Technology and Humane Nursing Care

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Technology and humane nursing care:

Conclusion. The paper concludes by asking

(ir)reconcilable or invented difference?

whether the commonplace appeal to resolve tensions



humane care;



nursing practice;


between humane care and technology has

erroneously highlighted technology as the reason for
impersonal care, and encourages re-examination of
the relationship(s) between technology, humane care
and nursing practice.

Hospital Information Technology Systems' Impact

on Nurses and Nursing Care
Objective: We conducted a review of the literature to


Technology and humane nursing care:

(ir)reconcilable or invented difference?
Aim(s) of the paper. This paper questions the
validity of a boundary presumed to exist between
technology and humane care. It argues the need for

determine the impact of health information

technologies (HITs) on nurses and nursing care.
Background: Nurses' effective use of HIT has the
potential to produce a positive impact on nursingsensitive patient outcomes, patient safety, and quality
of care.

reconciliation of presumed tension(s) between

Methods: A review of the literature produced 564

technology and person focused care and the need to

unique references of which 74 were selected for

reconsider our ways of understanding the relations


between technology and nursing.

Results: Findings suggest that (1) HIT improves the

Background/rationale. Recent scholarship in the

quality of nursing documentation; (2) HIT reduces

social sciences related to reproductive and imaging

medication administration errors; (3) nurses are

technologies and emergency resuscitation are

generally satisfied with HIT and have positive

examined and arguments are presented that question

attitudes about it; and (4) nurse involvement in all

the appropriateness of a humanist view that

stages of HIT design and implementation, and

emphasizes technology on the nonhuman and

effective leadership throughout these processes, can

nonnatural side of a human/nonhuman, nature/artifice

improve HIT.

divide. It is argued that what determines experiences

such as dehumanization is not technology per se but
how individual technologies are used and operate in
specific user contexts, the meanings that are
attributed to them, how individuals or cultural groups

Conclusion: HIT has had positive influences on nurse

satisfaction and patient care. Effective nursing
leadership can positively influence the effective
development, dissemination, and use of HIT.

define what is human, and the organizational, human,

political and economic technological system
(technique) that creates rationale and efficient order
within nursing, health care and society.


Nursing has frequently been named the most trusted

competency as caring in nursing, provides a rich

profession. A central theme of nursing is Caring. The

understanding of how technology and caring can be

integration of the electronic medical record as a

integrated in competent nursing care. As technology

means of data collection and improving patient safety

continues to evolve, the priority must always remain

is reaching maturity. While nurses are becoming

with the patient. Nursing as a profession has an

highly skilled and competent in nursing informatics,

obligation to interact with clients in the moment. Data

the question that bears answering is, Can technology

collection and assessment is more meaningful when a

and caring coexist? Due diligence to each is

trusting relationship is built between nurse and client.

necessary for complete mastery; the patient cannot

Caring is the foundation of this relationship. Boykin

be left behind to meet guidelines of documentation,

and Schoenhofer (2001) described people as being

data mining and data retrieval. If technology in

caring based on their values and virtues as human

nursing is to improve quality patient care outcomes,

beings. The authors also stated that people are

then certainly caring for the patient is part of this

whole and complete in the moment. If a nurse is

equation, if not the central theme. One of the best

engaged in entering data into a computer during an

ways to assess a patient is by looking directly at

assessment and is not clearly engaged with the

them. Nurses have been witnessed completing

patient, this can be seen as a lack of commitment,

assessments with little hands on with the patient. Has

dedication, or good nursing care. Technological

the use of the electronic medical record taken away

competence can allow the nurse to provide a caring

from direct observation and face to face interaction?

environment while caring for the patient. Through

Is the face to computer model becoming more

caring and trusting relationships, nurses can know

dominant with the evolution of technology? One way

their patients in the moment and across the spectrum

to ensure that caring is not lost in the infrastructure of

of time. Locsin (2005) stated that this allows for

the electronic system is a notion of Shared

continuous appreciation of persons from moment to

Competence in the use of the electronic medical

moment. However, if the focus of the interaction is a

record. The theoretical background for the

computer and monitor, this appreciation becomes lost.

harmonious integration of technology and caring rests

in the work of Watsons Human Caring Theory that
has received continual notoriety since its publication
in 1988. The Caritas Processes most needed to
support a caring relationship with the patient are (1)
Embrace altruistic values and practice loving kindness
with self and others, (2) develop and nurture helping,
caring relationships, and (8) create a healing
environment for the physical and spiritual self which
respects human dignity. In order to carry out these
processes, nurses need face to face, caring, loving
interactions with their patients.
How Can Technology and Caring Coexist?
Nurses identify with caring at the core of their
profession. Parcells and Locsin (2011) posited that
the use of the mid-range theory, technological

Nurses who are savvy with electronic medical record

documentation can assess their patient in the moment
with specific attention paid to appreciation for medical
status, attention to touch and deliberate care, and
honor of patients experiences. Trusting bonds will
form between nurse and patient if the nurse relates to
the patient in the here and now and interacts with
technology outside of the performance of patient
assessment. The development of a psychometric tool
by Parcells and Locsin (2011) allows for the focus of
nursing care to shift toward the fullest appreciation of
professional nurse caring competence through
technological knowing. The realization that
technology and machine skill competence is only a
tool to optimal patient care is imperative. The use of
electronic medical records management systems to

collect data is a skill that can be mastered so that

Watson, J. (1988). Nursing: Human science and

caring is continually integrated into the moment to

human care. New York, NY: National League for

moment interactions between nurse and patient.


In conclusion, devotional, committed relationships

between nurse and client are essential to increased
patient care outcomes and building trust. Patients
deserve a unique, caring, and unquestioning
relationship with the nurse that allows for optimal
health and wellness. Maintaining focus on the actual
patient while integrating technology as a tool to
provide safe and competent care is vital in meeting
the needs of the patient. Competence in technological
knowing allows for continual movement between

Machine Technologies and Caring in Nursing



machine technology;


tasks and improved presence with patients through

process mastery. Only through a connection between
technology and caring can the true humaneness of
relationship building occur.
Boykin, A., & Schoenhofer, S.O. (2001). Nursing as
Caring: A model for transforming practice. Boston,
MA: Jones & Bartlett.

Machine technologies and caring in nursing can be

harmonious aspects of clinical nursing practice. The
perception of technology and caring as dichotomous
is so pervasive that one who is technologically
proficient may often be assumed to be incapable of
expressing caring. Within a framework of nursing as
caring, true technologic competence in clinical nursing

Locsin, R.C. (2005). Technological competency as

practice can be understood as an expression of

caring in nursing. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau

caring. As such, technological competence assumes


an indispensable place in contemporary clinical

Parcells, D. A. & Locsin, R.C. (2011). Development

and psychometric testing of the technological
competence as caring in nursing
instrument. International Journal for Human Caring,
15(4), 8-13.

nursing practice. Nowhere is the link between

machine technologies and caring demonstrated more
clearly than in the practice of nursing in critical care. A
model is presented to illustrate this concurrence.

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