Karalis 2009
Karalis 2009
Karalis 2009
Workshop Report
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence: Focus on Physiological Factors
and Variability
Vangelis Karalis,1 Panos Macheras,1 Achiel Van Peer,2 and Vinod P. Shah3,4
Received May 6, 2008; accepted May 29, 2008; published online June 13, 2008
Abstract. This is a summary report of the EUFEPS & COST B25 conference on Bioavailability and
Bioequivalence which focused on physiological factors and variability. This conference was held at The
Royal Olympic Hotel in the centre of Athens (Greece) during the 12 of October in 2007. The issues
discussed in the conference involved physiological factors affecting drug absorption, the role of presystemic effects on bioavailability (BA), the impact of variability in bioequivalence (BE) studies, and a
final closing panel session on unresolved issues in BA/BE regulations. Several important aspects of drug
absorption were highlighted. It was presented how the complexity of gastrointestinal (GI) physiology and
the site dependent absorption can impact on drug BA. Similarly, the effects of food and formulation were
also studied. The second session focused on integrating the complexities of GI into modeling the interindividual variability of absorption and the prediction of first-pass metabolism from in-vitro data. The
necessity to measure metabolites, the value of Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS), and the
more recently proposed Biopharmaceutical Drug Disposition Classification System (BDDCS) were
assessed as well. This session closed with presentations of pharmacokinetic software delegates. In the
second day of the conference, the problem of high intra-subject variability in BE studies was analyzed.
Study design considerations, the use of multiple-dose studies and the role of statistics in BE were also
highlighted. Finally, the current thinking of regulatory authorities (EMEA and US-FDA) was presented.
The conference closed with a last session on unresolved issues in the regulatory level.
KEY WORDS: bioavailability and bioequivalence; highly variable drugs; impact of variability on BE
studies; physiological factors affecting drug absorption.
Jose A. Morais, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Victor A. Voicu, Romanian Academy and University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Carol Davila, Bucharest
Clive G. Wilson, Strathclyde Institute for Pharmacy and Biomedical
Sciences, Glasgow, Scotland UK
Thomas Gramatte, Munich, Germany
Frank Donath, SocraTec R&D, Oberursel, Germany.
Werner Weitschies, University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany
Sigrid Stockbroekx, Johnson & Johnson, Beerse, Belgium
Constantin Mircioiu, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest,
Romania Amin Rostami-Hodjegan, University of Sheffield and Simcyp Ltd,
Sheffield, UK Henning H. Blume, SocraTec R&D, Oberursel, Germany.
Geoffrey T. Tucker, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
Leslie Z. Benet, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA Meir
Bialer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Kamal K. Midha, University of Saskatchewan and Pharmalytics Inc,
Saskatoon, Canada.
Tomas Salmonson, Medical Products Agency, Uppsala, Sweden
Barbara M. Davit, FDA, Rockville, MD, USA
George Aislaitner, National Organisation for Medicines, Athens, Greece
Alfredo Garcia-Arieta, Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health
Care Products, Madrid, Spain.
Jan Welink, Medicines Evaluation Board, The Hague, Netherlands.
Drug transit through the body is a composite procedure
arising from the complexity and the diversity of interactions
between the drug, physiological mechanisms and various
exogenous factors. Accordingly, the relationship between
drug intake and clinical response is considered highly
complex and is potentially affected by intrinsic and extrinsic
variables. A major cause for deviations of drugs responses
can be ascribed to product bioavailability (BA), namely the
rate and extent of drug absorption.
Various sporadic in vivo observations in the 1950s and
1960s raised the first intimations of bioequivalence (BE) with
multi-source drug products (17). It was realized that product
efficacy depends on the proportion of the drug which is
ultimately absorbed (extent of absorption) from its formulation and how rapidly the drug absorption is being held (rate
of absorption). Thus, the two key terms, extent and rate of
absorption, formed the basis of BA and BE testing. Since
then BE assessment relies on the assumption that the therapeutic effect of a drug product is a function of concentration
of the active moiety in the systemic circulation.
Both BA and BE exert a critical role in drug development
and regulatory context. Aim of this conference was: (a) to provide an insight into the physiological factors that can influence
drug absorption, (b) to address the role of pre-systemic effects
on BA, and (c) to assess the impact of variability in BE studies.
Formulation Effects on Drug Absorption
The formulation factors that may impact on BA and BE
can be classified into two categories (14): (a) In the first group
belong factors that can affect drug dissolution or release
which is considered as a prerequisite to the drug absorption
process. (b) The second category comprises factors related to
excipients or inactive ingredients which can influence drug
stability, absorption, and metabolism.
A presentation about formulation effects on drug absorption was given by Dr. S. Stockbroeckx (Johnson & Johnson). A
pharmaceutically stable formulation is required in order to
avoid downstream issues such as polymorphic conversions. The
beneficial properties of a drug product include enhanced solubility, stability and BA. Other issues comprise the ability to reduce odors or tastes, stabilize flavors, reduce stomach injury,
and to minimize evaporation.
The current trend in drug development is summarized in
the findings that drug candidates are obtaining higher molecular
weight, become less soluble (more lipophilic), and require more
sophisticated drug formulation technologies. These technologies can be divided into two categories. The first incorporates
the classical (or NoyesWhitney based) strategies such as: use
surfactants to alter the wetability/dispersability, increase the
surface area of the drug by reducing (micronizing) particle size
and change the salt form to increase the saturation solubility of
the drug. In the second category belong methods such as the
preparation of solid dispersions, the use of complexation and
Of special interest is particle size reduction which
increases the surface area and consequently dissolution rate.
Cavitation is believed to be the main cause of size reduction.
Common methods for reducing particle size include micronization and nanonization. Micronization can be completed by
using traditional milling techniques (such as dry, wet and air
milling) as well as with other particle sizing approaches like
supercritical fluid processing. The nanosizing method usually
requires special techniques to reduce aggregation and
includes wet milling and high pressure homogenization.
The second session of the conference involved presentations which described the role of pre-systemic effects on BA.
Drug absorption from the gastrointestinal tract is a very
complex and often not well characterized procedure. Both
extent and rate of drug absorption may be affected by many
factors which can be divided into three categories: The first
group comprises physicochemical factors such as pKa, aqueous
solubility, stability, diffusivity, lipophilicity, salts, surface area,
particle size and crystal form. The second category includes
physiological factors like intestinal blood flow, gastrointestinal
pH, gastric emptying, intestinal transit time, and absorption
mechanisms. The last category contains formulation factors,
namely, tablet, capsule, suspension, etc (15,16).
In order to face-off this complexity several models have been
proposed (14,1719). The first approach was pH-partition
hypothesis which was later used as a guideline for the prediction
of drug absorption. According to this hypothesis, ionizable compounds diffuse through biological membranes primarily in their
The presentation of Dr. L. Benet (UCSF, USA) highlighted the value of having simple models such as the
Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) and the more
recent Biopharmaceutical Drug Disposition Classification
System (BDDS) (14,28).
BCS was outlined to optimize the development of oral
dosage forms based on rate-limiting factors for absorption such
as aqueous solubility and membrane permeability. According to
BCS drugs are classified into four categories; Class I includes
drugs with high aqueous solubility and high membrane permeability, Class II comprises drugs with poor aqueous solubility
and high permeability, in Class III belong drugs with high
aqueous solubility and poor membrane permeability, while
Class IV includes drugs with poor aqueous solubility and poor
membrane permeability. The main goal of BCS was to predict in
vivo pharmacokinetic performance of drug products from
measurements of permeability and solubility and may help
decisions to obtain regulatory waivers for BE studies.
In depth examination of BCS classes revealed that compounds belonging either to Class 1 or Class 2 of BCS are eliminated primarily via metabolism, whereas the major routes of
elimination for Class 3 and Class 4 compounds are urine and bile.
The Biopharmaceutics Drug Disposition Classification System
(BDDCS) was proposed to early address issues related to drug
disposition, drug interaction and transporterenzyme interplay.
Hence, BDDCS provides a road map for the design of preclinical
and Phase 1 clinical studies without the need of running
expensive and time consuming permeability studies in humans.
In addition, it was recommended that for the definition of Class I
compounds, the regulatory agencies may use the extent of drug
metabolism (i.e., greater than 90% metabolized) instead of the
extent of drug absorption (i.e., more than 90% absorbed). A
criterion about the definition of 90% of metabolism was also
proposed which is based on the mass balance of the phase I and
phase II metabolites present in urine and feces.
The third session, on the second day of the Conference,
focused on variability in BE studies. Highly variable drugs and
drug products are those exhibiting within-subject (intra-subject)
variability greater than 30% in BA parameters (29,30). This
high variability can be ascribed either to the drug substance
itself or it can be secondary to the drug product formulation.
The underlying causes of high variability include physiological,
pathological and the physicochemical properties of the drug
product. In the physiological factors belong regional pH, pancreatic or bile secretions, gastric emptying, intestinal motility,
luminal/mucosal enzymes, circadian rhythm which can significantly vary between different subjects but also within the same
subject. Other factors that can influence absorption are age,
gender, drug interactions and food intake. Of special importance, for the determination of BA and BE, is the role of firstpass effect since the activity of cytochrome enzymes show large
variability along the gastrointestinal tract. However, variability
can arise due to formulation factors of the drug product. Hence,
it is essential to keep batch-to-batch homogeneity which can be
assessed through several in vitro tests. Regardless the cause,
high variability constitutes a major difficulty for the establishment of BE between the drug products.
Within-subject Variability: Design, Determination
& Demonstration
The first speaker of the second day of the conference was
Dr. K. Midha (University of Saskatchewan, Canada) who
defined within-subject variability as a measure of variability in
response within the same subject, when the subject is administered two doses of a solution on two different occasions. This
variability may be intrinsic to the drug substance and/or the
formulation. Even though, large between-subject variability may
exist for many drugs and drug products, BE is concerned with
interchangeability within a subject. It was shown that estimation
of the within-subject variability following a solution can act as the
most pure measure of variability which will further help to
understand whether the drug or the formulation is highly
variable. The use of replicate designs to measure within-subject
variability of Test and Reference formulations allows the
determination of pharmaceutical quality for each of the products.
The concept of exposure was also highlighted (31). According to exposure, the key parameters are Cmax, AUC and
AUCE which correspond to peak exposure, total exposure and
early exposure. AUCE refers to partial AUC namely the
AUC estimate truncated at the median Tmax of the reference
formulation. All these exposure measures are considered to
have clinical relevance in terms of efficacy and safety for orally
administered drug products for systemic availability. The
worthiness of AUCE for the comparison of the variability in
BE studies during the absorption phase was demonstrated using
examples where the reference formulation exhibited higher
variability than the generic product.
BE Design Considerations: Multiple Dose Versus Single Dose
Dr. A. Van Peers (Johnson & Johnson, Belgium) presentation focused on the use of multiple versus single dosing studies
for the determination of BE. Published theoretical considerations and several examples were presented. According to
existing European guidelines (32) multiple dose (steady-state)
studies would be required in the existence of non-linear
kinetics (dose- or time-dependence) and for some modified
release drug products. Other situations include high intrasubject variability or when sensitivity problems preclude the
precise estimation of plasma concentrations after single dose.
Similarly, the US authorities (33,34) propose the use of steadystate studies when there is a difference in absorption rate but
not in the extent of absorption. Other conditions involve
extended release dosage forms, very low concentrations after a
single administration of the drug and excessive variability.
A key issue in BE testing is the assessment of intra-subject
variability which can only be addressed through replicate
designs (3537). Other advantages of replicate designs include
the enrollment of a reduced number of volunteers and that
information can be retrieved about intrinsic factors which influence the formulation performance.
The presentation highlighted literature examples of BE
trials upon which the 90% confidence intervals were narrower
after multiple-dose studies than single-dose studies (38).
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and test product once to allow estimation of the intra-subject
variability of the reference product. In addition, this method
requires imposing a GMR point estimate constraint in order to
avoid the potential for declaring BE (49).
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