Financial Profitability and Sensitivity Analysis o
Financial Profitability and Sensitivity Analysis o
Financial Profitability and Sensitivity Analysis o
19 8,573
3 authors:
Abraham Kabutey
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
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Sensitivity Analysis of Palm Oil Plantation in Indonesia. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae
Mendelianae Brunensis, 63(4): 1365–1373.
Oil palm cultivation in Indonesia is increasing. This study investigates the financial and economic
aspects of establishing an oil palm plantation using data collected in 2014. The financial case study
is undertaken from the perspective of company in North Sumatra, Indonesia. A spreadsheet model
was used to develop and calculate the net present value (NPV), return of investment (ROI), internal
rate of return (IRR) and payback period (PP). Sensitivity analysis of the NPV to the default discount
rate (10%) was included. A 8,000 ha plantation over 25 years was estimated to result in a positive NPV
of USD 10,670 with a ROI 73.50% and an IRR at 14.83% and payback period of 6.75 years. Establishing
an oil palm plantation seems to be very profitable investment on the basis of the assumptions made.
System is tested on sensitivity in different capital and recurrent costs and in selling price of raw
material, while change in selling price of FFB is more sensitive to NPV than change in investment
and recurrent costs Discount rate is also one of the factors affecting NPV and system is tested between
5–15% change in discount rate.
Keywords: capital cost, fresh fruit bunch (FFB), labour need, plantation, recurrent cost and sensitivity
1366 Tereza Svatoňová, David Herák, Abraham Kabutey
increase by 32% to almost 60 Mt by 2020 (World the surface. The population density round about is
Growth, 2011). In Indonesia, 50% of palm oil 190 person/km2 (BPS, 2012). The oil palm company
plantations are owned by huge companies with plantations PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV (Persero)
mills. Small farmers in Indonesia own 40% of were selected, because they are one of the largest
Indonesian plantations. The remaining 10% of plantations owners in North Sumatra.
plantations are owned by Indonesian Government
(Rist et al., 2010; World Growth, 2011; World Growth, Data Collection and Processing
2010; Rianto, 2010). Data were collected during face to face
The global harvested area of oil palm in 2013 was interviews with oil palm plantation managers
approximately 17 Mha, of which 7.08 Mha is in involved in the production process. Data related
Indonesia (FAO, 2014). Production of crude palm to quantities and costs of all inputs and outputs
oil (CPO) in Indonesia reached 28.4 Mt, in Malaysia of the establishment, maintenance, production,
19.2 Mt and 2 Mt in Thailand. Indonesia and harvesting and sales. Future amounts of inputs
Malaysia supply 82% of total demand. and outputs were estimated from past experience.
The aim of this study is to analyse costs and A spreadsheet model, developed in Microso
revenues of establishing palm oil plantation in Excel 2010, was found as appropriate method of
Indonesia. Based on the data collected this study summarising the data and therefore it is necessary to
determines whether the system is more affected specify basic criteria:
by a change in costs or in the selling price of raw • computation unit is one hectar of plantation,
material. The specific objectives are: • the main time scale is one year,
1) To review the factors determining the financial • recognize the impact of discounting the time
profitability of oil palm production (from value of money,
the perspective of a plantation) in Indonesia.
• check the system sensitivity to changes in input
2) To construct a bio-economic model of cultivating values.
oil palm and to compare the sensitivity on
The area of the case study plantation is 8,000 ha.
the effects in different prices.
The typical life cycle production chain is 26 years,
while in first year the pre-nursery and nursery
MATERIAL AND METHODS plantation is planted and the oil palms are removed
in year 25. Concurrently the establishment of
Area Description palm oil field is conducted, but the costs of overall
establishment and nursery costs are summarised
The research was carried out in North Sumatra.
only in year zero. The main costs in each operation
The plantation is located in the eastern part of
relate to labour, machinery, and input materials.
the region Simalungun 19 km east of Pematang
Labour costs are expressed in “person-days” which
Siantar and 147 km southeast of the capital of North
is equal to 8 hours. Cost of worker and master is
Sumatra – Medan at an altitude of 0–369 m. It is
IDR 48,000 and IDR 66,000, resp., and men and
a unit Bah Jambi, which is one of the 40 business
women are equal. The sensitivity analysis compares
units Perkebunan PT Nusantara IV (Persero).
the economics on the effects in different costs and
This business unit is engaged in production and
selling price of raw material.
cultivation of oil palm and processing of palm
fruits. The climate is tropical with a mean daily Technical and Financial Data
temperature of 27 °C and a mean annual rainfall of
around 2,000 mm, which is primarily distributed It was assumed that trees were planted at
from November to March. The relative humidity a triangular spacing of 9×9 m and the density of
is around 85%. The topography is relatively 143 trees.ha−1. The yield of oil palm increased from
bumpy and hilly with a maximum slope of 10°. zero at planting to about 27 t ha−1 at 7 years. It then
The underlying geology is podzolic orange and plateaus before declining aer about 14 years. An
brown soil. The water table is typically 80 cm below area of oil palms is planted at 143 palms per hectare
1600 1500
600 482
400 272 285
141 150 175
Pruning Recurrentcosts
costs. Share of recurrent costs in plantation is shown as USD 10,670. These values suggest that oil palm
in Fig. 3. cultivation is profitable. The derived IRR is 14.83%,
ROI 73.50% and payback period 6.75 years.
Financial Assessments The cash flow for each year and the cumulative
The key factors influencing financial side of cash flow over 25 years have been calculated.
the project are: the cost of inputs (material, labour The biggest difference is visible when the cash flow
and machinery), the market price of selling fruits, benefits became evident. The oil palm plantation
which affect the revenue and profit for company and system is profitable assuming a discount rate of 5%,
discount rate. This part assesses the reasonableness 10% and 15% (Tab. III). Beyond this, it is necessary
of the case study mainly based on criterial indicators. to take into consideration a high risk of establishing
To assess the cost-benefit analysis of a spreadsheet a plantation, because of high establishment costs
model, we used the following indicators: NPV, IRR, and the fact that the plantation will first yield aer
ROI and PP. 3 years from planting. We have to consider the risk
Fig. 4 shows annual cash flow for plantation. of possibility that the forest burns before it starts
Costs are the biggest in the beginning of the project getting profit. System is loaded by negative cash flow
because of the significant capital costs, mainly for for six years and records a rapid growth aer that.
cost of land and clearing. In the next two years, There are three ways of shiing NPV: 1) changing
the annual costs are reduced, but overall costs are the discount rate changes the NPV. Higher discount
still rising and then start to go down. Within the first rate makes minor NPV; 2) higher income amounts
three years there is no income because oil palms heighten the NPV and conversely; 3) formerly profits
still not yield. Revenue begins to growth sharply elevate the NPV and later profits reduce the NPV.
during the fourth year, when oil palms begin to All evaluation indicators, namely IRR and ROI
produce FFB. Subsequently, income starts to vary show that at the discount rate of 26% the project
but stays stable up to Year 15 and begins to decline. becomes financially disadvantageous investment.
The NPV suggest the total financial achievement of However that high discount rate is very unlikely to
investment. For this cost-benefit analysis the annual expect. Inflation in 2008 climbed to 58%, which was
income and costs are calculated for 25 years, and caused by the Asian financial crisis. Inflation started
then discounted. Discounted cumulative net margin to fall immediately and in the period since 1980 has
is the NPV of this investment. Using the discount been fluctuating mostly below 10%. For this reason,
rate at 10%, the NPV of the project, the discounted it would not be realistic to determine discount rate
total revenue is USD 25,188 and the present value higher 15%.
of total costs is USD 14,518. The NPV was calculated
1 5 9 13 17 21 25
5: Sensitivity analysis
In this study the economic analysis of oil palm plantation was developed. The practical part calculates
the NPV for the system during 25 years long period in Indonesian agriculture production. With
incorporation of 10% discount rate the discounted total revenue is USD 25,188 and the present value
of total costs is USD 14,518.
The NPV of the system is positive at USD 10,670 and indicates that this investment is good and
profitable. The ROI of 73.50% ensures a considerable return per hectare. This is obtainable due to
1372 Tereza Svatoňová, David Herák, Abraham Kabutey
inexpensive labour in oil palm plantation. The IRR of 14.83% forecasts high returns and payback
period is 6.75 years. Sensitivity to change in discount rate indicates positive investment opportunity
up to 26% of discount rate. In general, the higher discount rate, the lower NPV and investment
attractiveness. The sensitivity analysis also shows that change in selling price of FFB is more sensitive
than change in investment and recurrent costs This study presents that 5% change in selling price of
FFB causes change in NPV by USD 1,259 whereas 5% change in capital costs make USD 173 change and
5% change in recurrent costs make USD 553 in NPV difference. Discount rate is also one of the factors
affecting NPV. When the discount rate increases to 15% the NPV is reduced by USD 5,366 to USD
5304. Conversely with lowering the discount tare the NPV increased by USD 10,670 to USD 20,775.
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Contact information
Tereza Svatoňová: [email protected]