The Love

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The Love Samael Aun Weor


Distinguishes ladies and gentlemen, tonight I am going to address you with the purpose
of speaking in an emphatic form about that which is called love.

We have chosen to treat this theme on the day of Saint Valentine, the patron of love.

Undoubtedly, Valentine was a great master of Gnosis and formed a school called the
Valentinians. Those people were dedicated to the study of Christic Esotericism in all its
aspects, and because of this we will address you in a precise form to speak about the
miracle of love.

In the name of truth I say that love begins with a beam of sympathy, is substantiated with
the force of affection and is synthesized in adoration.

To love, how great is to love. Only the great souls are able and know how to love!

For love to exists, there needs to be an affinity of thoughts, an affinity of sentiments, and
an identical mental preoccupation.

The kiss is the mystic consecration of two souls eager to express in a deducible form that
which they live in their interior.

The sexual act is the consubstantialization of love in the psycho-physiological organism

of our nature. The perfect matrimony is the union of two beings, one who loves more and
the other who loves better.

Love is the best religion that we can obtain. Hermes Trismegistus, the thrice great God
Ibis of Thoth said: "I give you love in which is contained the sum of wisdom."

How noble is the loved being, and how noble is the woman when they are united in the
bond of love. A couple of lovers becomes mystical, charitable, helpful. If all human
beings were in love, happiness, peace, harmony and perfection would reign upon the face
of the earth.

Certainly a small shawl, a photograph, a portrait, provokes in the beloved states of

ineffable ecstasy. In such moments one feels in communion with the beloved even though
the loved one is far away. In this form is that which we call love.

In the United States and also in Europe there is an order which is called "The Order of the
Swan" and the affiliates of this order study and analyze in a profound form all the
scientific processes related to love.

The Love Samael Aun Weor

When a couple is truly in love, marvellous transformations are produced within the
organism. Love is an effusion or energetic emanation that springs forth from the greatest
depths of the consciousness. These radiations of love stimulate the endocrine glands
throughout the organism and these produce millions of hormones which invade the
sanguineous canals flooding the organism with extraordinary vitality.

"Hormone" comes from the Greek word which signifies, anxiety of being, force of the
being. A hormone is a very small but it has grand powers capable of revitalizing the
whole organism. Truly, one is amazed to see an ancient, decrepit person when he is in
love. Then his endocrine glands produce sufficient hormones to rejuvenate and revitalize
him totally.

To love, how great is to love. Only the great souls are able and know how to love!

Love in itself is a cosmic force, a universal force that palpitates within each atom as it
palpitates within each Sun. The stars also know how to love. If we observe on the
delicious nights of the full moon we see them approach one another and at times they
fusion or integrate totally. "A collision of worlds" the astronomers exclaim but truly what
has really happened is that two worlds have integrated through a bond of love.

The planets of our solar system revolve around the Sun attracted incessantly by the
marvellous force of love.

Let us observe the sparkling of the worlds of the starry firmament, such luminous beams
of light, such radiations are in communion with the sight of the flower. There is love
between the star and the rose that irradiates its delicious perfume.

Love in itself is profoundly divine, terribly divine. In ancient times, the cult to love and to
the woman reigned. Undoubtedly, the woman is the most grand thought of the creator
turned into flesh, blood and life... Really the woman has in fact been given a sacred
mission which is to bring into the world and multiply the species.

Maternity in itself is something grandiose. In ancient Mexico there has always been a
divinity dedicated precisely to those women who died during childbirth. It is said that
those women "continued in the region of the dead with their little child in their arms." It
is affirmed in an emphatic way that after a certain time they entered Tlalocan, the
paradise of Tlaloc.

Really the cult to the woman, love and maternity always reigned in Aztec Mexico. For
this reason a woman who died in childbirth was considered by the people of Anahuac to
be a grand martyr, who gave her life in the name of the grand cause.

To love is something ineffable, divine. To love is an extraordinary cosmic phenomena; in

the corner of love, only blissfulness reign. When a couple is in sexua l copula, in an act of
true love, the most divine forces of nature surround them (those forces created the
cosmos, those forces have come newly to return to create). In those moments the man and

The Love Samael Aun Weor

the woman are true gods in the most complete sense of the word. They can create as
gods. In this is the grandness of love.

The cosmic forces which surround the couple during the sex act in the nuptial bed are
extraordinary. If in reality the wonderful force of the love would be respected, the human
beings could retain those extraordinary forces and would not waste them in the holocaust
of animal pleasure that leads nowhere.

The man is the expansive of force of all creation. The woman the formal receptive power
of any creation. The man is like the hurricane, the woman is like the delicious nest of the
doves in the temples or in the sacred towers.

The man in himself has the capacity for struggle. The woman in herself has the capacity
for sacrifice. The man in himself has the intelligence that is necessary for life and the
woman has the tenderness that the man needs when returning from his work daily. Thus,
both man and woman are the two columns of the temple. These columns should not be
too far apart nor too close together, there should be a space so that the light can pass
between them.

The sexual act is a sacrament, thus is how the ancient peoples comprehended it, having
temples dedicated to love. Let us remember the Temple of Venus in the auguste Rome of
the Caesars. Let us remember the temples of the ancient Chaldea. I say, let us remember
the ancient temples of India where the cult to this which is called loves reigned.

In Lemuria, located in the continent "Mu", in the Pacific Ocean, the cult to love reigned.
In the continent Mu there were in reality two sexual processes or two forms of

In the middle of Lemuria, the human race was directed by the Kumarats to certain
temples where the sacred sacrament of the sex was received. In those times sex was a
sacrament. Nobody dared to realize the copula outside the temple. I say, only in
determined epochs was the human race directed by the Kumarats towards the sacred
temples. Long trips were realized at determined cycles of the Moon, all this with the
purpose of reproducing the species. Still as remembrance of that, as a memory of that, we
have the honeymoon trips.

Upon the stone paved patios of the sacred temples of the Lemurian continent, under the
direction of the wise Kumarats, men and women were united to create and to return to
create. Then, the sexual act was sacred, the morbid did not exist as it does in our day. The
people had not entered into the descending involuting process of sexual degeneration.

It is said in old parchments, upon sacred papyri that still exists in some places upon the
Earth, that in the times of Lemuria, the people reproduced by the power of Kriya Shakty,
that is to say, by the power of will and yoga. Whoever has studied the science of the
Tantras knows what I am referring to.

The Love Samael Aun Weor

The old texts of antique wisdom say that in the supreme moment of metaphysical copula,
the man and woman used to retire from the chemical copula without the ejaculation of the
Ens-Seminis, that is to say, the entity of the semen, because it was considered that the
sperm was sacred, nobody in those times dared to profane sex. It is clear that nowadays
doctors call this process "Coitus Interruptus." It appears exaggerated but I am only
limited to comment on what is said in the texts and antique traditions, that which is
written upon some papyri and in many books that actually exist in Oriental Tibet.

Arriving here we should remember that Sigmund Freud in his "Psychoanalysis" says that
it is possible to sublimate and transmute the sexual libido. Professor Sigmund Freud, son
of Austria, was truly an eminence creating innovation within the field of medicine. Many
doctors have commented upon him, many schools have accepted him, others have
rejected him.

They say that in Berlin, Germany, before the Second World War, the Fuhrer Hitler
ordered to burn among many other books the works of Sigmund Freud. I only comment
what so much has been said in some books.

In any case we say that the Lemurians worked with the system of Freud, sublimating the
sexual libido. Unquestionably, they had grand cosmic powers.

In life, we all have had the presentiment the existence of the Super-Man. We the Gnostics
think that the Super-Man whose existence was sighted by Frederick Nietzsche in his book
titled "Thus Spoke Zarathustra," really existed in the Mu continent. I am not referring to a
particular individual, I am referring to all the inhabitants of Lemuria. It is said that then
the women gave birth to their children without pain. This is not only mentioned briefly in
Genesis but also in many ancient religious books. I repeat, we are limited only to give our
opinions on these questions, respecting as is natural your concepts.

Truly, we give the teaching and we give complete freedom to the audience so that with
your mind, you can accept, reject or interpret this doctrine as you see fit. In these precise
instants I only bring the memory of the Lemurians in what is related to the sex.

The lived between ten to fifteen centuries, they were men of a higher stature, being four
meters high and the women a little smaller but still gigantic. They spoke an idiom that is
lost, I am referring in an emphatic form to the universal, superior idiom.

Obviously such an idiom has its own cosmic grammar. I know this idiom and it is
conserved by tradition in some secret places, in reserved sites.

In those times if they had to say "Buenos dias" as it is say in Spanish or "Good Morning"
as it is say in English or as in French "Bonjour," they would simply assent saying
"Haymu" the other answering, placing his hands upon his heart saying "Haymu." This
idiom has its grammar and its graphic characters. You can observe that Chinese has its
characters and it is rather difficult to learn and comprehend the Chinese characters. The
Greeks and the Sanskrit also have their characters.

The Love Samael Aun Weor

The characters of the Universal Idio m are Runics and have been conserved up to a short
time ago by the Vikings. Anyway, he who can read these characters obviously will posses
grand erudition and will be able to understand certain texts that allude Lemuria.

A short time ago I received from Oriental Tibet a text in Sanskrit. I have been unable to
find somebody who could understand it, it is written with Sanskrit characters.

In regard to that epoch, those old texts say with their ancient characters, that humanity
did not think as we do now. They lived from ten to fifteen centuries and spoke an
universal language, which as I said, is lost. Through time the distinct words of this
language were corrupted and from such corruption came the birth of all the idioms that
today exist upon the face of the Earth. Nevertheless I can say to you that this language
and the Chinese seem very similar. It seems that the phonetic between the universal
language and the Chinese is similar. I have studied both phonetics and they look to me
practically uniform. You ha ve seen that when the Chinese talk, they make a certain song,
the language is not dried up as we use it, has its sinology as the universal language.

Nevertheless there is a notable difference between the Chinese and universal language, I
refer in a practical way to the psychic power contained within the Lemur idiom, the latter
acts directly over the fire, air, water and earth.

Ancient traditions say that the Lemurians had power over the elementals of nature. They
are what we could call the Super-Man, cit ed by Frederick Nietzsche in his Zarathustra. I
understand that the Lemurians owed their powers specially to not eliminating or expelling
from their organism the sacred sperm, that is to say, the Exiohehary, they only
transmuted or sublimated as is taught by Brown Sequard or Krum Heller with whom we
can corroborate these scientific affirmations.

Obviously, when the Ens-Seminis is not ejaculated, it is transformed into energy and this
energy then revitalizes the whole human organism. I understand that this type of energy
is very fine and that the energetic waves of sex put into activity the enormous powers that
are found latent in the Pineal, Pituitary, Thyroids, Parathyroids glands, etc. I am not
dealing with dogmatic opinions or anything like this, I am only referring to the data we
have studied and I give my opinion to you in as much as we are in this cultural,
intellectual hall. I understand that there are very learned people here who can perfectly
accept or reject these affirmations, I am only limited to comment.

To live ten to fifteen centuries would be inconceivable to us in this day, nevertheless, the
Bible affirms that Methuselah lived nine hundred years, so let us think a little about this.
In any case, I understand that the Lemuric system gave good results thus these people
lived long lives, moreover possessing extraordinary faculties. The Lemurians did not see
the physical world as we see it, for them the air was of distinct colours, the mountains
transparent, and the gods of which they speak also were perceived by their internal senses
of perception, that is to say, they enjoyed scientific extra perception.

The Love Samael Aun Weor

Already in this day a lot has been said about extra perception, undoubtedly, the people of
three-dimensional psychology would never accept the extra perceptions but let us also
remember that in the times of Galileo nobody accepted that the Earth was round and that
it moved. When Galileo affirmed this they wanted to burn him alive. Later he was
charged in the Inquisition and placing his hands upon the Bible, they said to him: "If you
do not swear and retract what you have said we will burn you in the furnace. Do you
swear the Earth is not round and that it does not moves?" He answered: "I swear, pur se
muove, se muove." That is, "but it moves, it moves." For saying this, for swearing in this
way he was not burned alive. Feeling a little compassion for him, they limited themselves
to placing him in gaol and that was all.

Thus in reality the Universe always offers us unusual things, things that in the beginning
one rejects because appears absurd, but then later have to accept.

Brown Sequard demonstrated that many nervous sickness and of the brain could
disappear if during the chemical copula that which is precisely called orgasm in
physiology or spasm is avoided. Naturally he was criticized a lot, he was considered
immoral, etc. but there is not doubt that he came near to a grand secret, to the Lemuric

The Lemurians owed precisely to their religious form and to their chemical copula the
special enjoyment of faculties that the human beings of this epoch do not know about.
The Lemurians could perfectly see the superior dimensions of nature and the cosmos.

In this day the human beings do not see the Earth as it is but only as it apparently is. Our
planet is multidimensional, this is demonstrated mathematically, but in reality, the
majority of the people do not accept this and each is free to think what he likes.

Unfortunately, the intellectuals of this epoch are bottled up in the three-dimensional

dogma of Euclid, this dogma has always been discussed a lot, but it is clear that this way
has already passed!

Very wise men have written extraordinary books of mathematics related in one way or
another with the fourth coordinate. These men are respected, which no-one dares to
discuss, but all the people still turn out to be sceptics, nevertheless the book called
"Ontology of Mathematics" is well worth the intellectuals should know it deeply,

Thus the Lemurians when raising their eyes to the stars could communicate with
inhabitants of other planets. For them, life on other planets of the solar system was a
reality. The plurality of inhabited worlds as proclaimed by Camille Flammarion was for
the Lemurian race a fact.

In Lemuria, before the chemical copula in the Temple, the man and woman passed
through brilliant mystical ceremonies. The cult to the divine, to the Grand Alaya of the
Universe, to this which the Chinese call the Tao, to this which the Gnostics call the INRI,

The Love Samael Aun Weor

to this which is, has always been, and will always be, reigned. Obviously, they
comprehended that creation cannot exist without an intelligent directing principle,
therefore, before the chemical copula they adored the Eternal.

In time the Lemuric race degenerated little by little. There existed enormous cities. The
walls of these cities were constructed with lava from the volcanoes, etc. In such cities an
extraordinary civilization existed, they had vessels propelled by atomic energy that
descended in the Moon and in each one of the planets of the solar system.

Our modern civilization with the famous rockets that "Tirians" and "Troyans" have
descended upon the Moon, in reality it is not the first civilization, nor will it be the last.
In truth it is necessary to understand that the diverse civilizations have existed in the
world and that ours is not the only one.

The Lemurians had grand civilization, and that they had no fear of death. They knew very
well and in a direct form the day and the hour of their death. When the day arrived they
would lay down in their sepulchre, a sepulchre built by the dying individual with his own
hands and smiling they would pass into eternity. The psychic values did not disappeared
from the sight of the relatives and obviously they pain did not exist.

This is what the ancient texts have said and I have given my time to speak with you about
these things, because I see that you have come here in a comprehensive manner. It is
clear that not everyone who listen to me will agree with what I have affirmed, it would be
absurd if I assumed for a moment that all the people in this auditorium, accept or would
accept these affirmations. Nevertheless in reality, they who know how to listen will
comprehend very well that everything is possible in the Universe, the world of
possibilities is always infinite and if anyone comments upon these ancient texts it is
worthwhile, this is obvious.

I say that later in time the Lemurians involuted, then their faculties of perception were
lamentably atrophied. Many traditions have given an account that later in time the
Lemurians began to copulate outside the temples, they went against the direction of the
Kumarats and took the sexual act upon themselves and they ejaculated the Ens-Seminis,
thus is what is said in some traditions, as a consequence or corollary they lost their
transcendental faculties.

When the Lemuric race in all corners of that gigantic continent that is submerged under
the Pacific Ocean went into the temples, the priests and hierophants would expel the
devotees saying, "Out unworthy!" In reality it was then when man left the earthly
paradise with his wife for eating the prohibited fruit.

In truth I say the following: Adam are all the men of the ancient epoch.

Eve, all the women. And when the men and wo men ate of the prohibited fruit they were
thrown out of the temples of mysteries. Their faculties were atrophied and the man had to

The Love Samael Aun Weor

work in order to sustain his wife and children and the woman began to bring children into
the world with pain.

This which I am saying has been well documented among the Nahuas, among the
Mayans, and many Asian peoples have always said the same thing. I have seen codex
where these figures appear, where what is said is represented by figures, I have carefully
investigated these codex and that is why I can say that they have documentation. I repeat,
I do not oblige anyone to believe but it is worthwhile to diligently investigate a little
among the Mayans, Toltecs, Zapotecs, etc. the reason of the involution of human being as
it is mentioned or cited in the ancient books.

Thus there is in love a secret and it appears that it has been well stipulated by Sigmund
Freud "sublimation", he said, of the creative energy, treating sex with profound respect.

Obviously we say that man and wo man are two parts of the same being. Man left Eden
accompanied by his spouse and should return to Eden with his same spouse.

In other words we say: Man left Eden by the door of sex and only by this door can he
return to Eden, Eden is the same sex.

What enormous powers would awaken if humanity accepted the system of Brown
Sequard or of the Oneida Society or of Dr. Krum Heller. Systems based in the old
traditions of Lemuria. This is something that the doctors, the men of science could
investigate. I limited simply myself to think that the sublimation or transmutation of the
creative energy releases a radical psychological, physiological and biological
transformation. The Super-Man of Nietzsche would arrive by means of the transmutation
of the sexual libido.

Nevertheless, the first thing is to know how to love, without love it is not possible to
obtain all these prodigies. Observe that the grand men always appeared next to grand
women: Next to Buddha Gautama is Yodosara, his beautiful spouse disciple. Next to the
divine Rabbi of Galilee appears Mary Magdalene. Obviously it would not have been
possible for the grand men to realize the gigantic labours that have changed the course of
history if they were not accompanied in their time by some woman.

I repeat, the man and woman are in the reality two aspects of the same being. It is clear,
love in itself comes from the undiscovered part of our Being. I want to say in an emphatic
form that within ourselves, in the most intimate depths, we possess our Being.

He is invested with transcendental characteristics of eternity, He is the divine within


I say, love is a force that emanates precisely from the divine existent prototype in the
depth of our consciousness, it is a type of energy capable of realizing true prodigies.

The Love Samael Aun Weor

Valentine and the Valentinians, had a school, a gnostic school where the mysteries of sex
were studied, where they were analyzed carefully. Valentine and the Valentinians knew
in reality the Lemuric secret, they sublimated the creative energy and reached the
development of certain psychic possibilities, that are latent in the race. It have been said
to us that Valentine was a grand illuminate, a grand master in the most complete sense of
the word.

Love in itself is something divine. Let us look at the swan. The Kala-Hansa swan is the
symbol of love, that flies above the waters of the lake of life. A pair of swan upon a lake,
how beautiful they are! When one of the pair dies, the other succumbs to sadness and this
is that love is fed with love.

But there is to know love, unfortunately the human being does not know how to love!
Many times men treat their wives badly on the first night of marriage, not wanting to
comprehend that virginity is sacred and that there should be respect. We can say that they
violate their own wives, not wanting to understand that they have to know how to treat
the woman with wisdom, that he has to know how to carry her to talk upon the path of

Many times in daily life men and women argue, many times through insignificant
questions they argue. The man says one thing, the woman another, and at times it follows
that a word is sufficient for one of the couple to react. They do not want to control
themselves. They do not want to understand that home is the best psychological
gymnasium. In the homelife is precisely where we can discover ourselves, it is in the
home where we can discover ourselves, it is in the home where we can come to discover
our defects of psychological type.

Who hurt us? Why did they hurt us? Could it be possible that we have jealousy? Could it
be possible that our own self-esteem has been hurt? Could it be that our pride has been

When one discovers that one has got a psychological defect, then one has the opportunity
to disintegrate it, to reduce it to cosmic dust.

By eliminating our errors, our defects, one of these days we will obtain the awakening of

Unfortunately the people do not want to eliminate their defects, the say: "I am wrathful,
this is my way of being." Others say: "Well I am jealous, this is how I am..." Others
exclaim: "I am lustful, I take pleasure in women, this is how I am. So what?" With this
way of thinking, with this way of feeling, a true transformation is not possible.

Many complain that their wives are wrathful, and that they are jealous. They desire to
have another woman who would be a paradise, who would be a humble angel of the
heavens, etc. They do not want to understand that home is an extraordinary gymnasium

The Love Samael Aun Weor

and that it is here where we are able to discover our errors and if we do so, we will obtain
the awakening of consciousness.

I say that there is to know love, comprehension between man and woman should always
reign in the home. The man should not expect the woman to be perfect, also the woman
should not expect the man to be a "blue knight." There is to accept things as they are and
have the home as a school where we can self discover ourselves. In accordance with the
elimination of those so many psychological defect that we have, the happiness will come
forth gradually, and if one day we had to suffer a lot, the home is later converted into

Jealousy is something which damages the home. The jealousy makes a mountain out of a
molehill. If the wife just looks at someone, he suffers, it appears as if she is having a
relationship with the other man, etc. It is an error of the mind, but he takes it as reality.
The jealous wife is the same, she makes her husband suffer. He cannot look at any other
woman because she is already suffering and creating a terrible scandal within the home.
For this path of jealousy one suffers a lot.

If one truly investigates carefully the origin of jealousy one discovers the trouble
precisely in the fear, fear of losing that which is most loved. The woman fears losing the
man, the man fears losing the woman, the woman believes that the man is leaving her for
another woman, the man fears she is leaving for another man and it is clear that then the
suffering and pain comes. Most importantly, if we eliminate fear, the jealousy disappears.

How can we eliminate the fear of losing our loved one? Only through reflection, through

Let us think in reality, we do not come into the world accompanied by our loved one and
we are only received by the doctor or midwife, also we do not come into the world with
money nor material goods. It is clear that at the hour of our death we also do not go
accompanied by the wife or the husband. Some part remains here while the other part
goes to eternity. Thus death separates us from a physical point of view. For this reason
priests, when performing a marriage say "I declare you man and wife, till death do you

In reality, death comes sooner or later. We cannot take to eternity a pin, nor a cent,
nothing that we have. Also we cannot take our loved one body an all... then: why do we
have things? We should accept things as they are. We should not have attachments to
personal nor material things because usually when the time of the detachment arrives is
terrible. One suffers because feels attachment for something, it could be a person, it could
be something. For this reason we should not have attachments of any kind nor fear to lose

The Love Samael Aun Weor

The most grave thing that can happen to a man is to be murdered. So what? We are born
to die, then what? Sooner or later we have to die and those who love their money a lot,
who are attached to their fortune, sooner or later have to lose it.

Why should they be scared? For this is the most natural event. Also why do we have fear
of losing our loved one? When one comprehends that everything has a beginning and an
end, the fears disappears, even the fear of losing the loved one and when such fear
disappear, then the jealousy ends for ever. It already no longer exists! since there is no

Another factor of discordance between the couples in the homes is anger. The man says
one wrathful thing, the woman responds with her hands and feet, and in the end there is a
battle of plates and vases, etc. This is the crude reality of facts. If we eliminate the demon
of anger, peace will reign in the home, there will not be pain. But I say to you, why do we
have to have anger within ourselves? Why are we in this way? So is it possible for us to
change? Yes it is possible! I proposed to change and did change. I was wrathful, also I
knew the process of anger.

But I proposed myself to eliminate it and I did eliminate it. It is clear that I had to pass
through certain sacrifices to finally eliminate the anger.

I visited the places where somebody could insult me, I went with the purpose of been
insulted. I knew that the person XX took no pleasure in our teachings and visited him
intentionally so that he could insult me, for the next half an hour or an hour while "I self-
observed myself." I observed my internal and external reactions, the impulse that came
from within and those that came from without, I observed the causes that motivated the

I could witness that in some circumstances the anger was produces because my pride was
hurt, I could verify on other occasions that the anger was produces because my pride was
hurt. I thought that I was a grand person without comprehending that I was only a worm
of the mud of the earth. I believed that I was great, if some one touched on a sore point
within then I would react furiously with thunder and lighting, ripping at my clothes and

I proposed myself to study all these factors of anger and through grand super efforts and
sacrifices, the anger was consequently eliminated. Thus if one says "I am like this," it
does not have any value because one can change and if one changes he benefits himself
and his fellowman.

We should learn to eliminate our errors, it is possible by reflecting a little.

How joyful would be the couples if they truly would know how to love, if the man had no
anger, if the woman was never angry. I understand that the Honeymoon can be
conserved. Unfortunately the human beings, when they are married begin and end with
the most beautiful thing there is, with the Honeymoon.

The Love Samael Aun Weor

If we want to conserve the Honeymoon we should eliminate the anger, we should

eliminate the jealousy, we should eliminate the egotism; we should become
comprehensive, and learn to pardon all the errors of our beloved. Nobody is born perfect!
The man should know that the woman has her defects. The woman should comprehend
that the man has his also. They should mutually pardon their defects of a psychological
type. Thus if they proceed in this way the honeymoon will be conserved!

Among the ancient peoples of Anahuac was Xochipilli, the God of Song, Love and
Beauty. Xochipilli taught us to conserve the undeniable delights of the honeymoon. It is a
pity that the people do not comprehend the doctrine of Xochipilli.

It is possible to conserve the honeymoon when we learn to pardon the errors of the
beloved, but if we do not know how to pardon the errors, the honeymoon will be lost.

When a couple gets married, they should understand better the psychology. Usually when
one of the pair begins to hurt the other, the other reacts and hurts also. A conflict is
formed, in the end the conflict passes, the two are reconciled and everything appears to
continue in peace, but this is not so. The resentment remains. On another day there is
another conflict, a dispute between the husband and wife over any stupid thing, such as
jealousy, in the end it could be anything. The result: the conflict passes and another
resentment remains, and thus conflict by conflict, the resentments are accumulated and
the honeymoon is finished. In the end there is no such thing, it is finished. The
resentments develop step by step and if they do not get divorced they try to continue
being united because they think they should or simply because of animal passion, and this
is all.

Already many matrimonies have nothing to do with love. Love in these days smells of
gasoline, celluloid, bank accounts and resentments.

The most grand, the most grave error that a woman and a man can commit is to terminate
the honeymoon. It is just a matter of knowing how to conserve it.

Did your wife insult you? Did she tell you something hard? Be serene and mild, do not
react, do not answer. Madam, did your husband insult you? Is he jealous for the boyfriend
you used to have before? What has happened? Is he in a bad mood today? Did he come
from the street neurasthenic? Try to maintain yourself serene, prepare for him the meal,
you give him his clothes, help him in the bath, kiss, love him, as much as he insult you,
try to love him more. What will happen then? Ladies, you can be sure, that the man will
feel then tremendously repented, he will feel the remorse finishes with his hart, even he
will kneel down before you to beg forgiveness, he will consider himself to be a tyrant, a
wicked one. You have won the battle!

If both man and woman proceed thus, acting in accordance with this formula, I can
guarantee that the honeymoon will not be lost, because the man will learn little by little to
dominate himself and he will comprehend that his wife is a saint, and the woman will
learn little by little to control herself and through this she will see her husband is

The Love Samael Aun Weor

tremendously noble. The moment will arrive when neither of the two will want to hurt
each other, they will idolize one another and the honeymoon will continue throughout
their lives. This is the art of loving and being in love. Does your wife weeps? Kiss her
tears, caress her. What she will not accept your caresses? Well, wait a little until the
anger passes.

The anger has a beginning and it has an end. Wait a moment and you will see the result.
The important thing is that you do not get angry, if you are successful, if you control
yourself, in the end she will ask for forgiveness, and how grand is the happiness of

On this day of Saint Valentine and the Valentinians, we should get to the bottom of all
this about love. In reality we should learn how to live.

To be intellectual is an easy thing,it is enough to have a library in the brain and this is it,
but to know how to live... How difficult! Very few truly know how to live.

We should begin in the home, we should begin by being good masters of our house, the
man that does not know how to be a good master of his home, who does not know how to
live in the home with his wife and children, neither knows how to live in society.
Unfortunately many want to be perfect citizens and they appear as such before the
solemn verdict of the public conscience, but in the home they do not know how to live.

I have been able to observe some organizations... I know of a gentleman that squanders a
lot of money. In a word, he is always owing the rent, and that is grave. When he has got
money, he squanders it and his wife suffers a lot hunger, his children suffer the
unspeakable. Once they were thrown out into the street because he did not pay the rent.

On another occasion, he was appointed as director of a philosophical school, a little time

passed and this school had not paid the rent, they owed many months rent on building,
telephone, but nobody paid the telephone. Conclusion: this organization walked the path
of failure. Why? because our good citizen did not know how to live in his home and
much less how to live in an organization.

Whoever wants to be a good boss of some organization, be it an enterprise, be it a school,

he should begin by learning how to be a good housemaster.

They are many who say: "What interest me is the science, the art, the philosophy, etc. this
for me does not have the least importance." And they treat their poor wives as a kicking
stone. Conclusion: They result as failures in the diverse organizations in which they
work, be it as masters of schools, etc.

He who is not a good housemasters in his home neither can be a useful citizen for his
fellowman. We should learn how to live, to know how to live with true intelligence and
grand comprehension.

The Love Samael Aun Weor

There are those who are in a hurry to get married and this is very grave; upon all the poor
women. I have come to know some of them arriving to mature age, close to loose the
blooming youth.

How much they suffer, trying to get someone!

No way they want to stay single all their life. So they try very hard to conquer anyone
they can but failure is inevitable, for there is a say that says "Marriage and death from the
heaven come," and this is true.

There is a law many people agree and others disagree. I accept this law, and whoever
wants to accept it he is free to do so: This is the Law of Destiny. I think that for each
woman there is a man, I think that for each man there is a woman. Then it will be better
of they wait for the man who is appointed for them. And if they did not get any, well,
anyhow! it is better to get used to it.

Really it is better to remain single that to marry someone and fail. When it is wanted to
force what should not happen, the result will be the failure.

This is the crude reality of these days. There are some women who try to catch the male
for the sex. They say: "Well, I give myself to this man and perhaps I may marry him."
The man brings her the universe, the stars, the palaces of gold from "The One and
Thousand Nights" so she gives herself to him, what does happen? she gets pregnant and
the man, what? she never came a cross to know about him again.

So you all can see how many errors women can make wanting to precipitate the
marriage; that is for a lack of faith in the destine, in God, or whatever you would like to
name it.

It is worthy that women should know how to wait a bit. Some men make the mistake of
wanting to precipitate the marriage, the result is usually wrong. To marry a woman who
does not correspond with the Law of Destiny means a failure, that is obvious.

There are some young men in the age of 14, 15, 16 who want to get married, they have a
girlfriend. They do not know how to make a living, but they want to get married. The
result is a failure because it is clear they do not have any experience in life and soon or
later the woman gets tired of so much to stand him and, see you later mate, there is not
other chance.

Therefore it is needed to be mature, I consider the marriage as something very serious. In

reality there are three very important events in life:

1. Birth.
2. Marriage.
3. Death.

The Love Samael Aun Weor

They are the three most important events of the existence, so just think yourselves what
the marriage means. We should not marry a woman who does not belong to us in spirit,
our loved one must be at the depth spiritual. What would do a man marring a woman who
is jealous, calculative, egotist, vain?, he would lamentably fail. Or what would do a
woman marring a man who is a playboy, bad behaviour, a man who was always a bad
son, bad brother and in the street a bad friend. He who is bad son, a bad brother, a bad
friend in no way can he be a good husband, it is obvious.

Looking at all these things from diverse angles, we understand how delicate the marriage
precisely is and also the love. The interesting thing is to understand all these subjects and
to act accordingly with our creative understanding.

There are women who do not want to learn to make the domestic labours, but
nevertheless want to get married. They do not know how to cook, but they want to get
married. They would not know how to sew their husbands' suits, but they want to get
married, and the day they get it the poor husband finds himself with the wife does not
know anything!

With a maiden or servant it is clear it would be easy, but if she knows nothing, how can
she directs others? The owner of a factory should know the factory, to be able to direct it
wisely. A teacher of school must know all the matters which are taught. Therefore a
woman should know all the works in the house if she truly wants to direct the servants.
But if she wants to direct them and does not know what to do, how will she manage to do
it? How would a General do to direct an army in the field of battle if he does not know
about these matters? How would he give any strategy if he has never been in the army?, if
he is only a ghost of General and nothing else?

One must know his trade, as men as well as women they should know well their job, it is
clear. But there are women who want also that the husband should do everything at
home. He has to wash the little boy, changing clothes, cleaning and even giving to him
the bottle, all that he has to do, I do not think that is right.

Man has his duties, his obligations and woman her own. Man has to go out in the street to
fight, to get money, he has to go to work, and woman has to look after for her home, she
has to know what to do, bring the children up etc.

In these times is happening something terrible; I referrer to the nourishment of children.

Already many mothers do not want to breast feed their children. The result is that the race
is raising up weak, just imagine what maternal milk means, it is related with the Thymus
gland. As the mammary glands are related with the Thymus gland it is obvious by Law of
Relationship that maternal milk is intimately prepared for the new born baby.
Unfortunately, already the mothers do not want to breast feeding their children. That
maternal milk so vital for the growing of the creatures, when it is denied, it produces
disastrous effects, the child grows weak, sick and lacking intelligence.

The Love Samael Aun Weor

In ancient times mothers with all naturality gave breast feeding to their children. It was
normal in ancient times for the men to be able to rise a so heavy sword up during hole
hours at the battle field. There are Roman swords that nowadays a man would not be able
to rise, it is needed two men, or three or four.

The race has been weakened by all those bad customs, the worst of all this is to deny the
maternal milk to the child. In the name of truth that it looks to me terrible, monstrous.

The ancient men were very strong because their mothers did not deny the breast feed to

So in reality, our race goes through the involutive, descending path. The sickness are
multiplied in a grand scale, there is not real strength from the time of childhood. Now the
children only have water- milk, that is all, and they are fed every three hours, even if the
child is crying bitterly, there is not use of it, he has to stand the three hours, thus nature is
been corrected.

Gentlemen, ladies, let us think in all this, it is worthy to try to regenerate ourselves, it is
worthy we learn to love, it is worthy for us all to learn how to live at home, it is a
necessity. There is nothing more beautiful than marriage, there is nothing more beautiful
than love.

Unfortunately we are the ones who are destroying the enchantment of home.

In the Soviet Union already the young people do not want to get married. What they say
is right. Because they are submitted to so many rules, to so much mechanization. Because
the children are taken from them far away. Also the children are submitted to scientific
experiments. in these conditions the Russians are right of not wanting to get married, they
are disappointed.

The Russian government finds itself in front of a serious problem.

Truly I say we need to know how to respect the home, to know how to grow the children,
to know how to educate them.

Friends, we need to make good use of that creative energy of sex. That energy which
flows from the nucleus of each atom, from the nucleus of our solar system and from the
nucleus of each galaxy, from the staring space.

Love was always respected, and never humanity had failed into a state of sexual
degeneration such as happen these days. There are countries were the vast majority of
their inhabitant are homosexuals or lesbians. I do not want to name those countries
because in anyway we should not hurt to any person, organization or country, but like
this is how humanity is degenerated these days. Unquestionably, the homosexuality is
due precisely by the sexual abuse. The regenerated people in the middle of Lemuria in
epochs that humanity had not left the paradisiacal state did not ejaculate as I said already

The Love Samael Aun Weor

the Ens-Seminis, and when they were together to create, they did it in a mystical and
transcendental way. We the people of this epoch have involutionated too much, now sex
has become in a game, a sport.

In Paris we have been told that there are people fornicating, copulating in the middle of
the parks. The authorities os Paris do not say anything about it. So everywhere abound

We must try to find the way of regeneration, we must love intensively the woman, we
must see on her a miraculous poem such of "The One Thousand Nights," we must to pour
out the wine of wisdom if we want to live correctly.


Samael Aun Weor


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