Infinity Codes Primer (Code Key)

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Infinity Codes Primer

A step by step explanation of the techniques used throughout the website. How to understand the graphics from the perspectives of geometry, colour and dimension. Each graphic is created in such a way as to embody a unique fractal level and structure of time in space. There are many of these levels to explore, however each has its own specific formula, which is described in its mathematics and reflected in its shape.

( Code Key 28 )

by Raahsirus Hun Kukum

Every graphic has a page dedicated to explaining the greater meaning and significance of its code, and these pages have been organized into 5 sections:

Human, Earth, Lunar, Solar and Galactic

For example the graphic to the upper right: >> Is the Elixir of 28 >>> lunar-codes/elixir-of-28 This graphic embodies the code of the "geometric" month, which in total lasts 28 days. It is termed "geometric" as it is made of equal units of measure 4x7. Its mathematical formula is 4x7 = 28 :-: where each 7-days equals 1 week. Each week is made of 7 circles, that are organized into a shape known as the seed of life. The structure of the seed of life is formed by a central circle being encircled by another 6 circles spaced apart by 60 degrees, as 6x60 = 360. It can be described as the original pattern that inspired the idea of "genesis" the 7-days of creation. The 7-days are the 1st stage of this genesis process, or pattern of creation, which continues to grow in fractal increments of 6, into the year of 13-months

or tree of life (2nd stage of genesis process) and the 19-year flower of life (3rd stage of genesis process). See >>> lunar-codes/flower-of-life-in-time In addition, going back to the Elixir of 28, the 7-days are repeated 4 times, and are placed in the four corners as a reflection of the human body with 2 arms and 2 legs outstretched. These are emphasized in the graphic using 4 colours on black background, orange, green and blue, with a lens flare (golden the 4th colour) at center which symbolizes the awakened light of consciousness, the unity at the heart of the graphics hub. The Elixir of 28 embodies a solid foundation of time in space with its 4sidedness. This is done using the shape of the base of the pyramid, with its 4faces aligned to the 4-directions :- North, East, West & South (n.e.w.s.). To each side can be assigned an element: Air (ethair), Earth, Water & Fire, and the purpose would be to keep these elements in balance so that the 5-element, spirit, can thrive. This principle is embodied in the entire site by its organization into:

Human (spirit), Earth (earth), Lunar (water), Solar (fire) and Galactic (ether)

At the point of completing the graphic Elixir of 28, I drew lines from the center and edge of each of its 8 aspects, 2 arms, 2 legs, and 4 corners of the pyramid. This doubles the 8 to produce the number 16, as 2x8. The number 16 reduces down through numerology to the 7, as 1+6 = 7. Which takes us back to the original resonance of 7-days. It is also the sum of 4x4 or 4-squared. Therefore from the center outwards I drew the 16 spokes, 4x4 resonating the number 7 throughout the graphic to produce the matrix that it was drawn.

The end is in the beginning and the beginning is in the end. The 7 is in the beginning and in the end there is the 7.

In many spiritual traditions this principle of 7 is known 7 chakras ( inner light ) 7 wanderers ( skyward light ) 7 candles ( temple light ) 7 days ( solar/lunar light )

The common denominator being light, that quintessential element, that symbolizes so many qualities simultaneously :- enlightenment :- awakening :remembrance :- lucidity :- consciousness :- clarity :- precision :- transparency :stirring :- initiation :- arousing :- illumination :- among many others qualities...

Detail at center of Tree of Gnosis

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