Chapter-3 Review of Literature: 3.1 Introduction

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3.1 INTRODUCTIONReview of literature forms an integral as well as an essential part of modern research
studies. No research study is considered complete unless an extensive literature
review is made by the researcher. The basic purpose of undertaking this exercise is
to find the research gap between, studies conducted so far or literature available, and
also to finalize precisely the topic of research and to get insight into the research
topic selected for study. In this sense this exercise becomes a sort of exploratory
Keeping these facts in view researcher has undertaken an extensive exercise of
literature review and came to the conclusion though some books are available on the
topics related to the research topic chosen by the researcher, but all of these have been
written in some other perspectives and none of these are having direct relation to the
topic of this research. In fact researcher intended to examine the sustainability of
small cars in Indian automobile sector, in the light of new developments taking place
in the Indian auto sector like introduction of big cars by number of auto
manufacturers in Indian market in the recent past, increase in personal and disposable
income, better and improved road conditions, shift in consumers behavior from to
save to consume, easy financing and loan facility, installment payment facility, status
symbol, etc. These facts also lead to a query that whether small car will be able to
withstand in the market and will it be the preferred choice of Indian car buyers. None
of the books researcher gone through has been written from this perspective.
Similarly a number of research studies have been conducted on the subject related to
research topic, some of these have studied the consumer/buyer behavior of these cars,
some of the have studied some other aspects, like environmental sustainability or
economic sustainability, but none of them have studied from the angle , researcher
intended to study.


A brief account of the review of literature made by the researcher is being presented
The idea to build small cars for the Indian market is almost as old as Indias
independence. Already by the late 1950s, the Indian Government established a
Commission with the task to look at costs and prices of motor vehicles produced in
the country and invited proposals for the production of an Economy Car. In
response, different manufactures submitted proposals. Tata, for example, submitted a
proposal for the license production of a DKW light car. In 1959, it was Premier
Automotive Limited (PAL) that was allowed to enter into collaboration with the Fiat
Motor Company for the production of the Fiat 500 which was later replaced by the
Fiat 1100 (Mohanty et al. 1994). While there were ever few commissions looking into
the question of mass-producing the small cars, there was no real effort to realize the
endeavour before the 1980s. (Venkataramani -1990) argues in this context. From time
to time committees appointed by the Government purported to study the issue of
initiating the manufacture of a small, economical, peoples car. But the persistence
of the notion in high Government circles and in the Planning Commission that the
passenger car was a luxury item that catered to the needs of a small section of the
population inevitably promoted inaction. (Venkataramani, 1990: p. 12)

Indias entire production of passenger cars and MUVs rose in the 1960s to 1980s only
slowly to around 40.000 vehicles annually. Low production volumes and high prices
put passenger car ownership quite deliberately out of reach of average middle class
consumers. The stagnation was above all related to Indias post independence Stateled investment regime that favored capital goods production (favoring commercial
vehicle production and busses), restricting market competition through a licensing
system and shielding of the national economy by a protectionist trade and FDI
regime. Thus, while the demand for passenger cars even for a small car like the Fiat
500/Padmini is restricted by stringent price controls and high taxes, the supply side
is equally restricted by a licensing system and protectionism that curb production,
domestic competition and locking out international players (Becker-Ritterspach &
Becker-Ritterspach, 2008).

In the early 1970s the idea of mass producing a small car was taken up again. It was
Sanjay Gandhi, then Prime Minister Indira Gandhis son, who revived the idea of
producing a car for the people. On the 16th of November 1970, Sanjay Gandhi
founded a private limited company named Maruti technical services private limited.
The stated mission of the enterprise was the development of a peoples car an
affordable, cost-effective, low maintenance and fuel efficient car for Indias middle
class that was indigenously designed and produced. Following Sanjay Gandhis
initiative, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's cabinet proposed the production of a
peoples car and passed a unanimous resolution for its development and production.
Although Sanjay Gandhi neither had any prior experience in automobile production
nor a clear design proposal or tie-ups with another corporation, he was awarded the
contract and the exclusive production license (Venkataramani, 1990). To produce the
car a second company called Maruti limited was incorporated in 1971 under the
Indian Companies Act. Under patronage of Indira Gandhis Government the company
received land, tax breaks and funds (Shirali, 1984; Shenoy, 2003). However, despite
all government backing and support, Maruti named after the Hindu God of the
winds didnt take off. The young company proved incapable of producing a single
marketable car. A part of the problem lay in the inexperience in automobile
production of the Nehru-Gandhi family members who comprised the companys top
management. Maruti limiteds problems culminated in the companys liquidation in
1977 (Becker-Ritterspach, 2007).

Trying to rehabilitate her family name, Indira Gandhi tackled the unresolved Maruti
problem. Eventually the Maruti Scandal came to a close when in October 1980 the
Government of India took over Maruti limited and incorporated it in February 1981
by an Act of parliament (Maruti Limited Acquisition and Transfer of Undertaking
Act) as a Public Limited Company. Rechristened Maruti Udyog Ltd., the company
was incorporated under the provisions of the Indian Companies Act, 1956.Realizing
that the company as well as the industry as a whole could only succeed with
foreign cooperation; bids for foreign collaboration were invited. What is more, the


Indian Government not only sought to turn Maruti into a success story, but pursued a
wider political agenda with the project that drove the search and selection for a
foreign Joint Venture partner. According to Venkataramani, the Project report for
Manufacture of passenger cars and light utility vehicles, dated 27. May 1982
revealed that among the major goals associated with Maruti were:
1. Modernization of the Indian automobile industry;
2. Production of fuel efficient vehicles;
3. A large output of motor vehicles;
4. Import of foreign technology and equity participation by the collaborator
5. Production of a peoples car suited to Indian driving and climatic
6. Creating potential for earning foreign exchange by export of Maruti
products; and
7. Generating employment through establishment of ancillary industries
(Venkataramani, 1990: p. 65)

Although there was an earlier intention to produce light commercial vehicles and
medium sized-cars, the idea of producing a fuel efficient small car prevailed. In 1981,
Marutis board of directors decided that the vehicle to be manufactured would be a
small car and that the engine size should be kept below one liter (Venkataramani,
1990). The decision was driven by the rationale that the Maruti project could only
succeed if mass production was realized. This, in turn, was tightly linked to the cars
affordability and cost of operation. The decision was further supported by market
research findings as listed below.

The survey of potential purchasers drawn from nine cities which then accounted for
60% -70% of the country's car owning population revealed that 90% of car use was
within a city, the individual car owner travels 800 km a month on an average and that
the average number of passengers in a car was four because cars were largely used for
office-going purposes. Also, only 20%-30% of the respondents indicated a desire to


purchase a car in the next two years at the existing prices, but for a new price range of
between Rs.40.000 to Rs.55,000 the proportion of likely buyers went up to 43%-45%.
Finally, the survey revealed that the two most important factors considered while
purchasing a car were fuel efficiency and initial capital cost. Of the total sample, 37%
preferred a small car and only 18% preferred a medium-sized car. "This strengthened
our belief that the earlier decision to go in for a medium-sized family car was wrong.
So we decided to manufacture a small car," says Bhargava. (Shirali, 1984: p.4)

In the light of these requirements, Japanese manufacturers turned out to be the more
attractive partners: Once the Japanese entered the race, the Europeans were almost
automatically eliminated. The Peugeot and Volkswagen offers were reportedly over
50% more expensive than the Japanese offers. Apart from the obvious Japanese
superiority in small-car technology, a related reason for the Maruti Udyog team
concentrating on Japanese offers was that they had derivatives such as vans, a pick-up
truck and a four-wheel drive jeep all using the same engine and transmission as the
car. This offered Maruti Udyog the prospect of catering to a larger market and made
possible mass production and economies of scale since the cars and derivatives could
be made with the same engine. But the factor which decisively swung the balance in
favor of the Japanese was the promise that Indo-Japanese collaboration offered a
chance to introduce the work culture and management. (Shirali, 1984: p.5)

Ultimately, the Indian Government selected Suzuki as a partner because the company
convinced with its small car experience and product portfolio particularly Suzuki's
796cc, SS80F model (see table given below) the projected manufacturing cost and
product price, and its flexible approach in the negotiations.


Table: 3.1 Maruti Vital Statistics (Shirali, 1984: p.2)


Maruti 800

Maruti Pick-up

Maruti van

Seating capacity




Body size (LxWxH)

3.295 x 1.405 x 1.335m

3.195 x 1,395 x

3.195 x 1.395 x



600 kg

550 kg with 2

Max. Loading Capacity

Kerb weight

630 kg



Engine Type

4-stroke cycle, water

Same as in car

Same as in car

cooled, 3 cylinder (OHC)





Max. HP

29.42 KW (39.5 HP) at

27.50 KW (37

27.50 KW (37

5500 RPM

HP) at 5500 RPM HP) at 5500 RPM

Compression Ratio




Brake system

Front disc. Rear drum

All drum

All drum

Turning radius




Ground clearance

17.75 cm (7.09 in)

17 cm (6.7 in)

17 cm (6.7 in)

Fuel Consumption

19.9 km per liter

16.8 km per liter

16.8 km per liter


Petrol (regular)

Petrol (regular)

Petrol (regular)


4-forward. All

Same as for car

Same as for car


In addition, Suzuki promised to provide the much sought after Japanese

manufacturing practices and culture through comprehensive knowledge transfer.
Most importantly, Suzukis equity participation offer was higher than that of all the
other contenders (Venkataramani, 1990). Thus, while the idea and the market demand
for a small fuel efficient affordable car for Indias emerging middle class was present
since the early 1960s, it wasnt until the 1980s, with the entry of Suzuki, that the
Indian passenger car market saw the arrival and mass production of a small car, the
Maruti 800.


3.2 The Emergence of the Small Cars and their Political and Socio-economic
The successful establishment of a small car around that time was facilitated by a
complex of social, economic and political factors. The first and probably most vital
condition for the emergence of the small car lay in a growing demand scenario for a
small and fuel efficient car. Specifically, there was an accumulated demand which is
not only constituted by potential first time buyers at the entry level e.g. scooter or
motorbike owners who seek car ownership but also by extant vehicle owners who
had a huge replacement demand given an average vehicle life of 25 years at the time
(Venkataramani, 1990). The small car demand was constituted by Indias growing
middle class. It is among other factors, the expanding public sector that contributed to
the emergence of a sizable middle class that posed increasing consumer demands
(DCosta, 2005), albeit from low income-level by international comparison. At the
same time, the economic policy, most notably the Five Year Plans, with their focus
on heavy industries, capital goods and later agriculture, proved increasingly unable to
satisfy this growing demand (DCosta, 2005).

The other reason for the emergence of the small car was rooted in the situation and
beginning of de-regulation of the Indian economy in the 1980s. By the late 70s the
Indian State-led economy showed signs of exhaustion, finding expression in repeated
balance of payment difficulties and a slow-growing economy (DCosta, 2005). In
response to the economic difficulties Rajiv Gandhis Congress-led government
introduced in the 1980s a number of deregulation measures that stimulated both the
demand side and supply side. On the demand side, passenger car ownership was no
longer perceived as luxury, expressed in a lowering of customs and excise duties for
small cars in 1983. On the supply side, first modest economic reforms aimed at
carefully stimulating domestic competition and carefully opening up the economy to
foreign investors (DCosta, 2005). The measures included the de-licensing, and the
lowering of import tariffs. While there were new possibilities for collaborations there
was still no free access to the Indian market for international automobile companies.


For Maruti-Suzuki, this situation created a particularly protective and conducive

environment. On the one hand, the company could, with the help of international
cooperation, adopt state-of-the-art small car technology and out compete, its domestic
rivals. On the other hand, the company was shielded from international competition
through the licensing system and protectionism that remained in place (BeckerRitterspach, 2007).

Although the deregulation of the Indian economy marked the beginning of a new
policy for passenger car production and foreign involvement, core themes remained
unchanged and also benefited the emergence of a small car path. One important
aspect was the continued balance of payment problem of the Indian economy. As the
Indian economy was fully dependent on oil imports, the fuel efficiency of cars
directly impacted Indias balance of payments. It was, therefore, an ongoing national
goal to keep fuel consumption low by promoting small car production.

The factor explaining the successful establishment of the small car was probably
related to the political will to render Sanjay Gandhis brain child of a peoples car a
success. Not only did the company benefit from the limited market reforms, but it
also profited from preferential treatment by the Indian Government who held a
majority stake in the company. A range of policy measures were specifically drafted
to support the company. For example, in 1983 the Indian Government issued a
special notification extending substantial reduction in customs and excise duties to
automobiles that had a capacity of no more than 1000cc(Venkataramani, 1990: p.
62). While this notification strongly benefited Maruti-Suzuki, which was about to
produce an 800cc vehicle, the other two main competitors were put at a disadvantage
by this measure. Maruti-Suzuki clearly became a national champion whose
development Indira Gandhi vowed in 1983 at the factory inauguration would be her
personal interest. It is probably precisely the politicized origin that also allowed
Maruti-Suzuki to develop without too much direct political interference in its
operations. Although Maruti-Suzuki benefited from economic reforms and
preferential treatment as a public sector company, its relation to the government


verged from earlier modes Government

Public Sector Undertaking nexus in that the
government largely abstained from influencing operative decisions in the company to
render the project a success (cf. Shirali, 1984
1984; DCosta, 2005).

Thus, it was essentially this interplay of an emerging market demand for small, fuel
efficient cars, economic deregulation and political support that shaped the emergence
of Indias small car path. Its emergence was inextricably linked with the Government
Company Maruti Udydog and Suzuki. Soon after Suzukis involvement the other
players Hindustan Motors (HM) and Premier Automotive Limited (PAL) lost their
market share and were outperformed by Maruti. From the 1980s onward, Indian
passenger car sales were dominated by Maruti cars iin
n the lower segments. At the time
of its introduction, the Maruti 800 not only offered superior product technology, but
also sold at a substantially lower price than the cars of the main competitors HM and
PAL. Until the market liberalization in the 1990s the small car path was dominated by
Maruti that absorbed in the early 1990s about 62.4 % of the market share. Remaining
market share was shared by Premier Automobiles Limited
Limited, 23.7%
% and Hindustan
Motors with 13.9% share. A glimpse of the same can be had wi
th the help of
following figure 3.1,
Market Share of Passenger Cars 1990-91





Figure:3.1 Market Share of Passenger Cars 1990

91 (Mohonot 2001:6)


While the 1980s saw the emergence of Indias small car in sales and production terms
and for the first time higher production of passenger cars compared to commercial
vehicles, research and development (R&D) for small cars played a marginal role.
Basically all product and production competence lay in the hands of the foreign
partner Suzuki. First efforts to set up R&D in Maruti, mainly aimed at minor product
adaptation to local road and climate conditions (Mohanty et al., 1994). By the same
token, production was firmly focused on domestic demand. As the figure below
shows overall exports remained negligible until the 2000s

3.3 Change and Continuity of Indias Small Car From the 1990s onward
In the 1990s and especially in the 2000s, Indias small car continued to develop and
grow stronger. While it was still the domestic demand structure that sustained the
small car in sales and production terms, the emergence of small car export and R&D
additionally strengthened the small car market. As the small car market developed
further, there were changes in the markets qualitative and quantitative terms. These
changes were largely rooted in Indias economic reforms that started in the 1990s and
received a new boost in the 2000s.

3.3.1 A New Industrial Policy in the 1990s

Following the balance of payment crisis in the early 1990s, the Indian Government
launched stabilizing measures and embarked on a New Industrial Policy in 1991. First
stabilizing measures included the reduction of the fiscal deficit and the devaluation of
the Indian rupee. While the stabilization measures aimed at short-term alleviation of
the economic crisis, the reform program addressed structural problems in the Indian
economy with a more long-term approach. Internally, the reforms focused on shifting
the economy from a State-led coordination and State-led investment growth regime to
a more market-led coordination and market-led investment growth regime. This
implied a massive de-regulation of private sector controls and a step-wise
privatization of public sectors and their enterprises. Externally, the reforms aimed at
liberalizing the trade regime summarized by Krueger and Chinoy (2002) as follows:
In the first two years of the reforms, measures liberalizing the trade regime included-


(a) The removal of import licensing requirements for most imports (although
prohibitions on the import of consumer goods remained);

(b) The beginning of a program of tariff reductions;

(c) Restrictions on inflows of foreign direct and portfolio investments were

significantly eased;

(d) Number of export restrictions were removed or relaxed (although some remained).
(Krueger and Chinoy, 2002: p.23)

For Indian companies, the liberalization implied the emergence of international

competition in what used to be an entirely protected market. Yet, the liberalization
pace was incremental with periods of slow down. For example, import tariffs
remained high and indigenization requirements for FDI stayed largely in place
throughout the 1990s. In the mid-1990s, the reform-speed even lost momentum
(Becker-Ritterspach, 2008a)

3.3.2 Economic Reform and New Players in the Small Car Segments
On the supply side the economic liberalization showed its first effects in 1993 with
the abolishment of production licenses. Like in other sectors, import tariffs were
reduced and the Phased Manufacturing Program was reformulated. Moreover, the
pre-entry security for investment decisions (such as expansion, diversification,
merger and acquisition) for big companies such as companies falling under the
Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act (MRTP, implemented in 1969)
became obsolete (Mohnot, 2001). While a number of strict FDI controls stayed in
place through the 1990s, the 2000s see a further liberalization of the FDI regime
(lower import tariffs, abolishment of local content requirements, 100% foreign
ownership, dropping mandatory minimum levels for investment etc.) (BeckerRitterspach 2008b)


Market Share of Indian Passenger Car Market 1999-2000

3% 2% 2%


Tata Motors




Honda Siel

Figure: 3.2 Market Share of Indian Passenger Car Market 1999-2000

For the development of the small car strategy the de-licensing and opening up of the
economy basically implied that new players, domestic and international, were
allowed to enter the market for passenger car production. For Maruti-Suzuki, which
dominated the small path, this implied an increasing number of competitors, who also
tried to cater to small car or lower market segments. This was particularly the case
with regard to Hyundai and Tata but also Ford, GM and Fiat. Market share of Indian
passenger cars as per data complied by Centre for Industrial and Economic Research
in 2009 for the year 1999- 2000 was Maruti 54.1%, Hyundai 16.9%, Tata Motors
12.3%, Ford 6.4%, Fiat 3.9%, Hindustan Motors 2.7%, Honda Siel 2.0% and others
1.7%.Yet, despite inroads by competitors, Maruti-Suzuki (MS) could defend its
market share in the lowest market segment, the Mini (A1) segment. The market share
of different cars in 1999-2000 has been depicted with the help of Figure 3.2 as above.
On the one hand, this had to do with the condition that no other manufacturer offered
a competing product (the absence of a competing product) in the Mini (A1) segment.
On the other hand, Maruti-Suzuki was able to defend its market share in the Compact
(A2)and Mid-Size (A3) segment due to its product offensives and with its countrywide service and sales network, owing to a first-mover advantage. ( Based on vehicle

length and price, Indias automobile market is commonly segmented as follows:

A1/A mini segment (up to 3400 mm; < 5000), A2/B compact segment (34014000mm; 5000-8000), A3/C mid-size segment (4001-4500mm; 8000-13000 ),
A4/D executive segment (4501-4700mm; 13,000-22,000 ), A5/E premium segment
(4701-5000mm; 22,000 +), and A6/E+ luxury segment (more than 5000mm)
(ACMA, 2006)).However, due to the entry of competitors in car market the market
share of Maruti started declining. As per the statistics released by the Society of
Indian Automobile Manufactures (SIAM) in 2006, the market share of Maruti was
further eroded to 50.87% in 2004-2005. Market share of Tata Motors increased to
17.66 %, and that of Hyundai marginally to 17.30%. The market share of Ford
was3.03%, HM 1.78%, Honda Siel 4.35%, General Motors 1.91%, Toyota 1.33%,
Fiat 0.66% Skoda 0.89% and others 0.22% during the corresponding period.

The market share of different car manufacturing companies in India in the year 20042005 has been presented with the help of figure 3.3 below. It is quite evident from
these figures of market shares that the share of Maruti-Suzuki in Indian car market is
continuously declining and market share of Hyundai motor company is constantly
increasing. But in spite of this, by this time Maruti-Suzuki was able to maintain its
leadership position with more than half of the market share-

3.3.3 Economic Reform and Small Car Demand

The liberalization and Indias new industrial policy not only had a strong impact on
the supply side for the production of small cars; equally important was the impact the
liberalization had on the demand side for small cars in India.

In 2004/2005 the sales of passenger cars and multi-utility vehicles crossed for the first
time the 1 million mark (Maruti Udyog Ltd., 2004). In 2004, India was the fastestgrowing large market for passenger cars in the world (The Economist Intelligence
Unit, 2006: p.40). Yet, it remained to be a small car market. The Economist
Intelligence Unit stated in this context: Indias car market is, however, strikingly onedimensional: the mini- and compact car segments combined accounted for 74.5% of


new-car sales in April-December 2004, the first nine months of the fiscal year. One
car in particular, Marutis ubiquitous 800 model, with an engine size of less than
1000cc, remains the biggest seller, although its market share plummeted to 15% in
2004 from around 25% in previous years. Sales in the luxury-car segment vehicles
priced at US$20,000 and above doubled between 2002 and 2004, although they
make up only 4.6% of the market. Few inexpensive cars are imported because of high
duties, although import tariffs are coming down. (The Economist Intelligence Unit,
2006: p. 41)

It was the highly price sensitive, lower market segments (especially the Mini (A1)
and Compact (A2) Segment that benefited strongly from the reform driven economic
growth and particularly fiscal and monetary reforms. Also, the reform of the banking
system, low interest rates and the continued reduction of excise duty rendered vehicle
financing easier and stimulated entry level demand (ACMA, 2006; Nair, 2006).
Lastly, the automobile industry benefited as a whole from infrastructure projects,
government efforts to reduce poverty and rural development. The Economist
Intelligence Unit (2006) noted that investments in agricultural efficiency already
contributed to increased demand in rural areas. India remains an overwhelmingly
agrarian society, so that any initiative to raise farm incomes should translate into
rising car sales. Car producers are already opening more dealerships in semi-urban
and rural regions to tap rising incomes and demand, and these areas now account for a
growing share of overall sales. (The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2006: p. 39)

While the liberalization led to an overall opening up and segmentation of automobile

demand in India, it was the lower segments that remained the strongest beneficiaries
from the reforms and economic growth. Despite a strong growth of the luxury
segments (starting from a very low level, however), Indias social structure and
disposable incomes suggest that the market remained to be dominated by lower and
small car segments in the then foreseeable future (e.g. DCosta 2005). This outlook
was also shared by the Economist Intelligence Unit that reflected the Indian
automobile demand scenario as follows:-


According to Indias National Council of Applied Economic Research, in 2002 only

6.1m households out of a total of 176m were classified as affluent or very rich, and
therefore able to afford a personal car. However, another 56.8m household was
considered to be well off able to afford motorcycles and scooters, but not cars.
Some of those aspiring consumer households will have already moved into the
affluent group during the current economic boom. If only 10% of these well-off
households can move to the next level in the next five years, the number of carowning households could rise by nearly 6m, nearly doubling current levels. Although
this structural shift seems eminently achievable, economic shocks such as a drought
or a fiscal crisis that leads to much higher interest rates could stem demand for a
period of time. (The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited, 2006: p. 38) .The
economic sustainability of the small car rests above all on the nature of domestic
demand scenario in the years to come. This demand scenario is constituted by Indias
market reform and economic growth, the political will to further develop the small car
market and above all the social structure and income situation that create demands at
the lower end.

It is also this basic condition that entices new players to introduce small or/and lately
mini cars into the Indian market. Cases in point are the Tata Nano, and yet another
mini car, Renault and Bajaj are planning to introduce in cooperation by 2011 (e.g.
Lamparter, 2008). Especially the mini-car projects are likely to have a substantial
impact on the Indian automobile sector. As Baig (2008) states: Impact on the auto
market: Priced at nearly half the price of the cheapest Indian car but three times the
price of an average motorcycle, the Tata Nano will create a new market niche. It may
just end up attracting some 5% of the 7 million annual buyers of two-wheelers and
define a new entry level for cars. Indians bought 1.2 million cars last year and the
Tata Nano will probably add some 3, 00,000 4, 00, 000 new buyers to this. Bigger
cars however are likely to remain unaffected and motorcycles and scooters will
continue to sell. (Baig 2008: p. 2) Following table provides a comparative insight
about Maruti viz.-a-viz. Tata Nano-


Table: 3.2 Maruti 800 V/S Tata Nano A comparison


Maruti -800

Tata Nano

Seating capacity

04 persons

04-05 persons

Body Size LxWxH



Kerb weight



Engine type

4-stock cycle, 3cylinder

Max. point fuel injectionpetrol

engine, 2cylinders




Max. HP



Fuel consumption






Price (Rs.)



Source: Autocar India 2008

3.4 The Government focus on the Development and Export of the Small Cars in
Apart from the changing FDI regime that potentially invites new players to compete
in the small car segment, the 2000s sees another important shift. As part of its
privatization policy, the Indian Government pulled out of Maruti-Suzuki. With this
shift, there was also a shift in the Indian governments small car policy. Until the end
of the 1990s the promotion of the small car strategy was intimately connected with
the Indian governments stake in Maruti. This promotion gradually shifts in the
2000s, by creating economic incentives for all manufacturers catering to the
development, production and export of small cars. Thus, while the political will and
agenda to see the small car sector thrive remains an important ingredient in the
economic sustainability of the small path, there is a change with regard to the level of
influence. This level moves from the company to the sector level. But let us take a
closer look at continuity and change in the auto policy. Promoting sector conditions
that facilitate small car R&D, production and export become important building


blocks in the new auto policy in the 2000s. The Indian governments Auto Policy of
2002 and the Automotive Mission Plan (AMP) 2006-2016 (see also table 4 and table
5) state respectively that: Domestic demand mainly devolves around small cars not
exceeding 3.80 meters in length. Small cars occupy less road space and save on fuel.
These capture more than 85% of the market. India can build export capability and
become an Asian hub for the export of small cars. The growth of this segment needs
to be spurred. (Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, 2002) In order to
raise the contribution of the automotive industry to GDP from 5.2% to 10%, there has
to be a focus on both the domestic market as well as exports. Domestically the focus
should be on developing and selling appropriate products for the large population of
the country. These products could include cost effective small carriers, strong,
rugged, low cost vehicles for the rural market, USD 300-350 motorbikes and small,
safe four wheelers for family transport. (Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public
Enterprises, 2006: p. 13).

A core rationale of the new auto policy is that the development of the Indian
automobile industry (in production and R&D terms) crucially depends on volumes.
Volumes, in turn, can only be realized in India if the vehicles produced and developed
are affordable for Indian consumers. Specific measures to develop the small car path
include fiscal policies such as lower excise duties for small cars. In the 2000s, the
Indian Government reduced excise duty for small cars to 8%, contrasting with the
16% for other passenger cars (Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises,

Thus, despite new emphases in Indias automobile policy, we see above all continuity
in the goal and motivation for fostering small cars. An old issue is that small cars
were seen as a sine qua non to realize mass production in India. Mass-production, in
turn, is seen as a prerequisite for the growth of the Indian automobile industry and its
contribution to the Indian economy. The emphasis on fuel-efficient cars and export
capability are also old policy issues and reflect Indias continuing balance of
payments challenge. At the same time, the concern for safety, environmental


pollution and infrastructure bottlenecks are new policy issues that additionally drive
the small car path (Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, 2002 and

3.5 The Emergence of India as a Worldwide Research and Production Hub for
Small Cars.
Economically, the small car path in India has reached a sustainable level. In the past
this sustainability was largely driven by the nature of domestic demand. However, the
Indian government envisions this path growing even stronger by turning India into a
worldwide R&D and production hub. The Automobile Mission Plan states in this
context thatExport opportunities for four wheelers would lie primarily in the small car segment
as Indian companies have gained expertise in manufacturing vehicles in this segment
and enjoy an advantage over other low cost countries. India should capitalize on this
expertise and target becoming a manufacturing hub for A/B class vehicles. This is
already being leveraged by OEMs like Hyundai with Santro, Suzuki with Maruti
800/Alto and TATA Motors with Indica. (Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public
Enterprises, 2006: p. 13-14)

Concrete measures recommended or in the process of being implemented

included the followingInvestment support (deduction on R&D expenditure,

Excise duty concessions, tax/levy exemption, research grants)

Introduction of stiffer emission standards; infrastructure investment (ports, roads,

rail, energy/power)

Setting up of testing-, certification and homologation facilities.


Development of centers of excellence in the area of: noise (at Mansear), vibration
& harshness, auto components (at Mansear); engine and material testing (at Pune);
automotive safety and crash testing (at Chennai); testing track and vehicle dynamics
(at Indore) development of focused lab facilities at the Indian Institutes of
Technology and Management (Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises,

While the National Automotive Testing and R&D Implementation Project (NATRIP)
,is envisioned to play a coordinating role, different States have also taken individual
initiatives with regard to providing R&D facilities. The government of Maharashtra,
for example, has set up what it calls an Auto Cluster providing testing facilities for
OEM and their suppliers (Interview MCCI). While the political initiative is there, the
question is to what extent the Indian automobile industry actually moves beyond
being a mere technology adopter and producer for the domestic markets?
In terms of exports, the 2000s show a new trend pointing towards rising exports in the
passenger car sector. What is more, most of the vehicle exports do focus on the lower
market segments with Hyundai being the dominant exporter.

With regard to R&D there was an emerging trend of using and developing local
capability. On the one hand there is a general development of increasing R&D
expenditure in the Indian automobile industry, which has also been stimulated
recently by more stringent emission regulations (Shastry, 2004). On the other hand,
there is an increasing small car R&D focus among some manufacturers, who seek to
develop India into their corporate hub for car R&D. A case in point is Maruti-Suzuki
that is in the process of developing the Indian operation into a R&D hub for small
cars. Similarly, Tata has invested substantially in small car R&D in recent years
(Venugopal, 2005) and Hyundai and Fiat have also established regional R&D centers
in India (The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited, 2006). The Tata Nano is probably
the most recent and prominent example of Indias rising local R&D capability in the
small car segment. While Tata strongly relies on local partners/suppliers (most of
which have international involvement like Bosch, Freudenberg, Continental, Johnson


Controls, Denso, Delphi, Ficosa, EDAG, Taco Visteon, INA, FAG, Mahle, Tenneco
(Lamparter, 2008; Lang, 2008)) to develop the Nano and its components, it is to a
large degree Indian engineers who has done the actual development.

Interviews held in May 2008 underline that it is not only the low cost of engineers
that make India a highly attractive location for small car development. More
important than this is the Indian engineers intimate understanding as to what is
essential and what is not with regard to building a vehicle that has to satisfy
developing country requirements and conditions (Interview with Managing Director
Mercedes-Benz India).

3.6 Conclusion: Challenges to the Sustainability of the Small Cars in Future

Looking at a host of factors including Indias demographic development (a young and
fast growing population), upwards social mobility (rising per capita income from a
low level), low vehicle density (8 per 1000 in 2004 (Statistisches Bundesamt, 2006)),
rising oil prices, infrastructure bottlenecks and pollution problems, a small car path
seems to be only economically a sustainable path for Indias future auto-mobilization.
At least, it appears to be the most sustainable path within the traditional ambit of
mass-motorization. Yet, the same conditions that suggest a small car path also pose
limitations. For example, rising oil prices and Indias dependence on oil pose a threat,
as small car demand may be more vulnerable in the face of financial crises than other
segments. This situation may not only apply to domestic demand but also to exports.
Another threat to the socio-economic sustainability of the small car path is the poor
road infrastructure in India (Haldea, 2008).
Clearly, small cars need less road space than large cars. However, as an interviewee
pointed out, if two wheeler owners migrate at a sudden and substantial rate to small
car segments, traffic will come to a virtual standstill. The current infrastructure
development is already now unable to keep pace with vehicle growth on Indias
roads. This is also why the new mini car producers (e.g. Tata Nano target markets)
strongly eye rural areas, where road traffic is still moderate. While rising oil prices


and infrastructural problems pose a threat to Indias small car path in socio-economic
terms, there are other problems of sustainability. The high pollution in Indian cities
poses already now a serious threat to air quality and human health. An extensive
growth of small car demand (replacing two wheelers) is, therefore, in environmental
terms not sustainable. It is the dependence on oil and the recognition of
environmental problems that has also pushed the Indian government towards creating
incentives for alternative fuels and engine technology (Ministry of Heavy Industries
& Public Enterprises, 2002 and 2006).

There is finally the question of whether India can develop its automobile industry into
a small car production and research hub for the world. There are certainly some
indications that India may have a competitive edge in this segment, owing to its own
national demand scenario, its past experience and policy measures supporting such an
end. At the same time, there are factors that work against the economic sustainability
of such a path. Small car production relies above all on low cost. India, however, has
seen sharp rises in labour cost in the automobile industry and suffered from low
productivity, rigid labor laws and high infrastructure cost, despite some
improvements in this regard (Belzowski et al., 2007). A cost comparison study
comparing the Indian and Chinese industry found, for example, the cost of
manufacture of passenger vehicles in China is 23% lower than in India with the
principle difference due to higher taxes and the cascading impact in India (Ministry
of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, 2006: p. 12). Clearly, China has also seen
increases in labor cost in recent years. However, there may be other emerging
economies that are more competitive than India and China in this regard. With regard
to R&D the situation may be slightly different. After all, India offers one of the
largest pools of well trained engineers in the world and the national and State
governments are investing in R&D facilities as well as human resource development
that is specifically geared towards the automobile Industry (Ministry of Heavy
Industries & Public Enterprises, 2006). Here, it remains to be seen if the Tata Nano is
more than a one-off in setting the pace for global automobile development.


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