Diversity at American Airlines
Diversity at American Airlines
Diversity at American Airlines
At American, Diversity and Inclusion isnt an inspirational goal, it is the way we achieve
success CEO, Doug Parker.
American Airlines operating in 40 countries understands the criticality of diversity inclusion and
business success.
Leadership hiring targets, diversity training, and development of Employee Resource Groups and
discussions of diversity at the top management are the diversity best practices at American. Mid-Level
and senior executives include African-American, Hispanic, Asian-American and females.
American is the first airline to hire a female pilot and captain. The companys first Women in Aviation
ERG was set up in 1996, Oklahoma.
American is the pioneer airline to implement fair-minded policies for its LGBT stakeholders and add
both sexual orientation and gender identity into its workplace.
ERGs create avenues for bringing in ideas, developing strategies, serve as consultants and help
implement business initiatives. For example, Americans Indian ERG acted as subject-matter experts
for service between Chicago and Delhi, devising culturally relevant in-flight meal menus.
American has dedicated sales teams that focus solely on diverse customer groups, including the
African-American, Hispanic, and LGBT communities.
American uses the web to generate revenue and loyalty among its customers as well as inform them
of travel related information. AAVacations.com also aims to serve Americans loyal LGBT customers,
eager to explore vacation destinations. 50% Americans travellers are women, and it was the first to
publicly state its commitment to female travellers. www.AA.com/women offers travel tips, lifestyle and
business related events for women consumers.
Americans volunteer program launched in 2004, has 10,000 participants involved in initiatives to
increase employee loyalty and employer branding.
Americans employees are involved in building houses to support Habit for Humanity, reconstructing
an AIDS orphanage in Nairobi, Kenya, or participating in a relief activities in Haiti.
American is a major contributor to Airline Ambassadors International, an NGO that provides
humanitarian aid to the underprivileged.
Employees help raise money for UNICEF and Red Cross through Disaster Relief Funds. American
pledged to raise $8 million and is the first funder of Komens new category of grants, Promise Grants.
The first American grant is funding a five-year study of inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) at The
University of Texas.
American takes pride in its unique diversity initiatives, and the future
opportunities it represents. American hopes that their business model is one that
inspires other companies to embrace a new outlook in diversity and corporate