Which Is The True Calendar of God?: by Carl D. Franklin &, Fred R. Coulter
Which Is The True Calendar of God?: by Carl D. Franklin &, Fred R. Coulter
Which Is The True Calendar of God?: by Carl D. Franklin &, Fred R. Coulter
Calendar of God?
Carl D. Franklin &,
Fred R. Coulter
All Scriptures used in this
booklet are quoted from:
The Holy Bible In Its Original Order—
A Faithful Version With Commentary
ISBN 978-0-9819787-7-2
Copyright 2016
Christian Biblical Church of God
P.O Box 1442
Hollister, CA 95024-1442
All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes, no
part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by
any means without the written permission of the copyright owner. This
includes electronic and mechanical photocopying or recording, as well
as the use of information storage and retrieval systems.
Table of Contents
God’s Weekly Sabbath, The Annual Festivals and
Holy Days, and the Calculated Hebrew Calendar …………... 1
So-Called Visible “New Moon” Sightings of the
Waxing Crescent Are Not Applicable On a
Worldwide-Global Basis ……………………………………. 3
The Weekly Seventh-day Sabbath Cycle …………………… 4
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, does not grow weak
nor weary? And His understanding no one can fathom’ ” (Isa.
Since God is creator of the entire universe—all the stars
and galaxies, which He calls by number—He knows how it
functions. After all, He created time and the astro-mathematics by
which the entire universe has functioned since the beginning of
creation, and will continue to function throughout the ages into
eternity. Thus, the Almighty is the only one Who can provide
mankind with a fully accurate method of determining the
“appointed times” He has created. No man has that ability—only
As we will see, no man or group of men has ever been
able to devise a calendar that is as accurate as the Calculated
Hebrew Calendar (CHC)—not even NASA or the U. S. Naval
Observatory, with all of their hi-tech computerized equipment.
Since no man can correctly determine the “appointed
times” of God, He alone had to reveal it! The fact is, God did
reveal His method of accurately calculating the Sacred Calendar
to the Levites and the Aaronic priesthood of ancient Israel. This is
why we find in the Scriptures the specific dates commanded for
the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread (with two holy
days); the proper count to Pentecost—using seven complete
weeks, each ending on a weekly Sabbath, plus one day for the
Day of Pentecost; the Feast of Trumpets; the Day of Atonement;
the Feast of Tabernacles; and, finally, the Eighth Day Festival
called the Last Great Day.
As an example, we know from Scripture that Passover is
on the evening of the 14th day of the first month. But how do we
determine exactly when the first month of the year begins?
Any crescent that is sighted is not the new moon because
only the waxing crescent is visible. The new moon is formed at
the beginning of the lunar cycle and is not visible until one to
three days has passed. By this time it is in the waxing stage and is
no longer the new moon. The new moon can only be determined
by calculation. That is why the Sacred Hebrew Calendar uses a
mathematical formula to date the beginning of the months.
Because this formula is based on the average lunar cycle, in some
years it must be adjusted to fit the actual time of the new moon.
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
centers of the Sun and the Moon at the same longitude in the
same instant.
The difference may reach up to four hours. This would be
obvious during a solar eclipse, which can be considered as a
"visible" New Moon phase, since it is well-known that a solar
eclipse does not begin at the same instant all over the world.
For most purposes, it is suitable to consider the New
Moon phase as a unique instant all over the world, and so, nearly
all the astronomical books and magazines publish times of New
Moon phase as a unique instant, which is for the center of the
But to observe the very thin [waxing] crescent shortly
after the New Moon phase, and to know the exact interval
between the New Moon phase and the observation time (moon’s
age), we should adopt the instant of the New Moon phase that
occurs from the location of observation [Thus a Jerusalem time,
nor any other location of observation, can be used on a global,
worldwide basis for establishing the date of Nisan 1]. (Used with
the kind permission of astronomer Moh’d Odeh of Abu Dhabi,
Copyright © 1998-2006 Islamic Crescents’ Observation Project
(ICOP), All Rights Reserved).
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
manna: “And it came to pass that some of the people went out on
the seventh day in order to gather, but they did not find any. And
the LORD said to Moses, ‘How long do you refuse to keep My
commandments and My laws? See, because the LORD has given
you the Sabbath (God determines the Sabbath—not man),
therefore He gives you the bread of two days on the sixth day. Let
each one stay in his place. Do not let any one go out of his place
on the seventh day.’ So the people rested on the seventh day” (Ex.
For forty years God consistently sent manna six days a
week—with a double portion on the sixth day—but He never sent
manna on the seventh-day Sabbath. The seven-day weekly cycle
remained unchanged for the entire forty-year period.
To help Israel always remember that it was God Who fed
them for those forty years, He commanded that Aaron gather an
omer of manna be kept before the Lord as a witness of what God
had done: “And Moses said, ‘This is the thing which the LORD
has commanded, “Fill an omer of it to be kept for your
generations, so that you may see the bread with which I have fed
you in the wilderness, when I brought you out from the land of
Egypt.” ’ And Moses said to Aaron, ‘Take a pot and put an omer
full of manna in it, and lay it up before the LORD to be kept for
your generations.’ As the LORD commanded Moses, so Aaron
laid it up before the testimony to be kept. And the children of
Israel ate manna forty years until they came to a habitable land.
They ate manna until they came into the borders of the land of
Canaan” (Ex. 16:32-35).
Later, after the Ark of the Covenant was made, the omer
of manna was put inside the ark along with the tables of stone (on
which God had written the Ten Commandments) and the rod of
Aaron that budded (Heb. 9:4). At the end of forty years, after the
children of Israel entered the Promised Land, the manna ceased
the day after they had eaten of the grain of the land (Josh. 5:12).
However, the continuous counting of the seven-day cycle has
remained unchanged.
It is essential to understand that God correlates all time—
days, months and years—with His created seven-day cycle, with
the Sabbath always being the seventh day of the week. The seven-
day weekly cycle is the foundation of all time on earth. There
is absolutely no exception to the day-by-day count of seven
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
Lord God of the Old Testament, He was the one Who had created
time, beginning with the continuous seven-day cycle leading to
the seventh-day Sabbath. He is the one Who created the cyclical
seven-day Sabbath count.
Contrary to what some religionists claim, time has never
been lost. God—“with Whom there is no variation, nor shadow of
turning” (James 1:17)—has continually upheld the vital seven-
day cycle. While numerous religions have designated various
days as “holy days” or “Sabbaths,” such proclamations are null
and void before God. All self-proclaimed human decrees or
calendar schemes have absolutely no effect upon God’s
divinely ordained seven-day cycle—nor do they alter His
seventh-day Sabbath.
Today, in most of the world and in nearly every language,
the seventh-day Sabbath is known as Saturday on the Roman
Civil Calendar. In spite of the fact that Europe utilizes a calendar
that has been reconfigured to make Sunday appear to be the
seventh day of the week, God is not bound by this calendar
arrangement devised by men and sanctioned by the Roman
Catholic Church. The European calendar notwithstanding, the
seventh-day Sabbath of God, as commanded in the Bible, is still
designated on the Roman Calendar as Saturday (though it appears
as the sixth day on today’s European calendar). Man’s attempt to
make it appear that Sunday is the seventh day of the week does
nothing to change the true seventh-day Sabbath as commanded by
God throughout Scripture.
For thousands of years, the Jews’ observance of the
seventh-day Sabbath has been and continues to be living proof of
this fact. While scattered into all parts of the world, the Jews have
never lost the correct day for the Sabbath. (The weekly Sabbath is
reckoned from sunset to sunset wherever one may live on the
earth. For more information on the Sabbath, you may request our
booklet Which Day is the True Christian Sabbath.)
In spite of these irrefutable proofs from God’s Word, self-
appointed religionists continue to come up with new schemes to
change the weekly cycle, and hence change the Sabbath. With
bizarre and perverted interpretations of God’s Word, some have
devised their own calendar systems, claiming that they are God’s
Sacred Calendar. But in order to do this they must completely
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
ignore (and thus reject) the clear commands of God for the seven-
day Sabbath count.
One particular humanly-devised calendar alters the count
toward the Sabbath by starting the seven-day cycle with the second
or third day of the lunar month—with the sighting of the waxing
crescent. This is done regardless of the day of the week on which
this sighting falls on. With the waxing crescent day as the first day of
the seven-day cycle, the seventh-day Sabbath can fall on any day of
the week—until it is “reset” at the next sighting of the waxing
crescent! This idea is utterly preposterous and has absolutely no
basis in Scripture! This foolish scheme is in some ways more
destructive than the Sunday error of Orthodox Christianity.
The Calculated Hebrew Calendar is designed so that the
months in the year conform to the weekly cycle—not vice versa
as is the case with the Lunar/Sabbath Calendar. This astronomical
fact is dictated by the reality of the relationship of the sun, the
moon and the earth.
The method by which the calendar is adjusted to the
weekly cycle is the application of the rules of postponement, not
attempting to do so by discarding days willy-nilly along the way!
The weekly cycle cannot be made to conform to the months of the
year (as the enthusiasts of the Lunar/Sabbath are attempting to
do) because the lunar months of the year are in reality not all 28
days in length!
As God did not design the moon’s orbit so that each lunar
month has exactly 28 days, Lunar/Sabbath enthusiasts must
discard 1 or 2 days each month! The so-called Lunar/Sabbath
does not exist in reality—it only “exists” in the vain imaginations
of the twisted minds of those who believe it is so and like
mindless lemmings so enthusiastically profess it.
All calendars must conform to the reality of the solar
system as God created it and must be expressed in a mathematics
that models that reality. We cannot fantasize a solar system into
existence patterned after our own insane imaginations, fabricate a
mathematics that models that insanity and expect that we are
actually worshiping the Creator of the universe as He has
(You may request additional detailed information and
sample calendar charts showing how serious an error this lunar/
Sabbath method is.)
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
God. For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief nullify
the faithfulness of God?” (Rom. 3:1-3.)
The Hebrew Calendar is the same today as it was in the
days of Noah, Abraham, Moses and all the prophets of the Old
Testament. It is the calendar that Jesus and His apostles followed.
It stands as a testimony to the faithfulness of God in our time, and
it will remain in effect during the coming reign of Christ (Isa.
66:23, Zech. 14:6) (by Carl D. Franklin, July 31, 2014).
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
of the earth. Verse 12: “And the rain fell upon the earth forty days
and forty nights.”
This verse records that the initial length of the outpouring
of water was forty days, and Genesis 7:17 confirms it: “And the
flood was on the earth forty days, and the waters increased and
bore up the ark, and it was lifted up above the earth.”
Note that it was the accumulation of water during the forty
days that resulted in lifting the Ark high above the earth. The
description in Verses 17 through 23 is relating what took place as
a result of the forty days of rain and the breaking up of the
fountains of the deep. At the end of forty days, the Ark was
fifteen cubits above the highest mountain (v. 20).
Genesis 7:24: “And the waters prevailed upon the earth a
hundred and fifty days.” The basic meaning of the Hebrew word
that is translated “prevailed” is to be “strong, mighty” (Brown,
Driver and Briggs, p. 149). The waters did not prevail over the
earth on the first or second day of the Flood. They prevailed at the
end of the forty days when the Flood reached its maximum depth,
making the one hundred and fifty days of prevailing consecutive
to the forty days of rain. Both periods of time need to be included
in order to determine the total length of time of the events of the
As recorded in the scriptural account, God did not allow
the level of the Flood waters to drop until they had prevailed for
one hundred and fifty days. He prevented this by sending
additional rain and by bringing up waters from the fountains of
the deep. God caused the waters to continue for one hundred and
fifty days to maintain the level at fifteen cubits above the highest
mountains. This ensured the death of all air-breathing life on land.
Genesis 8:1-3:“And God remembered Noah, and every
living thing, and all the animals which were with him in the ark.
And God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters
subsided. Also the fountains of the deep and the windows of
heaven were also stopped, and the rain from heaven was
restrained. And the waters receded from off the earth continually,
and at the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters had gone
These verses describe the process by which God began to
dry up the Flood waters. This process continued for an extended
period of time as demonstrated by the word translated
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
Gen. 8:13 Water dried on first day of the next year -1 day
Total: 385 days
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
To calculate the time that the new moon will occur, the
calendar uses a formula based on the average lunar cycle. The
calculated date is called the molad (the Hebrew word molad, or
moled, means “renewal”). The term “molad” clearly identifies the
new moon with the renewal of the lunar cycle at the time of the
Correctly identifying the new moon as the crescent that is
formed at the beginning of the lunar cycle is essential for the
observance of God’s holy days at their appointed times. Counting
from the first day of the lunar cycle ensures that the moon will be
full on the fifteenth day of the month as ordained by God in
Leviticus 23 and Psalm 81:1-3.
Since the full moon occurs midway through the lunar
cycle, in an average cycle it will fall at 14.765 days—about five
and a half hours before sunset beginning the 15th day. In a cycle
that is shorter than average, it may fall from six to twelve hours
before the 15th begins. In an average cycle the full moon occurs
at 22 minutes past noon on the 14th, but in a shorter cycle it
occurs on the morning of the 14th. In either case, it is at or near
100% illumination when it rises on the eve of the 15th.
The calculations of the Hebrew Calendar are designed to
provide the best possible illumination for the beginning of the
Feast of Unleavened Bread on Nisan 15 and the Feast of
Tabernacles on Tishri 15. Relying on the visible crescent to set
the beginning of the month will in most years delay the
observance of these festivals until the 16th day of the lunar cycle,
after the peak period of illumination has passed.
Although the Hebrew Calendar consistently provides the
best illumination for Nisan 15 and Tishri 15, it is not possible to
achieve 100% illumination in every year due to variations in the
length of the lunar cycle. The average length of 29.53 days
includes cycles that range from 6 hours shorter to 7 hours longer.
In some years the peak period of illumination does not coincide
perfectly with the 15th day. Despite these variations, the Hebrew
Calendar has maintained an average of more than 99%
illumination for thousands of years.
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
When the Molad of Tishri of a common year falls on
Tuesday, at or after 9 hours and 204 parts, the declaration of
Tishri 1 is advanced to Wednesday. The application of Rule One
advances the declaration one more day to Thursday.
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
When the Molad of Tishri of a common year immediately
following an intercalary year occurs on a Monday, at or after 15
hours and 589 parts, the declaration of Tishri 1 is advanced to
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
one has been able to improve on the CHC. Indeed, the CHC that
God has given to the Aaronic priesthood (which has been
preserved for us today) is more accurate in calculating the
festivals and holy days of God than any modern method. And it
should be, because God ordained it.
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
Which Is the True Calendar of God?
Note from page 21.
* (KJV) Gen 8:13-14 “And it came to pass in the six hundredth and
first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were
dried up from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the ark,
and looked, and, behold, the face of the ground was dry.
14. And in the second month, on the seven and twentieth day of the
month, was the earth dried.”
(FV) Gen. 8:13-14 “And it came to pass in Noah’s six hundred and first
year, in the first month, the first day of the month, that the waters were
drying up from off the face of the earth. And Noah removed the
covering of the ark and looked, and, behold, the face of the earth was
14. And in the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month,
the land was fully dry.
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