EXTRA!!! The Evolution of Nursing Informatics
EXTRA!!! The Evolution of Nursing Informatics
EXTRA!!! The Evolution of Nursing Informatics
Nurses have been delivering compassionate care using technology since the time of
Florence Nightingale. Technology, coined from the Greek language tekhnolohiga
meaning systematic treatment (1), is defined as a scientific method of achieving a
practical purpose (2). As healthcare evolves to meet the needs of mankind, nurses are
faced with greater challenges on how to apply technology in practice, education, and
research. Now more than ever, the term technology exponentially covers a greater
meaning in healthcare to include informatics.
15. Ergonomics.
o comes from the Latin ergos (to work) and nomos
o the science of using knowledge of work activities and the
human bodys limitations to structuring work environments,
or "fitting the work to the worker".
16. Complete the Ergonomic Assessment
o Is your computer workstation safe and ergonomically
o If not, what do you need to change to work in an
ergonomically supported environment?
o What about using PDAs?
o Or Laptops?
o Or Cell Phones?
o Research studies suggest that computers in the hospital
workplace can be prime habitats for various fungi, bacteria,
and other microorganisms including superbugs like MSRA.
o a. What activities do you think are the biggest culprits for
promoting the growth of these harmful micro-organisms?
o b. What can nurses do to protect their clients from
computer-transmitted infections?
o c. Who is responsible for cleaning computer and mobile
equipment in your employing agency or workplace?
18. The Art of Nursing Informatics
o Caring and Use of Technology
o Holistic assessment and planning
o Aesthetics and a Phenomenological Approach
o The relationship between computer literacy, technological
competence and a nurse's ability to care is congruent for
quality nursing practice.
o Computer literacy represents a proactive response to
technology which enhances caring in nursing
20. Holistic assessment and planning
o The world of the screen is fast becoming a constant reality
within health care how do nurses counteract the potential
distancing and rupturing of relations with clients that can
27. EHRs.
o The EHR has the ability to generate a complete record of a
clinical patient encounter, as well as supporting other carerelated activities directly or indirectly via interface including evidence-based decision support, quality
management, and outcomes reporting.
o If you were on a planning committee to determine the
language to use to clearly articulate nursing data
(assessment, interventions, client perspectives &
experiences, outcomes, etc.) what important considerations
would you keep in mind?
o Would it be easy to reach consensus?
29. Telehealth and Telenursing Exercise
o Tele-health practices not only call for nurses to
reconceptualize presence, place, and bodies in nursing, but
also to explore how these practices threaten to displace
nursing. It is imperative for any nurse who engages in
telenursing to be aware of this, and to ensure that network
exchanges with their clients reflect dynamic, personable
caring and attentiveness, even when the interactions occur
via ICT mediums.
30. Nursing Roles in E-health
o E-health is a client-centered World Wide Web-based network
where clients and health care providers collaborate through
ICT mediums to research, seek, manage, deliver, refer,
arrange, and consult with others about health related
information and concerns
31. E-health Case Scenario
o Janet, a 43 year old mother and business owner was
diagnosed with rhematoid arthritis six months ago. She
sought medical treatment for her condition but has
experienced little relief with conventional treatment. She
begins to seek further information from other sources
beyond her family doctor, including internet resources.
Recently she decided to initiate an online support and
information group to explore treatments and experiences
with other people with arthritis.
32. Questions to Ask
The nursing informatics team work very closely with the clinical
teams and the IT department. They are not only responsible for the
development, implementation and support of new systems but are
instrumental in fostering a culture of enquiry amongst the
workforce. Front line staff want access to the data in order to make
improvements. There is clearly an appetite for investigating the
available data. Downtime is kept low and their performance for
unplanned downtime is zero.
document accurately and precisely to determine the desired outcome. Remember the
Rule Garbage InGarbage Out also applies to nursing documentation.
Nurses comprise the biggest workforce in healthcare. This being said, nurses are the largest
work-group of end-users of electronic medical record and clinical information systems;
therefore, it is imperative that nurses are well-represented in the selection, design,
implementation, and evaluation of clinical information systems. Evidence has shown that nurses
who were involved in the clinical information system cycle have more buy-in, user-acceptance,
and positive perception all are precursors to successful implementation.