What To Say What To Send
What To Say What To Send
What To Say What To Send
What to Send
Scripts, dialogues, letters & questions
Lee Woodward
The moral rights of the author of this work have been asserted.
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system
or transmitted, in any form or by any means without prior written permission
from the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover
other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition
including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
1st ed.
9780980625202 (pbk.)
Dewey Number:
This book has been created following countless hours of workshop sessions with
dedicated real estate professionals. I would like to express my gratitude to the
many people who have contributed to the ideas presented in the book you are
about to read and to the people who have given me the support that has allowed
me to complete it.
To the workshop attendees who have given their time, desire and questions,
enabling me to study, comprehend, capture and deliver the very best information.
To all the talented people who have shared their stories on Real Estate Hot Topics.
To the incredible Mat Steinwede, for our many years of collaboration and for
producing the Mat Steinwede Real Estate System.
To the highly structured and intensely focused Danny Grant, who has contributed
much of his time to help me help others improve their systems and sales skills.
To the entire team at Real Estate Academy who add, subtract, challenge and
perfect the real estate process each and every day. You are a special group of
people who have stood the test of time and served the real estate community with
dedication, professionalism and passion.
To the talented Andrew Duncan who created the software solution, Complete
Data, and listened to all my bent ideas over an 8-year period (its just another
button, mate).
I would like to mention a special thank you to our 2007/2008 Super Coach
members in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth; the Hocking Stuart Group
in Victoria for our many hours of debate, discussion and solution solving; and
the Professionals Group in New Zealand, in particular, the Groups top 10%, for
their crazy humour and unhinged view of business that still fascinates me today.
An incredible special thank you to my dedicated offsider, Robyn McCaughan,
who captures all notes, learning checks and requests from fast-paced real estate
agents on the fly. Robyn, your emails reach many.
Finally to my mum and dad who back me no matter what I do and my two special
daughters, Maddison and Chloe, who have watched me conduct many recordings
and understand the need to stay quiet until the track ends.
Prospecting and marketing
Marketing stickies
Marketing you
Return on investment
Marketing initiative
Probing questions
Just listed
Just sold
Hot prospects
Fee objection
Anniversary calls
Expired listings
Activity plans
Winning the business listing
Pre-listing packages
Sample testimonials
Prep tip
Agents proposition
Take it easy
Unsigned business
Go forward plan
Vendor Management
Vendor management communication
Reverse-engineered call 1
Vendor objections
Buyer Management
Managing your buyers
Follow-up script
Buyer letter 1
Its a wrap
Achieve more with less effort
A final word
Delivering a solid system for communicating with your buyers and sellers, both
verbally and in writing, this book gives you every script, dialogue, letter, email
and SMS you will ever need for each and every step of the sales journey.
The book will:
r Allow you to achieve more in less time by cutting to the chase with
winning words and questions
r Arm you with brilliant responses to common objections
r Give you all the professional letters and emails you will need to
complement your communication process
r Give you confidence in knowing that you have mastered the vendor and
buyer management process.
Above all, this book will show your clients that you are a professional who is
committed to keeping them informed every step of the way and achieving the
very best possible outcome for them.
Following the model, each chapter of the book will give you what to say and what
to send for every stage of the sales journey, from generating the business through
to property settlement.
You will find suggested letters, emails, text for SMS messaging, scripts and
dialogues in the form of role-plays. In fact everything you need, in the order that
you need it, for complete, consistent and professional communication.
A major key to success in the area of communication is knowledge management.
By knowledge management I am referring to a system for capturing and storing
the winning communications in this book. For those of you who use Complete
Data the database specifically designed for the real estate industry you
will find that templates for all the letters, emails and SMSs are stored on your
system. This allows you to simply select, merge and send what you need, when
you need it. You can use Complete Datas templates as they are or modify them
to suit your target market and your own personality. This powerful method
delivers consistency to your business and, more importantly, can be managed
and replicated by others, such as your Professional Assistant if you have one. It
couldnt be easier.
You will see the following icons used throughout this book, making it a breeze to
find what you need, when you need it:
r Letter
r Email
r Phone call
r Question
r Letterbox drop
r Script
r Dialogue
them. This will ensure you dont sound scripted and wooden when face-to-face
with a buyer or a seller. After all, practice makes professionals.
Being easy to carry with you wherever you go, this book is certain to become your
bible in terms of communicating with your marketplace. Just remember though,
while this book gives you the tools, you are the winning ingredient.
Prospecting is the practice of creatively searching for new business. Even within
the industry, everybody talks about it, yet so few understand the fundamentals of
finding new business on a daily basis. People come into the real estate industry
and enjoy the selling and matching people to property side of the business,
however they have a resistance to the time and effort required to hunt for
business. The fact of the matter is this if you get into real estate and you dont
want to prospect, then you may be in the wrong industry.
As human beings, most of us resist cold calling. Why? Because weve all been
on the other end of that phone and felt how uncomfortable it is when someone
gives you an obviously scripted line with the intention of either taking something
from you or selling you something. But prospecting isnt just about cold calling.
During a Real Estate Hot Topics audio interview, titled Hardcore Prospecting,
I asked one of our leading principals, Chris Hanley from Byron Bay, to define
the term prospecting and he said simply, all of the things you do where people
see, hear and watch you being a human being. Indeed, prospecting is about all
the contact you make with people in and around the community in which you
work. Its all the discussions, its all the letters, emails and SMSs, and its all the
questions you ask. It is this frequency of contact that builds trust, provides value
and helps you to be viewed as a professional rather than someone who just wants
to sell something. Chris and his team have mastered the art of prospecting. They
understand the number of contact points required and the need to make these
contact points in as many different ways as possible in order to find the ones that
work for the individual and suit the demographics of the area in which they work.
This can range from providing market place reports, property brochures and just
sold emails to running the Byron Bay Writers Festival (one of Chris passions).
In fact, it is so powerful for people to see you doing things that are not related
to real estate as this shows that you care and have a desire to give back to your
This chapter of the book will cut straight to the chase and give you the foundation
required for a solid prospecting program. I will share with you how to work a
business development area and examine the prospecting methods that will make
a massive difference to your sales career.
for something in return. To use an analogy, its like doing a good deed, without
expecting a reward or even telling anyone about it. Professional trust is the
ultimate success and key driver in any prospecting program. Its the reason people
will contact you when it comes time to sell their property. Its also the reason
people will refer you to others. Its even the reason you are reading this book.
Over the years, people have seen me in action in my capacity as a sales trainer and
coach and during this time they have come to know me, respect me and trust me.
Lets take a look at how to make a connection with a classic target market people
going through a divorce. If theres ever a group that needs to see your depth as a
human being, then this is it. People going through a divorce are not interested in
real estate. Theyre going through the process out of necessity and are therefore
looking for someone with whom they can communicate, feel comfortable and
who can take care of what they can only regard as a necessary transaction. They
want to know youve got the emotional intelligence to work with them through
a very testing time. I had a lady once who was going through a difficult divorce
and was forced to put her home on the market. It was the last thing she wanted
to do. I appraised the property but was unsuccessful at listing the property on
the day, so I needed to keep her on my radar. Now, the last thing she would want
from an agent at this time is to be bombarded with emails, SMSs and phone calls.
So what I did instead was send her a book called The Power of Now and on the
inside cover, I wrote simply, Hi, Sally, I know life can be testing at times. Ive read
this book and thought youd like it. Regards, Lee. That book showed Sally that I
was not just another real estate agent after her money but someone who shows
empathy and consideration. Needless to say, I got the listing and she has since
referred me to many other people. This is just one example. You can add value to
people in so many different ways. It just requires some lateral thinking on your
part in terms of what would connect with that particular person, be it a cookbook
or information about the schools or transport in the area they wish to move to.
Whatever it is, just make it something that connects.
Marketing stickies
At the heart of your prospecting program is a winning, professionally presented
document containing information that is of genuine interest to the local
community. Such a document can be referred to as your marketing sticky (a
reason people stick with you). This document is about connecting to the adjacent
space of real estate; for example, it may contain details about new services
or developments that are expected to boost property values in the area. Your
document may also contain special features on things like local sporting teams,
the highest sale price achieved in recent times, the types of people wanting to buy
in the area, even a historical account of the first home built in each street. This
well-presented document is welcomed by residents and out of area investors as it
is viewed as factual, honest, objective information that adds value without trying
to sell something. One of the best examples I have seen is by Brisbane agency,
Johnson Dixon Quality Property, who produce everything I have just mentioned
in a brilliant publication called Move Magazine together with their much
talked about River Report. These great documents have become the marketing
stickies for this progressive company and form a major part of their premeditated
prospecting program.
Marketing you
Marketing yourself, what you stand for and the homes you sell is, in my opinion,
a not negotiable part of your business, so much so, that it basically needs a parttime person to drive it, book it and make sure it happens. Many agents do not
operate to a plan or understand the amount of phone calls required and letters to
send each day. As an agent you need to commit a large amount of time in your
week to build up a database of sound prospects that can be nurtured to perfection.
Return on investment
Naturally, there are costs associated with any marketing campaign. You have to
pay for things like production, printing and distribution. As a result, it is vital that
you get into the habit of assessing the return on your investment. To show you
Activity Type
July 08
Mail Out
Total Cost
Unit Cost
Average Fee
$ 2,350
$ 0.98
$ 587.50
$ 2,350
$ 18,850
$ 1,895
$ 2.37
$ 379.00
$ 948
$ 37,700
BIG DIFFERENCE. Anyway, I wanted this one so badly I could almost taste it,
but I had this little voice inside my head playing devils advocate telling me that I
was too young to sell such a nice place. I chatted with my principal who gave me
a brilliant tip. He asked me, do you really want it? and I replied, Absolutely! He
then told me to block out 4 hours out of my diary and cold call the entire street
where she lives in order to research everything I could about the street. Well I did
it, and I found out the lot first home built, who created the subdivision, second
home built, the lot. When I walked in to appraise the ladys house she could not
have asked me a better question, so Lee, do you know much about this street?
and off I went. She was truly amazed and commented, wow, you really do know
the area! Listed, sold, referred and the rest is history. The point of this story is
this prospecting is not always about listing, its about positioning yourself for
the future.
All other property owners in my BDA who have yet to have contact
with us (they love us, they just dont know it yet)
interest in the latest statistics within the area as they are no longer around to see
for themselves what is going on. Offering this group a regular detailed investor
report could be the marketing sticky that connects them with you.
r Door knock, for sale by owner
r Buyer conversion
r Open for inspection call backs
r People marketing
r Colouring books and pencils for the kids, advertising your logo and
phone number (sent via mail)
r Years 10, 11 and 12 school talks about a career in real estate
r Press releases and editorials
r Printed school canteen menus or lunch bags advertising your logo and
phone number
Whatever you decide, be sure to have a number of choices as one month something returns and other months it doesnt. Be flexible at all times and ready to
modify your plan if need be.
Marketing initiative
As we have just learnt, prospecting is an activity undertaken to generate listings
into the company. However, prospecting is just a single activity that is completed
in the hope of finding possible leads that will eventually turn into business. The
fact of the matter is this prospecting in isolation is not enough to fulfill your
objectives. You need a marketing initiative to go with it.
A marketing initiative can be defined as a strategic group of actions and activities
that, when performed in the correct sequence, become a marketing strategy
designed to bring in quality leads. Basically, its all about prospecting with a
purpose, which is the fuel in any campaign that could potentially stimulate the
idea of moving. Following is an example of a marketing initiative.
Street campaign
Select the street of a new listing about to hit the market and drop the
brochure of this property with a just listed sticker or note/flyer into
every mailbox within the street. Then telemarket the street and deploy
the following script, Good afternoon, is that Mrs Williams? My name is
Lee. The purpose of my call is to see if you received the brochure regarding
number 10 High Street that I delivered to you yesterday?
Receive response and then say, Would you be interested in attending our
open for inspection this Saturday between 10 and 10.45am? If the answer
is yes simply ask, Is that because you are possibly considering moving
or are you simply interested in keeping up-to-date with the values in the
area? Receive answer and categorise as a possible attendee.
Send SMS on Friday to all possible attendees to confirm the open for
inspection time and let them know they now have your number should
they require any further information.
On Saturday evening contact all identified possible sellers and let them
know the open for inspection feedback, such as, we had good numbers
of people through the property yet some of them wanted a different style
of home in this location, which is great as it indicates our marketing is
For possible future auction vendors you may send them a Saturday
evening SMS saying, We had a great day in the marketplace today with
a 97% auction clearance rate. Enjoy your weekend.
Continue with feedback and interest and mention the types of buyers
who have been interested in the area and what they are prepared to
spend. This allows you to save grace if the property is not sold quickly
and potential sellers will understand you have the buyer; that particular
property just didnt match their needs.
Once the property has been sold, conduct another mailbox drop within
the street with a sold sticker on the brochure or note/flyer including a
comment stating people are still looking to buy in this fantastic street.
Send a specific letter one week following the mailbox drop inviting all
owners to have the value of their property reassessed in light of this
most recent result.
10. A week later, telemarket the street again explaining that many of
the streets residents have requested a report that you have designed
(Comparative Market Analysis CMA) explaining that this report has
nothing to do with selling their property. Rather, its purpose is to keep
them up-to-date with sales in their area over the past 6 months. Ask if
Probing questions
t When was the last time you went out and looked at some real
t If you saw the perfect property today, what would you do?
t We have just sold no. 6 in your street. Did you get a chance to go
through that one?
t How does that compare with the one you are in now?
t What did you think about the sales report I recently sent out to
you? Were you surprised at the sale prices?
t If you got a price you were ecstatic with, where would you move?
t Whats the best house you have seen so far?
t Are you going for a bigger home or a more compact one?
t Would you like to sell prior to buying?
t Is the property for yourself to live in or for an investment?
t What has attracted you to that area?
t Are you familiar with the actual process of purchasing a property?
t The place you are in now, are you going to hang on to that or
(pause) whats your current situation?
Just listed
Mrs Pym:
It is.
Mrs Pym:
Is it really?
Mrs Pym:
Well, the pricing will be released next week but I can tell
you a little bit about it. Do you know the home at all?
Mrs Pym:
I know that its got four bedrooms and they have a pool but
thats about all I know.
Mrs Pym:
Uh huh.
So its a very good offering and will come onto the market
next week.
Mrs Pym:
Mrs Pym:
Mrs Pym:
In Sydney.
Mrs Pym:
Mrs Pym:
And if you went for something closer to the water what sort
of home would you look for?
Mrs Pym:
Mrs Pym:
Mrs Pym:
There are some at that level, Mrs Pym, but there are also
some starting at 695. Would it be okay if I forward you our
property magazine, just to keep you in the loop of whats
out there?
Mrs Pym:
Mrs Pym:
Mrs Pym:
The main thing I want you to observe from the previous conversation is that I
wasnt pushy in any way. Mrs Pym would have come away from that conversation
thinking what a nice change it was to be given some useful information from a
real estate professional, without him trying to get his foot in the front door. This
is what I call adding value and establishing rapport. The next time I speak with
this woman, she will remember this fact and will therefore be more likely to be
receptive towards me. Lets take a look.
Just sold
Mrs Pym:
It is.
Mrs Pym:
Mrs Pym:
I did thank you. And you were right, the prices have come
down quite a bit near the beach.
They sure have. Now, the main reason for calling today is
to let you know that number 15 has actually been sold.
Mrs Pym:
Mrs Pym:
Mrs Pym:
Mrs Pym:
Mrs Pym:
Mrs Pym:
I think so.
Mrs Pym:
Mrs Pym:
Mrs Pym:
Mrs Pym:
Once again, I was not pushy in any way. I could have leapt at the opportunity to
appraise her property there and then but opted for the softly, softly approach with
Mrs Pym. In taking this approach you are far more likely to be invited to conduct
an appraisal rather than having to ask for this privilege. Its about establishing a
positive relationship that will extend beyond this first opportunity. This is what
powerful prospecting is all about.
With over 22 years of experience in the industry, James Tostevin epitomises the
term elite performer.
James is without a doubt best known for his prospecting skills, a fact which has
seen him earn the title of prospecting machine. Anyone can prospect for a day,
a week or even 6 months, but to do it with longevity takes incredible dedication,
focus and tenacity and James has those traits in abundance. James himself admits,
I would say that I prospect more than any other agent in Australia. In fact, James
blocks out 2-5 hours at a time at least three times every week, to sit at a desk
with nothing more than a prioritised call sheet, a pen and a headset, in order to
generate business like theres no tomorrow. So focused is he on the task at hand,
that his desk is computer-free, ensuring he is not disturbed by incoming emails
and his door contains the sign Propecting in Progress, ensuring all staff are
aware he is not to be interrupted. In this way, James makes contact with 200-300
clients each and every week, resulting in numerous listing opportunities. In fact,
it is no coincidence that James consistently works with up to 40 vendors at any
given time.
James efforts have been rewarded by the phenomenal results he has achieved over
the years, including the writing of $350,000 in fees in just one day! He is equally
rewarded by achieving great job satisfaction and freely admits, I love coming to
work I dont find it (prospecting) a chore as it has made such a phenomenal
difference to my business.
Featured on the Real Estate Hot Topics audio program (Series 7), this is prospecting at its very best.
The following role-play sees me playing the part of the buyer.
I do.
Its on the higher side of what I think its worth, but keep
me informed all the same.
It was.
No, I appreciate that but some guys have been out from a
couple of the other companies and Im pretty sure I know
where I stand.
Okay. And with the two opinions that youve had, Lee, was
there some consistency between them? A lot of people
refer to one being higher than the other. I just wondered
if thered been some consistency there between the two
I thought they were a bit on the low side, and there was
around 150 grand between them.
Well, thats something Id normally talk to you about faceto-face, Lee. Would there be a time this week or even early
next week that would suit you to catch up?
As you can see from the role-play between James and myself, James smoothly and
skilfully manoeuvers the conversation with the prospective buyer to the topic of
selling his home. In this way, he has successfully transformed this prospective
buyer into a potential seller as well.
Real Estate Hot Topics has also featured the very talented Mr Danny Grant.
Despite being the youngest selling agent in his area and competing with agents
who have been selling there for more than twice the time he has, Danny holds the
suburbs highest market share, has the lowest clearance rate at just 29 days and has
achieved a yearly auction clearance rate above 90% for 3 years running.
All this despite commanding a commission rate of nearly double the amount
his competitors charge. Over the years Danny has had the opportunity to work
closely with me to improve his systems, sales skills and scripts and dialogues. As
a result, he has become a master at delivering great natural scripts for prospecting.
Lets take a look at a few.
Hot prospects
Hi Mrs Smith, its Danny from Complete Real Estate, how is your
property search going? I noticed that there is a house in Stanley St for
sale, have you seen that one yet? There was also a house thats just
sold in Bent St that is comparable to yours. I thought you might be
interested to hear we just sold it for $700,000.
Fee objection
Mr and Mrs Roberts In this area, agents charge according to the
outcomes they achieve in the marketplace. The worse they are doing,
the cheaper the fee. Is it important to you to select the cheapest agent
or the most capable? Agents in this marketplace know what I charge;
yet they choose not to match my fee. To match my fee they would
have to match my service and marketing. Given they cant do that, they
have to position their fee lower than ours to get your business. On the
other hand, I could reduce my level of service and maybe not call every
buyer back, but I dont want to do that. I want to maximise my service
and therefore maximise your sale price. Is that ok?
Anniversary calls
The anniversary call is a classic that should be on everyones prospecting menu
because the vast majority of people move a number of times in their lifetime.
To contact your past buyers on an annual basis at the time of the anniversary
of their home purchase is a great way to add that personal touch and maintain
a connection with them. On one of those occasions, you may just strike a time
when they are thinking of moving on.
Mrs Wills:
Fine thanks.
Mrs Wills:
Its not!
It is, and how time flies. And I am so glad you bought when
you did because the area has risen in price considerably so
you made a great decision to buy when you did.
Mrs Wills:
A lot more than you paid for it. Would you like me to pop in
on my travels?
Mrs Wills:
The issue of well-constructed letters is also a great idea as part of your prospecting
plan. The four letters that follow are good ones to use.
they were hoping for due to a lack of marketing, exposure, skills and
This letter is designed to inform you about just what is involved in
selling a home privately. Please review the following steps carefully
before deciding between selling your home privately or seeking the
assistance of our experienced team of real estate professionals at
Complete Real Estate.
Step 4
Make all necessary repairs and improvements before you begin to
advertise your property.
Step 5
Determine if your property is susceptible to termite attack and organise
a pest report and/or treatment. Be prepared.
Step 6
Be aware of any relevant council zoning or building infringements and
either rectify the fault or obtain the appropriate certificates from council.
Step 7
Be available at all times so that you can walk through the property with
prospective buyers to answer their questions and offer information
about local schools, parks, transportation, shopping centres and
churches etc.
Step 8
Establish a marketing budget.
Step 9
Determine which newspapers will best advertise your property. Call
them for rates and deadlines and negotiate the best deal.
Step 10
As you dont have access to an existing database of buyers, you
will be more dependent on advertising. Prepare a professional,
attention-grabbing advertisement that will attract the right buyers to
your property. Place your advertisement in the newspaper and any
homebuyer magazines that are effective in your area.
Step 11
Prepare a plan to reach local buyers plus those out of town buyers who
account for a large portion of todays home purchasers.
Step 12
Purchase an eye-catching and weatherproof sign and install it at the
front of your property.
Step 13
Prepare a features and benefits fact sheet, outlining specific features
of your home and corresponding benefits to prospective purchasers.
Also, prepare a list of inclusions that will stay with the property and any
other items that may stay by negotiation.
Step 14
Learn how to separate the lookers from qualified buyers. Ask for
names and phone numbers and be sure to follow-up with telephone
Step 15
Schedule and conduct inspections with qualified buyers only. Ensure
they are really looking to buy a home and do not have a hidden agenda.
Step 16
Be prepared to negotiate with the buyer(s) as though you are an
impartial third party. Remain calm and refrain from any emotional
outbursts that might jeopardise your sale price.
Step 17
Obtain all forms necessary for the legal sale of real property such
as a Contract for the Sale of Land and ensure it includes relevant
documents and a current:
t Zoning certificate
t Drainage diagram
t Certificate of title
t Section 66W certificate (if required)
t Survey report (if required)
t Building certificate (if required).
Step 18
Determine the type(s) of financing or contractual terms that you are
willing to consider such as:
t Vendor finance
t Option sale
t Extended settlement
t Sale subject to council approval, building certificate or lease back
t Access under licence agreement.
Step 19
Negotiate with the buyer(s) all final terms of the sale including price,
financing, inspections, date of closing, date of possession and
other pertinent considerations. Have a solicitor review contracts if
Step 20
Plan a final walk-through with the buyer(s) just before the settlement
process is complete in order to resolve any potential dispute. Have a
witness present.
Step 21
While you are marketing your current property, locate and negotiate to
purchase your next home. Attempt to schedule both transactions so
that they close simultaneously. In this way, you and the buyer are able
to move at the same time.
Yours faithfully
Lee Woodward
Complete Real Estate
your basis for creating further financial wealth and freedom. Decisions
made with anything less than the facts can lead you to make choices
that may not be in your best interest.
At Complete Real Estate, we can provide you with the facts, and
demonstrate to you the equity that is available in your property so that
you can make all the right choices.
We are happy to offer you this complimentary service, which will
provide you with:
1. The facts on property sales in your area
2. A report on properties currently for sale in your area
3. The facts on the current state of the property market.
The reason we offer you this free service is simply because the better
we know the people and properties in our area, the better service
we can provide to you. It makes good business sense. You win by
gaining a better understanding of the facts, and we win by knowing
more people and properties in our area.
This service is offered to you totally obligation free!
If you wish to take advantage of this offer, please give me a call on 0411
111 111.
I look forward to speaking with you.
Yours faithfully
Lee Woodward
Complete Real Estate
The reason for this is that bank valuations or real estate assessments
are governed by surrounding sale prices. Until now, the highest
property values have been achieved by local agents, ranging between
the 800 to 900 thousand, leaving Davistown with a limited selling point
or maximum price capacity.
Complete Real Estate has lifted the benchmark for Davistown. This
great result is the outcome of a national-based marketing campaign
that utilised quality media releases and the unique Complete Real
Estate marketing advantage. DVD and video presentations were
distributed free of charge to all interested parties all over Australia. This
unique movie presentation format is placing Davistown on the map, as
many people have been unaware of this fantastic coastal location.
Over the next two weeks we would like to offer you the opportunity
to re-assess your property value. Simply call Complete Real Estate to
make an obligation free appointment.
We thank you for taking the time to read this information and look
forward to the possibility of meeting you and discussing all your real
estate needs.
Kind regards
Lee Woodward
Complete Real Estate
Expired listings
It pays to keep up-to-date with properties that are on the market with your
competitors as once the term with the rival agency expires and the property has
not sold, the client is left disappointed, perhaps disgruntled with the agency they
were with, and at a loss as to what to do next. This is an opportune time for you
to make contact.
I see, but lets say you were able to get the price you were
after, would you still want to move?
Mr Smith: Possibly.
Mr Smith, Ive only seen it your home from the outside and
it certainly looks like the quality of home that our buyers
are looking for. Would it be possible for me to have a quick
look through to see if I can be of help?
OK, thanks.
Well its a four bedroom, two-storey home with an inground swimming pool and plenty of car accommodation
and its being offered on the marketplace this weekend at
12:15 to 1 oclock. Would you like to come along and have
a look?
I think so.
Its Sam.
Ill do that for you and how would 2:15 tomorrow work for
Thats fine.
Sounds good.
Activity plans
All the initial prospecting in the world will evaporate to nothing if you do not
have a solid follow-up system of automated, predetermined activities. This is the
biggest mistake I have seen people make when it comes to prospecting. The agent
does all the hard work, making hundreds of calls to find potential sellers, yet
has no active database that will allow them to attach an action plan. The clientbased action plan builds a relationship that leads to a listing and/or sale. Face-toface contact needs to be achieved on at least two occasions. A realistic time-line
for nurturing client relationships needs to be set and then implemented to its
predetermined finality.
Real estate is about people and property. Each day we need to communicate with
a solid volume of our target audience if we are to find the dormant opportunities
that are out there. Prospecting is about quality, multiple, staged contact points that
build relationships and provide value by educating people about the marketplace.
Great software (like Complete Data) is needed to manage this process as it allows
us to capture all detailed information about the people and property we come
into contact with; information that can then be recalled on demand and sorted
into precincts, becoming the centre of our contact targeted marketing. Of course,
it is not possible for a human being to remember every detail about thousands
of prospects, so thats why having a database of detail and depth is your business
super fund.
We now understand that prospecting is the practice of creatively searching for
new business. Do it with consistency and professionalism, and it will keep you in
the industry. Many agents do not operate to a plan or understand the amount of
phone calls required and letters to send each day. For your knowledge, all agents
should be completing a minimum of 35 scheduled tasks a day, where a scheduled
task is determined as one to which you assign an action, for instance to call back
on a particular date.
Lets say you meet a prospect today and they say, I am not moving for a few
months, however, keep in contact with me. You would attach an action plan (a
trail) to their contact record in your chosen database, which on specific dates in
the future, will prompt you to send a letter, email, SMS or make a phone call. This
frequency of contact builds trust and can provide value when you send property
brochures, open for inspection emails and just sold information.
An important feature of your chosen software is its ability to produce your own
custom comparable market analysis, which is a detailed document of all your
work in the area. Your database system needs to have the capability to collect and
store all property photos, pricing and timings of the market and then have the
ability to be collated into a smart looking report within just a few mouse clicks.
This interesting, continuous marketplace study is of great value and will become
your marketing sticky, which you will recall is a reason why people stick with
you. By giving your prospects great reports as a gift every six months, they learn
new information from each contact and will remember you if and when it comes
time for them to sell.
The listing presentation is where the doorway to making a sale is opened for you.
The meeting where the vendor decides to engage your services is the foundation
for your relationship, therefore it is vital you ensure that everything you have
promised is in place, ready to be activated just as you described.
This chapter of the book focuses on the listing presentation itself and provides
you with the confirmation letter to hand-deliver to the client prior to the meeting
as well as the suggested things to say and how to say them during this most
important meeting. This includes how to ask for the order, scripts for overcoming
objections and great final closes.
Agent proposition
This will bring clarity to the crescendo of information you need to know in order
to win an owners business.
Successful listing presentations are founded upon solid communication
communication that cuts to the chase of the key information that the owner really
needs to know in order to make the decision to move forward with your strategy
and with you as their agent.
Your objective is to connect with your audience by achieving simplicity with
fewer, clearer messages. You need to stop presenting to them and start professional
chatting with them instead, staying relaxed and being yourself while delivering
clear and concise dialogues interspersed with brilliant questions designed to cut
to the chase.
Behind the visuals and words of any great presenter are many repetitive hours of
effort that bring the whole presentation into a space that I refer to as moments.
A moment is when you deliver one of your best points; a point that you believe
in so much that your audience goes silent as they realise just how good you are.
You need to develop your short, effective chats what I refer to as power hooks
until you are so comfortable with them that they sound completely natural. With
this achieved, your potential vendors will see your value and will begin to believe
that they are better off with you than without you. Your aim is to have the owners
believe that there is no comparison between you and your competition. With this
achieved, your fee will be looked upon as an investment as opposed to a cost, a
fact highlighted in the delivery of one of my favourite dialogues:
You dont actually pay us, Mrs. Jones. Our performance fee comes off the sale price
at the end, so we are actually part of your profit, not one of your expenses. And if
we dont sell the property for a price that is acceptable to you, we get paid nothing
for our time, effort and commitment. We cant be fairer than that.
Selling is simply transference of feelings. When we deliver a moment, we sell the
feeling. When we lose the business, it simply means we were unable to sell the
The difference between winning and losing a listing rarely hinges on one single
issue. Rather, a series of minor issues usually influence an owners decision. When
you ask why you missed out, you will usually receive an answer that is designed
to let you down gently, e.g. fees, style of advertising, etc. Just remember, success
is not based on one thing in isolation. Many little steps contribute to the entire
journey of a professional.
A listing starts from the moment you meet your potential vendor. You may
meet them as a buyer at an open for inspection or while showing them through
a property. Whatever that first contact may be is the start of that relationship.
Everybody you come into contact with counts and as a professional salesperson,
it is vital that you dont just turn it on when you are in the possible money space.
Be a caring professional at all times and never let your guard down for you never
know who is taking your measure. With this in mind, just convince yourself
that everybody you come into contact with will one day be a seller and every
communication you have with that person may just be the magical touch that
wins you consistent business. This should become one of your business standards.
All great listings follow a set formula for success:
Lets look at some important communications that are used at the preparation
stage. In taking a call from someone who is interested in selling his or her home,
you need a pre-qualifying listing appointment script.
Lead Source
Sales Address
So I can select the right agent, can I ask which area the
property is in?
Hey Helen
A Sar what?
Yes I did.
And can I just ask, did she say she wanted a price, an
appraisal or shes putting the property on the market?
Thank you for holding; its Lee speaking. I believe you are
interested in putting your property on the market?
Yes I am.
Yes I am.
I certainly would.
OK, Ill get Timothy from our office to drop that information
over to you and then that way weve got everything we
need for our meeting.
Sounds great.
Now just before you go, just suppose we got a price that
you were ecstatic with and youve sold your own home,
where would you be off to Sadhana?
This is the way Ill do it. Weve got a system called Red
First and Ill put your details on it after this call. Red First
automatically finds those homes and sends them to you.
That way you are up-to-date with everything going on in
the marketplace.
I am sure that your plans and ideas for the future will progress with the
information that I have prepared for you.
Should you choose our company to represent you, the information you
tell us about your property, combined with our advanced marketing
skills, will generate a positive outcome. On my visit it would help me if
you could assist with some information about your home. For example,
its features and benefits and the length of time you have lived there.
This background knowledge will be to your advantage, as it will assist
us in marketing the property to its best advantage.
We no longer hope for a good price in todays marketplace: we
construct a good price by emphasising the best features of your home.
I have enclosed our behind the scenes information folder for your
perusal, which has a list of questions with space for comments.
So feel free to write down as much as you like. Its impossible to
provide too much information! I look forward to our meeting and to
sharing all our fresh ideas on selling your property, with a no sale, no
charge commitment to you.
Yours faithfully
Lee Woodward
1. Start by thinking back to when you originally purchased your property.
a. What influenced you to buy the property?
b. What plans did you have for the home, which you may not have
c. What advantages are there in living in your home?
2. When family or friends visit, what do they point out as the benefits of
your home?
Pre-listing packages
In Australia there are thousands of different types of pre-listing kits, which,
by the way, is a term your potential vendors will not understand. The correct
wording is the behind the scenes information folder. Unfortunately 85% of the
ones I have seen focus on the who we are rather than on the content that would
actually be of benefit to the potential client. While we do need to sell the benefits
of who we are, we must demonstrate this point with the use of factual, processoriented information that will save you time when you are in front of the potential
client. The following menu provides you with the content headings for a quality
pre-listing presentation package. Just make sure, when putting it together, that it
matches your personality.
Capability Statement
The introduction should set the scene, introducing yourself, your
company and the team working behind the scenes. Include a photo of
yourself so your potential client can put a face to the name.
Market Knowledge
Recent sales should be included here with outstanding photography.
You should also try to include at least one testimonial, preferably
from someone who has given his or her permission to be phoned as a
Positioning Statement
For example, Helping you move or Its your move we make it
Sample testimonials
My home sold fairly quickly and, with the help of Adam, I found a new
home within a week in both cases at very acceptable prices. I was at
all times informed of any progress (by phone and letter) of both the sale
and purchase negotiations. I would recommend Complete Real Estate,
and especially Adam, to any prospective clients without the slightest
Mrs Carol Jane Eden Park
Adam took over our listing 6 months after it being on the market and
lifted our spirits with his exhilarating enthusiasm and overwhelming
interest. Several weeks after giving us his professional advice and go
forward plan we sold the property. Thank you Adam; we recommend
you to anybody looking to sell.
Mr & Mrs Ogdon Milton Park
Adam, this letter is to say thank you for being such a professional. You
were the only agent who really took interest in what I was after, and as
a result, I found my first property in only 2 weeks. Thanks for making
my first property experience an enjoyable and exciting one.
Mr Steven Baz St Huberts Island
You took the pressure and confusion out of buying a property and
made it a pleasure. Its important to feel confident with the people
who are working for you, on your behalf. Your expertise and honesty
was very re-assuring. Thank you once again; your support made it an
empowering experience.
Pam Warrington Wamberal
Prep tip
Always arrive 3 minutes early and take some quick notes, thoroughly studying
the front of the home. The owner is likely to be observing you through a window
and will admire your punctuality.
Should you be running late, phone the owner and say:
Hi Sadhana, its Lee calling. I am running slightly behind schedule and
will be with you in about 5 to 10 minutes. Is that acceptable to you?
Excellent, I have everything prepared for our meeting. Look forward to
seeing you soon.
Agents proposition
Now that we have set the scene by outlining who we are and how we work, we
need to communicate, in person, everything we offer. I like to refer to this offering
as the agents proposition, much like an artists proposition in the music industry.
Your potential vendors are wondering at this point what you will do for them
and how you will do it. In a nutshell, they want to know whether or not you are
Your job is to reflect, enhance and clarify what your organisation stands for
and believes in. Just remember though, you are the winning ingredient in any
sales presentation. Your value arises from your ability to demonstrate how you
manage and facilitate the market on behalf of each client, under the direction and
enhancement of the company brand.
Getting this message across is about belief. The best way to sound credible is to
determine and sign off on the following items in advance:
The visual communication tool you will use e.g. folder, storyboard or
The key connecting concepts and dialogue points of the messages you
want to convey.
The laminated visual aids (props) that will be used to visually back up
your concepts.
10. The closing questions you will use (I like to call these beginnings) to
get the paperwork signed and listed.
Make the appointment. If they called you, always ask pre-listing form
questions, including any referral.
Greet them, then tour the home (you must take control here).
Deliver pricing.
A professional presenter guides the owner towards their decision to list, through
the quality of the presentation. The best way to engage the owner is to draw them
into the decision-making process through a series of strategic questions, concepts
and supporting visuals, which are designed to lead you to success. The questions
and concepts that follow are applicable to all occasions, helping you to win the
11. Would you like me to estimate the changeover cost for you?
Strategy: show expertise, establish the feasibility
12. Have you seen a marketing strategy recently that has caught your
Strategy: preferences, points of difference
13. If you were a buyer, would you see the benefit in that?
Strategy: gain acceptance
14. Have you had a property on the market before and how did it go?
Strategy: explore expectations, previous experiences
15. That is going to take a little while. How are you going for time?
Strategy: explore timeframe
16. Do you have a good solicitor for handling real estate?
Strategy: explore timeframe, establish common ground
17. How do you feel about having your home open for inspection?
Strategy: trial close, explore motivations, express empathy
18. What are you looking for in a marketing agent?
Strategy: trial close, explore motivations, express empathy
19. Is this all making sense?
Strategy: trial close, explore motivations, express empathy
20. The agent you choose will have a major effect on the price you
will receive. How will you know that another agent can negotiate
effectively for you?
Strategy: explore expectations, previous experience, engage in a roleplay or give an example
21. If all the agents charged the same fee, would you list your property
with us?
Strategy: trial close, explore motivation, isolate any concerns
22. Just suppose that I am working with a buyer who likes your home
and is in a position to make you an offer. However, they say that
they have seen some other homes and would like to think it over.
What would you like me to do?
Strategy: establish credibility, show understanding of your duty to
complete the sale
Take it easy
Have you ever noticed how some people seem to transform into another life form
when making a presentation? They stop being their own person the very person
that the seller would like to relate to. Instead, they try to become some supersonic
salesperson, capable of changing the world in a single advertisement! This
kind of transformation will always work against you. Far too often salespeople
confuse presenting with public speaking. They try to impress people with long,
intelligent words that can make the seller feel inferior. Presenting need not be an
exhibition of mind-boggling words and phrases, as its true value arises when you
use presenting as a platform for naturalness. Relax be yourself. Pausing when
talking is classy. It helps you to regroup mentally if you have lost your train of
thought. Pausing through normal sentences will also allow points of importance
the space that they need, ensuring clarity and understanding. Remember; try to
master the art of speaking to people at their own speed. Everybody is different.
shouldnt try to present exactly like someone else. The most powerful tool in any
presentation is and will always be you. Be yourself. Having said that though, it is
important that you role-play the system over and over again until you internalise
what it is youre going to say. Remember also that whenever you do a listing
presentation to an owner, it is a simulation of how you will perform as their agent.
And on the back of that, Sandy, weve actually got the floor
plan of the home as well. Now, do you have plans for the
home or would I need to get one of those created? (Trial
So, back to our floor plan. What day and time would suit
you for Luke to come out? (Permission close)
Okay. I can tee Luke up for that time. At this point, lets
talk about your ad preparation. The newspapers require
about 9 to 12 days notice so we need to prepare the copy
and organise the photos. When did you hope to see the
property advertised? (Time line question)
I like that.
Now, some of our clients like that for part of the program
but they also dont want to leave any stone unturned and
so they opt for something more like this half page ad. Now,
there is an additional investment for this size ad but its
designed to make you stand out from the crowd. You can
also choose a full page or quarter page ad. What are your
thoughts on having that type of campaign?
Look, Im happy not to use a sign first up. Well just bring
those people through from the database. However, I must
point out to you that sometimes when we sell homes a
mother will go out there and look at the local schools. They
then get a street directory and look up all the cul-de-sacs
within a kilometre radius of the home. And they actually
go hunting for those signs. Maybe not in the first week or
so but in week two or three I would probably recommend
to you that it could be time for a sign. These are the two
options we have. (Show photos of signs)
The first one is our photo signboard. Its where youve got
an internal shot and a garden shot of the home out the
back. It costs about $x and is well worth the investment.
The alternative is our corporate signboard, which is
included. We may use it in week two or three but we could
discuss it at that time; is that okay?
Yes, it does.
order to attract that buyer. That way Ive got every agents
best buyers covered. Would that be okay?
Sounds great.
Well, Sandy, they can be a very good way to sell the home.
Have you been to an open for inspection yourself recently?
Yes, I have.
No, we werent.
Well, this is what we find. Often you will see what we call
researchers coming to open for inspections, be they
neighbours or just people from the general community.
However theres no doubt that someone who is serious
about doing their research will go to an open for inspection
for a property that matches their criteria. Buyers like them
because they are generally less intimidating than other
types of inspections. And owners like them because they
attract a number of potential buyers at one time. So I think
if we can integrate the two methods we will have left no
stone unturned and weve got every chance of selling. How
does that sound?
Sounds great.
The reality is you wouldnt know until its too late. Even
myself; I stand here and I say Im a professional agent but
you have no real way of knowing whether or not thats true,
other than by the way I conduct myself before you today.
Well, Ken and Sandy, Id like to change that and give you
the opportunity to take me for a test drive just to see how
I would go if I were representing you now. Lets say youre
a potential buyer and youve come through one of my
listed properties and youre interested in it. Its your second
inspection and you ask me a common question, the home
is on the market for $459,000. What do you think I could
get it for? So lets role-play it.
Sandy, I think the price is fair. Is there a figure you would
pay to secure the home today?
Sandy, I appreciate your offer, but may I ask, how did you
arrive at that figure?
Okay. And Sandy, other than the busy street, what else has
prompted you to make an offer on this home?
I agree with you, its a great spot here. And, Sandy, Ive got
to put your offer forward to the owners by law. However,
theyre going to look me straight back in the eyes and ask,
Lee, what do you think? And Im going to be honest and
say, I feel the offer is on the lower side of the propertys
value and if you dont buy it, somebody else will. Sandy, if
they said no to the offer, what would be your next price?
Probably 435.
Okay. Sandy, Ill just breakaway from our little role-play here
and thank you for doing that because thats pretty much
how it happens out there. So now you get an idea of how
I operate. I asked you a couple of questions and already
youve come up $10,000 from your original offer. Many
agents would have just gone straight to the owner and
presented them with the first offer they got, without even
attempting to negotiate with the buyer first. The problem
here, Ken and Sandy, is were not selling a toaster or a car.
This is a house, which is a big-ticket item. And my job is to
work tirelessly for you as my clients and get you the best
price possible. Does all this make sense?
I understand now.
And, Ken and Sandy, you know, one thing Ive observed
from working in the real estate industry is that when
agents feel the need to lower their fees in order to win
your business, they are basically telling you that they are
desperate for your business because they havent got
much work. They are in panic mode and will do whatever
it takes to win your business. And although that discount
would no doubt have seemed attractive to you at that
point, its not going to be worth your while when the agent
fails to achieve the best possible price for you. Now, when
you get that person in front of a buyer that same panic
habit will come out and theyre going to try and get you
to accept an offer much lower than the one you could
achieve with a professional negotiator. The point Im really
trying to make here is that the agent you choose will have a
complete bearing on the price you receive and that isnt a
fee issue; it is a matter of skill.
Once weve negotiated the best price for you, its then your
choice to accept or decline that offer and we understand
that if we cant get you a price thats worth selling for, well,
then we simply wouldnt expect you to move. But if you
did decide that the price was acceptable, the paperwork
is signed at that point and the contracts exchanged. Your
property is sold and awaiting settlement. Now, Ken and
Sandy, how does that all sound?
Well, yes, it sounds good, Lee, but I didnt realise there was
so much involved.
Okay. Well, the best thing I can do for you now is to let you
know the value of this property because that would then
let you know what you would have to spend once all the
changeover costs are done and allow you to move on with
your plans.
Thatd be great.
Okay. Well, Ken and Sandy, for the pricing of your home,
Id like to let you know the value but then also what it would
be on the market for. And, you know, its not my job today
to give you some astronomical figure just to get you on the
market but to give you those base values so you can decide
whether or not it is worth moving. Now, with any property
there is a price that its worth and then theres a price worth
moving for. Its a bit like that pen youre holding, Ken. Lets
say it was worth $5 and I offered you $5. You probably
wouldnt sell it but if I offered you 10, you may decide to
release it. Now, the value of the pen didnt change but what
I was prepared to pay has changed. Does that make sense?
What we could do, Ken and Sandy, if its okay with you,
is actually bring through some buyers with 495 to 510 to
spend and just get a reaction from the market. And the
way I do this is I would ring a buyer. Lets say you were my
buyer, Sandy. I would ring you up and say, Hi, Sandy, its
Lee from Complete Real Estate. Ive actually just listed a
great property that suits your requirements but Im not sure
if I should show you through yet.
Why not?
Yes, I have.
This is a great opportunity to pass the clients your stack of sold photos showing
happy past clients as a diversion.
At this part of the presentation, depending on which state youre in, you would
go through the entire document with your prospective vendors, ensuring they
understand every part of the agreement before requesting that they sign it.
Once you have been through the document together (and this can take anything
up to 15 minutes) the next step is to attempt to close the deal because your aim is
to walk away with the business, rather than have to come back. Lets go back to
our role-play and see how I go.
Well, Sandy, I hope you dont take this the wrong way and I
dont want to overstep that boundary and come across as
pushy but that is part of my role to get a decision and I
would have no hesitation in working with that purchaser to
drive them to make a decision on your home. Thats part of
what I do. Its my job to get that yes for you because that
would enable you to then say yes to the home you want
to buy. But none of that can happen until you say yes to
me this evening. Would that be okay?
Well thats it for the Listing System Presentation scripts and dialogues. Id now
like to give you some tips based on what Ive noticed from working with so many
salespeople whove installed my listing system into their career.
The Listing System is designed primarily to express that you have sound product
knowledge, you are capable of doing the job and doing it well, and you could
deliver your message in a way that makes sense to your prospective vendor.
You will have noticed throughout the role-play that I specifically didnt push the
method of sale, that is, auction or for sale by private treaty. Just ensure that you
outline the options before suggesting one method over the other.
Dont forget to smile during your presentation. Moving is an exciting time for
most people and you want to encourage that enthusiasm and excitement, not
dampen it by being too serious.
Now, where you raise the issue of your fees is totally up to you. You will have
noticed that in my demonstration, I left it pretty open. I believe if you decide to
discuss it, a great place to do so would be during the part where you go through
your negotiation process, as this would highlight your ability to negotiate in
Dont forget to make space for confirmation questions (questions that confirm
your potential vendors understanding of the issue being discussed). Whenever
you feel like your potential vendor may be unsure of something, just ask the
question, does that make sense, Mrs Jones?
Be dynamic. Its all about gaining the edge over your competition. Your listing
presentation is your way of showcasing what you can do and how you can help
your potential vendor achieve the best possible outcome.
If you can remember all these points along with the scripts and dialogues weve
covered already I know youre going to have a dynamic, winning presentation.
Please learn it, internalise it and make it your own. Dont be surprised if you get
client feedback such as, youre very methodical. Nobody else went through all of
this with me. Believe me, once you deliver these concepts with belief and passion,
the listings will be yours.
Read right through the agreement and explain it in plain English. When this is
done, go through the final order close. Following are some great examples of what
to say.
1. Let me run you through the documentation required so we can get
Yes he does.
going as well as youd like them to and you want to vent your
frustration to your agent but feel you cant if they are a friend
or family member. This could end up costing you thousands
of dollars.
Lee weve been out looking for a home and weve found
one that we like but the agent that has it listed said that if we
want to buy it, well have to sell our own property with him.
Im not quite sure Lee, I dont know if thats the way to go.
You are too young and too new for this area.
Youre right, I am younger than some of the other agents that have
worked in the area for some time, however thats to my advantage
because the buyers around here are closer to my age and so they
relate to me really well. Also, being new to the area, I am making it my
business to research everything there is to know about this town as
well as build up my profile.
Youve had the house down the road listed for quite a while
now. What makes you think you can sell this one?
Your home is completely different from that one and it will sell when
we reach the right price level. As an owner, you should never be forced
to give your property away. And thats the case with your neighbours
property. The owners could have sold it by now but the offers we have
received so far have been low and so we have advised them to decline
those offers and are working with a couple of buyers to bring them up
to the level the home deserves to achieve.
You are too big, too busy, youre like the sausage factory!
Mrs Jones, when you need to do some serious shopping, do you go
to a large department store or a small convenience store? Property
buyers are no different. Our agency attracts the volume of buyers that
allows you to pick and choose the best offer from a larger marketplace.
The price you got around the corner was way too low!
Mrs Jones, I can understand your concern however every owner has
the right to say yes to an offer if the timing is right for them. I can assure
you in real estate, its all about timing. Price equals time otherwise no
one would ever sell.
Unsigned business
Whenever a listing is not secured on the spot, a quality follow-up system is
required to ensure the owner doesnt feel harassed. A good idea is to show them a
property that may be of interest to them as their next destination.
Many owners believe their own property will sell quickly, yet feel concerned they
may not find a suitable property to move to. A well-written follow-up letter that
will be seen to add value is an excellent way to demonstrate your professionalism
and, in this way, should stand you in good stead to win the business. The following
letter is one that is used by legendary agent, Mat Steinwede from Terrigal in NSW.
Go forward plan
The following checklist will provide you with an accurate guide to the successful
sale of your property. Each week we will endeavour to keep you fully informed
of the progress. Should you choose our company to represent you, this document
will navigate your journey with us towards a great result.
Signing the agreement will be the activation of our service. We will prepare a full,
detailed list of the features and benefits of your home. We will also provide you
with a checklist that helps you in preparing your home for sale.
r There will be a professional photographer booked
r All documentation and legals will be prepared
r Your keys will be cut, tagged and registered
r We will secure marketing space for your media release
signature on the dotted line, its like getting that gig youve been after for ages.
And the performance fee is your standing ovation for a job well done.
I had the pleasure of training an ex-bouncer once who started in real estate feeling
totally inadequate because he didnt match the image of the corporate agent.
However, people were drawn to him because he wore his heart on his sleeve and
they saw honesty through his rough edges. He became a listing legend.
John McGrath was once asked on Real Estate Hot Topics about the difference
between an amateur and a professional. His reply was simply, 6 minutes of
courage. Your clients are looking for leadership. Show them you know what you
are doing and that you are the dedicated, capable professional who can get the job
done, and get it done well. Go for it!
Vendor Management
Once you have been chosen as the listing agent your moments of truth begin!
Immediately after leaving the listing appointment, signed Agency Agreement
in hand, you will be feeling on a high and your client will be feeling confident
about their final decision to go with you. But that can all change dramatically
overnight. Once a newly signed up vendor starts talking to others about their
decision, they may hear all manner of comments from well-meaning friends and
family members, such as what fee did you pay? and, you didnt go exclusive did
you? As a result of this possibility, your words and actions during this period
must confirm your initial statements of reassurance.
Vendor management is a critical skill in real estate sales. Do it well and you will
be assured of happy clients who will refer your name to others. Do it badly or
worse still, not at all, and you will struggle to achieve your goals in this industry.
Reverse engineer
email forecast
confirmation of actions
(light on text)
understand early offers
SMS confirmation
after meeting
Reverse egineer
email and repeat
follow up
Manager letter/
survey see pages
23-24 of Manual
Meeting progress
Open House 4
and repeat
follow up
For the first 2 weeks your vendors love you, however they are highly suspicious
of any early offers you may introduce. In weeks 3 and 4 they are familiar with the
market, would now like to sell and are expecting a good offer. It is for this reason
that auctions are held in the fourth week. In weeks 5 and 6 they are concerned
that their property has not sold. They now believe they are with the wrong agent
and may start to criticise your efforts.
The vendor management communication system recommended in this book
follows a 4-week process, much like the process for an auction. In fact, it
should make no difference what method of sale is selected; the process for
communication is the same.
This chapter of the book provides you with a professional communication
framework that will allow you to not only meet but surpass client expectations.
Shown in sequential order, it gives you what to say and what to send, making your
job so much easier and allowing you to do what you do best, list and sell more
Note: All enquiries on your property are entered into our private
database. Many buyers only wish to drive by initially, however we still
take their full details for quality follow-up.
Possible Offers
Any offers (irrespective of price levels) will be submitted and discussed
with you. Great care is taken before any recommendations are made,
to ensure that we achieve a great price in the current market. You will
receive a phone call with all interested offers within the same business
day. This will then be confirmed in writing at the conclusion of the
negotiations. Once an offer has been accepted, I will arrange for you
to come into the office to confirm the final figure and sign the required
Action Plan
1. Create marketing and secure media space
2. Prepare required sales-associated legal paperwork
3. Book and conduct sales-associated team inspection
4. Tag and register keys
5. Release internet sites
6. Submit editorials and photos to the media
7. Arrange the signboard positioning and installation
8. Contact prospective buyers from the database based on relevant
criteria including price range
9. Send bulk visual email communications strategy
10. Prepare agenda and report for property progress meeting 1
(Tuesday the 20 September 5:00pm).
This action plan highlights just a few of the items happening behind the
scenes as we prepare to launch your property onto the marketplace.
Welcome to the Marketplace
Now that your property is about to go to market, as an owner you may
be subjected to pressures and challenges that can be stressful. As
your chosen real estate agency, it is our intention via this document
to prepare you to meet these situations and to make the sale of your
Reverse-engineered call 1
Hi Sally, its Lee, how are you? Thats good.
Just thought Id call to keep you up-to-date with everything going on
behind the scenes.
All is on track and we have booked in the media team and confirmed
the sales team inspection; weve notified the neighbourhood via mail
about the property; a buyer alert target SMS has been sent to people
registered in our price range; and a national bulk email has been sent
with our feature brochure.
So everythings on track. Ill send you an email with what has been
done so far for your reference speak soon.
Letterbox drops,
couriers, production
Floor plan
Standard tour
Local Newspaper
Appearance 1 quarter
Sydney Morning
Appearance 1 single
Sydney Morning
Appearance 2 single
Auctioneer on site
the feature brochure and the Internet links for your consideration.
The property is open for inspection for the first time this Saturday
at 11:00am. Alternatively, private appointments can be made by
contacting me direct on 0411 111 111.
Look forward to the opportunity of showing 10 High Street at your
earliest convenience.
Lee Woodward
Complete Real Estate
What they
would pay
M. Holmes
Bought elsewhere
Too much
maintenance in
the yard
S. & J. Sims
Still looking
Dont want a
P. Murray
Still looking
The average price that our interested groups would pay is $ 435,000
which is in the ballpark of our revised price guide.
I will contact you shortly to see how you are going.
Kind regards
___________________________ (name of Principal or Sales Manager)
seen that the market is just not prepared to pay the prices that were
achieved in better economic times.
Ultimately, it will be your decision to accept the price offered or move
on. Rest assured, whatever you decide, we will back you.
Kind regards
Lee Woodward
Dear vendor_solicitor_greeting
RE: PROPERTY: listing_summary
We are pleased to advise that we have negotiated the terms of sale
for the above-mentioned property on behalf of our mutual client(s),
purchaser_fullname, and enclose a copy of our Sales Advice Note.
Please forward a copy of the contract to the purchasers solicitor as
soon as possible.
We would like to liaise with your office over the next few days, so that
we can keep our client well informed about the progress of the sale.
Please inform us when contracts have been exchanged, together with
the settlement period. We will advise you once the deposit has been
received by our office.
Should you have any queries or require any further information, please
do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours faithfully
Lee Woodward
Complete Real Estate
Dear Mr Simpson,
Settlement for the purchase of 10 High Street Lillydale is to occur on
(insert date and time).
Please call me if you have any questions.
Kind regards
Lee Woodward
Complete Real Estate
Vendor objections
As we discussed at the beginning of the vendor management section of this book,
managing vendor expectations is a challenging job as you are dealing with people
during one of the biggest financial steps of their lives. As a result they will often
display a wide range of emotions and these emotions will generally fluctuate
during the selling period. Based on the Vendor Time Line, vendors will generally
expect offers to start coming in from around week 3. By weeks 5 and 6, these
expectations can turn to fear, disappointment and even anger if no offers have
been made. And considering the fact that these negative emotions will often be
targeted at you, their agent, you need to be prepared with the right things to say
in response in order to diffuse the situation and allay their fears.
This part of the Vendor Management chapter explores the typical objections you
will face from vendors and shows you what to say in response, by way of a sample
script or dialogue.
than you would like. You would just say no if it wasnt in line with what
you want to do, but at least it would put me in a position to negotiate
upwards because Ive got someone in the arena I could work with. In
other words, its better than getting no offers at all. So if we could bring
the marketing price down to a more saleable level, I know from the
research that Ive done that there will be more interest in your home. I
dont mind if you say no 4 times a day but at least let me negotiate with
somebody and then we can maybe move forward, would that be okay?
Do you think we should take the home off the market and
then put it back on when the market picks up?
I can understand how you feel. We could take it off the market, however
could I suggest we dont remove the house from the market but remove
the house from the marketing instead. What that would mean is we take
the sign down and we stop our newspaper and Internet advertising. But
if someone comes through our office attracted to a property in the same
price bracket and the other homes they look at dont suit, I would love
to be able to say something like, I do have another property that could
be of interest to you and there is a window of opportunity I can get you
through the home, even though the owners are having a rest from being
on the market. How does that sound?
You said my house was worth $450,000 and now you want
me to reduce it to $439,000!
Ken, I did set the price initially at $450,000 based on a comparison
to other properties like yours on the market at the time. But now that
were 4 weeks into the campaign, weve got a lot of research on our
side, and based on the feedback we have received from the people
that have been though the home, all indications are that the price is
higher than those people would be prepared to pay. I also think youll
find that prices have come down in the area you are looking to buy in.
Do you remember the home I showed you up in Davidson, for 645?
That propertys been reduced to 619, not because the market has
dropped but because the owners found a property at a lesser level and
they dont want to miss out on it. At the end of the day, its all relative,
meaning your cost to move will not likely change.
werent genuine buyers in the first place. They could have offered you
a million dollars and still not gone ahead. So I really need you to clear
those people out of your mind and focus on who is in a position to buy
your property today, is that okay?
Ive had calls from other agents who say they have buyers
for my home.
Ken, these calls are designed to put a wedge in our relationship. In
fact it happens to me every day of the week. Quite often when an
unscrupulous agent has no work they go around looking for work from
other agents. But just bear this in mind, there is a reason why agents
like this need to use these tactics to get your business. I dont know
who the agents are but they certainly dont sound like loyal, ethical
professionals to me.
The following scripts relate to proposed sales using the auction process, a process
that can often instil fear and trepidation in your vendor, generally because they
have had a negative prior experience with an auction or because of what they have
heard from others.
I understand how you feel. Many people feel the same way,
particularly when they have had a negative experience with
auctions in the past. However I would never recommend
going to auction if I didnt feel the property suited this
method of sale.
My recommendation is based on my experience and
research into what the market is doing right now. Rest
assured I will keep you informed every step of the way.
And dont forget, if we get a premium offer that you are
happy with prior to auction day there is no reason why you
couldnt sell during the campaign.
Let me show you what will happen during our 4-week
campaign (step them through the process)
also give your vendor the opportunity to vent his/her feelings, remembering
that this can be a highly emotion-charged time for them. Your vendor will have
certain expectations and you will need to come to these meetings prepared with
appropriate responses that will allay their fears while at the same time, keep the
campaign on track and moving forward.
Ken, I really hope you would do that because did you know
that most people dont? A lot say, we should wait a week;
if weve got that offer in week one, imagine what wed get
in week two? And in this way, they make a huge mistake.
Did you know weve got hundreds of examples of people
who sold for $30-40,000 less than they were offered in that
first week?
And Ken, after two weeks, if the right people arent coming
through I know Ive got to start communicating with people
from a different marketing space. So the price we go to
the media with will hopefully be the one that will draw the
interest but if it isnt, then I know Ive got to start looking
I dont want you to feel like that but I guess you could
be feeling that way because you dont see me here in
the home so much and so you feel as though Im doing
nothing. The fact of the matter is, its my job to seek out
buyers for your home and that may take 300 phone calls,
600 SMSs, and countless marketing information. But
youre right and I have to say that Im disappointed also
as Ive targeted everybody between $450 and $500 and
Ive communicated with 135 people by phone about your
property. What concerned me was when they said things
like, I know that place or Ive seen that one and yet they
havent come through yet. You may remember the Bradys
who came through 2 weeks ago; they have just purchased
another property for $445 in preference to your home. I
even drove past that one today to see how it compares
to yours and thought to myself, is it as good as yours? I
dont think so, but at $40,000 less, they have seen value.
Interestingly enough I got to appraise that property before
it came on the market and I gave it a very similar value to
your own, yet its now come below market, meaning lower
than where I thought it would sit.
Its not just your home Ken, there are many homes facing
the same prospect on the market at the moment. I need
to start attracting different people to this home, and Im
hoping to attract the people that are now looking in the
$440s or $430s, get them through your property and see
if we can get them up in price to where they need to be.
And Ken, if you dont sell the home at all, what would you
do then?
But it still doesnt fix our problem does it? Now if you really
want to sell this property, the marketplace will give you a
price that you can choose to take and move on, or you can
continue paying the mortgage on the property youve got.
So Ken, if you really want to sell, then this is realistically
what we need to do. Now I could drop the price say by
$2000, but I know we will only have the same conversation
3 weeks from now and then youll be even angrier with me
for not selling your home.
I guess so.
Another scenario Id like to examine with you is the old classic well if Im
dropping my price, then you need to drop your commission.
OK Ill agree to drop the price to $440, but I think well have
to do something about lowering the commission then.
Im a musician.
Now if the crowd likes you I will pay you, and if they dont
like you, you wont be paid as much. Would you work
under those conditions, Ken?
Of course not.
Buyer Management
Managing potential buyers of real estate is one of the most challenging aspects
of our business. Yet if they were to look truthfully at their performance, most
agents do not look after buyers very well. On a scale of 10, the average agent
would rate around 4. Those agents who take the time and effort to provide quality
buyer service are recognisable by their success. When all is said and done, buyer
management is highly beneficial in achieving the ultimate outcome, that is,
creating a name for yourself as an agent with a difference.
In this chapter, I would like you to completely open your mind and vision to what
is really possible and the benefits associated with mastering the important skills
associated with managing your buyers. In my many years of recording, training
and listening to the greats that have appeared on Real Estate Hot Topics, I have
observed an amazing fact agents who have a genuine interest in the buying
process and truly care for their buyers needs all operate at a higher level than
those agents who just focus on the listing process and their vendors. The key point
here is this the buyer is the seller and the seller is the buyer. No matter what else
you do; if you can just stop for one second and really grasp this one point, you
will make it.
Tracy, what would you expect to pay for a property like this?
Well Tracy, there are people who search high and low for a
property like this one they can renovate and put their own
mark on. Once someones done that renovation and this
place is finished, it will have a completely new value. Were
you thinking of renovating or should I show you something
Show me another.
What price will they take? Youve told me the homes on for
450. You know the owners what will they drop to?
Well Tracy, theyve got no further use for the property and
have decided to go for something different. So what about
yourself why are you moving?
Tracy, the place you are in now, what doesnt that have,
that you would like to achieve in your new home?
More land, a pool and better storage. But only for a good
price. Have you had any offers yet?
And off she went, another fascinating consumer who makes up the essence of the
general public. Anyway, I got over that appointment and moved on with my day.
At 4.30pm that very same day I got the promised call from Tracy (in good spirits).
Hi Lee, thank you for your time today. Youve been a great
help and I have decided to list my house with you. Is it
possible for you to come and see us this evening and bring
the forms so we can get started straight away?
At this point I am completely at a loss for words (for once) and looking around
for the candid camera.
This day was a major milestone in my career and still affects me today, even as I
sit here and write this book. Testing will always occur, however the formula for
success is simple. Be respectful, courteous and honest for you never know who is
taking your measure. And remember, many of your best referrals will come from
people who didnt buy through you. Rather, they will come from people who
remember you as a brilliant agent the very best they came into contact with.
Thank you for holding, John, are you calling about ABC
(Address given)
About 12 years.
Follow-up script
This call is made a few days after the initial call as a follow-up to confirm the appraisal appointment.
(a convenient time)
Buyer letter 1
Dear John,
Thank you for discussing your future property requirements with me
recently. Each week I like to keep in touch with everyone I am currently
searching for, to advise them of all the new properties that have just
come onto the market.
Many of our good quality properties are sold before either advertising
or signboards have been arranged, making it important for us to stay in
regular contact with you.
During your search for a property, I intend calling you before Friday
each week. However if for some reason I am not able to contact you,
please feel free to contact me. This way I can inform you immediately of
newly listed properties.
I enjoyed talking with you. I also look forward to finding a property that
will meet your needs.
Yours faithfully
Lee Woodward
Complete Real Estate
Yes it is.
Its Lee calling from Complete Real Estate. How are you?
Yes that would be good. And thanks Lee; of all the agents
Ive seen, youre the only one who actually calls me back. I
dont know why they even bother taking peoples details.
I know; its not good is it. Then they think they have the
right to sell peoples homes. Its just not right. Just on that;
can I ask you Sally, when the times right would you allow
me the opportunity to pop over and give you a neutral
opinion on the value of your own home?
in the industry as show-time for a very good reason. You are the company from
the perspective of the buyers and sellers. Everyone is taking your measure.
Be particularly careful of leading questions that are asked in order to test you.
Answering the question and then leading into another question is a great method
you can use to stay focused and in control.
They have no further use for the home. But how about you,
John; why are you moving?
With this contract exchanged, the purchaser has total control and
time to ensure that everything is to their liking. However, this protective
please feel free to call any of the Complete Real Estate sales team with
any questions that you may have. They will be happy to assist you.
Yours faithfully
Lee Woodward
Complete Real Estate Pty Ltd
(Please keep this information on file, you will find it helpful during the
sales process as a reference guide.)
If the answer to this last question is yes, then you would proceed into my signature negotiation process, which is covered a little later in this chapter.
Investors are an increasing part of the property market, who feel insecure with
shares. They are:
r Looking for a bargain
r Interested primarily in financial return
r Unemotional (unless one of a partnership believes he or she could live
there one day).
I think the market may keep going down and I want to wait.
How many homes do you feel you need to see before you
buy? May I suggest you dont fall for the all time biggest
mistake in real estate and look for too long, as the property
market may pass you by.
The investor
known in this industry that a buyer will dig in to arrogance and give in trust.
Believe me when I say this a buyer will never pay their best price if they distrust
John, I believe that the asking price is fair and your offer may be viewed
as being below the propertys value. By law, I have to present your offer
to the owner, but if they said no, what would be the next price you
would offer?
Whoever speaks next loses.
If the offer you now have is in the range of anticipated value, ask the
purchaser to sign the contract for delivery to the vendor and take the
initial 0.25% deposit. If not, make a time to see the vendor anyway.
Meet the vendor. The vendor meeting needs to provide information, not
achieve quick acceptance. If you just advise the price offered, you are
robbing the vendor of the experience of the process and no matter how
good the figure, a natural response is to say no. This is where timing
plays a large part.
Plan. Give the vendor the history of the buyer how long they have been
looking, how many children they have and what they loved about the
home. Then confirm the deposit and terms of settlement. This process
prepares them for their own move.
Deliver the price, then the second offer and be silent. After the vendors
response, move into a dialogue explaining that you wish to return to
the purchaser for a higher offer. This way the vendor feels you are truly
working for them. Always expect to go back on behalf of the owner,
even if the original offer is accepted.
10. Meet the purchaser and deliver good news about how close you are
to securing a home for them. Work them to the very last dollar, for
example, $425,650, as odd amounts count and may pull you through to
the threshold of mutual agreement.
11. Final vendor meeting. This meeting can be as long or as short as
you make it. If the vendor and the buyer are still apart on price, go
back through the purchasers history. If you have achieved more than
expected, you can be assured that you will be welcomed and referred to
their family and friends.
Once a successful sale has been achieved, many agents think to themselves, well
thats it, another happy customer. Time to move on to the next one. But this could
not be further from the truth. By maintaining the connection with your buyers
and sellers, the cycle will start over again somewhere down the track. Most people
buy and sell many times in their lifetime and our objective is that they will keep
coming back to you.
Its a wrap
the real estate sales process that I have covered in this book. We need a system
that helps us to find, list, communicate and sell. The right software can make
a dramatic difference to a salespersons performance as long as it useable by
everyday real estate agents and makes everyday tasks simple and effective because
its so true what they say any more than two mouse clicks and youve lost a
The following table highlights the top 10 system features, deliverables and benefits
you need to professionally run your business and, more importantly, generate the
profit to allow someone else to take over all the administrative duties (red work)
allowing you to get on with the job of finding, listing, communicating and selling.
What it is
What you get out of it
Prospecting system
Bulk communications
Select and
send consistent
Scheduled tasks
Strategic follow-up
Sales training
Sales trust
Industry compliant
Financial reporting
Campaign tracking
Campaign schedule
Visual communication
Visual templates
Industry specific
So which software is simple to use and meets all these requirements and
Engineered by real estate professionals for real estate professionals, Complete
Data is the chosen system and engine behind the nations best agents. Complete
A final word
In writing this book, I have captured many years of observations, personal
experiences and feedback from real estates top performers. I am truly passionate
about this brilliant industry of ours and equally passionate about sharing the
strategies that lead you to achieve your professional and personal goals in life.
Just remember though, while this book gives you the tools, only you can make it
I wish you every success in your career and thank you for reading this book. I
hope to see you back in the training rooms soon and look forward to hearing your
success stories.
Im Lee Woodward.
Bye for now.
As the founder of Real Estate Academy, I can assure you there are no other
training companies that can match our level of skill, resources and infrastructure;
in fact our system designers and writers are exclusive to REA as dedicated team
The table below lists our suite of products and services.
The Complete Membership Program (Gold, Silver and Bronze)
Training & Events
The Complete Salesperson Course
The Complete Leader Conference
Effective Business Unit Workshop
Running Brilliant Auctions Workshop
Super Coach
Prospecting Workshop
Buyer Management & Negotiation Workshop
Time & Action Management Workshop
Thrive Induction Training Program
Audio & Video
Real Estate Hot Topics
Urban Words
Power of People
Mat Steinwede Real Estate System
Real Estate Software
Complete Data
Additional Services
Personal Presentations
Agents Business Plan
Productivity Pad
Event Management
Speaker Coaching & Management
For further information, contact Real Estate Academy on 1300 367 412 or visit
our website at http://www.realestateacademy.com.au
If selling real estate is your core focus then The Complete Salesperson Course is your opportunity
to take control of your business and career. Our flagship training course has been attended and
implemented by thousands of real estate professionals, from professional assistants to salespeople
and trainees to principals, all of whom have since reaped the rewards, including a stronger sales
pipeline, more effective time management and a comprehensive personal action plan.
Following Real Estate Academys exclusive
Sales Process Model, the course covers
the four key components of:
Prospecting (Find)
Winning Business (List)
Vendor Management (Communicate)
Buyer Management (Sell)
WEB. www.realestateacademy.com.au