Philosophy and The Sciences: Conclusions
Philosophy and The Sciences: Conclusions
Philosophy and The Sciences: Conclusions
Michela Massimi and John Peacock
So to conclude, in this session we have seen how for centuries cosmology
was regarded as a branch of philosophy rather than a science. In the 18th
century the Kant-Leplace Nebular hypothesis was one of the very first
attempts at a scientific explanation of the origin of our universe. Cosmology
faces three distinct methodological problems as a science. First, whether
our current laws apply to the origin of our universe. Second, the uniqueness
of its subject of study, and third, the unobservability of large portions of our
But although we can't see all of the universe, we've seen enough of it by
now to know it is very uniform in its large scale properties. This is possible
because of the general red shifting of galaxies, first measured by Slipher,
from about 1913. And via Hubble's law, those redshifts increase with
distance, so we're able to make three dimensional maps of the universe in
this way. But theory played an important part in the establishment of the
expanding universe. In 1917, Einstein had introduced into his theory of
gravity the idea of the cosmological constant; something that today we call
dark energy equivalent to the density of empty space, and, how this can
produce an accelerating expansion. Very quickly De Sitter, produced the
first expanding model of the universe in which Hubble's law was predicted.
And in fact many astronomers, try to find this prediction. But the full
understanding of the expanding universe, came only in 1922with a Soviet
cosmologist Friedmann. He solved Einstein's equations in their general
form containing both dark energy, ordinary matter and radiation. The
conclusion he reached was an astonishing one, that such expanding
universes couldn't have lived forever, they must have emerged from a finite
time in the past from a state of infinite density, what we calla singularity, or
today the Big Bang. But as we know today, the matter in the universe is
predominantly dark, so we have dark matter and dark energy. Two very
similar sounding names, but theyre very different in practice. The dark
energy is uniformly distributed throughout space, and it causes expansion
of the universe to accelerate. But dark matter, in contrast, can clump under
gravity, and it makes the structures in the universe around us, indeed of
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