Quantum Universe: Executive Summary

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The Revolution in 21
-Century Particle Physics
Executive Summary
What is the nature of the universe and what is it made of?
What are matter, energy, space and time?
How did we get here and where are we going?

Throughout human history, scientific theories and experiments of increasing power and sophistication
have addressed these basic questions about the universe. The resulting knowledge has led to
revolutionary insights into the nature of the world around us.

In the last 30 years, physicists have achieved a profound understanding of the fundamental particles and
the physical laws that govern matter, energy, space and time. Researchers have subjected this Standard
Model to countless experimental tests; and, again and again, its predictions have held true. The series of
experimental and theoretical breakthroughs that combined to produce the Standard Model can truly be
celebrated as one of the great scientific triumphs of the 20

Now, in a development that some have compared to Copernicuss recognition that the earth is not the
center of the solar system, startling new data have revealed that only five percent of the universe is made
of normal, visible matter described by the Standard Model. Ninety-five percent of the universe consists
of dark matter and dark energy whose fundamental nature is a mystery. The Standard Models orderly
and elegant view of the universe must be incorporated into a deeper theory that can explain the new
phenomena. The result will be a revolution in particle physics as dramatic as any that have come before.

Questions for the Universe
A worldwide program of particle physics investigation is underway to explore the mysterious new
scientific landscape. Nine interrelated questions define the path ahead.

Einsteins Dream of Unified Forces

1. Are there undiscovered principles of nature: new symmetries, new physical laws?
The quantum ideas that so successfully describe familiar matter fail when applied to cosmic
physics. Solving the problem requires the appearance of new forces and new particles signaling
the discovery of new symmetriesundiscovered principles of natures behavior.

2. How can we solve the mystery of dark energy?
The dark energy that permeates empty space and accelerates the expansion of the universe must
have a quantum explanation. Dark energy might be related to the Higgs field, a force that fills
space and gives particles mass.

3. Are there extra dimensions of space?
String theory predicts seven undiscovered dimensions of space that give rise to much of the
apparent complexity of particle physics. The discovery of extra dimensions would be an epochal
event in human history; it would change our understanding of the birth and evolution of the
universe. String theory could reshape our concept of gravity.

4. Do all the forces become one?
At the most fundamental level all forces and particles in the universe may be related, and all the
forces might be manifestations of a single grand unified force, realizing Einsteins dream.

The Particle World

5. Why are there so many kinds of particles?
Why do three families of particles exist, and why do their masses differ so dramatically? Patterns
and variations in the families of elementary particles suggest undiscovered underlying principles
that tie together the quarks and leptons of the Standard Model.

6. What is dark matter? How can we make it in the laboratory?
Most of the matter in the universe is unknown dark matter, probably heavy particles produced in
the big bang. While most of these particles annihilated into pure energy, some remained. These
remaining particles should have a small enough mass to be produced and studied at accelerators.

7. What are neutrinos telling us?
Of all the known particles, neutrinos are the most mysterious. They played an essential role in the
evolution of the universe, and their tiny nonzero mass may signal new physics at very high

The Birth of the Universe

8. How did the universe come to be?
According to cosmic theory, the universe began with a singular explosion followed by a burst of
inflationary expansion. Following inflation, the universe cooled, passing through a series of
phase transitions and allowing the formation of stars, galaxies and life on earth. Understanding
inflation requires breakthroughs in quantum physics and quantum gravity.

9. What happened to the antimatter?
The big bang almost certainly produced equal amounts of matter and antimatter, yet the universe
seems to contain no antimatter. How did the asymmetry arise?

Opportunities for Discovery
We live in an age when the exploration of great questions is leading toward a revolutionary new
understanding of the universe.

Opportunities have emerged for discovery about the fundamental nature of the universe that we never
expected, Presidential Science Advisor John Marburger said recently. Technology places these
discoveries within our reach, but we need to focus efforts across widely separated disciplines to realize
the new opportunities.

This report is a response to that challenge. It serves as a guide to where the search for understanding has
taken us so far, and to where it is going. The chapters that follow articulate how existing and planned
particle physics experiments at accelerators and underground laboratories, together with space probes
and ground-based telescopes, bring within reach new opportunities for discovery about the fundamental
nature of the universe.


I. Introduction

What is the nature of the universe and what is it made of?
What are matter, energy, space and time?
How did we get here and where are we going?

The quest to answer the most basic questions about the universe has reached a singular moment. As the
century begins, physicists have developed a commanding knowledge of the particles and forces that
characterize the ordinary matter around us. At the same time, astrophysical and cosmological space
observations have revealed that this picture of the universe is incompletethat 95 percent of the cosmos
is not made of ordinary matter, but of a mysterious something else: dark matter and dark energy. We
have learned that in fact we do not know what most of the universe is made of.

Understanding this unknown new universe requires the discovery of the particle physics that
determines its fundamental nature. Powerful tools exist to bring the physics within reach. With
astrophysical observations, we can explore the parameters of the universe; with accelerator experiments
we can search for their quantum explanation. Energies at particle accelerators now approach the
conditions in the first instants after the big bang, giving us the means to discover what dark matter and
dark energy areand creating a revolution in our understanding of particle physics and the universe.

To answer the fundamental questions about the nature of the universe, astrophysical observations of the
relics of the big bang must agree with data from physics experiments recreating the particles and forces
of the early universe. The two ends of the exploration must meet. We will answer these challenging
questions by combining what we learn from the most powerful and insightful observations and
experiments in each of these approaches.

The following chapters take up in successively greater depth nine key questions that define the field.
Chapter II elucidates the meaning of the questions and their implications for 21
century particle
physics; Chapter III defines the scientific program to address and answer them. The tables in Chapter V
summarize the U.S. facilities whose primary physics programs respond most directly to the questions.


II: The Fundamental Nature of Matter and Energy, Space and Time

Current and future particle physics experiments around the world give us the capability to address a
well-defined set of questions about the basic physical laws that govern the universe. These questions, at
the same time eminently familiar and profoundly revolutionary, define the path for particle physics in the

Einsteins Dream of Unified Forces
Since Einstein, physicists have sought a unified theory to explain all the fundamental forces and particles
in the universe. The result is a stunningly successful theory that reduces the complexity of microscopic
physics to a set of concise laws. But these same quantum ideas fail when applied to cosmic physics.
Some fundamental piece is missing; gravity, dark matter and dark energy must have quantum
explanations. A new theoretical vision is required, one that embraces the Standard Model and general
relativity, while resolving the mystery of dark energy. Particle accelerators provide the means to reach a
unified theoretical perspective in experiments characterized by four well-defined intellectual thrusts.
1. Are there undiscovered principles of nature: new symmetries, new physical laws?
Our quest to discover the fundamental laws of nature has led to the revelation that the laws of physics,
and the particles they govern, exist because of underlying symmetries of nature, some of them lost since
the big bang. One such lost symmetry might be supersymmetry. Just as for every particle there exists an
antiparticle, supersymmetry predicts that for every known particle there also exists a superpartner
particle. Part of the strong theoretical appeal of supersymmetry, an essential part of string theory, is its
possible connection to dark energy and the fact that it provides a natural candidate for dark matter, the

The discovery of supersymmetry is an immediate experimental challenge of particle physics, followed by
the exploration of its structure and the properties of the superpartner particles. Particle accelerator
experiments will uncover the role of supersymmetry in a unified theory and reveal whether the
neutralino superpartner accounts for dark matter.

2. How can we solve the mystery of dark energy?
Recent measurements with telescopes and space probes have shown that a mysterious forcea dark
energyfills the vacuum of empty space, accelerating the universes expansion. We dont know what
dark energy is, or why it exists. On the other hand, particle theory tells us that, at the microscopic level,
even a perfect vacuum bubbles with quantum particles that are a natural source of dark energy. But a
nave calculation of the dark energy generated from the vacuum yields a value 10
times larger than the
amount we observe. Some unknown physical process is required to eliminate most, but not all, of the
vacuum energy, leaving enough left to drive the accelerating expansion of the universe. A new theory of
particle physics is required to explain this physical process.

Particle physics data point to another mysterious component of empty space, the Higgs field, that gives
particles the property of mass. Without the Higgs field, electrons would fly at the speed of light, and
atoms would instantly disintegrate. Are dark energy and the Higgs field related? The discovery of
supersymmetry would provide crucial evidence of a possible connection. Supersymmetry provides both
a natural context for the Higgs field and a possible explanation for the small but finite value of dark
3. Are there extra dimensions of space?
The revolutionary concept of string theory is a bold realization of Einstein's dream of an ultimate
explanation for everything from the tiniest quanta of particle physics to the cosmos itself. String theory
unifies physics by producing all known forces and particles as different vibrations of a single substance
called superstrings. String theory brings quantum consistency to physics with an elegant mathematical
construct that appears to be unique.

Do superstrings exist? The strings themselves are probably too tiny to observe directly, but string theory
makes a number of testable predictions. It implies supersymmetry and predicts seven undiscovered
dimensions of space, dimensions that would give rise to much of the mysterious complexity of particle
physics. Testing the validity of string theory requires searching for the extra dimensions and exploring
their properties. How many are there? What are their shapes and sizes? How and why are they hidden?
And what are the new particles associated with the extra dimensions?

4. Do all the forces become one?
At the most fundamental level, particles and forces may converge, either through hidden principles like
grand unification, or through radical physics like superstrings. We already know that remarkably similar
mathematical laws and principles describe all the known forces except gravity. Perhaps all forces are
different manifestations of a single grand unified force, a force that would relate quarks to leptons and
predict new ways of converting one kind of particle into another. Such a force might eventually make
protons decay, rendering ordinary matter unstable.

The Particle World
Physicists have identified 57 distinct species of elementary particles and have determined many of their
properties in exquisite detail. What are their roles? How will we know when we have found them all?
Perhaps these particles are just different notes on a single superstring. Perhaps they are related by grand
unification, or other hidden symmetries, in ways that we have yet to decipher. Unification may provide
the key, the simple principle that gives particles their complex identities.

5. Why are there so many kinds of particles?
We have discovered three families of quarks and leptons, families of fundamental particles that differ
only in their masses, which range from less than a millionth of the mass of an electron to the mass of an
atom of gold. Just as quantum mechanics led to an understanding of the organization of the periodic
table, we look to new theories to explain the patterns of elementary particles. Why do three families of
particles exist, and why do their masses differ so dramatically?

Current investigations focus on developing a detailed picture of the existing patterns in the particle
world. Remarkable progress has been made, especially in characterizing the quarks. But why are the
patterns for leptons and quarks completely different? Detailed studies of quarks and leptons at
accelerator experiments will provide the clearest insight into these issues.
6. What is dark matter? How can we make it in the laboratory?
Most of the matter in the universe is dark. Without dark matter, galaxies and stars would not have
formed and life would not exist. It holds the universe together. What is it?

Although the existence of dark matter was suggested in the 1930s, only in the last 10 to 15 years have
scientists made substantial progress in understanding its properties, mostly by establishing what it is not.
Recent observations of the effect of dark matter on the structure of the universe have shown that it is
unlike any form of matter that we have discovered or measured in the laboratory. At the same time, new
theories have emerged that may tell us what dark matter actually is. The theory of supersymmetry
predicts new families of particles interacting very weakly with ordinary matter. The lightest
supersymmetric particle could well be the elusive dark matter particle. We need to study dark matter
directly by detecting relic dark matter particles in an underground detector and by creating dark matter
particles at accelerators, where we can measure their properties and understand how they fit into the
cosmic picture.
7. What are neutrinos telling us?
Ubiquitous, elusive and full of surprises, neutrinos are the most mysterious of the known particles in the
universe. They interact so weakly with other particles that trillions of them pass through our bodies each
second without leaving a trace. The sun shines brightly in neutrinos, produced in the internal fusion
reactions that power the sun. These reactions produce neutrinos of only one kind, but they mysteriously
morph into two other kinds on their way to earth. Neutrinos have mass, but the heaviest neutrino is at
least a million times lighter than the lightest charged particle.

The existence of the neutrinos tiny nonzero mass raises the possibility that neutrinos get their masses
from unknown physics, perhaps related to unification. Detailed studies of the properties of neutrinos
their masses, how they change from one kind to another, and whether neutrinos are their own
antiparticleswill tell us whether neutrinos conform to the patterns of ordinary matter or whether they
are leading us toward the discovery of new phenomena.

The Birth of the Universe
What started the big bang? How did space, time, matter and energy take the forms that we see today?
Can we work backward to unravel the history of the universe?

After the big bang exploded with enormous energy, the universe began the cool-down that has lasted
until our own time. The resulting chain of events is a cosmic drama with many acts, dramatic transitions
and a host of actors appearing and disappearing along the way. The early scenes played out at
unimaginable temperatures and densities, the stage set by the fundamental properties of particle physics.
These processes had to be finely tuned to yield a universe capable of forming the galaxies, stars and
planets we observe today. Did some undiscovered fundamental laws determine the conditions that
allowed us to exist?

To reconstruct the cosmic story, telescopes and space probes detect the relics from the early universe,
and particle accelerators recreate and study the extreme physics that characterized the stages of
development and the transitions between them. As we begin to understand the cosmic past, we can look
to the future of the universe and predict its ultimate fate.

8. How did the universe come to be?
According to modern theories of cosmic evolution, the universe began with a singular explosion,
followed by a burst of inflationary expansion. To understand inflation requires breakthroughs in our
understanding of fundamental physics, of quantum gravity, and of the ultimate unified theory. Although
inflationary conditions are too high in energy to reproduce on earth, we can observe their signatures,
transmitted over the eons by their imprint on the relic matter we can still detect from that era.

Following inflation, the conditions of the early universe were still so extreme they could combine
elementary particles into new phases of matter. As the universe expanded and cooled, transitions took
place as matter changed from one phase to another, like steam condensing into water. Some of these
phase transitions may have been the most dramatic events in cosmic history, shaping the evolution of the
universe and leaving relics observable today. Cosmic phase transitions could be recreated in high-energy
accelerator experiments.
9. What happened to the antimatter?
Experiments teach us that for every fundamental particle there exists an antiparticle. The big bang and its
aftermath almost certainly produced particles and antiparticles in equal numbers. However, for as far out
in the universe as we can probe, our observations indicate that we live in a universe of matter, not
antimatter. What happened to the antimatter? A tiny imbalance between particles and antiparticles must
have developed early in the evolution of the universe, or it all would have annihilated, leaving only
photons and neutrinos. Subtle asymmetries between matter and antimatter, some of which we have
observed experimentally in the laboratory, must be responsible for this imbalance. But our current
knowledge of these asymmetries is incomplete, insufficient to account for the observed matter

There must be some other undiscovered phenomenon that makes matter and antimatter behave
differently. We may discover it in quarksor in neutrinos. Its source may lie in the properties of the
Higgs boson, in supersymmetry or even in extra dimensions.

The Goal
The nine questions we have asked are the questions that define the science of particle physics today.
Answering these questions is the goal of the worldwide program of investigation, driving current and
future experiments and the planning for new scientific facilities. In the next section we describe the
experiments designed to answer these questions.

III: Tools for a Scientific Revolution

The particle physics community is embarked on an ambitious experimental program that takes the next
step toward a revolution in understanding the fundamental nature of matter and energy, space and time.
Insights from experiments at particle accelerators, from cosmological observations and from
underground experiments have focused the investigation. Further advances require a vigorous program
of exploration. Chapter III maps the experimental program onto the questions that define 21
particle physics, articulating the strengths of the different approaches and the scientific goals they are
designed to achieve.

At the end of this report, we present two tables that list selected facilities of the U.S. program. The
primary physics goals of each of these facilities align most directly with the nine questions of this report.
In the text of Chapter III, we also discuss certain other facilities that have the potential to make major
contributions to the physics presented here.

Einsteins Dream of Unified Forces
Superstrings and grand unification are currently the most promising ideas for fulfilling Einsteins dream
of an ultimate theory. To understand string theory requires experimental tests of its predictions of
supersymmetric particles and extra dimensions of space. To understand unification requires experiments
sensitive to extremely rare particle decays. To confront the discrepancy between the theory of the large
and the theory of the small requires a better understanding of fundamental quantum physics.
1. Are there undiscovered principles of nature: new symmetries, new physical laws?
The laws of nature derive from the natures symmetries; searching for new particles and forces means
searching for new symmetries. One such symmetry might be supersymmetry, which predicts that for
every known particle there exists a superpartner particle of the same mass. Experiments have not yet
detected any of the superpartners; thus, if supersymmetry exists, it must be broken by unknown physics
that makes superpartner particles heavy. Superpartner masses may be related to the Higgs field;
supersymmetry provides a natural dark matter candidate, the neutralino. Experiments are searching for
supersymmetry now; directly at the Tevatron and indirectly at the B-factories Belle and BaBar.

The Tevatron may have enough energy to produce detectable signals of the lightest superpartners. The
LHC should have enough energy to produce all or most of the superpartner particles, either directly or
through the decays of other superpartners, to determine the pattern of superpartner masses and decays.
A Linear Collider would measure the properties of the superpartners very precisely, showing that they
are indeed the superpartners of known particles; it could study the properties of the lightest superpartner
(most likely the neutralino) with great precision. Do neutralinos behave like dark matter? Studies of the
neutralino at a Linear Collider, combined with precision measurements of other superpartners, would
produce a prediction for the cosmic relic density of neutralinos to determine whether the predictions are
consistent with the dark matter hypothesis.
Theoretical models for the physical mechanism that breaks supersymmetry are already constrained by
data from Belle and BaBar. Future precision studies at Belle and BaBar, as well as from the future
hadron B-factories BTeV and LHC-b will allow physicists to disentangle the flavor structure of
supersymmetry through subtle changes to decays of B mesons. The MECO experiment will provide
unprecedented sensitivity to the direct conversion of muons into electrons in nuclei; and some models of
supersymmetric grand unification predict rates for this process that MECO can observe.
2. How can we solve the mystery of dark energy?
The dramatic discovery of dark energy showed that empty space is filled with a mysterious energy that
increases as the universe expands. While Einstein initially proposed a cosmological constant that could
explain the dark energy, it is the amount of dark energy that is difficult to understand. The natural source
of such a dark energy field, quantum fluctuations of the vacuum, gives a density of dark energy 10

times larger than observed levels.
A far-reaching program is in place to study the properties of dark energy. Measurements of the
amplitude and fluctuations of the cosmic microwave background from WMAP, combined with data
from worldwide astronomical facilities, especially supernova measurements, suggest that dark energy is
consistent with a cosmological constant. Future measurements of supernovae, gravitational lensing and
clusters of galaxies from a Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, LSST, and the Joint Dark Energy Mission,
JDEM, will reveal definitively whether dark energy behaves like Einsteins cosmological constant or
like some new substance that changes with time as the universe evolves.
To determine what dark energy is and why it exists requires connecting the cosmic reality of dark energy
to a better fundamental understanding of microscopic quantum physics. At the microscopic scale,
physicists have long known that empty space is not empty; it is filled by a field that gives quarks and
leptons their mass. In the Standard Model, this field is called the Higgs; experiments at the LHC will
find the corresponding Higgs particle..
At present, we expect the Higgs to be accompanied by a whole new sector of fundamental physics. This
Higgs sector may involve many new particles and interactions. Initial Higgs discoveries will occur at the
LHC; a Linear Collider will be essential to explore the landscape of Higgs physics.
Dark energy may have relationships to both supersymmetry and the Higgs sector, implying a new
emphasis on the quantum consistency of Higgs physics, including Higgs self-interactions. Such
measurements will present additional challenges for the experimental program of the Linear Collider and
may provide a foundation to explore the origin of dark energy.
3. Are there extra dimensions of space?
The physical effects of extra dimensions depend on their sizes and shapes, and on what kinds of matter
or forces can penetrate them. The sizes of the extra dimensions are unknown, but they should be related
to fundamental energy scales of particle physics: the cosmological scale, the density of dark energy, the
TeV electroweak scale, or the scale of ultimate unification. It may be possible to infer extra dimensions
of macroscopic size from inconsistencies in cosmological observations, or from precision tests of short-
range gravitational forces. More likely, the extra dimensions are microscopic, in which case high-energy
particle accelerators and cosmic ray experiments are the only ways to detect their physical effects.

The LHC and a Linear Collider will address many questions about extra dimensions: How many extra
dimensions are there? What are their shapes and sizes? How are they hidden? What are the new particles
associated with extra dimensions? Through the production of new particles that move in the extra space,
the LHC will have direct sensitivity to extra dimensions 10 billion times smaller than the size of an
atom. A Linear Collider would determine the number, size and shape of extra dimensions through their
small effects on particle masses and interactions. There is also a chance that, due to the existence of
extra dimensions, microscopic black holes may be detected at the LHC or in the highest energy cosmic
Ultimately particle physics seeks to know if dark energy, dark matter and cosmic inflation are affected
by the physics of extra dimensions. Collider data will provide insight into the exploration of these deep
4. Do all the forces become one?
High-energy particle physics experiments are exploring the unification of the weak and electromagnetic
forces. Does the unification continue? At the most fundamental level, particles and forces may be
related, either through hidden symmetries like grand unification, or through radical physics like
superstrings. Essential clues can come from laboratory observations of extremely rare particle decays
and other rare processes, as well as from precision measurements at the highest energies. Such breadth of
approach is necessary because we do not know where the clues will appear.

Models of grand unification predict that protons may eventually decay, rendering ordinary matter
unstable. The Super Kamiokande detector already has sensitivity to proton decay in the range
suggested by models of grand unification. The next generation of proton decay experiments will
require larger detectors in an underground laboratory.
Unification physics represents a natural mechanism to provide Majorana masses for neutrinos, in
which case neutrinos are their own antiparticles. This possibility could be verified by a positive
signal in the next generation of neutrinoless double beta decay experiments, for example EXO or
Majorana, at an underground laboratory.
The precision measurements of the force strengths at LEP and SLC provided circumstantial
evidence for grand unification. Similarly the precision measurement of (super)particle masses at
a Linear Collider will permit multiple quantitative tests of grand unification.

Ultimately, unification of all the fundamental forces requires an understanding of quantum gravity and
the associated exotic phenomena, such as black hole evaporation. Progress could come serendipitously
from a discovery of extra dimensions at the LHC, or of anomalous gravity wave sources with LIGO, or
of unexpected events in ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, including cosmic neutrinos.
The Particle World
Physics has revealed that the elementary particles play many roles. The quarks and leptons, the
fundamental bits of matter, bind into protons, neutrons and atoms and form the basis of life on earth. The
so-called gauge particles give rise to forces, including electricity, magnetism and gravity. Recent
discoveries indicate that still more elementary particles make up the dark matter that fills the universe.

In particle physics, elementary particles are the messengers of new phenomena, including new forces and
new forms of matter. Quantum mechanics dictates that even hidden dimensions show up as elementary
particles. By measuring their properties, physicists can infer the shapes and sizes of the hidden
5. Why are there so many kinds of particles?
Physicists have so far identified 57 species of elementary particles. In particular, the Standard Model
contains quarks and leptons, grouped into three families that differ only in their masses. Why the pattern
of particles is repeated three times with enormous variations in mass but with other properties seemingly
identical is an open question. Quantum physics has shown that three families are the minimum necessary
to accommodate CP violation in the Standard Model. Such CP violation is necessary for matter to
predominate over antimatter in the universe, but its effects observed so far are insufficient to explain this
predominance. The current program of experiments focuses on developing a detailed understanding of
the existing patterns and searching for signs that the patterns of the three families are not identical.

The CDF and D0 experiments at the Tevatron are measuring the properties of the top quark to see if its
enormous mass gives it a special role in the particle world. The BaBar and Belle experiments at SLAC
and KEK are using their data samples, containing millions of b and c quarks, as well as t leptons, to
make precision measurements of the masses and decay modes of all of these objects, in order to look for
subtle deviations from the predicted patterns of their decays. The third-generation particlestop, bottom
and tauoffer the best hope for discovery, because their large masses allow them to couple most
effectively to undiscovered physics.

BaBar and Belle can study only two types of B mesons, bound states of the bottom quark with up or
down quarks. However, many theories suggest significant effects in the bound state with the strange
quark, B
. Physicists are currently studying the properties of the B
meson at the Tevatron. The future
hadron B-factories, BTeV and LHC-b, will explore the B
meson with far greater precision.

Properties of individual quarks are experimentally difficult to study, because they are always bound to
other quarks. Lattice Computational Facilities offer great promise for the calculation of the effects of the
strong interactions. As an example, lattice calculations will provide sufficient precision to extract quark
parameters, such as those that describe flavor mixing, from the experimental data. Experimental studies
with CLEO-c will establish and validate the precision of the lattice calculations for use in heavy quark

Neutrinos have opened a surprising new window on the physics of lepton generations, since neutrino
masses are not necessary in the Standard Model. The presence of neutrino masses may be telling us
something about physics beyond the Standard Model. The decay properties of the light leptons, the
electron and the muon, may also hold surprises. The MECO experiment proposes to look for a
conversion of a muon to an electron and is sensitive to very-high-mass physics that might affect that
6. What is dark matter? How can we make it in the laboratory?
Most of the matter in the universe is dark. Early evidence for dark matter came from the rotation curves
of galaxies, which showed that galaxies contain more mass than is contained in the stars. More recently,
direct evidence for dark matter has come from the discovery and characterization of gravitational lenses,
regions of space where mass bends light. These astronomical constraints do not directly distinguish
between nonbaryonic models for dark matter (WIMPs) and other possible ideas involving more massive
objects (MACHOs) such as Jupiter-sized planets and mini-black holes. However experiments in the
1990s established that MACHOs do not make an appreciable contribution to the dark matter content of
our galaxy.

The tightest constraints on the amount of dark matter in the universe come from cosmological
measurements. The frequency and amplitude dependence of the fluctuations in the cosmic microwave
background (CMB) measured by WMAP (and in the future by Planck) are sensitive to both the total
matter density and the baryon density. The baryon density is also constrained by the nucleosynthesis
models of the early universe. All of these methods suggest that normal baryonic matter can only account
for a small fraction, about five percent, of the total matter density.

Scientists are measuring the distribution of dark matter in the universe in a variety of ways: (a) by
studying the large-scale distribution of galaxies, as with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS); (b) by
constraining the dark matter mass power spectrum through weak lensing studies, as by a future Large
Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) and the Joint Dark Energy Mission (JDEM); and (c) by cataloguing
massive clusters of galaxies as a function of redshift, using the Sunyaev-Zeldovitch effect, by the South
Polar Telescope and the Atacama Cosmology Telescope.

What is dark matter? Particle physics models suggest that dark matter is either axions (hypothetical new
particles associated with QCD), or WIMPs (hypothetical new particles with weak interactions and TeV-
scale masses, natural by-products of theories of supersymmetry or extra dimensions). If dark matter
particles are relics from the near-total annihilation in the early universe, simple dimensional analysis
suggests that the particles originate from physics at the TeV scale. The particle nature of dark matter can
be verified by finding the rare events they would produce in a sensitive underground dark matter detector
such as CDMS. Such experiments may see products of dark matter particles in our galaxy. Annihilation
of TeV-scale dark matter particles might be detected as line radiation in high-energy gamma ray
telescopes such as GLAST and VERITAS, or possibly in astrophysical neutrino detectors such as ICE
CUBE. Antiparticles produced in these annihilations might also be detectable by AMS. If dark matter
particles are much more massive, they might produce signals in the ultra-high-energy cosmic rays.

However, to understand the true nature of dark matter particles, particle physics experiments must
produce them at accelerators and study their quantum properties. Physicists need to discover how they fit
into a coherent picture of the universe. Suppose experimenters detect WIMPs streaming through an
underground detector. What are they? Are they the lightest supersymmetric particle? The lightest
particle moving in extra dimensions? Or are they something else?

Searches for candidate dark matter particles are underway at present-day colliders. If these particles
have masses at the TeV scale, they will surely be discovered at the LHC. However, verifying that these
new particles are indeed related to dark matter will require the Linear Collider to characterize their
properties. The Linear Collider can measure their mass, spin and parity with precision. These results will
permit calculation of the present-day cosmic abundance of dark matter and comparison to cosmological
observations. If the values agree, it will be a great triumph for both particle physics and cosmology and
will extend the understanding of the evolution of the universe back to 10
seconds after the big bang.
7. What are neutrinos telling us?
The discovery that neutrinos have mass opens a window on physics beyond the Standard Model. The
Standard Model cannot accommodate neutrino masses without the introduction of new particles, which
themselves raise new questions. In fact, the size of the neutrino masses is consistent with expectations
from unified theories that require the new particles for the unification itself.

The most pressing question about neutrinos involves how many different kinds there are. Results from
the LSND experiment suggest that there may be more than the canonical three families. If so, that would
require a major revision of current understanding. The Mini-BooNE experiment, now running at
Fermilab, will settle this issue by mid-2005.

Even if there are only three kinds of neutrinos, questions remain. What generates the neutrino masses
and what are their values? Are neutrinos their own antiparticles? How do different kinds of neutrinos
mix? Answering these questions requires precision measurements of the neutrino masses and mixings.
Physicists are now studying neutrino mixing at the SNO, KamLAND, K2K and SuperKamiokande
experiments. A big step will occur in 2005, when the NuMI/MINOS program at Fermilab begins to
probe nu-mu/nu-tau neutrino mixing in a controlled accelerator experiment. In 2006, the CERN-to-Gran
Sasso long-baseline neutrino program will begin. The neutrino beam at JPARC is being developed in
Japan. In the longer-term future, these experiments and their upgrades, possibly using an off-axis beam,
or dedicated reactor neutrino experiments may tell us if a measurement of CP violation in the neutrino
sector is feasible. Then researchers might use a neutrino superbeam or neutrino factory to search for it.
The detector in such an experiment could also search for proton decay, if located deep underground in a
facility such as a National Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory.

Accelerator and reactor oscillation experiments measure mass differences. The masses themselves must
be determined by different methods. Neutrinoless double beta decay experiments such as EXO and
Majorana can be used to measure the electron neutrino mass to ~0.01eV, if neutrinos are their own
antiparticles. The observation of neutrinoless double beta decay would have far-reaching consequences,
raising the possibility that the matter and antimatter could have transformed to each other in the early

The Birth of the Universe
The understanding of the history and future of the universe is deeply entwined with questions of the
fundamental nature of matter, energy, space and time. Today the strong connections between the largest
and smallest domains are clearly apparent.

8. How did the universe come to be?
According to current theories of cosmic evolution, the universe begins with an initial singularity, a
point where all known laws of physics break down. This singularity produced a delicately balanced
universe, like a pencil so precisely balanced on its point that it stays upright for 14 billion years. How did
the universe reach such a state? How did it get to be so old? Why has it not blasted even further apart,
or collapsed back on itself?

For the last two decades, the theory of cosmic inflation has offered a compelling explanation of the start
of the big bang. According to this theory, an early phase of accelerated expansion gave rise to the
balanced universe we see today. Cosmic inflation is the hand that balanced the pencil on its point. As a
by-product, it also produced the seeds that evolved into stars, galaxies, clusters of galaxies and other
structures in the universe.

Cosmic inflation presents challenges related to the fundamental questions in this report. One possibility
is that cosmic inflation originated with a form of dark energy, akin to the dark energy observed today. If
so, what kind of matter produced it? Does this form of matter play a role in unification? How does it
relate to extra dimensions? Even more radical is the possibility that space and time changed their nature
at the start of the big bang. Does string theory smooth the initial singularity? Which model did nature
really choose?

At present, measurements of fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background, especially from WMAP,
provide the best evidence in favor of inflation. Constraints on cosmic parameters, such as the curvature
of the universe, and the nature of the cosmic structure, are in broad agreement with the predictions of
inflationary theory. Eventually, measurements of the polarization of the CMB may permit the detection
of the signatures of gravitational waves produced during the epoch of inflation, which could provide
information about the nature of the scalar field that produced inflation.

After the big bang, the universe expanded and cooled to reach its present state. Along the way, the
universe passed through a series of phase transitions in which various particles froze out, as water turns
to ice as it cools. These phase transitions drove some of the most important epochs of cosmic history.
For example, a phase transition may be what drove cosmic inflation. Phase transitions might produce
cosmic defects, such as strings and texture and other exotic forms of matter, that could explain ultra-
high-energy cosmic rays, dark matter and perhaps even dark energy.

The LHC will illuminate the electroweak phase transition, where most of the known particles acquired
their masses. Better understanding of this phase transition will allow scientists to push closer to the big
bang itself. Indeed, it is likely that the electroweak phase transition is the ultimate source of the matter-
antimatter asymmetry we see in the universe today. Discoveries of new particles and new interactions
will illuminate this story and determine if it is correct. Moreover, the account of cosmic evolution must
incorporate any discoveries of new symmetries or new dimensions.

Currently, the most intensely studied cosmic phase transition is connected with quantum
chromodynamics (QCD), the theory of the nuclear force. During the QCD phase transition, the baryonic
matter in the present universe condensed from a plasma-like state of quarks and gluons. The Relativistic
Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) facility at BNL is currently creating collisions of heavy ions to study quark-
gluon plasma; the laboratory plans upgrades to enhance these studies. The Lattice Computational
Facilities will enable calculations furthering the understanding of the RHIC data and the conditions
during this epoch in the evolution of the early universe.

The synthesis of all the elements in the world involves nuclear reactions. Given the temperatures and
particle densities in stellar objects and in cataclysmic stellar explosions, these reactions often occur in
unstable nuclei. The Rare Isotope Accelerator, RIA, will provide the tool for the terrestrial study of the
nuclear reactions that drive these events will help us understand how and where in the universe nature
synthesizes the elements.
9. Where did the antimatter go?
A fundamental question in the evolution of the universe is What happened to the antimatter? Matter and
antimatter were almost certainly produced equally at the birth of the universe. However, as the soup of
the hot early universe cooled, equal amounts of matter and antimatter would have combined and
annihilated. Instead, an excess of matter has remained to form the galaxies and stars that constitute the
universe. To preferentially remove antimatter in the universe, CP symmetry must be violated, causing
antimatter to behave slightly differently from matter. Experimenters discovered CP violation in the
neutral K mesons in 1964, and in the B mesons in 2001.

The Standard Model can accommodate the phenomenology of CP violation in quarks, because there are
at least three generations of quarks; and because there is mixing between the quark flavors when they
interact via the weak interaction. The CP violation measured in the B mesons at BaBar and Belle, along
with a wealth of studies on quark flavor mixing over the past 20 years, are all consistent with this
phenomenology. However current knowledge of CP violation is incomplete and insufficient by many
orders of magnitude to account for the primordial matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe. Present
and planned accelerator experiments are aimed at discovering other sources of CP violation that make
matter and antimatter behave differently. It may appear in quarksor in neutrinos. Its source may lie in
the properties of the Higgs boson, in supersymmetry or even in extra dimensions.

CP violation in reactions that change the flavor of quarks is being measured with strange quarks (K
meson decays) and bottom quarks (B meson decays). Ongoing and planned experiments include K0PI0
at BNL (K decay); BaBar at SLAC, Belle at KEK (B
decay), BTeV at Fermilab and LHC-b at CERN
and B
decay). Pinning down precisely the role of CP violation in the quarks is a critical step in
solving the puzzle of the fate of primordial antimatter. Experiments have so far shown that, by itself, CP
violation in quarks from flavor mixing in the Standard Model is probably not the sole source of the
matter-antimatter asymmetry observed in the universe. Current and future B physics experiments will be
sensitive to sources of CP violation beyond the Standard Model.

The discovery that neutrinos have mass opens up the search for CP violation in lepton reactions.
Neutrino mass can, in principle, turn matter into antimatter and back, and can change the balance
between them. Experiments are required to discover the role of neutrinos in the antimatter question. The
MINOS experiment at Fermilab and reactor-based neutrino oscillation experiments will measure the
parameters of neutrino oscillation. If the oscillation parameters are favorable, a neutrino superbeam
facility with a large underground experiment will detect CP violation in neutrinos. Such a large detector,
if sufficiently far underground, for example at a potential Deep Underground Science and Engineering
Laboratory, could also serve as a next-generation proton-decay experiment.


IV: Conclusions

What is the nature of the universe and what is it made of? What are matter, energy, space and time?
How did we get here and where are we going?

Particle physics is in the midst of a great revolution. Modern data and ideas have challenged long-held
beliefs about matter, energy, space and time. Observations have confirmed that 95 percent of the
universe is made of dark energy and dark matter unlike any we have seen or touched in our most
advanced experiments. Theorists have found a way to reconcile gravity with quantum physics, but at the
price of postulating extra dimensions beyond the familiar four dimensions of space and time.

As the magnitude of the current revolution becomes apparent, the science of particle physics has a clear
path forward. The new data and ideas have not only challenged the old ways of thinking, they have also
pointed to the steps required to make progress. Many advances are within reach of our current program;
others are close at hand. We are extraordinarily fortunate to live in a time when the great questions are
yielding a whole new level of understanding. We should seize the moment and embrace the challenges.

V: Summary Tables

The following two tables summarize selected facilities of the U.S. program whose primary physics goals
align most directly with the reports nine questions. Other important facilities are included in the text.

The Questions
1 Are there undiscovered principles of nature: new
symmetries, new physical laws?
2 How can we solve the mystery of dark energy?
3 Are there extra dimensions of space?
4 Do all the forces become one?
5 Why are there so many kinds of particles?
6 What is dark matter? How can we make it in the laboratory?
7 What are neutrinos telling us?
8 How did the universe come to be?
9 Where did the antimatter go?

Primary US Physics Program of Major Facilities
This table summarizes the physics goals of the major facilities of the US program whose primary physics
goals align most directly with the reports nine questions.

Unification Particle World Birth of the Universe
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Tevatron X X
Linear Collider X X X X X
n Superbeams X X
BaBar X X X
Proton Decay X


Primary US Physics Program of Selected Smaller Facilities
This table summarizes the physics goals of selected smaller facilities of the US program whose primary
physics goals align most directly with the reports nine questions.

Unification Particle
Birth of
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Mini-BooNE X
Reactor n Experiments X
Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay X X
Underground Dark Matter Detectors X
CMB Polarization X
Lattice Computational Facilities X X
Precision Gravity X

Committee Members

Andreas Albrecht
University of California at Davis

Samuel Aronson
Brookhaven National Laboratory

Keith Baker
Hampton University
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

Jonathan Bagger
Johns Hopkins University

Neil Calder
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

Persis Drell, Chair
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

Evalyn Gates
University of Chicago

Fred Gilman
Carnegie Mellon University

Judith Jackson

Steven Kahn
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

Edward Kolb

Joseph Lykken

Hitoshi Murayama
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
University of California, Berkeley

Hamish Robertson
University of Washington

James Siegrist
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
University of California, Berkeley

Simon Swordy
University of Chicago

John Womersley

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