Castle Malting Weyermann Malts Equivalents Oct 20131

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Castle Malting & Weyermann malts equivalence

Weyermann Malt EBC Lovibond Castle Malting Malt EBC Lovibond

Pilsner Malt 2.5-4.0 1.5-2.1 Château Pilsen 2RS 2.5-3.5 1.5-1.9
Pale Ale Malt 5.5-7.5 2.6-3.4 Château Vienna 5-7 2.4-3.2
Vienna Malt 6.0-9.0 2.8-3.9 Château Pale Ale 7-9 3.2-3.9
Munich Malt I 12-18 5.1-7.0 Château Munich Light® 14-16 5.8-6.6
Munich Malt II 20-25 8.0-9.9 Château Munich 22-27 8.8-10.7
Beech Smoked Barley Malt 4-8 2.1-3.6 Château Smoked 4-12 2.1-5.1
Acidulated Malt (pH 3.4-3.6) 3-6 1.7-2.8 Château Acid 6-12 2.8-5.1
Melanoidin Malt 60-80 23-31 Château Melano 75-85 28.7-32.4
Pale Wheat Malt 3-5 1.7-2.4 Château Wheat Blanc 3.5-5.5 1.9-2.6
Dark Wheat Malt 15-20 6.2-8.1 Château Wheat Munich 14-16 5.8-6.6
Carapils® 2.5-6.5 1.5-2.9 Château Cara Clair 3-6 1.7-2.8
Carahell® 20-30 8.1-11.8 Château Cara Blond® 18-22 7.3-8.8
Carared® 40-60 16-23 Château Cara Ruby® 43-57 16.7-21.9
Caramunich® I 80-100 31-38 Château Cara Gold® (in smaller quantities) 110-130 41.8-49.3
Caramunich® II 110-130 42-49 Château Cara Gold® 110-130 41.8-49.3
Caraaroma® 350-450 115-150 Château Café (in smaller quantities) 480-520 180.6-195.6
Bohemian Pilsner Malt 3-4 1.7-2.1 Château Pilsen 2RS 2.5-3.5 1.5-1.9
Abbey Malt® 40-50 16-19 Château Abbey® 42-55 16.3-21.2
Special W® 280-320 105-120 Château Special B® 250-350 94.3-131.8
Carafa® I 800-1000 300-375 Château Chocolat 800-1000 300.6-375.6
Carafa® II 1100-1200 413-450 Château Black Min. 1300 Min. 488.1
Carafa® III 1300-1500 488-563 Château Black Min. 1300 Min. 488.1
Roasted Barley 1000-1300 375-450 Château Roasted Barley 1050-1350 394.3-506.8
Diastatic Barley Malt 2.5-4.0 1.5-2.1 Château Diastatic 2.5-4 1.5-2.1
Rye Malt 4.0-10.0 2.0-4.3 Château Rye 4-10 2.1-4.3
Certified Organic Pilsner Malt 2.8-4.0 1.4-2.1 Château Pilsen Nature 2.5-3.5 1.5-1.9
Certified Organic Vienna Malt 6.0-9.0 2.8-3.9 Château Pale Ale Nature 7-9 3.2-3.9
Certified Organic Munich Malt I 12-18 5.1-7.3 Château Munich Light Nature 14-16 5.8-6.6
Certified Organic Munich Malt II 20-25 8.1-9.9 Château Munich Nature 22-27 8.8-10.7
Certified Organic Wheat Malt 3.0-5.0 1.7-2.4 Château Wheat Blanc Nature 3.5-5.5 1.9-2.6
Certified Organic Carahell® 20-30 8.1-11.8 Château Cara Blond Nature 18-22 7.3-8.8
Certified Organic Carared® 40-60 16-23 Château Cara Ruby Nature 43-57 16.7-21.9
Certified Organic Caramunich® 110-130 42-49 Château Cara Gold Nature 110-130 41.8-49.3
Certified Organic Carafa® 1000-1200 375-450 Château Black Nature (in smaller quantities) Min. 1300 Min. 488.1
To replace some of Weyermann malts, brewers can use darker-coloured malts by Castle Malting in smaller quantities. The quantity to be used can be calculated
according to the following formula:

quantity of other malt x colour of the other malt in EBC

Quantity of Castle Malting malt =
colour of Castle Malting malt in EBC

This table is provided solely for informational purposes. Castle Malting® does not guarantee absolute equivalence as the final beer properties are influenced by the other
ingredients and the specific technological conditions of the brewery. For any additional information, please, contact us at [email protected].

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