May 2010

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Volume 3, Issue 2 May 2010

If I then, your
Lord and Teacher,
have washed your

John 13:14-15
feet, you also ought
to wash one an-
other’s feet. For I
have given you an
Lutheran Bible Translators
example, that you
also should do just
as I have done to
Building on the Foundation you.
“Concerning the house of God at Jerusalem, let the house be rebuilt, the
place where sacrifices were offered, and let its foundations be retained.”
Ezra 6:3 • Praise for a productive
and very positive trip to
It’s not often that we get to quote from Ezra but the discoveries of my trip to Cameroon
very much parallel the experience of the Jews after returning from exile and attempting Cameroon for Kory!
to rebuild the house of the Lord. On our first night in Galim, the village where we are go- • Praise for hospitality of
ing to live, Joan Weber (longtime LBT missionary in Cameroon with her husband Martin)
so many in Cameroon
related how she had been reading this portion of Scripture and drew the parallel be-
tween this story and the project among the Nizaa. and for the many con-
tacts that we made in
A little background: the Jews had just returned from exile and had the command from Galim as well as in
King Cyrus to rebuild the temple so that the Jews could offer sacrifices there to God. Af- Ngaoundéré.
ter the foundation had been re-laid, some in Samaria began to oppose the rebuilding
and sent a letter to King Artaxerxes, saying that it would be a mistake to let them rebuild • Praise God for the KS
the temple since they had a history of being powerful and might threaten the kingdom LWML approving a
of Babylon. Just like that, the king stopped the work. However, some Jews, moved by grant to help pay off the
the prophesying of Haggai and Zecheriah, continued rebuilding in spite of opposition

Pray For Us...

during the reign of Darius. While some continued to oppose, the Jews asked that a costs of our French
search be made in the archives for the original decree from Cyrus to rebuild the temple. study.
Once found, there was no question that the work would continue forward.
• Praise for friends in
So I’ve held you all in suspense for long enough. What does this Scripture have to do Chambéry who helped
with the Nizaa? In the 1980’s, literacy work was begun by the Norwegian Missionary out Cara and the kids
Society among the Nizaa. The first missionary worked hard to learn the language and while Kory was in Cam-
establish an orthography so that Nizaa would no longer just be an oral language. The eroon.
missionary who followed him, also from the NMS, continued the work a few years later,
helping to open a Nizaa literature center for the Nizaa to learn to read and write their • Pray for the health of
language and to train others to teach other Nizaa how to read and write their language. Cara and baby #3 com-
She also worked alongside several Nizaa speakers to create various pieces of literature, ing in late November.
such as health pamphlets and a book teaching those who already knew how to read/
write in French how to do so in Nizaa. • Pray for continued moti-
She even was able to begin Bible trans- vation in French study
lation work, publishing the book of Mark
as we finish up our time
and getting very close to finishing the
other three gospels. However, the work in France.
was stopped around 2002. These mis- • Pray that God would
sionaries built a very strong foundation
for the Nizaa language as well as for the continue to open the
gospel to reach the Nizaa people. As we hearts of the Nizaa peo-
look to begin working in Galim, we know ple to His Word in their
that there will be challenges. However, language.
like the Israelites, we have the support
The Nizaa literature center in Galim, which has been of many and a call from God to help the • Pray for adequate hous-
closed for a few years. A couple of years ago, the Nizaa Nizaa build on the foundation already ing for our family in the
phrase ‘The house of Nizaa literature’ was written on the laid, and we hope to finish the work that
Nizaa quarter (see back).
side so that the building would be preserved for this was started.
purpose in the future.
Top right: Meeting a Nizaa pastor, Dieudonné Ous- Trip Summary
manou, just after arriving in Ngaoundéré on SIL’s six
seater plane. Day 1– travel to Camer-
Center right:
right A beautiful sunrise on our first morning oon
in Galim.
Bottom right:
right My first Nizaa lesson with our guide in Day 2– in Yaoundé, the
Galim, Yougoudá Bah, at the lamido’s (the Muslim capital, visiting the SIL
chief of Galim) place called the lamidat. This was a (Wycliffe) offices
little less intimidating than another lesson that I got Day 3– take a small
that day from a high school student while being sur- plane to Ngaoundéré,
rounded by about 50 kids listening intently. city of about 100,000
Bottom left:
left The Norwegian mission house where we may live which overlooks which is 6 hours away
Galim. We are currently investigating if there are other places for us to live
nearer to the Nizaa area at least for the first term in order to really be im- from the village, for
mersed in the language and culture and learn it well. partner meetings with
Other Highlights:
Highlights - The pride that the Nizaa have for their language and culture the Lutheran Church of
and their excitement for continuing development of their Cameroon
language. Day 4-7—in Ngaoundéré
- The prayer sup- Day 8– travel to Galim,
port from a visit our potential
group of Nizaa
house, first lesson in
in Ngaoundéré
for our family Nizaa!
and the work of Day 9– explore Galim a
Bible translation bit more and then head
among the Ni- back to Ngaoundéré
zaa. Day 10/11– head back
to Chambéry
In His Time Financial update
As most of you know, our most recent plan was to leave for
Cameroon directly from France at the end of October. Plans As you can see from the
have changed slightly because we recently found out that “thermometers” we still have a bit to
baby #3 will, Lord willing, be joining us in November! We raise for our vehicle fund, but we are
have decided to continue French study here until mid- so humbled by how many have given
September, at which point we will go back to the U.S. for the so far! Also, our monthly funding aver-
birth. Pending all documentation for the baby (and for us) age for 2010 is below what it needs to
going through efficiently, we will depart for Cameroon in Janu- be. Please pray with us that our vehi-
ary or February 2011. During our time in the U.S., we plan to cle fund would be fully funded before
continue French study on our own as well as take the oppor- January 2011 and that our monthly
tunity to visit our partners and help to raise the remaining funding would reach and remain at
funds for our vehicle in Cameroon. If you would like us to 100%.
come and share more about our ministry in a worship service, The mission of
Sunday school hour, Bible study, LWML meeting, or any other LBT is to help
venue, please contact us by e-mail (listed below). We look bring people to
forward to connecting with many of you during our time in the faith in Jesus
States. Christ by making
the Word of God
Write to us at: Send financial support to: available to those
Kory, Cara, Sam, Lucy and Fay Lutheran Bible Translators who do not yet
11 Rue de la Libération P.O. Box 2050 have it in the lan-
73000 Barberaz Aurora, IL 60507-2050 guage of their
FRANCE (Make checks out to Lutheran hearts. For more
[email protected] Bible Translators and write Fay information on ministry, Fay vehicle, or Fay LBT go to
household setup on the memo line)

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