The Power of Decreeing: The Bridge To Spiritual Freedom Publication
The Power of Decreeing: The Bridge To Spiritual Freedom Publication
The Power of Decreeing: The Bridge To Spiritual Freedom Publication
The following is a transcription of the out-of-print Booklet published in 1988. The intention is to present the
contents in a more user-friendly format to accommodate e-readers and printing. The original Booklet and
many more free downloads can be found by visiting Path of the Middle Please join us in blessing
these Beloved Servants for preserving and expanding the Light.
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The Power of Decreeing
The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom Publication
In the devotional services of those religious orders which have, within the past few years, been
formed for the purpose of propagating the work of the Ascended Masters upon the material plane of Earth,
the older forms of prayer have given way to what is now generally referred to as 'decreeing'. As is commonly
known, in most cases, the orthodox prayers are repeated only once in the devotional period, whereas the
practice of repeating 'decrees' or ‘positive prayers’ three times or more has very substantial logical reasons
behind it. A number of these will be given here in an attempt to correct any misunderstanding which may
arise in the minds of those seeking an introduction into the activities being rebuilt around Divine Truth and
the Spiritual Pathway to the Ascension.
An individual's Divine Plan is preordained and placed in the accounts of the Spiritual Archives at the
time when individualization takes place. When the physical body is formed, the Holy Spirit 'wires' it just as an
electric sign is wired for illumination. That 'wire' is the BREATH, and then, on the Breath, the Life Principle
enters the Body. Within that Life Principle is the Divine Plan, and the individual who allows that Divine Plan
to expand the perfect Master-form, is fulfilling his Divine Destiny.
The Holy Breath is within the spoken word, and is the Creative Power of God that molds the Universal
Light Substance into forms corresponding to the ‘cup’ or pattern which the spoken expression creates
whether it refers to persons, places, conditions or things.
Through ages of time, the consciousness of most individuals has been charged and surcharged with
imperfection through the misuse of God’s energy in speech - thus creating many forms of distortion kept
alive by the very energy which created them. By this same process, if the spoken words are Peace-giving and
harmonious in their expression, the consciousness then glows with the Light of Divinity and the individual
becomes a Comforting Presence to all Life around him.
The ‘decrees’, therefore, have been consciously presented to man’s intellect in order that he might
use them as a balance for the misuse of the spoken word and for imperfect thought patterns created
through many centuries of embodiment.
In order to shatter these distorted ‘cups’, it is necessary to use energy vibrating at the same rate, but
constructively qualified. In other words, a ‘cup’ created by wrong speech must be broken by a vibratory
action of CORRECT SPEECH rather than by mental force.
A constructive decree is always an invocation to the Godhead, or to the Ascended Host, or to one's
own ‘I AM" .Presence that becomes a ’cup' that the Ascended Master or one's own Christ Self can fill with
their own Electronic Light Substance - thus creating a pulsating vibration within the outer consciousness of a
quality and activity which combine to bring a greater manifestation of the Divine Plan into expression.
When a fiat or a decree is made in the Name of God - “I AM” - that decree lives eternally because it is
ensouled by some God-free Intelligence, Angel, Deva, Cherubim, Seraphim or Elemental; and those Beings
use it and keep it in living pulsating form for the benefaction of the race. Therefore each time when one says,
"I AM” FREE!”, some Intelligence belonging to the Seventh Ray utilizes that consciousness and statement and
keeps it pulsating through the emotional, etheric and physical worlds of all mankind.
When a group of individuals with sincere intent and God-desire to help mankind gather together and
give forth any type of constructive call, visualization or decree, to such a group there are always sent specific
Angels and Devas Who are so happy in that release of energy that they keep it sustained and constantly
active long after the individuals have forgotten that they made the Calls.
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The Power of Decreeing
The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom Publication
The spoken word, whose low rate of vibration can be heard by the physical ear, is more easily
conducted through the mental and feeling worlds of incarnated spirits, thereby setting up forms of a
constructive nature in the inner bodies and auras. By the same token, the finer ethers of the mind substance
would, by reason of the body's density, pass around them unfelt and unnoticed.
One of the Codes of the Great White Brotherhood is that they NEVER PICTURE AN INDIVIDUAL
IMPERFECTLY. When God created man in His own Image and Likeness, He decreed Perfection as the Natural
Law of Being. Therefore, every Lifestream is endowed with the birthright of Perfection, and when an
individual cognizes imperfection in any other part of Life, he is dishonoring the Creation of God Himself.
Every person, through thought, feeling and the spoken word, emits energy and substance through his
Lifestream. If this energy is charged with a picture of imperfection and driven against another individual
through the channels of thought and feeling and intensified by the spoken word, it forms a film or coating
around the one to whom the force is directed. This tends to cover up the Divine Image which God intended,
and creates a tremendous karmic link which can only be obliterated by powerful decrees or the use of the
Sacred Fire invoked by the creator of the destructively qualified energy.
The members of the human evolution are continually being condemned by one another, but when an
individual becomes a conscious student of the Pathway of Light, he must learn to think as the Father does
about His creation.
In the orthodox world, prayers are usually given in the triple activity of the Deity: ‘In the Name of the
Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit’. In the Ascended Masters' work, decrees are usually given three
times - in the Name and Authority of Love, Wisdom and Power - which is the Triune Activity of the
When a decree is repeated three times by the individual personality, it signifies that, the outer
consciousness of the physical self, the consciousness of the Holy Christ Self (which Jesus called the ‘Mediator
between God and man'), and the Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient Consciousness of the God-self (the
"I AM" Presence) are all in one accord - agreed upon the bringing forth of the same manifestation. When
such loving cooperation does come about, it usually means that the outer self has become sufficiently
awakened spiritually to realize and consciously accept the Truth that the Life of the personality is ‘God in
action' and, therefore, is a very real part of the Triune Nature of God. This means that the Light (the Good) of
the personality (or outer self) recognizes, and calls into action, the greater Divine Love and Wisdom of his
own Lifestream. The Law is that when the lesser consciousness calls to the greater for any assistance
whatsoever, the greater consciousness ALWAYS RESPONDS - INSTANTLY! IN UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH!
Another phase of the Cosmic Law is that, in order to bring into outer manifestation in the physical
appearance world that for which decrees are to be issued, the individual or group desiring such
manifestation must release from the material plane of expression at least one third of the energy required at
inner levels of consciousness to produce it. The balance of the energy required will then be supplied by the
Ascended Host. Therefore, since the average individual usually does not release a large amount of energy
through his own thought, feeling and spoken word when making a decree, it becomes necessary to repeat
the decree three times or more in order to provide the energy required to produce the manifestation.
Another point in favor of the repetitive decree is the fact that a person, by hearing the decree voiced
over and over again by himself or others in a group, becomes more and more convinced of the Truth which
he is voicing. That is why there is a tremendous efficacy in group decreeing. Also, in group work, the
individual gains a feeling of confidence in seeing and hearing others engaged in a common purpose. Should
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The Power of Decreeing
The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom Publication
an individual not have faith in his own decrees (even though he might give them in the privacy of his own
chamber) still, in the sincere repetition thereof, a belief in the decree, affirmation, or statement of Truth
(regardless of appearances) will surely be gained. Then by continued application, the manifestation (fulfilled
decree) will come into being when the heart finally accepts the Truth and is fully convinced of its reality.
‘According to your Faith, be it unto you!’
In the repeating of a decree, affirmation, or statement of Truth, a strong thought-form is built, layer
upon layer, as it were. Each time a decree is given, it creates a thought-form in the atmosphere. Since ‘like
attracts like’, each one of these forms draws the next one to it as the same pattern is repeated over and over
again. As the energy released by an individual in a decree is qualified over and over again with the same
pattern and added to the original, the vapory thought-form of that original energy becomes strong and
definite. This now becomes the ‘Cup’ into which is poured the feeling of faith and acceptance of the one
doing the decreeing, and in obedience to the spoken word (in the authority of the “I AM” Presence) becomes
a ‘living thing’ whose form comes forth into outer manifestation.
Everything comes from the invisible to the visible – from the inner to the outer. Everything starts
from the ONE. The great coral reefs in some parts of our oceans are formed by the tiny sea creatures whose
cast-off shells we call ‘coral’. When the Life within that shell is about to leave, it usually rests upon another
shell of its kind and thus millions and millions of such tiny shells combine to make a habitable island upon
which other forms of Life can and do exist.
The activity of decreeing for ourselves and for mankind, and all Life in general, is a tremendous
privilege of God's merciful Love. It should always be carried on in a joyous mood and never be considered as
laborious or as a 'chore' in any way. It enables God's promises to be fulfilled, for it is in accordance with His
own Great Law: "Decree a thing and IT SHALL BE ESTABLISHED UNTO YOU”…“Call
unto Me AND I WILL ANSWER”…“Ask and ye SHALL RECEIVE..."
Gratitude for such an opportunity is the wide open door to more and more blessings in each one’s
daily Life, and Life Itself will bless and thank those who Love It enough to decree It FREE!
When using the phrase: "I AM" the Resurrection and the Life”, it should always be followed by a.
constructive and positive statement because it is a tremendous Power. Unascended beings have resurrected
many unpleasant experiences from the past – memories of discordant contacts with other human beings –
and so on. Therefore, it is wise to complete the statement in a manner similar to this:
"I AM” the Resurrection and the Life of all the Glory and the Good
Which I knew with the Father even before this world was!”
This sets into motion the resurrecting of those Divine Powers and the remembrance of Good which lie within
the etheric body rather than giving Life, body, substance, and power to unpleasantness of any kind.
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