Is The Big Bang, and All That Came From It, A Holographic Mirage From Another Dimension?
Is The Big Bang, and All That Came From It, A Holographic Mirage From Another Dimension?
Is The Big Bang, and All That Came From It, A Holographic Mirage From Another Dimension?
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at the
of Tme
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Cosmologists have detailed a remarkably accurate description of the history of the universe. But a few profound
questions seem to defy all attempts at understanding.
One of these mysteries is the nature of the big bang
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big burst: A large stellar explosion can generate a black hole and
a cloud of gas and dust called a
supernova remnant (red at left).
In a higher-dimensional universe,
such an explosion could create
our three-dimensional cosmos.
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Cosmic microwave
background horizon
Dark ages
First stars
3-D representation
of 4-D star implosion
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Cosmic inflation might be the best idea we have for understanding the large-scale structure of the universe. Inflation
would tend to flatten the universe, smoothing out any curved
regions of spacetime, and bring it to a uniform temperature.
Like a cosmic magnifier, inflation also amplifies tiny quantum
fluctuations in energy density to cosmic size during this process. These fluctuations in turn become the seeds for the
growth of structures such as galaxies, stars, planets and even
living organisms such as ourselves.
Inflation is generally regarded as a very successful paradigm
[see box above]. For decades cosmologists have been checking
on inflations predictions by observing the cosmic microwave
background (CMB) radiation, a cosmic record of density fluctuations in the early universe. Recent observations by the European Space Agencys Planck satellite confirm that our universe
is flat (or very nearly so) and that it is uniform to better than
one part in 60,000both key predictions of inflation. Furthermore, the observed amplitude and shape of primordial matter
fluctuations are in broad agreement with how we would expect
inflation to magnify the quantum vacuum.
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o b s e r vat i o n s
from leaking out. The event horizon of the black hole shields
outside observers from the singularitys catastrophically unpredictable effects (a situation referred to as cosmic censorship).
Cloaked by an event horizon, the singularity is rendered impotent. Its disturbing effects cannot escape, making it possible for
the laws of physics to describe and predict all that we observe.
Seen from a distance, a black hole is a very simple, smooth and
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uniform structure, described only by its mass and angular momentum (and electric charge if it has any). Physicists quip that a black
hole has no hairno distinguishing features beyond the basics of
mass, angular momentum and electric charge.
In contrast, the big bang singularity (as commonly understood) is not cloaked. It has no event horizon. We would like to
have a way to shield ourselves from the big bangs singularity
For a video about what happened at the beginning of everything, visit
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Our model has a number of things going for it, starting with the
fact that it eliminates the naked singularity that gave rise to the
universe. But what of the other long-standing cosmological
problems, such as the near flatness and high uniformity of the
M o r e to E x p l o r e
Out of the White Hole: A Holographic Origin for the Big Bang. Razieh Pourhasan,
Niayesh Afshordi and Robert B. Mann in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle
Physics, Vol. 2014, Article No. JCAP04(2014)005; April 2014.
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