The Strategy of Sustainable Management Optimization The Smallholder's Oil Palm Plantation in Seruyan Regency, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
The Strategy of Sustainable Management Optimization The Smallholder's Oil Palm Plantation in Seruyan Regency, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
The Strategy of Sustainable Management Optimization The Smallholder's Oil Palm Plantation in Seruyan Regency, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
e-ISSN: 2319-2402,p- ISSN: 2319-2399.Volume 10, Issue 5 Ver. II (May. 2016), PP 53-58
Abstract: The plantations sector holds a very vital role in economic development in Indonesia. One of them is
the oil palm plantations. These commodities have a very good opportunity to be developed in the future. Various
issues related to smallholders oil palm plantation in the Seruyan Regency include productivity bunches (fresh
palm fruit) are relatively low when compared to the big companies, limited capital and skills, the bargaining
position of farmers is still low in terms of determining the price of oil palm fruit, many land still do not have
legal title, lack of role of cooperatives and farmer groups and the lack of attention to environmental
sustainability. The purpose of this study was to analyze the strategy of optimizing the management of oil palm
plantations of non-governmental sustainably in Seruyan Regency, Central Kalimantan. The research method
used explanatory research method and optimization analysis using goal programming method. The results of
research showed that in order to optimize harvest productivity then it should be done improvements to the
physical condition of the plantation, and also many efforts to improve the ability of farmers through training
and short courses.
Keywords: smallholders oil palm plantation, optimization, oil palm plantations sustainably
Oil palm plantation is a featured commodity in Seruyan Regency. This is due to the high economic
value of the plantation. In addition, the agro-ecological conditions in the region largely correspond to the growth
and development of oil palm plantations. The development of oil palm plantation area in this region is fairly
impressive. Based on data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Seruyan Regency year 2015, noted
that the area of smallholders oil palm plantation occupies an area of 15.006 ha, with production of 6.265,57
The presence of smallholders oil palm plantation in addition has a positive side, is also considered to
have a negative side. Various problems put forth from the presence of smallholders oil palm plantation are
relatively low productivity when compared to the big companies, the limited modal and skills, the bargaining
position of farmers is still low in terms of determining the price of oil palm fruit, the land is still a lot that has
not been legally certified, lack of role of the Village Unit Cooperatives and farmers' groups and the lack of
attention to environmental sustainability. Based on these facts seen a trend that growing smallholders oil palm
plantation very difficult to qualify sustainable plantations in accordance with the rules of ISPO (Indonesian
Sustainable Palm Oil), it is necessary to the assessment criteria more applicable and simple (Djafardan Aklmal,
2005; Rajudinnor, et al., 2015; Arif, 2016).
According to Effendi (2005) revealed that the development of oil palm plantations, especially in
Kalimantan has not shown the concept of sustainable plantations. However, when seen on the other side, found
a lot of evidence that palm oil plantations are managed properly in accordance with the provisions of the
recommended capable of producing excellent results, and providing increased income for farmers. In addition to
the above problem, there are other challenges and obstacles that must be faced by farmers of smallholders oil
palm plantation. Problems tenure of the legal and regulatory aspects of the legislation, ecological issues, and
social conflict. There are two options of the problem by holding the intensification of plantations with limited
land area, and perform other activities on the alternative critical plantations or less productive. Both of these
options according to Nurhakim (2014) has the same reach, namely how to improve the productivity of crops and
land utilization to increase social benefits for the community around the plantation.
The government of Seruyan Regency actually tried to increase of smallholders oil palm plantation
into a better direction. But in its policy, the government has not referring to research data. Rules and policies are
made only based on the mindset and the agreement of the leaders. Therefore, the implementation of the policy is
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The Strategy of Sustainable Management optimization the oil Palm Plantations of Non..
difficult to implement in the field. Therefore it is necessary to do some research to examine critically about the
optimization strategy of oil palm plantations in a sustainable manner in the Seruyan Regency. With hope this
result, it can be used as a model in determining the development of smallholders oil palm plantation in Seruyan
Remarks :
n = Number of samples of non-governmental oil palm farmers.
N = Total population of non-governmental oil palm farmers.
e = The error rate of 7.5%
Based on the results of these calculations obtained a sample study of 120 people palm farmer of nongovernmental that comes from each village located in the Seruyan Regency. The collection of secondary data
that examine or look at some source documents that include: data relevant to this research, including previous
research that is relevant to this study. Secondary data were obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS)
Seruyan Regency (data spacious gardens and palm oil production of non-governmental ), the Agriculture
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The Strategy of Sustainable Management optimization the oil Palm Plantations of Non..
Agency (identity, extensive distribution and possession of of non-governmental oil plantations), Village Office
(population and other compliance data) etc.
2.3 Data Analysis
The optimizing oil palm plantations of goal programming method according Muslich (2010). With this
concept it is possible to incorporate a variety of purposes in generating optimization solutions. This optimization
analysis using statistical software for win 2.0 QM program. Mathematical equations used in this analysis
consisted of two kinds, namely (1) the purpose and function equation (2) equality constraint functions. There are
four objectives to be achieved in the optimization of oil palm plantation. Goals or objectives consist of: (1)
increase the productivity-harvest results, (2) increase the carbon stored, (3) increase farmers' income, and (4)
increase the absorption of plantation labor. The objective functions of goal programming models are:
Min Z = W1 (d1+ + d1-) + W2 (d2+ + d2-) + W3 (d3+ + d3-) + W4 (d4+ + d4-) ................................. Pers1.
W1=Weights increase crop productivity as a result-purpose
The 1st; W2=Weights increase the carbon stored as a destination
The 2nd; W3=Weights increase revenue as a destination
The 3rd; W4=Weights increase farm employment as a goal
The 4th; Weights and order of priority of each of the different purposes depending on the scenario used in the
optimization of oil palm plantations.
Functional Constraints are constraints that bordered in achieving these objectives is limited ownership
of land for oil palm plantation business, lack of capital to manage oil palm plantations and cost limitations for
the maintenance of oil palm plantations.
Sembuluh I
Sembuluh II
Pembuang Hulu I
Pembuang Hulu II
On the goal in this study stated that the activities of farmers of oil palm plantations in the self Seruyan
Regency can be optimized through several steps optimally in order to achieve increased productivity,
enhancement of carbon stocks, increase acceptance, employment on land with a minimum cost and capital is
relatively affordable. Optimization of this research is intended to maximize the benefits of oil palm plantation of
nongovernmental while ensuring sustainable productivity and properly maintained. Here are the results of the
optimization of oil palm plantations in the Seruyan Regency using Goal Programming:
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Table2. Results Output Optimization of Oil Palm Plantation Seruyan Regency
Optimization of Oil Palm Plantation
variable Value
Priority analysis
Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 3
Priority 4
Constraint Analysis
d+ (row i)
d- (row i)
Based on output above, obtained the optimum solution for oil palm plantations governmental
organizations that are solved by using Goal Programming model it can be concluded that all the goals in each
variable can be fulfilled which include the total productivity of the crop of fresh palm fruit bunches, total carbon
saved, total oil palm plantation farmers' income and employment with limited ownership of land, the cost of
maintenance and the cost of processing oil palm plantations. Overall optimization of oil palm plantations in the
Seruyan Regency obtained by taking into account the financial aspects, the environmental and socio-economic.
The scenario used in obtaining optimization in Seruyan Regency is on the condition that increased production of
fresh palm fruit bunches at least reach 6.25 tonnes hectares-1 year-1, total carbon saved at least 32,05 tonnes
hectares-1, farmers' income of at least Rp 4,513,409.00 with an increase in employment of at least 2 hectares -1
on land with an area of 3.33 hectares and a minimum of modal must be issued least Rp 14.916.507,00 hectares-1
year-1 as well as plantation maintenance costs least Rp 1.571.093,00 hectares -1. Based on the results in the
output in Figure 4.1, it can be seen that the objectives will be achieved when the whole palm plantations in
Seruyan Regency has met the total productivity-harvest of 20,81 ton hectares-1 year-1, a total of 106,73 tons of
carbon stored hectares-1, total income of farmers reached Rp 6.084.501,00, and total employment of 2 people
hectares-1 with a barrier in achieving the limitations of ownership of land for palm plantation with an area of
3.33 hectares and lack of capital to manage oil palm plantations amounting to Rp.14.916.510,00 hectares-1 year1 and limited cost to maintain oil palm plantations Rp 1.571.092,00 hectares-1.
All priorities or the goal in the Seruyan Regency achieved. It is seen by nonachievement column that
shows the value zero. In the survey data of respondents in the Seruyan Regency, of 120 respondents only 16
respondents farmer who now has reached the total productivity of the crop of fresh palm fruit bunches. For the
total carbon saved, there is currently no respondents who reached optimal. While the total income of farmers,
the current that has reached the optimal total revenue is already 77 respondents. For total employment and oil
palm plantation area, today no one can been able to achieve optimal only 31 respondent farmers. While in the
capital and the costs incurred farmer plantation in Seruyan Regency, there are 42 respondents who have reached
Strategies to realize the optimization of the management of oil palm plantations in a sustainable manner
should be done integrated taking into account all the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses or threats to the oil
palm plantation itself. By identifying in detail is expected to be able to produce a good strategy (Table 3).
Table 3. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats faced in the development of Palm Oil
1. Strengths (S):
1.1. Seruyan districts have suitable land conditions for oil palm plantations.
1.2. Based on economic calculations, the implementations of non-governmental oil palm plantations as well as feasible,
and if done with the proper management of which will provide maximum results.
1.3 The human resources sufficient available in each district.
1.4. Has great potential for development efforts in quality and quantity.
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2. Weakness (W):
2.1 Usage (superior oil palm seeds) is still very low by independent smallholders.
2.2 Farmers still low skills in managing oil palm plantations.
2.3 Accessibility to the plantation folk is still disrupted.
2.4 The application of the technology is still low and many farmers are applying the old technology (10 years ago).
2.5 The lack of capital support from the government towards the palm Farmers governmental organizations.
3. Opportunities (O):
3.1 Total production of fresh palm fruit bunches can reach more than 20 tons of hectares-1year-1.
3.2 Modal to manage oil palm plantationsoptimally Rp.14.916.510,00hectares-1 year-1.
3.3 Total cost of maintenance optimally amounted Rp. 1.571.092,00hectares-1.
3.4 Total income of farmers optimally reach more than 6 million rupiah hectares-1 year-1.
3.5 Employment optimally by 2 people each hectares-1.
3.6 Area of land for oil palm plantation business optimally with widely 3,33 hectares.
carbon that saved optimally amounted to 106,73 ton hectares-1.
4. Threats(T):
4.1 The potential conflicts that disrupt business continuity of oil palm plantations of non-governmental.
4.2 The scarcity of fertilizers and pesticides.
4.3 Prices of fertilizers and pesticides are expensive and unreached by the farmers.
4.4 The existence of a fire hazard plantation in the dry season.
4.5 The presence of pests and diseases attack.
After the identification and classification of SWOT, then in drafting several strategic factors policy will
use the SWOT matrix. Rangkuti (2006) explains that this matrix showing clearly how the opportunities and
internal threats encountered can be adapted to the internal strengths and weaknesses owned. The matrices can
produce four sets of the possibility of strategic alternatives, as shown in Table 4 below.
Table 4. The Development Strategy of Non-Governmental Oil palm plantation in the Regency Seruyan
1. Strategy SO (Strengths and Opportunities)
1.1. Seruyan District Government should establish a policy on the importance of certifying all the activities of oil palm
plantations of non-governmental.
1.2. Seruyan District Government should establish policies that protect smallholders of non-governmental.
1.3. Seruyan District Government must ensure the stability of the investment climate in the district.
1.4. Seruyan District Government should facilitate business partnership agreement between the farmers of non-governmental
with a large-scale company.
1.5. Seruyan District Government should encourage investors to increase the number of palm oil processing factories that exist
in this region.
2. Strategy ST (Strengths and Threats)
2.1 Apply customary law to address the issue of conflict in the region Seruyan District.
2.2 Seruyan District Government should supervise the distribution channels of fertilizers and pesticides.
2.3 Seruyan District government would have to subsidize fertilizers and pesticides.
2.4 Applying early prevention systems fire hazard area in coordination with the villagers.
2.5 Applying the appropriate spacing to minimize the impact of fire hazards in the area.
2.6 Applying the use of organic fertilizer or compost.
3. Strategy WO (Weakness and Opportunities)
3.1 Encouraging farmers' groups combined to play an active role in providing information about good plantation management.
3.2 Encouraging Seruyan District Government to issue a policy on replacing all of the palm trees that are not superior seeds.
3.3 Encouraging Seruyan District Government to provide compensation to farmers on the application of superior seeds.
3.4 Encouraging Seruyan District Government to issue a policy on the use of the latest technologies in managing oil palm
plantations of non-governmental.
3.5 Encouraging Seruyan District Government to make micro-economic institutions based cooperatives and Islamic system.
3.6 Utilizing the village funds from the Central Government for the development of oil palm cultivation.
3.7 Seruyan District Government should facilitate cooperation between the farmer and the Company in the utilization of the
Company's access roads used by farmers.
3.8 Encouraging Seruyan District Government to issue a policy on the minimum price of fresh palm fruit bunches prevailing in
this region to protect farmers from speculators.
4. Strategy WT (Weakness and Threats)
4.1 Encouraging Seruyan District Government to provide training and improving the quality of judges customary.
4.2 Encouraging people to apply local knowledge to cope with the disaster.
4.3 Encouraging people to adopt the use of biological agents that are environmentally friendly for the eradication of pests and
4.4 Do counseling and a short course on the use of compost that is integrated with the oil palm plantation.
4.5 Encourages the Government to conduct surveillance in maintaining the stability of the price of fresh palm fruit bunches in
the Seruyan District.
Several strategies are carried out as steps above are expected to increase the productivity of oil palm
land of non-governmental and maintaining the continuity of palm oil plantation itself. According Pardamean
(2014) states that for obtaining the maximum harvest of folk oil palm plantations, in addition to improving the
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physical condition of the plantation, also required efforts to improve the ability of farmers. Improving the ability
of farmers can be done by various measures such as providing more intensive counseling program, direct
assistance, and the organization of short-term courses. Moreover, oil palm plantations non-governmental are in
the land sour that lacking in nutrients. The availability of nutrients in part can be added through the use of
leguminous plants, especially on dry land as a cover crop (Broughton, 1977; Agamuthu et al., 1981). Proper
nutrient management is necessary to balance the nutrient input and loss are different. This is particularly
important with a ratio of N:K and K:Mg, and also with micro-nutrients in soils, such as peat. On soils with low
K content, balance K-N fertilizers were both able to give better results even than oil crops grown on sandy soils
(Ollagnier and Ochs, 1973).
V. Conclusion
Based on the research we concluded that the strategy should be done by the farmer of the oil palm
plantation of non-governmental in the Seruyan Regency for the optimum results by improving the physical
condition of the plantation, and also many efforts to improve the ability of farmers through training and short
courses. The study recommends that the farmer ought to get the optimal order harvest use of seeds that have a
certificate and make improvements in aspects of nutrient availability with an effort to increase levels of organic
matter and soil depth should be added again in accordance with the requirements of growing oil palm plants so
that the palm trees get more nutrients. Moreover the farmers of non-governmental can take advantage of the
village fund from the central government as working capital for the purchase of fertilizer and seed supply the
best, so that the public can obtain better results independently.
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