Culebrón (Mythology) : Description

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Culebrn (mythology)

The Culebrn or Viborn is a mythological creature of culture and rural tradition of Chile and
parts of Argentina ; which it is related to legends of wealth .

The legend of this creature would be the equivalent to the myth of Culebre
, with a probable relationship between the two myths, or a probable
influence of European myth.
He is described as a creature that resembles a large snake thick and
elongated body, greater than 2 meters long; but unlike snakes or other
reptiles, it would hairy, featuring a coat of black and fine color sometimes
like feathers, and a very large head with red eyes, that product hair would
resemble a calf 's head, lamb or horse with long mane.
Also it points out that the term formerly Viborn Culebrn or sometimes by
confusion, also used to be used to describe other mythical creatures like
snakes and are commonly known by other names; such as Piuchn ,
basilisk chilote , etc.

The rural tradition says that the big hairy snake Krajina mainly at night,
although sometimes it does during the day. In the wild attack hikers and
mule drivers, even going so far as to devour the its path; and therefore you
should always avoid places where there are known to inhabit. It is said that
this creature often burrowing, serving in some of them the work of guardian
of some mysterious "burial" ( treasure buried).

To feed, the saga would have the magical power of sugestionar gaze and
attract his victim, although the long distance, whether humans or animals;
and when very hungry, with great force, is able to absorb whole animals,
because your stomach is immensely large. However when you have a
territory with numerous dams, as a habit rather suckle in bovines to which
attract with its tail to drink your milk (this as it would have a great fondness
for milk ) and / or rather eat prey more small, such as poultry. After feed is
introduced back into hiding grasslands generally between an empty lot or in
a forest little access, and there live underground or continue its way back to
another place.
As the guardian of a treasure, it is said that this child would be born (would
be attracted to the site) within 40 days after burying a treasure, usually
silver coins inside a pitcher. Subsequently, if the owner or someone
ambitious want to unearth the treasure, would proceed to spray liquor in the
place where it is or is believed to be located the treasure; in order to
achieve intoxicate the saga and achieve steal the treasure.
Similarly , the rural tradition says that this mythical creature is just as
attracted to wealth, also has the magical ability to attract wealth to the
person holding a soap opera, by giving the owner prosperity in everything
he does. To do this, it is noted that to tame a soap opera it is necessary to
have ripped three hairs from the longest to a soap opera in the wild; and
then deposit the three hairs in a fountain filled with milk, to object to life and
to feed themselves . After a while born three children and the stronger
devour the rest and will grow slowly into the shape of a real soap opera.
Subsequently, the soap is fed with milk from a cow that the owner will only
culebrn. Also as a ritual, every year the owner must kill an animal or give a
relative or close person, and let the blood in a place that only culebrn
know. Whenever the owner of a soap opera must feed this be, having this

duty as a peremptory obligation; but if for some reason begins to neglect

the Culebrn, this creature will leave the place with which its former owner
inevitably remain in poverty; and in the worst cases even ended with the
fatal neglect pay with his own life or the lives of their families.
Also it notes that sometimes the same devil or another demon sent by him,
would be presented with this form before the greedy man, with the aim of
making aFaustian pact wealth with him; in which man would offer his soul
and / or the lives of others (usually enemies or workers of the person
making the pact), in exchange for benefits.

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