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Volume 1, Issue 1 February 2008

If I then, your Lord

and Teacher,

John 13:14-15
have washed your
FAY FOOTPRINTS feet, you also
ought to wash
one another’s
feet. For I have
Lutheran Bible Translators
given you an ex-
ample, that you
also should do
just as I have
When he arrived he kept to
EXPECTATIONS himself for awhile but, finally,
done to you.

by Cara the moment came. I don’t even

Becky, a neighbor of ours, asked remember who was holding Sam,
me over dinner what my favorite but whoever it was walked in and
sat in an armchair near Conner. • Praise for time spent with
part of Christmas vacation was.
Conner looked. We all held our family and friends over the
Although there were lots of good
breaths. And then he threw his holidays


times, one event in particular
sticks out in my mind. head back and laughed. Sam • Praise for Kory’s completion
looked curiously, but didn’t seem of the certificate courses
I have a cousin, Conner, who is bothered by the noise. In fact, he
eleven years old and has autism. seemed to reciprocate Conner’s • Pray that we would be sen-
Every Christmas we get to spend enjoyment. Conner continued to sitive to God’s leading as
time with Conner and his parents. laugh at Sam’s little noises and, at we set up our speaking
This particular year would be differ- one point, even went over to rub schedule
ent, however, because of the Sam his hand against Sam’s cheek. It
element. was such a sweet encounter, far • Pray that people would be
exceeding anyone’s expectations. open to supporting us in
This Christmas, we were all a little this ministry
apprehensive about the upcoming Life is full of expectations: expecta-
introductions because Conner tions of a Savior’s birth, of that
doesn’t like loud sounds and nei- Savior’s return, of what the next hands. As Christians, our future is cer-
ther does Sam. The ironic thing is year will hold, of what the next few tain. We do not need to worry in the
that both of them have moments years will hold, of what a certain least. All we need to do is hold onto
where they are VERY loud. interaction will be like. the moments He gives us and smile.
We can live in expectation of Jesus’
Conner was a little delayed in arriv- As I watched Sam and Conner in- return and our life with Him, knowing
ing at my parent’s house because teract, I realized that everything with all certainty that we will not be let
he had a pretty rough morning. that happens is ultimately in God’s down.

Partnership Development (Prayer
Attend IDIOM Appointment as LBT and Financial support) July ‘08-
(orientation to LBT) in missionaries (Jan ‘08) ???
May ‘06

Classes at GIAL in TX
LBT application (‘06-’07) (July ‘07—June ‘08) Depart for field assignment
whoever will listen about our minis- until ???. If the venue is in neither
IT’S OFFICIAL! try with LBT! We will be asking peo- one of those states, have no fear!
We received a call on January 11th ple to join us in this ministry through We are willing to go anywhere, but
from the executive director of LBT, prayer and financial support. This is we are trying to focus on Indiana
Marshall Gillam, who told us that we where you come in. We are setting and Kansas and the areas in be-
have been officially appointed as up our speaking schedule now. tween. We look forward to meeting
LBT missionaries. Our supervisor, with you all face to face in the com-
If you would like to have us come
Sharon Vega, paid us a visit for sev- speak at your church/Bible study/ ing months.
eral days at the end of January. She Sunday school class/Lutheran BIBLE TRANSLATION FACT
gave us a general orientation to LBT school (and so on), please contact
and we learned, in more detail, what us (contact information below)!!! There are 6,912 languages
the coming months have in store. spoken worldwide. Only
Once we finish classes in June, we As of right now, we plan to be in Indi- 2,426 of these have all or a
will begin partnership development, ana from mid-July to late November portion of the Bible.
which is a fancy term for speaking to and in Kansas from early December

-Kory finished the first series of classes and
will begin graduate coursework in February

-Cara is taking some of the courses Kory took

last semester and enjoying the fact that she is
learning some of the terminology he uses all
the time

-Sam is crawling and pulling up and, conse-

quently, causing general havoc for his parents.
He’s also working on filling in his bald spots.

In His Love, The mission of

Sam enjoying New Year’s in Topeka, Kansas. Kory, Cara, and LBT is to help
Samuel bring people to
faith in Jesus
Christ by making
Contact us at: Send financial support to: the Word of God
Kory, Cara, and Samuel Fay Lutheran Bible Translators available to those
707 Johnson Drive #101 P.O. Box 2050 who do not yet
Duncanville, TX 75116 Aurora, IL 60507-2050 have it in the lan-
[email protected] (Make checks out to Lutheran guage of their
214-205-0891 Bible Translators and designate hearts.
Fay ministry) For more informa-
com/koryandcara tion on LBT go to

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