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Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 105 (2016) 476e483

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Literature Review of Gastrointestinal Physiology in the Elderly, in

Pediatric Patients, and in Patients with Gastrointestinal Diseases
Jane P. F. Bai 1, *, Gilbert J. Burckart 1, Andrew E. Mulberg 2
Office of Clinical Pharmacology, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, US Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, Maryland 20993
Division of Gastroenterology and Inborn Error Products, Office of Drug Evaluation III, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, US Food and Drug
Administration, Silver Spring, Maryland 20993

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Oral bioavailability studies during the development of new medical entities or generic drugs are typically
Received 28 June 2015 performed in healthy volunteers. Approved drug products are, however, used by patients with diverse
Revised 16 September 2015 disease backgrounds, and by pediatric and elderly patients. To provide the knowledge base for assessing
Accepted 30 September 2015
the potential effects of age or co-morbidity on the in vivo performance of an orally absorbed, systemically
Available online 5 November 2015
active drug product, the literature regarding the gastrointestinal (GI) physiological characteristics (pH,
permeability, and transit time) in children, in the elderly, and in patients with GI diseases (irritable bowel
syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's disease) is reviewed herein, with the knowledge gaps
paracellular transport
passive transport disease effects
pediatric © 2016 American Pharmacists Association®. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
gastrointestinal transit
CYP enzymes

Introduction The first-in-man study and early clinical pharmacology studies

are in general conducted in healthy adults; as are the bioequiva-
Oral formulations developed for achieving the desired phar- lence studies for generic drugs. To translate and predict the
macokinetic characteristics and clinical efficacy of individual bioavailability results from healthy volunteers to the pediatric pa-
drugs include immediate release (IR), extended release, modified tients, to the elderly patients, and to the disease population,
release, and delayed release formulations. When designing understanding of the GI physiological characteristics across all age
an oral drug product, regardless of a new chemical entity or a groups and across subpopulations with local GI diseases is impor-
generic drug, many factors would be considered, including its tant. Notably, the intestinal mucosal surface area increases from
absorption, disposition, metabolism, and elimination profile, its approximately 3320 cm2 in infants to 17,700 cm2 in adults,1 Adults
stability in the stomach, its physicochemical properties (pKa, aged 65 and older constituted 12.9% of the US population in 2009
lipophilicity, solubility), its dose, the local site of delivery, and and will constitute approximately 19% of the US population
gastrointestinal (GI) physiology. GI physiology plays an impor- by 2030.2 GI physiological characteristics with respect to drug
tant role in affecting the in vivo performance of a drug product absorption may differ among healthy adults, adult patients, elderly
and in the extent of its oral pharmacokinetic variability in its patients, pediatric patients, and patients with GI diseases.
target disease population. Conceivably, the interaction between individual patients' GI phys-
iological profiles and the formulation characteristics of a drug
product could cause significant inter-subject differences in the
in vivo performance (AUC and Cmax) of an active pharmaceutical
The views expressed in this article do not represent the views of the United States
ingredient (API).
Food and Drug Administration.
* Correspondence to: Jane P. F. Bai (Telephone: þ301-796-2473). In addition to age, GI diseases are another factor that could
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. P. F. Bai). potentially impact in vivo performance of an API as a result of

0022-3549/© 2016 American Pharmacists Association®. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
J.P.F. Bai et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 105 (2016) 476e483 477

physiological changes. Among the non-cancerous GI diseases, ir- The factors highlighted above affect in vivo performance of a
ritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease drug product and, hence, also play a key role in affecting in vivo oral
(IBD) are very common. IBS affects 25-45 million people in the US bioavailability and efficacy. Individual physiological and disease
and 9%-14% of populations worldwide3; IBD affects 1.4 million factors, in addition to aging and developmental factors, impact
people in the US and 396 per 100,000 persons worldwide.4 permeability and transit time and, ultimately, in vivo performance
Considering the sizes of elderly and pediatric populations and of drug products. These factors and their associated impacts are
the prevalence of IBS and IBD, we reviewed the literature for GI discussed below.
physiology and function in these patient populations and
compared their GI characteristics. We reviewed herein the liter- GI Factors Affecting In Vivo Performance of Drug Products
ature regarding the factors that could affect oral bioavailability or
local delivery of an oral product, and highlighted the emerging The reviews below focus on important GI physiological factors
knowledge gaps. that will provide the basis for future physiologically based ab-
sorption modeling case studies evaluating the impacts of age,
developmental changes, and GI diseases on the in vivo performance
Factors Controlling Oral Absorption of drug products.

The form of an API (i.e., whether a crystalline or amorphous GI Dimensions and Capacity
solid state or a salt) as well as the specific formulation used could
influence its in vivo release, and consequently its rate and extent of The volume of gastric fluid is normally small ([averaging 28 mL
absorption. Additionally, GI physiology also significantly affects oral and ranging from 18 to 54 mL])7; or [ranging from 20 to 100 mL] in
bioavailability.5-7 Oral absorption of a drug is determined by its healthy adults,11 but gastric capacity can range from 2000 to 3000
intestinal membrane permeability (including paracellular perme- mL to accommodate food ingestion. Gastric capacities increase
ability, passive transcellular permeability, and/or carrier-mediated with development: neonates (10-100 mL); infants and toddlers
transport); luminal concentration or maximal luminal concentra- (90-500 mL); older children (750-960 mL); and adolescents (1500
tion (solubility) of the non-ionized form; available GI absorption mL).7 Intestinal dimensions increase from 275 cm in length and
surface area; and GI transit time.8 Three of these parametersd 1.9 cm in diameter at birth to 600-800 cm in length and 4.5 cm in
permeability, luminal concentration of the dissolved, un-ionized diameter in adults.1 Among children, intestinal lengths increase
drug after release from the formulation, and total transit time of the with age: neonates (275 cm), infants and toddlers (380 cm), and
formulated drugdcan be used to mathematically calculate oral older children (450 cm).7 As developmental changes are multi-
absorption of a drug as follows: faceted, singular consideration of absorption surface area in
  calculating pediatric doses is likely inadequate without consid-
∬ Jdsdt ¼ ∬ Jpassive þ Jcarriermediated dsdt ering ontogenic changes in enzymes, transporters, transit time,
¼ ∬ ðPw C þ Pcarriermediated CÞdsdt (1) and luminal pH.

Equation (1) describes the amount of drug absorbed, where J is GI Transit

flux per unit surface area and unit time and comprises passive and
carrier-mediated components; Pw is apparent passive permeability; Once swallowed, an oral dosage form disintegrates in the
Pcarrier-mediated is apparent carrier-mediated permeability; C is the stomach or intestine and drug molecules are dissolved and absor-
luminal concentration, assuming a sink condition on the other side bed. Hence, Tmax is highly influenced by gastric emptying, espe-
of the membrane; s is the absorption surface area; and t is transit cially for IR products, and the bioavailability of acidic drugs that are
time. If assuming only the ionized form is absorbed via the carrier- absorbed primarily in the stomach. Acid-labile drugs that are pro-
mediated route, the above equation applies to a zwitterion drug tected by an enteric or pH-dependent coating dissolve at a pH > 5
and a strong acid drug that is almost completely ionized beyond the only in the duodenum and further along the intestine; therefore,
duodenum. Drug molecules are a weak acid or base. For a weaker these drugs are subject to the impact of gastric emptying as well.
Ka C
acid with a single pKa value, Pcarrier­A  ½A ¼ Pcarrier­A *Ka þ½Hþ, Moreover, upon gastric emptying, oral solid dosage forms (modi-
so the apparent Pcarrier-A is defined as Pcarrier-A * Ka/(Kaþ[Hþ]) and fied-release, delayed-release, extended release) that do not disin-
used in Equation (1) as a general form with the total concentration, tegrate and dissolve in the stomach could be subject to the
C. Pw is defined as DK h
, with D as the diffusion coefficient; K as the influence of aging and GI diseases on their transit in the GI tract;
partition coefficient, and h as the membrane thickness. consequently, so are their delivery profiles.8
Passive flux is attributed mainly to transmembrane permeation
and, to a small extent, paracellular transport. The luminal pH profile Impact of Age
along the GI tract and the pKa values of the drug are factors of its Total transit times and transit profiles are similar between
un-ionized concentration in the lumen, and thus, its passive flux, as children aged 8-14 years12 and adults aged 18-65 years.13 Cross-
only the un-ionized form can permeate through intestinal epithe- study comparisons of total GI transit or orocecal transit across
lium. For a drug primarily absorbed via a carrier-mediated process, various age groups of healthy subjects including children (neonates
once it is dissolved in intestinal fluid, the fraction absorbed is included), adults, and the elderly are summarized in Table 1.12-18
controlled by the level of transporter expression along the intestine Upon further examining the results reported by Brogna et al.,14
and its binding affinity to the transporter. Intestinal epithelium is though the elderly adults (on average, 75 years of age) and
comprised of villi and microvilli, especially prominent in the small younger adults (on average, 30 years old) had similar total GI transit
intestine, which increases the surface area available for drug ab- times as shown in Table 1, they had a significantly slower gastric
sorption beyond the geometric surface area contributed by intes- emptying of radiopaque markers (2  5 mm2) taken with a meal,
tinal radius and length. Therefore, a specific formulation design than younger adults. From the group of children averaging 5.5 years
rendering a longer resident time, particularly at the site where its old (2 months to 12 years old) studied by Corazziari et al.15
absorption takes place, would be used to achieve a higher extent of (Table 1), further analysis by dividing the children into two
absorption.9,10 different age groups of 2-3 years old group and 3-12 years old group
478 J.P.F. Bai et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 105 (2016) 476e483

Table 1
Comparisons of Total GI Transit and Oracecal Transit Across Age Groups of Healthy Subjects and Across GI Diseases

Transit Time Healthy Children Healthy Adults Healthy Elderly IBS UC CD Markers, Devices Used

Total GI transit Median: 26.1 h Median: 26.6 h (9.2-129 h) Radio-transmitting

(age: 8-14 years)12 (age: 18-65 years)13 capsule (24  7 mm2)12,13
25 ± 3.7 h (mean 69 ± 5 h (mean age: 76 ± 6 h (mean age: Polyethylene
age: 5.5 years)15 30 years)14 75 years)14 radiopaque (5 mm)15
Orocecal transit Median: 3.1 h (1.3-6.1 h) 1.6 h (95% CI 1.3-1.9 h) 2.52 (95% CI: 2.04 ± 0.86 h 2.32 ± 0.83 h Lactulose16,18
postnatal age: 6-37 days17 (mean age 31 years)16 2.08-2.95 h) (mean (mean age: 45 years)18 (mean age:
age: 81 years)16 46 years)18
1.51 ± 0.51 h (mean age: Liquid marker,
45 years)18 preterm infants17

Note: The data above are mean ± SD.

revealed no difference in the total GI transit time between these neonates, infants and toddlers, older children, adolescents, adults,
two groups. According to the results of a study of gastric, small and the elderly are summarized in Table 2.13,17,19-25 Children have
intestinal and coloniic transit times in younger adults (20-30 years drastic growth changes compared with adults. Depending on the
old) and middle-aged adults (38-53 years old),19 we concluded, by age range included in a study, the reported outcome could differ
summing up individual average transit times for each group, that from study to study. Therefore, when referencing the results of
total GI transit time was shorter in younger adults (20-30 years old) pediatric studies, it is important to pay attention to the differences
compared with middle-aged adults (38-53 years old) for both liquid in age group. For example, cross-study comparisons shown in
and colloidal markers taken with a meal. Because of the lack of Table 2 revealed that children aged 0-2 years had slower gastric
numerical data, this study is not included in Table 1. empting than older children and adolescents aged 2-16 years,22 but
Cross-study comparisons of gastric emptying, small intestinal had similar gastric emptying as the older children aged 2-5 years.23
transit and colonic transit across various age strata, including When referencing the GI transit studies, the type of markers used

Table 2
Comparisons of Transit in Various Gastrointestinal Regions Across Age Groups of Healthy Subjects and Across GI Diseases

Transit Time Healthy Children Healthy Adults Healthy Elderly IBS UC CD Markers, Devices Used

Gastric Median: 1 h (0.5-3 h) Mean: 1.36 h (0.53-1.96 h) Mean: 1.37 h (1.07-1.85 h) Liquid marker, preterm
emptying postnatal age: 6-37 (liquid marker); mean: (liquid marker); 2.07 h infants17
time days17 2.01 h (1.03-2.73 h) (Solid (1.32-3.03 h) (solid
colloid marker) (age: 20-53 marker) (age: 74-85
years)19 years)21
55 ± 29% remained in Liquid and colloid markers19,21
stomach after 1 h (age:
0-2 years)22
31 ± 19% remained in Colloid marker in children
stomach after 1 h (age: without GERD22,23
2-16 years)22
The half-emptying time:
0.65 ± 0.32 h (age: 0-2
years); 0.67 ± 0.27 h (age
2-5 years)23
Median 1.1 h (0.2-2.3 h) Median 0.9 h (0-4.8 h) (age: 0.57 ± 0.66 h 1.05 ± 1.05 h Radio-transmitting capsule
(age: 8-14 years)12 18-65 years)13 (mean age: (age: 35.8 ± (24  7 mm2)12,13,24
35 years)20 14.23 years)24
0.12-2.12 h; median: 0.96 h Capsule (13  26 mm2)20
(age:25-61 yrs)25
0.85 ± 0.81 h (mean age: 35 Magnet tracking system (6  25
yrs)20 mm2) and video capsule (11 
26 mm2)25
Small intestinal Mean: 3.95 h (1. 52-6.6 h) Mean: 4.95 h (2.21-8 h) Liquid and colloid markers with
transit time (liquid marker); mean: 3.63 h (liquid marker); 4.77 h a meal19
(2.4-5.89 h) (solid colloid (2.53-8.13 h) (solid
marker) (age: 20-53 years)19 marker) (age: 74-85
Liquid and colloid markers with
a meal21
Median: 7.5 h (5.1e9.2 h) Median: 8.0 h (age: 18-65 2.43 ± 0.66 h 8.9 ± 5.9 h Radio-transmitting capsule
(age: 8e14 years)12 years)13 (mean age: (age: 35.8 ± (24  7 mm2)12,13,24
35 years)20 14.23 years)24
2.21 ± 0.91 h (mean age: 33 Capsule (13 mm  26 mm)20
Median: 4.58 h (3.48-6.33 h) Magnet tracking system (6  25
(age: 25-61 years)25 mm2) and video capsule (11 
26 mm2)25
Colon Median: 17.5 h (6.2-54.7 h) Median: 17.5 h (age: 18-65 Mean: 66 h (29-98 h)* Radio-transmitting capsule
(age: 8-14 years)12 years)13 (age: 74-85 years)21 (24  7 mm2)12,13,24
Mean: 39 h (14-75 h) (age: Liquid and colloid markers19,21
20-53 years)19

Note: *, One subject had the colon transit time of >97.7 h; the 98 h was used in calculating the data. The data above are mean ± SD.
J.P.F. Bai et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 105 (2016) 476e483 479

could affect the outcome. Interestingly, both magnet pill and Impact of Age
capsule produced similar results.25 Cross-study comparisons reveal that the fasting pH profile along
the GI tract of healthy adults follows: pH 1-3.7, stomach; pH 5-7.4,
Impact of GI Diseases duodenum; pH 5.5-7.7, jejunum; pH 6.6-7.9, ileum; pH 4.7-6.8,
Irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder of the colon with varying caecum; 4.6-6.8, ascending colon; pH 5.5-7.4, descending colon;
subtypes including constipation-predominant (IBS-C), diarrhea- and pH 5.3-7.4, rectum (Table 3).7,20,30,34-37 Healthy elderly men
predominant (IBS-D), and a mixed type with both constipation and women averaging 71 years of age had a statistically signifi-
and diarrhea.26 Although the etiology of IBS is unknown, infection cantly lower gastric pH (~0.4 unit lower), but a higher duodenal pH
and inflammation along with a cytokine imbalance has been re- (~0.4 units higher), than healthy younger controls averaging 49
ported.27 IBD includes ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Results years of age.38
of small intestinal and colonic transit studies in IBS, UC, and Crohn's Whether Helicobacter pylori infection affects gastric pH has been
disease patients with signal-transmitting capsule or a radiopaque studied. Gastric acid secretion remained unchanged in H. pylori
marker are highlighted with Table 2 for reference.13,17,19-25 In negative patients, but decreased in H. pylori positive patients.39 The
addition to the studies summarized in Table 2, there are other decrease in gastric acid secretion was attributed to fundic gastric
studies worthy of discussion because the clinical details revealed by atrophy and inflammatory cytokines. Reports differ overall
individual studies could be relevant for designing local acting drug regarding whether aging impacts gastric pH. Confounding factors
products. They are highlighted below. No significant difference was such as contracting GI diseases early in life must be considered
noted in either fasted gastric emptying time or small intestinal when examining the effect of aging on gastric acid secretion. For
transit time between healthy adults and IBS patients, if IBS subtypes example, studying pH in elderly patients should factor in previous
were not considered.20 IBS patients, however, had longer colonic H. pylori infection. GI bacterial overgrowth in the elderly has been
transit times than normal healthy adults.28 IBS-C had prolonged suggested.40 It is, however, not known whether there is a linkage
gastric emptying and three times longer colonic transit than IBS-D between luminal pH and bacterial growth.
or a mixed type.28 A cross-study comparison revealed that the Neonates have a higher gastric pH, ranging between 6 to 7 from
constipation subtype had an approximately 1.5-fold longer colonic 20 to 29 days after birth; 20 to 30 months after birth, gastric pH
transit time than normal.7,28 Immediately after a meal, ileocolonic lowers to 1-2.7 Gastric pH values are similar among infants, tod-
transit was quicker in IBS-D than in healthy subjects, whereas dlers, older children, and adults. Children, adolescents, and adults
colonic transit was much longer in IBS-C.29 Chronic constipation have similar duodenal, jejunal, and colonic pH, except children and
also prolonged total GI transit time in children.15 Patients with adolescents have slightly lower caecal pH.7
UC or CD had slightly longer orocecal transit than healthy coun-
terparts.18 Crohn's disease patients with ileo-cecal resection had Impact of GI Diseases
faster small intestinal transit times than healthy controls.30 The Inflammatory bowel disease does not change gastric or small
bioavailability of urea in a colon-targeted release formulation was intestinal pH, but tends to decrease colonic pH (Table 3).37 Con-
slightly higher in Crohn's disease patients than in healthy controls, flicting results are reported regarding whether patients with
and Crohn's disease did not affect transit of the colon-targeted Crohn's disease have a lower pH in the colon than healthy sub-
formulation.31 Ulcerative colitis decreased contractility, but jects35-37 However, for both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease,
increased low-amplitude propagating contractions.32 Patients with active disease seems to cause lower pH compared to inactive dis-
Celiac disease caused by immune reactions to gluten in food, had ease.36 Crohn's disease patients with ileo-cecal resection had a
slower small intestinal transit than healthy controls.33 cecal pH 0.9 unit higher than controls.30 During the fasted state, in
healthy controls and IBS patients, no difference was observed in pH
Summary along the small intestine.20
Results of GI transit studies are usually highly variable because:
(1) depending upon the study, human subjects swallow tracing Passive Permeability
markers at varying points in the four phases of a fasting gastric
emptying cycle, including the quiescent phase and the active Diarrhea predominant irritable bowel syndrome increased the
emptying phase, and (2) study design and demographic character- small intestinal and colonic permeability of mannitol and lactulose,
istics of study populations vary. Viscosity of the medium in which whereas ulcerative colitis increased colonic permeability only.41
markers are dispersed; the physical form of a marker, whether solid, IBS-D increase intestinal passive permeability,42,43 but non-post-
liquid, or colloid; and the dimension and size of solid markers all infectious IBS-D seemed to show a higher increase than post-
could contribute to variability in gastric emptying. Age affects total infectious IBS-D.44 Using 51Cr-EDTA and urine collected from
gastric emptying and intestinal motility. Total GI transit times of post-infectious and non-post-infectious IBS patients, both the small
small solids are much shorter in children than in adults and the and large intestine showed the same rank order of permeability
elderly. The elderly have a slightly longer orocecal (mouth to cae- characteristics: non-post-infectious IBS > post-infectious > con-
cum) transit, but a much longer colonic transit time, than healthy trol.44 In IBS patients without differentiating IBS-D, IBS-C, or
adults. For oral formulations that are designed to disintegrate in the infection, no increase in permeability was observed using urinary
distal intestine, their transit in the proximal GI tract could be derived secretion of sucralose, sucrose, mannitol, and lactulose.45 However,
from the studies using radio-transmitting capsules. On the other another study that did not differentiate diarrhea, constipation, or
hand, liquid and small solid markers could be useful for assessing the infection reported that IBS patients had higher paracellular
GI transit of oral solution or other formulations that disintegrate into permeation than healthy controls and their intestinal supernatant
small pellets in the stomach or the duodenum. also increased paracellular permeation in the Caco-2 monolayer.46
Although how IBS subtypes affect intestinal permeability is
pH controversial, one common observation is that the intestines of IBS
patients have higher permeability than those of healthy controls.
We reviewed and compared pH profiles along the Gl tract from Controversial results have also been reported regarding
birth to old age and between healthy subjects and those with permeability for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Crohn's
common colonic diseases. disease increased oral bioavailability of diethylene triamine
480 J.P.F. Bai et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 105 (2016) 476e483

Table 3
Cross-Study Comparisons of Gastrointestinal pH Profiles Across Populations

GI Segments Populations

Children (Healthy) Adults (Healthy) Elderly (Healthy) IBS Patients UC Patients CD Patients
7 38 37
Stomach Neonate: 6-8, 1.5-3 within a 1-2.5 1.3 (1.1-1.6) 2 (1.55-4.4) 1.7 (1.1 ± 3.4)30,a 2
few hours, back to 6-7 from (1.5-4.4)37
20-30 days with a gradual
reduction over 20-30
months to pH 1-27; Infant
and Toddler: 1.47; Child:
1.57; Adolescent: 1.57
1.4 (1.0-3.7)30
1.55 (0.95-2.6)37
1.7 (1.4-2.0)38
Duodenum 8-12 years: 6.312 5-6.57 6.5 (6.2-6.7)38 5.67 ± 0.3020
Adolescent: 6.3-6.47 5.61 ± 0.4920
6.1 (5.9-6.4)38
Jejunum 8-12 years: 6.6-712 5.8-7.713 6.74 ± 0.3220 5.9-6.6 (inactive) and 6.1- 6.9 (6.5 ± 7.5)30,a6.8
7.3 (active) (proximal SI)36 (inactive) and 6.5-7.2
(active) (proximal SI)36
Adolescent (small 6.68 ± 0.3220 6.75 (6-8.53) (proximal 6.75 (6-8.53) (proximal
intestine): 6.4-7.47 SI)37 SI)37
7.1 (6.6 ± 7.9)30

5.9-6.8 (proximal SI)36
6.72 (6.15-7.35) (proximal
Ileum 8-12 years: 7.312 6.6-7.713 6.9 ± 0.320 6.9-7.9 (inactive) and 6.8- 7.3 (6.9 ± 7.3)30,a
8.3 (active) (distal SI)36
6.9 ± 0.220 7.95 (7.75-9.2) (distal SI)37 8.2 (inactive) and 7.5-7.9
(active) (distal SI)36
7.4 (6.6 ± 8.1) (distal SI) 7.95 (7.75-9.2)
(distal SI)37
7.3-7.7 (distal SI)36
7.5 (6.8-7.88)37
Caecum 8-12 years: 5.812 6-6.57 6.95 (6.3-7.4)37 6.95 (6.3-7.4)37
Adolescent: 5.97 4.7-6.813
6.05 (5.3-6.55)37
Ascending colon Children (colon): 5.9-6.57 4.6-6.813 4.9-6.5 (inactive) and 4.7- 6.7 (6.3 ± 7.0) (right
7.2 (active) and 2.3-3.4 colon)30
(very active) (caecum/right
Adolescent (colon): 5.9-6.57 5.8 (5.3 ± 6.3) (right colon)30 7 (6.3-7.8) (right colon)37 5.3 ± 0.3 (right colon35
8-12 years: 5.712 5.634 6.5 (inactive) and 5.3-6.8
6.8 ± 0.2 (right colon)35 (active) (caecum/right
5.7-6.8 (caecum/right colon)36 colon)36
5.88 (5.26-6.72) 7 (6.3-7.8) (right colon)37
(right colon)37
Transverse colon 8-12 years: 5.312 4.6-7.113
Descending colon 8-12 years: 6.012 5.5-7.413 6.5 (inactive) and 6.6-7.5 5.3 ± 0.7 (left colon)35
6.634 (active, left colon/rectum)36 6.5 (inactive) and 5.5-6.5
7.2 ± 0.3 (left colon)35 6.65 (5.9-7.7) (left colon)37 (active, left colon/
6.1-7.1 (left colon/rectum)36 rectum)36
6.12 (5.2-7.07) (left colon)37 6.65 (5.9-7.7)
(left colon)37
Rectum Neonate: 4.4-7.27 5.3-7.413
Infant and toddler: 5.9- 6.53-6.634
Children: 6.512
Adolescent: 6.57

Note: The number in () reflects a range. Right colon: the cecum, ascending colon, hepatic flexure and the right half of the transverse colon; Left colon: The left half of the
transverse colon, splenic flexure, descending colon, and sigmoid (http://training.seer.cancer.gov/colorectal/anatomy/).
Ileocecal resected.

pentaacetic acid (DTPA) by approximately threefold compared with (PEG-400), lactulose, L-rhamnose, and mannitol in Crohn's disease
healthy controls, whereas ulcerative colitis increased oral or ulcerative colitis patients49 Whether differences in Crohn's dis-
bioavailability of DTPA by fourfold.47,48 However, no changes in ease severity cause the inconsistent results reported in the litera-
oral bioavailability were observed for polyethyleneglycol-400 ture are worthy of further investigation. The markers used in
J.P.F. Bai et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 105 (2016) 476e483 481

assessing permeability changes due to GI diseases are hydrophilic Intestinal and hepatic expression levels of key transporters
in nature, and their absorption is mainly via paracellular tight increased from neonates to adults,62 indicating that oral absorption
junctions. The increases in the paracellular permeability of some of and drug disposition could be affected by age. ABCC2 encodes the
these markers due to GI diseases imply that GI diseases could affect ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C, member 2 protein known as
intestinal absorption of small, hydrophilic molecular drugs or ex- MRP2, and ABCB1 encodes the ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B
cipients or food components. Systematic studies are needed to (MDR/TAP), member 1 protein known as MDR1. Intestinal ABCB1
determine the impact of GI disease severity on oral absorption of mRNA expression in neonates was 1.8-fold lower than in infants
small hydrophilic drugs or excipients or food components. and adults, whereas intestinal ABCC2 mRNA expression in neonates
Jejunal mucosal morphology in geriatric subjects remains and adults was similar, but approximately 30-fold lower than in
similar to that in younger controls, including surface area/volume infants.62 For intestinal SLCO2B1, which encodes the solute carrier
ratio, enterocyte height, villus height, and crypt-to-villus ratio.50 organic anion transporter family, member 2B1 (also known as
Aging seems to have little influence on mannitol absorption,51 OATP2B1) neonates had approximately twofold higher mRNA than
indicating similar paracellular permeation. Whether ontogenic infants and adults. Of note, the level of mRNA expression does not
differences in intestinal permeability exist among children younger necessarily reflect the level of protein expression or activity.
than 17 years is unclear. Further studies are needed with respect to developmental changes
in the protein level of each key transporter involved and their
Secretion and Reabsorption of Bile Salts impact on drug absorption.
The effects of aging on intestinal expression levels as well as
In the proximal small intestine, bile salts facilitate dissolution of activities of transporters and of CYP450 enzymes are unknown,
lipophilic drugs and bicarbonate secretion from the pancreatic duct although aging reportedly affected activity and expression of
neutralizes gastric acid and increase the luminal pH to be above pH P-glycoprotein in lymphocytes.63
7 in the distal small intestine. Bile salts have also been shown to
behave as absorption enhancers for hydrophilic drugs.52
Impact of GI Diseases
Many transporters are involved in the enterohepatic circulation
In Crohn's disease patients, intestinal mRNA levels of CYP3A4,
of bile salts, such as the hepatocellular bile salt export pump,
CYP3A5, and MDR1 (encoding P-glycoprotein) were significantly
multidrug resistance protein MRP3, organic anion-transporting
higher than in controls.64 Chronic IBD, including ulcerative colitis
polypeptides, and apical sodium-dependent bile salt trans-
and Crohn's disease, did not affect the expression of CYP2E1, CYP3A,
porters.53 Diseases or genetic mutations that impair the function of
and CYP2D6 compared with controls who had clinical irritable co-
any one of these transporters could reduce intestinal concentra-
lon but no clinical or histological signs of inflammation.65 However,
tions of bile salts, thereby affecting in vivo performance of a lipo-
chronic IBD has a higher expression than controls of CYP1A1
philic drug in an oral dosage form.54 The bile acid pool increases
protein in the colon. More studies are needed to understand how
with development from neonates to adults.55 Aging reduces ab-
inflammatory intestinal disease could affect the GI first pass
sorption of conjugated bile acids.56 Idiopathic bile acid malab-
metabolism and, consequently, oral bioavailability.
sorption does not affect gastric emptying, but slows down small
intestinal and colonic transit, resulting in significantly longer
colonic transit times.57 Other Factors that Could Contribute to Bioavailability of Oral
Drug Products
Intestinal Transporters and Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes
Hepatic Transporters and Enzymes
Protein levels of small intestinal CYP 450 enzymes are CYP3A
(84%); CYP2C9 (14%); CYP2C19 (2%); CYP2D4 (0.7%); and CYP2J2 Aging affects liver size and weight, blood flow to the liver,
(1.4%).58 CYP2D6 protein is present at an approximately 1.8-fold protein level, plasma albumin, and renal clearance.66 An in vitro
lower amount than CYP2J2. No detectable CYPP1A2, 2A6, 2B6, biopsy study of >200 samples revealed that expression of hepatic
2C8, and 2E1 proteins are observed in the human small intestine. As CYP450 proteins increased between 30 and 39 years old; decreased
CYP3A enzymes are most abundant, their developmental changes at 40 years old, with the decline leveling off by age 69; and
have been studied extensively, whereas others have not received decreased further after age 70, with a 32% reduction.67 Interest-
much attention. ingly, a recent study of in vitro comparisons suggested that aging
did not impact CYP450 enzyme activities including 1A2, 2A6, 2B6,
Impact of Age 2C8, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6, 2E1, 3A4, and 4A11.68 Further studies are
Duodenal CYP3A4 mRNA level in infants was approximately warranted to understand how aging impacts CYP450 enzyme ac-
twice that in children aged 1-6 years and older.59 Duodenal CYP3A5 tivities. With the understanding that in vitro and in vivo conditions
mRNA was slightly higher in infants than in older children and are different, only in vivo pharmacokinetic studies are relevant for
adults, whereas CYP3A7 mRNA does not show developmental understanding the effects of aging on drug elimination and first
changes. For several CYP3A enzymes, their mRNA expression does pass extraction, and oral bioavailability.65 Importantly, aging
not necessarily reflect actual activity because of the dissociation reduced in vivo clearance of drugs that are substrates of CYP1A2,
between mRNA expression and protein level changes with age.60 2C9, 2C19, 2E1, and 3A4/5, but not 2D6.66
CYP3A4 protein and activity showed the following rank order: Hepatic transporters play a significant role in drug clearance,
neonates < 3 months-2 years > 2-5 years < 5-11 years < 12 years such as OATP1B1 (organic anion transporting the polypeptide
and older, with the level in neonates approximately twofold lower encoded by SLCO1B1, solute carrier organic anion transporter
than that of children aged 12 years and older.61 Consistently, the family, member 1B1) for statins; however, studies on how aging
bioavailability of midazolam, a CYP3A substrate, in preterm neo- affects hepatic transporter activities are lacking. In the elderly,
nates was 20% higher than in adults.60 Another important factor for plasma levels of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitory activity of statins
understanding oral absorption in children, infants, and neonates is increased by roughly 45% compared with younger adults,69 indi-
the correlation between individual transporter activities and age. cating that aging reduced their clearance.
482 J.P.F. Bai et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 105 (2016) 476e483

Discussion There are, however, knowledge gaps to be addressed in order to have

an accurate assessment of the in vivo performance of an oral product
Oral bioavailability or local availability of a drug product is the in its target disease population of diverse patient characteristics. As
outcome of interaction between the patient's physiological char- more data and knowledge become available, modeling tools such as
acteristics and the characteristics of a drug product. Healthy adults physiologically-based systems modeling approaches could be more
and patients of different demographic characteristics share simi- realistic and physiologically meaningfully.
larities in some GI physiological parameters that are relevant to
drug bioavailability but differ in others; it is important to determine
what GI physiological parameters are crucial to the oral bioavail-
ability or local availability of a drug product to fully assess the
The authors would like to acknowledge the kind comments
clinical variability and benefits of a drug product across all patient
from Drs. Xinyuan Zhang, Andrew Babiskin, Robert Lionberger
groups. The presence of a GI disease such as IBS, UC, or CD could
(Director, Office of Research and Standards) of Office of Generic
further increase the complexity to the drug product/GI physiology
Drugs, Vikram Sinha (Director, Division of Pharmacometrics) and
interaction and consequently influence oral bioavailability or local
Darrell Abernethy (Associate director for Drug Safety) of Office of
availability of a drug product. Understanding how GI physiological
Clinical Pharmacology, as well as Dr. Donna Griebel (Director, Di-
characteristics that are relevant to the oral bioavailability of a drug
vision of Gastroenterology and Inborn Errors Products) of Office of
product differ among patients because of aging, ontogeny, and
New Drugs.
diseases is crucial, especially for the non-immediate formulations.
Author contributions: J. P. F. B. conceived the project, designed
The majority of studies investigating GI physiology were per-
the project, and wrote the manuscript. G. B. and A. M. provided
formed following an overnight fasting. However, some drug prod-
advice/comments/review of the manuscript to help complete the
ucts are to be administered before a meal, and some are taken
without regard to meal, whereas others are taken with a meal or
Conflict of interest/disclose: The authors declare no conflicts of
after a meal. The fed state impacts the GI transit and pH profile, as
well as oral absorption of drugs. For example, meals could stimulate
small intestinal transit.70 Most oral dosage forms completely
disintegrate and release the enclosed dosage for absorption when References
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