they
created and the relationships facilitated. Their funding of diverse groups dedicated to
the destruction of Christianity is a story never to be told!"
"Viable, truly spiritual Satanism is becoming more overt. This is because of those who
went before. And as the schedule works itself, the Alpha Satanic Lodges are growing
ever more public. I will not mention names, front-organizations or interests. The time is
when these will announce themselves - just like Disneyland! We infiltrated then built the
modern media, created porno-film empires, turned 'Snuff' into art and liberated young
people. Ours is the obsession of the mystery of darkness! This is our age: The Age of
News agencies recently told of a Saudi 12-year-old who managed to obtain a divorce
from her 80-year-old husband. The case sparked a campaign to raise the marriageable
age to 16, but Muslim leaders point out that Muhammad consummated a "marriage" to
a 9-year-old while married to several other women.
In Yemen, another 12-year-old recently bled to death after 3 days in labor trying to
deliver a stillborn. She had been forced by her family to marry a 24-year-old who paid a
large dowry to her parents.
Muhammad limited his followers to four wives, but obtained approval from Allah for at
least 20 for himself. In addition, he was known to pick and choose among captured
slave women. One of his favorite wives was Aisha, whom he chose in marriage at age
six and bedded when she was nine.
Islam's view and treatment of women today reflects the 7th century tribal customs where
Islam was born. Like most pagan-based religions, Islam is highly sexualized. Women
are "owned" by a husband or other dominant males in the family and allowed only
limited liberties. Severe punishment is exacted for even casual contact with other men.
Yet the Muslim male has almost total freedom, sexually. Besides allowing up to four
wives, some sects allow temporary contractual marriages call Mutah. The "contract" can
be for as little as a few hours and provides for a "dowry" given to the woman by the
man. After the contract expires, both are free to go on their way, no ceremony or
divorce proceedings needed. Sounds like prostitution to me.
Certain moral standards are prescribed for relations with Muslim women, but no such
restrictions apply to infidels. Even today, sexual conquest is part of the spoils of war
wherever Muslims are fighting for control of a country or region. Unbelievers are to be
killed or converted and attackers are free to rape the women at will before they are
killed or enslaved.
Muhammad's world consisted primarily of robbery and sex. All women were slaves at
one level or another. Wives were the highest level with captured women serving as
direct sex slaves and/or household servants. Since Muhammad's life style forms the
example for all Muslims, men obsessed with sex and conquest are the ideal disciples.
And what does the man get, who achieves "martyrdom" by sacrificing his life to destroy
infidels? Immediate entry into paradise where his sexual strength is unlimited and a
minimum of 72 perpetual virgins are at his continual disposal.
Ghazoli's book, and Who is this Allah? by G.J.O. Moshay, describe in detail the
lifestyle of Muhammad and his teachings in the Qur'an. They will be a great help to the
soul winner who wishes to be well informed on the beliefs of the Muslims he is
witnessing to.
The new tract, Is Allah Like You? shows clearly the Muslim treatment of women, the
contrast between the Bible and the Qur'an, and the difference between Jehovah and
Allah. The tract is built around a gripping story that will hold the reader until it delivers
these messages along with the gospel.
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