Background: Epidemiological studies in the recent years have investigated the relationship between dietary habits and
disease risk demonstrating that diet has a direct effect on public health. Especially plant-based diets -fruits, vegetables and
herbs- are known as a source of molecules with pharmacological properties for treatment of several malignancies.
Unquestionably, for developing specific intervention strategies to reduce cancer risk there is a need for a more extensive
and holistic examination of the dietary components for exploring the mechanisms of action and understanding the
nutrient-nutrient interactions. Here, we used colon cancer as a proof-of-concept for understanding key regulatory sites of
diet on the disease pathway.
Results: We started from a unique vantage point by having a database of 158 plants positively associated to colon
cancer reduction and their molecular composition (~3,500 unique compounds). We generated a comprehensive picture
of the interaction profile of these edible and non-edible plants with a predefined candidate colon cancer target space
consisting of ~1,900 proteins. This knowledge allowed us to study systematically the key components in colon cancer that
are targeted synergistically by phytochemicals and identify statistically significant and highly correlated protein networks
that could be perturbed by dietary habits.
Conclusion: We propose here a framework for interrogating the critical targets in colon cancer processes and identifying
plant-based dietary interventions as important modifiers using a systems chemical biology approach. Our methodology
for better delineating prevention of colon cancer by nutritional interventions relies heavily on the availability of information
about the small molecule constituents of our diet and it can be expanded to any other disease class that previous
evidence has linked to lifestyle.
© 2014 Westergaard et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public
Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this
article, unless otherwise stated.
Westergaard et al. BMC Genomics 2014, 15:380 Page 2 of 12
Pharmaceuticals Inc.), Taxol (Bristol-Myers Squibb), between dietary small molecules and biological systems. In
Taxotere (Sanofi-aventis) among others, have propelled line with this, we present here a systems chemical biology
the research on how dietary bioactive compounds interact approach that provides a fundamental foundation for un-
with target proteins and perturb key signaling pathways. derstanding which processes involved in the onset, inci-
Thus, the second approach that we often encounter in nu- dence, progression and severity of colon cancer are
tritional studies is the in vivo or in vitro investigation of modulated by dietary components. We selected colon can-
the beneficial effects of common phytochemicals, such as cer as a case study not only because it is one of the most
specific polyphenols that are present in a variety of fruits, aggressive cancers and the fourth most commonly diag-
vegetables, and other dietary botanicals. An abundant lit- nosed, but also because colon cancer seems not to be a
erature has shown that polyphenols can, among others, consequence of aging but of eating behavior [9,10]. Never-
trigger apoptosis in cancer cells through the modulation theless, the methodology proposed here is applicable to any
of a number of key elements in cellular signal transduc- large-scale diet-disease association study, where informa-
tion pathways linked to apoptosis (caspases, bcl-2 genes) tion about the small molecule constituents of the diet is
[6] and modulate epigenetic alterations in cancer cells [7]. available.
However, in such studies the major limitation is that the
possible therapeutic value of the phenolic compound of Results
interest is evaluated while ignoring the chemical back- The chemical space of diet associated with colon cancer
ground of the diet, which is probably one of the reasons Using an in-house database developed by Jensen et al.,
for contradictory results from different research groups (2014) [11] through text mining of 21 million abstracts
on the same compounds. Therefore, there is a clear need present in PubMed, we investigated here the role of diet-
for more systematic studies to identify those dietary fac- ary small molecules present in plants (edible and non-
tors that influence the most, reveal their synergistic inter- edible) with an established phenotype against colon
actions, and uncover the mechanisms of action. cancer. As shown in Figure 1A, we have identified 158
Cancer research in the last 20 years has brought to the plants that have been positively associated in the litera-
fore a dramatic amount of information at the molecular ture with colon cancer, with 39 of them being part of a
level, leading to an overwhelming number of possible common diet, e.g. celery, garlic, thyme, among others
pharmaceutical targets for drug discovery. However, the (Figure 1A). From our in-house database we could also
redundancy and interconnection of the many regulatory retrieve molecular information for these plants for 3,526
pathways that are involved in cell replication, growth unique phytochemicals. It is quite interesting that des-
and apoptosis, as well as the capacity of mutations in pite the fact that all these plants have been positively as-
cancer cells, is a significant barrier for drug development sociated with colon cancer reduction, the majority of
using targeted approaches. These hard limitations en- phytochemicals (2,023) are plant specific (found only in
countered with the targeted approach are contributing one plant). The number of compounds associated with
to prompt us to reconsider the global fight against can- each plant varied considerably (Figure 1A), with a me-
cer, especially for cancers that are proven to be intrinsic- dian value of 41 compounds per plant and reaching as
ally or partly related to lifestyle factors, such as diet. high as 392 compounds for ginseng. Not surprisingly, as
Beyond the specific aspect of cancer prevention, under- shown in Figure 1A, common foods have been studied
standing the capacity of the body to maintain health more thoroughly than other plants and have a median
homeostasis is a genuine subject of study for which a value of 129 compounds per food. Nevertheless, a group
methodological approach needs to be considered. Taken of phytochemicals has been detected in a very large
separately each regulatory cascade interaction may not number of plants associated with colon cancer; quercetin
help framing an operational understanding of health (N = 51), gallic acid (N = 43), vitamin P (N = 43),
homeostasis whereas a more global view, where the con- gamma-sitosterol (N = 42) and kaempferol-3-O-rutino-
comitant activity of the largest number of targets with side (N = 38). Since our objective was to obtain a mech-
respect to the wave of external agent exposure, such as anistic understanding of the association between plants
dietary molecules, could be scrutinized as a complex and colon cancer we examined how many of the 3,526
interaction network. There is a general consensus that in phytochemicals are present as an exact match in ChEMBL
the new era of nutritional research, systems analysis of nor- database, one of the largest repositories of chemical-protein
mal and nutrient-perturbed signaling networks is required interaction data. As shown in Figure 1A, roughly for one
for identifying critical network nodes targeted through nu- third of the compounds present in each plant there are
tritional intervention of either preventive or therapeutic available experimental data for their interactions with the
fashion [8]. Borrowing chemoinformatics methods, well human protein space. We could find, in total, an exact
established and widely used in drug discovery research, match in ChEMBL for 1,663 phytochemicals, while 887
could help us understand the complex interaction network have a chemical similarity (TC > 0.85 & a difference in
Westergaard et al. BMC Genomics 2014, 15:380 Page 3 of 12
Figure 1 The chemical space of plants associated with colon cancer. (A) A sub list containing 39 plants that are considered typical for
western diet; the embedded figure shows the compound distribution as found in the 159 edible and non-edible plants. Green indicates total
number of compounds, while orange indicates compounds that were found as exact match in CHEMBL; (B) Clustering of the plant compounds
(green), human colon metabolites (yellow), FDA approved drugs (purple) and anticancer FDA approved drugs (black cross) based on 1027
chemical descriptors. Selected compounds ((i)-(viii)) from the plant chemical space that show either no chemical similarity with the other groups
of compounds are shown on the left or low chemical similarity only with drugs are shown on the right.
molecular weight less than 50 g/mol) with at least one with metabolites of the human colon metabolic network
other chemical in ChEMBL. For the remaining 976 com- pointing out that the therapeutic effect of these plants
pounds no information is available for possible protein could be mediated at a metabolic level (Figure 1B);
targets. however, we should not overlook the high similarity be-
The chemical space of the phytochemicals from plants tween FDA drugs and plant phytochemicals and espe-
associated with colon cancer was evaluated using 1,027 cially anticancer drugs (Figure 1B). On the other hand a
chemical descriptors. To obtain a holistic view of this large number of phytochemicals (left upper corner of
chemical space we compared it with FDA approved Figure 1B) has a very unique chemical profile with no
drugs and the human metabolites involved in the colon similarities to either the drug space or the colon meta-
metabolic network developed by Agren et al., (2012) bolic network. Examples of such compounds (Figure 1B)
[12]. Interestingly, a large percentage of the plant phyto- are glycyrrhizic acid (in rosemary), beta-solamarine (in
chemicals shows a high degree of chemical similarity potato), tomatine (in tomato), transsylvanoside C (in
Westergaard et al. BMC Genomics 2014, 15:380 Page 4 of 12
liquorice) and diocine (in pomegranate). The above first-degree neighbors. The mean number of proteins
compounds are present in just a handful of edible and from this category targeted by each plant was 6 (9 if we
non-edible plants that have been associated to colon restrict the analysis to the common edible). The most
cancer. In the lower right part of Figure 1B we find com- targeted proteins of the compounds from edible plants
pounds with structural similarities solely with approved were EGFR (targeted by 26 edible plants or 79% of the
drugs, e.g. 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (in total edible plants in our database), NT5E (24 edible
potato), cinnamoyl-coenzyme A (in soybean) and oleoyl- plants), ESR2 (20 edible plants), CSNK2A1 (17 edible
coenzyme A (in coriander). The source of these com- plants) and FYN (17 edible plants). None of the above is
pounds is again restricted to a few edible and non-edible an FDA colon cancer drug target but all are first degree
plants. neighbors of the drug targets. Similar results were ob-
served when looking into the most targeted proteins of
An interactome map of candidate colon cancer targets the non-edible plants. The interaction network between
and diet common edible plants and proteins from this category is
To unravel the interactions associated with diet and shown in Figure 2B. The FDA approved drugs used
colon cancer we studied the complex interaction net- against the 4 colon cancer proteins that are targeted by
works of the small molecules present in the 158 plants small molecules present in the edible plants, are irinote-
and the candidate colon cancer target space. By “candi- can (TOP1) and regorafenib (TEK, KDR, FGR1). Pom-
date” here we mean proteins that are potentially in- egranate (Nsmall molecules = 13, targeting Nproteins = 23),
volved in the onset and development of colon cancer rosemary (Nsmall molecules = 13, targeting Nproteins = 20),
and fall in one of the following categories (Figure 2A), black tea (Nsmall molecules = 12, targeting Nproteins = 16),
(i) proteins that are established targets of the FDA ap- ginseng (Nsmall molecules = 14, targeting Nproteins = 17)
proved colon cancer drugs (N = 20) and their first degree and wheat (Nsmall molecules = 10, targeting Nproteins = 11)
neighbors (N = 1,224); ii) proteins that participate in the are the common foods of our diet with small molecules
KEGG colon cancer pathway (N = 62) and their first de- targeting the most this protein space. The mean con-
gree neighbors (N = 1,588); iii) proteins characterized by nectivity ratio for the edible plants of Figure 2B is 3.7
Oh et al., (2012) [13] as colon cancer prognostic signa- (calculated as the sum of all edge weights divided by the
ture (N = 87) and their first degree neighbors (N = 870). number of edge weights).
First-degree protein neighbors were included since (ii) Similarly, we explored the interaction pattern of
cancer-related proteins are more likely to act as hubs in the phytochemicals in the 158 plants with the proteins
protein interaction networks. This feature of cancer pro- in the KEGG colon cancer pathway and their first-
teins makes them amenable to activity disturbances degree neighbors. In total 12 proteins are targeted by 73
through ligand binding to their protein neighbors. To plants through 32 unique small molecules. From the
ensure the biological validity of the interactions in the common edible plants (Figure 2C) 11 were found to
context of colon cancer only proteins for which there is have compounds targeting 3 proteins (MARK1, SMAD3,
positive evidence of expression in the colon according to GSK3B) of the KEGG colon cancer pathway and 28 tar-
the Human Protein Atlas [14] were included. As shown geting the remaining 9, which are first-degree neighbors
by the Venn diagram in Figure 2A there is very low over- of the proteins in the KEGG colon cancer pathway.
lap between the three categories (not taking into account Black tea (Nsmall molecules = 5, targeting Nproteins = 7), gin-
the first-degree neighbours). The total number of unique ger (Nsmall molecules = 4, targeting Nproteins = 5), rosemary
proteins is 181 (and 1,708 unique first degree neighbors). (Nsmall molecules = 5, targeting Nproteins = 6) and pom-
For the association of the plants with the candidate egranate (Nsmall molecules = 4, targeting Nproteins = 6) are
colon cancer protein space through their molecular the common foods of our diet with small molecules tar-
components we considered direct (a) and indirect (b) geting the most this protein space. Interestingly, the pat-
interactions: (a) a plant contains a compound that tern we observe in Figure 2B and C does not depend on
was found as an exact match in ChEMBL to interact the actual number of compounds present in each plant.
with either the set of 181 or 1708 proteins; (b) a plant Soybean, tomato, potato and guava, among others, are
contains a compound structurally similar to a com- edible common plants with a large number of com-
pound in ChEMBL that interacts with the set of 181 pounds however, none of them appears to target a large
proteins. Only high confidence interactions, either part of the candidate colon cancer protein space. The
chemical-protein or protein-protein, were kept (see proteins from this category that are targeted the most
Methods). from the edible common plants are HSD17B1 (43% of
(i) In total, 105 plants (33 edible) were found to inter- edible plants), TOP1 (37%), GSK3B (37%), SMAD3
act with 4 target proteins (TEK, KDR, FGR1 and TOP1) (27%) and PRKACG (27%). GSK3B and SMAD3 are pro-
of the FDA approved colon cancer drugs and 43 of their teins involved in the KEGG colon cancer pathway and
Westergaard et al. BMC Genomics 2014, 15:380 Page 5 of 12
Figure 2 The interactome space of the edible plants associated to colon cancer. (A) (i) The pie chart offers information for the compounds
present in these edible plants; phytochemicals found as exact match in ChEMBL (orange), phytochemicals having at least one similar small
molecule present in ChEMBL (blue) phytochemicals that do not fulfill any of the above criteria (green); (ii) A graphical representation of how the
interactome map between edible plants and candidate colon cancer protein targets was generated: (a) an edible plant (orange circle; Px)
contains a phytochemical (box; Cx) which interacts directly with a target protein (green diamond; TPx) or through a first-degree neighbor (yellow
diamond; Py) of TPx, (b) the phytochemical Cx is structurally similar with a compound (Cy) that interacts with the target protein (TPx). Straight
lines represent verified interactions while dashed lines represent predictions; (iii) The Venn diagram shows the overlap between the proteins in
the three candidate colon cancer target sets; (B) A plant-protein interaction network based on the interactions between phytochemicals, FDA
approved colon cancer drug targets and their first-degree neighbors. The size of the plant node is proportional to the number of proteins that
its molecular components target. The width of the edge connecting two plants reflects how many protein targets the plants share. (C) A
plant-protein interaction network using as a candidate target space the KEGG colon cancer pathway. (D) A plant-protein interaction network
using as a candidate target space the colon cancer prognostic gene signatures (Oh et al., 2012) [13]. The color of the nodes in (B)-(D) is
according to (Aii).
the remaining three are first-degree neighbors. The expression data [13]. From the 87 proteins and their 870
mean connectivity ratio of the network of Figure 2C first-degree neighbors that this targeted space consists
is 1.7. of, only 5 proteins designated as prognostic signatures
(iii) The last candidate colon cancer protein space and 17 of their first-degree neighbors are targeted by the
under study was the prognostic signatures based on gene chemical space of the plants. In this category we found
Westergaard et al. BMC Genomics 2014, 15:380 Page 6 of 12
most of the edible plants: 41 small molecules from 37 The “hot” colon cancer space
edible plants target 4 proteins that constitute colon can- The next step was to take a closer look on these phyto-
cer prognostic signatures and 14 that are their first- chemicals and proteins that could hold the key for under-
degree neighbors. The edible plants with the highest standing the mechanism behind the positive phenotype of
activity in this target space are black tea, ginger, tomato the particular edible and non-edible plants against colon
and grape, which interestingly share none of the active cancer. In Figure 3 we present some of the chemical struc-
compounds. The most targeted proteins are CYP1B1, tures that caught our attention in this analysis. For example,
ALOX5 and FABP1 and the mean connectivity ratio of rutin, is a compound present in 19 edible (olive, thyme,
the network of Figure 2D is 3.9. strawberry, among others) and 24 non-edible plants. Rutin
The candidate colon cancer protein space that is targeted targets two proteins, namely NT5E and EGFR, which both
by plants with an established phenotypic effect against interact with established colon cancer drug targets and two
colon cancer allowed us to get a better insight on the proteins that are part of the colon cancer prognostic signa-
biological and network properties of these 79 proteins. ture gene set (CYP1B1 and ALOX5). Another interesting
By using the Database for Annotation, Visualization compound is luteolin, a compound found in 11 edible
and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) [15], the 79 proteins (black tea, celery, rosemary, among others) and 12 non-
were annotated according to the protein domains as found edible plants. Luteolin has an interesting interaction net-
in the InterPro database [16], and subsequently tested for work that includes 15 proteins from three candidate colon
enrichment. Then these domains were clustered using the cancer target spaces, making it undoubtedly one of the
integrated functional clustering in DAVID (default settings). most “hot” dietary compounds. Ellagic acid, present in 5 ed-
Only clusters in which at least one InterPro family had ible (strawberry, guava, ginger, rosemary and cranberry)
a p-value < 0.05 (corrected for multiple testing using and 2 non-edible plants targets as well proteins from all
the Benjamini-Hochberg approach) were considered three candidate protein sets (Figure 3). Another interesting
significantly enriched. We found three enriched clus- compound is camptothecin that was found in 2 non-edible
ters, in which the cluster with the highest enrichment plants. Camptothecin is actually a precursor of irinotecan, a
score consisted mostly of kinase domains. The other drug primarily used for the treatment of colon cancer.
two domains are related to cell division (Cyclin do- Subsequently we calculated the efficacy E(P) of each
mains) and growth (EGF receptor domain). We also plant as the ratio of the number of candidate colon can-
computed the intra-cluster distance between two pro- cer proteins targeted by plant P to the total number of
teins as the average shortest path distance between all candidate colon cancer proteins targeted by all plants
pairs in this set of 79 proteins and we found a value of (79 in total). As shown in Figure 4A, the highest efficacy
2.2 (with the longest to be 5). Even though we started was observed for pomegranate (59 targeted proteins,
with three discrete candidate colon cancer target sets, E = 0.75), rosemary (54 targeted proteins, E = 0.68), black
the topological coefficients reveal a strong communi- tea (51 targeted proteins, E = 0.65) and ginger (46 tar-
cation between the proteins, which may offer an ex- geted proteins, E = 0.58) from the edible plant space and
planation why, despite the differences in the observed Gingo biloba (E = 1), Butea monosperma (E = 0.48),
candidate target space of each plant, they all produce Withania somnifera (E = 0.48) and Galphimia glauca
the same phenotypic effect. (E = 0.43) from the non-edible plant space. If we take
Seventy two (72) plants, of which 28 edible (celery, into consideration the actual number of compounds
thyme, coriander, oregano, olive, ginger among others) present in the plants that target each of these proteins
were found to contain compounds that target proteins the picture is slightly different (Figure 4B). The most
from all three candidate colon cancer protein space. 97 promising edible plant interacting with the candidate
plants (35 edible) target proteins from two protein colon cancer protein space now appears to be black tea
spaces and 117 plants (37 edible) target proteins from with an efficacy of E = 0.45, while ginseng reaches an
one. For 41 of the plants, of which 2 were common edible efficacy of E = 0.35. From the non-edible plants, Ginkgo
plants (chickpea and sugar maple), we found no com- biloba shows the highest weighted efficacy followed by
pounds to interact with any of the four categories of the Withania somnifera and Butea monosperma.
candidate colon cancer target space. The number of the In the last part of the analysis we tried to develop the
chemical compounds associated to chickpea and sugar necessary statistical framework in order to achieve the
maple could not explain this observation since these two main objective of our study; to actually reveal the pro-
edible plants are not the least characterized (Figure 1B). tein space that may explain the observed anti-cancer
On the other hand, the average number of compounds phenotype of these edible and non-edible plants. Due
(14.6) assigned to the non-edible plants showing no inter- to its complex chemical background, the way that diet
actions with the colon cancer targets was significantly induces particular phenotypes must be fundamentally dif-
lower than the rest of the plant space of our study. ferent from the drug mode of action (one compound -
Westergaard et al. BMC Genomics 2014, 15:380 Page 7 of 12
Figure 3 Phytochemicals present in edible and non-edible plants with significant interest in connection to the candidate colon cancer
target space. *: Target also found in KEGG Pathway. +: Protein is a Px (see Figure 2).
Figure 4 The highly active edible plant space and the highly correlated colon cancer target space. (A)-(B): The two tables show the
efficacy of each plant (for details see Methods) calculated using either (A): a binary index; 0 = no phytochemicals in the plant interact with the
protein (proteins in the tables are indicated as X1-Xn), 1 = at least one phytochemical in the plant interacts with the protein, or (B): the number of
unique phytochemicals present in the plant that interact with the protein. (C): A network of candidate colon cancer proteins connected by the phi
correlation coefficient. Labels on the edges are the phi correlation coefficients. The network shows only significant correlations (p < 0.05, Bonferonni
corrected). Correlation coefficients are calculated using the knowledge of plant-protein interactions, and thus a large correlation coefficient indicates
that these two proteins are targeted by a common set of plants. The node size is proportional to the actual number of plants targeting a protein. The
equations used to calculate the correlation coefficients are shown on the right, in which the squared phi coefficient is related to the Chi-squared test
statistic by the number of samples.
Westergaard et al. BMC Genomics 2014, 15:380 Page 8 of 12
one, or more target(s)). We calculated the correlation co- that are an exact match to one human metabolite and
efficients based on the plant-protein interaction patterns 13 more that are structurally similar to 10 human me-
of Figure 4A. In Figure 4C we have only included the sig- tabolites. We make the assumption that these phyto-
nificant correlations (p < 0.05, Bonferonni corrected) that chemicals perturb a human metabolic reaction in the
show some very interesting patterns in the candidate colon only if they appear in the enzymatic reaction as
colon cancer target space. There are several small net- substrates. Based on this, we found in total 570 meta-
works of proteins that are consistently targeted, or avoided bolic reactions in colon to be affected by plants. From
by these plants. The significance of this analysis is not that the edible plant space, soybean, rapeseed, potato and
it further reduces the candidate colon cancer target space ginseng are the ones with the highest influence in the
to 55 proteins (Figure 4C) but mainly that it allows to for- colon metabolic regulation by perturbing 421, 225, 210
mulate hypotheses on the sets of proteins that could be of and 196 of metabolic reactions, respectively. If we look
significant interest as potential targets, either through diet- specifically at the 43 plants that are not linked with any
ary interventions or polypharmacology. The smallest net- of the candidate colon cancer protein space, we see that
works consist of only three proteins (e.g. MAPK1/FYN/ only chickpea contains phytochemicals that are involved
MAPK14, HNRNPA1/SSTR1/TACR2), whereas the largest in 76 metabolic reactions in the colon.
one of 41 proteins. However, as shown in Figure 4C, The observation that the regulation of the human
this large network could be viewed as five sub- metabolic network is under the control of signaling
networks that are bridged via PDE4A (connecting pathways often altered in cancer has shifted a lot of at-
three sub-networks) and PRKACA (connecting two tention to cancer metabolism [17]. This has actually re-
sub-networks). As can also be seen in Figure 4C, there vealed the therapeutic potential of metabolic targets in
are a lot of edges with high correlation coefficients, but cancer with important implications in the development
when taking the node size into account (the number of of anticancer drugs. From Figure 5 we could actually get
plants actually targeting a protein) the number of in- a visual representation of the metabolic processes in
teresting clusters decreases. For instance, in the TOP1/ colon that are mostly targeted by the plants associated
GSK3A/GSK3B cluster all edges have correlation coef- with colon cancer. Interestingly, the most targeted parts
ficients > 0.923 and a relatively large node size, indicat- of the colon metabolic network are the lipid, fatty acid
ing that these three proteins are targeted by a lot of and pyruvate metabolism as well as the TCA cycle. Our
plants as a group (indicated by the high correlation co- findings are to a great extent in agreement with the ana-
efficient). Another cluster in Figure 4C with high cor- lysis performed recently by Hu et al. (2013) [18], who
relation coefficients and a relatively large node size is used gene expression profiles gathered over the last dec-
the NT5E/ALOX5/EGFR. CYP1B1, despite being the lar- ade to investigate the global shift in metabolic gene ex-
gest node in this network, shows very poor correlation pression between and within cancers, including colon
(max(phiCYP1B1) = 0.563). This is probably due to the fact cancer. In their study, tumor-induced mRNA expression
that nearly all compounds in the drug development changes in lipid metabolism and fatty acid biosynthesis
pipeline are screened against this target in ADME as- were associated with several cancer types. Even more in-
says. In that sense this target is most likely not as inter- teresting were the findings on colon cancer that were
esting as the aforementioned protein clusters when it further validated by measurement of metabolite levels;
comes to explaining the observed colon cancer pheno- there was observed a significant decrease in citrate con-
types of particular plants as the result of synergistic in- centration in tumor samples as well as a down-
teractions of small molecules. regulation of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex that
controls the majority of glucose carbon flux into the
Metabolic regulation by dietary components TCA cycle. Monitoring the levels of the TCA cycle inter-
Two of our previous observations, the fact that the ma- mediates in colon cancer patients after introducing spe-
jority of the plant phytochemicals appear structurally cific dietary interventions could offer additional evidence
similar to the assigned metabolites in the human colon for the mechanism that associates plants with colon
metabolic network (Figure 1B) and that 43 plants with a cancer.
known phenotype against colon cancer have no com-
pounds interacting with the candidate colon cancer pro- Discussion
tein space, was the motivation to study the possible The term “exposome”, which is used to describe the totality
metabolic regulation triggered by dietary components. of environmental exposures (e.g. diet, air pollutants, lifestyle
The colon metabolic network consists of 2,934 metabo- factors) over the life course of an individual, has been pro-
lites and 1,773 enzymes involved in 3,060 reactions. In posed as a critical entity for disease etiology that comple-
the 158 plants that have been positively associated with ments genome information [19-21]. Diet is certainly one of
colon cancer reduction there are 122 phytochemicals the most dynamic expressions of the exposome and one of
Westergaard et al. BMC Genomics 2014, 15:380 Page 9 of 12
Figure 5 The metabolic pathways of the human colon metabolic network (Agren et al., 2012) [12] influenced mostly by
phytochemicals present in plants associated with colon cancer. We highlighted the reactions in pathways that contain metabolites as
substrates present in more than 20 plants. The width of the edge is proportional to the number of plants targeting a reaction in that pathway.
We have zoomed in on lipid metabolism (A), fatty acid (B), pyruvate metabolism and TCA cycle (C).
the most challenging to assess its effects in health homeosta- cancer related space (avoiding in that way noise from
sis and disease development, due to its many components uncurated protein interactions), that are targeted by
and their temporal variation. Recognizing, understanding dietary small molecules in a highly correlated manner.
and interpreting the interplay between diet and biological We have demonstrated that plants with different mo-
systems may contribute to the weight of evidence for assign- lecular profile can be associated to colon anticancer ac-
ing causality to a diet-disease association. Therefore, in order tivity, as long as their protein targets are part of the
to open up new avenues to disease prevention through diet same disease space.
interventions it is crucial to provide insights into the mecha- Furthermore, we attempted to rank the efficacy of the
nisms by which exposure to the chemical space of food plants associated to colon cancer using a simple scoring
might be exerting its effects. system. Taking again into consideration all the com-
Towards this direction we used colon cancer as a pounds present in each plant and their interaction pro-
proof-of-concept for developing the necessary toolbox file with what we called “the hot” protein colon cancer
for a more cohesive view of diet exposure. From our space (consisting of 79 proteins) we found black tea,
systematic analysis of the candidate colon cancer target rosemary, pomegranate and ginseng leading the list of
space, consisting of ~1,900 proteins, we identified a edible plants. It would certainly be very interesting to
sub-set of 79 and further reduced it to 55 proteins that perform a comparative study, using a model animal sys-
may reflect the mechanism by which the small molecule tem for colon cancer with edible plants that are ranked
constituents synergistically define a food’s anti-cancer high and low in our list and verify in what degree these
activity. This is in our opinion the most important predictions stand true. Actually this list can be further
contribution of our study; we go beyond the one expanded to any other edible or non-edible plant with-
compound-one target paradigm that has been exten- out known association to colon cancer as long as the
sively used in drug discovery and is often borrowed to chemical profile of the plant is adequately defined.
explain the mode of action of dietary interventions. In One of the major limitations in phenotypic screening
contrast, here we identified statistically significant small studies is that it is practically impossible to test all foods
protein clusters, from a pre-defined candidate colon against all disease phenotypes. However, analyses like
Westergaard et al. BMC Genomics 2014, 15:380 Page 10 of 12
a compound was deemed to interact with the protein if the Only correlations with adjusted p-value ≤ 0.05 were con-
pChembl value (corresponding to the -log10([M]) value) sidered significant, however biological conclusions that
was greater than 5.5; for inhibition, a compound was rely on p-values, especially so close to the arbitrary cut-
deemed to interact with the target if the percentage value off of significance, should be interpreted with caution
was greater than 20; for potency, a compound was deemed and the actual effect size should also be carefully exam-
to interact with the target if the micro molar value was ined before definitive conclusions are made.
lower than 500 μM. A single experiment was defined as For each plant P, the efficacy, E, of the plant was calcu-
“positive”, i.e. the compound interacts with the protein, if lated as:
the measured value was above the threshold. Only com-
Proteins within the colon cancer space targeted by plant P
pounds for which the positive evidence outweighed the E ðP Þ ¼
Total proteins ð79Þ in target protein space
negative evidence (i.e. P ≥ 0.5) were included for further
analysis. The ChEMBL database was searched for both Furthermore, we calculated a weighted efficacy, Ew,
exact compounds using the InChI key and similar com- which takes into account the number of compounds tar-
pounds using a Morgan circular based fingerprint and com- geting each protein:
paring compounds by the Tanimoto coefficient (Tc). Two
compounds were deemed similar if Tc ≥ 0.85 with a differ- E w ðPÞ ¼ E ðPÞ # Compounds
ence in molecular weight lower than 50 g/mol and were
We scaled both the weighted and un-weighted efficacy
thus expected to show approximately the same behavior
values between 0 and 1, keeping the relative difference
against the same set of proteins.
between plants.
Chemical similarity between phytochemicals, drugs and Competing interests
metabolites of the colon metabolic network The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
The phytochemical space was compared to all approved Authors’ contributions
drugs retrieved from Drugbank [22] and human metabo- GPA conceived the study. DW, IK and GP participated in the study design and
lites involved in reactions in the colon [12]. For every coordination and helped to draft the manuscript. DW carried out the data
analysis, JL contributed in the statistical analysis and KJ was involved in the
compound, we computed a 1024 bit Morgan circular data generation. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
fingerprint, Molecular Weight (MW), Topological Polar
Surface Area (TPSA) [27] and Octanol/Water coefficient Author details
School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road,
(SlogP ) using the KNIME [28] RDKit plugin. Using each Hong Kong, China. 2Center for Biological Sequence Analysis, Department of
descriptor, a matrix of 1027 columns was constructed, in Systems Biology, Technical University of Denmark, Kemitorvet, Building 208,
which each row represented a drug, a human metabolite Lyngby DK-2800, Denmark.
or a phytochemical. Each individual column was scaled Received: 20 January 2014 Accepted: 13 May 2014
to have mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1, to ensure Published: 17 May 2014
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