Chapter I

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In this chapter, the writer will present six topics related this study. This
includes of background of study, formulation of researech problem, the
purpose of the study, significance of the study, definition of key term,
organisation of this thesis.
A. Background of Study
We know that language is near with human life. Based on language
definition is signalling system which operates with symbolic vocal sound and
which is used by a group of people for the purpose of communication
(Sociolinguistics, 2007:2).
Language is one of tool to communicate. People communicate with
other or express their feelings, by using language is used more than a half
people in the word. It has a role is international language to many
necessities. Beside used in science , knowledge, technology, and art, this
language can be a tool to get the aim at economic trade, internationalrelation, social culture purpose and education with developing of career.
Language learning is a business that is not easy and sometimes
saturated, and sometimes even makes people frustrated. This cause of the
language learning is an attempt to build a new concept in one to be able to
interact and communicate with the owner of that language. The new
conditions sometimes totally different from mother tongue condition, both
at the level of phonological systems, morphology, semantic, syntax, and

sometimes have similarities with his native state. Whatever the conditions
are it is important to learn the language.
Language has many functions for human such as for communication,
give information, teaching and learning process, etc. For language itself
there are some kinds of language to help show it. They are spoken language
and written language. Spoken language is a form of human communication
in which words derived from a large vocabulary (usually at least 10,000)
together with a diverse variety of names are uttered through or with the
mouth. All words are made up from a limited set of vowels and consonants.
The spoken words they make are stringed into syntactically organized
sentences and phrases. The vocabulary and syntax together with the speech
sounds it uses define its identity as a particular natural language.
Then the written language is the representation of a language by
means of a writing system. Written language is an invention in that it must
be taught to children, who will instinctively learn or create spoken or
gesture languages. A written language exists only as a complement to a
specific spoken or gesture language, and no natural language is purely


To make

students or someone know more about written language, they should learn
how to make writing. How to learn writing may get at school or course or
the other place. Everyone should know that writing need to function and
succeed and explained in a straightforward, helpful way; treating everyday
tasks with as much respect as the more academic skills (Scheraga, 1998: v).

Writing is an important part of language teaching as it also function

as an essential tool for learning in which students expand their knowledge
of the language elements in real use. This skill must be explicitly taught
because writing outside school setting is relatively rare. Writing is also
viewed as a social and cultural phenomenon as it is meaning-making that is
socially and culturally shaped and individually and socially purposeful
(weigle, 2002). In this sense, writing falls into complexity and importance
as well.
writing is one of the basic tools of civilization. Without it, the world
as we know it could not exist. writing in English is very complex process.
Writing is highly sophisticated skill, combining a number diverse element
that require not only grammatical but also rhetorical element. So, we can
say that the writing can be defined as an ability of communicating ideas
through sign/written symbols by organizing the ideas based on the rules of
language system to convey meaning, so that readers can understand the
writers messages.
Gebhard (1996:235) points out that there are three problems faced by
English as a second language in writing instruction. The first problem deals
with the teaching of the less proficient students. They tend to use
ineffective writing strategies and teachers struggle to help student how to
write. The second deals with the students negative attitude on writing.
They are not motivated as well as lack of confidence in themselves as
writers. The third problem is related to the effectiveness of teachers

response on the students writing product. Generally, students do not make

the most of teachers comments and corrections on their written work as
influential feedback for their writing skill development.
Based on some experience in some schools, many people often get
difficulties on there. In speaking may they get shy to speak because of fears
of getting falls. Then in writing they have no idea what will they write and
they fears get falls in grammar or they dont know how to write, or they
have no enough time to write. May be in the school the students when the
teacher give them assignment to write a descriptive text, they feel bored
because they are lazy to think and write much sentences. Then the last way,
they use internet to do their homework. It is so effective for the time and
the energy. The teacher is often confused how to make their students
creative in writing not copied other creation. They can make a descriptive
text by their selves.
One way of teaching writing can be done, by think pair share strategy.
Think pair share strategy here help teacher in teaching and learning writing
process. That is to avoid plagiarism creation another people. This strategy
also helps students improve their creativity in make a paragraph or essay.
But here, teacher is the main instructor to all of students activity. The
teachers are main tutor here, and the main object is their students. This
strategy has been ever done at some schools in Indonesia, such as in
Surakarta, Boyolali. But this strategy use for other lesson, such as Biology,

Think-Pair-Share is a cooperative learning strategy that can promote

and support higher level thinking. The teacher asks to the students to think
about the specification of the topic, pair with another student to discuss
their own thinking, and then share their ideas with the group
( From
all of some activities in this strategy teacher hope the students improve
their skill especially for writing. Although this strategy can help to solve
these problems but the teacher should be active here is then the students.
Also the teacher should be more creative.
The strategy above has been developed to present writing materials in
the class. So, the students can make descriptive text more easily and full
ideas. To find out better stategy, the writer has tried to have study entitled
Using Think Pair Share (TPS) to Improve the Descriptive Writing Skill of
the VII Grade Students of MTs Darussalam Aryojeding Rejotangan in the
Academic year 2011/2012.
B. Formulation of the Research Problem
Based on the background above the problem can be formulated as
How can TPS strategy improve the descriptive writing ability of the 7
grade students at MTs Darussalam Aryojeding ?

C. The Purpose of the Study

Based of the formulation of the research above the main objectives of
this research is :
To describe how the use of think pair share on the teaching learning
process to improve the students speaking skill of the 7 grade
students at MTs Darussalam Aryojeding
D. Significance of the Study
By conducting this study, the writer hopes that the results of this study
give contribution to the reader especially:
1. Theoretically
The result of this study is to develop knowledge and science,
also give benefical contribution. Especially, for English knowledge,
about teaching and learning in writing process.
2. Practically
a. English teacher
Using this strategy teacher will get a new experience in
their processes in teaching and learning. They will get
easiness to teach writing.

b. Students
They can improve their skill in writing, by themselves.
When writing they cannot plague other creature but they
can do it by themselves.
c. Writer
It can improve the writer experience and have good
understanding in English, mainly in the students writing
skill using this strategy.
E. Definition of Key Term
In this study will be defined some form definitions as follow :
1. Writing Skill
It is a one of skill in English lesson at MTs Darrusalam
Aryojeding that every student involved. Here the students can learn how
to write, like a write descriptive, exposition, letter, invitation, etc. by
this lesson the strategy of TPS tried to the students in VII class.
Writing is an important part of language teaching as it also
function as an essential tool for learning in which students expand their
knowledge of the language elements in real use. This skill must be
explicitly taught because writing outside school setting is relatively
rare. Writing is also viewed as a social and cultural phenomenon as it is
meaning-making that is socially and culturally shaped and individually
and socially purposeful (weigle, 2002). In this sense, writing falls into
complexity and importance as well.

2. Think- pair- share

Think pair share is a cooperative discussion strategy developed by
Frank Lyman in his colleagues in Maryland. They get the name from the
tree stages of students action, with emphasis on what students are to be
doing at each of those stages. (1) Think, the teacher asked the students
thinking with a question or prompt or observation. The students should
take a few moments probably not minutes just to think about the
question or topics. (2) Pair, using designated partners nearby neighbours
or a desk mate, students pair up to talk about the answer each came up
with. They compare their mental or written notes and identify the
answers they think are best, most convincing, or most unique. (3) Share,
after students talk in pair for a few moments (again, usually not
minutes), the teacher calls for pairs or individually to present their
thinking with the rest of the class (Fahlefi (2010 ).
F. Organization of This Thesis
Chapter I; introduction, it consist of background study, formulation
of research study, purpose of research study, significance of the study,
definition of key terms, organization of the thesis.
Chapter II; Review of related literature. Present the definition of
Think, Pair, Share strategy, technique of do TPS, purpose and uses of TPS,
hint and management of TPS, assessment and evaluation consideration,
advantages of TPS.

Chapter III; Research method. Present research design, data and data
sources, subject of the study, techniques of collecting data/ research
instrument, techniques of data analysis.
Chapter IV; Discuss the result of study.
Chapter V; The last chapter, present the conclusion and suggestion of
this thesis.

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