Good News 23
Good News 23
Good News 23
so very thankful for his guidance and direction – pastored in Bethlehem, Israel for over forty-two
which of course lingers on. years, a beloved brother in the faith whose son
pastors in Jerusalem, we were encouraged to
Certainly, a new generation is with us. A learn about the continuing growth in the
new day is also with us. It is a time when nearly churches and in the enthusiasm for the Gospel
everyone of age has instant access to the Bible in that area of the world. As we listened to
and to so many great Bible teachers through others, including those who are serving in some
their phone and many other electronic devices. of the more remote areas of the world that have
not yet received the Gospel, we recalled the
Over our years of continuing my Father’s Words of Jesus when He said, “The harvest
letters through publishing “The Good News”, it truly is great, but the laborers are few:
has been a rich blessing to us as we seek the pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest,
Lord’s guidance in every issue, then write it as that he would send forth laborers into his
we felt inspired to do. We heartily thank each harvest.” It must continue to be our prayer.
and every reader for their support!
Although we cannot know for certain, over
We all experience life, and know it is always the years we feel “The Good News” publication
about change. Like a river current, life passes has stagnated in its growth. Its original
by swiftly. Like being on a river in a boat, if we purpose, to fill a void for those who need the
stop rowing upstream, Gospel, but have no convenient
we will soon begin to be way to receive it, has been filled by
swept downstream. So, many other means of sharing the
we must continue to row Gospel. At the same time, God has
as best we can. opened to us other ways to serve
Him, both in the church and in our
As the primary surrounding community.
author today of this
publication, it has been Accordingly, we moved into
our objective to share making that hard decision to
the love of Jesus Christ discontinue this publication.
broadly - in and through our human living.
Being a mere vessel of the Holy Spirit who lives It has been our rich joy to serve our readers
within us, it had seemed there were three main over the years. Thank you all for staying with
ways for us to share. One was to present a line- us!
by-line study in “The Word” – which has been
our central section of the monthly publication. In closing, it is fitting to repeat the promise
A second was to write about how we are Jesus made at His last gathering on earth with
expected to live out our faith, day by day. And, His disciples, the ones He had chosen to walk
lastly, was to download - for our readers - a with Him throughout His ministry on earth.
portion of our thinking about a variety of topics. After reminding them that “All power is given
unto me in heaven and in earth…” He said,
The last recorded Words of Jesus were “lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end
these: “…and you shall be witnesses unto of the world.” We believe this eternal promise
me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, extends to all of us today who have put our faith
and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost and trust in Him. Through Him we will conquer,
part of the earth.” whatever the battle may be that we may face.
1For every high priest taken from among 6Ashe saith also in another place, Thou art
men is ordained for men in things pertaining to a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.
God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices (Hebrews 5)
for sins: 2Who can have compassion on the
ignorant, and on them that are out of the way; After the Exodus of the children of Israel
for that he himself also is compassed with from Egypt and until the time of the
infirmity. 3And by reason hereof he ought, as appointment of Jesus Christ, by God Himself, to
for the people, so also for himself, to offer for be the eternal High Priest over the family of God,
only members of Aaron’s family, who was from
sins. (Hebrews 5)
the tribe of Levi, could become priests.
Before Christ came to usher in “the day of However, long before the days of Aaron
salvation”, high priests, following a distinct a there was a picture of Jesus Christ, in the form
process ordained by God, were set aside to of Melchizedek, providing a feast for Abraham.
implement the Plan set forth by God. Theirs Notice that Melchizedek (see Genesis 14:18-
was to lead in a Plan that was specially designed 20 and Psalm 110:4) is “priest of God Most
by God as a surrogate sin covering and also as High”. Melchizedek is not the founder of a line
a way for mankind to give gifts and public of priests. Melchizedek arrives before the
worship to God, acknowledging God as the covenant God made with Abraham, and years
Creator and ruler of the universe. before the birth of Isaac and Jacob (Israel).
Therefore, he is not linked to Aaron and the
Every high priest of normal birth had fleshly priesthood that preceded Jesus Christ.
spiritual infirmities. Therefore, sin reigned in
the high priest as well as in the people. So the 7Who in the days of his flesh, when he had
process required the high priest to first purge
his own sins, then give sacrifice for the sins of
offered up prayers and supplications with
the others. strong crying and tears unto him that was able
to save him from death, and was heard in that
he feared; 8Though he were a Son, yet learned
The Good News
Year 23 – Issue 03
he obedience by the things which he suffered; God; and are become such as have need of milk,
9And being made perfect, he became the author and not of strong meat. (Hebrews 5)
of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;
10Called of God an high priest after the order of The writer(s) of the Book of Hebrews identify
Melchisedec. (Hebrews 5) the outcome of “dull of hearing”. It slows the
growth of the church.
Verses 7-10 sets forth the order of things:
A healthy church has members that are
o While Jesus was alive and ministering on
maturing in the Faith, day by day. But the
earth, He appealed to God, knowing that
God could save Him from the coming and recipients of the letter were known to require
underserved punishment, the cruel the basic foundational principles to be taught
cross, and sin’s death. and retaught.
o God heard Jesus and saw the pain and
anguish He was suffering as the sacrifice The outcome was a group of people who
for sins that were not His. remained at the infant stage, requiring milk, not
o Although Jesus was God’s Son, He meat, as their spiritual food. And this made it
obeyed and took upon Himself the load difficult to move ahead in spiritual growth.
of the sins of mankind. For mankind,
there is no hope unless Jesus completes every one that useth milk is unskilful
His mission. in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.
o Through His death, burial, and 14But strong meat belongeth to them that are of
resurrection, Jesus perfected (finished) full age, even those who by reason of use have
God’s Plan, to become the author their senses exercised to discern both good and
(originator) of eternal salvation for all
who will acknowledge and obey Him.
evil. (Hebrews 5)
o Melchizedek was high priest because God
said so. Likewise, Jesus is our eternal Jesus sent forth His disciples to lead the
High Priest because God said so. world to God through Him. The best way for
that to happen is for Christians to learn of
11Of Him…and then share the good news with others.
whom we have many things to say, and
hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing. The writer(s) equate weak spiritual growth
(Hebrews 5) to a lack of skillfulness in understanding the
Word. A person is not ready to carry the Gospel
Written in the first century, the Book of to the world when they do not yet understand
Hebrews may have been written for a group of it. The writer(s) then compared the care needed
Christians who were discouraged. Carefully for spiritual babes, who need milk for
examine this verse for clues. nourishment, to the constant care that infants
The writer(s) indicates there were many
things (think truths) to share about this Conversely, the writers notes strong meat
Melchizedek. But there was a dilemma to (i.e., the more intricate truths in Scripture),
overcome. The dilemma was that the audience belong to the mature Christian. Those who grow
were not trying hard enough to understand…or in the faith, and rightly apply Scripture to their
were just lazy. Learning stops when the intake heart and life, are better able to discern between
stops. good and evil. Serving God involves a spiritual
battle, which merits spiritual maturity.
12For when for the time ye ought to be
teachers, ye have need that one teach you again Our love,
which be the first principles of the oracles of Bill & Linda Prior
The Good News
Year 23 – Issue 03
Eyesight is in itself a mystery. How does the History reveals that the Pharisees were a group
eye take in light and then convert it into signals of religious people who had emerged from the
which the brain will interpret as distinct objects, scribes and sages (teachers of Moses Law).
beauty, or ugliness? And if eyesight is missing Separating themselves from the Gentiles, their
due to darkness or other, how do those other teachings focused of “ritual purity”.
senses we possess take over and interpret the
surrounding in place of the missing eyesight? Another religious group, the Sadducees,
represented the upper echelon of Jewish
From the beginning of time until the day of society. They combined social, economic, and
Christ, God has been at the forefront of all the religion into a practice of religious teachings.
successes in life that society about has One obvious difference between the Pharisees
experienced. For them and for us, often hidden and the Sadducees is that the Sadducees did not
in plain sight is God, the God of all creation. believe in a resurrection after death.
During His time of faithful ministry on the earth, Between these two groups the children of God
Jesus continually served among a people of were now being led. And Jesus was there to
whom He was sent from God to redeem. If a remove spiritual blindness, and bring His people
society such as theirs has the best there ever to their father, the God of the universe, and be
was, living in their midst, and they are failing to the author of their Salvation.
see it, and to really know Him, who are we to
suppose that the obvious presence of our Lord Using the example of weather forecasting, Jesus
and Savior will be clearly evident to everyone uncovered the depth of their spiritual blindness.
around us? It truly is a sobering thought. They could interpret the sky, but not the obvious
signs of the times. Their question to Him had
Unlike natural vision, spiritual blindness is a openly revealed their spiritual blindness.
horrific disease that afflicts most of society most
of the time…and for some, all the time. It is a A little while later, Jesus privately shared with
blindness that usually is self-inflicted. To prove His disciples the danger in opening to the
that premise, we need only to study our Bible. teachings of those who are spiritually blind. At
In it, if we look closely, we will see clear first His disciples did not see the truth He was
evidence of the disease. We could deny it till sharing with them – so they tried to obtain it
the cows come home, but the truth still stands, through their human reasoning. Jesus saw their
untouched by the doubt. spiritual blindness was evident. So, He opened
their spiritual eyes for them. The obvious, right
For one good example of spiritual blindness, see in front of them, they had not seen.
the writings of Matthew, as presented in Chapter
16. Sometime after, and Matthew does not tell us
how long, Jesus decided it was time to show His
The Good News
Year 23 – Issue 03
disciples the degree of spiritual blindness that is cannot be mistaken, is that human reasoning is
in the world about. He did that by giving them never the answer to knowing Jesus. Knowing
a question to answer: “Who do people say I Jesus is through a divine revelation, given to
am?” those who have put their faith and trust in Him.