Kicking Set 1

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The key takeaways from Kicking Set 1 are that it teaches advancing with kicks while maintaining a guard, using a cat stance to change directions, and executing four basic kicks in various ways.

Kicking Set 1 has an opening, closing, and 4 sections consisting of 20 moves total. Each section focuses on delivering kicks while moving forward from different stances and directions.

The four basic kicks taught are ball kick, knife edge kick, roundhouse kick, and rear kick. Each kick is executed using different methods, with the ball kick having 3 methods, knife edge kick having 4 methods, roundhouse kick having 3 methods, and rear kick having 3 methods, for a total of 13 executions.

Kicking Set #1

June 26, 2010 by KenpoTech Leave a Comment

Name: Kicking Set 1

Number of Sections: 4
Number of Moves: 20
Official (24 Tech) Location: Orange Belt
32 Tech Location:
16 Tech Location:
Accumulative Journal: Orange Belt
Kicking Set 1 is the required set for orange belt in Ed Parkers American Kenpo. In our Yellow Belt Set & Form
we learned how to defend and how to defend while retreating. In Orange Belt our form reinforced what we
learned in Yellow Belt by having us perform Short Form 1 on both sides. Here in Kicking Set 1 we break, for a
bit, from the retreat and block mentality to instead move forward and strike. This entire set is advancing
forward with kicks delivered in a variety of ways. Kicking Set 1 will help develop balance and coordination as
you learn to deploy 4 kicks 13 different ways.


Horse Stance

Left Neutral Bow Stance

Right Neutral Bow

Left Front Twist Stance (Transitional)

45 Cat Stance (Transitional)

Foot Maneuvers

Step Through

Front Crossover

Shuffle (Drag Step)


Right Step Through Ball Kick (Front Snap Kick)

Right Knife Edge Kick (Side Kick)

Right Front Roundhouse Kick (Wheel Kick)

Left Spinning Rear Kick

Right Step Through Knife Edge Kick (Side Kick)

Right Snapping Ball Kick

Right Rear Kick

Left Front Roundhouse Kick (Wheel Kick)

Left Step Through Ball Kick (Front Snap Kick)

Left Knife Edge Kick (Side Kick)

Left Step Through Roundhouse Kick

Right Spinning Rear Kick

Left Step Through Knife Edge Kick


To advance with kicks.

To maintain a constant guard while moving and kicking.

To use a cat stance to change directions.

To use different methods of executing the same kicks.

Four basic kicks, with 13 different methods of execution

Ball Kick (3 methods)


Right Step Through Ball Kick (2x)

Shuffle, Right Ball Kick

Shuffle, Left Ball Kick

Knife Edge Kick (4 methods)


Left Crossover, Right Knife Edge Kick

Right Step Through Knife Edge Kick

Shuffle, Left Knife Edge Kick

Left Step Through Knife Edge Kick

Roundhouse Kick (3 methods)


Shuffle, Right Front Roundhouse Kick (2x)

Shuffle, Left Front Roundhouse Kick

Left Step Through Roundhouse Kick

Rear Kick (3 methods)


Left Spinning Rear Kick (2x)

Shuffle, Right Rear Kick

Right Spinning Rear Kick

Ed Parker's American Kenpo Orange Belt Set, Kicking Set 1, Diagram

Step by Step


Begin in a meditative horse stance.

Section 1 moves done facing 12:00

Slide your right foot back toward 6:00 to form a left neutral bow stance facing 12:00

Execute a right step through ball kick toward 12:00, planting your right foot forward into a
right neutral bow facing 12:00.

Execute a left front crossover and a right knife edge kick toward 12:00, planting your right
foot forward into a right neutral bow facing 12:00.

Shuffle forward with a right front roundhouse kick toward 12:00, planting your right foot
forward into a right neutral bow facing 12:00.

Execute a left spinning rear kick toward 12:00, planting your left foot forward into a left
neutral bow stance facing 12:00
Section 2 moves done facing 3:00

Slide your right foot back toward 9:00 to form a left neutral bow stance facing 3:00.

Deliver a right step-through knife edge kick toward 3:00, planting your right foot forward into
a right neutral bow stance facing 3:00.

Shuffle forward with a right snapping ball kick toward 3:00, planting your right foot forward
into a right neutral bow stance facing 3:00.

Shuffle forward with a right front roundhouse kick toward 3:00, planting your right foot
forward into a right neutral bow stance facing 3:00.

Shuffle forward with a right rear kick toward 3:00, planting your right foot toward into a right
neutral bow stance facing 3:00.
Section 3 moves done facing 6:00

Step toward 12:00 with your left foot and pivot clockwise to form a right neutral bow stance
facing 6:00.

Execute a left spinning rear kick toward 6:00, planting your left foot forward into a left neutral
bow stance facing 6:00.

Shuffle forward with a left front roundhouse kick toward 6:00, planting your left foot forward
into a left neutral bow stance facing 6:00.

Shuffle forward with a left front snapping ball kick toward 6:00, planting your left foot forward
into a left neutral bow stance facing 6:00.

Shuffle forward with a left knife edge kick toward 6:00, planting your left foot forward into a
left neutral bow stance facing 6:00.
Section 4 moves done facing 9:00

Slide your right foot toward 3:00 to form a left neutral bow stance facing 9:00

Execute a right step through ball kick toward 9:00, planting your right foot forward into a right
neutral bow stance facing 9:00.

Execute a left step through roundhouse kick toward 9:00, planting your left foot forward into
a left neutral bow stance facing 9:00.

Execute a right spinning rear kick, planting your right foot forward into a right neutral bow
stance facing 9:00.

Execute a left snapping knife edge kick planting your left foot forward into a left neutral bow
stance facing 9:00.


Pivot clockwise to face 12:00 in a horse stance.

Cover your right clenched fist with your left open hand.

Close your meditative horse stance.

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