If The Mind Were Like An Eye..

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If the Mind Were Like an Eye...

Look at the mind as though it were an


It sees things just as an eye does, with

one big difference...

The eye sees things that are, the mind

sees things that are, that were, that
could be.

The eyes see the actuality; The

mind, however, sees the actuality
as well as the fantasy.
The mind can redecorate a room in an
instant. For the eye to do the same
thing the furniture would have to be
moved from place to place.
The eye looks at a sheet of paper and
sees a blank. The trained mind sees a
formula, a landscape, a story, a face,
and more.
The eye sees what is. The mind sees
what could be.
The eye has a covering. It’s called an
eyelid. It closes off experience from
the eye when the eye requires rest.
When the eyelid is closed, one cannot
see the things that are.
The mind also has a lid—what might
be called a mind-lid. When the mind-
lid is closed, one cannot see the things
that could be.
Everyone knows how to operate the
eyelid, it’s automatic. It closes with
irritation, and for sleep. To some
degree the mind-lid is also automatic.
The mind-lid closes with shock, fear,
anxiety, depression, drugs, stimulants,
Some people have a mind-lid that
closes because of negativity.
They look for things that are wrong
and are unaware of things that are
right because their mind-lid closes to
things that are positive only opening to
the negative.
Positive things irritate them and so the
lid closes - automatically.
Negative people see only the negatives
because the positives are closed to
For the most part they themselves are
unaware of their attitudes thinking that
everyone else is wrong, as indeed they
are from their point of view.
After all if you are in a dust storm
you’re going to squint a lot. But
someone wearing protective goggles
can walk around with their eyes open.
The mind’s protective goggles are
positive thoughts, attitudes, and
So if you see someone's mind
squinting, or with an attitude that is
beyond your thinking—it’s probably
because they have a closed mind-lid.

It’s easy to open an eyelid, we do it

all the time. But how do you go
about opening a closed mind-lid?
Ah! That is one of the keys to success.
And it is one of the things that we are
now focusing on.
When you daydream your mind-lid is
wide open. When you are dreaming,
your mind-lid is wide open.
When you visualize, your mind-lid is
open to the degree of concentration
and attention to the imagery.

Open your mind-lid by playing Tic

Tac Toe...
One simple method of attending to this
is a simple game. It’s mental tic tac
The top three squares are 1, 2, and 3;
the mid squares are 4, 5, 6; and the
lower three squares are 6, 7, 8. So that
when playing, the first player, Tom,
may say, 5. Tom now has the center
square, the number 5 being right in the
The other player, Jerry, counters with
“Three.” Jerry has chosen the upper
right square. Tom says “One.” Jerry
should see that because Tom has
squares 1 and 5, that 9 will give
Tom a win, and so Jerry counters by
saying “Nine,” thereby depriving Jerry
of a win.
A simple game, but it does unlock the
When a player can see the game with
his mind's 'eye' alone, then the first
step has been taken.
For serious tic tac toe players the next
step is three level tic tac toe where you
have a-1, b-1, and c-1, which would be
a straight vertical win. Good mental
For creative thought it is essential to
open the mindlid. Mental tic tac toe,
can be a first step for those who have a
problem visualizing.
It also helps when the numbers are
repeated sub-vocally. You speak the
thing mentally and this forces out the
The metaphoric mind-lid opens the
use of the right brain hemisphere.
As soon as you imagine the shade
rolling up, the drape pulling apart, or
the curtain rising; all representations
of the mind-lid, you are using it.
And when you do, you are also using
your right brain hemisphere.

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