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A. The Background of the Study

Writing is one of four language skills that should be comprehended well

by the students. It is very useful because it helps students to express idea and their

thought in witten text. Writing is a means of communication that the writer

onsciously learn and part of what makes it hard to learn is that written words

usually have to express the writer meaning in the writer absence, have to “speak”

all by themselves. According to Meyers (2005:2) that writing is an action. There

are some steps in writing process, they are process of discovering and organizing

the idea, writing or putting them on paper, reshaping and revise the writing. As a

part of English skill, the learners of English language should master it. It is

important for person especially adult level in making communication or giving

approach to other person. Tarigan (1985:5) writing is productive skills for writing

an indirect communication and the nature of the character is very different from

that expressed by speaking directly, therefore writing is icluded an ability.

Among four skills, writing is considered as the most difficult skill tp be

learned. This is because a wrtiter needs to generate and organize ideas and also

translate these ideas into readable text (Richard & Renandya, 2002:493).

Eventhough writing seems to be the most complex skill among others yet, writing

is very crucial to be mastered. Hedge (2005,p.9) states that there are some

purposes of writing namely: (1) for pedagogic purposes, to help students learn the

system of language; (2) for assessment purposes, to examine a learner’s progress

or proficiency; (3) for real purposes, as a goal of learning which is to meet

students’ needs; (4) for humanistic purposes, to allow silent students to show their

strengths; (5) for creative purposes, to develop self-expression; (6) for classroom

managementpurposes, as a calm activity to settle students down; (7) for

acquisitional purposes, as a careful made of working with language which enables

students to explore and reflect on language in a conscious way, and (8) for

educational purposes, to contribute for intellectual development and to develop

self-esteem and confident.

In writing there are many different genres of texts such as narrative,

recount, descriptive, expositorty and procedure. In Indonesia, teaching Eng;ish for

senior high school students aims to make students are able in four basic language

skills; speaking, listening, reading and writing. Besides, in the Educational Unit

Level Curriulum (KTSP) the students are also expected to have understanding in

different kinds of text, including narrative text.

However in fact, based on the observation the students are still poor in

writing. The students difficult to generate and organize ideas and lack to create an

orderly paragraph. There are some students who are introverted or silent that

could not show their ability well. They assume writing was difficult task because

they could not transfer their ideas, thoughts, and feelings in writing by using

English. It is categorally proved low scores obtained by the students. The low

level of the students’ writing mentioned above is probably caused by several

factors including learning materilas, facilities, motivations, and teaching strategy


For these reasons, the writer concludes that it is important to discuss a text

that is going to be written to trigger ideas ans also to enrich students’ vocabulary

about what they are going to write. Teachers need to make a good plan before

teaching in class. Arends (2004: 97) asserts that good planning in teaching

involves allocating the use of time, choosing appropriate methods of instruction,

creating students’ interest, and building a productive learning environment. Being

able to determine teaching methology used in the classroom prior to teach is

essential, since teachers must feel empowered to teach all students effectively.

Furthermore, Mustafa (2010) mentions that whatever methology used in the class,

the teachers’ purpose is to help students to leran English by understanding the

learners’ needs. Therfore, the teachers need to select appropriate materials to fit

the curriculum. By doing, students’ outcomes are expected to be proved.

One of the most important things to consider solving this problem is by

applying brainwriting strategy. Brainwriting strategy is a effective writing tool for

students, especially those students who are suffering from the “writer’s block”.

This startegy can help the students write without noticing to the grammatical first,

because brainwriting strategy is a teaching strategy by which a teacher utters a

particular problem for the learners to respond or to comment on without worrying

making mistakes so that it becomes fruitful learning process. This strategy is quite

useful to generate as many as ideas as ones can from a goup of students. Brokop

(2009: 9) states that the brainwritng strategy makes the students have time to

generate their ideas and feeling in written text. Beside that, the silent and

unconfident students who are afraid to come out their ideas and feelings orally can

be through a written in a group (Wilson 2013, 48). The ideas and feelingd are not

likely to be lost in tha discussion beacuse they are written down. Introverts

participants have the same chance to bring their ideas as extroveted. The students

are asked to generate their ideas and feelings from one to anothers in a group that

the topic is determined by the teachers. In order the written text of the group of

students have a correlation and become a story.

Based on the description above, it is necessary to conduct research with

writing narrative text with the title “The Effect of Applying Brainwriting

Strategy on The Students’ Achievement in Writing Narrative Text”

B. The Indentification of the Study

The identified problems in this study are :

1. The students difficult to express their idea.

2. The students are low in vocabulary.

3. The students still difficult to find out their main ideas in written


C. The Formulation of the Study

Based on the background above, the research problem can be frmulated as

follows :

a. Is there any significant effect of Brainwriting strategy to the students’

writing narrative text?

b. What are students’ difficulties in writing narrative text?


D. The Objective of the Study

Based on the formulation of study, the aims of study according to the

researcher is to discover:

a. To find out the significant effect of Brainwriting Strategy in writing

Narrative text.

b. To investigate students’ difficulties in writing narrative text.

E. The Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of the study is Brainwriting Strategy and is limitted on writing

narrative text at tenth grade of SMK Muhammadiyah 09 Medan.

F. The Significances of the Study

a. Theoritical Significance

The findings of the study are theoritically expected to be significant for

giving constribution of students in writing and Brainwriting Strategy.

b. Practical Significance

The findings of the study are expected to be significant for:

1. The researcher, to help her encourage and prepare herself to be a

qulified and competent teacher of English in the future.

2. The teacher of English, as a reference to help them improve the quality

of teaching writing effectively.

3. Other researchers who are interested in conducting a much deeper

research on writing and brainwriting strategy.




A. Theoritical Framework

In conducting a research, theories are needed to explain some concepts or

terms applied in research concerned. The terms must be clarified to avoid

confusion. So the writer and the reader may have the same perception of them.

1. Definitions of Writing

Meyers (2005:2) said that writing is a way to produce language, which you

do naturally when you speak. Writing is also an action-a process of discovering

and organizing your ideas, putting them on a paper and reshaping and revising

them. writing is one of the iportant skill to master by the students. They use ot to

communicate to each other, as means of ideas and emotional expression.

According to Tricia Hedge (1988, p.5), writing is about expressing idea that a

writer is unable to express what a speaker able to express, such as gesture, body

movement, facial expression, pitch and tone of voice, stress and hesitation. Thus,

a writer has to be able to write an effective writing in order to make a reader

understands by developing and organizing ideas, a careful voabulary choice,

grammatical pattern, and sentence structure to make which is appropriate to the

subject matter and the eventual readers. Writing is the most diffcult skill in

English, the writer should master English grammar, and the language is used in

writing completely different from the language use in spoken language and the

word choice in writing is strictly chosen to make the writer’s idea make sense. In

conclussion, in writing the writer must know the grammar and vocabulary to

create and generate the ideas or thoughts and by using Brainwriting Strategy the

writers can generate or create their ideas in by discussing the whole thing that

exist in writing.

1.1 The Writing Process

Writing is not an instant process. It takes time and engages so many

activities. The activities are prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. According

to Barbara Fine Clouse (2005, p.5-6), in the process of writing , the writers do not

easily move from step to step. The writers sometimes need to double check before

going to the next process, or sometimes they need to move backward if they have

an idea to add in their writing.

a. Prewriting

Prewriting can be defined as the use of random ideas in developing text

when the writer has lack inspiration. Prewriting is the first step; it is preparation

step before writing process. Prewriting gives warming up the brain to gather the

ideas to write about. If you are like many pople. You may have trouble getting

started with writing. A mental block may develop when you sit down before a

blank sheet of paper. Yow may not be able to think of an interesting topic or

thesis. Or you may have trouble coming up with relevant details to support a

possible thesis. The activities in prewriting are brainstorming, free writing,

collecting data, note taking and outlining.


b. Drafting

Drafting can be defined as writing down some ideas that come into mind.

Then, this draft can be shaped and refined in the next stage. This first draft is

usually rough, which is why it is called the rough draft. In drafting the writers

create their intial composition by writing down all their ideas in a n organized way

to convey a particular ideas or present an argument.

c. Revising

Revising is a process when the writiers rework the rough material of the

draft to get it in shape. This process a time-consuming, difficut part or the process

because the writers shouls express the ideas in the best order and in the best way,

so the reader can get the writers’ idea. The writers review, modify, and reorganize

their work by rearranging, adding, or deleting content, and by making the tone,

style, and content appropriate for the intended audience.

d. Editing

Editing is the last process of writing. In this process, the writers should hunt

for errors especially in grammatical errors. The writers should edit more than

once, so the writing can be free of errors. At this point in the writing process, the

writers prooread and correct errors in grammar and mechanics, and edit to

improve style and clarity. Having another writers’ feeback im this stage is helpful.

1.2 The Purpose of Writing

The reason why a person composes a particular piece of writing. Focusing

on purpose as one writer helps a person to know what form of writing to choose,

how to focus and organize the writing, what kinds of evidence to cite, how formal

or informal the writing style should be, and how much should be written.

However, writing has purposes as a way of communicating to deliver ideas to the

readers. Based on Miller (2005, p.4), the purposes of writing are :

1. To describe what a writer hopes to accommplish

2. To amuse the readers

3. To persuade the readers (like in hortatory exposition)

While Carol A. Binder and Susan Lopez-Nemey, stated the purposes of

writing as follow :

1. To inform. It means that writing can help readers to know what they do not

know before they read the text. Writing gives information in many forms,

such as newspaper, articles, books, magazines etc.

2. To express an opinion. It means that writing can express ehatthe writer feels

od thinks and expresses theis idea or reponse abou something.

3. To convince. To convince is sama as to persuade. Writer can convince reader

through their writing in discussing issue. Today, there are writers moreover

journalists, who write their writing to convince so many in form of internet

article, newspaper,magazines, books etc.

4. To argue. Besides to persude, writing has also a purpose to argue an issue

which is being talked by some people.

5. To entertain. It eans that writing entertains readers from the text written. The

examples of entertaining text are short story, novel, entertainment news etc it

gives such refreshment for mind and imaginative idea and is included in the

two kinds of text-narrative and recount text.

1.3 The Types of Writing

T. Hedge divides the types of writing into six categories, they are :

1. Personal writing

Personal writing is writing for oneself. These writing activities would

normally be carried out in the first language but there may be good

motivational reason for using them in the foreign language classroom. It

oncludes, diaries, journals, shoppin lists, and reminders for onself

addresses and recipes.

2. Public writing

This writing as a member of the generl public organizations or institutions.

It includes writing letter for inquiry, complaint, request, form filling and


3. Creative writinng

Creative writing is kind of writing most commonly founf a t primary and

lower secondary levels in maother tongue classroom, writing is not only for

oneself but also shared with others. It includes poems, stories, drama, songs

and rhymes.

4. Social writing

Social writing is a category, which all the writing that established and

maintains social relationship with family and friends. It includes letters,


invitations, and notes of thanks, congratulations, telephone messages and

instructions to friends or to family.

5. Study writing

Sudy writing is also for oneself and may never be shown to others. The

students make notes while reading, taking notes from lecture, making

summaries, reviews, report of experiment or workshop.

6. Instructional writing

Instructional writing related to professional roles and it is needed by teacher,

engineers and students in these and other field. It includes agendas, public

notice, advertisements, curriculum vitae etc.

2. Effect

Effect is defined to change of ability that the students have after treated by

using certain technique or ga s of teaching, Richard (2002: 133). Effect in this

research means as any ability improvement after learning something. The effect is

defined to change of ability that the students have after treated by using certain

technique of teaching. The result of effect in teaching is the improvenment of the

students’ achievement is the result of learning process which involves teachers

with students. The improvement in which achievement by the students then

realized in the form of score, so that it will be acknowledge the certain position of

students in the class because the scores they have reflect their improvement in the

learning process.

Effect can be defined as a result of an action or other cause (Soane and

Hawker, 2006: 317). The effect is a change that happens and produces a result

because there is a cause. The effect is a change that results when something is

done. The effect is very essential i deciding and looking for a way out. If the

effect is positive, the result can be positive as well as the expectation of the

researcher, and otherwose. In English writing is a significant skill that the students

have to comprehend and master.

3. Strategy of Teaching Writing

Writing as the one of the four languages has always formed part of the

syllablus in the teaching of English. Writing has always been used as a means of

reinforcing language that has been taught. In other words, writing is a good way

for students who learn English. They can put their idea on a piece of paper by

paying atttention on grammar rule and vocabulary.

Teaching writing is not simple as teaching other language skills since it

has conventional rules. By knowing the stages of wrting process. The students are

demanded to get the knowledge of how to write well. When writing, Indonesian

students who learn learns English as foreign language need more time to think.

Teacher asks students to focus on accurate language used and what ideas they will

write. Moreover the students only have limited words or voocabulary. It can

provoke tgeir language development. According to Jiim (2005: 4), writing

strategies are cognitive and metacognitive procedures writers use to control the

production of writing. There are many strategies can be used in teaching writing.

For example, alpha box, compensate or appropriate, jigsaw and brainwriting


3.1 Brainwriting Strategy

In this part, the researcher will describe about some definitions of

brainwriting strategy from experts. According to Michalko (2004: 315),

brainwriting is an approach to share ideas when a group produce writen idea. It is

good strategy to improve the students’ writing skills. According to Brocop (2009:

9), brainwriting allows individuals to share ideas with through exchange ideas

writen on paper, or to share ideas via computer network. One of the group

members writen the idea, while the others read it and add feedback and their own

ideas. Later, it is distributed to the others.

Same as expressed by Baxter (2001: 81), brainwriting suggests everyone

to write some ideas or opinions on paper, whether in the form of a coloumn and

line. Every sheets then is passed on to other members in groups and they must try

to increase or develop those ideas further by adding new lines or coloumns.

Similar opinion is expressed by Brahm & Kleiner as cited by Wilson (2013: 44),

that brainwriting is a strategy quickly produce ideas by asking participants to

write their ideas on paper and exchange writen ideas with the members of this

group. it is valued more effective than to say their ideas orally as accured in


From some opinions above, it can be concluded that brainwritng is

education strategy to increase the writing profiency. In the implementation,

brainwriting strategy helps the students to write their ideas on a piece of paper.

The students can both add or exchnage ideas with the other students. This strategy

also gives benefits to encourage the passive students in the class to express their

ideas in the form of writing.

3.2 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Brainwriting

The use of brainwriting strategy in learning activities also has the

advantages and disadvantages. According to Wilson (2013: 48), has some

advantages are follow:

a. Produce ideas more than share ideas with the traditional opinion.

b. Reduce the possibility of conflict between members in the group debate.

c. Help members of the talk passive and less self cnfidence in their opinion

expressed orally in a group sharing opinions.

d. Reduce the possibility of fear when their opinion not accepted other


e. Reduce anxiety when someone works in a culture.

f. Can be combined with other technique creativitiy to increase the number of

ideas that produced on particular subject or a particular matter.

However there are some disadvantages of the use of this strategy as is

expressed by Wilson (2013: 48), that are follows:

a. This strategy is less known compared with brainstorming strategy.

b. Less of social interaction between participants as each participant wrote their

ideas withut talking to participants.

c. Participants may feel that they cannot be entirely express their ideas in


d. Handwriting can be a little difficult to disentangle and interpret the result of

ideas and wrote the ideas.

3.3 The Procedures of Brainwriting Strategy

a. Introduce the procedure.

b. Hand out paper for each person to write down ideas.

c. Provide a clear and legible problem statement.

d. Describe the timing of the brainwriting (for example, three menutes for the

first round, and two minutes for four subsequent round) and the process for

passing the page the pages (for example, counterclockwise around a table). A

page-passing process that is not clear could undermine the credibility of the

method and waste time.

e. Ask if anyone has any questions abot the problem statement or the

brainwriting process.

f. Remind people to read the ideas quickly before entering their own ideas and

to feel free to add, modify and combine ideas. Let people know that extra

paper is around the room if they run out.

g. Begin the rounds. Announce the end of each round, and ask people to pass

their paper to another person.

h. At the end of the session, collect the brainwriting pages and post them for

comment, additional ideas or review.


4. Narrative Text

Everyone likes a good story. We go to movie, read books and gravitate

toward people at parties are for getting good stories. Another name for story is a

narrative story. According to Rebecca (2003) , narrative text is a text which relates

a series logically and chronologically related events that are caused or experienced

by factors. She furthermore states that a key to comprehend a narrative is a sense

of plot, theme, characters, events and how the relate. Anderson and Anderson

(2003a) explain that a narrative is a text that tells a story and in doing so entertains

the readers. It has character, setting abd the problem of the narrative are usually

intrpduced in the beginning. The problem reaches its high point in the middle. The

ending resolves the problem.

4.1 Generic Structure

In writing narrative text, it should consist of generic structure, such as:

orientation, complication, sequence og evnts, resolution and coda. A more

detailed generic structure of a narrative text has been proposed by Anderson and

Andersonwho argue that narrative text includes:

1. Orientation: the setting of the scene, where and when the story happenend,

introduce the participants of the story, and what in invoved in the story.

2. Complication: telling the beginning of the problem which leads to the crisis

of the main participants.

3. Sequence of events: telling how the characters react to the complication. It

includes their feelings and what they do.

4. Resolution: the problem (the crisis) resolved, either in happy or sad ending.

5. Coda; a clsing remark to the story and it is optional. It is consistedof a moral

lesson, advice or teaching from the writers.

It shows that there are some structures in narration must be a serious

attention. They are the structures of constructing a narration. A typical narration

has an opening paragraph to introduce the subject of narrtion, following by telling

end of the story.

4.2 Language Features

According to Anderson and Anderson, the language features of narrative text


1. Nouns that identtify the specific characters and places in the story.

2. Adjectives that provide accurate descripptions of the characters and settings.

3. Verbs that show the actions that occur in the story.

4. Time words that connect events to tell when they occur; the use of simple

past tense and past continuous tense.

It seems that narrative text has many language features. We have to identify

the specific characters, places and time in order to make the reader or viewer easy

to understand the way of the story, give the adjectives to characters and give the

infomation about what characters will do.

5. Assessing of Writing

Writing is one productive skill consdered difficult especially for foreign

learners as offered by Fauzy (2010:45). It is very complex activities since in tjis

case writing does not only mean putting down graphic form on a piece of paper. It

involves at least five components. According to Haris (1969:68) some

components in good writing are content, form, grammar, style and mechanic.

The explaination of the components above are:

1. Content

The substance of writing the ideas expressed. Writing must convey the

main idea or an attentive reader should be able to graps the writer purpose

(Haris, 1968:68).

2. Form

The organization of the content. Writing should content logical or

assosative connection and transition which clearly express the relationship of

the idea descriibed (Haris, 1969:68).

3. Grammar

The employment on grammatical form and syntactic pattern. Writing

should be in the rules of grammar related to the tenses wit sequence of time

(Hris, 1969:68).

4. Style

The choice of structure of lexical items to give a particular tone or falvor

to the writing. Writing should engage its reader through original insight and

precise (Haris, 1969:68).

5. Mechanic

The use graphic convention of the language. Writing must use a good

spelling punctuation, and tidy and clean writing.


According to Reid (1993:235) the evaluation which uses analytic method

elaborate writing product into five components. They are content, form

organization, vocabulary or style, language use or grammar and mechanic.

Those components will be used to decide the criteria of scoring in writing.

The criteria are:

Table 5.1: Criteria Scoring Writing

No Score Criteria

1 91 – 100 Excellence

2 81 – 90 Very Good

3 71 – 80 Good

4 61 – 70 Fair

5 51 – 60 Poor

6 <50 Very Poor

(Reid, Joy M. 1993. Teaching ESL Writing)

B. Relevant Study

There were many observers used Brainwriting strategy in their observations

on students’ achievement in writing, the relevant observations based on the

similarity of variable observations, they were either dependent variable or

independent variable, there were relevant observations with the observation which

will be conducted as following:


First, the observation was from Ratih Purwati the title was “The Use of

Brainwriting Strategy to Improve the Students’Writing Skill in Descriptive Text

(Classroom Action Research of Second Grade Students at MTSN 1 SUSUKAN in

the Academic year of 2016/2017)”. Based on the observation which was

conducted on MTsN 1 Susukan, academic year 2016/2017, the students were

easy to make a written text especially in writing narrative text by introducing the

procedure, handing out paper for each student to write down ideas, providing a

clear and legile problem statement, managing the time in writing (for exampe,

three minutes for the first round and two minutes for four subsequent rounds),

reminding students to read the ideas quickly before entering their own ideas and

feel free to add, modify and combine idaes, begining the rounds by announcing

the end of each round, passing the paper of writing to another students and the last

collecting the brainwriting pages and post the for comment, additional ideas or

review . This observation has the similarity with the last observation where this

case made the students are not in difficulty to generate their ideas in writing. And

it helps the students who is silent in the classroom in conveying his briliant ideas

on a piece of paper without anyone underestimate those studenst.

Second, was from Nina Khayatul Virdyna entitled “Teaching Writing Skill

by Using Brainwriting. Based on the observation the students were easy to write

because they made in like a group discucussion that the students can generate or

express their ideas without any fear because they feel they have members that will

correct the wrong ones together. The researcher of this research also found the

benefits in using this strategy. They are ideas are not likely to be lost in the

discussion because they are written down, there is the equality in the group,

introverts participants have the same chance to bring their ideas as extroverted and

the position of the participants does not affect the discussion of ideas, provided

anonymity prevails.

Third, the title was “The Use of Brainwriting 6-3-5 Technique to Improve

Students’ Writing Ability of Recount Text (A classroom Action Research of Eighth

Grade of SMP Negeri 18 Semarang in the Academic Year 2014/2015) by Filda

Hulwani Dewi. In this research, the researcher found the easy one to make the

students especially the introverted or silent students can generate or express their

ideas in written form more easily, the researcher stimulated the students to

understand recount text and were able to produce it. the researcher helped them by

giving guidances which made students were stimulated by the guidabces then they

produced ideas. In generating ideas, an idea from one student in a group could be

a stimulus to the other students. The students were easier to generate ideas

because they got stimulus fromm their friends.

C. Conceptual Framework

Based on theoritical above, the writer synthesize that writing is one of four

basic skills that can not be mastered as easy as speaking. Writing is not just

combinig some words or sentences, it has forms and rules that not equal with

something we use in conversation. We need a lot of practices and have interesting

strategies in order to make the students accustome to learn English. One of those

strategies is the using brainwriting in the teaching of narrative text writing.


The writer assumes that brainwriting strategy can be adapted in teaching

learning English, especially writing narrative text. Brainwriting is an effective

writing tool for students, especially for those students who are suffering “writer’s

block” or for students who are not talk active or introveted. The strategy is mreant

so students can generate or express their ideas in written form without feeling

worry of the wrong grammtical, the students have members in a group that it

makes them are easy to make written text because they will get stimulus to

generate or express their ideas when they read the writing of their members in a

group and continue to generate the new one based on their ideas.

D. Research Hypothesis

Based on the problem statements that presented by the researcher, the

research hypothesis is stated as follows:

a. Hypothesis positive (Ha): there is significant effect in writing narrative text

taught by applying Brainwriting Strategy.

b. Hypothesis negative (Ho): there is no significant improvement in writing

narrative text taught by applying Brainwriting Strategy.




A. Location

This research will be conducted at SMK Muhammadiyah 09 Medan. It is

located at Jl. Garuda Sei Sikambing Medan, North Sumatera. The reason of

choosing that school as the location of the research because this school has been

never taught by applying Brainwriting Strategy.

B. Research Design

This research will be conducted by applying quatitive experimental research

Emzir (2010: 64) declares that in the experimental research, the researcher

manipulates at least a variable, controls other relevant variable, and observes the

effect toward one or more dependent variable. In addition, the researcher requires

time priority, consistency and magnitude of the relation. Thus, experimnetal

research shows that a research will be investigated whether there is any

effectreatment in participants’ behaviours or their internal processes.

This research will be experimented by using treatment. This research will be

conducted at SMK Muhammadiyah 09 Medan year 2017/2018. In conducting the

experimental research, the sample will be divided in two groups, namely

experimental group and control group. in this research, the experimental group is

the group which will be taught by applying Brainwriting Strategy, while the

control group is a group which will be not taught by applying Brainwriting


C. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this research will be taken from tenth grade students of

SMK Muhammadiyah 09 Medan at academic year 2017/2018 with the sanpling

frame consists of two classes or 77 students. They are X TSM 1 (38 students) and

X TSM 2 (40 students).

Table 3.1

Population of the Research

No Classes Population

1 X TSM 1 37

2 X TSM 2 40

Total 77

2. Sample

According to Arikunto (2006: 134) if the populatin is under 100, all the

population can be as sample. And if the population is over 100, the researcher can

take 10%-15% or 20%-25% or more can be as sample. In this case 100% will be

tajen as the sample of this research. The researcher will take all students as the


Table 3.2

Sample of the Research

No Classes Sample

1 X TSM 1 37

2 X TSM 2 40

Total 77

D. The Instrument of Collecting Data

To collect the data, the researcher will use two tests including pre-test and

post-test as the research instrument in written test.

1. Pre-test

Pre-test will be given to both group the control and experimental groups. It

aims to make sure that the students in both groups have same performance.

2. Treatment

Treatment will be given after pre-test. Both groups will be taught the same

material by applying different ways. The experimental group will be taught

by applying Brainwriting Strategy and the control group will be taught by

applying direct method (conventioanl method). Both groups will be taught in

two meetings.

Table 3.3

Procedure of Research in Experimental Group

No Teacher Students

1 The teacher will split the The students will follow what the

students into some teams, one teacher says by having a seat

team consisit of 4-5 students. based on their own team.

2 The teacher will ask the The students will make a fictional

students to make a fictioanl story based on from their mind.

story that it is narrative text They must make it by following

based on what from their own the geneirc structure and language

ideas and thoughts ask the features.

students to follow the generic

stucture and language features

of narrative text.

3 The teacher will ask the The students will write their ideas

students to make the fictional on a piece of paper and after that

story or narrative text in she/he will give that paper to the

roatation from one student to next member in a team.


3. Post-test

Post-test will be given after the treatment in both control and experimental

groups. Then, the result of the post-test will be comapred with the result of pre-

test to find if there are some effects of applying Brainwriting Strategy in writing


E. The Technique of Collecting Data

In this research, the researcher will be conducted in three meetings for each

group (control and experimental groups). The experimental group will be given

the treatment by applying Brainwriting Strategy while the control group will not

be given the treatment. The research procedures consisit of three parts namely,

pre-test, the treatment and post-test.

F. The Technique of Analyzing Data

Before analyzing data, the researcher will accomplish the procedure as


1. Reading the students’ work in writing narrative text.

2. Identifying the ways of students’ writing.

3. Scoring the students’ writing in pre-test and post-test.

4. Listing the students’ score from the lowest to the highest.

The researcher will be conducted in three meetings for each group (control

and experimental group). the experimental group will be given a treatment by

applying Brainwriting Strategy while the control group will not be given the

treatment. The research procedure will consist of three parts namely, pre-test, the

treatment and post-test

The test is calculated using t-test formula as follow that developed by Ary

(2010: 177) as follows:


Where :

Mx = the mean of experimental group

My = the mean of control group

dx2 = standard deviation of experimental group


dy2 = standard deviation of control group

Nx = the total number of experimental group

Ny = the total number of control group




M = mean

X = scores

N = number of score

∑ = sum (or add)


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Wiilson, Chaucey. 2013. Brainwriting and Beyond. USA: MorganKaufmann




School : SMK Muhammadiyah 09 Medan

Grade/Semester : X/I
Subject : English
Text Type : Narrative Text
Skill : Writing
Time Allocation : 2 X 45 Minutes

A. Standard of Competence
Expressing the meaning of short functioanl written text and essay in form of
narrative to interact with the environment.

B. Basic Competence
Expressing meaning and rhetolical steps in simple short essys by using
various written from accurately, smoothly and accepatable to interact with the
environment in the form of narrative text.

C. Indicators:
1. To identify the generic structure and dominant language features of
narrative text.
2. To be able in understanding the social function of narrative text which
writes fictional and unfictional story
3. To write down short functional written text and essay in form of narrative

D. Learning Objective
After learning the lesson, students are able to
1. To comprehend the generic structure and dominant language features of
narrative text.
2. To be able in understanding the social function of narrative text which
writes fictional and unfictional story.
3. To write down short functional written text and essay in form of narrative

E. Learning Materials
1. Narrative Text (attached)
2. The purpose of narrative (attached)
3. Generic structure of narrative: orientation, compication, resolution

F. Learning Model
Brainwriting Strategy

G. Media
Whiteboard and powerpoint

H. Teaching and Learning Activity

1. Pre-Activities
i. Teacher will greet the students and pray together with the students
j. Teacher will check the students’ attendance
k. Teacher will introduce the topic of the lesson
l. Teacher will explain the lesson

2. Whlist-Activities

a. Teacher will show some pictures through powerpoint such as:
cinderella. Ponocchio, seventh princess and snow white one by one.
The ask some questions to the students as follow:
What is the titile of the story of this picture?
What kind of story of this picture?
Do you like this story of this picture?
Have you ever written a fictional or unfictional story?
b. Teacher will explain cwhat narrative text is, the purpose, generic
structure, and language features.
c. Students will write short and simple functional narrative text with the
Elaboration :
a. The teacher will split the students into some teams, one team
consists of 4-5 students.
b. The teacher will ask the students to make a fictional or unfictional
story based on the topic that the teacher has given before.
c. The teacher will ask the first member in the team to make one or
more sentences based on what comes from their mind, ideas and
thoughts and it will be continued by the next member until a fictional
or unfictional story is finished.
d. The teacher will ask each team to make a fictional/unfictional story
based on the generic structure and language features.

a. Every team will come in front of the class to collect their work
b. Each leader in the team will read their answer im front of the class
c. The teacher will give postive feedback and reinforcement orally for
students’ success

3. Post-Activities

a. The teacher will check the learning output of the learners.

b. The teacher will ask the students whether they face difficulties
within the study.
c. The teacher will give reflection on the material learned

I. Source
1. Internet
2. English Book

J. Assessment
1. Technique : Written test
2. Instrument : Attached

Teacher Researcher

(...................................................) (Deby Yustika Sari)






School : SMK Muhammadiyah 09 Medan

Grade/Semester : X/I
Subject : English
Text Type : Narrative Text
Skill : Writing
Time Allocation : 2 X 45 Minutes

A. Standard of Competence
Expressing the meaning of short functioanl written text and essay in form of
narrative to interact with the environment.

B. Basic Competence
Expressing meaning and rhetolical steps in simple short essys by using
various written from accurately, smoothly and accepatable to interact with the
environment in the form of narrative text.

C. Indicators:
1. To identify the generic structure and dominant language features of
narrative text.
2. To be able in understanding the social function of narrative text which
writes fictional and unfictional story
3. To write down short functional written text and essay in form of narrative

D. Learning Objective

After learning the lesson, students are able to

1. To comprehend the generic structure and dominant language features of
narrative text.
2. To be able in understanding the social function of narrative text which
writes fictional and unfictional story.
3. To write down short functional written text and essay in form of narrative

E. Learning Materials
1. Narrative Text (attached)
2. The purpose of narrative (attached)
3. Generic structure of narrative: orientation, compication, resolution

F. Learning Model
Direct Method

G. Media

H. Teaching and Learning Activity

1. Pre-Activities
a. Teacher will greet the students and pray together with the students
b. Teacher will check the students’ attendance
c. Teacher will introduce the topic of the lesson
d. Teacher will explain the lesson

2. Whlist-Activities

a. Teacher will show some pictures through powerpoint such as: cinderella.
Ponocchio, seventh princess and snow white one by one. The ask some
questions to the students as follow:
What is the titile of the story of this picture?
What kind of story of this picture
Do you like this story of this picture?
Have you ever written a fictional or unfictional story?
b. Teacher will explain cwhat narrative text is, the purpose, generic
structure, and language features.
c. Students will write short and simple functional narrative text with the

Elaboration :

a. The teacher will ask the students to make a fictional or unfictional story
based on the topic that the teacher has given before.
b. The teacher will explain the generic structure that must be used in writing
narrative text.
c. The teacher will ask the students to make a fictional and unfictioanl story
by themselves
a. The students will collect their work to the teacher
b. The teacher will check the students’ work
3. Post-Activities
c. The teacher will check the learning output of the learners.
d. The teacher will ask the students whether they face difficulties
within the study.
e. The teacher will give reflection on the material learned

I. Source

1. Internet
2. English Book

J. Assessment
1. Technique : Written test
2. Instrument : Attached

Teacher Researcher

(...................................................) (Deby Yustika Sari)





All teams will make the stoery based on the pictures below by choosing one of

Tangkuban Perahu

A. Make a short story about the picture above based on your imagiantion!
B. Put the generic structures on each sentence or paragraph!
C. Use the right and proper voacabularies!

Malin Kundang

A. Make a short story about the picture above based on your imagiantion!
B. Put the generic structures on each sentence or paragraph!

C. Use the right and proper voacabularies!

Golden Cucumber

A. Make a short story about the picture above based on your imagiantion!
B. Put the generic structures on each sentence or paragraph!
C. Use the right and proper voacabularies!

The fourth group :

Bawang Putih and Bawang Merah

A. Make a short story about the picture above based on your imagiantion!
B. Put the generic structures on each sentence or paragraph!
C. Use the right and proper voacabularies!

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