Technology of Creation Eng
Technology of Creation Eng
Technology of Creation Eng
Moscow 2010
Victor A. Korniloff
Technology of creation. Introduction in the theory of
world order / V. А. KORNILOFF. – М.: «ONTOPRINT», 2010. - 370 P : FIG.
Readers are offered a hypothesis of the structure of the Universe in the broadest sense of the word.
The author uses technological analysis to gain an insight into the unknown spheres of Creation. Analyzing
the way in which the World, consisting of heterogeneous things, is united into a balanced entity - the author
finds answers to questions such as: how the Universe is organized, who created it and for what purpose. The
book is so unusual that it resists standard classification. The language of a popular science volume is coupled
with the conclusions and generalizations that attempt to change the scientific paradigm and revolutionize
religious consciousness.
The reader is presented with a dramatic, but quite understandable picture of the World, where Matter and
Spirit, Freedom and Necessity, Belief and Knowledge interact in harmony, but leave no place for mysticism
or magic.
The book is addressed to those people who want to know about how the World is constructed.
This second edition, revised and supplemented, holds on based on the first edition, published by the
Canon + ROOI «Rehabilitation» in 2007 under ISBN 978-5-88373-148-7. UDK 14, BBK 60.5; H 52
All rights are reserved and protected by law. Copying of the text and illustrations without the written
permission of the author and publisher is prohibited. References to the author and the edition must be made
in any quotations or reproduction of drawings.
The matter world is a part Wold order use the same means. Logic, mathematics,
at the head, which there is a Lord. geometry, ethics … Learning these parties
Invisible and unknown to the person. of the World order, the person starts to use
Universe part – the Radio world, that the same tools, as the Lord.
not less, exists quite really and in many To me has opened that in an arsenal
respects defines existence Material world of the Founder there is a special shelf,
and the person. on which in all Divine completeness
Moreover all Universe, including a and to beauty there is a System analysis,
matter and the person is created only by the Designing, Designing, Technology,
Lord from a unique resource, which Lord Modelling, Manufacture… Toolkit for the
too is. Stars, a stone, a human soul... All is full cycle of Creation from a plan to an
things created Miro – Building which was embodiment.
created by the Lord. Certainly, the technological judgement
The universe at all mystery and of the Universe doesn't apply for its
incomprehensibility for human reason, exhaustive explanation, but that Not less
nevertheless, has one through property, gives unexpectedly much. The opened
one cut on .To which it is ready to open logic Interrelations of material objects has
to human understanding. The universe is deduced me on main principles devices
result of the Divine creation, something of the Radio World where takes place a
created by the Lord for the purposes known difficult cycle of preparation for matter
to It. In this connection the universe can occurrence.
be considered as the en-gineering object As a whole all design of the Universe
so to approach to its knowledge, using combined from material and radio
an arsenal of engi-neering-technological parts, has opened system character of
concepts, well-known to the person the Universe, also has allowed to judge
thanking its rough creative activity. its purposes and a role of the person in
As to a plant not to become ani- it. Once in a youth I almost didn't know
mals,as to an animal not to rise level God, then in mature years I have come
with the person, and to the person during to sincere BELIEF in the Lord, and now
lifetime not to become God. But the reason I. It is assured in Its existence, thanks to
is given the person, the logic, ability and the understanding found by me and TO
interest to knowledge, also isn't present an KNOWLEDGE. Religion, and Divinity
interdiction to learn the World created by in mine with -Knowledge not only haven't
God. There are areas where the animal and trembled from technological judgement of
the person are almost equal – some features the Universe, but have received one more
of an organism, memory, reactions to many stunning certificate of wisdom, beauty and
irritants, feeling grieves and pleasures etc. omnipotence of the Creator.
But are in the nature even more interesting Whether to a conclusion: isn't present
areas where the person and the Founder in the world of miracles, they simply
aren't necessary, as the world is thin a spark of God in a shower. The sum of
enough and various. Its device sometimes representations about a Universe, saved up
in addition it is deliberately hidden from by Divinity and natural-science thought
the person for the sake of its blessing. has reached for the first time that level
There are no obstacles to science and when becomes possible, so Necessary to
Divinity cooperation if the scientist and build the UNIFORM The GENERAL
the Seminary student bear in a shower a THEORY of the WORLD ORDER and to
spark of God. Long researches have led take the first step to godlike PANSOPHY!
to a conclusion: isn't present in the world
of miracles, they simply aren't necessary,
as the world is thin enough and various. P.S. For the first perusal and the general
Its device sometimes in addition it is understanding of sense of the book, it is
deliberately hidden from the person for the possible to pass the ma-thematical safely
sake of its blessing. There are no obstacles formulas, technological terms,tables and
to science and Divinity cooperation if the schemes – they are addressed a small
scientist and the Seminary student bear circle of professional opponents.
Prayer I
Is it really the lot of humans to be You presented us with the ability to create
vegetating grass? and taught us crea-tive activity, among
other things.
You gave us reason and will and conferred
upon us the responsibility of the moral In the last two to three hun-dred
choice between good and evil, but made the years, people discovered the laws of the
spiritual connection with You invisible and technology of creating; we learned not
limited life with death. only to create sepa-rate objects, but also
multifunc-tional systems with properties
We do not even know the mean-ing of of self-regulation, self-development and
our existence. definition of objectives.
That is why our life is saturated by And then one day I understood. You are
bitter envy and venal egotism. just the same as I – an en-gineer. The World
We are more removed from You than created by You is one complex system,
anything in this World, but we are also and in order to understand it, we can
what is most similar to You. make use of the categories of the systems
approach known to humans: defi-nition
Allow our souls to accept Your Light of objectives, hierarchy of goals and tasks,
and to become intelligent as-sistants in the structuring, the methods of information
matters of Your crea-tion. storage, transfer and processing, manage-
I know that the depth of Your purity ment principles of control, optimi-zation,
and wisdom is unattainable for humans. construction, functioning, conservation of
You establish order and do not violate resources, etc.
what has been established. But since the universe exists and
But there is no magic, miracle or so accordingly works, this means that
anything irrational in Your Ho-liness and somehow, somewhere, someone thought
in the World You created – only hints at it out technologi-cally, someone created it
the cause and effect of Your infinitely wise and someone is still running it.
laws. So I decided to understand the
The universe You have built is immense technology of creation. To gather the
and still hardly is open for us – the people knowledge about the universe accumulated
populating the Earth. by science and to analyse it in a
technological aspect.
Neither the purpose nor the concept of
creation is visible to us so far. The world visible and invisible, known
and unknown, so complex and so balanced,
Religion shed some light on Your so multifaceted and so harmonious, so wise
appearance for humans, but blind faith and beautiful! What it is made of? How is
and religious rituals for the contemporary it arranged? Why does it not stop? Where
person no longer serve to bring us closer to does it move? Who created it? When was it
You. created and for whom?
After immersing us into the mate-rial Lord! From an early age, these
World and distancing Yourself from us, questions have given me no rest. I do not
Probably as soon as man acquired the But we are now talking about the be-
capability of rational thought, he felt his ginning of beginnings and the First Cause,
disconnection from the universe and the understanding God to be that which is
limitations of his half-animal existence. higher than all causes and effects. This
same name of God is used for other, less
«Does not the soul languish so much lofty levels of the spiritual world. I am
because it does not feel the other world, not able to give a classification of gods of
which exists somewhere nearby, colouring the various levels, but in one way or another
meaning of everyday life?»
we will touch upon this issue on more than
Guberman, [34, p. 298].
one occasion.
Is a human able to find out anything
Let us start with the most important
about God, to judge or analyze informa-
question: «Is there a god?» This is not
tion about him? Able or unable is not an
such a simple question. The sun sets in the
issue. Man has been holding discourse
evening. Is the sun still there at night? At
about God since the Fall of Man. The
first glance, no, since it is dark. But it is
search for god and knowledge of god are
still there, and nothing happened to it even
preordained in man, but there are limits to
though its light is inaccessible to us.
this path:
The key word is «is» We distribute
this word throughout our perception in our «Verily, verily, I say unto you, the ser-vant is
material and transitory world. There is no not greater than his lord; he that is sent is not
God in this world and cannot be, or else he greater than he that sent him. If ye know these
would be just as transitory and would need things, happy are ye if ye do them» [John
his own Creator. But the ma-terial world 13:16–17].
that is familiar to us is quite possibly the
lowest link in the chain of creation, at the According to theologists [Encyclo-
top of which is First Cause – that which pedic Dictionary of Christianity, 123, p.
is born of itself and produces everything 337], exceptional qualities and character-
from itself without limits. This is God as istics are inherent to God. First of all,
understood by hu-mans. He has existed Love, Grace (Goodness), Truth, Beauty
for all time and within everything. In this and Omnipotence are characteristics so
sense, He is. close to His essence that they are some-
The Material World, every object, times used as His name.
every living thing and movement is not Secondly, there are the unique char-
God, but they carry within themselves acteristics: absolute self-sustainability, a
the operant motive and determinism the level of freedom not limited by anything
source of which is God’s will. In this other than one’s own manifestations, per-
sense, God is present in every atom of the fect thought and full knowledge.
material world. Furthermore, one gets the impression that
the Creator of the universe is wise, kind, giving everything and receiving noth-ing in
exacting and hard. He is a brilliant director return is intrinsic to Goodness. In other words,
not without a sense of humour. However, God gives everything and receives nothing
in return. God is Goodness, and Goodness is
the latter characteristics are more readily
God»[22, p. 27].
associated with other, lower hierarchies of
Divine powers governing the realm of the
material world. «None of those who are called gods, no
people or demons could ever be called good:
Great thinkers in times past said such this definition fits only God Himself. He is
profound, beautiful and poetic words about Goodness and nothing else. All other beings
the highest Divinity, that it is better to just are not capable of containing the nature of
quote them without commentary. Goodness. They are the essence of body and
Separated from us by centuries, but soul and have no room for Goodness» [22, p.
absolutely familiar and understandable, 27].
Hermes Trismegistus said of God, «Glory radiates in all directions from the
divine essence. It is possible that is specifi-
cally in this essence that glory manifests it-self
«If He were visible, then He would not in clearest and most authentic way. We are not
exist. All visibility is created or manifested, afraid to say, O Asclepius, that the essence
but the invisible exists for all time without of God, if He has an essence is Glory, and it
need for manifestation. He exists for eternity, impossible to attribute Glory-and-Goodness to
and he makes all things clear. He is invisible anything else in the world» [22, p. 39].
because He is eternal. By not manifesting
himself, he leads to the advent of everything.
In not revealing Himself, He leads to His own «This is what God is – Goodness has the
revelation. Uncreated, He manifests all things full might to create everything that exists [22,
into visibility. Visibility is inherent only to p. 80]».
things that are created» [22, p. 33].
«His essence consists of birthing and
creating all things. And since nothing can
The following text is also Hermes. exist without the Creator and He Himself
would not exist if he were not creating con-
«Since Unity is the origin and root of all stantly, in the air, on the earth, in the depths
things, there is an origin and root in all things. of the sea, in the entire Universe, in existence
There is nothing without origin, and origin and nothingness. There is nothing in the World
does not originate from nothingness, but only that is He Himself. He is contempora-neously
from itself, as everything originates from Him. what is and what is not, since what He is, He
It is the origin of itself, since it has no other. has already manifested, and what He is not,
Unity, which is the origin, contains in itself He contains within Himself. Such is God – to
all numbers... But it is no born of any other great to have a name, invisible and apparent,
number. All that is born is imperfect, divisible, He who opens in the soul, He who opens to the
subject to increase or decrease. The perfect has eyes, He who does not have a body, since there
none of these qualities. Such is… the image of is nothing that is not Him and all is He Alone.
God, as much as I am able to imagine it» [22, с That is why He is the bearer of all names,
33]. since he is the only Fa-ther, and that is why
he does not have a name, since He is Father of
«God and Goodness are the same in es- everything». [22, p. 36].
sence. Together they comprise a unified im-
age from which all other things originate, since «There is no hope that the name, no mat-
ter how complex it is, can signify His great- the very fact of the persistence of repeti-
ness, Father and Lord of all things. He has no tions from century to century, from mil-
name, or rather, He has all names, since He lennium to millennium.
contains everything within himself; one ought
Grigor Narekatsi (Armenia, 951–1003) has
to either call all things with His name or call
Him with the names of all things»[22, p. 111]. given us a wonderful song:
«We strive toward happiness because «Sovereign of the Universes! You are the
happiness is the natural state of the soul. The Cause of Causes, the Inspiration of Inspira-
soul is an integral part of the Supreme Being, tions… There is nothing comparable to You
which by its very nature is sach-chid-ananda- neither above not below. And you created
vigraha – knowledge, bliss and eternity in- the Heavens and Earth. And from them, you
carnate. “Even the name Krshna, by no means brought out the Sun, Moon, planets and con-
sectarian in its meaning, means ‘greatest stellations. And on the Earth – the trees and
satisfaction.’ ‘Krsh’ means ‘great-est’ and grasses, the Garden of Eden, the animals, the
‘na’ means satisfaction. Krshna is satisfaction birds and the fish. And the sons of man, in
incarnate, and we, in being inte-gral particles order for them to perceive the divine. And how
of Him, also thirst for satisfac-tion» [27, p. the divine and the underlings are gov-erned.
143]. And how the underlings attain the divine.
But no one knows about You. And apart from
You there is no unity of the divine and the
At some point, we start to notice the
underlings. And You are known as the Cause
repetitions. But nuance also appear. The of All Things and Lord of All» [51, p. 271].
beauty of words does not cease to spell-
bind, but it is even more interesting that Each pronouncement is accompanying by
an emotional outburst. love, but do not worry. You are jealous, but are
Rabbi Solomon Beh Yehuda Ibn Ge- not troubled. You repent, but are not sorrowful.
birol – philosopher and cabbalist, You show temper, but are not frustrated. You
change circumstances but not intentions. You
11th century:
perceive, but do not lose track. You want for
nothing, but in acquiring, you rejoice, are
«You are one, the number of all numbers not self-serving, but demand interest. You
and foundation of all structures; You are one, are given recompense to be inclined towards
and the wisest of people is in the secret of generosity, but who has something that is
your oneness, since they do not know it. You not from You? You reward by paying money,
are One, and Your Oneness is never dimin- but to whom do You owe? By forgiving, you
ished and never expanded and cannot be relinquish debts, but do not lose anything» [21,
changed. You are One, but not as an element of p. 471].
counting, since Your Oneness does not allow
multiplication, changes or forms. You exist,
but the understanding and vision of mortals With time, attitudes towards the
cannot reach Your existence or de-termine issue of God begin to turn to the plane of
Your Where, How and Why! You exist, but analysis.
in and of Yourself, since nothing and nobody Yes, it is obvious that God exists, but for
can exist with you. You exist before all times full credibility, we attempt to prove it
and outside of any place. You exist and Your logically.
existence is so deep and secret that no one can
The 13th century. The theologist
penetrate your secret and discover it. You are
Alive, but outside of time that can be defined Thomas Aquinas. I am sorry for the
or known. You live, but not by the power of lengthy quote, but now I see that all five
the soul, since You Yourself are the Soul of all proving points turned out to be true. It will
souls!» [16, p. 542]. also become obvious to you, dear heart.
And here are the words of St. «The existence of God may be proven in
Augustine, the father of Latin-based five ways:
Christianity, enthu-siastic and in love with I. The first and most obvious way stems
God to the point of self-abnegation: from the concept of movement. In truth, there
can be no doubt that something moves in this
Universe, and this is confirmed by the evi-
«Who are you, My Lord? Who or what
dence of sensation.
other than the Lord God. Since who is God,
All that moves has to have something else
but the Lord and who is the protection except
as the source of its movement. Conse-quently,
for the Lord Our?» (Ps 17, 32). The highest,
as soon as a moving object moves by itself,
most perfect, almighty, all-good and all-
it moves another object and so on. But it is
merciful, just and fair to the highest degree,
impossible for this to go on to infin-ity, since
inaccessible and essential to everything, true
in such a case there was no primary mover,
beauty and undefeated strength, unchange-
so consequently, no other mover. Secondary
able, but changing everything, without age
propulsion devices transmit movement only
and unrenewed, but renewing everything and
because they themselves are moved by the
aging the proud in their ignorance, always
primary mover. For example, a staff imports
restive and always creating, all-gathering and
motion since it is moved by the hand itself.
not needing anything, all-carrying, filling and
Consequently, it is necessary to go to some
supporting, feeding and improving, taking
primary mover, which is driven by nothing
care of everything and wanting for naught. You
else but what everyone understands to be God.
II. The second way stems from the con- God has been replaced in people’s con-
cept of original cause. It is inconceivable that sciousness with empirical scientific
a series of original causes stretches back to knowledge, there are thinkers for whom
infinity. Consequently, it is necessary to place
a picture of the Universe is incomplete
a primary original cause, which every-one
calls God. without God.
III. The third way stems from the con-cepts Modern-day philosopher Richard Ni-bur
of capability and necessity. It is impos-sible for says:
a series of necessary essences that give rise to
the necessity of one another to stretch back to «Whatever we call it, this rule of the way
infinity (in the same manner as with original things are, this reality, this world order – it is
causes, which was proven above). Therefore, it all something with which we must consider.
is necessary to place some necessary essence We may not be able to give it a name, merely
that is necessary in and of itself and does not calling all of this “emptiness”, from which
have an external cause for its necessity, but everything originates and to which every-
is a component of the necessity of all other thing returns, even though this is also a
essences. In my opinion, this is God. name. However, it exists – this last nebulous
IV. The fourth way stems from various and unclear reality, the mystery of existence,
stages that are present in things. We find by virtue of which things originate and are
things that are more or less perfect, or true, themselves, and arrive. There is no protection
or honourable; and it is the same with other from it. This reality, this nature of things
relationships of this kind. But that which the remains, when all other things have passed. It
maximum of a particular quality is the cause is the source of all things and the completion
of all other manifestations of this quality. of all things. It surrounds our life like a great
Thus, fire, as the limit of heat, is the source chasm into which all things descend and from
of all heat, as has been said in that same book. which all things originate, as if from a great
It follows from this that there is some essence spring. What it is – we do not know, apart from
that is for all essences the cause of good and all that it exists and that is the higher reality with
manner of perfection, and we call this essence which we must settle accounts». [77, p. 345].
V. The fifth way stems from the order This is the state of affairs with regard
of nature. We are convinced that objects that
have no consciousness, such as natural bod- to the idea of God. But in all times, there
ies, are subservient to purposefulness. This was the parallel issue of belief in God.
follows from their actions always or most of Belief in God itself can be of a minimum
the time being directed at the best possible of two different types.
outcome. Out of this it follows that they In one case, humans only need to
reach their goals not by accident, but by the know that God exists and nothing better
guidance of a conscious will. Because they than him exists. Spinoza has given us a
lack comprehension themselves, they can be
subservient to purposefulness only in that
classic formulation:
they are directed by something gifted with
reasoning and understanding, like an archer «We see that Jeremiah, Moses and John
aims an arrow. Consequently, there is a sen- limit the acquisition of knowledge about God
tient being deciding the aim of all that is tak- that every person must have, and not many
ing place in nature, and we call it God» [111, p. imagine him to be as we wanted to show only
20, 21]. in the following light, specifically: that God is
fair and merciful to the highest degree and He
is the only example of true life» [104, p. 281].
Even in our atheistic century, when
Since things are this way, then there the right choice, use the freedom given by
is no need to strive towards knowing God God wisely, like a subtle, be-nevolent hint
and the Universe. Live in fear of God and pointing out the right Path. With regard
enough philosophising: to all objects of creation, Goodness is the
absolute and sole struc-tural material –
«We have shown that true knowledge of information.
God is not a command, but a Gift from God, With regard to God, Goodness is His
and God does not require any other knowl- body, His essence, perpetually pouring
edge from people other than knowledge of his into the Universe and creating the Uni-
divine fairness and love, knowledge which
is necessary not for the sciences, but for
submission» [104, p. 283]. God’s Love. This is love of the Genius
Creator to His Creation. However, in
But there is another choice that is observing the universal law of cyclic
more agreeable and, by the way, more occurrence and one can notice that in
ancient. God must be known, one must both God’s and God’s Creation there is a
go to God and in general all expansion of sequence of active and passive periods and
knowledge is welcomed. Faith in this case internal and external manifestation of these
is understood to be filling in the un-known qualities is possible. More importantly,
part of the general picture of the Universe. there are times when Love looks like hate
From Judah’s epistles to the He-brews: and creativity like destruction.
Truth. Only the being that knows
«Therefore we ought to give the more all reasons and consequences can pass
earnest heed to the things which we have judgment on Truth. One of the most vivid
heard, lest at any time we should let them of the poetic lines in the New Testament is
slip. For if the word spoken by angels was a God-inspired phrase from Jesus that is
steadfast, and every transgression and dis- also super-emotional in a human way:
obedience received a just recompense of re- «I am the way, the truth, and the life».
ward; How shall we escape, if we neglect so
[John 14:6].
great salvation; which at the first began to be
spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto Beauty. All that is created by god is
us by them that heard him» [Hebrews 2:1-3] beautiful?!? No. Not everything and not all
the time. In any case, in terms of hu-man
There is probably no sense in citing perception. It is possible that that is why
more quotes. They are legion. The entire creation, even though it is a highly divine
Bible, from cover to cover, is 1200 pages process, includes an element of play,
of first class quotes about God. unpredictability, risk and allows for the
But what is the dried residue like? Which possibility of discoveries, finds and losses.
intuitively understood concepts could be But the main instrument of beauty –
used in a technological image of Creation? Harmony – the only true relationship of
A whole series of concepts characterising parts to the whole, is always inherent to
God the Creator. God, and any game of creation ultimately
Grace, Goodness. With regard to ends in beautiful Creation.
humans this is the advent of the opportu- Omnipotence. It exist in a specific
nity to come closer to God, an offer to make relationship with Freedom. Even though
both of these powers are unlimited, mu- subjective and ideas and reality, because
tual inhibition is built in to their very thought, material and action are combined
nature. Indeed, if in creating, God brings within it in a primordial, perfect,
a certain order to the world, with laws, syncretised whole.
rules, dependencies, then He takes it upon Full knowledge. This probably is
Himself not to violate these, i. e. He even some kind of Knowledge – Feeling –
limits His Freedom and His Omnipotence, Cognizance, absolutely inaccessible to
but having done that does not lose anything humans, who, after the Fall, have only
and does not detract from them at all. been left table scraps from its rich pie:
Absolute self-sufficiency of the «genetic memory» – knowledge at the
person of God. If it is possible to ascribe level of physiology, «scientific knowl-
human qualities to God, then this is the edge» – answers, ripped from silent
case when «I» is not limited by anything, na-ture and the «voice of conscience» –
as every object is part of the Divine «I» awareness of good and evil, which gives
and does not signify something external rise to more questioning than understand-
for Him. Therefore, the characteristic outer ing. Full knowledge, which is inherent
limitations of humans and incomplete to God, is unlimited in the depth of its
awareness of the depths of their own «I» do penetration into objects and their cause-
not apply to God by definition. However, and-effect connections; it is unlimited in
full introvertedness (directedness inward) the area of its spread, as there is nothing
does not mean solitude as it implies endless that cannot be an object of knowledge. It
variation of games and activities, including has neither time limits nor uncertainty of
within itself mental contact and links with what is to come. As distinct from human
an infinite number of included parts, full knowledge, Divine Knowledge is true and
introvertedness turns out to be equal to full objective, free from emotions and bias,
extravertedness, i. e. interaction without does not need deduction and induction,
limits in terms of quality and quantity. analysis and synthesis, it is not divided
Perfect thought. Thought – is the main into theoretical and empirical, and is
and most beautiful quality in hu-mans. «beyond good and evil». This knowledge
One can only imagine how beauti-ful is absolute, exhaustive and efficacious.
this quality is in God! However, say-ing God almighty and wise. Because
that perfect thought is thought that is not only an Almighty and Wise Being could
limited by anything is wrong. I imag-ine create such a huge, complex, and harmo-
an analogy with chess: in this game, strict nious Universe, where there is a place and
rules leave an infinite freedom of choice way of existing for one and all.
and combine elements of predestination and Benevolence. It manifests itself in
unpredictability. One can conjecture that God’s infinite patience and the power to
Perfect Thought, a pale imprint of which forgive our sins, our stiff-necks – stub-
we see in human thought, also combines bornness in unbelief. God’s benevolence
elements of de-liberate limitations of consists of preserving up until the last
Freedom. Further-more, Perfect Thought minute of life the chance for repentance,
knows no time-space limitations, has no spiritual rebirth and the chance to be heard
conflict between the objective and the and comforted.
universe is always incomplete, because life and the capability to definitively resolve
the universe is unified. Without under- issues of religion, philosophy, morality and the
standing the general theory of the uni- capability of giving directives for the creation
of spiritual culture», Berdyaev [12, p. 441].
verse, all private knowledge is partially
The methods of the natural sciences And there is more. The antithesis of
are predicated on human notions of the scientific knowledge to religious knowl-
material world, or more exactly – that edge itself is an archaism of the Iron Age
part of the material world accessible to and the time of the industrial revolution.
experiments and reproducibility. But the There is no real contradiction between
Universe is far more vast and varied. A them. Knowledge of the universe that
broader methodological base is necessary. God created and the path to experimental,
Methodology needs instruments capable of natural-science knowledge of the universe
operating with objects of the non-material lie on one and the same path – the path to
world, as well as transitory objects that the Creator.
related both to material and non-material Many brilliant minds have long since
phenomena. noticed that Faith and really any form of
orientation towards God leads humans on
«Science is searching for truth, and Logos the path of learning about the universe. By
is reflected in Science. But it has certain coming to know God, you come to know
boundaries and there are questions which not the Universe created by Him.
only does not have the capacity to resolve, but
even to pose. The conflict is created in the false «The only way to save mankind is knowl-edge
claims of science to dominion over human of God». Hermes [22, p. 51].
One day you have to stop and look Here is the significant dialog on
around to find the way to a decent life this topic from the work of Hermes
through all the vanity that surrounds you. Trismegistus:
The world we spend our lives in – what
kind of world is it, where did it come from, « – If you think about it, o King, you
where is it going, does it have a goal, ends will see that among the bodies there are also
and boundaries? aethereal ones.
–Which ones? – the King asked.
«The Mind is a secret ambassador to you, – Bodies appearing in mirrors – don’t they
human seem aethereal to you?
It dwells in your heart for a reason – Indeed, o Thoth, your opinion is wonderful,
It is questioning you about dozens of - the King answered.
secret things – But there are other aethereals. For example,
When it is alone with you» shapes: doesn’t it seem to you that they really
Nasir Hosrov [54, p. 84] exist, although bodiless, shapes of beings, not
only the animate ones, but also inanimate?
– Thy words speak the truth, o Thoth.
Let us presume that there exist 2 – Thus the ethereal reflects in bodies, and
approaches to the problem of the origin bodies reflect in the ethereal, which means that
of the World: on the level of matter and the sensual world reflects in the comprehensible
on some higher level, where the material world, and the comprehensible world reflects
world is a part of broader World view. in sensual world. Therefore you should honor
Not to go into details for now, let us the statues, o King, as they also embody forms
from the world of the extra-sensual».[22, p. 87]
consider the World and its origin in the most
general and broad interpretation known by us
and intelligible to us. For some reason two contrary visions
Back in the ancient times humans noticed, have been formed in people’s consciousness.
that not everything in the environment could Some think that there is a material World,
be perceived by the five senses that they which can be sensed, measured and the rest
possessed. There are many things which is «of evil», but in fact «evil forces» are a
markedly affect our material life, but at the fiction too. Others say that all the material
same time their existence is not obvious. things are perishable. They come into
The simplest example is the reflection in the being and disappear, they are constantly
mirror. Does it exist or not? Perhaps, it is a changing and do not equal themselves, they
kind of evil spirit? In Ancient Russia mirrors are illusions, and consequently, they do not
were equipped with a small door or a curtain, exist.
to keep it closed, out of harm's way, when it When scientific knowledge was
was not used. practically non-existent, thinkers had no
And what about thoughts, and life, and choice but to depend on general logic and
death? What are they? They cannot be touched God-given common sense. This was the
or seen, but they rule the entire world. opinion of Plato:
«…existence refers to birth the way truth spirit in the spiritual world and a body in the
refers to faith…we, considering many things world of nature» [95, с. 379];
such as gods and birth of the Universe, in many
respects, will not achieve complete accuracy considered that:
and consistency in our speculations. On the
contrary, we have to be happy if our judgment
turns out to be no less believable than that of «Everything in the Universe has been
created by the love of God and Heavenly
another, and moreover remember, that even I
Wisdom of the Human God. The Universe, in
myself, the reasoning one, and you my judges,
the great and the small, in the first and the last
are just human, and thus we have to settle for
instance, is so full of love and the wisdom of
a believable myth, not demanding anything
God, that it can rightly be called the actual love
more» Plato [81, v.3, p. 433] . and wisdom of God» [95, p.425].
It is amazing how the human mind But nevertheless, while humans knew
is drawn to extremities and how difficult so little about the World, their natural
it is for it to judge calmly, thoughtfully desire was to hide from uncertainty behind
while weighing all the pros and cons. The the phantom of wonder.
human mind is constantly afraid of losing However, there is hardly so much
the collected understanding of the World. magic and miracles in this World as the
How great is this fear, and how persistent number of beautiful tales about them. Both
is the unwillingness to understand that the this and other Worlds are ruled only by
One, who created our world and humans, laws and the will of Creator. This Material
will never turn His back on them. World is explainable and understandable
Later somehow appeared the opinion for humans, just as the non-material
about the step-by-step process of creation. world is explainable and understandable
The Lord, composed of the imperishable, for the creatures living in it. Moreover,
non-material substance, created amorphous a human being also possesses potential
matter, and then shaped all the objects of understanding of the higher world, if
the World from it. the level of his own spirituality is high
enough. And, using a technical word,
«All has been created by You from
“nothing”, and not from Your substance, but
we can say: everything depends on the
from the matter, also created by You, initially system approach. The Material World is a
shapeless, but formed by You at the same portion, a subsystem of a greater system
moment that it appeared». Augustinus Sanctus called the spiritual-material World, with a
[21, p. 739]. universal set of laws. The Material World
is a subsystem of a lower, derivative kind.
At times there appears a fascinating If considered conditionally independent, it
theory: The World is the materialized love can be understood as self-sufficient, living
and wisdom of God. In a way - materialized by its own rules. However, upon closer
information, the source of which is God. examination, it becomes obvious that the
The learned visionary of the 18th century relations of the Material World and the
Emanuel Swedenborg, who said: super-system are predetermined not only
by the rules of its organization, but by the
«God has given me an opportunity to be a very sense of its existence.
An outstanding Russian theologist in seen snow, denied its very existence, this
the beginning of the 20th century Sergey would not mean that the snow did not
Bulgakov wrote the following about this exist. Even if none of the people had ever
topic: seen the snow.
Another situation: if a mentally ill person
«An autonomous, withdrawn into itself, has visions, delusions, undistinguishable
all-sufficient world is godless, atheism is its from the reality, than it is his true reality,
natural state. Of course, it does not mean that irrespective of the opinion of others.
there would be no God in the world and the The opinions that the material World
world would not reflect Him in itself as His
creation – we are far from such absurdity and
is illusive, and that the spiritual world does
blasphemy; but the world is autonomous, it not exist, are both incorrect in their very
has an independent, self-governed so to speak, presentation. And some people’s lack or
scientific-natural existence which according underdevelopment of spirituality is not a
to the famous expression of Laplace, does case against the existence of the spiritual
not need the hypothesis of God, and it is not world.
possible to recognize a personal God in it In fact we know very little about the
without coming to Him, breaking through the
origins of the material world, and even
world (transcensus) in a mystical, direct way of
religion, by the boldness of faith. Only then the less – about the spiritual World. The
world comes alive, its dead mask disappears, Material World is open for human cognition,
laws of nature become thoughts of the Creator, although it can hardly be cognized fully.
beauty of the world becomes His robe, history The cognition of the spiritual world is very
– His true revelation» [25, p.173]. difficult, if not totally impossible. It can be
assumed that the spiritual World is larger
Nearly the same thoughts were and more complicated than the material
expressed by the Russian philosopher one, that it has a multi-level hierarchical
of the same period Vladimir Solovyov. structure, inviolately obeys its own rules
Meaning the divine World, he says: (we can feel their echo in the rules of
the material world) has a complicated
«The reality of that world is, by perforce, control system. Cyclicity is peculiar to its
incomparably richer than our visible world, processes. It is inhabited, or even formed,
the reality of that divine world can apparently by some phenomena (creatures) – bearers
be reachable for only those truly belonging
to that world. But since our natural world is of intellect, information and will.
also unfailingly bound up with that divine Blessing, knowledge, beauty, love
world, since there is no, and there cannot be and harmony have great meaning in the
any insurmountable obstacles between them, spiritual world, as well as the Law, which
some rays of light, some reflections of the does not mean total absence of conflicts or
divine world should penetrate our reality and a static position. The higher we rise to the
constitute all the ideal matter, all the beauty Origin, Causa Causans, or to God the more
and depth we find in it». [103, p.141] indivisible seems to us the World. And
also the other way, the lower we descend
Not knowing and not willing to know on the stages of hierarchy of the spiritual-
about something are insufficient grounds material World, the more distinct become
for denying it. If someone, who had never the features of separateness. The limit
for both is the same point – chaos. The own lessons and its own responsibilities.
material World comes to a state of chaos as Any World is necessary and beautiful just
a result of extreme internal separation, and because it is the creation of God.
the spirit of creation is born from chaos. How and when has the World been
Our material World is probably one of the created? What can science say about this?
stages of world view. We humans, feel that Here it is necessary to add one comment
it is not perfect. Obviously the degree of right away, one about such gigantic time
separation is extremely important in it. spans, that the idea of believability loses
Contradictions and unsolvable problems any sense.
follow people throughout their entire lives The main idea is that worlds of all
and end with the greatest of all secrets – levels, including the World as a whole, are
death. Blessings, granted by God hardly involved in a cyclic process of emergence
break into this World and people can feel and vanishing.
it only in the best moments of their lives. Our civilization, being about 10,000 years
From an extremely pessimistic point of young, makes up an inappreciable time span
view, and cannot possess any experimental findings
on this matter.
«Blessing is not compatible with the Science asserts that the Universe has
material body, surrounded by evil, pain and been created or appeared as a result of the
suffering, lust, anger, mistakes and obsessions. Big Bang 15-20 billion years ago. What
But the worst part is…that evil is taken for a
kind of explosion was it, for what reason
blessing on Earth…» [22, p.39]
did it appear and what was its purpose – it
is not known. The age of the Sun and of
Be that as it may, a lot still depends on
our solar system is about 5 billion years.
the individual, on what his/her regards are
The Earth as a geological body appeared
turned towards. If the person is looking up
4.7 billion years ago. Human ancestors –
to God in his/her mind, then blessings can
the Hominid – appeared about 30 million
reach him/her easier. If the head is inclined
years ago. The life cycle of a star, and
and all thoughts are turned to the material,
consequently, of its planets with everything
blessing is out of the question!
on them is 9-11 billion years.
Probably there is a measure of
The life cycle of a Galaxy is unknown.
problems and complexities for each level
How many times does the number of stars
of creation, and our World is hardly an
refresh in this cycle is also a secret.
Stars form as the consequence of gas-
God grants every one of his
dust cloud condensation, but where do
creatures as much strength and as many
these clouds come from is unknown to
opportunities as are required for survival,
but does not forgive the sins of laziness
Almost nothing is known about the
and despondency.
Metagalaxy – the galactic network. What is
It probably would not be correct to say
its life span? How many changes of galactic
that our material World is bad, and that
structure does it have to experience? Zero
there are other Worlds where life is easier
information. There is an estimation of its
and more pleasant. Any World brings its
dimensions, average density and some
other parameters of the Metagalaxy. For social, rules. People creating science, are
example, it is known that the Metagalaxy subordinated to the laws of their society
is expanding and that the gravity force is and are limited by these. Any step over
minor or non-existent. the boundaries is punished, if not with fire,
Black holes – places where stars then with ostracism and loss of material
collapse and kind of funnels which suck resources. And the most powerful factor is
in matter appear – have also become a that of self-censorship and overwhelming
scientific fact. As well as the contrary pietism towards the current paradigm
phenomena – evidence of “superfluous” which weighs upon all scholars. Yes,
matter appearing when solar flares on objectively there are boundaries, beyond
the Sun burst. Very interesting are the which starts the unknown, and there is
processes in the center of the Galaxy, a collective scientific cognition vector,
which is supposedly the source of the flow which gradually extends those boundaries.
of matter… But standing on the edge of the unknown
The basic theory about the origins of is not within the forte of every person. The
the Universe rests on the hypothesis of the risks and the required talent are great, and
Big Bang, which supposedly produced all the material outcome is, as a rule, negative.
the proto-matter of the Universe and gave it Nowadays «the window to the universe»,
the initial impulse for movement. However, opened by science, has approximately the
in the opinion of many scientists, this following limits.
theory leaves many things unexplained. The maximum time span in which
science operates – several dozen billions
«The model of a “hot” beginning explains of years. We consider the life span of the
the origin of chemical elements, their current universe to equal 400,000 billion years.
proportions; however, it does not explain the The minimum time span is 10-23
formation of large scale space crowding or seconds – the fundamental time unit for
existence of quasar objects.
And why is the Universe homogenous on some
the material world. Or the frequency of
scales and heterogeneous on other ones, what 1023 MHz.
was the source for the expansion of space in The actual «bottom» of the World’s
the Universe? time sliding rule is at the 1080 Hz or 10-80
The Big Bang model hardly explains the seconds mark.
homogeneity of the observed Universe on The opinion of science about the
a large scale and isotropism of vestigal maximum linear size (diameter of the
radiation» Dubnischeva T. Y. [45, p. 239, 240,
Metagalaxy), 1025 meters, corresponds to
reality. The smallest object of the universe
is also known. It is the quark – 10-35 meters.
And where did the explosion itself
However, experimental knowledge, based
come from, what kind of material
on perception by the human sense organs,
exploded, by whom and for what purpose
even multifold intensified by technological
was it detonated – is not even asked.
tools can cover the range from 1021 to 10-19
Anyway, one cannot be offended by
science or complain about it. It is a young meters, which is, in general not all that bad.
social institution of a still very young Tacitly, but widespread, science holds
rational humanity living by its own, mainly to its opinion that humans should be
considered the only bearers of reason in of the World and human beings. And worse
the Universe, until there is some evidence than that is today’s scientific paradigm.
to the contrary.
Daring, isn’t it? Yes! Ten billion stars «…the visible Universe, or firmament,
in each of ten billion Galaxies. Each star alighted by countless stars, being suns in their
has several planets and only on Earth there essence, was just a tool, by medium of which
appeared something intelligent. Quite a could the lands be created, and on them –
people who could form the kingdom of heaven.
nice simplistic theory – the foundation of With such rationale, a person of intelligence
the World! cannot imagine such a huge instrument to be
But this is the logic of scientific meant for the creation of human kind only on
cognition. As they say: «Don’t shoot the our Earth.
professor – he is playing the best he can». There are spirits, whose only occupation is the
Moreover – be thankful to him. He is acquisition of knowledge.
not playing so badly. He is still just very These spirits come from Mercury; they told
me that there were lands, inhabited by humans,
not only in our world, alighted by the Sun, but
The reason for this mistake is also beyond it, in the starry heaven, and those
godlessness. The scientific paradigm lands were countless» Swedenborg E. [95, p.
excludes God from the scenario of creation 256-257].
for souls, not belonging to God, anymore. mysticism and even not an absolute secret.
Through those wet circles we will, constantly Construction of the World on all seven,
lamenting, see the sky of our ancestors as very or how many are there, levels lives by its
small; sometimes we will not even be able to
own (level) and general laws, and there
see it at all. Poor creatures, we are doomed
to lose the direct sight, as without light we is no witchcraft or magic in it, only strict
cannot see anything – that is because these are order, still not perceived by humans. This
windows that we have, and not eyes» Hermes order is set by God, and is totally clear and
Trismegistus [22, p. 177]. known to Him. A human, while being just
a human, cannot totally behold it.
But still, the rare opportunity of Natural sciences have not formed
momentary insight into the structure of a single concept of the structure of
the Universe, is given to humans not by Universe yet. This fact was formulated
chance. Probably to wake up their atheistic most precisely by V.I. Vernadskiy, who
souls, probably to support those being brilliantly combined encyclopedism - the
on the hard path of spiritual ascension, ability to generate ideas, and high ethics of
probably as a valuable gift. scientific thinking.
Such direct evidence gives almost no
specific information about the structure of the «The scientific world view is not a
World in our earthly understanding; however, scientifically absolute vision of the Universe
they are signals for our conscience, letting – we do not have this vision. It consists of
us know that the spiritual World does exist, separate truths of science that we know,
of opinions, drawn logically, as well as by
and contact with it brings us glory; that the studying material, historically mastered by
Material world is perishable and secondary, scientific thinking, of concepts of religion,
that the Law and Connection of things rule philosophy, life and art, which came to the
everywhere, that Omniscience is not a fiction, science from outside» [28, p. 232].
but an instrument of controlling the World.
And many. many other things can There are many spheres of matter
be drawn from eye witnesses' account, particularly in the microcosm (down to
especially if you think, compare and size of 10 –19 m), macro world and mega
analyze, or better – love the God and His world (up to the level of objects with
creation, because there is nothing more size of 1021 m), in which science has
interesting, beautiful and informative. accumulated understanding of many
However, there is no point in idealizing processes and phenomena, without the
neither the results nor the process of necessary system coordination, without
creation. In these are contained quests, deep insight into these processes and
mistakes, imperfections, successes and phenomena in the general system of the
failures. Universe, no correlation with the non-
The structure of the World is immense, material part of universe. No one has
magnificent, complex, ever changing, ever seen the Metagalaxy, an atom, its
multi-dimensional and multi-systemic. core, an electron… The structure of the
Creative and destructive powers are unit of matter, its «building block» in
always side by side in it; the main thing all its manifestations – mass, energy,
is that it does exist; its existence is not information, – is still unknown… Total
range of sizes in the universe spreads from so much about the World view that it could
10 –34.8 to 1025.62 m. go a long way. And when humans are
As a matter of fact, in spite of being mature enough spiritually to understand
a scientist himself, the author must the other, finer Worlds, they will discover
confess that science does have its faults, themselves there in all their beauty, and
the aversion to admitting the limitations this beauty, shown by humans, will please
in its scope of knowledge, an ambitious the Creator. However, these will not be
inclination to claim omniscience. flesh and bone human beings anymore, but
What a shame! It would be easier to in some degree parts of God.
move forward. Humans still have to learn
The next question of insatiable human we may say, according to the percentage of
curiosity is what life and death are. Is there their spiritual and material components.
a goal, purpose and result? And the most In the highest of planes the material
important question of all is: what is the element is only considered (intended),
World – a piece of scenery, a machine or a while in the lowest, on the contrary, the
living creature? spiritual is almost entirely displaced by
Three higher Planes originating from the material.
the First Cause are very far removed We say «life» to denote the existence
from human logic. Most likely, no law or of a plant, an animal and humans, but we
principle known to us can be applicable mean quite different things. It is evident
to them. Are there such notions as life, that the notion of life can be applicable to
activity, goals and the very concept of «a any of its manifestations in descending or
concept»? However, we will not consider ascending lines of development but each
these just yet. time the very essence of life will differ
We will discuss the four planes of more and more.
the material and spiritual World, which The human mind gravitates towards
include the material world partially and definitions. Can we give a definition of
directly perceived by man, and the three such a concept as life? The answer is both
higher planes, where spiritual entities – the yes and no.
prototypes of material objects exist. Everything we are surrounded with
So what is this four-planed, material- and made of is matter and spiritual
spiritual world or Universe, partially seen phenomena. Both components are in
and perceived by us? constant movement and active formation.
We know the main features of the The essence of God, the Creator
Universe from many trustworthy sources.
The Universe is the world born and «consists in the birth and creation of all
subject to constant movement: making, things. And since nothing would exist without
changes in quality and quantity. The the Creator, so He would not exist if He would
Universe is not self-sufficient – it takes into not create constantly in the air, on the earth, in
the depths, in every part of the world, in the
itself the Goodness and Fohat (life force), entire Universe, in everything that is existence
coming from higher planes. The Universe and non-existence. For there is nothing in
can return cleansed spiritual Beings to the the world which is not Himself…» Hermes
Higher Planes. Trismegist [22, p. 36].
The Universe consists of matter and
souls, on the basis of which suffering Thus God is everything, and there is
and death are inherent to it, though it is nothing beyond God – neither connection,
beautiful and immortal, i.e. eternal. How nor quality, nor form, nor time, – as He is
can these qualities be combined? omnipresent and all-embracing. And now
The four planes of the Universe differ, let us ask ourselves the following questions:
is there anything in the Universe that does Emergence and destruction are
not go through a life cycle, and is death inherent to any form of life. The first, main
absolute? and obligatory property of life consists
in repetition, through regeneration of an
«The entire world is a big God… He is endless chain of interrelated circles –
profusion of life. And there is nothing in it…, cycles, every one of them – birth, growth,
which is not a living thing. Nothing dead is death and disappearance. Why should this
there in the world, and was not there and will order exist? Is there any explanation for it?
not be …nothing dies but if something was
composed it should be divided. Living beings
Yes, there is one explanation, and it is not
decompose, as they are composite. The process so complicated.
of decomposing is not death but separation of Life is a form of world existence and
components. Its goal is not destruction but that it looks just this way and not another is
renewal. What is this life energy? Is it not not accidental. It is because life is subject
movement? And what is unmovable in the to a wider law, it is the result of a more
world? Nothing, my son» Hermes Trismegist covert reason, or antilogy as philosophers
[22, p. 68].
say. This antilogy consists in the necessity
to combine unity and separateness.
Thus, everything is Life, everything is As soon as the First Cause starts
the Universe and everything is God, that to divide itself into independent parts
is the concepts of God, Life and Universe (differentiated entities) the problem of the
have the same meaning while they whole and the part emerges.
only present different sides of the same The Part strives for independence and
phenomenon. self-sufficiency intending to become the
So what is the World then and the thing that gave it birth, i.e. the only and
Universe – a living being capable of single First Cause. But that is impossible,
thinking and feeling? Yes, exactly. for the First Cause was one, and parts were
many and they are interdependent due to a
«The world… has its own perception
certain necessity. The part cannot occupy
and thought that differ from similar feelings
of human beings... but they are stronger and an endless amount of spiritual or material
easier. The world has only one perception, only space because there are other parts that
one thought: create all things and partition prevent it from this.
them in itself …As a good sower of life, it At the same time the whole, living
renews its creations, reshaping them with its in every part cannot stand limitation, it
movement, gives birth to all life, contains all gravitates to unite parts into a harmonious
living beings, at the same time it is the place whole that existed before partition took
and the creator of life» Hermes Trismegist [22,
p. 45]. place. Without partition, the world would
not emerge, but any, even the most skillful
The concept of life is much deeper than we partition always leads to imperfectness.
could ever imagine. All things that we can And a complete perfection, the absolute
see and which cannot be seen by us are just can exist only as a form of a complete
different manifestations of life. There are unity: without parts, without qualities,
many forms and ways of life, but they all without time and space, i.e. without the
have certain universal features. World. What should we do then?
The divine solution to the antilogy has the World’s existence. Life is the content
been found. It is Life. and the sense of all that is done in the
Every object of this world, both world.
spiritual and material, has to go through a This analogy can be extended even
life cycle of its own: it is born; it develops in more. In the ancient Hindu epos there is
its self, experiences contact and influence a wonderful legend about how the god
of other objects – selves, weakens and dies, Vishnu ordered the sons of the heaven
having left its offspring and its Karma to and the dark demons to churn the cosmic
the World. ocean. The holy mountain was used as
Every idea strives for world domination, a churning staff, and the Great Snake
every man thinks himself an angel or a Ananta played the role of a rope. The very
demon…, and every brick wants to become analogy with churning is very exact, as
the Dome Cathedral. And that is very good, it captures the main point: the repetition
but to each of them there is an allocated and the cyclic character of the process,
time, the time of their life. rotational movement, a great number of
The part and the whole are absolutely repetitions of churning as the condition for
opposed to each other. There cannot be the movement of life.
an object that is at the same time a part An idea of a ring, a chain made of
of the whole and the very whole itself. rings, and then rings made of chains and
Nevertheless, they have to be united so forth lies in the basis of life.
somehow. The cyclic character of the process,
Methods to unite particular things repetitions, series of repetitions, cycles of
having a disposition not to combine (for series of repetitions, etc are present in every
example two mutually insoluble liquids) activity and every process. Actually, the
are quite well-known in nature and in very concept of «time» we cannot express
human practice. This is the dispersion in any other way than by using cycles. A
method, which is mixing of liquids until certain elementary cycle or its part can be
they turn into minute drops, the mixture used as a measuring unit. People took the
of which is called an emulsion. In this way, period of the Earth going around its axis as
we can prepare a mixture of water and oil. a primary cycle. A one twenty-fourth part
Emulsion has many of the characteristics of this time is called an hour, and just a
of both of its components. But if the bit more than 365 of such cycles comprise
mixing process is stopped, the mixture one year – the time it takes the Earth to
will separate itself back into the initial complete one full rotation round the Sun.
liquids after some time. Hindu sources provide us with quite a
The alternation between life and non- sufficient scheme for measurements of
life has some resemblance to dispersion. large time cycles [17, p. 89], based on the
The period of life is the time when the Earth year. The first cyclic unit – Maha
separated part exists; this period is changed Yuga – includes 4,320,000 years and
into the period of non-existence, when this consists of four periods, different in their
part is in some united, non-separated state. duration:
Thus Life is the way to combine Krita Yuga – the brightest period –
separateness and unity. Life is the form of 1,728,000 years;
Treta Yuga – 1,296,000 years; found now not only on Earth but on other
Dvapara Yuga – 864,000 years; planets as well. We may consider it more than
Kali Yuga – time of quarrels and possible» [28, p. 416].
suffering – 432,000.
Maha Yuga – one thousandth part of There were two trees in the Garden
the Brahma’s day (day of the Universe), of Eden. One was the tree of knowledge
that is why one Brahma’s day equals: of good and evil of which Adam tasted
4,320,000·1,000 = 4,320,000,000 years. and for that he was banned from heaven,
The calendar day of Brahma includes and the second was the tree of life that
the night – remained untouchable for the heavenly
the state of Pralaya, equal to the period couple.
of daylight, that is why it is equal to: This story suggests one simple
4,320,000,000·2 = 8,640,000,000 years. conclusion. That man is mortal as long as
The year of Brahma is 8,640,000,000·360 = he is far from God. In other words the way
=3,110,400,000,000 years. to the desired immortality lies through
The age of Brahma is one hundred man’s turning to God.
times longer – 311,040,000,000,000 years. Again, the ultimate Hermes expressed it
We will come back to the topic of large best:
time cycles later, for now we shall turn to
the main peculiarity of time, its relativity. «Man’s love for the divine Mind frees him
from the mortal part of his nature and gives
Measuring time by cycles puts the result
him hope for future immortality. You can see
of the process into a direct dependence on how large is the difference that divides the
the constancy of the cycle itself. The Earth good from the evil! The one who has been lit up
calendar day being the same interchange with godliness, religion, wisdom and worship
of night and day was one and a half times for God can see the true sense of things as if he
shorter at the beginning of our planet’s could see them with his eyes…» [22, p. 120].
evolution because the Earth had smaller
weight and rotated more quickly. It is Mankind will be granted immortality
evident that if cycles can contract or stretch when people sincerely devoted to God
the same can happen to time. appear.
Life is the way of existence of First
Cause (the absolute) in the world, and the «…God will put forth his new priest to
cyclic character is an attribute of all life whom all God’s words are revealed, and he will
processes. commence a trial of truth on earth for many
a day... Heaven will triumph in his days, and
So what do we know of human life and the earth and the clouds, and the knowledge
life of the human soul? of God will spread across the earth, like sea
First of all, it is naïve to think that humanity water, and angels of God’s fame will delight
is just an accidental caprice of evolution at in that…sin will stop, and the lawless will stop
one point of creation. their evil deeds, and the righteous will find
Let us cite a passage from V.I. Vernadsky peace. Then he will open the heaven’s gate and
once more: take away the sword threatening Adam. And
he will let the saints taste of the tree of life, and
the saint spirit will be over them» Apocrypha
«…many things indicate that life can be of the Old Testament [29, p. 284].
KEYWORDS: scale, metrics, classification,
attributes of classification, parameter, multiplicity
Dear Heart! Let's try to list and in the material world, we will not talk about
describe the things from which the World other Worlds for the moment, happens
is made. Too hard, right? Actually it is not through time. Everything has a moment of
so difficult. It is necessary to list the largest appearance, a life span and a moment of
categories of things and to show their most disappearance. The most universal unit of
important characteristics. And we must measurement is the second.
start from the list of characteristics and The fifth parameter is frequency. It is
their metrics. related to time and means the quantity of
Metrics is a method of measurement oscillations - cyclic changes of state per
and a way to present the results. unit of time. It is calculated in hertz. One
The first parameter is the characteristic hertz is equal to one full oscillation within
of size. A particle, an atom, a human one second.
being, a star. Everything has a size. And The sixth parameter is the quantity
though it can fluctuate for each specific of elements entering into an object as
object, in comparison with the differences a system. How many cells there are in a
in size between classes of objects, these human being, how many stars there are in
fluctuations are negligibly small and the Galaxy, etc.
consequently the category of the size can There is one more important parameter
serve as the basis for the classification – the complexity of objects in the World.
of objects of the World. For the unit of But this parameter as we shall see later,
measurement, to start with we shall use the can be shown only after the analysis of the
meter. previous characteristics.
The second parameter is mass. In general the number of parameters
This characteristic, as well as the size and approaches to the description of objects
characteristic, can be measured and in the World is boundless and depends
described for the majority of objects in only on the capabilities and interests of the
the World known to humans. The simplest researcher. Therefore we shall stay with
unit here is the gram. the six parameters listed above.
The third parameter derived from the Now about the way we should build
first two is density. It defines the weight the scales of these parameters.
of one unit of volume of an object. By The question is not easy. The scales
density it is possible to get an idea about should be compact, visible and readable,
the physical nature of an object. Density i.e. convenient to use. But the values of
in calculated in grams per one cubic parameters of the micro and macro worlds
centimeter. differ very much. The size of an atom is
The fourth parameter is time. Everything 0.00000000001 m., and the size of the
nucleus of the Galaxy is 1,000,000 billion. m. in the notation of the size or another
Therefore the scientists studying the parameter, for example:
micro-world use a unit of measurement
called an angstrom, comparable to the 1,000,000 = 106 = lg106 = 6
size of an atom, and astronomers use the 0.000001 = 10 –6 = lg10 –6= –6
concept of a light-year, proportionate to
the dimensions of Galaxies. Please note, here we are talking about
In our situation the most suitable is the how to measure, and not about what to
logarithmic scale based on the factor of 10. measure. This is not by accident. We do
This means that each subsequent division not know yet, what objects of the World
of the scale differs from previous one by to accept as representative, which it is
10 times. Two notches upward means a possible to consider as typical examples,
100-fold increase, 3 notches downward and which are modifications. All objects
means 1000-fold reduction. Such a are still of equal value to us, and there is
gradation scale will allow the placement no basis to classify them.
in one table of the largest and the smallest The natural grouping of the objects
items that exist in the World. Opposite the of the World by parameter scales should
points of the scales we will put the values suggest the classification divisions and
of decimal logarithms which, essentially, bring us further towards the laws uniting
show the quantity of zeros after the unit the World into a single system.
1.1. The scale of linear sizes
1025,62 m The biggest object known to 108 m The diameter of a dwarf star.
us is the Metagalaxy. This is its It turns out, that the size of stars
diameter now, 15-20 billion years fluctuates in a range from 108 to
after its appearance. 7·1011 m. But here are not included
1025,2 m The diameter of the the neutron stars consisting of
Metagalaxy at the moment of its atoms, missing electron shells.
appearance. It is defined simply 1,2∙107 m The diameter of the Earth.
as: the recession of Galaxies The diameters of the planets of
multiplied by the period of the Solar system are in the range
existence of the Metagalaxy (10- from 104 to 108 m. The diameter
15 billion years) and the derived of the biosphere of the Earth
path subtracted from today's is approximately equal to its
diameter. This implies that during diameter.
its existence the Metagalaxy has (4–6)∙104 m The diameter of a neutron
grown approximately 3.5 times. star.
1021 m The diameter of the largest 1,6∙100 m The average human height is
known Galaxy. 1.62 m.
9,5∙1020 m The diameter of our Galaxy. 1m The length of the «wave
Generally the diameters of packet».
known Galaxies are in the range
from 1018 to 1021 m. 10 –4–101 m The dimensions of animals.
2,6∙1019 m The distance from the Sun to 2∙10 –4–102 m The dimensions of plants.
the center of our Galaxy.
1018–1017 m The diameter of cluster of 0,9∙10 –2 m The gravitational radius of
stars inside of the Galaxy. the Earth.
to the size of the female reproductive the range between the size of the
cell and only then merges with nucleus of the Galaxy and height
it, forming a new single nucleus, of a human being. There, inside
which is the actual fertilization. In of this area is the electron, which
the World all is secondary to the no one has seen and whose nature
harmony of scale. is not fully understood, there is
the nucleus of the electron if it
10 –6 –10 –4 m The dimensional range exists at all, there is the photon
in which biological objects – an elementary particle of light,
gravitate to the spherical form there is also as much variety,
with a single center of symmetry. as in the dimensional interval
10 –6 m The micron is a unit of between the Solar System and
length used in the description of the Metagalaxy.
microbiological objects. 1,6∙10 –35 m The so-called maximon is
5∙10 m–8
The sizes of viruses, the minimal length of a material
formations which already object calculated by M. Planck,
possess a number of properties having physical sense and
similar to living objects, but are capable of existing in the World
more similar to robots, than to of matter.
living creatures.
10 –9 m The size of a molecule, the When it became clear to scientists, that
average size. in the material World there is a natural
10 –10 m The size of a hydrogen atom. limit to the speed of movement of any
5∙10 ––14
The sizes of the nuclei of
object and this is equal to the speed of
–10 –15 m atoms of various chemical light, it became possible to also determine
elements. the limiting values of length and time.
10 –15 m The maximum distance Lowest possible dimension:
necessary for the retention of
protons and neutrons in an atom M= hG /c 3 = 1,6158×10 –35 m
nucleus. or 10-34,8 m.
10 –15– The range in the size of
10 – 17 m «strange particles».
The elementary time unit:
10 –19 m The dimensional limit
of modern instruments for Тэ = е2/мэс3 = 10 –23 sec.
experimental scientific research.
Subjects smaller than 10 –19 m
not only cannot be viewed on The postulations of the relativistic
powerful electron microscopes, theory formulated about a hundred years
but still cannot be investigated ago, have proved to be true in practice
even by indirect methods.
and are accepted by science. Therefore,
10 –19–10 –34 m A huge piece of the scale Planck's sizes can also form the basis
ladder in which it is possible for serious scientific constructions and
to glance only by means of
mathematic modeling. This area conclusions.
of 15 ten-fold steps is equal to
1.2. Mass scale
1053 g The mass of the Metagalaxy textbook, but I will recap that the weight
3∙1044 g The mass of the Galaxy. and mass differ or coincide depending on
the speed of movement of the body.
1,2∙1035 g The mass of a giant star. The
mass of stars fluctuates in a range
In the material World there is a limit
of 1032 – 1035 g. to speed of movement of bodies that is
2∙1033 g The mass of the Sun. equal to the speed of light in a vacuum
Practically the same value as which is slightly less than 3·105 km/sec.
the mass of the Solar System as At speeds close to the speed of light, the
the mass of the Sun constitutes mass is manifested through energy. So
99.8 % of the mass of the Solar
System the weight (mass), the speed of movement
and the energy appear connected to each
8∙1031 g The mass of a dwarf star.
other. The lower one goes down into the
5,9∙10 g 27
The mass of the Earth. depths of the matter, the smaller value the
(5–9)∙10 g 4
The mass of a human being. mass has. Its place is occupied by energy;
1,66∙10 –24
g The atomic mass unit – 1/2 if one goes further away, the concepts
of carbon mass С12 is accepted of time and space are involved. They
for calculation of masses of are connected in some non-separable
elementary particles in atomic
and nuclear physics.
way with the displacement velocity of a
substance and its energy.
1,671∙10 –24 g The mass of an atom of
hydrogen Н1. It is interesting that
Well and what will be there if one goes
the atomic mass is less than sum further to the limits of matter? To the level
of masses of the particles making of a real atom, an indivisible primary unit
up the atom. The difference of the matter - the maximon? There, where
occurs because the mass defect
goes to the interaction energy.
no device created by human beings has yet
been able to peek, there appears one more,
1,670∙10 –24 g The mass of a proton.
the last, transition from the weight, energy,
5,5∙10 –28
g The rest mass of an electron. speed, space, time - to information. But it
is too early to speak about this, dear heart
I do not wish to paraphrase a physics
1018 g/cm3 The density of the substance Obviously, the further we go into the
of an electron (presumably). micro world, the higher the density. And
1015 g/cm3 The density of the substance vice versa, rising up the structural levels
of atomic nucleus. to larger objects, we see that the density
1015 g/cm3 The density of neutron stars. falls down to insignificant values. The
106 g/cm3 The density of a «white general range of values of density from
dwarf» star. the Universe to the atom differs by 1046
1,2∙101 g/cm3 The density of the substance times. And it is falls with 35 degrees of
of the nucleus of the Earth. the dimensional scale. But this is not the
5,5 g/cm3 The average density of the limit. We do not know, how the density
Earth. increases further as we go down into
1,4 g/cm3 The density of the substance microcworld, as from the atom to the
of the Sun. maximon there remain 25 degrees of the
1,3∙10 –3 g/cm3 The average density of the dimensional scale, and no one yet knows
Earth’s atmosphere. what is happening to density there.
10 –6 g/cm3 The average density of the And now we will continue with you
Solar System. to make our first acquaintance with some
10 –25 g/cm3 The density of the Galaxy. «initial data». The next parameter is
7∙10 –31 g/cm3 The average density of probably the most complex – time.
the substance of the Universe
1.4. The time scale
Apparently, by virtue of the (4,7–5)∙1016 sec The age of the Sun and the
predetermined mortality given to humans, Solar System, including all the
time as a category is difficult for us. Now, planets and Earth.
at the start of our journey with you, dear
heart, only two concepts are accessible And what came before? From what
to us: time periods and frequency; as a and when have they arisen, and how much
matter of fact, they are one and the same, time did they need, to be created in their
but for our initial investigation it is more present form? People still do not know
convenient to separate them. Repeating precisely. So far. Yet while you are reading
processes with durations in excess of one this book, they will probably already
second we shall call periods, and those know.
phenomena which repeat one or more 10 –23 sec The elementary particle
times within a second - frequency. of time. According to the
calculations of M. Planck,
Let's go, and as always start with biggest processes of smaller duration
numbers: cannot happen to objects of
the material World.
1022 sec The Age of Brahma - as
the ancient Hindus named the
entire life span of the World. But certainly there is also a non-
1–2∙10 sec
10-20 billion years - the age material part of the universe. And does
of the Universe (Metagalaxy) time exist there? Is there any way at all to
as of today. How much life is define the beginning and the end, before
given to it, no scientist knows.
Though, in opinion of the and after, and not only in the material
ancient Hindus, the Universe World, but also by and large in the
has thus far only existed for universe? Let it be inaccessible to humans,
0.000001 of its life span. but to the Lord it is, probably, necessary!
1.5. A scale of frequencies
in one point of space during this or even the life of the Universe, but how long
smaller time. It is not known, with what this lasts, who knows! The most frequent
periodicity (frequency) it appears in the fluctuation, right now I shall not say which
next point of space, but one thing is clear: one, is not less than 1081 Hz.
a maximon exists in one point of the space However everything is not so dreadful.
for no more than 10 –43 sec. Later we shall see that there is a technology
Frequency is such a characteristic for handling time which enables the
for which, perhaps, it is not necessary removal of all problems no matter how
to analyze ranges. Here we can speak little or great the time is. It is possible to
not about 60 orders, but about absolutely move on the time scale. True, this is not
incomprehensible numbers. The «longest» allowed to humans…
fluctuation is the term of recurrence of
1.7. Scale of complexity or level of organisation
Cells, organized in specific ways, can form about one hundred chemical elements.
form biological objects – plants, animals, One hundred different kinds of atoms in various
humans. combinations can form practically unlimited
It is obvious that the structural approach amount of molecules and substances of the
cannot be separated from the objective organic and inorganic World.
approach. Notably in a specific area: on the Atomic nuclei, atoms, molecules form
level of atoms and molecules. It is from these substances from which space objects can
that the matter of the Universe is composed, be formed. Cosmic bodies can generate the
as it can be seen by humans. The amount Metagalaxy, Galaxies, stars and systems of stars
of matter, concentrated in the same place, and planets.
determines the size, rest mass and intrinsic Planets, situated at a certain distance
energy of the object. The mass of the body is from their star, can sustain an atmosphere,
determined by the gravitational force, which in create a hydrosphere and generate
its turn influences the shape of the body and its biological life.
interaction with surrounding bodies. Such chemical elements as hydrogen,
It is interesting that with the growth in size oxygen, carbon, etc. can form the so called
(mass) of cosmic bodies up to approximately organic molecules and substances, from
300 km in diameter – the bodies have arbitrary simple to very complex ones, capable of
shapes, but when the size increases to more managing oxidation-reduction processes
than 300 km they become spherical. This is and preserve their structure.
explained by strength of materials laws – the Biological substances can develop into
science dealing with the principles of resistance living cells, whose function is to survive
of materials to external loads. A stone or iron and self-reproduce.
asteroid has its own strength, which preserves Cells can form complex biological
its initial shape, but it is also influenced by objects – from bacteria and protozoa to
gravitational forces having vector structures, plants, animals and humans.
directed toward the center of gravity of the Plants can process inorganic
body. If the mass of the cosmic body reaches substances, i.e. turn them into organic substances,
a diameter of approximately 300 km, and and radically change the atmosphere and
density is close to that of iron, these forces biosphere of a planet, preparing it to become
are equalized, and if size and weight increase populated by animals. Animals, feeding on plants
further, the body starts to sag and cave in, and other animals that live in the biosphere, can
assuming a spherical form as a result. evolve and give birth to Homo sapiens.
Further growth of the mass leads to a Homo sapiens, living on the flesh of animals
temperature increase at the center of the space with vegetable side-dishes and brazenly
object, and if the mass grows further there appear making use of the biosphere and all the
thermo-nuclear processes with emissions of blessings of God's World, can live and
energy and light into space. That is now a star. consider themselves to be the masters of
Another approach to the concept of complexity nature. But such is not the case. We do not
is the functional one. According to this, we will know what the function of humans is yet.
divide objects of the World by their functionality. Let But we will certainly get to know this, and
us ask of each object: «What can you do?». not some day, but very soon, towards the
Protonsandelectronsinvariouscombinations middle of this book.
1.8. Providentiality or scale of destinations
But what is the providential task of humans? This is done out of necessity, in order to
That’s the mother of all questions. We are cover the gaping chasm of our ignorance
needed for something and will somehow of the most important phenomena of the
be used for creation and prosperity of World.
the next providential stage. And what Is there anyone who has the answers?
were you thinking!? That we would be Probably the One, who created the World?
eating, drinking, propagating and solving Maybe He is the one we should turn our
crossword puzzles forever? No. The brain eyes, souls and minds to?
of Homo sapiens matures for a reason, and
we are placed above living and non-living «Our Father, for the sake of our fathers,
matter for a reason. Some very serious who hoped for you to teach them the laws of
mission is planned for humans. But what life, teach us as well (give us desire to follow
Your path and the strength on this path and
kind of mission? By the way, please notice mind to understand Your path). Have pity on
that we have already drifted from the us and give our hearts (wicked by nature) an
simple and understandable characteristics opportunity to understand, to hear, to learn
of size, weight, density etc., - from the and to observe all your Laws (so unnatural for
things which can be touched, measured us) with love, (not forcedly, but consciously, for
and described. the sake of our loved ones – that is selflessly).»
Complexity, function, providentiality, Cabbala [64, p. 110].
are different things, they cannot be
touched. What is life and death? How do laws
In addition to things, or subjects, of the Universe work? What is universal
there is a great number of processes and attraction? How is the visible light
phenomena, happening to them in this organized? What is an electric charge?
World. What is good and evil? And fate? And
Life, death, thought, energy, luck?
interaction, laws of nature, the voice of The world of phenomena is just as real
conscience – these are all phenomena. and providential as the world of things. We
Science and everyday awareness offer a will remember this, but will not go further
great number of labels and euphemisms to for now. Everything in its own time, dear
denote the essence of these phenomena. heart.
1.9. Which two scales to choose?
To understand what an apple is, you the simplest and most understandable
can: diagram. And then we will add other
1) cut it and see what is inside; dimensions to it.
2) make a chemical analysis of the Of course, the eight parameters we
apple; have analyzed cannot provide a full
3) Put a piece under a microscope and description of the World, but they provide
see the cells; enough excellent initial data.
4) Bury it in the ground and see what The first five scales are obviously
comes up; concordant on the scale ranking. The
6) Eat it and enjoy. scale ranking shows how many times
The last way sounds the most greater is the value on this scale than its
appealing to me. Maybe, dear heart, the neighboring smaller one. Scale range
most essential way to learn about the is a relative value; it does not depend on
World and Life is to just live your life in units of measurement. We are going to
dignity (as best one can) and enjoy it? measure the scale range in “degrees”, that
It turns out that the Ancient-Hebrew is in increments of 10 times. One degree
Cabbala even ranks pleasure and represents a 10-fold difference in size
enjoyment almost as high as the purpose between objects, two degrees – 100-fold
of Creation: etc.
Total scale range of the measurement
«…the Purpose of Creation is bringing joy and scale is 60 degrees, included is that portion
pleasure to creatures. Desire for pleasure is a of the scale from an atom nucleus to the
vessel, and the soul gets pleasure according to Metagalaxy which is 40 degrees.
its growing desires» [64, p. 22]. The scale range on the mass scale,
taken within the interval from an atom
There is some kind of Ancient-Hebrew nucleus to the Metagalaxy is 77 degrees.
secret here. Who has the desire, who gets On the density scale from an atom
pleasure and, most importantly, which of nucleus to the Metagalaxy is 46 degrees.
them is a vessel? We only know the minimum period on the
Only one thing is clear: our pleasure time scale; or rather scale of time spans,
will hardly be complete without but the longest period – life time of the
understanding the structure of the World. Metagalaxy – is unknown. But is there an
The universe bears many properties, and end to the life of the Metagalaxy? So let
each of them provides information that us start from the age of the Metagalaxy
can be studied and described. But for us at present. Then the scale of time spans
only two parameters are essential in order has the range from 1017 seconds (age of
to draw a diagram on paper. The first, Metagalaxy) to 10–23 (elementary unit
of time for the material world), i.e. 40 to humans, all the varieties of chemical
degrees. But if we use the maximum life agents of biological life, flora and fauna,
span of a maximon 10 –47 , the total scale fits just within the range of 10–10 to 102 m
range is 64 degrees. What concerns the microcosm, from the
Please notice that the numbers 40 and maximon to an atom, this large scale range
60 are repeated. We intuitively feel that from 10 –35 to 10 –10 has not been studied well
they dominate. Later you will see that this enough to make the dependence between
happens for a reason. the kinds of objects and their position on
It is interesting to analyze the character the size scale obvious. At the same time it
of the distribution of objects of the World does not mean that there isn’t any or there
over various scales. How are they placed on cannot be such a dependence. Obviously
the scales of various metrics – uniformly size categories, the correlation of sizes of
or clustered in groups, - are there areas not the World’s objects represent one of the
occupied by them? fundamental categories of structure of the
The characteristic of the size scale is universe in its material part.
the uniform filling. There are no breaks The weight index takes up a huge
or gaps in it, except for the microcosm. range from the weight of the Metagalaxy,
In other words, there is always an object which equals 1053 g to the rest mass of an
that can be found for any size. However, electron (10 –28 g), i.e. the first one is 1081
(which is very important), each object of times larger than the second. And that’s
the material world has a certain size, or not counting the range from electron to
to be more precise, quite a fixed position maximon. But the very concept of weight
on the scale plus some dimensional range, in this world may be quite different from
which intersects or makes contact with the the one which exists in the macroworld.
linear size dimensional range of the next Density is an index, representing the
object. This law is especially obvious, if correlation of mass and volume of a body.
we compare the objects of Mega-universe: Density is intriguing because it obviously
Metagalaxy – 1025 m; depends on the size of objects in the
Galaxy –1020 m; material World. The smaller an object is
Galactic nucleus– 1015 m; the higher is its density. Atom nucleus
star – 1010 m; is 1015 g/cm3 i.e. 15 degrees heavier than
planet, star nucleus – 105 m. gold, and the Metagalaxy is 10 –31 g/cm3
It is interesting that the size range i.e. 28 degrees lighter than air. However,
of the spatial objects listed above has a neither weight, nor density can be used
distinct increment gradient - 105 m. And as basic system-forming concepts in the
the intervals between these scale levels structure of the World – because they are
are filled with scattering dimensions of derived.
objects or their adaptations. Time scale and frequency scale are
Filling up of the macroworld, where subjects of same nature. If there are no
objects larger than an atom and smaller objects and no events – there is no time either.
than a planet are located, is not so obviously But nevertheless, the temporal characteristic
distributed on the size scale. The whole gives a mass of information in comparative
World that surrounds us, from atoms analysis of processes and phenomena.
1.9. Which two scales to choose?
KEY WORDS: scale, scale-measurement concept, increment of
the scale ranking, basic scaling factor, evolutionary scaling factor,
stability wave, focus of evolution, seed of the World Spirit, scale
symmetry of the universe.
In the mid 1970’s there was a scientist, «Sizes of natural bodies are not just
who noticed and started researching indifferent phenomenon; but on the contrary,
one, seemingly obvious, regularity. He they are probably the most characteristic
noticed that sizes of objects, which form phenomenon in the system of reality. For living
bodies, the range of these phenomena is quite
our World, take a strictly defined place large. From the first order with large chemical
on the decimal logarithmic scale. With combination molecules, in the order of 10 –6 cm
an extremely high accuracy, a number of parameters it goes to the large life forms – the
objects of the Universe line up in a row, plants and animals with a parameter of 104 cm.
where each stage differs from the previous The range is 1010 » [28, с. 441].
one in a magnitude of 100,000 times, or
105 times, or to the 5th order. Moreover, the Having studied the scale-measurement
total number of such objects is 13, and the concept of S.I. Sukhonos, I saw many
length of the chain is 1060 – or 60 orders. incontestable facts, serious analysis of
The author of this important discovery is these facts and very profound conclusions
a Russian scientist, a person with a basic drawn from them. To cut a long story
technical education, a researcher and short, if my concept of the structure of
philosopher Sergey Ivanovich Sukhonos the universe is based on any foundation,
[109]. then a good half of this foundation is based
He managed to describe the regularity on the regularities that were described by
of scale connections in detail. This Sukhonos. I don’t think, my dear friend,
Sukhonos, a man capable of impartial that you will immediately rush to study
vision and comparing facts from widely the works of this outstanding author, thus
different areas of knowledge, managed I will explain only what I have taken from
without trepidation, to bring into line all his ideas for my own model.
objects defining the structure of the World First of all, as I have already
– from the maximon to the Metagalaxy. mentioned, he compared the biggest and
To be fair, I need to note, that back the smallest things in the Material World
in the beginning of 20th century V.I. – the Metagalaxy and the maximon, and
Vernadskiy had also focused attention on it turned out that the one is bigger than the
the category of size and, using his special other 1060 times, or by 60 orders, or lg1060 =
intuition, called it the most characteristic 60. Moreover the unit of measurement is
feature in the system of reality. not important, be it a meter, a centimeter or
№ Class
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Lg L, сm
20 20 20
10 10 10
It is evident that all material objects division into 2·1012 cells, which constitute
have certain size and distinctive features, the organism of a new-born, and then
which allows distinguishing them among the number increases to 1015 cells, which
the host of other objects. For example, makes up the necessary volume of an
an atom has variations which determine adult organism. As a result, humans
the chemical element it forms, and in and animals travel on the scale ranking
connection with this it varies in size. The over a distance that is equal to one class
same can be said about a star, as well as (from sixth to seventh) or the distance
about any of the cosmic bodies, including from the center of the measurement scale
the Galaxies. (10 –5) to 100 m. 100 m is 1 m, however
Molecules, cells, plants and many after more detailed research the middle
other objects of the material World of seventh class corresponds to the size
fluctuate in size and type. The question is of 161.58 cm. In the author’s opinion,
the following: how does the junction point, this size practically coincides with the
the border of dimensionally neighboring average height of human beings. However,
objects on the scale ranking, look? The to the same seventh class belong two
author clearly shows that in the points of other kingdoms of biological life – plants
junction of two objects there are zones with and animals. Probably, 161.58 cm is the
the size of one order, filled with an object average size of all biological objects. In
possessing combined characteristics, any case, the author presents us with that
some hybrid, and tambour systems. incontestable fact, that humans appear not
Such structures separate the star nuclei just somewhere, but right in the middle of
from the stars, stars from Galaxy nuclei, the scale ranking of the World, and he sees
Galaxy nuclei – from the Galaxies. The in this the basis for certain resurrection
main conclusion is that there exist neither of ideas on the central place and special
blank spaces nor impenetrable borders role of humans in the Universe. There is
on the scale ranking. That is to say: the nothing for us to do but to sincerely thank
functional-measurement range of objects him for that.
of the World has a continuous nature. Studying the behavior of objects in
The next important point is the center the areas of intersection of the stability
of the measurement scale – these are sinusoid and the scale axis, the author
the objects with the size of 10 –5 m, or provides interesting computations with an
50 mm. Such objects as the female cell example of planets in our Solar system.
nucleus, male cell – spermatozoid, as well The point is that with their size, the planets
as spermatozoids of most of the animals of our Solar system fall on the border zone
fall exactly onto this size category. So the between class No. 8 «Star nuclei» and
spermatozoids of a human, an elephant, class No. 9 «Stars». That is exactly the
fox and cachalot are practically equal in 109.5 cm mark on the M-scale.
size. As you know, the gamete cell bears Why is Pluto, a member of the solar
all the information on the structure and system, not gaseous, like the other planets
peculiar features of humans and animals. of Jupiter group? The answer is obvious, if
In the process of prenatal development we look how the planets are located on the
the first fertilized cell forms by means of M-axis (figure 2).
By the size parameter Pluto belongs to is connected with the expansion of the
the class No. 8, where the planets of the Universe. The author rightly believes
Earth group are located, and that is the that the expansion of space, taken by the
reason for its high density. Therefore, the Metagalaxy, is somehow connected with
classification of planets depends not on the change of the metrics of this very same
degree of remoteness of their orbits from space. Or, in other words, the M-axis
the Sun, but on their place on the M-axis. changes to some extent. The hypothesis
All the objects of class No. 8 – star nuclei is the following: The Metagalaxy at the
and some of the planets are solid bodies, moment of its appearance, and this was
and all the objects of class No. 9 – stars over 15 billion years ago, has had the scale
and some of the planets are liquid and ranking from a maximon to the diameter
gaseous bodies. of Metagalaxy – 1060 times or 60 orders,
The next important regularity unites and the scale structuring of the World has
the phenomena of synthesis, fission and rested upon the crystal clear dimensionless
energy emission with the two characteristic coefficient of 105. Expansion with the
stability points on the M-axis. speed, close to the speed of light, the
The meaning of these dependencies Metagalaxy has grown, according to the
can be understood from figure 3. author’s opinion, approximately 10-fold,
The peaks of the stability sinusoid and the M-scale started containing 61
have a neutral position – the «saddle», in division lines. In connection with this
which object-systems can exist in relative it is recommended to calibrate (mark,
stability. But a much more stable position graduate) the M-axis on the basis of the
is at the bottom parts of the sinusoid curve two dimensionless coefficients. One is first-
– the «depressions». begotten and permanent - 105 and the second
Transfer from a «saddle» to a «depression» one, by the fact of the current increased size
is performed by means of synthesis, and of Metagalaxy, i.e. 61:12 = 5.083, according
from a «depression» to a «saddle» – by to the diagram, shown on the figure 7.
means of fission. In both cases there is As a result two stability sinusoids
an output of energy. Whatever we study are obtained – the one which existed
– growth of a cell or the growth of a at the time of creation of the world, and
star, – in any class of the M-axis the same the one which is at work now. There is
regularities are found. There are only two a shift between their peaks; it is small,
technologies of progress on the M-axis but extremely important for explanation
in the stability zone: with maintenance of the many phenomena in the history
of integrity of the system (figure 4) and of development of the Material World.
without maintenance of the integrity of The point is that for 15 billion years the
the system (figure 5). The author provides stability points on the M-scale have been
numerous examples of this and also facts moving and are still moving to the right.
from different spheres of the natural The Metagalaxy has increased over this
sciences. One of these, relating to cytology, period. Ordinates of all «depressions» and
is shown in (figure 6). This requires no «saddles» of the M-scale have changed
additional explanations. along with it, except for the ordinate of the
The next very interesting observation maximon, which has been and stays equal
Klass 8
II Lg L, см
М-axe I group of solid planets with
8 9 9,5 10 10,5 11
density over 2 SGU.
Mercury I II group of gaseous planets
Earth with density under 2 SGU.
Klass 9 A scale periodicity equal to 0,5
orders is evident.
3 Earth 1,276·109
4 Mars 0,679·109
5 Asteroid ring – remains of a planet which was not able to come into existence.
8 Uranus 0,490·1010
9 Neptune 0,502·1010
10 Pluto 0,640·109 Solid body approx.
2.8 SGU
Expansion Compression
1 2
Synthesis Fission
1 2
А SF barrier B SF barrier
2 1
1 2
М-axe М-axe
0 Base wave “the diapason”, /2=10 С
33 5,083
10 сm Stationary wave of evolution, /2=10 28
10 сm
I have now recapped almost the such «seeds of the world spirit» fill the
entire book of Sukhonos, but there is one whole volume of the Metagalaxy without
more, and perhaps the most important exception and quite compactly, being the
hypothesis – on the existence and nature carrier and the medium of information
of the non-material World. of practically unlimited volume. It is
All things that the author talks about interesting, that also 1090 of such «seeds of
have a wave nature: the M-scale with fixed the spirit» can fit into the volume of the
periodicity of junction points, stability Metagalaxy.
sinusoid… This is the Spiritual world in all its
The author proves quite convincingly beauty!
that all the junction points on the M-scale, The second overtone – points of 10 –15 and
i.e. all the structure-forming objects of 105 m on the M-axis are the atom nuclei
the World are the results of fluctuations and star nuclei. Pay special attention: not
between the extreme sources – maximons photons – electrons, but at first – atom
and Metagalaxy. By their character they nuclei.
are stationary waves in a four-dimensional The third overtone – points, corre-
space: three-dimensional physical space sponding to the dimensions of an electron and
plus a scale axis as the fourth dimension. a star, etc, including the eleventh overtone,
Fluctuations in this space give rise to i.e. 12 harmonics with due account for the
junctions – three-dimensional objects of fundamental tone, give us the broad picture
the material World. There appears the new of the non-biological objects of the World, and
vision of a world order as the consequence the 120th overtone, in the author’s opinion,
of scale-harmonic resonance, in which gives rise to the physical matrix of human
values and functions of various tones can beings.
be analyzed. S.I. Sukhonos has granted us a
A fundamental tone is given by new universal law of nature – the scale
marginal points of the interval – maximon symmetry of the Universe. Apparently, this
and Metagalaxy. This tone corresponds law can be characterized as fundamental
to a physical vacuum, in which there are for the explanation of the construction of
no physical objects, but only energy and the World. Of course, both the author and
fluctuations. Just like this – energy without we realize that the World structure does not
a carrier! We don’t understand everything come down solely to the M-axis. Stability
in this World after all! vector, located orthogonally towards the
The first overtone gives rise to a M-axis appears for a reason, as well as the
junction in the center of the M-axis with seemingly facultative speculations of the
the size of about 10 –5 m. These are objects, author about the place and direction of the
composed directly of maximons, and complexity axis and dimensionality of the
their size, as is known, is 10 –35 m, thus the systems of the Universe.
above-mentioned aggregates can number In the author’s opinion, on the edges
1090 units of maximons, staying invisible of the M-axis the dimensionality of
and imperceptible for human being and all structures of the Universe equals zero, i.e.
devices. the maximon and Metagalaxy are zero-
Nothing prevents the assumption that dimensional objects, i.e. points.
«From the micro-world, gradually, with on the M-scale), - that’s exactly where the
movement along the graduated scale, the author sets forth a perpendicular ending
complexity of systems of matter accumulates, at infinity (figure 8) and practically states
reaches a maximum in the center of the M-axis,
that this is the direction which further
manifesting itself through the fantastic variety
of life forms, and then starts to gradually evolution of objects of the World will take,
decrease, until it reaches the basic types of and the human and social systems will
morphological variety in area of Galaxies, and come closer to the Divine ideal.
then decreases impetuously down to linear Here, my dear friend, I have reached the
structures, ending with a zero-dimensional place of passing the baton, I would like to
object» S.I. Sukhonos [109, p. 114]. thank the author once again for what he
has revealed to me, and will continue my
Right next to the middle of the M-axis, search for the truth, now using my own
where the cell, or an adult human being, strength and intellect, in as much as God
or biosphere (by the way, still not shown grants these to me.
Dimensionality ?
of the objects
of the Universe
33 3 +28
Figure 8. Dimensionality of the objects of the Universe rises as you move away from its
edges (where the dimensionality tends towards zero) and approaches
to the Scale Center of the Universe (S.I. Sukhonos)
It would be desirable very much, my a sinusoid, are invariable – irrespective of
dear friend, to draw such a diagram on the class number.
which all the material World and all its But it is also obvious, that the graduated
main parts would be shown. And that the scale is insufficient for an exhaustive
basic laws of its structure would be seen systematization of objects of the
and that the diagram would include both material World. There are a number of
those things known to science and the still system-forming objects which are either
unknown part (dotted line), and thus this «superimposed» by their size on the
diagram would be simple, obvious and others, or are absolutely not a multiple on
easily fit onto a notebook page… the scale division of 105.
From the previous reasonings we Molecules and biomolecules are
discovered, that the difference between somewhere between the 5th and 6th classes
the smallest and the largest objects of the and the 7th class – except for human beings,
Material world is of 60 orders, i. е. one is which seems to be occupied by plants and
greater than the other by 1060 times. We animals. They cannot be thrown out in
also discovered that to each interval, in any way, without them we wouldn't exist.
the size of 105, there corresponds a precise The class allocated for the nuclei of stars,
and average size of structure-determining has the same dimensional borders, as the
objects of the material World. Well in any class for planets and biospheres.
case, for the majority of these. The nuclei And in general the correct scheme is
of these objects are subject to the same the one in which everything known to us
periodicity with a half-phase shift. is placed on shelves, there is a place for
It is also obvious that inside of the the unknown and there are no superfluous
classes with a five order increment the shelves.
same regularities repeat, irrespective of the Therefore we search for the scheme of
class number or its place on the graduated classification where any object known to
scale. The processes of division, synthesis, us in the material World will easily enter.
absorption and liberation of energy, the Apparently, it will be a scheme drawn on a
correspondence of a nucleus and the notebook page…
structure concerning the same points of
Signs distinguishing
Material World
Symptom scale Functional-structural features
№1 №2 №3 №4 №5
Class №0 Inorganic
Class-forming Kernel -
10351032,5 м substance
objects structure
with kernel Aggregate level n
creates some
Class №1 new quality
1032,51027,5 м necessary
to create
Space Elements - Level n+1
Transient body structure
Class №2
objects and their system element
1027,51022,5 м
3.1. Five attributes for classification of the material World objects
Foundation -
Biological building
objects on the foundation
Class №12
1022,51025 м
3.2. System-forming objects of the material World
sinusoid of
of classes, m
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
м=10 0,425
№ of class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Lg L, сm
C core C S C S C S C S C S C S C С structure
E energy around core
F fission E E E E E E E
S synthesis
№ of class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Base material
Planet system
Galaxy’s core
Atom’s core
Star’s core
Cell’s core
(are placed
at the peaks
of the sinusoid)
Some transitional
stars, pulsars, minor planets, satellites
plants, animals and people, asteroids,
Population and social aggregations of
White dwarfs, black holes, neutron
Unicelluar plants and organisms
(are placed
nucleic acids, polynucleotide,
Proreins, viruses, bacteria
the peaks
of the sinusoid)
Cells, galactic clusters
Isotopes, mesoatoms,
“Strange particles”
Space balls
3.2. System-forming objects of the material World
Physical nature Relationships between neighboring aggregates
of aggregates
Core structure Elements structure “Basis Construction”
Atom’s core
Atom’s core Atom ? Maximon Material world -
Substance ? Maximons (photon)?
/as genetic Metagalaxy
of the material world (Electron’s core) Electron
Atoms Molecule, data medium/
Maximon (photon)? biomolecule
? Electron’s core
? Photons
Stars Galaxy
Galaxies Metagalaxy
Galaxy’s core Galaxy
Stars Planet system
Space bodies Star’s core Star Planet Planet Biosphere
and their systems
Metagalaxy material Galaxy’s core
core of non-material structure? Star’s core
Cells Plant
3.2. System-forming objects of the material World
Figure 11. Classification of the basic material aggregates according to the type за physical
nature and caracter of correlation
3.3. The material world as a uniform large system
Now, my dear friend, the time has The first model is illustrated on picture
come for us to assume, that the material 12. System-forming material objects are
World is no other than a system object formed up in two vertically converging
existing under the laws and rules of large chains. The two top ends embrace the
and complex systems, and moreover, that aggregates of two types – the substance
the material World is a certain functional and cosmic objects. The lower joint part
part, a subsystem of a system of a higher of the chains is filled with the aggregates,
level which we will reach in due course belonging to the organic life. Opposite
too. each aggregate, on the left and on the
And time a material world - a subsystem right, you can see the name of its system
the beginning and the end of a chain and object function which characterizes
which we will eat now incoming place the aggregate's main quality and its
with places with an bigger system, and us mission within the system's limits. The
while can not confuse misunderstanding first aggregate in the chain of «Substance»
of that, whence has appeared the first level group is a maximon. We only know for
and what purpose is served by last level sure that its size is 10-34,8 m and that there
of the organization of a material world. Us are no smaller objects in the material
various degree of scientific awareness on World.
objects of a material world also shouldn't Without going into particulars
stop. describing maximon's possible
A variable degree of scientific characteristics, let's mention that it plays
awareness of the material World's objects an essential role of the material World.
also shouldn't stop us. Indeed, up to the As a result it acquires two fundamental
present moment science hasn't offered us qualities. Firstly, it bears all the genetic
an image of the material World on scale information about the structure of the
levels varying from 10-20 to 10-35 m. The material World. Secondly, it is self-
nuclei of planets and stars have also been identical in time and space. In other
poorly researched. We know almost words, maximon is completely similar
nothing about the nature of Galaxies' to itself always and everywhere, i.e. it's
nuclei and the structure of Metagalaxy. absolutely invariable. Maximon is not a
Nevertheless the experience, accumulated tiny bit of substance matter, it's not even
by science, and the knowledge of other the protosubstance, it's something of what
objects of the material World give us the protomatter is made.
grounds to regard it as a system object and The substance matter and its attributes
to continue the research, using the methods probably emerge at the next three levels
of systems analysis and modeling. of functional and structural scale (so far
Space objects
Level number
System objective function System obiective function
Material world - Material world - realization
genetic information 0
? ? 1 ?
/The appearance
Electron atom nucl
of material substance
attributes: energy, mass, bodies, their evolution
motion, space, time, ? 2 ? and the forming
powers and ieractions/ of cosmic bodies systems/
? 3 ?
Conditions for
physiochemical properties 4 biosphere emergence
Physiochemical properties
variation 5
metabolic processes 6
life emergence and evolution
and active mobility 10
? 12
Organic life
3.3. The material world as a uniform large system
beyond the reach of scientific research). pellicle covering the surface of a planet,
Energy appears, light flares, mass carrier biosphere should have the appropriate
emerges, as well as motion, space and combination of solar heat, cosmic cold,
time. Electrons and the prospective atomic periodicity of axial rotation, the right
nucleus are born. axial tilt to the ecliptic plane and lots of
The forth level is the atom. Its function other factors, determined by the celestial
is to give the system the basic set of mechanics, geology and biological activity.
substances (chemical elements) with hard- Biosphere is the result of emerging of
set characteristics. Altogether the science primary forms of biological life and the
knows 109 types of atoms. reason why the developed forms of life
The fifth level is the molecule which appeared, such as plants, animals and
attaches diversity to the qualities and the human being. These forms, in their
characteristics of material substances. The turn, caused biosphere to step further
number of atoms forming the compound in its evolution. As a consequence,
may vary from two to a few thousand biosphere is the only object of the material
atoms of different sorts. The quality and World, which does not have any stable
quantity of the derivable substances are classification binding on the function and
virtually unlimited structural level scale.
Then the organic life sphere appears, Originated in prebiotic mineral level
but let's go back first to the zero level of № 5, biosphere was permanent in its
the substance organization and look at the evolution and now, being under pressure
cosmic objects group. of human factor, seems to turn into some
The zero level of the «cosmic other form, obviously not the best one –
objects» aggregates chain is occupied by technosphere and partly into noosphere,
Metagalaxy. It may seem a paradox, but which corresponds to level №11.
Metagalaxy, in a system and object sense Later we will see how it happened,
is a univariate object. It just exists or not, and now let's go back to the transition
as well as a maximon. If maximon is a from the molecule of the inert substance
concept, then Metagalaxy is the realization to biomolecule – the primary specimen
of the concept of the material World. of organic life. Biomolecules – level
The next three levels, as well as the № 6 (pic. 12) – are complex molecular
ones in the «Substance» group are poorly formations, showing ability to affect the
investigated by the science, nevertheless it chemical processes, in which they emerge
is clear that cosmic bodies emerge there, and participate. At this organization level
evolve and form systems of different scale. substance acquires the ability to control
The forth level is occupied by planetary metabolic processes, to accelerate and slow
systems resembling the Solar System. The down the course of chemical reactions
system and object function of the planetary and even to change their direction.
system is to create the conditions under Very complex and multifunctional
which biosphere will emerge and evolve at organic matter appears: proteins, nucleic
least on one planet. acids, nucleotides and other bioactive
Biosphere itself is quite troublesome. compounds.
This object is too peculiar. A superfine The next, seventh level – cell nucleus –
is a complex biological mechanism with the were changing, and quite recently a human
ability for self-replication. One of the major being was born.
attributes of life – the ability to reproduce The age of the Earth is about 4,7
objects identical to the creator – is reso- billion years. The biological life appeared
lved with the help of cell nucleus. nearly 3,5 billion years ago, and the first
The eighth level – cell – gives the anthropomorphous beings endowed with
material World the first elementary signs of intellect – about 200 thousand
organism. The cell as an independent years ago. The civilized man, like you
organism is a primary form of biological and me, is obviously not older than 10.000
life, but the cell as a biological building years.
material gives birth to all the diversity Hence, we can draw interesting
of species, including plants, animals and conclusions. The evolution history of man
human being. as a biological species makes up 0.006%
The ninth level provides substance from the history of the biological life on
with the qualities of autotrophy and the Earth, and the whole history of the
photosynthesis, inherent in vegetative civilized world constitutes an extremely
world. These qualities are essential for short moment – nearly 0.00002% from
the fundamental change in biosphere the period of our planet's existence.
and its preparation for the appearance Different steps of substance organization
and development of the fauna. The vital required various time periods for their
functions of animals are based on the evolution.
oxidation processes in which the oxygen But that's not the point. It is important
is derived with the help of chlorophyll and that there are certain levels of the material
photosynthesis of plants. World organization that have already been
The tenth level – animal world passed by the «evolution wave», where
-implements heterotporhy and the the units and their interconnections are
mobility of biological objects. An active already found and perfected, and there is
intraspecific and interspecific struggle for an area where the evolution wave passes
survival helps to develop animals' mental right now.
capacity, preceding the next step in the You got me right – it is a human
hierarchy of substance organization. being. He is now ruthlessly twisted by the
The eleventh level – human being – evolution wave. Quoting an anonymous
makes the substance cogitative and minnisinger of medieval Germany:
capable of workmanship.
Here we should digress a little and «In the glory of light God defined
again turn to the notion of «Evolution That reason, spirit and flesh Must harmonize»
[87, p. 448].
wave» introduced by S.I. Sukhonos. The
thing is that at a certain moment each of
So far a man treats his mind and
the levels described was the utmost one.
workmanship as toys. Like a child, he
There were times when the substance was
doesn't think about how and why he has
forming, cosmic bodies and their systems
got these abilities. He applies them to the
were developing, then, roughly replacing
detriment of himself, he can't control his
each other, the species of flora and fauna
3.3. The material world as a uniform large system
ambitions, he can't (and doesn't want to) be Only then you'll be able to judge. Now
in harmony with the World. let's try to supplement the scheme of
The evolution is omnipotent, and aggregates' distribution according to the
there is no reason to be afraid that it won't levels of substance organization with pair
affect man. As well as on the previous bondings (pic. 11). Thus we'll be able to
levels, there will be different variants, see if the structural connections between
unviable ones will be eliminated. Human units coincide with the hierarchy built on
species fully complying with the system the basis of system and object function.
and object function (yet unknown to us) The result is graphically demonstrated at
of the level № 11 will be brought to the the pic. 13.
foreground and will form a firm base for Maximon is the primary construction
the next and probably the last level of the element and material.
material World organization. In some way, yet unknown to the
science, it produces photon (?) and electron
«…having reached its intellectual step, nucleus (?), and they produce electron and
life cannot go on without further structural atom nucleus. Then something clears up
development... in future we'll not only see the slightly: an atom is formed by a nucleus
continuation of life, but also the superlife!» and atomic shells.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin [126, p. 240]. The chemical compound of atoms
forms molecules - the substance units with
The hierarchy of substance an unlimited set of physical and chemical
organization levels starts from the zero characteristics. Further the substance
semi-level – maximon, which belongs evolution follows two paths: qualitative
to the substance only by half, and ends and quantitative. The increase in the
up with the twelfth semi-level, so far number of atoms in one place results in the
nameless – its forming aggregate which formation of cosmic bodies – from cosmic
also belongs to the material World only dust to stars and planets.
partly. Atoms, as it is seen on the scheme,
Indeed, it's difficult for you to constitute the substance of the nuclei of
understand and for me to explain. The Galaxy and stars, form Galaxies, stars,
world is not so complicated – I mean the planets which in the aggregate form the
general scheme – but it is self-secluded. Metagalaxy.
All the levels and aspects are interrelated The pair «planet-star» is an essential
and transform from one to another. It's prerequisite for the formation of biosphere,
impossible to separate them and examine which is a thin pellicle on the surface of a
separately. It's easier for me: I've traced planet with favorable conditions. Complex
the whole scheme from the beginning molecular formations appear, such as
to the end many times and I understood biomolecules, then cell nucleus and the
why each aggregate was given a definite cell.
and fixed position. But it's impossible to As an independent primary biological
explain everything right away, that's why unit the cell takes part in the process of
so far you'll have to accept something on biosphere formation initiated by the first
faith, until the whole picture emerges. organic substances – biomolecules.
Maximon Metagalaxy
Galaxy nucleus
(Electron nuclears)? ?
(Photon)? Galaxy
? ?
Star nucleus
Atom nucleus
Cell nucleus
Spirituality subject
Fig. 13.Рис.
Structural connection
13. Структурные of unitsнаon
связи агрегатов theихbackground
фоне of their
организационной organizational
3.3. The material world as a uniform large system
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Scale axis
(Photon)?; Atom nucl. 2 Star nucl.; Galaxy
Planet; Star
Planet system
Cell nucleus
(Spirituality subject?) ? ?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Scale axis
Planet; Star
Planet system
Cell nucleus
12 11
12 11
(Spirituality subject?)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
level axis
3.3. The material world as a uniform large system
wouldn't make any sense. axis, then it belongs to the material World
The organization level axis is discrete by only by half. Therefore, zero and twelfth
definition, that's why there are no such system- classes on both axes should be graphically
forming aggregates that are placed between represented with an outer frontier passing
the centers of squares (levels). However, through their centers.
beside system-forming aggregates, there The thing is that the M-axis doesn't
are also transitional units. Moreover, have the material area with objects
the overwhelming majority of material smaller than maximon and larger than
objects are transitional ones, in the terms Metagalaxy. There are also no objects
of scale and organization level. They more elementary than maximon and
are apparently placed along the lines, Metagalaxy on the organization axis. And
connecting the centers of the system- in the material World there's nothing more
forming units' classes. highly organized than unit № 12
As a matter of fact, the graph on pic. 14 So, let's make the axes calibration more
clearly resembles a complex sinusoid or a precise and connect the centers of classes
surge of the oscillogram. using straight lines, taking into account
Only one «floating» object makes an the structural bonds defined earlier (pic.
exception - the biosphere. The thing is that 15).
all the other aggregates were developing The freaky result that we have is a sort
according to the following scheme: «I of a skeleton of the required graph.
develop some new quality, then, at some Broken lines are not inherent to the
point I cease being myself, turning into World and are not aesthetically beautiful.
some other object». This is a traditional On the contrary, we know from experience
quantitative and qualitative transition. that the World is unlimited, it has no sharp
The biosphere follows a different path. In bounds, it consists of smooth lines and
the process of evolution the biosphere is gradual flows of quality, forms and sense.
changing in its structure but its function Let's go back for a while to the initial
remains the same – it serves as a placental scheme (fig. 10). The main characteristic
system, ensuring the birth and development of the M-scale is the pitch with 105-fold
of biological life. Later we'll examine this periodicity. The corresponding
phenomenon more profoundly. And now characteristics of material objects are:
let's state that the planet's biosphere, while the «nucleus-structure» correlation,
staying in the 8th class on the M-scale, the paramount ability for division and
evolves from the 4* to the 11th (probably, synthesis, the energy excretion and
to the 12,h) class on the organization scale. absorption in the structure formation
There's one more inaccuracy on the processes. The main thing is that these
scheme, (pic. 14). The frontier classes phenomena oscillate around the M-scale
contain frontier aggregates or objects. If according to the undulatory laws.
an object is located on two frontiers, like The World is woven from waves – in
maximon and Metagalaxy, then only a the ordinary and in a figurative sense. The
quarter of it belongs to the graph. If an picture that we have now is the scheme
object is located merely on the frontier line, of a complex sinusoid, of an undulatory
like class № 12 on the organization level line reflecting the patterns of organization
and scale relations between the objects of «… We've followed, in the line of
material World. ascent, the consecutive progress of
Let's replace the straight lines on the consciousness in the forming matter.
graph with sinusoidal curves and we'll Having reached the peak we can now look
finally get what we were looking for – a back and try to grasp at once the general
graphic scheme of the material World in order in the line of descend. Indeed, the
the coordinates «scale-organization«. inverse verification provides the key
Pic. 16 – a graphic model of the material evidence of the perfection of harmony»
World which shows the area of the material [126, p. 228].
World objects (units) in the coordinates
«dimensions -organization level». Everything The «organization level» charateristic
that exists in the material World is located includes consciousness, the display of reason
on one of the curves of this graph and and spirituality by the subjects belonging to the
nowhere else. higher levels of matter organization.
The graph provides the necessary and Only the combination of such
sufficient information on contents and organization characteristics as measure
structure of the material World elements. and level gives us the opportunity to
It displays all the structure-forming build a viable model of the material
elements – units, their functional and World structure. All the other attempts
structural hierarchy and their distribution were ineffectual. As it turns out later,
on the basis of scale and dimension. the graph is obviously close to the object
De Chardin followed a similar path of modeling and reflects a number of
in his research. However, he considered its essential regularities, i.e. possesses
the degree of consciousness as the major heuristic possibilities and can serve as a
characteristic. From the inert matter to the virtual instrument for further penetration
cogitative matter – the human being. into the mystery of Creation.
3.3. The material world as a uniform large system
aggregates dimensions,
Meter 34,8 29,8 24,8 19,8 14,8 9,8 4,8 0,2 15,2 20,2 25,2
5,2 10,2
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(Photon) Gal-
? axy
Functional-structurial level of matter organization
(complex biological
Cell nucleus
Organization level classes
1/4 + 1/4+ 1/2 +19 = 20 by
Animals Fauna
(Spirituality subject?)
Numbers and
frontiers of scale
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 classes
Directions of
Interchange of nuclei “N” and structures “S”
division “D”,
synthesis “S”, D S D S D S D S D S D S
and energy
excretion “E”
Division of the World objects into is the most complex and important part of
those which are bigger than human beings the system of the material World. But this
and those that are smaller is known for a is from the area of assumptions.
long time. The things comparable in size However there is a firm scientific fact
with the human concern the macroworld. confirming the assumed division of the
The megaworld is called everything that material World on the M-scale into three
is bigger, although the prefix «mega» equal parts.
has mathematical sense of 106 times. Physical science has studied and
And everything that is smaller is called described the forces (they are called
the microcosm, although this prefix also interactions) which are shown between
means six orders, but with a minus - 10-6 the objects of the material World at
times. various scale levels. It was found out that
It seems nobody has established exact space bodies submit to gravitational laws.
and standard borders of the three Worlds. Scientists know how these laws work, but
Following S.I. Sukhonos, let's divide the what the nature of this force is - is still not
axis of scale and the whole graph into known.
three parts by 20 orders (fig. 17). Then the The macroworld is managed by
microcosm will occupy the range from electromagnetic interactions. Here the
the maximon to the atomic nucleus, the laws are described in detail even better, the
macroworld – from the atomic nucleus to nature of electricity is more or less clear,
the star nucleus, and the megaworld -from but the nature of magnetism is so far still
the star nucleus to the Metagalaxy. not clear.
I do not know, whether it is necessary, A third kind of force operates in the
but it seems desirable to count how many microcosm – inside the nucleus and at
aggregates form each of these three lower scale levels, up to the maximon.
Worlds. We'll agree that into the sums both Regardless of the fact that nuclear
fractional and whole parts will enter. power stations work and nuclear bombs
If the aggregate lies on the border of the are being tested, there actually is no theory
Worlds a half is counted for everyone and yet about interactions for objects of the first
if in the grid's corner, as the maximon and four classes of the M-scale. And there is no
the Metagalaxy, - then by 1/4. In the result adequate name for such forces. Therefore I
it is found that the microcosm consists will conditionally call these the subatomic
of 3.25 aggregates, the macroworld – forces.
of 10.5 aggregates, and the megaworld For the sake of justice it is necessary
– of 5.75 aggregates. More than a half to mention that precisely in this field the
of the aggregates – 52.5% – fall on the most considerable and expensive research
macroworld. is being done, and I believe that in 100-150
Probably it testifies that the macroworld years the microcosm and its interactions
0 0 0 0
Dominance Dominance of the electro- Dominance
of subatomic forces A magnetic forces Е of gravitation forces G
Coordinates of the М-axe
Maximon Metagalaxy
(Electron nucleus) Galaxy nucleus
(Photon) Gal-
Cell nucleus
(Spirituality subject?)
1/4 +3+ 1/2 =3 3/4 + 1/2 +8+ 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 =10 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 +4+ 1/4 =5 3/4
level axis Of the agragate Of the agragate Of the agragate
Figure. 17. Decomposition of the model of the material World on the scale axis
will enter into school textbooks. 105,2 m, and now occupies the point of
But the most interesting thing is that it 1014,66 m. The displacement has made 100,14
is now fully and authentically known what orders on the M-scale.
the size of material objects is on which The border between the macro- and
action of electromagnetic forces stops and megaworlds passed through the point of
action of subatomic forces begins. 105 m on the M-scale, and now occupies
In other words, science knows the point the point of 105,48 m. The displacement has
on the M-scale where the border between made 10 ~ orders.
micro- and macroworlds passes. It equals The external border of the megaworld
to 10-14,66 m. This is the exact radius of or its size made 1025,2 m at the moment
action of the so-called «strong» interaction of creation, and now has grown to the
which many times exceeds all other kinds size of 1025,62 m. The displacement on the
of forces including electromagnetic ones. M-scale has made 100,42 orders what
If to consider that the exact size of corresponds to the physical increase of the
the maximon is 10-34,8 m, and overall the size of 2.62 times.
M-scale consists of 60 orders and is divided Knowing the increase of the linear
into three equal parts, the border between size of the Metagalaxy and the speed of
the micro- and macroworlds must be at this process, one can't help counting the
the point of 10-14,8 m. A divergence in the time which has passed from the moment
size of 100,14 is evident. A very interesting of creation until today, i.e. the age of the
divergence. Metagalaxy. This comes to about 15 billion
Let's assume, that at the moment of years which approximately coincides with
finishing of creation, and the duration of the opinion of modern science.
the act of creation was practically instant The points of transition of interactions
by human measures, the Metagalaxy had are interesting. There, where the border
the size 60 orders greater than the size between the micro- and macroworld
of the maximon, i.e. 1025,2 m. However lies, two interactions are met. Two kinds
science has proven that the Universe of forces: subatomic (so-called strong
constantly expands with the speed close to interactions) and electromagnetic forces.
the speed of light – the «red shift» effect. Owing to change of scale and mutual
It is logical to assume that the border counteraction, these forces decrease as they
between the micro- and macroworlds is approach the border dividing them and are
also displaced and the received divergence equal in value close to the point 10»1466
in the 0.14 order is the result of the «red m on the M-scale. Electromagnetic forces
shift». behave similarly in meeting with forces of
But why then not count also the values gravitation at the point of 105,48 m of the
of other boundary points on the M-scale M-scale.
and to establish what they were in the It is logical to assume that the
beginning and what they have become maximum domination of each of the
now! three forces falls to the middle of the
The following is revealed. The border corresponding intervals, i.e. on the 2nd,
between the micro- and macroworlds was 6th and 10th classes of the M-scale.
at the moment of creation at the mark of It seems to be really this way. In the
4.1. Graphic features of the model
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Classes Scale axis
Maximon Metagalaxy
(Electron nucleus) Galaxy nucleus
Elementary forms
Biological mortal life
Flora Vegetable
Human life
(Spirituality subject?)
imperishable life
level axis
Figure. 18. Decomposition of the model of the material world on the axis of organization
duration of 7-10 billion years in which one is the bearer of the reasonable form of
phase of a substance's condition is replaced biological mortal life. The nature of reason
by another from the moment of occurrence itself is universal. The Universe is rational
of the star until its collapse. But this is not from the beginning to the end. As much
so bad. the science dug in the body of the universe,
Obviously, before the substance takes it will never face something deprived
the form of chemical elements (atoms) of sense, or with something special, not
familiar to us and their compounds included in the general fabric of the logic
(molecules), it passes the stages of proto- of the universe. Hence, the reason can
matter and proto-energy. serve as a high-grade tool of acquaintance
At the zero level, there where with the World, and including with that
the maximon is located, possibly the higher than human beings, and generally
information is seen only or nearly so; at any levels of its organization.
the following levels all attributes of matter But reason, ratio in the universe
known to us are formed: energy, mass, system is only a means, a way of execution
space, movement, time. Later we will of tasks and purposes of another, non-
return to this question many times. material level.
The second half of the axis of As everything in the World, transition
organization - from the 6th to 12th class – from a aggregate of the 11th level to
is occupied by live matter. The 6-11th class a aggregate of the 12th level occurs
also shows evolution of biological life: 6, gradually, through development and
7, 8 – elementary mono-cellular, further perfection of the aggregate of the lowest
on the 9th - plants, 10th -animals, and at level, through some transitive forms, and
last the 11th, yet not quite finished, – «the further, already to the 12th class, - again
wreath of creation» – human beings. through evolution up to the aggregate No.
Unlike plants and animals human 12 (we'll name it conditionally '4he subject
beings carry out the function of a reasonable of spirituality»), which, as the maximon
life, until now people have not realized all and the Metagalaxy, borders on the non-
the potential of their intelligence. material World and thus half belongs to it.
About the 12th, boundary class it is It is possible to assume that the aggregate
possible to speak purely in speculation, No. 12 is the phenomenon of super-
relying on the general logic of the scheme. biological, imperishable life, the subject of
Each following class on the axis of spirituality, the bearer of spiritual life. And
organization relies on the previous scheme, on this we'll stop for now. Here only the
but it bears an absolutely new quality, biosphere remains without comment.
generates such property of matter which An interesting result is given by the
was not present at the lowest levels. section of the model of the material World
Wasn't present or almost wasn't? Some on the scales' centers (fig. 20).
plants have the traits peculiar to fauna. If to trace perpendicular lines through
And among the animals there are some the center of the scale ranking and the center
kinds of traits which closely come to the of the scale of the level of organization,
border of reasonable life. then the graph will be divided into four
The human occupying the 11th class equal parts. On the drawing they are
4.1. Graphic features of the model
marked for convenience with letters of the The fact itself is remarkable. Biological
Latin alphabet. life and the human beings appear from
The aggregates which have fallen into the scale center of the universe. It is quite
the same part, concern the same group reasonable to think in this connection,
according to their purpose. that the material World is created for the
A – subjects of substance. sake of biological life, to be exact - for the
В – space bodies and their systems. sake of the evolutionary chain of biological
С – biological automations (viruses, etc.). subjects: – plants, animals, human beings
D – subjects of biological life. (and the subject of spirituality?) where to
Parts A, B, D include the overwhelming human beings the second by importance
majority of aggregates of the material role is given.
World which are distributed in them As for displacement of the diagram
approximately fifty-fifty. to the right, this is a consequence of
Part С is almost empty. Generally, it is ontogenesis and growth of organic subjects
possible to notice, that the whole graph is as the adult organism in its size is more
as if displaced from the center of the axis than a cell's nucleus by approximately
of scale to the right towards the megaworld 105 times, i.e. exactly by one class on the
by one class. In this sense it is interesting M-scale.
to pay attention to the aggregate which The middle of the level scale of the
is at the level of the middle of the scale organization passes through the aggregate
ranking - this is the cell's nucleus. «Bio-molecule». It is that object of
What is the nucleus of a cell and what matter which divides it into the live and
sense does it bear in the chain of evolution lifeless nature. It's also a rather important
of the matter from the maximon to the differentiating line.
hypothetical aggregate No. 12 (the subject A little more information can give
of spirituality)? quantitative analysis of distribution of the
As is known, the nucleus is an aggregates of the material World on the
obligatory part of a cell in the majority axes of scale and organization level (fig.
of mono-cellular and at all multi-cellular 21). As seen, from the diagram on the scale
organisms. Separated from the cytoplasm axis, the maximum of aggregates falls on
of a cell with a capsule, the nucleus bears in the 7th and adjoining to it from the 5th to
itself the basic mass of the genetic material 8th.
of the cell which supervises its vital Most likely, this is a consequence of the
processes, and first of all is responsible central position of the center of the scale
for reproduction of the cell organism as a axis. The micro- and megazones of the
whole. scale axis, possibly serve as the necessary
It does not matter what size an adult and vital base for the macroworld where
organism reaches. The sexual cell of a the most important events develop and the
human, a fox, a whale and an elephant magnificent building of biological life is
practically have the same size (4-5)∙l0-5 m, built topped with reason, over which even
i.e. closely approach to the center of the 6th higher shines the spirituality aura.
class or, if expressing more considerably, The center of the maximum of
is in the scale center of the material World. aggregates is obviously displaced to
4 1/2 2 1/2
Maximon Metagalaxy
(Electron nucl.) Galaxy nucl.
(Photon) Gal-
Cell nucleus
Organization level axis
(Spirituality subject?)
Fig. 19.
Fig.Decomposition of of
19. Decomposition thethemodel
the material World
material World simultaneously
on on
scaleand organization
and organization
4.1. Graphic features of the model
Large-scale center
material world
Maximon Metagalaxy
(Electron nucl.) Galaxy nucl.
Orrganization scale center
(Photon) Gal-
Atom Planet
6 5
Cell nucleus
9 10
(Spirituality subject?)
Fig. 20. Section of the model of the material World on the centers of the scales
Fig. 20. Section of the model of the material World on the centers of the scales
the beginning of the axis of the level of Now, my my soul, let's pass from the
organization – to the second and adjoining formal-graphic research to more detailed
classes to it, and the minimum, on the and substantial consideration of the model
contrary, is displaced to the opposite part of the material World.
of the scale where the level of organization Let's divide the diagram into four
is at maximum. zones for convenience and possibility
Probably, there where substance is to increase the image scale (fig. 22). Our
born, space bodies are built and their purpose is to see more in detail how real
systems are formed, there necessarily the objects of matter lay down on these curves,
variety of aggregates is great. and not only system-forming aggregates,
But the higher the level of organization but everything that is between them and
of the matter is, the more is required the that should, by the idea make gradual,
concentration of forces and attention of qualitative transitions from one to totally
the Founder. The specific variety of fauna another qualitative object of matter. Is it
of the Earth is less, than of the flora, and so?
human beings are single-specific creatures. Are there any border, joints, and
Even stronger, probably, is specialized qualitative leaps between the objects of
specificity of the superhuman spiritual adjoining classes lying on one curve? So,
being. let's search for the seams and joints in the
The interesting result is obtained if we design of the universe! And there we'll
count how many aggregates fall on each understand, from which parts and how
half of the axes. the material World was assembled. And
On the first half of the axis of what? Imagine such an analogy. To take a
scale 7 3/4 aggregates fall, and on the competent worker from the 15th century,
first half of the axis of organization 13 some arbalester, to give him a steam
aggregates. For the second half of the axes locomotive or a steam car invented 300
almost a symmetrical inverse variant is years after his time, the tools to create the
characteristic. On the axis of scale there conditions. He will disassemble, assemble
are 12 1/4, and on the axis of organization and even where necessary, will improve.
are 7 aggregates. Certainly, there is Maybe, we can also do the same? What
an explanation for this. What is the do you think? If, of course, to give him a
explanation? I don't know. steam locomotive and not a computer.
4.1. Graphic features of the model
7 3/4 12 1/4
3 1/2
3 3
1/4 2 11/2 11/2 1/4
1 1 1 1 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Scale axis
11/2 Maximon Metagalaxy
(Photon) Gal-
2 Atom
1 Molecule
1 Biomolecule
2 Cell nucleus
1 Cell
1 Flora
1 Fauna
1 Human
level axis
Macro world
the inorganic part
Micro world Mega world
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Maximon Metagalaxy
(Electron nucl.) Galaxy nucl.
(Photon) Gal-
Planet system
Cell nucleus
(Spirituality subject?)
4.2. Microcosm
4.2. Microcosm
KEYWORDS: microcosm, a maximon, recession of
Galaxies, quantum of space, quantum of time.
We have to begin again from the exact - silent and instant occurrence of the
most little-known to science part of the Universe nearby 15 billion years ago, the
M-scale – from a maximon to a nucleus of Metagalaxy has increased in diameter by
an atom. On fig. 23 the area of the graphic 2.5–3 times, to be exact – from 1025,2 m to
model of the material World that we are 1025,625 m.
interested in is represented. At the left The Metagalaxy increase is realized
the M-scale in two units of measurement through the so-called recession of the
is given. More to the left – the column Galaxies. It means, that the structural
of numbers from 0 to 22 corresponds to elements of the World themselves – a
the values of the size expressed through maximon, an atom, a star, a Galaxy – do
the size of the maximon in logarithmic not change their size.
calculation with the basis of 10, i.e. Ig But their linear position relative to
(MH). Or more simply: the numbers mean the sinusoid of stability. The size of the
the degree of the number 10 multiplied by atom from the moment of creation has not
the maximon as a unit of length. changed, but the borders and the center of
The right column of the figures along the the class «Atoms» have been displaced.
vertical M-scale with the sign «minus», the Everything would be good, if the
value of the decimal logarithm of the classification was but a really objective
number of meters. So, for example, the fact not dependent on us.
center of class No. 1 on the maximon scale The sinusoid of stability shown in
has the value «5», and on the meter «-30». the right part of the drawing precisely
However both those values are corresponds to the grid of classes. These
approximate. The maximon measured in are 12 segments on the axis of scale, each
meters gives non-integral decimal fraction of which equals to l\j of the actual modern
and some quantity of characters after the size of the M-scale: six segments on which
comma are truncated which leads to an the division processes dominate, and six
error. segments where synthesis dominates. The
To express the size through the sinusoid tops, whence the division and
maximon itself as a unit of length is synthesis originate, are called points of
possible, but all the same it will be needed saddle stability. These points correspond
to pass to metric expression that will cause to the centers of classes and, hence define
error. But the matter is not even in this. The their borders – 2.5 orders to the left and to
M-scale itself as was mentioned earlier, the right on the M-axis.
is changeable. The Universe, expanding, If the material aggregate at the
changes its dimensions. moment of the World's creation is near the
During the period of its existence class center, for example to the right of it in
from the moment of the Big Bang, to be the synthesis zone its creation proceeded
lg(Mx) lg(m)
22 13
21 14 from
27 98%
Kernel of atoms
Border of Kernel of atom nuclon 1,6 .10 kg 1015 Energy
15 =0,145 14,655
20 15 skiled knowel- 1,6 .10 m proton+neyton) Weight 14,8
to g/сm3 of Universe
edge 25
19 16 4 .10 kg
Class №4
Strange particles
18 17
17 18
16 19
31 18
15 20 Electron 9,1.kg10 10 =0,105 19,695
g/cm3 19,8
14 21
Class №3
13 22
12 23
11 24
10 25 Kernel of electron ? =0,07 24,73
9 26
Class №2
8 27 Gives rise elecrtomagnetic
7 28 interaction
Class №1
31 which his weight 1052kg emission a
quant of
3 32 light
2 33 10 sec
35 34,8
1 time unit
34,8 Energy
0 35 34,8
1 2 3 =0
1) Exact co-ordinats
Scale of the organisation level of classes
2) displacement
of saddle points of
Time or
The unit forming class No. 2 on M-axis time, according to theory of relativity,
with the conditional name «electron consist of absolutely small pieces, more
nucleus», in general is unknown to science. finely than fine. Compton quantum of
But, logically, it should exist in series with space-time corresponds to minimum
system forming M-scale units. wave parameters. Its length is 10-34,8 m,
The unit «photon» is a quantum of and period – 10-43 sec. Space quantum and
elec-tromagnetic radiation, including light. time quantum correspond to these sizes.
Science delicately avoids the question on In other words, there are no objects of size
size of a photon, but rather confidently less than m and process shorter than sec
asserts that it moves with the speed of sec. in the field of material world.
light and has mass to the order of 10-52 kg.
It is the photon, in particular, that gives «In microscopic section of the World one
rise to electromagnetic and, probably, heptalliointh part of a centimeter is the measure
gravitational interactions. It is also known, of a proton and there is the same reality filled
that quantum (photon) emission of light by content, as ten-billionth part of a second,
when the atom of polonium, passing through
lasts 10-8 seconds. At speed equal to speed atom of bismuth, gives atom of lead. Each of
of light, the path covered by a photon, or these atoms in this insignifi-cant time interval
length of light «straw», appears equal to gets its most complicated, sharply varying
be 1 m. For the size of a photon it is quite structure, exhibits its natural movements.
a big path - all the same as though man In this microcosm phenomenon of our bot-
displaced from edge to edge of the Galaxy. tomless consciousness we approach the divi-
About maximon it is known, that sion of our personality: how many uncon-
scious and conscious experiences do each of
its size 10-34,8 m is the smallest size
us go through in hairbreadth, in an instant!
admissible by material physics. The There are instants in everyone's life, when it
general theory of relativity combines is obviously and definitely admitted» Ver-
gravitational interaction with metrics of nadsky V.I. [28, page 515].
space-time. In other words, space and
4.3. Macroworld – inorganic part
KEYWORDS: macroworld, atom, molecule, minerals.
Macroworld in its inorganic part (fig. three kinds of atoms. But sometimes tens
24) begins with the second half of class of kinds of atoms participate in reactions.
No. 4 the atomic nucleus. The size of And the same kind of atom repeatedly
nuclei depending on the kind or atomic participates in designing various parts of a
weight varies in range from 10-15 to 10-14 m. complex molecule.
The following unit – atom, as it is Moreover, some variation, because
known, consists of a nucleus and electron of the variable number of the neutrons
shell. Its size is defined by diameter of these comprising their structure that influences
shells which nobody has seen, and is from physical characteristics of substance,
10-12,5 to 10-9 m. The size of atom exceeds while preserving chemical properties, is
the size of its nucleus ap¬proximately peculiar to atoms. Such atoms – isotopes,
by 100,000 times (105), however there -being a part of molecules have given rise
are conditions at which the atom loses its to an even greater variety of complex
electron shells and there remains only its substances. Chemically pure water can
nucleus. A similar condition of matter, have tens of versions on the molecular
arising under influence of ultrahigh structure:
temperatures and pressure is referred to as
plasma. In conditions of plasma, the size of «…complexity of the structure of all sorts
atoms is equal to the size of their nuclei. of water, in the beginning associative, then in-
In the boundaries of habitual physical evitably leading to electrolytic decomposition
conditions atoms in mass represent of its molecules and. at last, the physical and
chemical difference of its molecules, owing
chemical elements, i.e. elementary to existence of several hydrogen and oxygen
substances. About 100 kinds of atoms are has been revealed –in a limit of 18 different
known to science. combinations and if we consider the possible
The distance between separate associations of molecules and their electrolytic
atoms is adjusted by parity of kinetic disassociation, then hundreds of varying in
and potential energy. At small distances structure chemically pure water» Vernadsky
matter is in a firm or crystal condition. At V.I. [28, page 425].
greater distances in the liquid phase and at
distances even more in gaseous state. The And nevertheless atom is the basic
essential influence on modular conditions building unit of inert matter. The Universe
is caused by temperature and pres¬sure. is basically built of atoms of hydrogen and
A majority of atoms (chemical elements) helium. How durable is the atom? What is
show chemical activity, i.e. ability to enter its life duration in comparison with lives of
with each other into different chemical a star or the Galaxy?
reactions and form molecules of complex
substances with new properties. The «It is found out, that for each kind of atom
there is a certain period of their life. On an
elementary molecules can develop two to
average each atom exists, maintaining a cer-
Lg(Mx) Lg(m)
41 6 Nucleus of
star Planets 5,485 Energy
40 5 =0,285 5,2
300 km
39 4 106:102
Class №8
Boundary of
cosmic bodies
of spherocity of
38 3 g/sm3
37 2
36 1
35 0 =0,250 0,45
34 1
Class №7
33 2
32 3
31 4
Middle of Cosmic Energy
30 5 =0,215 4,585
M-Scale balls 4,8
29 6 Interstellar
Class №6
in one molecule:
7 10 24 g/sm3
Quantity of Atoms
from 2 to 10
27 Atoms
26 9 g/sm3
25 10 Atom =0,180 9,62
Molecule Atoms 9,8
11 ftom
Class №5
1,6 .1027kg
23 12 to 4 .1025 kg
22 13
21 14
Atomic Atomic nucleus Energy
20 15 =0,145 14,655
nucleus 1) Exact
16 coordinates
Class №4
of classes
2) offset of
2 3 4 5
Organization level scale
tain structure, strictly for a certain period. approximately, have the same density.
The minimum average period of existence The evolution of mineral material of the
for ThC1, considered now as one atomic form Universe comes to an end on atoms and
of the chemical element polonium, is equal
inorganic molecules and begins the con-
to a little hundred billionth part of a second.
This number cannot be considered as finally struction of cosmic bodies.
established. But for other form of the same In other words, atoms and molecules
polonium, for atoms RaC1. it has been estab- col-lected in large number in one place of
lished precisely: these atoms, each on an av- space, form gas, liquid or solids.
erage, exist for around three millionth part Cosmic gas clouds consist of dispersed
of a second. On the other hand, the greatest molecules or atoms of gas.
measured average duration for a chemical The liquid fraction in conditions of
element – for thorium: its life is near about 50
billion years. For all other chemical elements, cosmic vacuum does not exist.
except for the highly radioactive, the average From solids, the finest cosmic objects are
life is much more. For heavy elements, micrometeorites. They occupy the di-
proceeding from thermal effects, is roughly mensional ranee from 10-8 to 10-2 m.
estimated to be 10l7–1023 years» Vernadsky Meteorites occupy the dimensional
V.I. [28, page 485]. niche from 10-2 m to 1 m. Larger cosmic
bodies – asteroids – can be in size from 1
If one is to consider that life cycle of up to 105 m.
Metagalaxy hardly exceeds 4∙1014 years, A special place among small cosmic
then it is possible to not worry about atoms. bodies is occupied by cosmic balls –
A majority of atoms, including hydrogen spherical formations of diameter ranging
and helium, have a half-life period more from 10-5 to 10-4 m. It is interesting to
than life of the Universe. note, that this size, corresponds to the
The quantity of atoms in one molecule geometrical center of the M-scale. The
fluctuates from 2 to 105. It is obvious, origin and reason of sphericity of cosmic
that variety of molecules is incomparably balls is unknown to science until now.
more than for hundred initial atoms Micrometeorites, meteorites and
-chemical elements. The number of kinds asteroids look as improper form of
of molecules is practically indefinable. stones or whole blocks, splinters of some
However there exists division of matter unknown rocks. They are basically made
into two kinds: organic and inorganic, or, of iron, stone, and ice. Their orbits in the
otherwise, minerals. Solar system run between orbits of Mars
Cosmic bodies are constituted and Jupiter that gives the basis to assume
from atoms and minerals, and organic the reason of their occurrence as cosmic
substances are used for construction of accident that occurred with a planet, which
bio¬logical objects – plants, animal, man, had once occupied its place in the Solar
and biosphere. system.
The mass of atom depends on its At the boundary of macroworld in the
nuclear weight and fluctuates from 1.6∙10-27 center of class № 8 are located two full-
kg to 4∙10-25 kg, and density in comparison fledged cosmic units – nucleus of a star
to the nucleus is absolutely insignificant and planet. To not repeat, we shall speak
– from 102 to 10-6 g/cm3. The molecules, about them, when we shall study the
4.4. Mega-universe
4.4. Mega-universe
KEYWORDS: Mega-universe, Metagalaxy, Galaxy,
stars, planet, planetary system.
As is known, atomic hydrogen and and the size of the whole Metagalaxy will
helium constitute more than 90% of all constitute about 100 m.
matter that forms large space objects, like For Metagalaxy gravitational and
stars, gas fogs, nuclei of Galaxies, etc. moreover electromagnetic forces are
The space between stars is filled up almost insignificant or are totally not felt.
with rarefied gas, dust, magnetic fields and The number of Galaxies comprising it is
space radiations. more likely constant, than dynamic.
The architecture of the Mega-universe The unique and universal movement
is more convenient to examine from the peculiar to Metagalaxy is the recession
maximum unit of M-scale – Metagalaxy of galaxies in it. The question, what is
(fig. 25). outside Metagalaxy, is ontologically
In modern understanding Metagalaxy incorrect. Metagalaxy is a material world
is a denuclearized, weak structured cosmic with peculiar attributes like space, time,
formation of insinuate form, having, pos- movement, mass, and forces of interaction.
sibly, a cellular structure and consisting of The sources of attributes are units of
1010 Galaxies. the material world. There, where there
It is possible to assume from this that i-universe is no material world, there are
Metagalaxy had increased by 2 to 3 times no attributes of it. Something else may be
during its existence. The increase had there, but the habitual properties of matter
taken place and is continuing to take place are not present.
due to recession of Galaxies. From the point of view of organization
The total mass of Metagalaxy is about or, more precisely, definition of the place of
1050 kg, and average density is lighter Metagalaxy on the scale of organizational
than the lightest – 7∙1031 g/cm3, that being level it is the zero point.
by seven orders less than the density of Metagalaxy like the maximon rests at
interstellar gas – 10-24 g/cm3. Interstellar the beginning of the organizational scale
gas, on an average, is distributed so, that and represents a zero-dimensional object.
on one cubic centimeter there is one gas It means that for creation there are only
atom. And if density of Metagalaxy is to two states of Metagalaxy: either it is, or not
be considered, then one atom of matter is present. More differentiated functions are
on a volume hardly more than one cubic not assigned to it. It is possible to say the
meter. same about maximon. Both units occupy
At the same time distances between half the class both on the M-scale, and
adjacent Galaxies are rather insignificant. on the organizational scale. And if one
If the size of Galaxy is taken as equal to is to assume, that maximon is the carrier
one millimeter, then the nearest Galaxy of genetic information about the material
will seem to be at a distance only 10 cm, world, then Metagalaxy is an embodiment
Lg(Mx) Lg(m)
Metagalaxy 4,2 х1025 m = 1025,625m Metagalaxy life circle ~400 000 billion years Energy
60 25 =0,425 25,625
50 . 31 1010 Age of
59 24 10 kg 7 10 3 galaxies
g/sm in Metagalaxy
58 23 М-galaxy 1,52.1010
57 22
of galactic
Nucleus of
56 21 Galaxy 3 .1041 kg 1 rotation in
Galaxy 20,59
55 20 =0,39 20,2
Distance between 1025 108 years
Dwarf galaxies
Galactic L.C. g/sm3
Class №11
54 19 40 000 billion years galaxies = 1022 m
53 18 In one
52 17 105 107
51 16 stars
Galactic =0,355 15,555 Energy
50 15 nucleus 15,2
49 14 30
Class №10
2: 3 .10 106
Galactic nuclei
48 13 Planetary kg г/см3 1 rotation
systems 10 in 2х102 years
47 12 10
stars in
46 11
“Galactic black
Distance between 1029 1032 galaxy
16 kg
stras10 м Star
Stellar systems
45 10 =0,32 10,52
20 10,2
Star material 1,4 10
Class №9
44 9 98% composed of Neptune 2 .1030
Jupiter г/см3 stars in
Н, Не Saturn kg Meta-
43 8 Uranus 2 г/см3 galaxy
42 7 2 г/см3 Planets
in Metagalaxy 4,7.109 years
3 1021, inclu-
41 6 Mercury 1023 1026 5,5 г/см ding with
Biosphere 1020
White dwarfs
Nucleus Venus Composition kg Energy
incl. pulsars
Neutron stars
Neutron Pulsars 5,485
Mars star 1060 from 3.1027 Hz 5,2
of stars
Class №8
39 4 Pluto Nucleons to 3 .107 Hz
6.1024 kg 10 15 g/sm3 in NS
38 3
“Black holes”
1) Exact
0 1 2 3 4 coordinates of classes
2) offset of stability
Organization level scale
saddle points
of this information, and zero and the 10 billion stars. It is easy to assume, that
twelfth half classes of the M-scale is one during the first period of activity, when
whole. Then the M-scale is looped back emission from the Galactic nucleus was by
and the relativity concept of the sizes of one to two orders greater there took place
material objects gets some theoretical initial star formation.
substantiation. The theory of Galactic nucleus is
However, to say that Metagalaxy practically absent. And the reason for that
is not absolutely structured would be is simple – the answer to the question is
incorrect. In the process of movement unknown: where from matter and energy
downwards on the M-scale to the level of come to the Galactic nucleus?
1024 m we encounter the so-called cells of Actually the answer exists, and is not
Metagalaxy, viz. niches, or emptiness not such a complex one, but it is behind the
occupied by Galaxies. frameworks of today's scientific paradigm.
In the bar from 1022 up to 1023 m there Therefore it is not accessible for the time
can be found clusters or condensation of being.
Galaxies and even galactic systems. The Science has already recognized the
dimensional dispersion of Galaxies is possibility of transformation of mass to
rather insignificant – only of two orders: energy, and vice versa, at speeds close to
from 1021 to 10l9 m. speed of light, space and time can also be
Dwarf Galaxies (10l9–1018) are singled out compressed and stretched from zero to
in a separate class by astronomers. infinity.
Our Galaxy is one of largest – 1021
m. The mass of Galaxies on an average is «"Space", "time", "mass" and "energy" in
3∙1041 kg, density – 10-25 g/cm3, i.e. about modern physical models should be relative to
1 atom on 10 cubic centimeters. However, an equal measure. They are commensurable
by values G and С (gravitational constant and
the density by section of the Galaxy is non- speed of light» Chesnokov C. [2, page 99].
Galaxies represent lentiform congestions Meanwhile the most important
of stars and star gases, rotating around the category in this series is missing:
central nucleus. «information» and its source.
The nucleus of the Galaxy – 1015 m – The size of nucleus of the Galaxies
is five orders less than the size of Galaxy. is from 1013 to 1017 m. In the center of the
Most likely, nucleus of the Galaxy is source nucleus is observed a brightly shining
of matter, forming a star and other bodies nucleolus of size lower than the nucleus by
of the Galaxy. two-three orders.
From the nucleus of our Galaxy Temperature and pressure inside the
hydrogen of mass one and a half times nuclei of Galaxies are huge. Eruption
more than mass of Sun is thrown out of dense gas clouds from the nucleus at
annually now. Even if one is to consider times resembles an explosion. The speed
this intensity constant during the existence of the proceeding gas reaches thousand
of Galaxy it turns out, that its nucleus has kilometers a second, and is accompanied
left a building material for 1.5 billion stars. by powerful electromagnetic radiation and
And in the whole of Galaxy there are only release of gigantic energy. The volume of
4.4. Mega-universe
than 300 km in diameter is not spherical in should be above 2 g/cm3. The process of its
form and is not called «planet». consolidation has begun i.e. compression.
Planets consist practically of all the Thereof its diameter has decreased, that
chemical elements, but a major part of the constant twisting moment has caused
their mass is iron, oxygen, silicon and an increase in speed of rotation around its
magnesium. own axis, and the planet, already having
Our Sun has, at least, nine planets and become iced-iron-stone, has been torn off
one ring of asteroids between the orbits of by centrifugal forces and swept as a belt of
Mars and Jupiter. Quite reasonably it is asteroids along its orbit.
considered, that a ring of asteroids are the It is possible to tell more about known
remains of a planet, which had collapsed planets, that their mass oscillates from 1023 to
for some reason. Probably, as a result of 1026 kg, density – from 0.7 up to 5.44 g/cm3,
collision with a meteorite that flew from and distribution of density is non-uniform.
interstellar space. But the probability The temperature and density sharply
of such collision is low. Probably there increase to the center of planets.
is another explanation connected with A majority of planets and large satellites
M-scale and expansion of the Metagalaxy. have atmosphere.
It has been already said that planets of the Planets in aggregate with a star, around
terrestrial group plus the extreme planet of which they rotate, represent a planetary
Solar system Pluto have density more than system.
2 g/cm3 and, as a matter of fact, they are It is known to science, that our star –
solids. And planets-giants of the Jupiter Sun – exists about 5 billion years, and
group are gaseous, and their density is planets, in particular the Earth, – not
below 2 g/cm3. And these two groups more than 4.7 billion years. It is logical to
of planets by their sizes occupy on the assume, that during the moments of origin
M-scale two areas divided by a point of and fading of a star, planets do not exist.
transition on curve (half wave) of stability. But the stable condition of a star constitutes
This point has a value 107,9975 m. obviously 80-90% of time of its life cycle. Therefore
planets that exceed this point in size are in we have the right to assume, that not less
a gaseous or liquid modular condition, and than 80% of stars in the Metagalaxy,
planets which are less in size, exist in the namely 0.8·1020, have planetary systems.
form of solids. In comparison with a star and more
The critical point during the existence so in comparison with the size of external
of Solar system has changed its place on orbit of the last planet, the own sizes of
the M-scale. Its initial coordinate was planets are very small.
10 m. If the Earth is taken as a millimetric
If one is to assume, that the unhappy grain, then Sun will have a diameter of
planet by its size was hardly more than 109 mm, the distance to it – 11.6 m, and
107,7 m and, accordingly, had a density less diameter of the orbit of the extreme planet
than 2 g/cm3, i.e. was liquid or gaseous, – Pluto – will constitute 1 km.
then in due course the critical point «has The mass of planetary systems is close to
crept» through its dimension and the planet mass of the central star and accordingly
has appeared in the field, where the density lies in the range (2/3)·1030 kg.
4.5. The Organic World
KEYWORDS: Organic World, biosphere, Ыо-molecule, biopolymers,
DNA, cell, animate and inanimate, plant, animal, man, super-biological
Lg(Mx) Lg(m)
43 8
42 7 Earth’s Biosphere
biomass - 3,5 billion years
41 6 1015 kg Fission
of dry =0,285 5,485
40 5 5,2
Biosphere matter
or 10 8
39 4
Class №8
of Earth’s
Above biological
one species
three races
36 1 subject of spirituality
35 0 Plants Animals Human ,2
1 =0,25
Class №7
Size of
germinal cell
of a man
2 .10 in
an ejaculation
350 000 species
2 Newborn
2 .1012 2,0725
32 3 cells
Biological life
31 4 Unicellular organisms Adult Energy
Middle of 1014 =0,215 4,585
30 5 Cell plants cells 4,8
М-scale Cell
nucleus The are exist for
29 6
Class №6
Bacteria 1010 nucleotide 3,8 billion Brain
28 7 in a cell years cells
Viruses 7,1075
27 8
Biomolecules, Bio-matters
26 9 More than 10 millions varieties
=0,18 9,62
25 10 9,8
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
saddle points
and photosynthesis for getting vital organic including ocean, land and atmosphere.
compounds. Through photo catalysis
hydrogen sulphide is oxidized to sulfates. «98,6% of mass of the physically accessible
The free hydrogen formed reduces carbon layer of Earth is made of only eight chemical
dioxide to carbon and water, out of which elements: 47% – oxygen, 28% – silicon, 9%
– aluminum, 5% – iron, 4% – calcium, 3% –
are constructed organic matter further sodium, 3% – phosphorus, 2% – magnesium»
necessary for life. The following step is Bondarev V.P. [24, page 269].
fission of water through photosynthesis with
the purpose of extracting free hydrogen During evolution prokaryotes
for synthesis of organic molecules. It is denuclearized cells – became complicated,
interesting to note, that oxygen, remaining and included in its structure aerobic
as a byproduct goes to the atmosphere. bacterium capable of functioning inside
Thereafter, there appeared the ability the cell-owner, producing energy or other
to assimilate carbon dioxide, which had vital functions. Thus, the nucleus of a cell,
saturated pre-biological atmosphere of the responsible for processes, taking place
planet, and it also assisted in changing the in a cell, was gradually formed. There
structure of atmosphere, viz. to reduction appeared eukaryotes – nuclear cells. When
in content of carbon dioxide and rise in bacterium resembling filaments were
content of oxygen. The so-called cyanic- attached to the eukaryotes they managed
bacteria-cyania were the first elementary to form an organism capable of movement
organisms, which, using photosynthesis, in liquid environment, the task of search
made the atmosphere oxygen containing. of food and movement was facilitated with
Oxygen under the action of Sun's the view of protection. Approximately
ultraviolet radiation formed an ozone layer thus appeared predecessors of the present
in the atmosphere, capable of absorbing elementary organisms, and the first step, in
rigid short-wave radiation and therein grandiose ladder of evolution of plant and
created protection for complex organic animal worlds, was laid.
compounds and opened the path to their Bio-molecules, bio-substances, bio
unobstructed improvement. polymers, fibers are all building materials
The oxygen-containing atmosphere or, more precisely, building blocks
made it possible for living organisms for bearers of biological life. They are
to use highly energetic oxygen type of rather not blocks, but specialized, very
metabolism. complex structures, capable of executing
Organic compounds and elementary certain tasks: collect and accumulate
organisms, being born and dying, serve energy from external sources, manage
as the basic source of chemical substances chemical reactions, accumulate or remove
and elements, which would have not certain chemical elements or substances,
appeared in such quantities from chemical collect, accumulate and transfer genetic
processes in inorganic nature. Processing information, etc.
minerals to organic, oxygen and into The most elementary structures from
complex chemical compounds, organic life biomaterials are viruses. It is yet a cell
has built itself a house – biosphere, which and not a nucleus, but already something
covers the whole surface of the planet, independent, consisting of nucleonic acid
4.5. The Organic World
animate from the inanimate. all that is necessary for neutralizing external
Metabolism – ability to metabolism destructive influences.
with the purpose of acquiring energy and Life cycle of various cells in an
restoration of expendable cells and matter. organism has a huge dispersion by time of
Unlike inanimate nature consisting mainly half-decay of atoms.
of oxygen, silicon, iron, magnesium and
aluminum, living organisms consist 98% «There are 1014 cells in the organism
of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen of man. In some tissues the number of
formed in complex biological molecules – cells remains a constant during the life of
polymers: nucleonic acids, fibers, an organism. In these tissues, rather less
differentiated cells divide, whose reserve is
polysaccharides and fats. The metabolism self supported, and one of the daughter cells is
is carried out through food and breath. differentiated. For example, in man nearly 70
Autotrophy – ability of some plants, billion cells of intestinal epithelia and 2 billion
through photo catalysis of sunlight, to erythrocytes perish daily. Quite differentiated
create from water and atmospheric gases cells make the cell cycle in many other
all nutrients necessary for them. tissues and then division of a cell cannot be
Heterotrophy – ability of mushrooms, completed to the end, but limited to doubling
of chromosomes; or does not begin at all, and
bacterium, animals and man to eat organic
the cell leaves the cycle at a certain moment.
substances and, owing to fermentable Some nuclei do not enter into a cycle during
disintegration. receive energy and the life of a differentiated cell (neurons, fibers
necessary elements from them. of skeletal muscles), thus life expectancy of a
Breathe – same form of metabolism cell corresponds to the life of an organism. The
uses oxidizing-reducing reactions as the minimum life expectancy of a cell (intestinal
source of energy. epithelia) of man is 1-2 days» Bondarev V.P.
Self-reproduction and vital-life [24, page 359].
cycle – ability to generate copies of self,
which go through a repeating life cycle: At an early stage of evolution (it is
birth, growth, attaining sexual maturity, probable, that it was two with superfluous
reproduction, bringing up posterity that billion years ago) unicellulars divided into
is characteristic only for animals, ageing, seaweeds, which gave rise to the line of
death. plants, and into elementary, from which
Heredity and variability – a subsequently animals originated.
mechanism, on the one hand, fixing the And somewhere 570 million years ago,
accumulated specific attributes, and on the when naked minerals of the Earth began to
other hand providing adaptability to the be covered by soil, there appeared animals
changing conditions of living environment. and plants.
Irritability and self-control – ability Plants are an isolated group of objects
to react energetically to external influences of the organic World, and they occupy the
and react selectively on them. The reaction ninth class on the organizational scale.
of an organism to changes of environment is The living, mainly multicellular organisms,
subordinated to the law of self-preservation, autotrophs, forming minerals, atmospheric
which is based on the mechanism of self- gases and sunlight in organic compounds,
control. The organism does automatically appeared on Earth not less 3.8 billion years
ago and at present total 350,000 varieties. mass of biosphere should be to the order of
With rare exception, plants do not move 1024 g.» Vernadsky V.I. [28, page 100].
during the life cycle because roots go into
the earth. However for plants the static As a result a superficial fertile layer
ontogenesis is made up by the rather of soil - humus forms on land, and in the
dynamic phylogenesis of the species. World.
Classes and types of plants constantly Ocean – a planktonic film on the
expand, move or decrease their area, surface and a ground film at the bottom is
occupying either one or the other territories formed.
of the planet, following the change in
climatic conditions and evolutionary «The planktonic film is an important
processes taking place in the biogenesis. part of the biosphere mechanism, despite its
thinness just as an important part is the ozone
Plants serve as the determining factor
shield with insignificant ozone percentage.
of existence and vital ability of animals Its area equals hundreds of millions of square
and man. Plants give them food, habitat, kilometers, and weight should be expressed by
oxygen to breathe, medicinal products. numbers of the order 10l5-1016 tons.
Plants also give man dress, fuel, building Planktonic and ground films cover the
materials, and minerals. whole of the hydrosphere. If the surface of a
Plants have played the main role plankton, maybe, in general, is close to the
in formation of the modern biosphere, ocean surface, i.e. it is equal to 3.6·108 km2,
then the surface of the ground film should
and first of all in creation of the oxygen exceed it considerably, as it follows all the
atmosphere of Earth. If suddenly plants complexity and all irregularities of the ocean
cease to be, herbivorous will become bottom relief Vernadsky V.I. [28, pages 156-
extinct and then predators. There will be 157].
neither meat, nor vegetables, nor cereals,
nor fruit. Man will be left only with salt Actually, the whole area of man is
as food. Without plants animals, and man completely located in the biosphere. The
cannot exist. boundaries of biosphere are wide
The Earth's surface warmed by Sun enough. Firstly, it is a spherical surface
for billions of years enables a multitude of covering the whole Earth, including land
biological objects to be born, live and die. and ocean. Secondly, it extends upwards
In the course of their life they participate from the Earth and into depths of the
in complex chemical reactions and leave planet. Spores of plants in the stratosphere
behind them products of exchange and and gas with oil in the bowels are signs of
their own remains. Expressing it more the presence of biosphere.
delicately, in general, my soul, you
understand, what covers our once naked «From the geoid level biosphere stretches
stony planet as a thick layer. upwards to the borders of stratosphere, and
getting to it; it hardly probably reaches the
«At last, in the external shell – in the ionosphere – the terrestrial electromagnetic
biosphere – a significant mass of its matter vacuum just being covered by scientific
is captured and collects in living organisms, consciousness. Below the geoid level the living
changes under the cosmic energy of Sun. The substance penetrates into the stratosphere
and on the top areas of the metamorphous
4.5. The Organic World
and granite shells. From the view of planet it and find balance on such complex
rises 20-25 km above the geoid level lowers processes, as energy interchange of
on an average to 4-5 km below this level. planet and atmospheric surfaces, cycling
These borders in time vary in places, on small
of substances in nature, forming and
durations extends far behind them. Apparently,
at sea depths living substance should penetrate preservation of biocoenosis.
to places deeper than 11 km, and their existence
deeper than 6 km has been established. In the «Sun has radically reworked and changed
stratosphere we just experience penetration the face of Earth; the biosphere has been
into it by man, always inseparable from other penetrated and captured. To a great degree
organisms – insects, plants, microbes; and thus biosphere is an exhibition of its radiations; it
the living substance has already gone 40 km composes the planetary mechanism, turning
upwards from the geoid level and is fast lifting them to new varied forms of terrestrial free
up» Vernadsky V.I. [28, page 246]. energy, which radically changes the history
and destiny of our planet» Vernadsky V.I. [28,
The whole biological chain from a page 43].
bio-molecule to man is based at a certain
place – in a thin layer of contact of the The biosphere, obviously, demonstrates
atmosphere with the surface of our planet. a number of attributes of animate intelligent
The name of this layer is biosphere. It is being, but on a number of other attributes
not all that simple with it. Biosphere is it is a product of a mineral-cosmic origin
not present, if there is no biological life, and phenomenon of inanimate nature.
and biological life is impossible without The conclusion arises by itself. The
a biosphere. If we remove biosphere, biosphere is in a providential location, the
there will remain only anaerobes, the meeting point of animate and inanimate
elementary and worms, living without nature and serves as some kind of a
free oxygen. And if we remove plants - placenta for the origin and development of
animals will die, structure of atmosphere biological life.
will change, ozone layer will disappear Like the woman who carries a child,
and the biosphere will cease existence. the biosphere carries life, protects it,
Biosphere is a continuation of the mineral creates all the necessary conditions for
world of the planet and, certainly, is an life, but also receives from biological life
inanimate phenomenon; and on the other all that is necessary for self-maintenance
hand, it integrally includes everything and development.
animate, including man, and moreover it And, as is known, it is impossible to
defines life and death of all living things change the meeting point, the surface of
on the planet. Processes of self-regulation planet with density above density of water,
act on biosphere, the evolutionary process with sufficient, but not a superfluous
is present, taking place in a certain stream of energy from its star, with a cycle
direction, and if definition of objectives time and inclination of the axis to ecliptic,
is not monitored, then in any case, the giving a uniform stream of external energy
unconditional predetermined, program and billions of years stability for evolution.
oriented nature are being monitored. Here it is my soul, life in Space. The
The biosphere possesses a most number of such places, so are the centers
powerful synergetic potential. To manage of life. Any thinking person will come to
4.5. The Organic World
exclusively with organic food, viz. plants In our chart man occupies the
or other animals comparatively weaker 11th penultimate class on the scale of
and lesser in size. organizational level.
The animal kingdom is also basically Remaining an animal by his physical
represented by multicellular organism; nature, man possesses a set of unique
however their variety is several times properties unknown to previous stages of
greater than plants and reaches 1.5 to 2 the organizational level.
million species. First of all, they are analytical capability,
Multicellular animals on land consciousness, abstract thinking and
appeared nearly 800 million years ago. An presence of speech. As a matter of fact, all
active mobile life, struggle for survival, these are one and the same – reason.
necessity of interaction served as the Secondly, they are man-made capacity
cause of development of the rudiment of and definition of objectives. As a result,
psychology in animals, abilities to perceive, it is the transition from adaptation to life
accumulate and transfer elementary environment to adaptation of environment
information necessary for preservation to his needs. The ability of social
and evolution of the species. The most arrangement of man is also included here.
«advanced» species of animals form the And thirdly, a not yet dominating,
group of primates, the predecessors of but existing ability of man to ethical
man. behavior, overcoming the animal instincts
Primates are mammals, five-fingered, of envy, enmity, egoism through unique
plantigrades, have seizing limbs, a big mechanisms of morals, reasonable self-
brain. a developed ability to communicate restriction, morals and feeling of self-
through a set of gestures and sounds, respect given to man. Or, to say in other
inclined to flocking and complex social words, the abilities of hearing the voice of
methods of self-organization. They the Creator and ability of following Him.
appeared on Earth more than 14 million Unlike the plant and animal kingdom,
years ago. Nearly 5 million years ago man has not yet passed the culmination of
there was a division of primates into his development. The evolutionary wave
two kinds – monkeys and hominids on our planet is now in two areas -in the
(predecessors of man). The reason of the field of the social structure and in the field
division was bipedalism, which freed of morally-ethical establishment of man as
the front limbs of hominids that in turn, a species, as a unit on the organizational
after 3 to 4 million years allowed future level scale.
man to master fire and rudiments of labor It is not by accident that human
activity. Though anthropogenesis is far population is growing by leaps and
from complete, especially its initial stage, bounds, possibly, getting nearer to some
nevertheless it is possible to consider that limit unknown to us. About 1000 years
doubts in the animal origin of man have back there were 275 million of us, and by
been overcome. Today's science agrees 2000 it was 6 billion and this with absolute
with the evolutionary theory of origin monopoly in species. Man has no specific
of man from the bowels of the animal contenders. One species and three races
kingdom. That, certainly, was. are insignificant for incest.
The Lord has given us the ability to What for is this communication, how
think. It is possible to assume, what else it should be carried out, what particularly
will man be, but know exactly where the should man do is yet unknown, but the
winding path of evolution will lead us is whole meaning of appearance of man
only known to the Creator. as result of evolution is in carrying and
The phenomenon of man for us, people, developing spirituality in him.
is the most important and intriguing
mystery of the Creator. «…every incorrigible materialistic person
By our biological origin we are is a mortal Man, a living automatic device,
animals. And often we are convinced that in spite of him being bestowed with a big
it is so. brain power», – wrote Blavatskaya, and my
applauses to her [19, page 485].
«Man combines all animals in him», –
quite fairly remarks John Donn [46, page
The exclusiveness of abilities, sharp
difference from the living world, and
absence of competing analogues in the
By the way, another such remarkable
beginning led man to the idea of similarity
idea is attributed to him:
to God, that the universe has been created
for him and in his sake.
«It is our business to correct and restore
everything, to which string of understanding However the infantile sicknesses of
has been lost». [46, page 72] anthropocentrism, having gone through
sobering experience of social disasters and
On the other hand, such gifts of the impartial analysis of scientific knowledge
Creator as consciousness, reason, freedom gradually has come to naught.
of moral choice, authority over nature,
religious judgment of the World, lead to «Refusal from self-confident
the thought, that: anthropocentrism and opening of Space life
of the last decades, should affect significantly
man's claims of being master of the World
«…the link between divine and natural and manager of any life, subject of the mono-
world is man» Soloviev V. [103, with. 143]. dictatorship that defines ways of World's
development. But anthropocentrism received
Moreover, a belief is born, that man an unexpected reinforcement from modern
can be not only a link, but also should be astrophysics, which has formulated the so-
the link and has been created especially for called antrophic principle, according to which
it. the Earth has seemed to be structured under
parameters of man and so if the value of one
of fundamental constants had been different,
«And man as one, who belongs to both the human life would have been impossible.
worlds, by acts of intellectual contemplation In practice the assumption, that it is
can and should touch the divine world and, not the Universe that tuned to man, but
being still in the world of struggle and free man could have been generated in a unique,
floating anxiety, enter into contact with the narrow corridor of strictly defined conditions.
clear images from the kingdom of glory and Really, in fact in case of "imperfection" of the
eternal beauty» Soloviev V. [103, page 141]. Universe (i.e. impossibility in development of
intelligent life in it), it was simply impossible
4.5. The Organic World
for anyone to fix it. But the Universe has species and scientific-technical progress
unlimited time. And sooner or later there have led some thinkers to the conclusion
casually appears a combination favorable to us. on the regeneration of biosphere to
Then there we appear and are surprised of the
a «noosphere» – an association of
Universe's perfection. Therefore, man should
be considered not as a crown of the whole consolidated thinking people, and as result
universe, but as one of the stages of its total - the advent of some collective Intelligence.
evolutionary process. In this respect closer to
the truth was not West with its traditions of «…geologically we experience at this hour
rationalism and anthropocentrism, but the East segregation in the biosphere of the kingdom
with its integrity and cosmicality, including of intelligence that changes radically its
man in the inseparable system of nature as a shape, and structure, – noosphere. The word
component part. «noosphere» and the corresponding concept
Nevertheless man is not simply a part has been created by E. Le Roi in 1928»
of the World, but a part that has realized the Vernadsky V.I. [28, page 380].
whole and capable of including in him this
whole at an ideal level. The consciousness The advent of noosphere is put in one
acts as the planetary factor, enabling the row with the deep processes of evolution
establishment of new attitudes of mankind, of Space, the Earth, life and biosphere.
as a uniform organism with Space that can
give the process of self-organization in nature
a targeted feature, and instead of the position «"Explosion" of scientific idea in XX
of either anthropocentrism or cosmocentrism century has been prepared by the whole past
approve synergism of man and Space» of biosphere and has the deepest roots in it
Samokhvalova V.I. [2, page 53]. structure. It cannot stop and go back. It can only
be slowed down in its rate. The noosphere is a
biosphere advanced by scientific thought, that
The transitory role of man becomes had prepared for the gone hundreds millions,
more and more obvious. The Lord has can be billions, of years process, which created
created us for providential purposes, not Homo sapiens Faber, is not a short-term and
known to us yet. All that was before us passing geological phenomenon. Processes,
were made, so that we appeared. And having been readied for many billions years,
we are needed for advancing further the cannot be passing, cannot stop. Hence it
Creator's plan and then move aside or follows, that the biosphere will inevitably pass
anyhow, sooner or later to the noosphere, i.e.
become His assistants. that in history of people, occupying it, there
shall take place events, necessary for this
«Man is not the center of universe, as purpose, and not contradicting this process»
we innocently believed, but, is much more Vernadsky V.I. [28, page 277].
beautiful than the vanishing skyward top of
a great biological synthesis. Its man, and only
The theory of a noosphere does not
he, who was the last to appear in time, the most
fresh, the most complex, the most iridescent, appear as absolutely indisputable for us.
multi-colored from the consecutive layers of More likely, the basic object of evolution
life. Such is our fundamental vision» Teilhard will be the ethical perfection of man, every
de Chardin [126, page 231]. living person on the Earth. But the known
drawing together of people on the basis
The aggressive settling of man on of revolution in communication facilities
the planet's surface, full domination as is being made in full conformity with the
Until recently it was considered, boundary of its adaptive ca-pacities and
that nature strives to level, make even, begins to lose stability. This instant is
and reduce to a common denominator referred to as the bi-furcation point. At
everything that differs from standard. The the bifurcation point the system becomes
temperature is leveled, pressure reduces to susceptible to fluctuation viz., perception
an average value, moun-tains fall to ruin, of sig-nals, capable of playing the role of
all that is created by man from natural positive reverse communication, i.e. affect
materials with time converts back to the system in such a way that it applied new,
them. The law of entropy, i.e. irreversible more perfect opposing mechanisms to the
dispersion of energy and decrease in hostile environment. Surplus of various
complexity and orderliness of the systems, fluctuations, which are «not noticed» by the
rules over the world. system in usual conditions, at bifurcation
The principle of entropy, quite appli- points is perceived and is capable of
cable to thermodynamics, has been applied generating the next round of system self-
to the arrangement of the World. That, improvement and even its transition to a
altogether, is incorrect. The mountain, qualitatively new condition, i.e. generate a
certainly, collapses, but in fact it had once higher level of self-organizing system.
emerged from something. Synergetic evolution of nature’s sys-
And only in the 70’s of XX century it tems is now a fact obvious to science. At
has been scientifically proved that there present it is only possible to guess why and
are in nature cases of «occur-rences of the with what purpose the system evolves from
order from the disorder». Synergy, a new the bottom to top horizons of synergy, but
scientific direction, is the study of similar it is already clear how it occurs.
cases. It is possible to list the basic technological
The basic idea of synergy is the mechanisms of evolution:
possi-bility, and under certain conditions, • ability of systems to accumu-late
even inevitability, of origin of order and useful fluctuations during innu-merable
organization from disorder and chaos as a iterations of working cycles, so as to use
result of self organization. them at the necessary in-stant;
This approximately takes place as fol- • iteration of existence of the
lows. The initial system works at the usual systems itself - finiteness of the life cycle
order. Functioning processes, infinitely and simultaneously the capacity to self-
repetitive, focused on constant or poorly reproduction;
varying external conditions take place in • morphological adaptability that
it. allows divide the system, get united into
However there comes the moment several systems or complicate its own
when environmental conditions start to structure, depending on necessity;
vary considerably. The system ap-proaches • ability to choose, correct and rank
as per value optimization criteria during synergy level systems has been built on
adaptation; the principle of the Russian nested doll
• infinite ramification of the sys-tem (Matryoshka). A higher organizational
development ways, practically in the mode level system includes or regulates a system
of complete overrun of all possible choices of lesser synergy level.
and subsequent sifting of viable choices of Our graphic model of the material
systems through natural selection; world should also be commented in terms
• presence of an evolutionary of synergy.
wave – period, when formation of the For the time being, we have before us
system takes place very sharply and ends a set of base units of the material World,
in location of a viable solution. Then organized by criteria of size and level of
comes the period of stability, when the organization.
system confidently handles its functions To me, my soul, I would like to show
and reliably protects itself from the hostile you their synergetic interrelation, how the
external environment; uniform and continuous evolutionary path
• nesting principle of systems – from maximon to man looks like, etc.
structural connection between differ-ent
5.1. Maximon – information, giving rise to matter
5.1. Maximon – information, giving rise to matter
Мx а
А. spice occupied by one maximon М х
10 М х=10 m
10 М х=10 m
В. Hyper matrix 10 cells Maximons hold Metagalaxy
Cell numbers
1 2 3 4 ... n
Stage 1 Мx Time of Flare glow 10 sec
Stage n Мx
Speed of Flare “run” equals speed of light
С. Flare displacement — Maximon along cells of hyper matrix (along a straight line)
in the same cell. It is possible to assume, points of the graphic model of a material
that the mechanism of ex-pansion of the World.
Universe has been cre-ated exactly with The number of maximons, forming a
this purpose. photon, most likely is 1010, by analogy to
All objects in the Universe move in other M-scale units known to science.
sets of trajectories, but in relation to the Do you know my soul, how the image
motionless Hypermatrix their dominating tube, screen of the first TV is arranged and
trajectory is from center to the periphery, how an image appears on it? The glass
and speed of movement is comparable screen inside is covered with numbers
with the speed of light. of tiny luminescent dots. If you direct an
A similar order excludes the necessity electronic beam to this dot, it is lit and
«to illuminate» one and the same cell of a is visible and if removed, it ceases to be
Hypermatrix without interruption. visible.
If cells adjacent to each other are sin- A special device drives a beam from
gled out from a row of the Hypermatrix, point to point along a line, running, line
located on one line of length of 300,000 after line, the whole screen, and one more
km, and serially «switch-on» the flashes, device regulates the beaming force during
starting with the first cell, one after the moments of its passage of each dot,
another, then the «spark» will run over all somewhere more strongly, somewhere
of the line in a second. This is the limit of more poorly and somewhere will switch
speed of movement of objects in a material it off. The ray travels the whole screen
World. very quickly 24 times a second. Our eyes
Most likely, cells can «switch-on» possess inertia of perception, and for them
only in series and without misses. One has the screen is seen as a shining dynamic
completed work, the adjoining switches picture.
on. The variation in speed of «recession» I do not know, whether I have helped
«spark» on the chain is reached due to you or only have confused more, but the
delay in switching the following cell. One structure of a material World is similar to
has completed work and the following joins a volumetric TV, if one such existed. And
with a lag, as a result the «spark» runs its may be it has already been created?
path more slowly, with lesser speed, but Hyper matrix is a volumetric screen.
the total energy of the process in unit time Cells are phosphor grains, capable of
also falls. being substantiated in the form of flash
It is already clear to you: a set of large of maximons according to the signal of
number of flashes maximons, lined up external operating program.
definitely, gives rise to the first complex Flashes of maximons are organized in
unit of the material World – photon. such a manner that they give rise first to a
I remind: units of the first and second photon, and then, one after an-other, more
classes in the science bar are not de-scribed and more complex units of the material
yet, and the names «photon» and «nucleus World. At the same time the lowest level
of an electron» have a conditional nature. unit comprises of all the properties and
But it does not at all stir our belief on potential for the inevitable creation of
existence of cer-tain units in corresponding a unit of the following, higher level of
5.1. Maximon – information, giving rise to matter
5.2. Synergetic evolution of matter
KEYWORDS: Synergy, maximon, units, geo-placentary systems, design
reliability of the material World.
Well, what a name has turned out for over the expanse of a Hypermatrix
section 5.2. It is understandable: syn-ergy create the volumetric-physical image-
is not a simple thing. If you drop a cup, phenomenon of the first material object -
it will break and will cease to be a cup. photon. What is this - a volumetric picture
All complex things with ease roll to the or a physical object? They are both. The
simple and initial. But how is it possible dichotomy «substance-energy», habitual
for nature to manage uphill complexities, to us, is absent at low levels of matter.
how the simple and lowly organized Both the properties exist side by side and
add to something more complex, higher are capable of self-replacement.
organization? The corpuscular-wave theory, as well
With a cup everything is simple - it is as theory of relativity takes it origin from
made by man. He is clever, skilful. Well, here.
and who made man? Molecule? Atom? How many blinking dots, skittering
Perhaps, God? No. Or almost no. The in space on Hypermatrix cells, does one
material World is able to build itself and photon create – I do not know. Per-haps,
is made with inevitable ability to evolve, 1010 pieces, maybe, as much, as many
without foreign intervention in laws of maximons can be placed in a sphere of
matter. The matter is made with ability of diameter 105 maximons. And maybe,
self-creation. only one maximon is consistently shining
We understand evolutionary processes during 10-43 sec-onds at the required points
with difficultly because they take place in of the Hypermatrix, tracing a photon. I
another time scale. Our life period and all know nothing save, that as a result a rather
vital rhythms of man are many times less steady material formation - unit of the first
than the duration of evolutionary processes class on the M-scale, possessing its own
in the animal world and moreover in the physical properties, which are distinct
world of inert matter. from properties of maximon, and capable
But in fact it is a question of percep- of interaction with ones similar to it, result.
tion and nothing else. A man to a but- Here it should be noted, that there is no
terfly-day-fly seems to be constant in the and there cannot be static units. The same
age sense, and human life - simply infinite. photon is the photon’s volumetric image,
But we shall, for now, leave the prob-lem with all its material properties, constantly
of time bar and shall try tracking only the updated, equal to itself and moving in the
evolution of material world from origin of Hy-permatrix expanse.
the first maximon till date. The only thing, which the universe is
The birth and evolution of inert matter not rich in, is statics. Statics is not present.
or substance of the material World begins Perhaps, statics is the secret of
with maximon (fig. 28). nonexistence.
The flashes – maximons, «running» Material projections of photons fly in
Planet capable of Intervention
having atmosphere instant of
instant of man
organic life
Systems of
10 10
cosmic bodies
Planets and their satellites
Stars Asteroids
Globuls Comets
Super new
Cosmic dust
Gasses stars Small cosmic bodies
Chemical elements and their compounds Cosmic dust
in different aggregate conditions White
Interstellar gas
dwarfs Black
Cosmic bodies
Plasma Radiation
Radiation Neutron holes
Gravitatio stars Energy
5.2. Synergetic evolution of matter
Organic compounds
Interaction (force)
of matter
Hypermatrix space and interact with each ated atom and elementary chemical
other, showing the propensity to form compounds, there was a division of its
units of the subsequent level. But how does trajectory into quantitative and qualitative
it take place? vectors.
Photon is not simply a sum of a certain The inert matter began to grow in the
quantity of maximons. Certainly, photon first case quantitatively and form cosmic
has a complex internal arrangement, objects, and in the second there took place
design. Most likely, photon is more the process of complication of matter with
complex than a maximon to the same the aim of origin and development of
degree, as man is more complex than a cell biological life.
or a cell than a bio-molecule. Growth in volume of inert matter at
Under the scheme they are divided localized points of the future Me-tagalaxy
into two organizational level classes. The was accompanied by the phenomena of
internal arrangement of a photon gives it gravity, energy, radiations, appearance of
the opportunity and energy for interaction plasma, collection of gases and space dust
with ones similar to it. But how is their in globules, their growth and formation of
interaction arranged, how they «see» or stars.
«feel» each other? By the way, science in detail describes
It can be assumed, that photon as a evolution of stars and effective stage of
whole is constantly scanned by the part completion of their life cycle, confirms it
forming its maximons, which trace its with scores of ob-servations, but for some
dimensions, location, internal processes reason has neither an explanatory theory,
and transfer this information -»energy» nor practical observations of the process of
to the external Hypermatrix environment. birth of stars.
Actually, these signals are the «forces» of It is proved, that a star is a gaseous
interaction. cosmic body, where under action of forces
Each unit has a universe; each of its own gravitation a nuclear reaction
thing of the material World has its own of transition of hydrogen to helium takes
informative-energetic aura, connecting place with the release of huge quantity of
them with all other objects of the universe light and heat to the surrounding Space. In
through the absolute infor-mation-energy due course, after 5-10 billion years, when
conductor - Hyperma-trix. The unit of each the nu-clear reserve is exhausted, stars of
organizational level is arranged in such a relatively small mass are compressed and
manner that it holds in it the opportunity turn into white dwarfs, while bigger stars
and need to interact and create units of a at compression are not in a fit state to hold
subsequent level. the external mantle, and it blows up with a
Thus units of the subsequent electron huge light ef-fect.
level scale, atomic nucleus, atom and Such cases occur rather often and for
molecules are built. some reason, contrary to any logic, are
In parallel the familiar attributes of referred to as a super new stellar flash.
matter – information, energy, mass, force, Well, what about it: a lot in this World
space, and time appear. carries the name, reverse to its nature. Why
At the moment, when evolution cre- do they name a star during the moment of
5.2. Synergetic evolution of matter
end of its life cycle as super new? And why engineer will use it in all related cases.
maximon, lesser than which nothing is The foetus in a woman’s womb,
present, is not named a minimon? Perhaps, and in any mammal, is protected by a
because it maximum small? spherical bubble. It separates the child for
After explosion the remaining nucleus the time being from the external world,
of stars, smaller in size turn to neutron creating inside the mother’s body a local
stars, and those that are bigger to black environment necessary for survival and
holes. development of the foetus. A planet is
We even do not want to imagine what the place of possible birth of biological
takes place with planets and satellites life. Spherical in its form, the planet
and everything that had arisen on them. is sur-rounded by a number of various
However we can assume, that for the spheres. At first the completely non living
remaining 4-5 billion years people of the magnetosphere – magnetic cover of the
Earth will come up with something. planet; then the lithosphere - land, terra
Stars, by what means they appear, firma on which we walk; atmosphere –
however, are not created anywhere, but thin layer of the gases held by planetary
in definite areas of the world space - in gravitation; hydrosphere – the World’s
Galaxies. Probably, in their centers, ocean.
probably, from gas and dust, which scatter
from the center of the Galaxy? «Barysphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere,
One to two percent of dust and gas are at-mosphere, stratosphere.
condensed in satellites of stars - in pla- This basic structure could vary several
times and become complicated in some
nets and the bodies rotating around the details. But in general it should be formed as
planets – their satellites. such from the very beginning. This structure
Planets rotate around its star at varying served as the starting point for geochemical
distances from it and around its own axis, development…» Teilhard de Chardin [124,
exposing most part of its spherical surface page 72].
to light and heat.
At first, some time is spent on When all this is warmed by heat of the
stabilization of the system - may be, some central star, fed by active volcanic activity
hundreds millions of years, but thereafter of the planet itself and is accompanied by
during billions years the central star and lightning discharges, then with inevitability
planets exist in a rather stable mode and complex organic compounds appear,
nothing disturbs the origin and smooth capable of chang-ing the atmospheric
course of evolution of biosphere on one or structure and with the help of elementary
the several planets. microorganisms generate the biosphere.
All in the World is related, and how The biosphere, in turn, serves as a pla-
many analogies and, moreover, typical centa for origin and evolution of various
decisions are there cannot be counted. Well forms of biological life.
what to it: the Founder is not a magician How this occurred on Earth is now
and knows the price of a successful known to science more or less clearly (fig.
engineering solution. If a reliable solution 29). Nothing, well literally noth-ing, does
principle is found for any task, then a good prevent assume, that the same takes place
on planets of 1010 stars of our Galaxy and animal world developed and became more
planets of 1020 stars of the Metagalaxy, complex, and more recently, appeared
and, probably, not once. primates, Hominids and in the end man.
Thus, we remember about the It had already been for long noted by many
coacervate drops in the warm waters of the researchers, that the whole evolutionary
World ocean and how under influence of game of biological life is directed
electric discharges (lightning) well-formed towards development of nervous system
complex or-ganic compounds synthesize and intellect:
from them, how they combine, break
up, acquire ability to retain themselves, «… every form of instinct in its own way
manage processes of oxidation-reduction, aspires to become «reason»; but only on the
and as a result unicells are created. human line (for external and internal reasons)
At this earliest stage of biological life the operation was successful to the end»
division and formation of two empires - Teilhard de Chardin [124, with. 173].
vegetative and animal takes place.
For a long time all life existed only in With the advent of man and in
water, the plants in the form of sea-weeds, the process of his specific evolution –
sea animals – sponges and coelenterates. genealogy – the geo-placenta has widened.
And further as per the flow chart on fig. 29. The biosphere has become an object of
To tell the truth, I do not love very much, technogenic expansion of man. It changes
neither worms, nor insects, nor even fishes, to a great extent, and this gives the basis to
but it is necessary to accept, that they are consider, that there has arisen a new socio-
our primogenitors or distant relatives. technogenic plan of the geo-placenta -
As noted fairly by P.T. de Chardin, noosphere. The respectable, world famous
evolution «…on the way to progress, scientist, academician V.I. Vernadsky
makes billions and billions of attempts. placed human reason and its possibilities
This method of trial tatonnement in very high, but, in my opinion, he paid
combination with double mechanism of mankind an unde-served compliment,
duplication and inheritance (allowing connecting the activity of modern man
accumulate and im-prove more and more with reason. Skills and reason are different.
the once found favorable combinations of For the time being man brings more harm
the individuums involved in the process) to the planet, than advantage. Reason
generates extraordinary set of living without ethics is not a blessing, but a vice.
progenies, which form that which has been
«Vivification of the Universe, created by God
named as «tree of life» « [124, page 314]. is the highest purpose, and man was incu-
There are many schemes of evolution bated into the universe with this purpose, but
of the animal world. Each author as he can, he still executes this purpose very badly and
draws the schemes, covering hundreds takes very little participation in this execu-
of millions and even billions years. It is tion» A. Menn [73, page 80].
evident from them, how life gradually
got across from water to land and to Probably, when man shall learn regu-
atmosphere, how some kinds came back to late his ambitions by moral consid-erations
the initial sphere of its habitation, how the and correlate the direction of his activity
Nature’s plan Socio-
Biosphere plan
Atmo- Animo-
Water Land mass Noosphere
sphere sphere
Organic matter
Plant Animal
life life
Sponges Coelenterates
Arthropods Chordates
Terrestrial plants
Skilled man
Intelligent man
Floating and birds
Civilized man
Water mammalians
5.2. Synergetic evolution of matter
with the Divine Plan, then there will arise unit formation of the following level of
animosphere, V.I. Vernadsky, – last geo- organization.
placentary shield with a spiritual nature. Within limits of the material world
The last because, having mastered it, man laws of material World only operate; in
will ripen for regeneration to a being of it there are neither miracles, nor magic.
the following super-biological level of But the material world itself, with its laws
organization… has been conceived and designed outside
Thus, the conclusion or basic idea is it. It has been con-ceived very cleverly
the following. One unique element serves and minutely. Despite the indescribable
in building the material World in all its complexity in design, its reliability is
diversity. amazing. It is absolute. There are a number
Maximon is a flash of energy, wave of mechanisms that level any deviations
impulse, limited by volume of a cube with from the set scheme of operation.
sides 10-35 m and duration of 10-43 seconds, My soul! You have already under-
in turns occupying the adjacent cells of a stood who we are, you and I?
motionless Hypermatrix, creates units of We are the Divine idea! We are woven
the material world of all levels of com- from Divine idea, and all of the material
plexity. World is from the same material!
Carrying the full genetic code of the But how gracefully it has been made:
material world, maximon directly forms the idea is only at the base of the design,
not only the first the lowest in organization at the junction of the material and non-
unit, but transfers it the ability to create material Worlds, and thereafter – full
units of subsequent levels. independence in development within the
The structure of unit of each level limits of laws of matter.
from 1st to 11th includes programs of
5.3. Synergy – the Process of Churning the World
KEYWORDS: synergy, churning the world, total enumeration of
versions, states of balance, evolution of the material world, specific
human evolution, morality, spirituality, awareness.
In order to get butter from milk, it is First of all, the process flows practi-cally
necessary to take a flat wooden spatula under conditions of unlimited number
(dasher) and shake (churn) milk with it of iterations. Tests without any visible
for quite long, until the first pats of butter success are repeated prac-tically infinitely.
appears; then the process will continue Secondly, we shall consider the action of
more quickly and soon all fat from milk «Law of total enumeration of versions».
will be churned to one pat of butter, if, Thus, we, at our own risk, shall name
certainly, it is non-skimmed milk. following regular pattern. Nature in each
Creation of the World is something of its aspect, in every corner of the material
similar to process of churning. It had been world infinitely sorts out combinations
noticed by Indians in high an-tiquity. of things and phenomena, putting them
The synergetic act is unique, but, as either this way or that, until it will not sort
all unique, has its unpleasant reverse side: out all conceivable variants. And what is
synergetic jump from the lowest to higher interesting: process of sorting comes to
degree of organization takes place seldom an end only when all variants have been
and only under the con-dition of a large passed.
number of repeated attempts - iterations. The third moment is elimination using
It is necessary to churn milk with a dasher the principle of viability. And, it operates
monotonously and for long that at some not only in animal or plant kingdom, but
time, probably, butter appeared. also in inanimate nature - everywhere the
T ime of maturity of synergetic transi- more viable and steady supersedes the less
tion, time of evolutionary processes stable and more vulnerable.
connected with it are not matched with The fourth circumstance is the genetic
time - lives of one live being. For many factor. Each unit is arranged such that
evolutionary processes of a million years it carries in itself two opportunities of
is nothing, a brief instant during which development excluding each other to the
nothing changes. following, higher stage of organization.
Nature pays a long, very long time One opportunity is the ability to create
for the opportunity of self-development almost unlimited in variety number of
without extraneous intervention. more complex structures of absolutely any
But how is this quantum leap upwards form and with new functions.
arranged? How can it occur, if you exclude The second opportunity is connected
intervention from the outside and any with primary presence in the genetic code,
mysticism? an image or design of the unique «correct»
Synergy has a mechanism, rather – a solution, adequate to the nature of units of
combination of several technologies. the subsequent level of organization and
general logic of the material world. The situations of the states of balance.
material World is given the full freedom Where the Buridan’s ass should go, when
to design units and sort variants of their from both of its sides and equally spaced
modifications, and in the genetic code of are identical heaps of hay? What dice to
a maximon there compulsorily exists a choose, if both have been thrown with one
«necessary» solution, - but not in details, number?
but only in the basic characteristics. Those The states of balance of competing
of the casual solutions, which are felt systems is a rare case, but it means «rare»
by congruous or close to the necessary at million iterations and billions years of
solution, from the point of view of system, evolution.
at once appear as most adequate both in The states of balance is exclusively
relation to the medium and to the system in the sense that at this moment all laws
and, as a consequence, more vital. and rules counterbalance each other and
And at last, the fifth property of thereby are nullified. The choice or exit
syn-ergy mechanism is the contactless from the situation can be any; either casual
control over observance of interests of the or expedient, freedom of system thus is not
supersystem. broken.
Here again, my soul, it is necessary Varying the exit vector from states of
to mention the area about which it will balance, the supersystem quite effectively
probably be possible to tell a little later. realizes its tasks without violating freedom
Material world is only a subsystem in the and independency of subsystems.
system of the universe, and its purpose and From the moment of creation and till the
tasks are in the hierarchical subordination present minute, the material world is in a
to tasks of the universe. At the same time continuous self churning; the process of
material world is independent and made Creation was, is and shall be.
with full freedom within the limits of laws Till now you and me, my soul, tried to
of its structure. The right and possi-bility understand, that which had been created
of self-development is the most important and that from where it origi-nated, and
attribute of a material world. Started once now we draw attention to the time aspect.
through maximons, it builds itself from How long ago and in what sequence were
simple units to com-plex, depending only the things sur-rounding us created?
on information incorporated in maximon. We shall, for now, not go deep into the
There is no puppeteer, who would set in problem of metrics of a time axis, ap-point
motion the material world and di-rectly scale for time and produce other similar
managed it. subtleties; we shall simply accept today as
Yes, the puppeteer is not present, zero on the line representing a time axis
strings are not present, but the problem and then eve-rything, that is to the left, is
of management and realization of final the past, and everything, that is to the right
interests of the supersystem is present, and is the future.
there is a mechanism of its solution. How According to different sources, the age
can such a thing exist? of the Universe is from 15 to 20 billion
Without problems! Oh, the Creator years, therefore we represent on fig. 30 a
is wise! Management is made through line, where on the right we mark «0», and
5.3. Synergy – the Process of Churning the World
on the left - «20 billion years». Just in case, F. Khojyla, to which he relates with a
though the act of Creation most likely took known share of skepticism, and modern
place about 15-17 billion years ago. scientific perceptions, the Universe, or the
Four stretches of five billion years on Metagalaxy, arose in unison in a fraction of
this chart separate today from the in-stant second from a uniform center (of unknown
of creation of the Universe. Five billion size) as a consequence of Big Bang. This
years ago our Sun was formed, and after took place not less 15 billion years ago.
some 300 million years was formed the That, which blew up, was yet impossible
Earth - one of the planets of the Solar to be named matter: it did not have the
system. basic attributes of matter - mass, space
In order to consider in detail the basic and time, but was very strongly heated and
events which have taken place for the last bore a huge charge of energy and light.
4.7 billion years of the history of the Earth, Then, having scattered and having cooled
we increase the scale to 1:100000000 down, this something formed substance,
years (Fig. 30). However this scale is so dust, gases and, basically, two elementary
great, that the moment of appearance of elements: hydrogen and helium.
the ancestor of man 4 million years ago Two billion years passed in formation
practically merges with the zero mark. of the first stars and their constella-tions -
Therefore we for the second time increase Galaxies.
the scale to 1:2000000 years, then the If one is to depend on the theory of
schedule covers the period of about the last maximon, offered by us on the theory of
100 million years (fig. 30). origin of matter and graphic model of the
In order to track evolution of man as material world, then such a script, more
a species in detail, it is necessary to in- likely, is possible.
crease the scale to 1:40000 years, and we The act of creation begins with origin
have considered the stretch of history for of the centers of generation of maxi-
the last 2 million years (fig. 30). mons. These centers are points in space,
And the final increase in scale up to corresponding to the location of nucleus of
1:1000 years allows see the stretch of the future Galaxies.
history for the last 10 thousand years The supersystem transfers to the
during which, in the scientists’ general future material world only two things:
opinion, civilized man existed and ac- max-imons, carrying energy and informa-
tively developed, viz. modern type of man, tion on the disposition or topography of
like you and me (fig. 30). receipt of maximons.
Well here again we have not managed All the rest is subordinated exclusively
without scales. It is otherwise impossi-ble. to laws and forces of the material World.
Our civilized history in comparison even The first procedure of synthesis of
with history of the Earth is painfully short matter is the formation of photons from
and cannot be viewed in a microscope. maximons, and from them nucleus of the
The differ-ence equal to 5·105 times is Galaxies. It has been already said, that the
close to the resolution of an electronic mi- term «photons» is conditional. What is this
croscope. formation; I do not know, but something
According to the theory of astronomer in size 10-25 m and two levels above in
Origin of Earth
Origin of Sun
Origin of Universe
Last 20 bin.
20 bln. years 15 10 5 4,7 0 As present
Scale: 1 point = 2 000 000 years
100 mln years
0 Т
100 mln. years
organization, than maximon. Perhaps, began 4.5 billion years ago. Volcanic
they are enigmatic superstrings, which activity, weathering and erosion,
elementary particles consist of. sedimentary accumulation, squeezing and
The next step is synthesis of «nuclei compaction form magmatic, sedimentary
of electrons» - again a conditional name; and metamorphic types of rocks.
then elementary particles, nuclei of atoms, During the first 100 million years the
which form plasma, formation of stars primary oxygen-free atmosphere and the
from plasma and as a result registration of primary ocean of the Earth were formed.
Galaxies, as structures consisting of these The ocean was formed 4 billion years
stars. ago, but there existed no single green
The following, fourth step is the final leaflet, nor any small insect. The na-ked
formation of stars, planets. planet, permeated with the smell hydrogen
The fifth step - planetary systems and sulphide, gurgling mud fu-maroles,
biosphere. fountains of hot geysers, underground
Thereafter one after the other there rumble and tremor of solid ground, hot
passes eight steps of evolution of inert lava and ashes dimming the light of Sun
matter from a molecule to the genetic unit and the grey-red sky and atmosphere
«subject of spirituality». Such a script unsuitable for man.
appears to us to be the most logi-cal. About 3.5 billion years ago the first
But we shall continue consideration of unicells were formed in the ocean, not yet
the time aspect. plants and not animals, and began the first
The time axis segment, equal to age stage biological evolution of duration 1.5
of Earth (fig. 31), covers 4.7 billion years, billion years.
from the moment when the bundle of As a result 2 billion years ago there
cosmic gases and dust began to be formed appeared the first plants – seaweeds in the
to a spherical body and form the unique ocean. Then things began to develop more
structure of the solid core, surrounded by actively: all kinds of prehistoric water
a layer of molten iron in the shell of a solid fowls occupied the ocean already after 500
mantle. million years.
About 200 million years has passed on For a long period of 700 million years
all this tapping. Somewhere in this time organic life did not wish to leave the warm
interval there occurred a serious cosmic ocean to an unfriendly land. But you can’t
accident on our planet. The Earth was hit escape from fate, moreover, by this time
by an enormous asteroid that pulled out a owing to bluish green seaweeds oxygen
significant part of substance from Earth began to appear more and more in the
and carried it out to the near-Earth space. atmosphere. And soon, after 350 million
Combining under force of gravitation, years, high plants occupied all land after
these fragments formed our satellite - which say after 50 million years the
Moon. However the separation impulse atmosphere became standard and became
has not faded out to the end. With every what we see it today.
year distance to the Moon from the Earth If one is to increase the scale and ex-
increases by 4 cm. amine in detail the last 100 million years
The geological history of our planet (fig. 32) then right at the end of the scale
3 bln. years
First animals
1 bln. years
Seed plants
0 Human
5.3. Synergy – the Process of Churning the World
near to today's time, literally not more 4 man and when about 200 thousand years
million years ago, we shall notice the first ago there appeared «rational man», then he
attributes of our appearance in the material started the total colonization of all climatic
World. belts of the planet, and nothing could
It was then that the first upright pri- stop him anymore, neither the weather
mate – hominid appeared. conditions, nor wild animals, paucity of
nature. Intelligence prompted him how to
«Ancient Indians specify a different survive in any conditions.
period - more than 18 million years, but what And absolutely a small stretch of
does it, in essence, change?» Blavatskaya E.P. his-tory – 10 thousand years - the Earth
[15, page 203]. carries on it an absolutely unknown earlier
attribute - «civilized man». The basic
There is such a technique even in some attributes of civilization - statehood, army,
contemporary animals to stand on hind religion, culture.
legs, extend by a column and thus more How young is mankind! Look, my
successfully monitor the conditions. This soul, all «dateless antiquity» on fig. 34.
is especially useful in conditions of tall What does this stretch mean in comparison
grass in the African savannas, whence we with billion years of evolution of biological
come from. It is useful also in searches of life on Earth? And what does it mean in
subsistence. comparison with the whole history of
As a result there arose an interesting material World? Simply funny!
side effect: the forelimbs became not so However, the categories big and
necessary for movement and became small applied to time are as relative, as
incompletely used. application to linear sizes. The small can
2 million 200 thousand years passed. be much more complex, important and
During this period the hominid had different, than the big!
learned to use free forelimbs for a lot of The insignificant segment of history
needful affairs, grown wiser and began of the last 10 thousand years is for some
to be referred to as «the skilled man». reason many times richer in events, than 3
Another 200 thousand years passed, and million years of previous specific human
man became anthropo-logically and by evolution.
appearance quite the same, as we are now! Imagine, my soul, such an image:
Man is imperfection itself in com- world’s dasher (forces of creation) makes
parison with the functionally specialized as though two simultaneous movements.
representatives of the animal world. Cycles of life and death of individual
Without canines, claws, bare skinned, people - rotation of the dasher about its
physically weaker than many animals axis – takes place approximately at the
surrounding him, he had only one same rate, as one million years ago. This
advantage, viz. the ability to think. repeating process as you know is referred
Whence such mutant came from is not to as ontogeny.
understood clearly to the end. Another matter is the speed of the
This unique ability developed for about dasher’s big circular movement, giving
1.5 million years (fig. 33) for the primeval rise to new species of man - phylogenesis.
Cretaceous period
80 mln. years
40 mln. years
Quartenary (anthropoge)
Neogene period
20 mln. years
Upright primate-
4 mln. years ago
2 mln. years
Skilled man
1,8 mln. years ago
5.3. Synergy – the Process of Churning the World
Skilled man
80 mln. years
Appearance of
intelligent man
40 000 years
Settlement of the
Earth by
intelligent man
For such a turn during millions years decreasing. The rate of species formation
there is a qualitative change of species. of man takes a burst like nature, if one is
In the similar cycle are included - origin, to examine history of evolution of man as
development of species, quantitative a whole.
growth, territorial expansion, replacement The rate of phylogenesis, once based
of preceding species, domination in on periods in millions of years, now
relation to competing species and then nears closer to periods comparable to life
gradual curtailment, surrender of positions expectancy of a separate person, aspiring
under the impact of the subsequent, more to be balanced with rate of ontogeny.
perfect species. Involuntarily there arises the assump-tion,
At the same time change in species that somewhere absolutely in the near
of man basically takes place along the future there is that point, where according
line of genetic adsorption. All essential to the Creator’s plan should reach «homo»
achievements of the previous species are in order to finish the species evolution,
included in the expanded list of properties occupy the system applicability and pass
and possibilities of the following species. above his head evolutionary wave of the
Having become civilized people, we in fact following, last unit of the material world.
have not lost bipedalism, neither skills of So, where is that species chain that
work, nor ability to phonic communication. connects our animal ancestor with us -
The science about the origin of man – intelligent and civilized?
anthropology – has made detailed The remains of a monkey, which lived
representation about the stages of man’s about 30 million years ago, similar to man,
evolution from apelike ancestors to the were found in Egypt. It is shown in fig. 35
contemporary «king of nature». Though under No. 1. Similar animals were found
a lot of very important points remain by anthropologists in Africa in geological
unclear, the most important things have deposits 20 million years old – No. 2, and
been dis-closed and understood. in Asia and Europe similar finds are aged
Man is a product of long and complex 10 million years – No. 3. These animals are
evolution of animal world. The unique similar to certain contemporary monkeys,
species features of man - speech, work which basi-cally lived on trees, and moved
activity, reason, and sociality - are ob- on the ground on four legs - paws. They
tained and developed during the natural were the predecessors of primates -
development process. Man possesses such anthropoids.
abilities that are not present and have not Further there is a blank in the
been with any other species in all the anthropological data of length 5 to 10
history of development of biological life million years.
on Earth. Somewhere nearly 4 million years
It does not mean evaluation of their ago there appears anthropoids i.e.
quality or degree of their utility, but Australopithecus - upright hominids. On
their originality is unconditional. Man the scheme it is Nos. 5-9, 11, 12.
continues to evolve, and rate of evolution is Eating basically plant food, they were
steadily progressing, and interval between animals, but only, perhaps, with sepa-rate
occurrences of new species is rapidly anomalous for animal’s devia-tions. The
5.3. Synergy – the Process of Churning the World
1 000 years
Spiritual man
Slavic people and 1
Beginning of Europian
Jesus Christ 2
Mycenae, Greece 5
Upper Egyprian Kingdom
Babylon and Assyria
Appearance of
civilized man
teeth of an Australopithecus were covered intellect. So, this species appeared too
with enamel that prolonged its life; it in Africa nearly 120 thousand years ago,
walked on back foot and its free forelimbs about 100 thousand years ago started the
possessed grasping abilities. beginnings of settlements in Europe, Asia
However, starting from the period and other parts of the world. Approximately
nearly 2.5 million years ago, there appeared 30 thousand years ago modern man
a competitor to Australopithecus viz. became a mono-species, relegating aside
hominid of species homo. Half animal-half Neanderthals and Homo sapiens and has
man, it was cleverer than Australopithecus confidently occupied the leading position
hоmо No.10, 13, 14, was able to use fire, in the world of biological creatures.
used meat in food, possessed rudiments of However, on this the evolution of species
speech and, the main thing, and actively has not only terminated, but has begun to
used man-made instruments for protection, unwind with increasing acceleration. And
hunting and arrangement. this fact demands special consideration.
And the gifted artist of those times How and why do the rate of species
conceded little to a contemporary art-ist. evolution of man changes?
Not having gone through next glaci-ations I suggest my soul, conduct micro-
and interspecies competition with homo, research on this account and find out the
Australopithecus disap-peared a million main rule.
years ago from the face of Earth. Let's put cycles of human species on
Homo, occupying the area, actively the time axis (fig. 36).
developed (No. 15 and 16) and 600 The cycle of existence of a species
thousand years ago gave a lateral branch of begins from the moment of appear-
development (No. 18): no more a monkey, ance of a new species, and then there
not an animal, but a humanoid - the is the period of expansion of the area of
Neanderthal man, named in honor of the dwelling of the species, its quanti-tative
place of first find in the Neanderthal valley increase and expansion of the occupied
in Germany. He possessed developed territory. Natural restrictions thus can be
speech, rudiments of religion, had pro- the opportunities of getting food, climatic
pensity to fine arts, occupied Europe and conditions, geological limitation of space,
Asia. However nearly 30 thousand years inter species competition.
ago he was completely superseded by The never ending evolutionary process
cleverer Homo sapiens with reason, who constantly gives rise to new species
came from Africa. and subspecies, until there appears a
The appearance of Homo sapiens is competitive variant. From this moment
dated to 200-140 thousand years ago, and starts the partial or full replacement of
the place of appearance - southern Sahara. the old species and occupation of the area
Moreover, analysis of DNA shows that by a new species. Thereafter the scheme
this species converges to one foremother, repeats.
progenitor of all people, who lived 200 During change of species for man,
thousand years ago. unlike animals, there takes place ac-
From anthropological point of view cumulation and summation of the specific
modern man is Homo sapiens, a man of mastered advantages. Any departure
5.3. Synergy – the Process of Churning the World
today HOMO
120 000 years SAPIENS SAPIENS
30 000 years Disappearance of Neanderthals 30 000 years ago
Homo 30 000
Homo sapiens №18
140 000 neanderthalensis 250 000 years
200 000 years ago
Homo heidelbergensis 700 000 years
(Africa, Europe) ago
III Scale
Intelligent man II 1:50 000 years
Hominid upright primate I IV
Last 5 mln.
years Т
8 000
2 000
1,8 mln.
900 000
200 000
to 3 mln.
from 5 mln.
Intelligent man III
II 1:2 500 years
200 000 Т
2 000
8 000
200 000
200 000
100 000
Т=0 (Р.Х.)
Civilized man IV
Moral man V
Spiritual man VI
2 000
1:200 years
8 000
1 320
Т=0 (Р.Х.)
Appeared Australopithecus
I Upright primate 5 mln. years ago
5.3. Synergy – the Process of Churning the World
5.3. Synergy – the Process of Churning the World
and impu-tation in man’s duty of making a A crucial significance thus had the
moral choice. assistance of «the right hand of the
An interesting law: each step on the pharaoh» - Joseph, son of Jacob, founder
evolutionary ladder, on the one hand, of the people of Israel.
displaces us from the Creator, from the A young, beautiful and, importantly,
initial point of creation, and on the other wise Joseph was traitorously sold by
hand, allocates him with features and even his brothers to the passing merchants
functions of the Creator. into slavery to Potiphar, the captain of
My soul, does it not direct you to some bodyguards of the Pharaoh. But Joseph's
simple ideas? What is the Creator building beauty and decency allowed him to rise
on the basis of yesterday's semi animal quickly to the position of the first adviser
man? of the Pharaoh. In the beginning the Jews
The term ethics originating from the in Egypt lived not bad, but in 480 years the
ancient Greek «ethos» is a habitual usage, situation changed, and Jews were subject
which was used by Heraclitus, subsequently to heavy slavery as to not pose a danger to
has been put into scien-tific usage by Egyptians.
Aristotle. Then Cicerone translated it into And here then occurs a rare for history
Latin as «moral». Russian equivalent of super active explosion. All the people,
these synonymous terms - «morals», from to the last person, agree to throw their
the root «customs»; these terms in other dwellings and leave for the desert, where
languages are approximately constructed there is neither habitation, nor food, nor
in the same way. even water.
Nevertheless in language usage all Imagine! With small children, with old
three terms - ethics, morals, customs, - men to absolute uncertainty: they had in
adjoin, languidly transferring each other fact not wandered for already five hundred
accents in shades of value. years. And for what sake? For the sake of
Though for man the need existed in freedom from slavery – slavery external
a moral choice initially, but comprehen- and internal. For the sake of freedom.
sion of this fact and more so the ability And now imagine, what can transform in
to formulate the rule of self-restriction, a similar situation a crowd into people,
which everyone should carry in him and a nation. It is in fact not an army in a
follow them without external compulsion, campaign and not a country, where the
came to mankind not long ago. person is attached to a place and property.
In history nothing occurs suddenly. Only rules of self-restriction to which
Each specific change matures gradually, everyone voluntarily follows. Moral laws
through many attempts and displays, but - or death.
in memory of people is fixed one, often the Three months had hardly passed from
brightest fact on which the historical count the forthcoming 40 years of wander-ings
is made. in the desert, then Moses, an 80-year god-
1320 B.C. - Exodus of Jews from Egypt. inspired organizer of the Exodus, at mount
In due course in 1800 B.C., escaping from Sinai transferred to the Israeli people the
draught, Jews at the invitation of Pharaoh Ten Com-mandments, most part of which,
resettled in Egypt. in essence, are ethical rules.
1. Do not worship any gods, except for consciousness and behavior of man
the Lord. himself. While evolution has not lead man
2. Do not worship idols (do not wor- from the animal condition to the point of
ship images). his systematic, providential purpose, the
3. Do not use the name of the Lord in World is opposed to man’s incompleteness
vain. and punishes him.
4. Work six days, rest on the seventh. The world in its basis is spiritual, and
5. Respect father and mother. man, even the moral man, in his basis is
6. Do not kill. still a material animal.
7. Do not commit adultery. But there comes the moment, when
8. Do not steal. it is let known to man that spirit is above
9. Do not commit perjury. matter, that spirit reigns over matter and
10. Do not wish you not belonging. man.
Since then 3 thousand years have God-inspired commoner Jesus Christ,
passed, but nothing can neither be added, in effect, preached the primate spiri-
nor removed to the six last commandments, tuality.
which define the moral choice of a decent I’m the light in the world. Who follows
man - the moral man. me shall never go to darkness, for light,
A clear head and deep expert about bearing life, will always be with him». [In
problems of ethics, professor Guse-jnov 8 : 12].
A.A. [38] considers, that a mod-ern man «Light bearing life» - it is none other
holds in him three natures: moral, social- than Divine spirituality of the world. The
cultural and natural (animal-biological). task of people is to transit from life in
Their direct correlation with species of categories of matter and flesh to spiritual
«the moral man», «the civilized man» assimilations with the Creator.
and the previous species of semi animal
primates is obvious. «You judge all by flesh, and I do not judge
So, though the moral man is for the anyone. If I judge about something, then My
present not distributed everywhere and judgment is true for I am not alone, and the
has not fully mastered the ethical stan- Father who has sent Me, and I are to be judged
dards, but evolution has sparkled a new, together» [In 8: 15-16].
following side.
Morals are rules of self-restriction of The sense of Jesus’ mission consisted
man, directed towards suppression and in informing people on the Spiritual
control of animal part of his nature. beginning, and when leaving, leave in
But how much is this important and his place another Consoler - Spirit of the
how much is this inevitable, this ani-mal Truth, Spirit of the Sacred. Henceforth the
part? There is no doubt that evo-lution primate of the spiritual beginning in the
leads to reduction in man the value of World will define life of people.
animal component and growth of spiritual The last words uttered by Christ to his
component. pupils, summed up his mission in the
The world, where man lives, is full material world.
of hatred, the reason being inadequate «I have told it to all of you, so that you
5.3. Synergy – the Process of Churning the World
found peace through Me. You will suffer in the is assigned to us. However sour a fruit is during
world, but take heart: I have won the world» maturing, such we see our world. Its correc-
(In 16, 33). tion is our task and purpose. The compensa-
So it would be desirable, my soul, to say tion is the pleasure (taste of the ripened fruit).
on this theme more, but to that the turn will In human power it is to influence only on him
come in the book. In this or in another. and on nothing external. Therefore correction
But all the same it is necessary to say already is possible only by self-improvement of
now about man as a phe-nomenon of the everyone» Servitude [64, page 95].
world’s evolutionary process.
The evolutionary process, having The conception about evil as an imma-
created man, itself has undergone sudden nent property of the World is one of the
transformation. Evolution has in some measure
«been humanized», has entered man and has
many errors. Malice is a con-sequence of
by necessity transferred a part of its functions. inadequate behavior of man in the World.
«Man, - by the successful expression of Ju-lian Its basis is godlessness and unwillingness
Huxley, - opens, that he is not anything other, to follow moral restrictions in reply to
than the evolution, which has recog-nized desires which are given birth by animal
itself» Blavatskaya E.P. [18, page 227]. instincts and human ambitions. It is the
inability to resist the cele-bration of Vanity
Thus, with the advent of conscious- Fair.
ness, with development of intellect, before
man opens more clearly his providential «You know, that the life imminent is
role in the World. What does it consist in? enter-tainment and game, both flaunting and
I. Kant considers - in becoming happy. boasting among you; and competition in
multitude of property and children are like a
«The final purpose of mankind consists in rain, growth from which delights infidels; then
the highest moral perfection, which is attained it withers, and you see it as yellow; then there is
by means of man’s freedom, thank to which the straw, and in the last - strong punishment,
man gets the ability to the highest happiness. and pardon from the Allah, and goodwill, and
God could have made people perfect and life imminent - only deceptive use» the Koran
happy. But then such condition would not [61, page 382].
have risen from the immanent principle of
the universe. The immanent principle of the It is known: «As we harm ourselves,
World is freedom. Purpose of man consists, the enemy will not decide to harm us»
hence, in achieving the maximum perfection Shota Rustaveli [94, page 166].
through freedom. God wishes that we not only
be happy, but we also made ourselves happy»
[55, page 221]. How much evil has been done and how
much is still to be accomplished. Perhaps,
Yes, freedom and happiness of man are the Lord punishes us a little. But, I think,
good things, but will it not be too much to it is not possible to overcome stupidity by
create a universe for the comfort of man? force and rudeness.
Perhaps, the other way round, man should
«On the world if to look
do something?
absolutely calm,
then you see in softening weariness,
«The Creator has not finished creation of there are not enough that damnations are
our world. Its addition to the complete, whole worthy,
But more - sympathy and pity». convicted, and those acting under truth goes to
Guberman I. [35, page 506]. light that its business because they in the God
were made» [In 3: 19-21].
The exit and solution of the problem
has been known for a very long time. All our business is doomed in the end
Ancient Indians have opened to us, that to failure if their essence was contrary to
the world order and morals of man are the Lord; and, on the contrary, the most
connected inseparably. improbable plan and business will come
true, if in their basis is the Divine light.
«The word “Dharma” comes from the
San-skrit “dhar” (to support). It is responsible «… to people, obeying the command of
for the general order (the invariance principle the Lord God and not daring to break laws,
of a model) and preservation of the model all is possible over expectation and the reward
[World] in integrity … for them from God is future (after death) plea-
Dharma is unity of world order and morals of sure, on the other side, to people receding from
man … on the centrifugal vector, takes place exact execution of these commands, equally
riddance of spirit, whose energy gradually, the easy becomes insuperable and turn to
in process of distancing from the center, inevitable destruction all that, for what they
«mortifying», turns to matter (the main idea had undertaken as something un-doubtedly
of advaita) … matter can be named the lowest good» Flavy I. [118, page 6].
form of spirit … If to imagine the return
movement say from pe-riphery to the center, Well, and now about that human kind
it is easy understand, that the share of spiritual which is born today before our eyes. It is
will increase and share of matter will decrease. a question of information tech-nologies:
Moral in that case represents a bridge from computer networks, data-bases, systems
time immemorial connecting the World of
matter and consciousness» Eminova S.M.
of accumulation, processing and transfer
[132, page 6, 7]. of informa-tion.
Whether few any inventions have
You do not study morals; it is ob- been conceived by people? Why in-
tained, leaning on one’s own internal need. formation technologies are represented as
Pythagoras had said: so important?
The matter is that, as we shall see it a
«Do not look after about getting great little later, the universe in an overwhelming
know-ledge: from all knowledge the moral part is connected not with substance and
science, maybe, is the most needed, but you not with inert matter, but with handling
are not trained in it» [110, page 89]. of information. And matter is one of the
Imperfection of man and, the mainly, forms of existence of information.
unwillingness to see one’s imperfec-tion and From the moment of the beginning
the unwillingness to over-come is the source
of computer expansion, man becomes
of evil.
«… light has come to the world, - speaks the consumer of information streams on
Jesus, - but people have loved darkness more, various questions of the World surrounding
rather than light because their business were him.
malicious; for everyone, doing mali-cious, The awareness changes in a radical
hates light and does not go to light that his way, efficiency and quality of deci-sions
business because they were malicious were not taken increases, and, what is especially
5.3. Synergy – the Process of Churning the World
important, the relative den-sity and weight belief gives place to understanding the
of moral factor decrease on choice of nature of the Creator, brings to division of
solution variant. responsibility, partnership in His affairs
and gradual integration with spiritual
«And suddenly may be in nature is organized essence of the Creator.
Absolutely another, As the invention of iron served as
And not from here we leave, the cause of many technological and
But we come back there? «.
Guberman I. [35, page 510].
social innovations, which have generated
as a result the modern civilization, and
As a result there is a far-reaching information technologies, possibly, will
chain of consequences. Radical expansion serve as a footpath on ground floors of the
of knowledge about the World finally scale, will allow to pass three-four levels,
brings man to knowledge of the universe, reach the natural elementary base of
to understanding the technology and universe – maximon and may be pro-vide
idea of the Creator’s works. From here is the right to man to understand and, maybe,
the following step: the blind or intuitive even to participate in affairs of creation.
How are time, space and material has not been drunk yet. What to do now?
objects related? It is considered, that they Should I count my mug or not count it?
do turn almost one into another! What if we were not at home, but at the
Not simple, oh how time and space are not conveyor of a beer factory? How many
simply arranged! In complete emptiness as hundreds of bottles would it be necessary
though they really are not present, or are to add during this time? And how many
present, but as much as you want – endless would have already been taken to the
and without limit. It still somehow can shops?
be understood. But number? The simple Possibly, the count duration should be
count! What problems can be there with it? much lesser than the rate of current changes
Here am I, and here is my friend, a cheery in quantity of objects to be counted.
fellow and cynic. We have each before And that open can, which is for the second
us a mug of beer. He sipped it, and I day kept at the window, would someone
inopportunely got lost in thoughts: «What finish drinking? I doubt it. The count time
stock of beer do we have? Is it simple to of objects should be much lesser than the
count, if we approach the question strictly life cycle period of objects to be counted.
in a formal way?» My neighbor finished drinking my beer
First of all: what is meant by beer and and, swerving her hip, left! My friend too
in what units it is to be counted - bottles, left somewhere above. Why did he not take
cans or in liters? Whether to consider a leave of me? And where has tomorrow's
bottle with nonalcoholic beer as beer? And packing disappeared?!
that pack of costly beer that is hidden in And if beer, similarly to maximon,
the anteroom for tomorrow's meeting with appeared and disappeared in time equal 10-
favorite woman, - to count it or not? 43
seconds? It would have been impossible
The identification problem of objects that to count or drink it. It means that each
are to be counted exists, and it cannot be object has its time range, and the one who
avoided. counts it should be in one and the same
While I counted, my friend had drunk time range with it.
the beer; it means, by one beer it had Well and certainly, there should be
become less. The neighbor from above spatial borders of the problem statement.
dropped in, evaluated the situation with a My wise true friend is at present climbing
sharp eye and took a sip from my mug. She the stairs. The beer, which he promised to
always was skilful at guessing the moment bring, is not yet on the table, but is already
when it is has already been poured, but in the house. Here he rings the doorbell. Is
5.4. Space-time taxonomy of the material World
it time to count his beer or still early? universe, which seems as slightly opened
– Hi! Have you brought the beer? to our understanding, is within the limits
– I changed my mind. With beer there of 95 degrees on common logarithmic
is no end of trouble. We shall better drink time scale.
vodka. The longest period constitutes about
– A good idea! And I have decided to 1021-1022 seconds. It is of the order of
change the paradigm - now I shall consider hundreds of thousands of billions years,
only that, which has been drunk! the least period - 10-73 seconds or frequency
– To change so be it! Marry, and wife of 1073 Hz.
will count you all! Pay attention, my soul, the basic part
My soul! It is clear to all that it is of the scale is in the zone of fraction of a
necessary to measure short processes and second. There is one interesting point - 10-23
phenomena by short periods of time, and seconds on the scale, almost symmetric to the
the long by longer periods. It is senseless maximum point. This is an elementary time
trying to find in the structure of time any unit. As it has been already said, the sense
gradation. The time scale is absolutely is such, that in the material, physical world
smooth, as any scale. Nothing disturbs us there can be no phenomenon or processes,
imagine infinitely decreasing or infinitely which in time is shorter than 10-23 seconds.
increasing values of time. Nothing does However the design of universe is
prevent us shift to the logarithmic form of manipulated only by a small part in forms
representation of the time scale with base of inert matter. A greater part of it is non-
10n seconds (fig. 37). material, and this non-material part is multi-
Why? On our diagrams, space is tiered, has a complex hierarchical structure
also represented in common logarithmic and all throughout consists of information.
metrics. Thus it will be easier for us to And where there is information, there are
establish relation between time and space. frequencies. The more the information and
But for now look at fig. 37. It has turned out more the speed of its transfer, the greater
to be a beautiful scale. Somewhere in the the frequencies required. At the top of the
middle is the mark 100 seconds, equal to hierarchical pyramid of the non-material
one second, further each step is an increase World frequencies of the order of 1073 Hz
or reduction by 10 times. The diagram is are most likely necessary.
the same, as on the scale axis of sizes. By Details, as always, will be later.
itself the time scale has no restrictions, but But let us return to counting the stocks
if creation is not finite, then it certainly is of beer. Failure in the attempt to strictly
cyclically limited. formalize the process of counting directs
The Creator has in store innumerable to some conclusions.
set of time cycles, frequencies, rhythms, A. The count object and subject should
waves and other ways periodic repetition be close to each other by the dimensional-
of processes, which are to be repeated, scale attribute.
viz. from palpation of human heart to B. The count object, subject and
pulsation of the Metagalaxy. But it is method should belong to one field of scale-
obvious, that among them are the longest time.
and shortest periods. That part of the C. The count procedure can be
Lg t, sec
1053 1053 Hz
1063 1063 Hz
1073 1073 Hz
Fig. 37 Common logarithmic time scale, lgt, sec
5.4. Space-time taxonomy of the material World
successful, provided that the count object, structuring of the material world.
subject and method are related to one Strictly speaking, it is possible to choose
and the same dimensional-time field of gradation on 12 classes of the dimensional
the material World. Here at once there scale or any another multiple of taxonomy
is an internal excitement: what are these to it.
dimensional-time fields? Do they exist? However pay attention to the hint
Where are their borders? Is it delirium? given by the Creator. Along the M-scale
No, it is not delirium. Only time should passes the wave of stability (fig. 38) and
be connected with space, to be exact with lies on it in exactly six full fluctuations.
specific units forming hierarchy of the Fluctuations are a function of time.
material World. One sixth part of the M-scale - 10
Pay attention, my soul, to each unit, orders – a beautiful and typical number for
and in general to a material item, some the Creator. Contra-indication is also not
time characteristics are inherent. Here are visible, therefore we shall accept division
the most important of them. of the M-scale into six equal parts, in the
Life cycle – Тl.c – time from appearance centers, with the following units: Galaxy,
to disappearance; includes birth, active star, man, atom, electron, and photon.
part, formation and end. We have to define the life cycle time
Self-rhythm – Тs.r. – duration or for the six listed units. Then we have to
frequency of the basic life sustaining enter these values on the logarithmic chart
oscillatory process Temporary sensitivity «size - life cycle» in the coordinates «size
threshold - Рt - a very small time period, - time». Thereafter outline the dimensional
that its exception or addition practically and time borders of the areas surrounding
does not change the characteristic self- the centers found, and, thus, build a
rhythm. graphic picture of space-time fields of the
The observations accessible to material world.
us show, that all three parameters are Let's begin by filling the matrix of
mathematically connected. values. Initial data are very scant. Four
out of thirty parameters are more or less
Тl,c. = Тs.r.×1010; precisely known.
Life cycle of a star = 1017 sec.
Тs.r. = Тl.c.×10 –10 Self-rhythm of man «inhale-exhale» =
=~3.4 sec.
Рt = Тs.r.×10 –2 Self-rhythm of atom = 1011-1013 Hz.
Life cycle of maximon - 10-43 sec
The time of system life cycle As the corresponding dependences are
accommodates in it nearly 10 billion of its known to us, we can fill other parameters
self-rhythms, and the sensitivity threshold on four of the six lines.
usually constitutes one hundredth of time Further we construct the chart axes
of self-rhythm. Lg (m) / Lg (s) and enter the four points
Now it is necessary to understand described.
the space-dimensional gradation for Other points are obtained by the
the purposes of defining the space-time method of mathematical analysis or by
5.4. Space-time taxonomy of the material World
the atomic nucleus to the bio-molecule. part of the taxon strongly differ from each
The sensitivity threshold is around 10-15 other.
seconds. The segment occupied on the The photon, possibly, has life cycle
time scale is from one micro second to to the order 10-31 seconds, self-rhythm –
about several days. What does it mean, I 1041 Hz, time sensitivity threshold – 10-43
do not know. There are isotopes of atoms second. And for the maximon the same
with a half-life period of insignificant size, 10-43 seconds, constitutes the life
part of a second, but there are atoms, for cycle, self-rhythm – 1053 Hz, and time
example hydrogen and helium, capable of sensitivity threshold – 10-55 seconds.
existing billions of years. Fantastic numbers! And it is not the limit!
Electronic taxon covers objects in size We, my soul, are only approaching the
from 10-25 up to 10-15 m with the life cycle non-material part of the universe, and there
range from one micro second up to 10-21.2 absolutely other speeds and volumes of
sec. processing and transfer of the information
Average value of self-rhythm of electronic are required. You wish to understand the
taxon as per calculations constitutes Creator’s plan - be ready to accept things
10-23 seconds that as you remember, above your understanding. Eventually,
corresponds to an elementary unit of time. you and me are from biotaxon, and wish
It is interesting! It turns out that it has not to understand, how the other five taxons of
been casually impossible to define for the material world are arranged and That
electron, its place and energy in one point World which rules over them.
of space. The percentage of abstract or totally
Life cycle of an electron by calculation unclear things will only grow further.
is 10-13 seconds. What is it? Perhaps, it It is possible to ask from the Lord about
is the frequency of rotation around the one thing in our desperate voyage: to
nucleus of an atom? Anyway, the number understand at least in the most general
coincides with the bottom limit of self- terms the meaning of creation and our
fluctuations of an atom in a molecule. Is place in it.
it by accident? The sensitivity threshold is We still have two more taxons left. The
10-25 seconds. The range on time scale is stellar taxon covers space bodies, and
from 10-21 to 10-6 seconds. primarily the stars. The dimensional
Photonic-maximonic taxon includes the range of units is from 105 up to 1015 m. It
finest units in size from 10-35 up to 10-25 m. occupies the time interval from 1 million
On the time scale it occupies the up to 100 billion years.
segment from 10-43 to 10-21 seconds. It is Actually the star on an average lives a
a big segment to twenty with superfluous life cycle for (10-15) billion years. However
orders, besides a big part of the segment it is necessary to say that active part of life
is behind a threshold of elementary time cycle of a star is more likely known as (8-
unit, i.e. everything, that takes place in 10) billion years, and nobody knows how
this taxon though is done for the material long it takes for a star to be formed and
world, but, most likely, is still invisible for how the remains of a star live, viz. the
and imperceptible to material perception. white dwarf or black hole. More precisely,
The units, photon and maximon, forming I do not know that someone knew. The
self-rhythm of stars is as per calculations, Galaxies; we have passed 15th billion from
about one year, and the time sensitivity 3200 billion years. Converting to a good
threshold is one day. Perhaps, to the human life we turn out to be not older than
expert on solar rhythms it says something a three-month baby. I did not think of it.
and maybe not. Apart from other, it is Even more improbable is the business with
necessary to take into account that the Metagalaxy. Its life cycle somewhere is
calculations resulting here at the best can around 1021.6 seconds, which corresponds
be qualified as approximate. I simply do approximately to a period of 400,000
not have either the opportunity, or time for billion years.
a serious mathematical analysis. All this, The self-rhythm accordingly is about 40,000
my soul, is sphere of your action. years, and the sensitivity threshold is 400 years.
Galactic taxon has appeared the most What is here to say! Again repeatedly you
surprising. It covers the greater systems feel such insignificantly small before the person
of space bodies - Galaxies and the of God. And again the idea comes that the Lord
Metagalaxy with size ranging from 1015 is great. Each time He appears even bigger and
m up to «limit» – 1025 m. And it is known. more majestic, than we thought.
But as to time characteristics the chart has However I have already encountered
shown absolutely unexpected things for somewhere similar figures. Well certainly, they
me. were repeatedly mentioned in her works by
We, my soul, know, that our Sun Blavatskaya E.P. [17, page 90]. Referring to the
approximately is in the middle of star Secret doctrine Indian Brahmins, it specifies
sequence both by dimensions and three esoteric cycles, which are very close to
radiation capacity that the planet the Earth our calculated values: Day of the Brahma, Year
is somewhere in the middle between orbits of the Brahma and Century of the Brahma.
of other planets of Solar system, that our
system exists nearly 5 billion years and Calculated size Indian esoteric cycles
that it will exist approximately for as of life cycle as per Blavatskaya
much, that our Galaxy together with all (l. c.) E.P.
the Metagalaxy appeared nearly 15 billion
years ago and consequently, continuing the L. c. of the Metagalaxy Century of Brahma
logic, we can expect, that life cycle of the 400,000,000,000,000 yrs 311,040,000.,000,000 yrs
Universe is somewhere in the middle of its or 1021.6 sec. or 9.67·1021 sec.
path and as a whole constitutes may be 30,
may be 50 billion years. It is although huge L. c. of the Galaxy Year of the Brahma
numbers, but somehow is still clear. 3,200,000,000,000 yrs 3,110,400,000,000 yrs
However calculations show a completely or 1020 sec. or 9.64·1019 ~ 1020 sec.
different order of numbers.
The galaxy lives approximately for
L. c. of the star Day - Night of the
3200 billion years. Its self-rhythm is
10,000,000,000 yrs Brahma
three hundred twenty years, thus «beats or 3.1·1017 sec. 8,640,000,000 yrs
its heart», and the temporary sensitivity or 2.68·1017 sec.
threshold is 3 years. It turns out, that we are
living right at the beginning of life cycle of
5.4. Space-time taxonomy of the material World
M a t r i x o f m e a n i n g s
Т s.r.
T l.c. Life Pt
Size Self rhythm Time scale Dominant
22 12 9,6
1,24х10 sec 10 sec 10 sec Metagalaxy
3200 10 years
10 6 sec
1025 m 10 13
sec 10 23
sec 10 23
Hz 10 25
sec to Electron
to 10 15 m
10 21,2 sec
from 1031 sec 1041 sec 1041 Hz 10 sec from Photon
process “D”,
release “E”
dependan- Т s.r=
Direction of
and energy
cy Т s.r.
Т l.c. = Т l.c. Т s.r.:1 sec Pt = 2
on the = 10 10
scale Т s.r.х1010 10
1015 Sellar
Biological taxon
1023sec Atomic taxon
Elementary unit of time
Electronic taxon
Photon-maximonic taxon
1035 0 Time
5.4. Space-time taxonomy of the material World
Similarity is evident. The conclusion soul, which has been granted with the
arises by itself. The teachings of ancient ability to perceive.
Brahmins deserve the most intent Thus, before us is the majestic picture
attention. Such a dense point of contact is of the full range of existential taxons of the
hardly coincidence. But it is necessary to material World.
dig deeper a lot over there. I have a rather Their spatial and time borders are
not simple attitude to Blavatskaya and her known, but it is not known, how man can
books. Having read through practically all see, what takes place inside. Biotaxon is
her works, I have not yet understood two the only one that is accessible to our direct
main things: whence all this information study. Why? Because the observer –
and why such eclectic form of presentation, man under existential characteristics is
which excludes the opportunity to make appropriate to biotaxon.
general idea about the subject? What In other taxons the scales of space
purpose is pursued in her works? To show and time are different. For their adequate
the author’s knowledge and understanding perception the observer should possess
of certain latent truths, which are not different existential scales, corresponding
allowed to be known to the reader? What is to taxon.
it - inability or unwillingness to structure Than that is easier! If it is necessary to
information? fix the flight of a bullet on a film, the frame
But one should not ignore her works. frequency is increased by one thousand
There one can find rather vague, but times. If we wish to see, what is happening
extremely interesting treatments on the with electrons on the electronic shell of the
history of man’s appearance on Earth. The atom, the subject of observation should
idea of ethereal man, noumenal World, have dimensions to the order of 10-20 m and
special role of the Moon in history of self-frequency about 10-23 Hz. Too small
man’s appearance, history of change and an observer? It is not at all. It is as much
evolution of human races - for certain greater than the maximon, as much man is
there is a fair share of truth in them. bigger than atomic nucleus.
However, my soul, it again is that case, The counter of beer bottles should in
when you should take upon yourself a part scale be proportional to the bottle, and its
of the research, which I am not capable of life period and time of calculation should
conducting any more. I will not accomplish be in scale proportional to storage and
it in time. Another life is required. drinking time of a bottle of beer.
The task for you is formulated thus. It In order to understand, how the units,
is necessary to find and study the primary forming the taxon, are organized, to trace
sources of Brahmin esoteric doctrines their life cycle and regulate them, we need
and impose it on our vision of world. The subjects of monitoring and control, having
result should increase the measure of dimensions and self-frequency equal or
adequacy of our representation about the close to it.
arrangement of the world. The idea, in general, is clear and
I do not doubt, and you do not doubt, basically logical, but the task is where to
- you will succeed, in fact you are I, and I get such counters: with one size of that of
am you. We are manifestation of the same an electron, and the other in size of a star
5.5. Boundaries of the material World
KEYWORDS: three-dimensional taxonomy of the material
World, definition of the material World, functions of taxons.
Well, it is time, my soul to sum up the world order, created by means of this
first results. supersystem, receiving from it necessary
We have proceeded from that the material resources, working for the purposes of
World, a part of the universe where we exist, the supersystem yet unknown to us,
has been created not by magic, but through subordinated to general control from
some technology basically comprehensible the supersystem, cyclically created and
to human understanding. Moreover, some destroyed by the supersystem both at
laws, rules and technological methods of various hierarchical levels, and as a whole.
creation have been studied already for Well like a patent formula! And how
a long time and are applied by people in convenient to criticize! All the weak points
their activity. are clearly visible. But it is easy to make
Our attention had been directed on corrections. Please, supplement, specify,
material objects and, accordingly, on and change the formulation. I agree. It is
research of the material World, although without insults and ambitions, for the sake
we gave and we realize that the universe of truth. Improve the definition!
consists of something more, that is not the The material World - probably, like
World of matter. any complex thing - can be measured by
Our nearest target is to define the many metrics, and under each metrics
material world. boundary values can be found, where it
What does it mean - to define some will fit well into. Theoretically it is so, but
object? for some reason we have managed with
It means, at least, the following: you to find only three parameters, suitable
to correlate the object with wider and for measurement: size, time and level of
already known concept, to describe the organization of matter. Three transparent,
borders and purposes, to list the structure interconnected parameters. It is already
forming elements and the scheme of their quite good. Are there more metrics, how
interaction, and also the scheme exchange many of them, what are they? The question
of resources of object with the medium. is open.
Well, it seems that we are in a condition of It was found out, that our metrics are
answering these questions. It is necessary in inseparable link with a set of structure
only to give the definitions a brief and forming elements (units) of the material
presentable form. World and the method of their interaction.
The material World is a big, open, It is established… What it, which I have
complex system with mechanisms of self- again blurted out, is!
creation, self-regulation, optimization, From a strictly scientific point of view
hierarchically structured, serving as a nothing has been established. All these are
subsystem of a higher level System – semi-scientific assumptions. The whole
book is one big hypothesis. The offer of a scale, that for the person, occupying only a
new paradigm is a new vision of the world square in it, it is completely not simple to
order. It is not any more a fantasy, but is understand it.
not yet science. It has been already poured, A thoughtful analysis during receipt
but is yet to be drunk. All is delicate, very and counting of beer lead us to the obvious
delicate! fact: for each scale of the linear sizes there
You, my soul, and my benevolent should correspond a certain time scale,
reader, know about it and forgive me time intervals.
on use of stylistics of scientific research It has appeared, that time of existence -
among normal human speech. And we do life cycle of the Metagalaxy is by 65 orders
not need a non-benevolent reader. Let him greater than life cycle time of a maximon.
write for himself a book and read it as he It is also a considerable range.
likes. Let him rejoice. As a result of all searches it has been
Thus, «it is established», that the possible to find three interconnected
material world consists of 22 structure parameters of the material World. It is
forming units, 2 out of which the maximon absolutely quite good. Three metrics - three
and the Metagalaxy belong to matter by a axes. Three axes - a three-dimensional
quarter and 1 - the subject of spirituality – picture! We draw three projections of
by half. taxons of the material world (fig. 39).
Notably nobody had ever seen four Beauty, but is clear only to the draftsman.
of the 22 units: they are maximon, Axonometry is the three-dimensional
hypothetical photon and electronic nucleus space image; clear to all (fig. 40). Here
and the subject of spirituality. About it is the image of the material part of the
maximon it is only known, what it should universe which cannot be seen human eye,
be in size, and what should be its maximum but which is open to the Creator’s vision.
life cycle. The whole material World is not less than
Strictly speaking, nothing about the six taxons. In principle, a more fractional
Metagalaxy too is known. It is so big, that division is probable, up to 144 taxons,
it is not visible. However it size can be but division by less than six taxons is not
defined theoretically. acceptable.
Practically the discovery of S.I. Each taxon has quite concrete borders
Sukhonos of the size-scale rhythm of on the three key parameters: size, time and
units of the material World does not attract level of organization (fig. 41). Moreover,
any doubt. Also the functional-structural there are three additional parameters,
hierarchy of objects of the universe is quite necessary for describing taxon: frequency
obvious. of self-rhythm, threshold of time sensitivity
Two connected metrics - the size and threshold of size sensitivity of the units
and level of organization - have allowed forming the taxon.
construct the distribution chart of system Self-rhythm and life cycle size, as a
forming units of the material World. (Who rule, are in the ratio 1 to 1010. The threshold
has forgotten, can go back to fig. 16.) of time sensitivity, i.e. the time segment is
Spatially-organizational panorama practically not felt by the unit by virtue
from 144 squares has been so different in of its small value usually constitutes
5.5. Boundaries of the material World
0.01 of its self-rhythm. The threshold material with other property that goes to
of dimensional sensitivity as per our construction of biological objects of the
approximate calculations cannot be above universe.
10-12 from the unit dimension. Biotaxon – region of the highest
Thus it was possible to make the table classes on the organizational level scale.
of boundary parameters of taxons of the Here the biological life from the lowest
material World (fig. 41). To who it is not level up to plants, animals and man is
boring, can have a look. born and evolve. And the biotaxon is
The taxons of the material World look crowned in full conformation with the law
like bricks, which hang in the air, drawn of negation by a certain super-biological
on the borders of size, time and level of being. Something that on one part is in the
organization. material biological World and on the other
Each «brick» has its task. «Bricks» part it is a non-material object. And it is
do not have common volumes, but there similar that for this sake of this point, for
are points of adherence, which passing the sake of this boundary unit has been
through the edges, parallel to the axis of constructed all the complicated design of
level of organization. the material World.
Photonic-maximonic taxon is From other, right side the biotaxon is
responsible proto-matter. In it deep supported by two «bricks» – star taxon and
outside the threshold of material time – galataxon. As a matter of fact, both these
10-23 seconds – takes place processes of taxons are responsible for space bodies out
preparation of matter in its pre-material of matter, which is born within the limits
kind. It is not so pure an idea, not yet of three first taxons of the left side.
noumenon, but not yet material object - Galataxon defines topology of the
neither weight, nor size, neither speed, nor Metagalaxy and structure of the Galaxies
path, nor time in material understanding is forming it. Here in the centers of Galaxies
yet present. Unless only at the edge, where appear maximons; proto-matter and sub-
taxon enters the zone of material time and atomic elements are formed. In all such
borders with the following taxon. centers, as always, are 1010. The Creator
Electronic taxon - here the electrons loves this number. I also like it.
and other subatomic elements of the atom Thus in the nuclei of 10 billion
and atomic nucleus are formed. These Galaxies proto-matter is synthesized first
units already bear all physical attributes of all, then sub-atomic elements of matter
of objects of the material World; however and, at last, full-fledged atoms, basically
they are not yet chemical elements, and so hydrogen and helium, which then scatter
not yet material substance. in space and are cooled. Crystals, gas, dust
Nuclear taxon – here the chemical are formed out of them - in general, all
elements and molecules from them are types of finely dispersed substance, which
formed. This is inert matter - substance of already is object of action of gravitational
which the material world is made of. Here forces.
the bio-molecules and their units down Starry taxon – here the atomic
to cellular structures and cell nucleus galactic dust is condensed in congestions,
are born. These are already building compressed in nuclei of the future
Lg (meter)
Front view Side view Lg (metr)
20 25
№6 №6 Galataxon
10 15
№5 Stellar taxon
(Subject of spirituality?)
Galactic nucleus
№4 №4 Biotaxon
Stellar nucleus
№3 Atomic taxon
Cell nuclear
Atom nucleus
№2 №2 Electronic taxon
(Electron cells)
№1 №1 Photonic-maximon taxon
Maximon ?
Lg (sec)
Lg (sec)
Top view
№1 Lg (metr)
Lg (sec)
Front view
Organization level
22 20 15 10
Organization level
level scale
(12 classes)
11 7
10 7,5
7 s
clas 9
8 таксон
7 3,5 le
Log c ize
l s
time 6 a Lo g Lg(m)
e 3 s
pho Elec
Lg(sec) tro s clas
s5 1
max 2 clas
s s
taxo nic
clas n 1s
taxo imonic
n 4 0
0 clas 25
43 s 10 m
10 sec clas 15
3 10 m
2 10 m
10 sec
5.5. Boundaries of the material World
6 10 m
10 sec 1 15
4,8 10 m
10 sec 25
13,2 10 m
10 sec 35
22 10 m
18,4 10 sec
10 sec
Photon- Maximon,
35 25 43 21,2 53 31,2 55 33,2 47 37
maximonic (Photon)?, 10 m 10 m 10 s 10 s 0 2 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 m 10 m
taxon (Electronic nucleus)?
(Electronic nucleus)?,
Electronic 25 15 21,2 6 31,2 16 33,2 18 37 27
Electron, 10 m 10 m 10 s 10 s 1 3 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 m 10 m
taxon Atomic nucleus
Atomic nucleus,
Atomic 15 5 6 16 5,2 18 7,2 27 17
Molecule, 10 m 10 m 10 s 10 s 2 7 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 m 10 m
taxon Biomolecule,
Cell nucleus
Cell nucleus, plant cell,
animals, 5 5 13,2 5,2 3,2 7,2 1,2 17 7
Biotaxon Biosphere, man, 10 m 10 m 10 s 10 s 7 12 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 m 10 m
(spirirtual subject)?
Galactic nucleus,
15 25 18,4 22 8,4 11,6 6 ,4 9,6 3 12
Galaction Galaxy, 10 m 10 m 10 s 10 s 0 3,5 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 m 10 m
stars, heated up again up to very high now. But even if the hypothesis which has
temperatures, atoms drop the electronic been rolled out before us is true, all the
shell under gravity, and start the same it is incomplete, not self-sufficient.
thermonuclear reaction. The universe is not settled by the offered
Planets and their satellites are formed scheme.
in parallel, star-planetary systems are The borders of the material World have
built, like our Solar system. been found, but beyond them there should
On an average each Galaxy consists of still be something or someone. What
again the same 1010 stars and for each of purpose is served by the material World?
the 10 billion stars there is set of planets, Who has created it? Or at least who has
which accompanies it during a greater part thought about it? What is a maximon with
of the life cycle. On those planets, where its genotype of matter? What is beyond the
mass, speed of rotation and temperature borders of material World?
balance of the surface are successfully From where are energy and energy
combined, are formed the atmosphere, resource of the universe formed and
World ocean and biosphere. The presence where do they go? What is this subject
of bio-sphere is the first step and potential of spirituality in 12-th class of the
opportunity for evolution of biological life. organizational level?
Biosphere and biological activity serve The list of questions can be continued.
as the reason and catalyst of synthesis of Answers are not yet available, but one
complex chemical substances and their truth comes up in all the severe evidence.
compounds. Thus, the starry taxon is We have reached that side, where the area
connected with atomic taxon, and both of existence of the material World, native
of them from two sides prop up biotaxon, and clear to us, comes to an end, and
where somewhere on 11-th floor we are should find an entrance to such an area of
there with you, my soul. All is fine. It is the universe, which is absolutely unknown
a remarkable picture. A known logic is to us and consequently can be named
present in the arguments. Who knows it for now only through opposition – non-
is so or not so? To check it up is complex material World.
Now I know both where the entrance is components - moral-ethical and scientific-
and how to enter the non-material World. educational.
But how much effort and time had been The Lord keeps watch on that, that
spent in order to understand it! And who I one component does not break away too
was then, in the beginning, and how much much in development from the other. Any
have I changed now? How long has it been? serious mismatch is a danger to survival of
25-30 years? It has been more! And all this the species and contradicts the purposes of
time something had been taking place the system.
with the soul. Perhaps, long disinterested People on an average (including the
searches for truth - mandatory condition author) are much sillier, than could be
for access to understanding radiant truths by the objective potential capabilities
of the world order? But why then is this of human brain. Why? It is because the
book, my soul, what for you need my Creator does not allow us to be cleverer,
experience, if the entry ticket is a catharsis until we learn to respect each other and our
of everyone’s soul? Father, the Creator, so that we do not kill
However, there is also another side to each other and ruin the whole universe.
the problem. Perhaps, only the purity of So, my soul, the problem of your moral-
soul is not enough. ethical maturity is totally your personal
The non-material World is a rather problem, and only the Lord knows the
complex engineering structure. Anyhow, measure for it. And regarding technology
it is not simpler by any means than the and design of the universe, they can be open
material World. There are neither drop of for everyone, who is interested in knowing
mysticism, nor gram of magic, and there it. Therefore I shall tell you about all that
are its own laws, own rules, own design, has opened before me. And let your merits
and own technology. It is a whole science. before the Lord provide Him the basis to
But has this science be discovered by unblock your ability in understanding that,
everyone for himself really anew like the which has been discovered before you,
self-educated child prodigy? and give you the strength and wisdom to
The Lord protects us from our stupidity discover something for those who will be
and moral immaturity. after you.
The path to understanding world order And nevertheless, my soul, in the
is the path to omnipotence, to the Absolute, beginning I shall lead you to places of my
unconditional omnipotence, next to whom long search of entrance to the non-material
immortality and omniscience are no more World, because even the human embryo
than regular accessories from the category passes through all stages of the evolution
of technical means. of species. And it will be not harmful to
The conclusion is simple. Development you in understanding the results. It is a
of man as a species is made of two small retrospection – only a few pages.
6.1. How I searched for the non-material World in the wrong place and in the wrong way
If the material World is our native to present them in the form of children's
house, then the non-material World has cubes and add them on the floor by joining.
been entirely and completely created by Every research passes through the stage
the Lord for the Lord. It is possible to enter of children's games. The first magnifying
there, only if you are let in. But it is there glasses were on sale at fairs as a toy. A
that all secrets of the material world, life figure similar to letter Т (fig. 42) was
and death lie, there truth is. And that is obtained. The first association was Тeos,
why we wish to get there. the first letter from His name.
Beautiful, but the entrance to non-
«Show me, Oh Lord, Your paths, material World did not open. One more
teach me Your way. illustration to the formation of the material
Lead me to Your truth,
My God, my Savior,
World was got. Biological life, reason and
Every day I rely on You». spirit given birth by it, originate from inert
[14. Psalm 24: 4-5]. matter, but are opposed to it and located
along the perpendicular. It is already
And truly, try to find the entrance to known. And what is further there?
non-material World! Nobody in the course The two-dimensional scheme «level
of history of mankind has found it, and of organization - size» has obviously not
you try to find. It is not that simple. helped us. Perhaps, this scheme has some
But in actuality such cases existed, other measurements? Say for example,
and were not one. It was found out, but freedom and need. For different units there
people did not apprehend it. Or there was are absolutely their different measures. Let
no sanction to apprehend. us admit that man has such measure of
The first thing that once came to freedom, that to a majority it is a burden.
my mind was to rely on the units of the And to some it is not.
material World. Their composition had And does the star or atom have
been found out; obviously, they should freedom or not? It seems they have,
somehow intersect with the non-material but only a little and, most likely, not the
World; here you have to find, where this same by quality, as man has. But it is
intersection is. It should be said, that the there. That is why stars are not similar to
idea in itself appeared later to be correct, each other that are why any atom has an
but I approached it in a rather primitive- isotope – variants of design. On the top
mechanical manner. I argued thus. There of mechanical unrealized freedom is at
are units of the material World, about the molecule. And if so, then the variety
each of them it is known, with what other of molecules is practically infinite. And
units it adjoins and interacts. Let me try if it is thus, the variety of designs from
Atom nucleus
(Electronic Star tic
nucleus molecule
Cell Bio-
Organization level
ABOVE Subject of
BIOLOGICAL spirituality
6.1. How I searched for the non-material World in the wrong place and in the wrong way
molecules potentially is even more. And internal, spiritual sense of the word). Since we
so on along the ladder of the universe’s are each an eternal jewelry to the Creator. This
units. Obviously, each unit exists in some pearl is the spirit, image and similarity of the
part in the necessity zone, and some in the
And spirit without freedom is nothing. And
freedom zone. that is why, guarding the freedom of each soul,
In short, to the flat image (fig. 42) the Lord comes to the World in such a way,
I would attach a third axis «freedom – that man had the right, as well as the freedom
necessity». A terrible thing has turned out, to turn his back towards Him or with open
similar to tail of an air plane (fig. 43). heart» A. Men [74, page 25].
There, where necessity is brought to
naught, freedom begins. If the sum of these The measure of freedom, given to
values is taken as one, then different units man, is phenomenally great. Only God
will have different displacement from the has more of it. And freedom by nature is
zero mark. The Maximon and Metagalaxy such a thing, which, once given, is not that
completely are in the necessity zone. All simple to take it away.
other units of the material World, except
the subject of spirituality, belong in part «God cannot force anybody,
to freedom, and in part to necessity. The As he made man,
By placing a part of his spirit,
subject of spirituality completely lies in And with it the free-will of freedom»
the freedom zone, adjoining only by one I. Guberman [35, page 123].
of its side to the reference mark necessity
plane. Freedom has another side – responsibility
In general it is an absolutely nonempty for actions and decisions. All the biblical
picture. There is something to reflect upon, history of mankind begins from the moment
but it is the key to some other door, not of entrusting man the responsibility of choice
that, which we are in search now. between good and bad.
However it is high time now to discuss
a little about the category «Freedom». «The specificity of freedom is only in that
Somehow the freedom phenomenon, it man can make a choice between decisions –
seems, is penetrating the whole universe. correct or erroneous, and in the latter case
In the material World - in man - it plays a destruction awaits him. It means that freedom
huge role, but, maybe, even more is its role of choice is completely not the right to
in the non-material World. irresponsibility. On the contrary, it is a heavy
moral burden for, being in society, man answers
Spirit, freedom, moral choice, and not only for himself and the posterity which
purpose of man - relation of these concepts has not been born yet, but also for his group,
has been for long obvious to the bright friends, fellow tribesmen, for the ancestor’s
human minds. heritage, for well-being of descendants and,
last, for ideas forming his culture and even
«God comes to us without violence. God ideals, for whose sake it is worth living and not
always speaks in a whisper. He always calls a pity to die» L.N. Gumilev [36, page 632].
us. If you hear a loud voice, persevering,
anguished it is not God’s voice, it is human If there is the theme of moral choice,
voice, even, if it speaks about something then, obviously, there appears the theme
sacred, if it forces us (I mean the voice in the
e ss
on l eu
im n) uc s
ax to
n eu
M ic cl us
ho n
nu us
0 (P tro on cle
c t r ic
le ec om nu c
(E E
l t m r nu la
A to lla r tic y a
A te ta ac ag
S ax et
S al al
o G G M
e ed
Cell nuc
leus re
p he
s si
Fauna e ce
Man tu
piri 0
o fs
b je level
e ed
6.1. How I searched for the non-material World in the wrong place and in the wrong way
of reward and punishment depending on the material World, and comes from the
correctness of the choice. Either in this outside. Whence? Who creates it and how?
or in that life, but it will be necessary to What for? Where and when? How long has
report and receive requital. this been lasting? How long it will be so?
Who had decided? Who had thought it up?
«When the hand turned to sunset, Who had created?
Feelings suddenly start to visit, Based on the array of questions, truth
That spirit is rented to us,
And it is better to return them without spots».
is somewhere near. So it is here we shall
I. Guberman [34, page 108]. dig!
If the material World had been created
Or here, even more precise: according to a certain plan, it means, it is
the Embodiment to which idea preceded.
«Years will fly as a fast fallow deer, It means the material World is the material
Will cover flesh with layer of loam, interpretation of a certain non-material
And God-Father with a mighty hand idea – noumenon of the World. It is not a
To my soul on… е will give» drawing and not a description. It is a model
I. Guberman [35, page 165]. or, more likely, the original of non-material
property, meant for material incorporation
Here I apologize to the reader for citing in the World of matter.
a poem, as though lexicon is inappropriate The material world is preceded by its
for our conversation. But the absence of idea – the noumenal World. It antedates in
division between low and high is one of the two senses, initially, when the idea already
most interesting paradoxes of the Universe, existed, but the embodiment had not begun
and the poet I. Guberman is given the yet, and constantly, when any event in the
exclusive gift of its understanding. material World is preceded by an event
All the same what is this – non-material prototype in the noumenal World.
World? Where is it - is it impossible to ask? But if idea is the noumenal prototype
Since the concept of space is an attribute of material World, then there is someone,
of matter. And is it possible to ask, what is who had conceived and created it. Who?
it made of? Or what is its design? Or how The answer in general had been known
it works? Also is impossible? Perhaps, it is since ancient times: Demiurge, the Creator
not there? In fact, neither to touch, nor to is a certain step in the hierarchy of Divine
see it is impossible. But what of it, even forces, responsible for construction of the
in the material World of things, which universe. At the same time, I think, not
man can never see and touch, even by only for the project, but also for realization
virtue of it being small or, on the contrary, and for support, including in the plan of
formidable. the material World.
But here one joint between that and Well certainly, there is the highest step
this World has been highlighted as a in the hierarchy of Divine forces, from
result of our last discussions. We have where the initial impulse originates and
established, that maximon carries in it gives birth to Demiurge.
all genetic program of the material World The vast citation from Plotin supports
and that this program is not created in us in the similar assumption:
6.1. How I searched for the non-material World in the wrong place and in the wrong way
for terrestrial peoples outside of that Ego, the cliché, a matrix for duplicating inert
which animates them. This Highest Ego is the matter in 1010 Galaxies and biological life
unique carrier of all alter egos on the Earth». in biospheres of 1020 planets of the Divine
[19, pages 486, 487].
Plotin considered noumens as
Pierre Teillhard de Chardin too arrives manifestation of the highest reality:
at the idea of future synthesis of the best
human individual consciousnesses into «…it should be agreed that knowledge
a unified consciousness and formation of and truth should be inherent in mind, and to
a qualitatively new consciousness from noumens - reality, and that knowledge of the
this of a renewed spiritual being at the essence of each thing is accessible to mind,
point «omega» that will correspond to and not just knowledge of qualities by which
completion of the evolutionary cycle: only the image or trace of the item are given
to us, instead of the item as it is in itself and
in which our subject does not merge with the
«Apocalypse is the revolution of
object, does not constitute one with it…
equilibrium, separation of the consciousness,
Thus, the mind, noumenal essence, truth
which eventually reached perfection, from
- all these, in our belief, constitute one and the
its material matrix, henceforth in all its force
same being, which is more obviously, a certain
have the opportunity to be based in the God-
great divinity, and more precisely, not other
omega» [126, page 295]. than a certain divinity, and all the set of those
divine essence, in which it vouchsafes open
Thus appears the through classification its life. But although this essence (mind) is,
of plans of the universe, where reign: undoubtedly, the divinity, it is only the second
Demiurge - Idea -Embodiment - Subject of divinity, which opens to us before we are
spirituality. Each plan needs to be named, honored to contemplate the first God, who is
in accordance with its function, and the still above…» [82, pages 71-73].
basic technological difference. It is time to
Anything of the material World
draw the scheme (fig. 44).
includes something that cannot be
In the Gospel from John it is told about
accommodated in the World of matter:
the case, when Jesus explains the direction
to the dull apostles: «I am your path, truth «…essence of life is not reduced to all
and life» (In 14, 6). He is the Messiah, the significant that we know about» G. Pomerants
Divine messenger, preached the Kingdom [83, page 25].
of God. In our terminology it is the non-
material World. Probably, the words path, Any material item and man including,
truth, life are keys to understanding the at all the seeming variety in its basis
structure of the non-material World. They originates from a certain ideal matrix -
go well as names for plans of the Universe. noumen:
God is the path, defines whether the World «The corporal man originates from an
is to be or to not be, and also its life vector. ideal man, who, being the only man, produces
Demiurge is the truth, the generator of set of human individuals, and all of them
laws and rules of the Universe, the builder equally are the essence of people just because
and the judge. something identical imposes one and the same
Idea – life, noumenal World – model, imprint. And it means that man-in-him, as
Demiurge 63
Plan 2 “TRUTH” 10 Hz
Plan 3 “LIFE” 10 Hz
Plan 4 “WORLD” 10 Hz
world Division into system forming
units and taxons takes
Biological world place inside plan
Plant world
Animal world
every noumen and all of their integrity, is not created has its purpose in man; why the service
located in the multitude (separate things), but, of all that is created ascends on degrees from
on the contrary, (this visible) the multitude is the last up to man and through man - to the
contained in that super-sensual World or, more God-Creator» [95, page 483-484].
truly, as though is settled around it» Plotin [82,
page 176]. For certain there is some considerable
sense in accumulation of the feat of human
And in the end, the World, the material soul, in overcoming the internal evil,
World in all its structural levels – from the poured in man. No, neither the private and
space bodies consisting of plasma and not individual nature has such victories.
minerals, up to man and above human But human morals in some sense are a
essence. At the same time the subject phenomenon of the level of universe. For
of spirituality belongs both to the plan some reason it is quite necessary to the
«World», as well as the plan «path». system.
The peculiarity of the World of matter
is in its remoteness from the Creator, in «… streams of souls, ascending upwards
its almost full self-sufficiency. It has been … create an immortal treasury of human
only created and received the rules of souls» A. Men [73, page 80].
the game, the games of life. Thereafter it
develops and lives as it wants. But there is The religious thought has long known
a requirement: the face of the World should truth. Prophets, Christ, Apostles appealed
be turned to the Creator. Then it is good to for rescue of the World through rescue of
the World. the soul of each man. S.L. Frank briefly
But we shall return to the layout on formulates this idea thus:
fig. 44. Plans in horizontal partitioning
are laid well on the completed axis of the «So the rescue of soul and responsibility
organizational level, and on the vertical for rescue of the World form a continuous
are built in logical hierarchy of joint united double unity in religious task, facing
subordination or even management. We each human individual» [120, page 140].
get something in the form of a ring: from
God from the plan «path» down matter to If we consider, that the basic operating
man, then the subject of spirituality and frequency for the bottom plan «World» is
rise again to the plan «path». In total, the the frequency of maximon – 1043 Hz, – and
hierarchy has four floors. recollect the standard discrete increments
Here again Swedenborg insists that for world order as 1010, then the working
man is the crown of creation, created for frequencies of three higher levels are equal
communication, for transition from matter to 1053, 1063 and 1073 Hz.
to God: Why not? You have the protest feeling
growing in you? You do not agree? Look,
«That people are in essence such subjects how this paragraph is named. There is
and that they are in essence Divine perception, search, sifting of ore. A static outline
as though from itself, it has already repeatedly is obtained, where the hierarchy and
been proved. Through this connection the subordination of elements are visible, but,
Lord is inherent in any creation; for all that is certainly, there is no information on the
6.1. How I searched for the non-material World in the wrong place and in the wrong way
Plan function No. Masters
Being 2 “Truth”
/1063 Hz/
Integration vector
Integration vector
“Life” agents
ec of noumenal
/10 53 Hz/
“Subject of
spirituality” Spiritual
Embo- being
diment 4
of the material
Material world
world /1043 Hz/
forces of the
at the behest of the Lord» E. Swedenborg [95, unit of the universe – the subject of
page 237]. spirituality, who steps over the border of
the material World and goes towards one
All the three plans – «Path», «Truth» of the plans of the non-material World,
and «Life» are the Worlds, consisting and may be, directly to the top, to the plan
entirely of thought, and from nothing «path».
more. Only streams of information, their May be to the initial «path» or, maybe,
processing and creation of designs for their to something new? The completion of a
processing and transfer of information. full cycle entails some change in quality.
How all these are arranged without Omega is some way differs from alpha? In
physical medium? I do not know. what and why is this difference, if it is?
Perhaps, in the non-material World The outline is not so good, only
there is something that carries out similar assumptions. The engineering concreteness
function? For certain it is. And it carries is absent. It is more an illustration to the
out perfectly. Such frequencies are not theological treatise. It is a weak outline.
reachable on material medium. Blind, random searches have very low
The noumenal image is packed in probability of success. It should have been
maximon and with its help crosses the understood a long while ago. The scheme
border of material World. First the lifeless is not worthy of a decent designer.
matter is created, from it the space bodies We searched not there and not so, though
are created, then on parts of planets arise not without advantage.
geo-placental spheres and life arises. In fact, my soul, we are engineers. So
Fundamental spiritual forces of the let us approach the problem as an engineer.
material World (in church terminology – What we have seen in the material World is
angels) look after the whole process. They, an open complex system, having common
as though, do not interfere, but, operating points with an unknown super system,
through the casual mechanism, supervise without which it cannot work.
the event. As a result in due course the It is here that we should search. And
business reaches the appearance of man hereafter build all the argument only in
and then the following above biological terms and concepts of a systems analyst.
6.2. The universe – a totally
self-closed system
KEYWORDS: totally self-closed system (TSS), customer,
Creator, universal resource, periphery of TSS, vector of influence,
initial plane of the vector of influence.
My soul! Are you not bored? Then how I imagine it, this same periphery.
let’s go further. Let’s now get into such We look at the diagram in fig. 46. In
wilderness, where nobody has ever been. the center is actually the system, consisting
There will be no citation. of two interacting parts: the noumenal
Everyone knows that systems can be World and the material World. Around it
in hierarchical joint subordination. One is is the periphery, providing the purpose,
subordinated to the other, at the bottom is technology and control. Although in
the last, on the top is the most important, the center a concrete complex system is
but in all cases there is someone, who had specified, the periphery is given in the
conceived and created the main system, most general way regardless to the subject
and there is an even more important of system.
manager, who ordered to create the main On the left is the beginning of all
system and gave money or some other beginnings – the system customer, a
resources for it. certain subject of intelligence and source
The Universe is such a system, of all resources, without exception, in
where everything goes into, including which the motive and plan are immanently
the Creator, and the manager, and inherent for attaining a certain purpose,
resources. Moreover, all this is made of using system as the means. The customer
one incorporeal material. has a certain universal mono-resource
It is the question about an essentially and, releasing it, starts the mechanism of
new or, probably, type of self-closed creation of periphery and system.
systems unknown to me, and which The Creator of the system is formed
is made of actually the system and its first. He devises how to arrange the
periphery. By periphery it is understood periphery and how to arrange the system
all subjects and all mechanisms, thanks to itself. At first He builds the hierarchy of
which the system appears, functions, leads purposes, functions and tasks, defines
to the set purpose and ceases its existence. the structure of periphery and the system.
Or one more definition: periphery covers And at last, chooses ways of functioning,
all the causes and effects of system combination of strategy and tactics of
activity, and there is nothing related to administrative decisions that provide
the system outside its periphery. optimum promotion in achievement of the
My soul, once again I shall say that criterion function.
a similar statement of the problem was Besides the Creator remains the direct
unknown to me, therefore allow me to say, conductor of a universal resource which,
Source of disturbance
the system and DISTURBANCES
periphery itselves
System System “Noumenal World Monitoring
customer creator Material World” block
Initial мониторинга
Universal resource feature Operation Management of tactics
commands apparatus Correction
of strategy
flowing through him, is cast in forms of out on its own. Especially in case of such
elements of periphery and units of the two situations, external management is needed.
Worlds. The system works, consuming the
The basic elements of periphery are customer’s universal resource and as a result
system laws, management apparatus and issues something, for the sake of which it
monitoring block. The system laws are had been created. This something answers
description of its structure and regular the basic customer motive and goes directly
operating procedure. There it is said, what to him, gradually replacing the universal
should turn out as a result of system work resource, which is constantly spent. It is
and how it should manage by itself in order logical to assume, that something, being
to get the set result. born from the system, is basically the same
The monitoring block monitors the resource, but with some different quality
real system condition, which always Change in quality of resource takes
differs from that stipulated by the system place thanks to system qualities through
laws. which it had passed. Thus it is possible
The reason is that the system, ratio of to judge about the customer’s primary
its parts, interaction of information streams motive.
gives a number of by-effects unwanted For a totally self-closed system, the
for basic purposes of the system. These need for periodic renewal of the universal
disturbances lead to system deviation resource with the help of circulating it
from the regular operating mode. through self-created systems serves as the
The monitoring block constantly basic motive.
measures the current condition and In dynamics it is approximately like
compares it with the regular condition. this. The customer possesses a sufficient
A divergence is found out as a result. It universal resource and decides on system,
is analyzed and evaluated. In case, if the that it is time for it to be! The Creator is
divergence is significant, information on it then generated, who devises, how to build
is transferred to the management apparatus, the system and as how to operate it. The
where commands are formed and sent Creator’s idea, supported by the customer’s
to the system, which in turn corrects the universal resource, becomes embodiment.
system state of affairs and rectifies its The system starts to work and issues the
work to the required part. If any deviation customer universal resource-features,
repeats regularly, then something is not so i.e. a resource with some increment of
in the tactics or strategy of management. quality. The resource-feature gradually
And then the management apparatus sends takes the place of the initial resource until
commands to correct something in the it completely will not replace it. Then, it
technology of management. is possible that after some break, the cycle
The system is so arranged, that within repeats.
certain boundaries it can support itself, And still, at the same time, the class
save and lead in the set direction. However of totally self-closed systems includes only
freedom incorporated in the system and one system, only one copy – the system
the inevitable disturbances can get it into of universe. Why? It is by definition. You
such mode, from where it cannot come remember, it was said, that similar systems
comprise in them all that is necessary, and The vector of influence «being» defines: to
outside the system there is nothing, that be or not to be of the object? give life or
could influence them. But in the World take it away? When to be born and when to
there is the law of interdependence. Each die? What tendency prevails now?
thing influences the other and experience The vector of influence «universal
counter influence of things of the World. resource» feeds each creation of the
From here the conclusion: a totally self- Divine World, fills it with vital force, leads
closed system cannot exist in two and to blossoming, maturity and fades, when
more copies, and there is nothing, which it the predetermined term of life comes to
would not cover. Accordingly, it alone, the an end. Equally covers all things of that
unique covers all in the world, and the only and this World, and also the Creator of the
freedom, allowed to it, is the freedom to be system and system periphery.
or not to be. Vector of influence «scale of sizes»
My soul, it seems, that the engineering- sets the scale harmony of objects of the
system approach justifies in solving the universe, dividing them into 60 tenfold
riddle of universe. The outer darkness has orders and on 12 stages - ranges. Strangely
slightly thinned and it is possible to view enough the scale is related to objects of the
something. noumenal World.
At first, at the center of the outline (fig. The vector of influence «level of
46) are the material and noumenal Worlds, organization» defines the 12-stage
each representing the mirror reflection of taxonomy of noumenal and material
the other. Thus two points - maximon and Worlds, establishing their hierarchy and
Metagalaxy - are located in the “mirror” structure.
plane (fig. 47), something like a playing The scale and organizational vectors in
card. The game of Gods is a sacred Lila. aggregate give the functional coordinates
The idea and embodiment are the two for each thing of the universe.
sides of a uniform complex system - the The vector of influence «management»
central part of a totally self-closed system. directly influences objects of the universe,
Each unit, each point of the graph of universe if their activity comes in contradiction
experiences simultaneous influence in with the system purposes. The vector of
several directions, or, more precisely, influence "management" breaks up into
planes. I do not know how to better name three basic parts - standard, reflection and
these influences. It is something defining actually management commands.
the existence and functioning of the The standard is the law, description
system units. There are no forces present. of the regular, calculated condition
Perhaps, it is information? So there is all that, what it should be. Reflection is the
the information. operative information on real condition,
It is possible to say about these which always differs from the calculated
influences, that they influence units of in some way. Tracking the mismatch is
both the Worlds and that they are directed referred to as monitoring. And at last, the
specifically in relation to the object. Here management commands are the influence
and perfectly! We shall name them as on system with the purpose of bringing it
vectors of influence. to the regular condition.
6.2. The universe – a totally self-closed system
Scale classes
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Customer ?
Noumenal Idea
the universal
Universal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Scale
of passing
units Enbodiment
C o m p l e x i t y c l a s s e s
General direction
Result ?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Fig. 47 Idea and embodiment - two sides of the one complex system (Universe plane)
6.2. The universe – a totally self-closed system
Vector of influence
e “Being non being”
lue e”
f inf sourc
r o re
cto al
Ve ivers
a lw
3 en
2 um
Non being
Ev ecto
olu r
e 0
e nc
in flu 1
c tor le
Ve ca
“S ”
e 3
c tor
8 inf
2 lue
d 11 nc
9 orl 01 “M e
ia lw 91 an
r 8
M ate 6
7 ag
5 en
11 3
4 t”
12 0 1
Vector of influence
“Being non being”
process. As a whole they create units of the computer in order that a simple and clear image
two Worlds and fill with them the universe appears on the display screen.
plane. There are designs from matter and designs
The bidirectional vector of influence from information. Both of these and others are
«life-nonexistence» is located on the vertical. created by someone. The Creator, in essence, is
From above, near the place where the source one – Demiurge, and his small copy – man –
of a universal resource is located, come being, also a product of Demiurge.
life, existence. From below, the opposite value Information designs are not bound by
of this vector comes towards – nonexistence, restrictions, which are inevitable for matter;
death, termination of existence. At each point therefore they can be much more complex and
of the universe plane there is life and death; varying, than any material design.
their sum is always constant and equal to Complexity of information designs practically
unit. But during each moment of time the has no limitations, if the question on nature of element
proportion of life and death varies. During base, on information carrier is dropped. This problem
the moment of birth it is almost only life, and in the universe order has been solved somehow, and
during the moment of death is almost only we shall proceed from this. We shall return to it later.
death. The vector of being is necessary to The real restriction of the sizes and
switch on and off the units of the universe. functional opportunities of information systems
Perpendicular to the vector «being- can only be their purpose. However complex the
nonbeing» is located the vector «management» purpose, an information system can be always
is located. Its task is to hold vital functions of created based on it, capable of realizing it.
units in the regular boundaries. Management So it is, but we do not know anything about
is a vector of complex composition, the purpose. Why the World was created? Do
consisting, at least, of three sub-vectors – you know?
standard (law), signal of actual condition I do not know, but would wish to know.
(monitoring) and actually the management In the non-material World, there are answers
signal. Their orientation may coincide or be to the questions whence we came and where
directed against, depending on the degree of we shall leave. There, I think, no questions are
a mismatch of regular and real condition. present: any soul is integrated in the information
My soul, pay attention, something field, which is the continuous answer.
similar to the sketch of a design has been But our soul needs an answer already in
got. Two cubes: one – noumenal World, and this life, as necessary for the polar explorer to
the other – material World. These Worlds reach the pole, as for the climber to ascend to
are located on a single diagonal plane, Jomolungma, as for the geologist to drill the
and around them the planes of vectors of earth’s mantle. Well, what is strange here,
influence, through which, and may be from, God, we are Your children.
something comes to units of the universe that But, probably, there is only one way for
gives life to all the system. the mortal person to experience during lifetime
To our perception only the material half of the idea of creation: it is necessary to recreate
the universe plane is accessible. The rest, invisible the scheme of world order with such degree of
part of design is information. Can such a thing constructive accuracy that the scheme itself
be possible? Why not? Ask any programmer (if prompted, what the final point and purpose of
you are not a programmer), what takes place in a the universe system is.
6.3. Periphery design of the
KEY WORDS existence plane, non-existence plane, material World
control plane, noumenal World control plane, alpha point, omega point,
monitoring plane, periphery of the noumenal World, periphery of the
material World, key section, diagonal 7/12.
One more ascent to the top, where the not mere material aggregates. Maximon
understanding of world order opens up. and Metagalaxy are in equal capacity
One steep, but last ascent. aggregates of the noumenal and material
The layout of the material World Worlds, but the subject of spirituality along
as well as its mirror duplicate-ancestor with its material nature can exist outside
the noumenal World has already started matter, by the way outside the noumenal
spreading under us. But above and around World. Somewhere in an altogether
us is the most complex design of the system different and unknown World.
periphery. Here it is all that gives rise and An interesting design feature follows
forces the universe system to function. from this. The twelfth class of the
If the periphery is indeed arranged as organizational level axis is not an object of
shown in the key diagram (figure 49), then monitoring. Moreover, it is not an object
a more detailed drawing should be got. Let of control as well as an object of influence
us take the bottom cube – material world – vector «Existence – non-existence». That,
and let’s try to depict it in detail (figure which is in the 12th class of material
50). The diagonal plane is occupied by the World, is only genetically connected with
diagram of material world aggregates. On matter. By definition this class has half-
the top is the existence monitoring plane. volume. The second half is absent. At
Information on the current situation of the threshold between the 11th and 12th
existence of the material world aggregates classes the aggregate begins to lose its
comes here. At the back is the control material features, and acquires some other
monitoring plane, where information properties. To the moment of reaching
on the real functioning of material the boundary of the 12th half-class the
world aggregates is reflected. Both the aggregate acquires 100% properties of
monitoring planes do not have thicknesses beyond-material object.
as if. It means that they are required The material World control plane and
only for reception and further transfer of the non-existence plane limit our cube on
information and are not intended for any the front and bottom side. Their function
analysis and processing of information. in the design of periphery is considerably
Question: what information? Well, it is complex. They include analysis elements
obvious, information from material World comparing the reference with the actual
aggregates. It is so, but three aggregates condition and output of commands. These
of the diagram do not completely belong planes occupy a thickness in the cube
to the material World. Maximon, corresponding to the semi material 12th
Metagalaxy and subject of spirituality are class in the organizational level scale. In
Scale-size boundary max
A le light, life
F a B C
geme Sc H
nt C
D Mana
ge D
ment F E
Intention N N
Noumenal B
world J
7\12 G Existence monitoring
Non being
C F Monitoring functioning
Embodiment C J
Material Control H 7\12
world of the noumenal M
Noumenal A
world N
7\12 N
F I Control of
E Material world
Key plane 7/12 K
J Diagonal 7/12
E K Non being,
L darkness, death
boundary min EHNK Material World
12 H
11 T K
9 xy
8 e tag y
M lax s “Empty
7 Ga cleu
6 nu place”
5 lax
E tor
r s
xi in
) Sta cleu
st g
2 us
en p
le nu
ce lan
1 on n
xim nic r
E tro Sta 12 M
Ma ec
s -
(El u Plaet
0 cle n tar
nu ne
Ato Pla stem
ctr m
Ato ial
Fuctioning monitoring plane
a ter
M or l d
W trol
ule n
lec co ne
le L
l W
on p
-e lan
xi e
T 12
11 N
Ma 10
) 8
u alit 7
jec 5
(Su 4
short, see figure 50, and you’ll understand will provide the opportunity to monitor
what I mean. the real situation of noumens and control
At the corner between the control their birth and existence. Expressing
plane and existence plane an “empty figuratively, the creation mechanism is
space”, a narrow long parallelepiped, of responsible for statics, viz. how many
square cross section and of length equal to players should be in the noumenal World
the whole bar, is formed. field and when they should appear. It is
Obviously, this is no “empty space”, another matter, who should run where
but on the contrary, a very important. and in general do what. The noumenal
What better place for the receiver of result World control mechanism is responsible
of system action? for this. There laws are described by
According to the law of symmetry, conventional functions of each noumen.
in the noumenal World (upper cube) at Who should execute what function and
the same corner in the 12th class should how to interact with one’s neighbour. The
be a similar «empty space» between the management technology is accordingly
existence plane and control plane of the sized. All target levels and system tasks,
noumenal World. What a better place for strategy and tactics of attaining them are
the Originator and Creator of the system? laid in it; on the whole, all that is needed
But we shall return to the basic periphery for each noumen to do what is required,
design planes. Four planes control the there and then, when required. The control
link between the noumenal and material commands are formed accordingly and
Worlds (figure 51). their results monitored.
The existence plane carries in it the Thus the typical scenario of the
creation mechanism of the universe. system’s operation in standard mode is
This mechanism has a standard three completely played in the noumenal World.
element structure from standard, set of All aggregates from the noumenal man to
technological methods and structures for maximon are balanced and are ready to be
data analysis and synthesis of commands. transferred for deployment in the material
Similarly, in principle, the other three World.
control planes are organized. However The Maximon and Metagalaxy belong
the content of reference, technology and to the noumenal and material Worlds in
control commands is dictated by the an equal degree. Being in the centre of the
control object and therefore, of course, it is zero class on the organizational level scale,
individual for each plane. they may exist in both that and the other
The laws of existence in the World.
mechanism of universe creation are The periphery of material World
addressed to aggregates of noumenal is mirror reflection in relation to the
World, define to which aggregate, when periphery of noumenal World, both in the
and where should it be in its structure. The context of location of control mechanisms
technology of creation of aggregates offers and the gist of their action.
a set of methods and rules of creation of In general, in contrast to noumenal
noumens – noumenal aggregates. The data aggregates, which are created in
analysis and command synthesis function accordance to some primary intention and
Creation mechanism of the universe (Existence)
12 Laws of existence (life)
Noumenal N
World o
control m
mechanism e
n n
te l
n W
ti o Material World control technology
o rl
n d
Data analysis and command
Laws of the noumenal synthesis analysis
Laws of the material
Data analysis and 0 World
command synthesis
analysis M
Noumenal World control (E ri
technology m a
b l
o w
d o Material world
im lr
e d control mechanism
6.3. Periphery design of the universe
Data analysis
and command synthesis
analysis 12
Laws of Mechanism of dismantling and
non-existence (Death) recycling of Universe (Non-existence)
then only are tested and set in the noumenal signals, controlling the processes of ageing
World with the purpose of harmonizing the and death.
system, the construction of aggregates in As has already been said several
the material world is initiated by a genetic times, the aggregates of the material world
program, built in the maximon, and every are autonomic. In life they are lead by the
subsequent aggregate appears thanks to genetic code and the freedom of self choice.
the properties of aggregate at the previous External control is absent by definition.
level. Such is, apparently, the Creator’s vision.
Self-creation is built inside the structure Otherwise what is the interest – a lifeless
of aggregates of the material World, toy; who needs it!
and this factor needs some balancing It has also been said, that there are
mechanism. Such a role is entrusted on higher system purposes and one should
the non-existence mechanism, whose not go far from it. That is why freedom is
task is the operation of dismantling and limited, it should not threaten the system
reclamation of the material aggregates. integrity and should not hinder attaining
However hard it may be to understand, the choice criterion. In this context there
but death for material objects is as much is the mechanism to control the material
important as birth. The change of existence World, acting through incidental category
and non-existence is a single mechanism, at moments of system equilibrium. In this
lying at the basis of arrangement of the mechanism is the collection of laws of
material world. the material world and the technological
The laws of non-existence, laws of methods of control, and the structure
completion of existence in the material of analysis and synthesis of control
form are the reverse side of the laws of commands.
existence and life. Non-existence also The aggregates of the material and
has its technology, its methods for taking noumenal Worlds are in a condition of
out the aggregate from the condition of constant monitoring and exchange of
material being, its dismantling technique signals with the control planes. Signals go
and reclamation of any object, from a on both sides.
photon and atom to plants, animals, man And the most important is, there is a
and even spiritual beings. constant, active exchange of information
Besides, the condition of existence between homonymous aggregates that
of life on our planet is the result of 3 are in the noumenal and material Worlds.
billion years of history of life and death The noumen brings information about it
of the representatives of flora and fauna. to the material aggregate, thanks to which
It is thanks in particular to non-existence’s it functions. And, in turn, the material
work that ozone layer, soil, atmosphere and aggregate informs its noumen on the
mild climate appeared on the Earth, and results of embodiment. The feedback path
the most important – evolution of species, arises and monitoring channels are needed
that created us. for it.
The non-existence mechanism, as To solve this task an existence
in the previous cases, has an analytical monitoring plane and control monitoring
component and is capable of forming plane is foreseen in the periphery design.
6.3. Periphery design of the universe
Their mechanism is the same in principle. hand pioneers! This is not yet known.
Information on the present condition of In the beginning we drew the graph,
aggregates of the material World (figure depicting the aggregates of the material
52) is on the right side of the plane, located world. Then we put the mirror reflection of the
in the material World plane, and projected noumenal World, which precedes it. Then we
as a mirror reflection on the left part of the built the existence and control mechanisms,
monitoring plane, and then goes over to the thanks to which, the noumenal World and
noumenal prototype of the aggregate and its embodiment – the material World exists
then is projected on the existence plane, and functions. Now it is necessary to find out
where information is compared with law, the Person, who conceived and created these
deviation is analyzed, evaluated and in mechanisms, and then that Person, who
case of need a corresponding correction created their creator.
signal is generated. Besides the noumen, Do you remember, when we analyzed
material aggregate or non-existence the arrangement of a totally self-isolated
mechanism may serve as destinations. system, it became known that there should
The system monitoring plane functions an originator, alias the absolute system
similarly (figure 53). Let us not overburden source. There should also be the creator,
you, my dear, with repetition. Look at the alias the inventor, developer and curator of
picture, everything is so clear. Let’s proceed the system.
forward. It is necessary to search it. Somewhere
It’s time to show you the general view in our design there is a legitimate place for
of the universe’s periphery (figure 54). this and that (figure 54).
Some reasoning in the beginning. The «alpha point» is the top part of
Did you notice by which place forward the noumenal World diagram, from where
are we moving up to the top and source of the universal resource originates. Is this
universe? not the system originator? And that very
Yes, let’s keep quiet. «empty space» between the existence
The answer sounds obscenely: back to mechanism and control mechanism planes
front, bent, on all four, by touch. Uphill. of the noumenal World ideally adjoin with
Otherwise it is impossible. It is the them, and this probably is the system
inventor who sees forward and upward. creator – Demiurge.
But we are acting the role of finder of alien
inventions. We are touching each detail and «…the first beginning is not separated
all the time are looking back to see how it from all things and is not contained in them.
is applied to the already understood part of There is no such thing that may own it; on
the system. All the time we are dependent the contrary, it owns everything without
exemption. It is also the well being of all things,
on that which has been understood and because they and the existence get from it, and
jump start from it, relying on the internal they exist as much as they are in contact with
logic of the comprehended. it, – some this way and the others differently,
Thus we go up crabwise uphill, and that is why some of them are better than
pushing off from logic. How do you like the others, in particular how some are nearer
such a method of scientific comprehension and the others away» [82, page 84].
of objective reality? We are on the other
To the noumenal
of the m
D 7
0 1
2 3 3
E 4 5 2
6 7
8 9 1
10 11
Region 12
of noum
enal w L
o rld
Information on the current
situation of existence - non-existence
of the material world aggregate
w orl
To the noumenal
From the material aggregate
rl dr
t eri
And welfare is that substance (would world one’s moral achievement at the cost
like to say: «that matter»), from which of one’s human motality.
the alpha builds the whole universe. The How precisely Platon noted:
deepest, uttermost basic «matter-cause-
life», from which angels, maximons and «…birth is that fraction of eternal life and
people are made. All except that, which is eternity, which is given to a mortal being» [80,
at the point «omega». page 117].
Existence mechanism
Customer and
System source
System 12 Functioning monitoring
Creators plane
9 No
u Upper scale limit
Noumenal World
W me
7 or n
control mechanism ld al Existence monitoring
3 11
2 8
1 5
1 Material World control
0 1
Lower scale 2
3 M
Noumenal World 4 W ter
system periphery 5
or ia
ld l
6.3. Periphery design of the universe
Material world Accumulator of results
system periphery 10
of system operation
transformed to success, in order that plot of help us to get to the place of contact and
human monad was set up, it follows, continuing transition from man to the non-material
our knowledge to its final limits – and this World and elements of its periphery.
is enough – agree and accept the reality of
The points «alpha» and «omega» lie on
existence and irradiance already at the given
moment this enigmatic centre of our centres, the universal plane at the top of graphs of
named by me as omega, which is necessary not the noumenal and material Worlds, and the
only for guarantee of some vague existence in line joining it passes through the centre of
the future or closure and equilibrium of space- the seventh class of the scale. Since this scale
time» [126, page 274]. has 12 classes, then it is possible to give a
conditional name seven twelfth – 7/12 – for
Although, of course, the expression multiples. We shall name in an analogous
«Alpha and Omega» itself as applied to manner the line, joining the points alpha and
the Lord has been known to us from the omega.
Revelation: We obtain not a very simple line. The
beginning and end. The system’s initial and
«Said the Seated on the throne: behold, I final points. The key axis of the universe,
create all new. And he tells me; write; since the Divine diagonal is the diagonal 7/12.
these words are true and accurate; And he told
me: It has been accomplished! I am the Alpha The Lord has a lot of beautiful names;
and Omega, the beginning and end; I shall a lot of beautiful things are beside His
give the thirsty water of life from the source name. Pythagoras thought that the number
gratuitously» [Revelation 21, 5, 6]. 7 is ruler of the world (divine), requiring a
special worship [110, page 85].
«Alpha», as we remember, is not only Thus, 12 classes on the size bar and 12
the originator, but is also the universal classes on the organizational level scale.
resource. The complete and final resource. In all there are 144 fields, on which the
He is all without remainder, and only he scheme of the material World lies. The
goes to create the periphery of the system matrix for the noumenal World adjoins
itself. The system is a modification, right against it, also 12×12 = 144.
reincarnation of the universal resource, The clairvoyant Swedenborg claims:
and it means, the originator himself. In the
end, when the resource is exhausted, the «...the number 144 implies all blessings
periphery and both the Worlds collapse, and truths as a whole…» [95, page 49].
vanish, and the final point «omega» gains
its full potential for the next cycle. In the Bible we twice encounter the
May be, it rests a little and repeats the description of the Heavenly temple and the
cycle. Divine throne, and in both the cases the number
Thus, we have already the whole 12 dominates. The prophet Ezekiel informs us
panorama as if open. But there is one more that in the Lord’s temple «the altar has twelve
design feature, which should be examined elbows in length and twelve in width» [Eze. 43,
in detail. 16]. Christ had 12 apostles. Why not ten?
It has been already said of the intuitive And what Apostle John says is this:
perception of many people as regards some
numbers. The numbers 7, 12 and 144 will “One of the seven angels came to me, who
6.3. Periphery design of the universe
had seven cups, filled with seven latest ulcers upon it all the burden of untold meaning
and said to me: come, I shall show you the and take sacral value.
wife, bride of the sacred Host. And lifted me If through the diagonal 7/12 a plane
up in spirit to the great and tall mountain, and
is passed perpendicular to the universe
showed me the great city, the holy Jerusalem,
which descended from the sky from God… It plane, then we get the key sections of the
has a big and tall wall, twelve gates and there universe (figure 55). Such high words are
are twelve Angels on it; on the gates are written not accidental. It is in fact on this plane
names of twelve generations of Israel’s sons… and on this diagonal the most interesting
The city walls have twelve foundations, and things take place.
the names of twelve Apostles of the sacred At first, here all the aggregates –
Host are on it. carriers of spirituality are located. Plants,
The one who spoke to me had a golden
cane for measuring the city and its gates and animals, man and subject of spirituality
the walls. The city is in the form of a Rectangle are located here.
of same length and breadth. He measured the Secondly, the points occupied by
city with the cane by twelve thousand stages; these aggregates belong to the plane of
the length and breadth and its height are equal. universe and key section to an equal
And he measured its wall as one hundred forty degree. Exchange of information between
four elbows… And the twelve gates – twelve these planes is possible through them and
pearls: each gate was from one pearl…
Among its streets, on this and the other
moreover, transition to the control and
side of the river, the tree of life, bearing twelve existence planes. It is particularly around
times fruits, giving each month its fruit, and the Celestial diagonal that the periphery
the tree leaves – for the cure of peoples» [Rev. design of both the Worlds is built like a
21, 9-21, 22]. range. It is for some reason. The whole
meaning of the system is to go from the
Why there are so many coincidences? point «alpha» to the point «omega». To
It may be supposed that never during transit from the condition «alpha» to the
history were people born, who had the gift condition «omega».
of contact with non-material World. From If plant and animal, as a species, do not
them you get information on what has been withstand competition, are not capable of
seen and understood. This information adapting and surviving, then there is a deep
has been very much distorted. Man can reason for this. Such a plant or animal could
reason and explain only in those terms not hold to the Celestial diagonal, could
and categories that he knows. What can not «guess» and maintain its providential
a Russian farmer-land tiller, for example, role in the life of the universe. This role is
of the 10th century say about visit to an taken over and carried by the neighbouring
atomic power plant? Not much. What of species. And the defective species has the
that he would have said have reached the path to disposal. The more successful
great grandsons in the oral account of his species will become the factor of the present
fellow-villagers? Even less, almost nothing moment of evolution and will be counted
has reached. But numbers! The number, and supported by the functioning plane.
mentioned not once in the emotional Thus, plants and animals, as well as
context of an extraordinary theme may be all the lower level aggregates of matter
remembered! It is number, which can take have the possibility of two evolutionary
trajectories. In the direction of the know that heaven and hell are formed out of
functional plane – for strengthening the the human race. It is ordinarily known that the
benefits received from them; in the angels were created first and from them the
heaven was formed; that the devil or Satan was
direction of the non-existence plane – for
earlier an angel of light, who was taken away
disposal of useless and harmful species. together with his aggregation for revolt and
It is more difficult with man. Basically, thus hell was formed. The angels extremely
he also has two trajectories, similar to wondered at such beliefs in the Christian world
material aggregates. But apart from them and far more on that here nothing is known
there is also a third trajectory – the direct about heavens, although it is the main teaching
path along the Celestial diagonal to the of the church» [95, page 179].
point «omega».
But which trajectory is given to whom? It can be supposed that population
of the existence and functional planes,
«…it is thought, that the heavens are gifted adjoining the material World started then,
to each according to the direct will of the Lord when homosapiens appeared.
and thus are allowed and accepted there at the Who considered during life, like
will of the Lord. They do not understand that Lukian, that
the Lord leads there at his mercy all those,
who accept only Him, and those who accept
Him, live according to the Celestial order, i.e.
«Only the wealth of spirit is our real
wealth. All other bring more of sorrow than
according to the tenets of love and faith; and
that be thus from childhood to the last minutes welfare» [3, page 310].
of life here and then in eternity is that mercy,
about which is usually said. Thus should it be He after life on earth takes on himself
known that each man is born for heaven and the adequate function on the functional
that who is accepted in heaven is that, who plane, becoming Angels of the spiritual
accepts it in him, as long as he lives on earth, part of the material World; and those, who
and that one is excluded, who himself does not
turned away from the rules of world order,
accept them» [95, page. 259].
were directed to the existence plane as
Angels of death. That is why Swedenborgs
The tales about hell and heaven are thinks that
only half-true. To a greater degree the law
on retribution in this life about carrying of «Angel… is a being created and finite…»
punishment and laurels to descendants and [95, page 455].
relatives of man:
Of course man is a wizard of sin. How
«..we are in hell each time when we
many ways of committing sin are known
undergo misery, hardships, agony etc.» [19,
page 545]. to us? May be, more than stars on the sky.
But each man tries to add the list with his
The same thoughts are expressed by experience. However it has been known for
the witness of the material World periphery long that all the thinkable and unthinkable
Swedenborg: sins in reality lead to one sin viz. godlessness.
«The Christian world does not completely «Around the Sun are the multiple galleries
Customer Plane ABGF (110) Demiurge, Angels of life
at the beginning 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7\12
of the cycle Complexity B
9 H e
al () “Path”
8 D Sc
IV M Key axis of the Universe
Plane ABCD
7 IN “Divine diagonal”
6 E 7\12
Section at “Diagonal 7/12”
5 points
(011) Intention
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7/12
7\12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 0
7\12 G
A 7\12 D
4 IA
5 4 3 2
5 4 3 2
(110) Incarnation
D 8
L 9
Plane KLMN
Angels of the spiritual
part of the Material World
11 10 9 8 7 6
al 11 10 9 8 7 6 11
Sc xis
a J 7\12 Customer at the
7/12 7/12
0 1 2 3 4 5
7 8 9 10 11 6 end of cycle -
Plane JINK
Recelver of result
(011) Satan, Angels of death
of demons, similar to regiments of different to the point «omega» and become one with
types of army, who by being next to mortals, it.
are not far from immortals, having received As a result of our searches we have got
a part of the World populated by people,
by touch a voluminous graphic scheme made
are watching over human deeds. And they
carry out them, ordered by the gods, through of two diagonally connected cubes. What is
storms, whirlwinds, tornados, vagaries of fire, this: is it how the universe looks from the
earthquakes, as well as famines and wars, side? In general, what is this geometrical
punishing godlessness. It is in particular drawing method of description? Points,
in godlessness the severest sin of people in axes, planes, projections are some awkward
relation to gods lie. The role of gods, after fantasies of a teacher of descriptive geometry.
all, is to do good, the role of people is to be Is it possible to graphically represent such a
pious, and the role of demons it to help gods.
For all the other sins, which people commit by complex thing as the universe?
mistake, by impudence, by compulsion of that, Yes. But it should be understood that
which is called Fate, or by ignorance – the gods drawing, graph and diagram are schemes,
do not ask for these sins. Only godlessness principal feature of a subject, where in a
comes within the strike of justice» [22, page conditional form, in graphic language
84]. the main information of the subject is
What happens with those, who are The principal electrical diagram is
not only directed by spirit to God, but not completely similar to the real wires,
also understand His logic and as much as switches and lamps. Engineers and
possible follow it in their deeds? designers understand this very well, but
Their souls have the direct path to you my soul, may hear about this for the
the point «omega». The pure energy of first time.
their souls constitutes that material, out Two cubes are graphical abstractions,
of which, probably, is formed the renewed method necessary for separate analysis of
Spiritual being. the functions of the noumenal and material
Thus, in the noumenal World the Worlds. In reality they, are perhaps,
images of noumenal aggregates come embedded in each other. At each point of
from the existence plane and the functional the hyper matrix, where there is a material
plane. But in the material World the object, there is its noumen. However they
trajectory of motion of aggregates depend are separated from each other by the tenth
on their providential conformity with the order variable frequency, as a minimum.
trajectory of the Celestial diagonal. You know that through one and the same
Aggregates, tending to the path of wire it is possible to transmit tens and
service, reach the control plane of the hundreds of telephonic conversations
material World. simultaneously, and no one will interrupt
Aggregates, tending to oppose the with the other.
system ideas, fall to the non-existence And one can imagine the spherical
plane and cease to exist. feature of the Universe. Sphere, along
Aggregates, tending to merge with the the equator the bar line passes, closing
system originator and the Creator of the at the points «zero» and «twelve»
universe, without deviating anywhere, fall (maximon and Metagalaxy). Above and
6.3. Periphery design of the universe
below the bar – equators run graphs of and graphical form of representation. The
material and noumenal Worlds, joining arsenal had proved effective.
at the points alpha and omega at the same So that is all. We have reached the
coincident points «zero» and «twelve» top. We have touched the basic elements
at the beginning and end of the bar. of design. Not all, of course! A lot has
Strictly speaking to draw such a scheme been behind in the dark. But the basic
is impossible, but to make the model in interrelations, distribution of functions
the form of a globe is quite possible. An and even the sequence of appearance of
interesting and demonstrative model will the system parts have been clarified.
come to hand. The connection between Now it is left to only pray, lift the eyes
boundary point conditions and the total to God, turn towards Him, look around,
unfolded condition of universe is seen. take a chest full of breath and tell about
Geometrical conception is a powerful how the universe looks from that height,
instrument of abstraction from the where the Creator had conceived its
particulars. The scheme drawn is very content and form.
useful, when it is necessary to convey the It is a bit dreadful. Not do any harm!
basic moments of structure and functional There is no gain, nor ambition is there, but
feature of the object. But, of course, it human folly – who and when can evaluate
should be noted, that real object is more it in oneself? Not one mortal person!
diverse than the scheme and externally Neither logic, nor science, nor
may differ from it in the most radical way. technology will help here. Only prayer
In general, a clear and exact picture will. The talk with the Father, the Lord
is often better than a text and leads to will. I know, He is listening with love and
understanding the gist of things. answers us in the language of events in the
Till now we were based on our work of course of our deeds.
systematic analysis, technological approach
Prayer II
You populated the World of matter You opened before me the door, but I
with lots of us, souls. Minuscule points, am afraid. Is it true that everything is such
burning short instance of perishable life. and I can or even should overstep the door
The infinitely small space, occupied by my step?
body and the infinitely small period of my I realize the seriousness of the
existence. impending step, but it does not embarrass
But the spark of Your Spirit is in me. me.
Every part of You is equal to You. Lord! Since You do not stop me, then
And You gave me the bliss of conversing my apprehensions are in vain.
with You. I am afraid of that, that as always, new
Let the language of our communication knowledge will bring into the World more
be without words, but its meaning is of evil than benefit and bliss.
completely clear. The knowledge that you transfer
I pestered You with questions, how the through me, will radically enhance the
World created by You is organized, and You perception of people of the Earth about
punished me for my display of godlessness: the universe and the place of man in it.
for ambition, greed, obduracy, stupidity, People have before them a steep climb
and for a lot more. But you did it only on to understanding their role in the path to
business. knowledge.
I understood Your signal. It is forbidden Such steps will be a lot.
to go to a clean temple with unclean spirit. O Lord, I do not request for myself!
Then I began to be anxious about Make it so that the path to knowledge of
the purity of my spirit and began to find Your truth does not accompany with much
answers to my questions. evil.
A more businesslike and precise What am I talking about! All evil of
method of communication cannot be there. godlessness is in us, and there was not one
punishment from the century that has not
For many years I accumulated Your been worthy of people.
answers, and the moment has come, when
it has become possible to see the World as Thank You, Lord, for the strength you
a whole, as it is seen by You. Moreover, provide me and the necessary conditions for
the reasons and internal motives of concluding my business, which I consider
Your creation have in general become as Yours.
At first I wanted to say “Design of the before the last and cited in one of A.A.
world order”. No. It doesn’t turn out to be. Potebnya’s books:
At the boundary conditions there is neither
design, nor universe. “Botany youth get pleasure in getting to
My soul, please understand that we know the Latin names of plants” [84, page
have gone to such height of generalization, 149].
to which human language has not created
adequate terms. No, it is not idle curiosity that induces
Language is a fantastically interesting us to search terms and forces us to contrive
thing. For example, you know what it them in case of its absence. The matter is
means “podduzhny”? No, you don’t know, that indeed:
neither did I.
Vladimir Ivanovich Dal explains: «…language and Logos are the only
possible realisation of human thought…» [84,
“The hand rail, accompanying the trotter page 252].
on run in order to correct him if he moves
out of way?”. Do you understand?! Moreover, language, apart from
Well now, somewhat yes. communication function, carries the
And if V. Dal is asked a question from capacity, inherent to Demiurge. Language,
our time? For example, what is, Vladimir but not limited to, can serve man as an
Ivanovich, a power steering? instrument of creation. This is already
You do not understand? What is very close to our topic.
difficult here, Vladimir Ivanovich! It is
just a device, reducing the required force «Divisibility, discursiveness of thought,
of the driver on the steering wheel of an attributed to language had created that
automobile, so that it was easier to correct, harmonious World, once having entered, we
if one jumps the track. do not get out of it; only by forgetting this
Most probably, the great Russian one can complain that language hinders us to
philologist would have helplessly said: “I continue creation» [84, page 152].
did not think that my descendents will
distort the live Russian language like this.” However, to what extent human
For reference: “distort” means spoil, language is rough, conditional, incorrect
disfigure, trash. [40, tome III, page 207]. when compared to the variety and
What to do? We have to describe things complexity of the World.
and events, which are yet to be named. We
have to depend on concepts, whose subject «…if we are to take the unattainable
is almost unknown, and only general logic purpose of his aspirations, divine perfection
of thoughts, appeasing complete visualization
prompts that it probably exists and appears
and spontaneity of sense perceptions with
approximately in such a way. complete simultaneity and difference of
As Lotze expressed in the century thought as human asset», - dreams divine
inspired researches A.A. Potebnya [84, page with his head? And break the paradigm
152] established over centuries?
But in all the centuries such abnormal
Speech and wisdom of its carrier are semi-scientists exist and some of them are
adequate to each other. When the subject right.
of your description is such a complex In short, my soul, excuse me, if my
and abstract thing as the structure of the explanation will not be quite distinct.
universe, the reserve of human wisdom Most of the words and concepts required
seems more than modest. by me do not exist. In your time they,
But a man is not an Angel; he is possibly, may appear.
provided neither with omniscience nor It is well said in the Quran (one can not
divine wisdom. In this regard Angels find only cite the Bible!):
it simpler.
«Allah, your Lord – there is no divinity
«The angel’s speech is also full of wisdom, apart from him, – is the creator of all things»
because they flow from the internal thought of [6, page 102].
angels, and their internal thought is wisdom,
similar like their internal feeling, which is Everything that is known to us and
love. Love and wisdom combine in their everything that is unknown, but can be
speech, as a result of which their speech is
guessed, is the creation of the Lord and
executed in wisdom to that level that they can
express in one word that which man cannot everything is the embodiment of the Lord,
express in a thousand; not to say that their because in reality in the World and beyond
thought embraces such subjects, which man its thinkable limits there is nothing other
can neither understand nor express in words» than the Lord.
[95, page 129]. Everything in the final count is God,
but the forms of manifestation of the Lord
If it was possible from here, from the are an infinite variety.
World of matter, to talk with the Angel, ask, The boundaries of this variety are so
listen... But this is forbidden, and technically wide that there is no analogy in human
is not possible, as E. Swedenborg says. perception. To be precise, there is no
«…the angels language has nothing in However there is something that
common with human, earthly; this is clear unites the limitless variety of Divine
from that Angels cannot pronounce not a single manifestations. Like a spherical surface:
word of human speech. They tried to do this,
but could not, since they can pronounce only limitlessness exists but infinity is not! The
that which is compatible with their feelings varieties of Divine manifestations have the
and what is not compatible is against their properties of continuity and repeatability.
life: their life is life of their internal feelings This is it. All the manifestations are links
(affectionum), and their speech flows out from of the chain. The links can be of any
them» [95, page 129]. quantity. The links can be of any quality.
But the links are one behind the other and
Any pioneer is to some extent an is the link, from which everything begins,
adventurer and layman. Will any normal and is the link on which everything ends.
man take the risk of hammering the wall
A new cycle may give rise to new links, and repository of all the numbers, their
but the cycles exist repeating the phases of source and accumulator.
birth, deployment, functioning and closure A full life cycle of the whole chain is
of the universe. a period of the order 400,000 billion years.
In one of such cycles, my soul, we are «Our» cycle is at the beginning. From
living our life given by God. the moment of start we are separated by
As always, see the diagram (figure 15 billion years. Such is the age of 1010
56–59). Galaxies that form the material World.
There the chain of Divine Each Galaxy consists of approximately
manifestations are drawn divided into 15 1010 stars, born during different times.
links - phases. The division may be more Sun, our star is 5 billion years old.
elaborate. I chose such a degree of The biosphere of planet Earth, where we
detail, which corresponds to my level of are from, is in the state of development
understanding of the subject. somewhere between the 11th and 12th
We will say about each phase phases.
separately. In the beginning a few words God’s works are simultaneously
about the drawing as a whole. grandiose and simple. The main question
The phase chain begins from the is «Why is this all needed?» We shall put
zero condition and comes back to zero this question at the end of the section, but
condition. Zero, as is known, is not an now we move along the phase chain.
empty space, but an inexhaustive potential
The initial, it will also be the terminal, by both God and nature.
phase «beyond-existence» implies «beyond Once again about the resource.
the brink of existence, on the other side Everything, out of which the World is
from existence». built, all matter, all non-material part of
Human intellect does not have any the World, everything to the minutest
significance in it, since man does not have movement of thought is put together in the
a similar practice. end from resources of the only resource
Even death is not equal to non- source, whose name is also, as you have
existence. For example, man is no more, already guessed, – God.
has gone to the Kingdom, but his things Here appears before us a huge semi-dark
are there, his memory is there, his warehouse with racks going into infinity,
imperishable soul is there, a trace of the where the reserves of stars, Galaxies and
life he lived remains in the living. planet, samples of plants, animals and our
As regards non-existence it cannot brothers – people of all times and nationalities
be said that it exists. Can such a thing be lies.
understood and explained? There is no such warehouse.
It can be, but we have to approach God has the capacity to fold up
it from the other side. Not what is non- information at a point, and convert the
existence, but who is its carrier, who and point to zero.
why hides behind it. How does He make it? How do I know?
To the question «Who?» the answer But I know for certain that He can do this.
was, is and will be one: God. My soul, I would like to give you a warning.
Everything that was, is and will be are A picture, complete, clear and reasoned
all made by God and made from God. in detail, will not be there. A researcher,
There is nothing in the World, which when he tries to show something very big,
in its origin is not made of Him. system-defined, some new vision, cannot
But! The structure of the World is such give a detailed picture.
that a majority of things are formed by the He follows the common logic, general
method of «cascade creation». This is an system patterns. It is not his task to give
hierarchy chain of creation. The first thing a detailed reasoning. Other people shall
is created directly by God. The next thing come, clear the Gnostic field and find
on the hierarchy is created by the powers detailed explanation in each phase. And if
and from the resources of the first thing. necessary shall correct the paradigm itself.
Things of the third hierarchy level are Thus the conclusions. God, the higher
created by things of the second level and spiritual being, the root cause and
so on. the initial substance of all things and
That is why we can say about each occurrences of this World, has the capacity
thing, except the first, that they are made to embody irreversibly into forms of
Phase 0 Phase 1
73 63
10 Hz 10 Hz
Spiritual being
has awaken
No existence
No periphery А
Spiritual being sleeps Point in the future
First cell of the
Fig. 56 Phases of
Phase 2 Phase 3
7/12 9
11 12
А 4
5 А
Line in the future Plane and volume of the
periphery future periphery
First Hypermatrix
B G 53 53
10 Hz 10 Hz
No wp 6
um rld
D E0 0
B 91
8 6
5 5
Universe Plane 0
12 12
A 11 A 11 created A
10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
D 4
12 H D 4
12 H
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
E 1 E 1
М-scale 2
3 М-
in the initial 4
5 be
condition 6
7 to
8 8
2 2
11 11
J 9
N J 9
10 7 10 7
6 6
5 5
12 0 1
12 0 1
Fig. 57 Phases of
Phase 6 Phase 7
3 43 43
Hz 10 Hz 10 Hz
No wp 6
No wp 6
um rld
um rld
0 0
M wo 6
M wo 6
at rld
at rld
B 01
Universal time
4 4
x 0
and space 0
12 12
A 11 created A 11
10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
D 4
12 H D 4
12 H
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
to grow 7 7
8 8
2 2
11 11
N J 9
N J 9
10 7 10 7
6 6
5 5
12 0 1 12 0 1
43 43
10 Hz 10 Hz
No wo 6
No wo 6
um rld
um rld
0 0
M wo 6
M wo 6
at rld
at rld
B 2
11 11
01 01
91 91
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
12 12
A 11
A 11
10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
D 4
H D 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
E 1 E 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
Ра ка
8 8
2 2
J 1
J 11
9 11 9 01
N 91 N
и я
8 8
10 7 10 7
6 6
5 5
11 4 11 4
12 0 1
12 0 1
Fig. 58 Phases of
Phase 10 Phase 11
3 43 43
Hz 10 Hz 10 Hz
No wo 6
No wo 6
um rld
um rld
0 0 1
M wo 6
M wo 6
at rld
at rld
2 2
11 11
01 01
91 91
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
12 12
A 11
A 11
10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
D 4
H D 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
E 1 E 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 отн 8
ив 2 2
N J 9
0 11
N J 9
8 8
10 7 10 7
6 6
5 5
11 4 11 4
12 0 1
3 12 0 1
63 53
Hz 10 Hz
10 Hz
ou or
ou or
m ld
m ld
w 6
w 6
10 Hz
0 0
M wo 6
M wo 6
at rld
at rld
2 e
/1 al
+1 -sc
10 Hz
B 01
91 91
8 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
12 12
A 11
A 11
10 10
6 b)
5 5
D 4
H D 4
3 3
1 E
1 cas
М-scale has 2
reached 4
the limit 6
8 8
irit 2 irit 2
J 9 Sp
N J 9 Sp
8 8
10 6
7 10 6
5 5
12 0 12 0
Fig. 59 Phases of
Phase 14 Phase 15
53 63 73
“Lower 10 Hz 10 Hz 10 Hz
block” 53
10 Hz
13 No existence
Hz а) No periphery
Renewed Spiritual being
b) sleeps
12 le 63
1/ -sca 10 Hz
М K 0
Hypermatrix compresses
а) Compression to a “Block”
b) Compression to a
point exist No Universe plane
Universal time and space No time and space
cased to exist
things and events of the material and non- to have a live hand and will to make the
material properties, until he does dissolve first push.
completely into it. If we are to approach the zero phase
At that the technology of the universe from the position of systems, then the
is built on the principles of links, hierarchy picture changes a little.
and cascade. Wave processes lie on the basis of the
Each qualitatively enclosed thing or universe and all that creates it and even
event is a link in the chain of creation. contemplates. The whole technology of the
The previous link is always lower, and the world order has a wave nature.
succeeding link is always higher on the There is basis to suppose that the
organizational level. Thus the hierarchy «beyond-existence» condition has a
based on the feature of organizational level frequency characteristic of the order of
is established in the chain. 1073 Hz or a little higher.
A special place in the hierarchy is What is this substrate, what is this
occupied by two boundary points – the medium that is capable of withstanding
beginning and end of the chain. There are such high frequency oscillations? I do not
probably coincident. But they are equal to know.
each other. But may be, «beyond-existence» is the
The cascade consists in the capacity of frequency region that is not perceived by
each thing, more precisely each link of the existence? Like ultrasound for human ear,
chain, to independently generate, create it is inaudible, although it is there.
the following , a higher link. Computer functions at the frequencies
The function of creation is not around 1010 Hz. The universe rests on the
concentrated at one point, but transits from frequency 1073 Hz. The difference is by 60
link to link. Something like a cascade odd orders.
waterfall or domino principle. This is not all the frequency scale of
A similar structure is possible only the universe. What volume of information
on the condition that the beginning and is accommodated at the zero phase of
the terminal links of the chain have in the world order and what is the speed of
principle a different nature and are located information processing!
beyond the chain logic. The first link by For certain everything that was, is
definition cannot be. To be precise, it is and will be during 400,000 billion years
like this: There should be an empty space of the full life cycle of the Universe, are
up to the first link that has the capacity to processed without effort in such a fantastic
create the first link. frequency mode.
«Beyond-existence» is the condition The frequency difference between
to the start that has no manifestations, «beyond-existence» and existence, most
even the most spiritual-noumenal. Zero! probably, constitutes a multiple of 1010. The
By all external attributes an absolute zero. operating frequency of existence is to the
But this zero is capable of unfolding the order of 1063 Hz. Also a great deal. But less
cascade of Creation. by 10 billion times. A giant, insuperable
The domino dices have been placed, dividing wall. No wonder that such a wall
but for the process to begin it is necessary can be taken as the edge of existence.
7.2. Phase 1. Existence, «Originator»
KEY WORDS: existence, “originator”, the Lord’s attributes:
love, all-might, ethics, will; principle of reduction in level of
At this phase the transition from non- noted that neither magic nor superhuman
existence to existence takes place. powers were used in the world order.
A point appears. On the contrary, becoming slowly
Why a point? Because existence is familiar with the surrounding World,
already there, and nothing else is yet to be scientific thought see only a strict following
there. of laws, arising by the nature of the things
The design is not there, the volume is itself.
not there, the space even the imaginary is And if this is so then there compulsorily
not there, scale is not there, parts are not exist construction stages, processes in the
there. construction process and the carriers of
The visual image, the point is these functions.
conditional. As a matter of fact the point is In my tired out and hardly pleasant
set against a line, plane or space, but they soviet experience of thought looms a rude
are not there. «originator», «obliging-furtive contractor»
Such a point accommodates in it all, and «lazy-cunning executor». Please
but these «all» do not have structure. forgive me, my soul, for the Russian accent
Such a point is limitless from the inside, in building the images.
but beyond it nothing is there. Existence We are talking of course about the
around it is not there, because it, the functions, about the composition of
existence, is only inside the point. unavoidable stages and procedures during
The idea of the point is that it is the the process of assigning, development and
first existential form of God. realization of any project, including the
In a systems sense the phase No. 1 universe.
is the act of appearance of the «system The initial existence point – alpha,
originator». executing the function of the «system
I understand, my soul, how horrible originator», by definition, carries in it a
to the ear are the words «originator», full set of resources, information on the
«contractor», «executor» that are put in basic properties and objectives of the
one series with the name «God». But it system. This is it.
seems to me that the Lord will not find Everything is as if?
here godlessness on my part. No! Not all! I have forgotten the most
I once more draw your attention: the important thing. the most important thing
World created by the Lord, apart from is the mentality of the “originator”. What
others, is the most complex engineering sort of ethical portrait of the “originator”,
structure, or systems object, which is one so is his order.
and the same. I had long been thinking about ethics. It
This is first of all. Secondly, it has been is a very unusual thing. A lot of it depends
in the world of people. There, above? Still order is a definite stage in the unfolding of
more! God’s attributes.
The basic ethical norm is very simple: Probably, many unique properties,
Establishing the universal rules, do not attributes and inseparable properties are
violate it yourself. inherent to God. But a part of them may for
The simplicity of this rule is some time be in a latent form and manifest
comparable only with the complexity of its during transition from a phase to another
execution. phase. Step after step, link after link along the
I wanted to expound everything in cascade staircase. From zero to maximum
order, description in the beginning, then manifestation and then back to zero.
in the end, – conclusions. Solemnly and Located in the zero phase in the condition
emphatically. «beyond-existence» or «before existence»,
It is not possible. The most important the Lord, probably, is inactive, sleeps or takes
conclusions appear unwarranted. It is rest. It is probable that only one attribute is
neither possible to outstep nor avoid it. It active at this time: freedom! True, complete,
is okay. The internal logic of a subject is unlimited freedom. The Lord has not made
more important than the literary fads of a anything yet and that is why has not limited
commentator. Himself yet with anything.
«Ethics is the cornerstone of If you, my soul, had the opportunity to
universe». Or say: fly in dream, you know, what incredible bliss
«Ethics is one of the basic attributes it is. Not only the flight but the freedom of
of the Creator». choice of direction and speed of flight. May
In general, the time and necessity has be, He sleeps and flies, as he likes, without
come to say something about the structure limitations from his own laws and rules.
of God. Does he remember what was in the
Is it fearful? It is simply dreadful! previous cycles? Does he accumulate His
Something like violation of piety. But knowledge and capabilities? Does He need it?
technological approach is a technological I think that he all the same needs it.
approach. It is applicable on all the links His work is grandiose, it means the sleep
of the chain, on all parts of the system. is significant and wonderful.
This is the method of reviewing the world Other thing is phase No.1 the beginning
order. And nothing more. Man in any case of existence, awakening. At this stage the
cannot be equal to God. deepest, most general attributes of God are
The idea of «human god» is deeply activated. love, omniscience, ethics, will.
antagonist to me, it is vicious and godless It has already been said about ethics. The
in its base. But god perception is allowed universe to an equal degree depends on laws
and moreover, probably, is the first and and the exactness of their executor.
main task of man. Love is the basic motive of God’s
The technological principles of activity. He loves Himself and His creations.
hierarchy, linkability and cascadabiliy is Including us, my soul!
to a full degree related to God as to the Omniscience means, it is accessible to Him,
carrier of the spiritual beginning. probably, anything; but the most fantastic is that
Each deployment phase of the world absolute errorless self limitation is possible for
7.2. Phase 1. Existence, «Originator»
Him. He applies force only there, where it does constitutes syncretic (indivisible) Spiritual being.
not contradict ethics. Yet a monostructure, as in the zero phase,
Will is manifested in the desire to act and but still an unified Spiritual being.
activity. The world is in a continuous motion. Onwards is the creation of the World.
Events and things are regularly renewed, It is to be conceived before carrying out,
life cycles change. Never and nowhere in the and before conceiving, it is necessary to
universe the work of Creation does stop. establish the boundaries and (excuse me!)
Such is the mentality of the «Originator of typical size range of objects of creation.
the system of universe» in the phase 1. If one is to translate from engineering to
As regards the systems categories – human – it is necessary to solve, how many
resources, the target functions and basic times the biggest object of the universe
properties of the systems of the future will be more than the smallest object. It
universe, they are also subordinated to is also necessary to conceive, how many
cascading principles and is unfolded in phase stages of scale will be between the biggest
No.1 only in part. and the smallest object. And thus establish
The resource is embodied till now only the value and number of stages.
in the fact of existence, in the intention and Everything as in a design bureau.
possibility to deploy existence and fill it with a Any novice designer knows: before
more differentiated content. design a unified standard for the «row of
As regards the purposes and target normal numbers» is established. You can give
functions of the yet to be created systems of any size of the part which you need, but as far
the universe, they are probably not there, but as possible select the values from the normal
there is a wish and will to unfold from the series. This is done so that the nut from Brazil
initial alpha-point, go from monomerism to threaded to the bolt from South Korea.
polymerism, to increasing the content of its There does not exist any small green
attributes and filling it with unfolded content. human beings on other planets. Intelligent
The basic properties of the future system spiders, probably, are also not there. The
of world order manifests for now only in one universe is subordinated to one laws. The
fundamental property: The deployment of biggest sensation during the first contact
the universe system is achieved by lowering with extraterrestrial civilization will be our
the level of frequency. The more bigger improbable similarity.
and complex the system the lower is the The hydrogen atom and DNA molecules
frequency of processes and longer are the life in the surroundings of Sirius are exactly the
cycles of the system objects. same as around the Sun.
Well this exactly corresponds to the laws Although the black skinned and
known to us. Thermodynamics in a pure the white skinned look at each other in
form! The law of conservation of energy as surprise, not understanding the reason for
in a text book. their external difference, but they have the
Well of course, at phase 1 as well, as at same color and composition of blood.
all phases, the principle of link, hierarchy, An elementary order exists in the World;
and cascade, which were already mentioned, it is unique and is built with the help of unified
continues to function. bar of linear sizes, unified principles and
The Lord Himself at the stage of phase No.1 unified laws.
7.3. Phase 2. Scale harmony,
KEY WORDS scale harmony, contractor, scale plans of creation,
cascade emission, number, logic, harmony, measure, beauty, scale, size,
golden section, wave of scale stability, “Peaks and valleys”, “synthesis
and division”, “nucleus – structure”, structuring and de-structuring
In essence, the phase 2 is the preparation with mechanical division of finite material
for design. Clearing the construction object are inappropriate. Any division
area and driving in pegs to mark the site of the spiritual being is the birth of new
dimensions. source of resources for the system of
The question that is being solved: How universe.
many scale-dimensional plans are to be How can division into parts increase
built? To what extent will they differ, i.e. the initial sum? Nevertheless, is it a
by how many times will the subsequent violation of the law of conservation of
plan be greater (lesser) than the previous. energy? No, not of course!
The task is not simple. The space is still The point is that the initial resource,
not there, linear dimensions are not there, giving rise to energy, matter and totally
nothing to measure with. everything, from which the universe is
Well what is there to measure! It is still built, is in some latent form.
impossible to count. The idea of number is The resource is very well packed,
not yet there. even pressed. He is not seen and heard
In short, transition is necessary from and understanding is difficult. May be,
the function of «initiator» to the function this is also high frequency vibrations, or
of a «contractor». It is necessary to plan may be something else. The arsenal of
the forthcoming operations, establish technologies, available with the Lord is
the hierarchy of executors, and give the practically unlimited.
general rules and limits. This is purely the But I think that the division technique
work of the general contractor. looks like this. It is necessary to create
I do not know, if during phase 1 some some object. For this purpose we take a
part of phase 0 remains or not, the «whole» little bit of high frequency resource and
of God transits to existence or some part embody in the form of the necessary
of Him continues to sleep, but, as regards object with self frequency lesser by 5-10
the connection of phase 1 – «contractor», orders of the initial condition. The object
I am sure that this hypostasis in some part that appears arises as if from nowhere, but
is maintained up to the moment of total carries with it a huge reserve of energy,
closure of the system. obtained from the unused remains of the
And further a similar principle will initial resource. This remainder serves in
be maintained. God is great, He is so supporting not only the vital functions of
much that if divided He is practically not the newly created object, but also carries
diminished. Such is His nature. Analogies the potential of creating objects of the next
7.3. Phase 2. Scale harmony, «contractor»
7.3. Phase 2. Scale harmony, «contractor»
Initial measure of things 10
А. Formation of 9
:105 8
12 scale stages -
plans of the :105 7
future Universe :105 6
:105 5
Initial point
Center of
the bar
:105 3
:105 2
(1,62 м)
D. Logarithmic bar with base
10 and unit of measurement - lg(m)
1 metre at the moment of Creation
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
“Floating” point on the “М-scale”
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Class № 12
Class 0
Е. Numbers and Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class
boundaries of classes № 1 № 2 № 3 № 4 № 5 № 6 № 7 № 8 № 9 № 10 № 11
of things, forming the World,
lg(m) lg(m)
Class № 12
Class 0
Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class
№ 1 № 2 № 3 № 4 № 5 № 6 № 7 № 8 № 9 № 10 № 11
F. “Valleys” - point of relative stability
and adsorption of energy
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
scale 1025, and this is nothing other than till the end, but can be expressed by the
the Metagalaxy. expression:
1+ 5
To write every time ten to some power
is inconvenient, that is why we go to the
common logarithmic scale. Now there, The golden section (it is called also
where we wrote earlier «10 –15», we shall as the Divine proportion) is calculated by
write «-15». another means, with the help of series,
Moreover, I would like to take as unit discovered by Leonardo Fibonacci in the
the smallest object. This is possible (figure XIII century and named after him. This is
60, C). The scale range on the basis of a row of numbers, where each subsequent
common logarithm and with maximon as number is equal to the sum of two previous.
the unit of measurement is also shown in 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55…
figure 60, C. It has long been noted: at the basis of
We have a great, accurate logic scale, many natural structures – plants, animals
where the values of common logarithm and even human bodies – the principle of
increase from 1 to 60 and the extreme points golden section has been used.
coincide with these values. Everything is Thus, if one metre is to be multiplied
great, but nobody has yet seen a maximon, by the fraction of a golden section
to see it in principle is impossible, since and conceived in the form of common
it is 100,000 times smaller than a photon, logarithm with unit of measurement 1 m,
and most important, the size of a maximon then we get the number 0.2:
is measured like any other object, in
metres, or, to be more precise, in fractions 1 m ×1,618034 ~ 1,62 m;
of a metre.
The arguments are there, but in practice lg(m) 1,62 m = 0,2.
we use the unified international system
of measurements, where the meter is the Zero point two. Let’s remember this
measure of length. I do not know, who in number, although it is not much to look at.
particular suggested it, but it happened in Obviously, it would have been convenient,
France in 1790 and that it is equal to one had the scale been logarithmic, with base
forty millionth part of the Paris meridian. 10 and size unit 1 metre.
I do not know, to who and how this idea Let’s build this scale (figure 60, D).
of the size of a metre belongs to, but I The extreme left point has the value – 34.8,
think that without Divine enlightenment it which means 10 –34.8 m – such is the size of
would not have been possible. a maximon.
Do you remember, my soul, what is a The extreme point on the right –
golden section? 25.2 means the size of Metagalaxy at the
Correct. The division of a segment into moment of creation was 1025.2 m. The
two parts such that a greater part of it is difference between the extreme points of
related to the lower in the same proportion the scale: (–34.8) + 25.2 = 60 orders – set
as the total segment to the greater part. with division by half into 12 equal steps of
The mathematical value 1.618034… is an plans of universe, 5 orders each.
irrational number, it cannot be written But the most interesting value is at the
7.3. Phase 2. Scale harmony, «contractor»
origin point 7 of the scale. It constitutes but that, which according to John is the
0.2 – zero point two. A known number! coincidence in the size of Angel with sizes
Let’s describe the situation, as it of man.
is, without emotion and commentaries, Forgive me, Lord, my stupidity, if it is
looking at the figure 60, D. stupidity.
At the centre of the scale is located the The scale is an unchangeable thing.
point 6. This point corresponds to objects As from the moment of creation the scale
of size 10 –4.8 m – one thousandth part of a coefficients were established, so will
millimeter. This is the size of germ cells they remain till the end of the World. An
of animals and man. It is in particular in exception is the 12th point – Metagalaxy
this volume in a folded up form is located with initial size 1025.2 metres.
the DNA spiral that carries all the genetic From the moment of its creation the
information of man and is of length about Metagalaxy is expanding in all directions
two meters. with a speed not less than half the speed of
An adult human organism increases light. This takes place due to recession of
exactly 100,000 times and lies exactly on galaxies.
the point 7, with the value Lg(m) = 0.2, that Galaxies, without changing their sizes,
corresponds to the linear size 1.62 m. are constantly receding from the epicentre
The average statistical height of man of its creation – the centre of Metagalaxy.
populating our Earth is 162 cm. The 12th point is gradually receding
From the ancient times among from the stationery 11th point of the bar.
theologians and philosophers there has To what will it lead, we shall see, when we
been an opinion that God created man in get to the description of the 13th phase of
his form and similar to him. world order.
Point 7, which corresponds to the size Each of the 12 points corresponds to a
162 cm is the original point of the scale. It class of things of a definite scale (figure 60,
is this point at which the Lord took himself E).
as the measure of things and built the The centres of the classes correspond
missing parts to both sides of the scale. to the positions of 12 points on the bar, and
The average height of man and the the boundaries pass through at an equal
analogical characteristics of God is 1.62 recession from the centres.
cm, if similar correlation is possible. In Strictly speaking, the subjects from
apostle John’s revelation there is a poem which the World is made, may have any
about the temple, where it is said: size and can be at any place of the bar, so a
scale is not needed…
«Its walls were measured as one hundred In reality it is not the things that control
forty four elbows, by human measure, and this the scale, but the scale that gives the laws
is the measure of Angel» [Rev. 21, 17]. of behavior to things depending on their
In ancient times the measure of length Along the bar passes the so called wave
was the distance from the elbow to the tip of scale stability – alternating regions,
of little finger of an adult, approximately where the objects tend to synthesis or
0.45 m. But it is not that is important, division (figure 60, F). These fields are
limited by points of stability. The objects, structure. This is what the ratio «nucleus –
located at the back of waves, are situated structure» is.
as if on «valley». The nuclei are located at the points 0,
Their stability is not great. It is enough 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, and their systems at the
to apply a little energy, and they begin to points 1,3,5,7,9,11.
divide, if they are swung to the left, or join The point 12 is the nucleus (Metagalaxy)
with things similar, if they are swung to appears lonely and castaway. The nucleus is
the right. there, but structure is not.
The lower points of «wave of scale In reality there are no offended
stability» – «peaks» – are more stable. in God’s creation. One transforms to
Here to the left and the right «converge» the other, the opposites change places,
objects that have undergone synthesis or everything around is smooth. There are no
division, and from here the emission of sharp edges.
energy takes place. Can there indeed be a precipice?
The wave of scale stability defines Suddenly from somewhere the bar
the tendency of things of the World for began and suddenly it was cut-off?
synthesis or division depending on their Unlikely.
position on the bar. There is big doubt that the points «0»
At the moment of Creation the wave and «12» are the same point. How it has
of scale stability had a pitch, equal to two been made, I don’t know, but reflections
steps of the bar. Each «valley» or «peak» «for» are enough.
exactly coincided with the corresponding Their nature is one. The maximon is
points of the bar. But the extreme right the working body of the Metagalaxy. It is
12th point migrates to the right and drags made out of it.
along with it the Wave of scale stability, Metagalaxy and maximon are created
stretching it like a spring. simultaneously. The topology of places
The coordinates of centres of the of origin of maximons is the topology
classes remain in position, but the points of of Galaxies, i.e. the structure of the
stability move to the right. There appears Metagalaxy.
a mismatch that leads to a constant It is possible that the points «0» and
reorganization of the universe, and at the «12» do not coincide, but are located
limit to the completion of its existence. nearby, one upon the other, and then
But about it in the description of phase 13. the universal spiral appears. Although
It is always the same, all that is interesting coincidence seems more probable to me.
is later! The dependency «nucleus – structure»
Another important property of the bar is discontinuous. It does not spread to
is setting the rhythm «nucleus – structure». the segments 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 9-10, 11-
On the bar there are six pairs of points 12, although synthesis dominates these
«nucleus – structure». segments. What is the reason, I do not
The stars have nucleus, the Galaxies know.
have nucleus, the atom has nucleus, and One more rule of the bar are the
that which surrounds – stars, Galaxy, structuring and destructuring gradients
electron together with nucleus, – form the and vectors. In the direction from zero to
7.3. Phase 2. Scale harmony, «contractor»
the 12th point the tendency of structuring constantly use Your name, Lord. Allow me
dominates. Objects with lower numbers to use the working euphemism «Spiritual
on the scale create objects with higher being»
numbers. The atoms form molecules, May be, thus, it will be better. It should
molecules – cells, stars form Galaxies etc. have been done long ago!
And viceversa: from the 12th point to The construction of the World is a
the zero point is directed on the scale process of differentiation and emission
of destructuring vector. Things bigger of the Spiritual being. From the condition
are disintegrated into components. The of indivisibility It passes to a complex
systems disintegrate into components, condition of a multifunctional structure,
compounds to chemical elements, giving birth to the system of control of the
molecules to atoms etc. World and the World itself.
However, it should be noted that the The evolution of Spiritual being is the
bar does not completely define the laws reverse side of evolution of the universe. It
of formation of the complex from the is not known, who is whose reverse side.
simple. The object of control for the bar Where is the averse of the coin, and where
are predominantly subjects of non-living is the reverse is a question of conditional
matter. Objects of living matter, spirit agreement.
bearing aggregates of universe, line up Thus, to the moment of deployment
their hierarchy on another scale, located of the second phase of the universe, the
perpendicular to the point 7 of the bar. Spiritual being is split into a series of
On the bar the whole biological world is hypostasis (figure 61). One hypostasis –
packed in the range from the point 6 to the «contractor» – takes full responsibility
point 8, picking up half of 6th, 7th and half for the process of world order as a
of 8th classes. whole. The next derivative hypostasis is
But for now at the phase 2 there is no divided into 12 assistants (almost like the
perpendicular scale yet. It will appear a Apostles of Christ!), who are allocated
little later. the responsibility on 12 scale plans of the
And now, my soul, let's ponder about future design of universe.
God. Until now our attention was devoted The phase 0 ceases to exist possibly
to evolution of universe. We would like to this moment. The Spiritual being is
to describe the stages of becoming of the active. The phase 1 – Existence – remains,
World from the initial point to that picture controlling the events in the role of
that we see, and further; peep into the future “customer” and remaining the only and
to see in what it ends. A technological constant source of all resources of the
approach gives us this possibility. world order system being built.
However, there are many other aspects The frequency indicators are approximate,
of examining the universe and its causes. but the tendency of their reduction as far as the
We have already said many times that the division of Spiritual being is regular.
World was created by God and from God. Thus we have covered zero, point and line.
However it is very uncomfortable to The next steps are plane and volume.
“Contactor” 1063 Hz
reflection of the
2 being
l sy
tro s
t h e c cycle
В f
ne s o nce
Pla eator xiste 1
Cr the e
Creators of the control system
0 1 0 1 = 1/12 of Bar
0 1
0 1 = 0 1
Plane C
А nive
ne of u
Pla sign
1 De
1 1
7.4 Generation of design
KEY WORDS: generation of design, “executor”, attributes:
creative capacity, truth, providentiality, omniscience, bonum
The Executor is the third stage of the The hammer, screwdriver, are well
hierarchy of the Spiritual being. The first known hand tools. The next stage is the
stage is cause hidden in non-existence; mechanized tool with power drive. And
the second stage is the customer, planner, still above are the tooling systems with
architect as called by Blavatskaya, and elements of intellect, capable of correlating
only the third stage is the creator – Creator, its influence on the processing object with
Executor, Demiurge. data about its initial and given conditions.
And at the extreme top is the system,
«In each cosmogony behind God designing and creating the tooling systems.
“Creator” and above him is the God Divine, Each attribute is a complex tooling system
Planner, Architect, in relation to whom the in complete hierarchy, meant for building a
Creator is only an executing intermediary. particular part of the total structure of the
And still higher, above and around, inside
and outside, is located the Transcendent and
Unknown, Source and Reason of all these In all I could trace 16 attributes at the
Emanations» E.P. Blavatskaya [17, page 58]. workshop of the Almighty. A part of them
was activated in the 1st and 2nd phases.
At phases 1 and 2 the Spiritual being Here are some more, related to the phase
already does not sleep, but is yet not fully 3: creative capacity, truth, providentiality,
tuned for active activity. Not all activities omniscience, and activated bonum.
have been updated yet, the program for The matter has gone to that it is
the coming day has not been programmed necessary to invent actively and a lot. The
yet, the regiment of executors has not been World is yet to be there, and it is time to
formed yet. invent how it will be. It is not only how it
The phase 3 should complete the will be, but also how to control it, so that
«waking» process. It lies ahead to generate it does not decay in a minute, but existed
the plan of the world order and create 400,000 billion years and came to the
subjects of universe. It begins again with given condition.
the same – with activation of the necessary But, who is capable of creating such a
attributes. system? What there! It is for us to at least
You remember, my soul, the attributes understand the most general principles
of the Spiritual being – these are his of the structure of universe. And He, the
tools, without which it is impossible to Lord, devised it. To this purpose he trained
do the work. If one is to proceed further a part of His Spiritual being in the capacity
by this analogy, then it should be said, of creation.
that provision of tools is also a complex The activation of the attribute
multistage event. «Creative capacity» gives birth to next
7.4 Generation of design «Executor»
and turned to the plane «A» at 45 degrees, clear and curious to you; and if not please
are necessary. The width of both these excuse me, drop it and do not read it. Do
planes is equal to 1/12 of bar. not force yourself. I shall not take offence.
The Spiritual being, responsible for In my days as a lecturer (I taught people
creation of the control system, is located with higher education in the evening,
on the plane «B». The plane «A» will be enhanced their qualification) everything
filled with objects of the universe, but who depended on the topic. There were topics,
should live when and die when is decided which were interesting to all, and also
in the existence plane. topics, interesting to two-three students,
The plane «C» serves the Spiritual and the others slept, covering delicately
beings, who create the control systems of with their hand.
the universe’s work. I did not disturb them, spoke softly and
As such, the World is yet to be, neither even monotonously, but those, who found
the material, nor the noumenal. But in it interesting, listened and did not sleep.
order to build and control them, it is What grudges can be there!
necessary to have the so called periphery, Here, probably, it should be said that at
something like the program sheath. And in the phase 3 each hypostasis of the Spiritual
order to create this sheath it is necessary being is divided further into three parts:
to have “executors”, who will be located in • The Spiritual being, responsible for
the planes «A», «B» and «C». the design of the universe.
May be we should have started • The Spiritual being, responsible for
description of the phase 3 with this. life and death;
Without any coquetry I shall tell you, • The Spiritual being, responsible for
my soul, that I myself read with horror managing processes that takes place in the
what has been written. Some broken style universe.
summary and not a smooth narration. If we proceed from the principle of
What if I do not have literary talent, management: «An independent function
after all there are no grievances from my of management is a separate executor -
side. I set out in writing what I can. But functionary», then the number of Spiritual
above all, it was said in the beginning: the being–functionaries at the phase 3
addressee is me, my reincarnation. increases by 3 times and will continue to
If you, the reader, are my reincarnation increase further with the complication of
or kindred spirit, everything should be periphery.
7.5. Phase 4. Generation of periphery
of the universe
KEY WORDS: periphery of the universe, hypermatrix,
hypertime, hyperspace, periphery of the noumenal World,
periphery of the material World.
Here it is time to slightly apply the objects of the periphery are dispersed over
brake on periphery and pay attention to the Metagalaxy. A part of them accompany
one more important aspect of the World the Galaxies being overseen and travels
order. over the Universe in all directions. But at
It is about the nature of the Spiritual the same time maintain absolute contact
being. What is a Spiritual being from the with the «central control room».
engineering point of view? How and from How is it done? However much you
what is It made? think, nothing simpler and better than the
Shouldn’t the question be posed like hypermatrix cannot be conceived. That is
this? But why? Can it be asked out of what why He created it.
stone is made? Can it be asked out of what In one of the initial moments of
stars and man are made? But after all this is creation the Lord filled the whole space
also a manifestation of the Spiritual being, of the future World with an invisible,
the final stages of the cascade emission in insensuous cell like structure, made of
the region of the material World. absolutely similar cubic spaces with sides
It is forbidden for one to be an atheist, equal to the value of a maximon – 10 –34.8 m.
but questions can be asked. The Lord has The hypermetric was static, spherical and
answers to all our questions. I think that had initial dimensions at the cross section
our childish inquisitiveness is at heart to 1025.2 m, and immediately upon its creation
the Creator. began to expand in the radial direction
What is the nature of the Spiritual from the centre with a speed equal to half
being at the early stages of emission? In the speed of light.
the first phase of the world order already There are its absolute category of
begins existence zone, - that region, where space and its absolute count of time.
we exist, where every object has features Thus God lays for Himself paths along
of substance that differentiate its existence which He is to walk.
from non-existence, total absence. Thus the canvas appears on which
Of course, there is no matter there at the Divine picture of the universe will be
all, but there is something, out of which embroidered.
objects of the periphery are built. This In some unknown way any cell can
something can store, transmit and process carry in it information charge and potential
information. This something differentiates of some protoenergy, of value from zero to
«before» and «after», aligns in its specific the whole volume of the universe without
space, and may be, has its universal time remainder.
count. In some way all these can pass from
And there is another problem. The cell to cell without obstruction, practically
7.5. Phase 4. Generation of periphery of the universe
stage 3. The cells, lined up in a line of subject cannot be more serious: The Lord’s
the bar, emanates new cells, arranging it intention!
in the form of a parallelepiped of length The Spiritual being, like everything
19.4 m and section in the form of a square He has created, has Its active life cycle.
1.618 × 1.618 m. Death in the understanding of man does
In such a block there are 1.2 · 10106 not exist for Him. Yes, what is death, we
hypermatrix cells. mortal beings do not know. Most probably,
The point «alpha» as it was, so it not much of a death is this death. The
remains at its place, on the initial edge of initial condition of the Spiritual being is
the block. total convolution. It is natural to have the
All the cells, forming this square wish to unfold, realize its potential. The
block is filled with Spiritual beings- method of deployment for the Spiritual
creators, specialized objects according to being is specific – cascade emission,
the scale-dimensional attribute, according i.e. multi-stage transformation with the
to the function existence-non-existence simultaneous expansion of a series of its
and according to management task of hypostasis and decreasing the level of
processes of functioning of the future spirituality. At the limit of this degression
universe system. is the realization as inert matter, where the
Pay attention, my soul, so far the level of spirituality is close to zero. Further
processes of the hypermatrix deployment is synergism – sophistication of objects of
and construction of objects of the periphery the material World, enhance spirituality
almost coincide. and creation of a new Spiritual being in
Well thereafter begins the most some renewed capacity.
interesting. For the first time intention of Such is the inhalation and exhalation.
the Creator is manifested. May be a little It is how He is organized, that is
later or possibly a little earlier appear the how His life appears, as much as I could
organizational level scale and plane for understand.
accommodating the noumenal World. Please forgive me, Lord, my pride!
The intention of the Creator, seems, Thus, my main discovery has been
not that complex to our understanding: sounded, but, as is known, the whole point
propagate cascade emission to the level of is in the details. Let’s go further along the
matter, pass through the spiritless matter stages, depicted in the figure 63.
and again rise to the level of the Spirit. Stage 4.1. Degression to the material
Once again it can be said in other words. World, to its ultimate depth, where things
The Spiritual beings strives to expend its are practically spiritless, is a complex
potential on creation of matter, switch over multistage process. A scale is necessary,
completely to matter and then develop with whose help the hierarchy of objects
matter to the level of Spirit, exhaust of creation according the degree of
the potential of matter to the end and spirituality can be lined up.
accumulate the renewed Spiritual being. Here the question on the unit of
Such is the cycle. measurement of spirituality for calibration
In order to grasp for the third time, for (marking) of the scale arises. What is the
you, and more for self I would say. The unit of spirituality? The Creator knows the
Stage 1, Phase 1, Fig. 56 Stage 2, Phase 2, Fig. 56
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
а а = 10 m = 1 Мх
35 h
а d = 1,618034 m = 10 Мх=1m х Fi
в = 19,416 m = 1,2 .10 Мх
а = 10
m = 1 Maximon (Мх) Number of cells 1,2 х 1036; Fi
Numbers of cells 1 Logarithmic size bar (matter axis)
First cell of the Hypermatrix
Pl m
an en
e al
oh W
th orl
Periphery of the
Plane for b
World PNW
placement of the b = 19,4 m = 1,2х1036 Мх
Noumenal World h = 0,809... m
No. of cells 1,7х10 Pr
Pl m
an en
e al
oh W
th orl
e d
7 0
Pl ter
an ia
e lW
oh o
placement of the
а=19,4 m a
“Upper block”
h = 0,5d = 0,809... m Organizational level
b = 19,4 m = 1,2х1036 Мх scale (Spirits axis)
g = 2,87... m = 1 mхFix 2
Number of cells 0,6 х 10106
First volume of the Hypermatrix p = 27,45... m = 1 mхFi x 2 x12
Hypermatrix at
the moment of 19,4 м
PNW before before
C e с=3х108 m/sec
Number of cells at the moment of Creation 0,5 .10
Process of creation of the Hypermatix
ПНМ 1 экз.
19,4 м
1019 1021 м
10 25,2 м
Simple calculations show that the material World (PMW), and then multiply
expansion wave of the hypermatrix moves it in the required quantities and place it at
with a speed of 1018.2 m/s, and in a month its locations in the hypermatrix.
and half or two the hypermatrix reaches At stage 4.6 the plane for accommodating
the design size of 1025.2 m (stage 4.5). one typical material World unfolds. It is built
Then the speed of expansion of the on the continuation of the Holy diagonal
hypermatrix falls drastically to 1.5·108 m/s, (figure 54, 55) and finished at the point
which constitutes half the speed of light, and the «omega» – final of the cyclic evolution of
hypermatrix expands further at such quiet rate, the Spiritual being. On this surface unfolds
preparing the place for regression of Galaxies. evolution of matter from maximon and
From this instance appear hyperspace antimatter to man and renewed Spiritual
and hypertime. A solid, unchanging, static being. The noumenal and material Worlds
construction area for creation of infinitely constitute as if like a frontal mirror reflection
changing, transient material World. It of each other, and that is why their scales are
is, most probably, a sphere of diameter on one straight line, come in contact at zero
1025.2 m, made of cubic cells with sides point, but are directed against each other.
10 –34.8 m and quantity 0.5·10180 pieces. The material World also requires control
The hypermatrix cells are static in and management. These functions are taken
relation to each other. The hypertime is by two orthogonal planes. One is in charge
defined by growth process of the external of issues of life and death, the other manages
layer of a huge sphere of the hypermatrix. the process of functioning of systems of the
The growth speed is constant. It means that material World (stage 4.7). This is somewhat
time is invariable. In the centre of the sphere is a mirror reflection of two controlling planes
miniscule nucleus from similar cells – cubes of the periphery of noumenal World.
of PNW. It is less than the sphere by 1025 The planes have thickness equal to half
times. Approximately a similar proportion is the class of bar 0.809 m, come in contact at the
between the atom and the Galaxy. lower edge and there, similar to at the top, an
Why so much space? empty space is formed in the form of a long
The Lord by His nature is regal. To the block – mirror reflection of the figure at stage 3.
question how much? He answers himself – ten to There at the intersection of the external
the power of ten! It is this much material Worlds edge and the Holy diagonal is located the
that will be created as many Galaxies should point «omega» – a place, which collects
simultaneously occupy the hypermatrix space. and packs the renewed Spiritual being –
But the material World also requires a «omega» by the end of the evolutionary
peripheral complex. It is necessary to create cycle of the Spiritual being – «alpha».
a typical technological slipway for erection of The point «omega» is one and the
the material World and make such slipways «block» for collection of the spiritual result
as much as there are material Worlds. is one, but the peripheries of the material
The noumenal World is needed in one World should be as much, as the Worlds.
copy, one copy of PNW has been created That is why at the stage 4.8 replication
under it, but there will be a lot of material of PMW takes place. In all 1010 absolutely
Worlds. That is why it is necessary in the identical peripheries of the material World
beginning to make one periphery of the are generated. Each PMW is designed for
one full life cycle of one Galaxy – 40,000 it should revolve around its centre so that
billion years. If my approximate calculations the equilibrium of forces of gravity and
are true and the life cycle of a Metagalaxy is centrifugal forces maintained its integrity.
40,000 billion years, then in this period ten Secondly, a linear motion along a straight
generations of galaxies will be changed and line with zero acceleration is required.
as a result the total quantity of PMW will be It is also needed to do something so that
by an order more and will constitute 1011. the Galaxies do not collide. For volumes
It is quite a large quantity. PMW also in the form of a sphere such things are
constitutes a cube made of specialized cells possible, if all the objects shall move in a
with side 19.4 m – six storied house. For a radial direction from the centre.
man this volume is quite big, for Cosmos it is The speed of motion should not be more
a speck of dust. than the speed of light, since we are talking about
But these specks of dust are accommodated matter. The relative speed of the Galaxies located
in the already created hypermatrix close are not great, but it sharply increases with
volume approximately evenly and in exact distance from the object being monitored.
correspondence to the location of centres of the One more requirement: expansion of
future Galaxies (stage 4.9). the Metagalaxy should not lead to change in
Nothing especially complex: the diameter the density gradient at its cross section. In
of a Galaxy is from 1019 to 1021 m, distance other words, in the beginning the distances
between centres of the Galaxies is about 1022 m. between the Galaxies are approximately
Displacement to the required point along equal at any point of the Metagalaxy.
the hyperspace is not a problem, no one moves On expansion of the total volume of the
anything. The information on the design of Metagalaxy and on the condition that the
PMW is simply transferred to the required total quantity of Galaxies does not change,
point and fixed at those cells, which were there. the distance between them should increase
But there is one complicating situation: equally at any point of the Metagalaxy.
the Galaxies should not be at rest, they are Fulfilling the cited conditions leads
to be in continuous motion along a straight to that, that each PMW, placed initially at
line and around its axis. a definite point of the hypermatrix, gets
The point is that on the basis of matter, some impulse of linear and rotary motion
constituting the substance of a Galaxy lies with a given radial direction and given
maximon, an object belonging equally to speed.
the noumenal and material Worlds. Again the Cheshire cat: The Galaxies
Its frequency 1043 Hz is too small for are yet to be, but how it rotates and where
the hypermatrix. To be more precise it is it flies is already known. A cat‘s smile
at the limit of the allowed frequency. The before the arrival of the cat!
cell cannot continuously activate at such What there the Galaxy! The whole
frequency. It gets «overheated». If the universe in the form of smile of a Cheshire
material object will be static at one point cat is ready. A complete silence; nothing
of the hyperspace, then it’ll «burn» it. The is yet there, not a single atom, not a single
solution is simple: material objects should maximon, but the whole infrastructure,
be in motion, moreover as whole – the required for the act of creation of the
whole material World, i.e. Galaxy. At first, material World has been prepared.
7.6. Phase 5. Noumenal World
material World and lines draws up the sheet 27×19 metres and thickness 10–34.8 m,
hierarchy down towards the zero mark but is capable of planning evolution of the
along the organizational level axis (figure material World on the expanses of a sphere
64). of diameter 1025 m.
The conceptual model of each aggregate is The design of graph of a noumenal
adjusted a large number of times for executing World (figure 64) actively reminds the idea
its functions and organic combination with of Babylon tower. As is known, the latter
the neighboring aggregates. was built to bring closer man to God. Here
Formation of a balanced graph of the there is something similar.
noumenal World is a constant interactive Man is really above all other aggregates
process, which takes place at a frequency of matter and nearer to the point «alpha»,
of about 1053 Hz during existence of the below follows the aggregates thanks to
whole universe. which man exists, and still below biological
The process of formation of noumenal elements of the structure and beyond the
World is initiated by the Spiritual beings – floors of material substance.
executors (figure 56, phase 3). The whole structure is held on two
The source of all resources, and they «legs» – maximon and Metagalaxy.
lead to the concept «welfare», is, as before, The maximon carries in it the drawing
God (point «alpha»). He is there so much and full description of material Worlds –
that it will be enough during 400,000 Galaxies. It knows how to build them.
billion years to fill with himself 10 times From the point where the maximon is
10 billion of Galaxies. there takes place a continuous emission of
The control of the process of maximons to the centres of the material
generation of the noumenal World is made Galaxies. Generation and pumping take
by the existence plane and control plane place at frequency not less than 1053 Hz, but
of functioning of the periphery of the the process of manifestation of maximon
noumenal world. as a material subject, as has been said
Finally a streamlined and consistent earlier, takes place 10 billion times slower,
chain of thought objects from homo to at the frequency 1043 Hz.
maximons and Metagalaxy is drawn up. In The second «leg» of the graph –
total there are 12 stages, to which we shall Metagalaxy – reminds of a hoof on ice.
return. It slides to the side constantly increasing
Maximon is a boundary aggregate the distance from the point 11 to the point
equal in size to one cell of the hypermatrix. 12 on the bar. But thanks to this slide an
It carries the current genotype of the absolute count of time and process of
material World. Maximon manifests itself targeted evolution appear in the universe.
in two frequency ranges. At the frequency Something may be approximately said
1053 Hz its formation takes place, and at a about the nature of aggregates of the
frequency of 10 orders less – 1043 Hz – it noumenal World.
forms the material World by itself. The aggregates of noumenal World
The noumenal World is a grand model of are thought images of aggregates of
the material World by its complexity the material World. Their similarity is
and occupies a physical volume of rectangular implemented through the mechanism of
7.6. Phase 5. Noumenal World
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
63 Hz Scale axis
Biological Cell
cosmic placenta
Cell nucleus
53 Hz
Planets, Stars
Atomic nucleus
(Electron nucleus)
Nuclei of Galaxies
53/43 Hz Maximon
7.7. Phases 6-11. Material World. Operation of Periphery
The Holy Temple has been built, and takes place synchronously in the beginning
the Periphery is ready for the birth of the instantly in all the ten billion galaxies. The
Matter. rate of evolution, of course, cannot be
Now, after some negligible fraction of absolutely the same, but on the average the
a second the birth of matter is imminent, complete life cycle of the galaxies is equal
instantly in all the 10 billion future galaxies, to 40,000 billion years. The period is not
instantly spinning with the required speed, small. The formation and contraction of
and flying in the radial direction from the galaxies constitute a negligibly small part
centre with the required speed. of this period about 1-2 billion years, i.e.
Well, what else than an explosion?! less than one hundredth of a percent.
And here it quietly rolled in. Ten How the galaxy matter is formed, how
billion centers of the future galaxies began the stars are got from it, how the Maximons
to erupt Maximons. The fusion process of are converted to the material of stars and
photons, electrons, and atoms, formation galaxies, how plasma is formed, and, on
of stars and planets has began. cooling, reduced to atomic structure, I do
A fabulous Architect, a fabulous not want to comment, but I approve that
Engineer. The subject of His Creation is all these take place in the sixth phase of
wonderful! evolution of the World order, fig. 57.
But the most amazing thing is that It seems to me that the hypothesis
you and I, my Soul, have been allowed that stars were formed from gaseous-dust
to see, evaluate the scale and even in nebulae with the subsequent condensation
part understand the significance of His and heating under the gravity forces is
Creation! quite probable.
Although, I am not a Muslim, but I Now it becomes clear, where the
shall say once again: «The Lord is Great!» nebula itself comes from – thanks to the
On the other hand what is there to wonder? source of Maximons in the centre of the
Why not? We are indeed His reflection! galaxy.
We simply are obliged to understand, The assumption, that the substance
perceive and carry the burden of Creation coming out of the centre of the galaxy in
of our Father! the form of protoplasm and the source
Thus dictates the system created by of Maximons itself under the influence
Him! In any case, a man has to do it in the of centrifugal forces is burst into parts
forthcoming 400,000 billion years. and flies over the space of future galaxy,
Thereafter the building of material forming the centers of the future stars
worlds begins. It starts simultaneously and from its parts, is as good.
May be both, and other thirty unknown evolutionary phase of the world order,
yet methods of galaxy structure formation. if one is to know in detail what happens
In reality an absolutely different thing is there. But, alas! I know so little, that I
important. From outside only a stream of hardly catch hold of those pieces, which
Maximons comes to the Galaxy. All other give the possibility to re-establish the
evolutionary transformations are process general chain of events.
of cascade emission. Whatever are the About the sixth phase I can only
subsequent transformations of matter, they say that it starts with the emission of
are the function of specific conditions and Maximons into the Material world and is
program, laid down in the Maximon. conditionally limited by the formation of
In the Material world the self-control atoms, stars and galaxies.
mechanism operates in full. The next, seventh evolutionary phase
The main, permitted channel of of the World order, is connected with
external influence, is the mechanism the formation of molecules, planets and
of accidental influence on the course of accordingly the planetary systems, similar
events during the moments of equilibrium to the Solar system.
choice. Thus the Material worlds, described
by a graphical model, are gradually built,
«Somewhere there, beyond the limits of known to you as in fig. 16 –26.
knowledge, Together with the build-up of the
Where there are enigma, nebula and mystery, structure of Material objects the periphery
Someone latent prepares in advance mechanism becomes complicated. The
All that later happens accidently» [299, page
essence of complication is in that for each
new type of object and for each of its
A strange thing has happened. copy its own specialized «piece» in the
Guberman appeared and the necessity Periphery mechanism is formed. In simple
to quote the works of a majority of language it sounds more elegant – «Each
philosophers fell out. The four lines are thing has its own Guardian Angel».
equal to a whole tome or collection of The next eighth phase opens the
edition. This is where properly organized biological stage of evolution of matter.
idleness and lying on the couch lead to. Bio-molecules and biosphere appear.
The program gives Matter life, but the The ninth phase is characterized by the
event leads the life of things to their fact that for the first time in the Material
providential purpose. world Plants appear – an organic unit lying
at the Divine diagonal – lines, connecting
«A poet of impeccable right, the alpha and omega points. Plants are
Blok was not right in one thing, of complex organic structures, living beings,
course: Erasing the accidental features, to which some form of consciousness and
We shall erase the God’s world t liberty are inherent.
houghtlessly» [299, page 127]. Animals appear on the tenth phase.
So they do on the Divine diagonal.
My Soul, you understand that one Animals have elements of intellect, liberty,
can write a whole library about each instincts, individuality and separate
7.7. Phases 6-11. Material World. Operation of Periphery
2 B
View IV A F 11
D L 12 G
Existence 10
K 9 Section on
monitoring Т 8 universe plane
Control of
death 4 H
C 3
View III 3 L
A B B G II View I 4
F G G F 7
N 8
O J 2
9 01 N
W UM 91
Performance 8
10 7
B 6
R A 4
monitoring LD AL Universe Plane 11
H M 12 0 1
I III Control of
H L Noumenal World
Control of monitoring
material N
J 7 8 9 1011 G
I 4
J K Т 3
View II
Sections on
Control control planes
life (object-wise
E L sections) N
A F 4
J 3
7.7. Phases 6-11. Material World. Operation of Periphery
12 B Biosphere noumen
7 G
4 5
2 1
A 0
12 L
I 10
Biosphere material unit
2 B
01 Biosphere noumen
A 12 G
11 6
8 7
D 4 H
3 L
4 13
5 15
Biosphere material unit 6 14
J 11
9 01 N
10 6
12 0 1
In the control
1.5 Impetus to expansion and life
2 2.0 units (Biosphere)
Information on the existence condition of material
3 3.0
Ethereal World
units (Biosphere)
In the plane of
the Universe
7.1 Emanation of Bonum
Mutual correlation signals with objects of the lower
7.2 level
place along the whole cascade of units of to bring up the soul, control it and cure?
the Universe, building them and passing Although it is as if no one objects that soul
through them. But man in this diagram is gifted with reason and will.
occupies the boundary position. In general the soul is a phenomenon
Bonum is a part of the unit «Man», it belonging or closely related to the bio-
creates him, but with this ends its descent logical objects and in the first place with
to Matter, since matter ends in man. man. Although there is basis to consider
Thus what man gives to the World and that any object of the Material world car-
from which the renewed Spiritual being is ries in it some simplified form of the soul’s
made of is neither Bonum nor matter, not modification. But we shall analyze the
physical energy. most unfolded variant that is the soul of
But what is this? man.
The answer lies in the field of con-cepts Here one should be reminded of the
of Soul and Spirituality. If, of course, one main problem of the Material world, the
is to approach these subjects specifically, contradiction between matter and spirit.
as a designer. Spirit, Spiritual entity has come down to
Although only a lazy person has not the initial level, the level of simple matter,
written about soul and spirituality, al- in order to go through all the stages of
though these words regularly alternate in becoming the Spirit and renew Its Entity.
everyday language, although these con- In each thing of the Material World lives
cepts form the basis of a majority of reli- the element of Spirit and tends to self-
gions, but science keeps away from them, regeneration and integration into an
and the existing definitions are vague and integral whole.
have multiple meaning. Man, the last in the line of units of
However, it is generally accepted, that matter, in total manifests the picture of
the soul is the internal psychological world dichotomy of matter and spirit. The usual
of man, the properties of his cha-racter, phrase «soul and body» is proof of it.
possibly, the immortal spiritual entity of It is also necessary to establish the
man, an exceptional life force, residing concepts «Spirit» and «Spirituality».
in the body and discarding it during sleep By the word spirit we shall under-stand
and in case of death etc. the subjects and field, opposed to matter –
It has also been observed that the non-matter, subjects, non-matter object.
soul is connected with the psychological The concept Spirit, thereby, is closely
characteristics of an individual, and in connected with God.
some way is made of it, that the soul may Spirituality, spiritual – these terms
serve as the immaterial means of contact show the orientation towards the spiritual
between people, and even between man world and primarily the presentation to
and the Lord. But from what it is made, God.
where it is located during life and where Now we shall try to go along with the
it goes after – there is no solid opinion. It Creator and see how the human soul is
is also unknown from what the picture of structured by him and how it fits into the
a man’s soul is made, are there unchang- System of the World order (fig. 67).
ing and changing parts in it, is it possible Human soul appears for the first time
7.8. Phase 12. The function of humans in the world order
at fertilization, when the female and male comes with the genetic Ego of the parents.
sex cells integrate into one whole and form Male and female sex cells carry in its
the first cell – zygote, containing all 46 chromosomes not only the program of
chromosomes, necessary for devel-opment construction of the future organism, but
of a new man. each its genealogical Ego – the es-sence of
The size of a zygote is about 50 mi- its internal «I». At the time of combination
crons that corresponds to the geometric of sex cells into a zygote a new genetic Ego
centre of the scale. Then the zygote be-gins of the future man ap-pears. According to
to divide, increasing twice every 30 hours. laws of genetics the inherited attributes
An adult man increases as com-pared to may be transferred in a rather intricate
the zygote 105 times and occu-pies exactly way. The traits of one of the parents or
the centre of the seventh class. Right on the even distant relatives may dominate, but
top of the Holy diagonal. the genetic Ego of the future man is always
But the soul appears already at the determined by his genealogy.
moment of formation of the sub-human Thus, at the first moment of life of
zygote. To be precise it is at the begin-ning the human embryo the history of his soul
of the nucleus of the soul. It consists of two already starts. In the beginning it is only a
halves – noumen of the man’s soul and nucleus, made of noumen and genetic Ego.
genetic Ego of the parents. At fertilization two personal Spiritual
From the noumenal world, through entities appear, controlling all the subse-
genetic code of the Universe, included in quent life of Man and his Soul. They are
the Maximons, the noumen of human soul located in the periphery of the Material
is input to the zygote. world but oriented only on the given man.
Within the time limits of the life cycle The control plane of the Material world
of the stellar planetary system the noumen generates the Spiritual entity – «Guardian
of soul is literally unchanged. It can be said Angel», responsible for the man’s life and
that it is immortal, since it appears on each life maintenance of the purity of his soul.
cycle of the Un-iverse. Although it is totally And the death control plane generates the
logical to suppose that the noumen of man Spiritual entity responsible for the man’s
and his soul to the moment of completion of death, as well as the sup-port and disposal
the life cycle of the Universe appears totally of handicapped souls – «Angel of Death».
different than in the beginning. Already in the womb of the mother
The noumen of a soul is a reference, built the human embryo and his soul begin to
in total accord with the purposes and tasks of experience a mass of external influences
Universal System. It is how the soul should be and learn to react to them.
in order that the purposes of the System were After birth, at all stages of human life
realized. from childhood to old age the nucleus of
the soul grows its own Ego, individual
«…in our soul we have the outlines of the and non-repeatable internal world. This
Lord’s soul and its eternal judgments…» is manifested as the unique set of affects,
B. Spinoza [106, p. 28]. characteristic features in conduct and
individual’s mode of thought.
The second half of the newly born soul Man, the carrier of soul, by his
Time before Moment of fertilization Time of
life of man Man’s life period Period after death
Noumen Ed e
of a
of man
Quits the soul
of Maximon
Genetic code
Sp peri
irit -
ex nce
co Life
Soul of a zygote - first p o
u g
g o
human cell
Noumenal Sp
iritual energy of Godlike part
ill S
W of ego
world e amalga-
m n Acquried
N mation
i c a
i r e d
r i t u al
l of a gro
To the renewed
Material world
E with the
e en
ergy of Spiritual being
a l o
c Creator
ne io
ca ed logi al n
Genea- Genetic th rri s o ca ci me
e er f l So on
logical Ego so o a r Spiritual God abusing
vi Reason
Ego ul f
Psychological and en Will energy of part of ego
anthropological Spirituallity
Great grandfathers.....
carrier of soul
Quits the soul
the Soul. Information from outside passes his children and descendents, forming the
one after the other from the first to the genetic heritage of soul.
sixth layer and then in the processed form Ego outlives the physical death of
returns to the first layer and thereafter human body and continues its participa-
outside to the physical body of man. tion in the metamorphosis of the Universe.
The whole structure of soul is built The richer and more spiritual the earthly
on the basis of Maximons, that is why in life of the soul, the more interest-ing and
relation to the physical body of man, which significant will be the extra-terrestrial fate
is made of atoms and molecules, the soul of Ego.
is invisible, imperceptible and unreachable The second layer is the genetic ego,
by modern tools of study. But the soul that, which we obtained from our parents,
does not cease to be the phenomenon of ancestors and most important from God,
Material world because of this, does not without our will and effort.
become a supernatural phenomenon, and The parents are a chauffeur and a
does not cease to be an intelligible object. maid, but the son is a genius composer!
Take a hundred random people from The father is a district warden of a gym-
the street and try to explain to them the nasium, the mother is a decent woman, but
structure, and not the work diagram, but the sons are regicides, monsters, smi-ters
the structure of a simple English lock. If of a whole nation.
in this hundred there happens to be one Or say: Nobody taught him, but the
engineer – mechanic – only he will un- child just sang and danced rather profes-
derstand you. sionally or did something with his own
The structure of Soul can be compre- hands and tools are in his hands as they
hended by hundred out of hundred. Be- should be. What is here acquired from
cause the Lord can combine deep wis-dom parents and what from God’s Dispensa-
with evident simplicity. tion we don’t know.
The first layer of the Soul is the ac- The genetic Ego is the deepest un-
quired Ego (I), that, which constitutes the changeable «I» in man. Genetic Ego can-
internal world of man on the given stage not change. Its figure may be accepted or
of his life. All that he has inherited from developed or on the contrary subdued by
the parents and ancestors, all that he has the acquired Ego, but cannot be changed
learnt, what life taught him, his capacity in kind.
to think and analyze, his bringing up, his Here it is, my Soul, please, one more
ethical basis, his relation to the Creator, all powerful channel of control over mankind
this is packed in «I» of the man, has the without violation of the principle of freedom
scientific name «Ego» and is the re-sult of and independence of man.
the work of an individual’s soul. The third layer of the soul is the Will.
Ego is a sort of result of the cir- Man is free in his decisions. To serve
cumstances, independent of the given man one’s instincts or analyze the situation,
and at the same time to a great extent is a listen to the voice of conscience or make
product of the will and conscience of the simpler and more convenient, give work
man himself, result of the work of soul. to one's soul or sail along the course of
The Ego of an individual passes to one's whims. The capacity to strongwilled
and tasks
line of
Actions and
of a soul
Origin of
for reaction
Functions of
spiritual experience of
as from God’s
of soul man at birth
7.8. Phase 12. The function of humans in the world order
self-controlled behavior, most probably, being in contradiction with the rules and
has also a dual nature. A part is given by laws of the Creator.
birth and another part is a prod-uct of self Human reason like a young stupid dog
training. So, you can’t discount weak will strains at the leash at each crow fly-ing
to bad heredity. past. There is lot of energy but no wisdom.
Reason, the fourth stage in the depth The conscience is more complex. The
of soul, has the same dual nature. Reason system of interdiction and limitations, first
has huge possibilities, almost unlimited. of all, is not that evident, and sec-ondly,
It accumulates and selects the variants of is very complex. It is in fact the reverse
actions, decisions, strategies of behavior, side, inside of the Universe. Every possible
it can compare them, evaluate, assign the thing of the World exists in the World on
criteria of optimality and sort the best certain conditions and in the system of
choice in it. Reason cannot do only one definite limitations.
thing: define the boundary of its expe- It has become even to some extent very
diency. One and the same reason is ca- sad. Why reason, why will, if all around
pable of rising to the understanding of there are unseen limitations, which should
the actions of the Creator and in a minute, not be violated. Wherever you step in, you
turning its back to the Creator, knock will surely violate some-thing without
down His Creation. even wishing it.
Reason is all powerful, but a soulless You need to be the Lord in order to
instrument of the Soul. A huge, almost know in detail the whole structure of Un-
unlimited power of reason and logic, if it iverse. But man is not God and can never
is not directed in the required channel, is be Him. What it means that we are doomed
capable of destroying everything in the for the role of botcher – the de-stroyer of
world and primarily its carrier – man. A the works of our Father? Not, of course.
terrible danger of self-destruction is hid- To exit from each «dead end» the Lord has
den in the powerful intellect, which is saved his own door and footway. Inside the
convinced in its own self-sustainability. human’s soul, almost at the bottom of it the
Lord placed the conscience. Sometimes
«Logic cannot serve as the base of mor-al «…with quiet admonition» [81, v.2, page
evaluations» M. Daimont [39, p. 219]. 39], as Platon said, sometimes deafeningly
loud the signal from conscience is input
But without reason the soul of a man to reason. The meaning of this signal
cannot exist. It will be then not man but an is the ethical interdiction of actions,
empty-headed insect. Then why all these contradicting the ideas of the Creator,
evolutionary paths – insects were created rules and laws of World order.
since long ago. Ethical standard is put in each man.
The fifth, last but one in the underly- Its signals can be ignored, can be damped,
ing level of soul, is the Conscience. This but also can be attentively listened to and
measure is manifested through ethics, followed. Each one decides for himself
moral and morality. These words are al- how much one can execute the demands of
most synonyms. They imply the capacity conscience. The conclusion is the degree
to self-limitation with the purpose of not of human morality is completely defined
7.8. Phase 12. The function of humans in the world order
in the Seventh Circle, Buddhas without sin layer of soul, the genetic Ego.
shall be born» E.P. Blavatskaya [19, p. 564]. Here the bad heredity of the great
grandmother – maid or the grandfather –
Nevertheless, how the external fac- gambler and brawler can suddenly ac-
tors influence the formation of a Soul? In tuate. Or else something from the noble
general, what is this «work of soul» made breed may emerge like the sudden firm-
of? ness of the soul or the inappropriate un-
My soul! I, your earlier reincarnation, selfishness. But in any case they will play
am so structured that in the beginning I a malicious jest with you. The harm here is
should draw the diagram and then explain in the same feckless reflexivity, which are
my thoughts using it. put out of place.
In short, see figure 69. Everything is The outlines of the genetic Ego, if
drawn there. they are repeated without control in the
The six-layered Soul of man accepts behavior of man, automatically change
from the body requests for reacting and over to his acquired Ego and become the
returns the body information about the direct outlines of his I.
recommended reaction, formed as a re- Well what of it? My ancestors, let’s
sult of passing through a specific layer. suppose, were golden hearted people, and
The simpler the request and the lazier the I inherited their Ego. What is bad in it?
soul, the shorter the path of the request to But it’s bad! The alien traits of the
the soul’s depth. soul have been suffered and built by oth-er
The simplest answer is got, if the first people, and my soul really is made of only
layer is activated. In a majority of cases this that, that through it passed whatever that
takes place, when the request is re-peated affected my will, reason and spirit. You
many times and the reaction stereotype will get on the outer a golden soul, but in
has already been for long gen-erated, that nature only a visibility and a total false.
by itself is not all that bad and serves in The third case. The request for reac-
saving the spiritual energy. tion reached the level «Will». If in the
On the other hand, if the situation is first two cases the response was reflex-
non-standard, requires analysis and spiri- ive, then at the third level the conscious
tual efforts, but man brushes aside, does decision-making of one of two decisions
not desire to apply soul and behaves in takes place. To allow the request further,
analogy to some other situation only sim- expend efforts on its apprehension and
ilar externally. This is sin, and it remains analysis or to not allow, but turn it back
in Ego, it not only remains, but creates a and select some externally similar analo-
precedent and disposition to accumulation gy of solution.
and growth. In a bright body of the soul a Again each act of weakness, lack of
black spot appears. desire to give work to the soul adds black
Thus the first level of reaction of the spots to the picture of soul.
soul works. But we shall consider that the will
Let’s suppose that the request kno- was exposed and the request for reaction
wingly or unknowingly was not held back reached the fourth level of soul, where
in the first level and got into the second reason is located. Only now it came to the
of soul
Outside world
Genetic Ego
Acquried Ego
of behaviour reaction
Level III Reactions, based on the unwillingness to think and analyses
Level VI Reactions, based on comparison with the noumen of soul (Creator’s Design)
real work of the soul. Reason is ca-pable of live a life of belief and alms, or else, turning
analyzing the request, classify it, compare away from God, he reaches out to the evil
with analogues and formulate an optimal spirits and as a result his spirit is fulfilled with
evil wile» E. Swedenborg [95, p. 379].
Everything is wonderful except for
one very important circumstance. Rea- Our Guardian Angel stands aloof si-
son, left to itself, relies on the subjective lently and looks with despondence at our
conception about the optimality criterion. back.
Reason left to itself allots to subjects of the
«Those, who guard us invisibly,
World tags «good» or «bad», abso-lutely in Have weakened out of impotence,
an arbitrary way. Tears from the eyes brush aside
The important thing for reason is the Their silky wings»
internal logic of inferences, and all initial I. Guberman [34, p. 130]
limitations are an arbitrary formality. The
concepts of good and evil are beyond The sin of godlessness is punished
the limits of formal-logic structures. with godlessness.
Therefore the pure conceptual approach
may give both positive and negative result, «Wherefore through which man commits
and the reaction of soul can be both useful crime, through that he is punished» Apocrypha
and harmful for man. Soul, depending [29, p. 323].
on godless rationalism, is doomed to
mistakes, deceptions and sufferings. The Punishment with godlessness implies
soul, letting it to be over-come with animal that man ceases to receive care and pro-
instincts, is a sorry sight. Here are some tection from the Lord in all his actions.
bright words of pro-topope Abbacum in There is no need of any Hell herein. Life
this regard of their Life: during life transforms into the most fear-
ful desperate Hell. The Lord forgives man
«All that with Christ from the other a lot, but in the part of relation to spirit,
world has been endowed to people in order to the world of spirit He is strict and
to praise God. But man, resembling vanity, extremely exacting.
his days allegedly like shadow come, jumps
al-legedly like a goat, bloats allegedly like a «A lot is indistinct at God
bubble, gets angry allegedly like a lynx, wants In his universal blessing:
to eat allegedly like a snake, laughs in vain He gives the fate free of cost,
at the other’s beauty like a horse, is cunning And demands the soul as payment»
allegedly like demon…» [52, p. 650]. I. Guberman [34, p. 127]
Well said! Yes? All the same the It is understandable, since the soul is
harshest case is when man consciously and one of the key objects of the system. The
obdurately turns away from God. Then no target functions are realized through it. It
one can help him. is the main element of the System at the
level of «Man».
«The Lord cannot save man, if man does No, the ambitious reason considering
not accept the Divine beginning and does not
itself as sustainable does not decorate the
7.8. Phase 12. The function of humans in the world order
Soul with worthy reactions. If the same It can – it can't. The whole sense of
reason approaches the conscience and existence of man, the phenomenon of man
spirituality with request to give ethical itself is in that the Soul appeared and that
criteria of solving the task, then it is to- this Soul functioned and purified:
tally a different case. But this is already
the next, fifth level of passage of request to «…fate controls half of our behaviour, but
the man’s soul. to control the other half or about it is given to
Conscience gives reason ethical us» Machiavelli [69, p. 103].
guidelines, sets moral criteria and guar-
antees the virtue of recommended reac- The Lord at the height of his Creation
tion. Solutions that pass through the filter created Man and put a fairly mediocre
of conscience enriches the Soul, makes its Soul in him. With this the Divine action as
energetically positive. regards Man is finished.
Why does it happen so? Because Thereafter, as per the Creator’s plan,
conscience and spirituality are nothing man, with his own efforts, has to grow and
but attention and respect to the Creation of nurture from the sprouts of Soul the tree
God and world, where we exist, the wish to of life of the next hypostasis of the Lord. It
correspond to this World and not violate its is nothing more or less. Man must do this
harmony. himself.
Reason spreads before us the choice
of multiple choices of solutions, and the «Where, there is no struggle, there is no
soft voice of conscience indicates, which merit» E.P. Blavatskaya [17, p. 121].
of them is forbidden and can break the
harmony of our sphere of living. Such a key mission is bestowed on man
Thus, pay attention, the distinctive and so his work on the soul is im-portant.
feature of the fifth filter – elimination of One can, of course, ignore this task, but
reactions of soul, which cause harm or then punishment follows as godless-ness.
danger to the harmony of the Universe, All sufferings of not intelligent man take
and in the first place for the internal spi- place due to neglect of one’s providential
ritual harmony of man himself. function.
Working on the prohibitive principle Our enlightened souls should occupy
the fifth filter divides all the possible their places in the Universe, after physi-cal
choices of reactions into two groups – death taking the function of the Guardian
those, which are allowed and those, which Angels of our progeny, take on us the
are not permitted and throws aside the multitude of care on upkeep and movement
latter. of the Universe System and in the end
amalgamate with the single re-newed
«Conscience represents in us the divine Spiritual being at the «omega» point.
judgement: First of all, because it evaluates our
moods and deeds on the sanctity and purity of law; «Not a single Being can become God or
secondly, because we cannot deceive it; and finally, Deva, if it does not pass through the human
thirdly because we cannot elude it, wherefore it, Cycles» E.P. Blavatskaya [17, p. 402].
similar to divine omnipresence, is in store for us»
I. Kant [55, p. 132]. Nevertheless Elena Petrovna shocks
me. Wherever you look at in the Un-iverse, Approximately three and half thou-
there on the wall there is already its graffiti. sand years back the Old Testament Job
I wish she explained how she succeeds in wrote such a formula of morality for man:
it. In the other life I should ask her. Let her
say! «Only the Lord knows the path to wis-dom…
The sixth, final stage of the soul, car- Thus He said to man:
rying in it the Noumenal soul, similarly “The fear before the Lord is wisdom,
And reason should be away from evil”»
works in the filter mode, but does not
(Job 28, 23, 28).
filter, but searches and locates those
choices of reactions, which directly coin-
Still earlier my favourite Hermes
cide with the Noumenal standard of the
Trismegistus had opined very shortly and
soul. Noumen is the ideal example of
simply: «…know God and do not do evil to
solution, which corresponds exactly to
none» [22, page 53].
the Creators' Plan. To exactly correspond
Why should man follow the moral
to the Noumen implies not only to abide
formula? Why should man suffer, why
by the rules of the World order, but par-
should he live his life in moral and other
ticipate in the process of Creation, in the
process of target oriented evolution of
Why should he carry evil to the World,
the Word order System, directly execute
when it is far pleasant to study good and
its role in realization of the main target
function of the System. It is obvious, that
Why be «poor and sick» when as per
reactions of such kind are vitally impor-
the Plan we should be «healthy and rich».
tant to the System and have a high de-gree
How much can one be a deplorable
of demand.
exception on the harmonious body of the
Ego, having stored for its life, at least
Mother-Nature? Is it not wiser to listen to
several reactions of the sixth level ac-
Its laws and live according to them.
quires an unique energetic and perspec-
From the moment of perception of
tive of further application.
good and bad, i.e. from the moment of
«Magically, as if by the count of one-two-three, appearance of self-knowledge man had not
And without touching of someone’s hands, lived a minute in full harmony with the
We rarely change from the inside, World. May be it is already time?
As the world changes around» Harmony is good. It is Divinely good,
I. Guberman [35, p. 510] but one turn face to the Lord and purify
one’s Soul.
But what should be done to change
from inside as the Lord wants? Simply “In the spring of everlasting purity
to change such as to not contradict the You join with yourself”
Creator’s plan. To search God, under-stand Omar Ibn Al-Farid [5, p. 536]
His will and fuse with it.
Thus, man is given the opportunity to
«God’s Will should be the law and norm for the work or not work over his Soul. The first
human will not as an accepted arbi-trary behaviour, three levels give birth to reactions, natural
but as an accepted good» V. Solovyov [103, p. 103]. rather to the animal than to man. Each
7.8. Phase 12. The function of humans in the world order
following level gives reaction of more the typical reactions of our Ego, sit on
worthy property. Any reaction leaves an them. This company of 18 dominating
imprint in the Ego of first level, which man affects is the face of my, your, and any
transfers to his progeny and produc-es for other soul. Man is given the right to in-
examination at the moment of transition to fluence his soul, the right to convert it to
the Kingdom. Thus the Soul operates. a luminous temple or stinking scrapyard.
The acquired or personal Ego mani- Man is given the opportunity to perfect the
fests in a specific manner through af-fects, soul, maintain it in purity and exacti-tude,
i.e. characteristic features of beha-viour, guard from decay and vice.
inclination, weakness, emotions, passions Learn and think, adapt to conditions of
and similar peculiarities of a person. life and social medium without servilism
The number of known affects exceed and loss «I», absorb the life experience,
a thousand. They may be grouped under reassure at the cost of own efforts,
different attributes roughly into twenty gather spiritual experience, peering at
groups. Inside the group affects are lined the harmony of the Universe, follow the
in a row. In the centre of the row the Creator's hand that leads you through life,
affects are corresponding to the ethical and the soul will become your support and
norm. To the left and right are affects happiness.
with deviations from the norm with Let’s go back to figure 67. Now it is
hypertrophied or lowered survival. Anal- clear that man in the course of life mainly
ysis and systemization of affects on the builds the figure of his soul himself, and
degree of their ethic allows to unscram-ble it leads him through life. But time passes
the design of human personality. A very and the period of physical life ends. The
interesting direction is research. A lot of body ceases to exist, disintegrating into
material has been collected to this effect. It molecules and atoms of initial substances.
will be sufficient for a small book. But this What happens to the Soul? It is considered
a separate song. If God permits, we shall to be eternal, but it is half-true only half-
sing it. true.
But now for the logic of narration it is Different layers of the soul have dif-
necessary to remind only one moment of ferent fate. Noumen leaves the soul at
my unwritten theory of affects. The mat- death, and death is nothing but the sepa-
ter is that human Ego may accommodate ration of Noumen. To say what happens
a strictly fixed number of affects. There with Noumen of soul after man’s death and
is quite a specific numeric limit (neither where it goes is senseless. The nou-men of
more nor less). soul as said earlier is standard information
The number of seats in the stalls is put in each Maximon. When man is alive
li-mited. And the number of places is by this information is open, unfolded and
an order less than the listed number of af- fixed as standard on an in-dividual.
fects. If the place is occupied by one af- The energetics of Noumen may be the
fect, then the other with a different ethi- latent reason of the life of an organism. It
cal sign already has no place. In all in sits somewhere in the heart or near one or
the stalls of soul there are about eighteen an handful of Maximons, draws the picture
profile chairs. Affects, corresponding to of Noumen of soul and pumps life force to
the heart or body. The time for death has The spiritual energy, born by actions,
come and the picture has stopped, but has directed to the service of the Creator’s
not vanished, and is ready to appear in a Plan, separates and is handed over to the
different, new body. control of Guardian Angel, or, the same
Reason, Will and Spirituality by origin becomes a part of the control Mechanism
are the fruits of the Brain's activity – a of the Material world. There it will find
complex multi-cellular organic structure. what to engage in, serving the Plan and
Death by definition destroys the organic Deed of the Creator till the total comple-
structure, disassembles them to mole- tion of the Big cycle.
cules and atoms. Therefore our individual The energy of the God-fearing part of
reason, will and spirituality leave the soul Ego is born not less than at the fifth level
and go to non-existence. But only from the (fig. 69), there, where spirituality, con-
physical point of view. In the information science and ethical requirement allow only
field everything looks dif-ferent. the morally complete reactions of the soul.
There is no physicist, but the «right- Spiritual energy, born from the direct
hand screw» remains, the Philosopher concordance of actions with the Creator’s
died, but his Ideology inspires the world, plan is nothing but the gist of the renewed
the Dictator has been hanged, but the fear Spiritual being, to which the System
lives in generations, the Freethinker has aspires for, «omega» point, at which the
been burnt and the ashes dispersed, but the Universe should converge as a result.
spirit of resistance is kindled. The novelist Therefore the part of Ego similar to
is no more since long, and heroes of the God, if it is there in the soul, converges to
novel are as live. the «omega» point and amalgamates with
The genetic Ego in the course of life the renewed Spiritual being. The spiritual
adapts to the self Ego of man, partially energy of amalgamation is given birth by
dissipating in it, partially fading away. the rare and high souls, to whom the sixth
Thus at death only the personal Ego of level of self-consciousness. Thanks to them
man is left unchanged. Depending on what the Spiritual being, having dissipated itself
affects fill the Ego, it radiates dif-ferent in Matter, again inherits existence and
spiritual energy. How it is distin-guished – collects the forces for the subsequent cycle
by frequency, by tonality or as separate of world creation. I do not know, if the Soul
notes in a note row – I do not know. But the satisfying completely the requirements of
soul of a scoundrel and envier is sharply the sixth level can exist or not. It is not for
different from the soul of a lazy person me, the sinful, to imagine such a thing. But
or idler, not to say already about the soul a part of the soul, adequate to a Noumen,
of a power monger or the soul of a simply possesses a high sensitivity from the point
respectable per-son. On the sum of actions of view of target function of the system.
to each his own proper harmonic sound of The idea of development of man to a
spiritual energy. spiritual man and creation on his basis the
Then the listening and division of spi- Spiritual entity has been expressed already
ritual energy into three streams and their a hundred years back.
direction to the corresponding addresses
as per belonging takes place, fig 70. «…God…in relation to the world [matter]
7.8. Phase 12. The function of humans in the world order
Fragment of universe Fragment of the key
plane (fig. 16) Change of the Universe section
emanation of
level classes
Biosphere Const
di Div
ag in
Material world
on e control machanism
Divine diagonal
Animals Animals
Man of devotion
Spiritual 0 Man
energy Boundary of
the world Mechanism of dismantling Angel Spiritual energy
Man-”angel” of matter and of death of amalgamation
disposal of Universe
0 Spiritual energy of
6 7 8
My Soul, we did not engage in the anecdotal evidences that it is not far from
count of beer available for a long time. confusion. Well, really, how can one take
The change of paradigms has not solved to revelation of the problem of the World
the problems. And the theory till now has order, if you are not capable of counting
been entirely spread with blanks. What- beer in your own house!
ever you take up there always is either a Or, if one is to take for example the
conceptual failure or an epistemological concept «life cycle». The period from the
deadend. appearance of things to the moment when
With concepts and definitions it is also it ceases to be similar to itself. And to see,
a disaster. For example, «to fill in» and what is there inside? Not in the beer bottle,
«to fill out», there is only a difference in but in the life cycle of beer, for example!
the preposition, but the meaning totally There are chemical processes inside.
changes. In the beginning fermentation and forma-
I would like to find words that reflect tion of alcohol and all other essential and
the concepts add and lessen the quantity grain oils, then during bottling temporary
of the countable object applicable to termination of chemical processes using
beer, and the point unexpectedly gave an conservatives, so that we can drink it, and
inclination somewhere to urology. Totally if the consumption is prolonged then the
inappropriate in our context. I made a dash reaction proceeds further, vinegar and
for the sources, to Dal. I searched how the other rubbish begins to form, and then it
ancestors called the action, con-nected will no longer be beer.
with reduction in the quantity of liquid. The concept «life cycle» in its basis
It turned out that when it was re-quired is based on some unstoppable internal
to scoop up something from the pot the process. For biological objects this ex-
master told the mistress: «Take the scoop change process is metabolism. For skeletal
and scoop», i.e. scoop-up, re-duce with matter this is a process, based on chemical
the scoop! V.I. Dal [40, v. 4, p. 529]. A big and physical nature of interactions.
ladle was called so! But this is known to everybody. The
To design new concepts is a risky other thing is important, life cycle is an
proposition, and to search in the depths of internal process that leads any thing from
history is still worse. its appearance to the moment of cessa-
When you drink two to three mugs tion of its being and transition to another
of brown ale you contemplate on how the quality. So, each internal process pos-
World is structured, from where the scoop sesses its own rhythmics. In the same wort
came from and get carried away by these the glucose molecules disintegrate, and
7.9. Phases 13–15. Completion of the life cycle of the Universe
his faithful friend, married his beloved Perhaps only the general system require-
woman, but all the same loves dark beer ments to the design of Universe, and the
and is adhered to the optimistic view on principles of engineering economy, which
life. Because he draws his harmony with the Creator follows scrupulously because
the World from advices of his Guardian He is an ideal Technologist.
Angel and beloved woman, whose ap- The time scale covers without excep-
pearances with the passage of time be- tion all objects of the Universe and units
came identical. of the material world, and objects of the
More than thirty years have passed. non-material world. All objects of the non-
Now pay attention, my Soul, we now material world dwelling in the exis-tence
in half a minute went through the thirty hypostasis occupy each its specific range
year segment of time. What else is this in the logarithmic time scale.
other than the displacement over the time One can say thus: The time scale is
scale. limited by the existence frameworks.
Imagine the logarithmic time scale. The maximum time segment of existence
Logarithm to the base 10 and unit of – 1,24·1022 sec, and the minimum time
measurement – second. A line and on it segment – 1·10 –81 sec. Existence does not
frequent marks. Each mark – change in continue more or exist less than this time
value by ten times: 10 sec, 100 sec, 1000 segments. Farther – «non-existence» – the
sec and so on… field without time and all other attributes
Each being may experience time in a of the existential world. In fig. 71 the time
specific range. The shortest segment is the ranges of habitation of the main objects
threshold of time sensitivity. For man this is of the Universe are shown. With the
approximately three hundredth fraction of exception of those objects about which the
a second – 10–1.5 sec or lg(sec)= – 1.5. The author knows too little and therefore hard
longest segment is the life cycle period. to build suppositions, which are logically
For man – 80-100 years or 109.5 sec or justified. The units of the material world
lg(sec) = 9.5. In total on the logarithmic from photon to atom are absent on the
time scale the whole range constitutes 11 diagram solely at the author’s fault, and not
orders or lies be-tween the points -1.5 and due to some reason. You, my Soul, shall
+9.5. establish it in the diagram.
Here is the full limit for man to exist Let’s start with the unit of the materi-
in the ocean of time. One drop from the al world «man», bearing in mind the in-
ocean. And its boundaries are large. Not dividual-ontogeny. As it had been already
large but grandiose – more than 100 or- been said the threshold of time sensitivity
ders Fig. 71. By forty orders more than of man is about three hundredths of a
the scale range size of material objects. It second, life cycle (how it should as per
is understandable, matter is an inert sub- certain calculations) – 98 years. On the
stance, heavy with large number of in- logarithmic scale to base 10 sec – this
ternal limitations… interval is between the marks [–1.49] and
The size range is a different matter. [+9.48], i.e. occupies the segment to the
What can hinder the elongation or con- order 11 on the scale. Inside this range
traction of time intervals. Almost nothing. there are three important points.
7.9. Phases 13–15. Completion of the life cycle of the Universe
Man’s self-rhythm is probably his the structure of time niche of man repeat to
breathing rhythm. On an average the a large extent in the structure of the times
du-ration of one cycle of «inhalation- niches of other ob-jects of the Universe.
exhalation» constitutes 3.44 sec, which O Lord! I am to describe Your World
corresponds to the mark 0.536 on the time in the time aspect. One more grand im-
scale. Here it should be noted that the self- print of Your creation.
rhythm is a vitally important phenomenon. I do not almost have scientific facts, the
It is probably the main time rhythm of methodology is unknown, infinitesimally
existence of any object of the Universe. We small is the baggage of experimental
shall see it at any living creature and in a knowledge. In human perception the task
certain changed form, at objects of inert is not solvable. But You instead of blind
matter. But the most important is that, it faith gave me the knowledge of Your
is there with the Spiritual entities of all existence, you freed me from the false path
levels. of searching for wonder.
Man is a living being, capable of self I know that any of the designs of the
reproduction. According to the demo- World order created by You can and should
graphical science the average reproduc- be read by people, because, we are Your
tive cycle from generation to generation children and made for this.
constitutes 25 years. In determining the There, where I lack knowledge You
human population this factor is very im- give me intuition, feeling of harmony and
portant. laws of similarity.
The third internal time characteristic
has a calculating nature. This is the aver- «Say, – where is the beginning and where is
age point between the self-rhythm and the the base
life cycle. For man this constitutes 105.01 Is it non-existence or existence?
Only to that person, whom opened the base
sec. This time interval is very close to one of truth
earth day - 104.93 sec. The author, without Saw the boundary of that and other»
himself noticing, adjusts the numbers, or Mahabharata [71, p. 175].
it is yet another beautiful and may be a
significant coincidence. Thank You Lord for the feeling of
The habitation zone of man on the flight from touching Your Creation!
time scale appears so. A small time scale The next time niche serves in ac-
niche in the right part of the scale. Only commodating the phylogenesis of man.
one tenth from the total length of the scale. The whole period from the first attempt
Here is the complete set of time intervals of monkey to stand on the hind legs to
with which man comes in con-tact during present day and to some more time fur-
his earthly life. ther, till man has not approached God to
By all guises it has long back been that extent that he drops his material skin.
noted that man has been created after God’s In all from the times of «monkey»
image. Not taking the development of this 4.2–4.5 million years have passed. Very
thought now, I shall say only that I share it little as compared to the history of bios-
in the most decisive way, more-over I am phere – about 0.1 percent from the three
inclined to suppose that the principles of and half billions years of its existence. A
short instant in the planet’s history, and 11 orders between the life cycle 400,000
most likely the completion of phylogeny billions of years and the threshold of
will take place historically in a very short time sensitivity 4000 years. Self-rhythm
period. I think about 200-300 years are constitutes 400,000 years, and average
left. Totally. rhythm – about 10 billions of years.
No. Mankind shall not disappear after Five concentrated, similar in size time
300 years. But soon, very soon the mo- ranges. Each occupies eleven divisions on
ment shall come, when the purpose of the time scale. The total shift is almost the
human evolution as species shall be un- same – twelve and half divisions.
derstood and achieved. People complete-ly It is interesting to analyze the relative
endowed with those qualities, for which multitude of these time niches. For this
the species evolved, shall appear. What any homonymous point on them can
quality it will be I don’t want to predict. be compared. For example, «average
The Neanderthal could hardly have rhythm». Average rhythm of phylogeny
explained what a civilized man is. is 35,000 greater than the average rhythm
Thus, the life cycle of human phylo- of human individual. And the average
genesis is about 4.5 billions of years. The rhythm and life cycle of phylogeny is not
size of the time niche in the time scale is 11 to be compared with the homonymous
orders. Accordingly the threshold of time points of the time niche of stars, planet
sensitivity is four hours, self-rhythm is one and biosphere, because, most likely it
day and the average rhythm is 98 years. (phylogenesis) happens only once in the
Again numerical concordance, most history of planet, which is capable of
probably it is a mistake, but looks nice. carrying the geo-placental covers.
The time niche of star’s habitation is On the other hand the star has time
limited by the average life cycle of about parameters 3,500 times lesser than the
11 billion years and the threshold of time Galaxy. It means that for the life of the
sensitivity, somewhere around a month or Galaxy its starry constitution renews 3,500
40 days, as well occupies 11 orders of the times.
time scale. The self-rhythm is 11 years – Between the Galaxy and Metagalaxy
by the way coincides with the main cycle is a tenfold time difference, i.e. for the
of the Solar activity, and the average whole history of the universe not more
rhythm – 280,000 years. As re-gards the than 10 generations of galaxies change.
planets and their biosphere, some of course Each object of the material world has
have them, or their time niches constitute its limited field of existence in the time-
somewhere 95-85% from the size of the like dimension. Beyond the boundaries of
time niche of their stars. these fields objects cannot exist.
The Galaxy lives 40,000 billions of If man could for example change his
years, “feels” the time periods of not less self-rhythm and inhale-exhale once in
than 400 years, has its own rhythm 40,000 400,000 years and accordingly live in
years, average rhythm approx-imately one the same rhythm his life would have pro-
billion years and occupies the niche of also longed for 400,000 billion years, exactly
11 orders. the complete life cycle of the Universe.
Finally the Metagalaxy also occupies And he would have observed how and
1Х 10 81 sec 1Х 10 79 sec 1Х 10 54 sec 1Х 10 51 sec 1Х 10 23 sec
Threshold of time
Spiritual being at the point (max 0),
sensitivity 10 81 Hz
from 10 79 to 10 69 Hz Self rhythm floating
Threshold of time
“Higher bar” (max 0) and “Lower bar” (0
sensitivity 10 72 Hz
from 10 70 to 10 60 Hz Self rhythm floating
Threshold of time
Noumenal world
sensitivity 10 65 Hz
from 10 61 to 10 51 Hz Self rhythm floating
Guardian angel
Guardian angel
Life cycle
1043 sec
Self rhythm
Self r
unit of time for
Hz Maerial world
Hz Life cycle of
a Maximon
Hereafter the concept of the life cycle - not available “Beyond 400 000 bln. years t + “Beyond existence”
Provisional report - not available existence”
Border at the mark
400 000 bln. years Hereafter the point is Initial Spiritual Being
Life cycle equated to zero
Spiritual being at the point (0 max)
400 000 bln. years Hereafter the point
Renewed Spiritual being
changes to “Beyond existence”
Hereafter “Higer Bar” Executor - system designer
is nullified
Life cycle
(0 max) of periphery of universe Energy accumulator of the
400 000 bln. years Hereafter “Lower Bar” renewed Spiritual being
contracted at the point
3,6 haurs
1 sec
3,17 years
Lg t, sec
1,6 min/
10 Hz
10 Hz
10 Hz
1 Hz
what takes place from the beginning to They do not have direct connection with
the end of times! Or on the contrary breath the noumenal world and moreover with
more often with frequency 1052 Hz, then he the Spiritual beings of the level “Origina-
would have seen in life how the maximon tor” or α point. In their field of view there
is born, how it gets filled with information should be simultaneously two objects
and some self-energy and how in the result intensely distanced on the time scale – the
flares and burns in the material world for leading material object and the maximon
the long as life 10-43 sec. source of «technical documen-tation» –
And indeed such a capacity probably complete description of the ob-ject, as well
exists. How else the Spiritual beings of as its place and purposes in the system.
different levels understand each other and Hence the simple conclusion. The
coordinate their actions. The system does Guardian Angel should occupy on the
function; it means that nobody is capable time scale axis the position that overlaps
of seeing and controlling in the various the niche of maximon and the niche of its
time fields. It means there is a subject and object. This is first of all. Secondly, the
there is a method to displace on the scale Guardian Angel should possess the ca-
of time and exist in turns in different, pacity to change its own rhythm or em-
disparate time rhythms. brace several different rhythms in parallel.
Yes, it is of course so! There, where Is it tough? Yes, not simple. The Creation
matter ends and the kingdom of informa- is a complex technology, but it doesn’t lack
tion on displacement over the time scale the logic.
begins, is a norm. The Guardian Angel of man, a spe-
You remember, my Soul, it had al- cific man, accompanying us over life! I
ready been said that each system object in welcome You! I write with capital letter,
the material eternal world is assigned to a well You also are a Spiritual being. I thank
spiritual being – curator. You for Your work and patience.
We have already agreed to name it as By virtue of its function the Guardian
Guardian Angel. It conveys the idea both Angel of man occupies on the time scale
beautifully and exactly. The Guardian the niche ~ 63.5 order from the threshold of
Angel in engineering terminology is the time sensitivity of Maximon 10 –54 sec
nothing other than the functionally con- to the life cycle of man’s life 109.48 sec. Its
trolling sub-program, whose purpose is self-rhythm by definition should be binary
to lead the object in charge: Monitoring or floating. In order to read information the
its evolution within the frameworks of Maximon should work at the frequency
the life cycle, comparison with the rules 1052 Hz, and in order to accompany man
and limitations, imbibed in the maximon, it should slow down to the point 100.536
output of correcting commands, monitor- sec, that corresponds to the self-rhythm of
ing relations and time correlation of ob- man.
jects and the system environment. How to do this? From the technical
The Guardian Angels of the objects point of view there are no barriers. This
of the material world although are not is indeed all the wave processes and fre-
material, to be precise not physical be- quency characteristics. Transitions from
ings, but belong to the Material world. one frequency to another at information
exchange is not only theoretically known The periphery of the material world
but applied widely in engineering prac- is a thin world, but it is still the world of
tice. You simply believe me, and the en- matter. The outermost dimension of the
gineer will understand without explana- niche of the Material world is from 10–54
tions. sec to 1.24×1022 sec.
Then there are the Spiritual beings Another thing is the second part of
controlling the phylogenesis of man, life the time niche, where the time segments
path of the star, galaxy and metagalaxy. are vanishingly small. There even more
The niches of their habitation on the lo- improbable things are observed.
garithmic time axis have one and the same How beautiful and bold is the engi-
minimum – 10 –54 sec – the sensitivity neering idea of the Creator! The lesser and
threshold of maximon. This is unders- lesser the time segments, the steeper and
tandable. Being in the material part of steeper the frequency of oscillations. Self-
the universe they are limited by the max- oscillations of the Maximon – 1052 Hz –
imon’s frequencies by definition. And fantastic incomprehensible fre-quency,
what relates to the upper boundary, then it but further down along the scale there is
exactly corresponds to the length of their one more large path of 29 orders. This
life cycles for each of the listed objects. is bigger than the difference be-tween
The self rhythms of Spiritual beings a microsecond and the whole life of the
have two position, and may be a floating Universe. What is the Hypermatrix after
structure. In any case two mandatory all made of that any of its cell can speed
points are present in each range. One up in frequency of oscillations ever more
1052 Hz is the maximon’s self-rhythm, and more to completely incom-prehensible
and the second is equal to its own rhythm values? And the energy for such speed?
corresponding to the material object. Where is it taken from? How is it confined
The material objects – man, phyloge- in a cell?
nesis of man, star and galaxy repeat many Again delusion. There is neither ma-
times their life cycles over the course of terial, nor energy, nor temperature. But
history of the Universe. At each appearance there is something and it works some-
of these objects they are provided with their how? But I do not know how.
own specific Guardian Angel. Therefore You, my Soul, should find out, un-
the different types of Guardian Angels are derstand and tell people or at least in your
many. I can even say more: too many. next incarnation, it will be interesting.
But then Metagalaxy is one. For the The Lord is Great, and there is an ex-
whole history of the Universe it lives its planation to everything! The Creator does
only cycle, somewhere around four hun- not need our praise, but He as the Father is
dred thousand billion years. Accordingly rather glad that his children have al-ready
the Guardian Angel for Metagalaxy is been capable of evaluating the beauty of
one. Its role is executed by a complex His creation.
information-control system, the Periphery The Noumenal world and its peri-
of the material world. By the way it is from phery inextricably associated with it al-
it all the Guardian Angels are generated ready is not any or anybody's Guardian
and to it they go into. Angel. It is at the same time the subject
7.9. Phases 13–15. Completion of the life cycle of the Universe
and object of the Universe giving birth to Finally is the Spiritual entity at the
information from which the maximons are points α and Ω. This, as you understand
built. Under a single standard design. is a delicate euphemism. The α point at
The self rhythm of the Noumenal the periphery is the Lord who came from
world has a floating value and is capable «Non- existence», in his existential form,
of oscillating in the range from 1061 to passing the path of total emission of his
1051 Hz. Thus the noumenal world is ca- self-being to matter, thanks to which the
pable on the one hand get into guaranteed Universe appears and passes through all
information contact with the Spiritual the stages of its life cycle. The Ω point is
being of the Material world, and fill the the Lord in the renewed hypostasis, created
maximons with information, and on the from the spiritual energy of mat-ter being
other hand exceed the frequency limit of born, to be more precise, mainly by man.
the material world by 9-10 orders, and The time of the Universe’s life cycle is
thus exceed the material world on the equal to the life cycle of the Spiritual being
information potential by 10 billion times. at α point, which is one and the same.
This is understandable. It cannot be During this period the Lord comes to the
otherwise. What was the Noumenal world existential world, sets it forth completely
created for? In order to have the dynamic by dissolving in it.
model of the material world, and in order The purified spiritual energy given
that this model succeeded to count and play birth by matter gradually accumulates at
all the problems of matter and locate the the Ω point during the whole life cycle of
acceptable solutions at such rate at which the Universe till it collects in it the whole
the maximon is born, so that it succeeded experience of Universe and at the mo-ment
in filling it, the max-imon, «self rhythm» of completion of the cycle goes beyond the
with ready informa-tion in real time. limits of existence by im-mersing in «non-
The next higher world is the Spiritual existence», so that to repeat the whole
beings residing in the part of the peri-phery cycle again from the beginning.
called rather not very properly «Upper and The Spiritual entities α and Ω also
lower bar». They have knowledge of the exceed by 9-10 order the size of the time
basic laws and prin-ciples of building the niche of the spiritual entities of the pre-
Universe. The upper one of it gives them vious level («Bars»), and actually occupy
and the lower stores the experience of their the whole logarithmic time bar of the
correction. existential world from 10 –81 to 1.24·1022 sec.
Its base on the time-axis scale to the The niche we got is not small, of val-
right side is at the mark 1.24×1022 sec, and ue over the whole scale, which could really
the left part is lowered nine orders lower exist. Again it cannot be otherwise. You
than the base of the Noumenal world and remember the law of Universe – there is
has a floating self-rhythm in the range from not and there cannot be anything such,
1070 to 1060 Hz. Thus the «bars» (forgive me which goes beyond the framework of the
Lord!) as compared to the noumenal world Lord or the World created by him.
and its periphery are capable of thinking The scale has been defined. What is
better and quicker approximately by one or beyond its borders? You think that there
even ten billion times. is nothing? No. There is «non-existence».
There is no time, there is no existence. if you need something very much, for
There is not and cannot be anything which example, something of the food products
is known to us because all what we know or spare parts to the car, or candidate for a
is the attributes of the world of existence. wife and you go in search far-far away, you
Only one thing can be said – the Lord will not find anything worth. What-ever
comes from there in the form of first cell you need very much is located very near,
of the hypermatrix having a frequency of well at a walking distance.
self-oscillations to the order of 1080 Hz and The secret of eternity is the secret
He goes there after 400,000 billion years in of the universe! The pyramid is their 3D
the form of the last cell of the Hypermatrix model! The rays, forming the faces of
with the same self frequen-cy - 1080 Hz. the pyramid come to naught at the top,
Now, having at least some approx- and further the mirror crossings form the
imate perception about the values of life in-visible, non material copy repeating
cycles of objects of the Universe, we can the mirror copy of the whole figure. You
at last «count the beer at home». Count the can consider the other way around: The
quantity of system defining structure of in-visible pyramid, passing through the
elements of Creation for the whole period apex point is manifested as the material
of its existence. object. Well what other than the model of
Why is it necessary? I exactly do not noumenal and material worlds!
know, but it shall be one more important One can find other similarities. The
characteristic of the general picture of the pyramids peak, the topmost part is almost
World. a point. It is this point that gives the
I don’t know how it is for you, my geometry of design. What if the volume
Soul, but I had the opportunity to be in of the pyramid increased, but always at its
Egypt and touch the Pyramid Cheops with base the square or other figure, is sim-ilar
hands. And look at it from far at sunset. to the geometry of the base of the apex.
Similar to the Sphinx it created in me a A classical form of replication of large
physical feeling of understatement. There number of similar material objects. The
is something in its form that ap-pealed model is rich, deep, gives birth to a mass of
directly to my subconscious mind, and varied associations: Danto «fun-nel», sand
there was something in the subcons-cious watch, Divine Olympus….
mind that darted out toward, but there It all happened almost by chance. In
was no meeting. In memory the feeling order to count the material objects, ac-
of incompleteness, annoyance, question commodated at different hierarchical
mark, superimposed on the py-ramid’s levels of the design of the Universe, it
image got down. was necessary to display the derivative
We heard a hundred times that pyra- diagram, where at each level new branches
mids store the secret of eternity, and appear, and from each branch its branches
about the priests, ancient astronomers and and so on. A billion branches at each
astrologers, who knew something that had level – a whole forest and no clarity. In
been lost long ago, some Divine secrets… general the diagram is not for the said case.
But what exactly?! And when at each level the pyramid
Life taught me to one amusing truth: was drawn – fig. 72, the diagram became
7.9. Phases 13–15. Completion of the life cycle of the Universe
transparent, and the pyramid’s image was only one of which is in such a position that
filled with Divine thought. allows to form geoplacental sheaths and
The upper left picture of the hierar- gives birth to biosphere with para-meters
chical level of the «Universe». Here the necessary for growth of plants, animals
Metagalaxy, the system of material ob- and man.
jects of the most common level, are ac- You can quite imagine other stellar-
commodated. The Creator for the period planetary systems, where the number
of his presence in the existential hyposta- of planets can be greater by ten or even
sis gives birth to and conducts over the life hundred times. However it is not difficult
cycle one Metagalaxy. to imagine the situation, when the star
Metagalaxy survives 1.24×1022 sec. It does not have planets or cannot create in
is neither more, nor less. I think that the them conditions for appearance of geo-
time of its life cycle at the moment of placental shells.
appearance and even a little earlier was For the moment the most reasonable
known with accuracy up to 10 –70 fraction which can be suggested in this connec-
of a second. Such is the self-rhythm of the tion is to consider that on an average to
Spiritual entity that creates the Un-iverse. each star corresponds one planet with
Metagalaxy consists of 10 billion si- biosphere, capable of creating the condi-
multaneously existing galaxies. The life tions for appearance of man. Besides
cycle of a galaxy is ten times less than the the biosphere appears not at the moment
life cycle of a Metagalaxy, therefore it is of appearance of the star and ceases its
logical to suppose that during this time the existence long before the completion of its
life of a Metagalaxy the galaxies forming life cycle. The period of existence of the
it are renewed about ten times. Thus the biosphere occupies probably not more than
history of the Universe should cover 1011 70-80% time of the life cycle of its planet,
metagalaxies. and a yet smaller percent from the life
Galaxy in its turn, a giant stellar sys- cycle of the central star of the plane-tary
tem is formed on an average from 10 system. Very slowly and very grad-ually
billion stars. At the same time during the the geo-placental system compli-cates its
existence of a Galaxy – 1.24×1021 sec pass structure by transforming into biosphere,
3600 life cycles of an average star since but the instant of birth and evolution of
its duration “is only” 3.3×1017 sec. Thus “Man” from the animal to a rational and
in the history of one galaxy 3.6×1013 stars ethically responsible being is still shorter.
succeed in shining, and the history of the Phylogeny of man as a species takes
Universe covers the appearance of 3,6×1024 1.4×1014 sec. As compared to the life of a
stars. star this is equal to two weeks in the life of
Thereafter is the star and biosphere a hundred year old man.
created by it. Here the numbers look Thus the number of biospheres and
very humbly. Scientific data in this field the number of phylogeny of man is equal
is limited by the description of the Solar to the number of stars, i.e. 3.6×1024, with
system. The Sun is an average star, of accuracy around one order.
average age, in the middle in relation to It is only left to count how many human
the centre of the Galaxy, has ten planets, souls pass the world for all its history.
in the Universe
On is one
e e
=3,6х10 13 phylogeny of
=6,48х10 27
1,8х10 14
One cycle souls
during life
during life
Life cycle . од н cycle of one
0,0 ин од
и cycle of one
(phylogeny) 53
х10 14 sec Man-specie
Life cycle Man-specie
х10 14 sec 1,8х10 5х10 9=
=1,8х10 14
180 000
reproductive souls
cycles for history
reproductive 18
cycle 00 ln of one
8 00 1b
х10 sec phylogeny
Life cycle duration and quantity
Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class
№1 №2 №3 №4 №5 №6 №7 №8 №9 № 10 № 11
№ 12
Classes and
units of material world
Nucleus of
Nucleus of star
Nucleus of
at the moment
of burth
Start pith of sinusoid
of scale stability
of order 1010
E+ E+ E+ E+ E+ E+
Division Synthesis Division Synthesis Division Synthesis Division Synthesis Division Synthesis Division Synthesis
Size of Metagalaxy
E E E E E at the end of life
cycle of univerce
= 1/2 фазы Bar
E+ E+ E+ E+ E+ E+
Division Synthesis Division Synthesis Division Synthesis Division Synthesis Division Synthesis Division Synthesis
Final pitch of
stabilbty of order
Universe at
the moment 10 10,8333...
of life
Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class
0 №1 №2 №3 №4 №5 №6 №7 №8 №9 № 10 № 11 № 12
7.9. Phases 13–15. Completion of the life cycle of the Universe
Do you remember, my Soul that at from the «peak» to the «valley» opens the
the moment of appearance of the Materi- possibility of synthesis, fusion as the me-
al world appears the wave of scalar sta- thod of evolution. All attempts at forceful
bility. This is classical sinusoid with pitch division in this zone turn into its op-
equal to 10 orders on the bar of sizes. At position.
the start of the world the sinusoid abso- The sinusoid points corresponding
lutely correlates to the points of the ver- to the geometric centers «valley points»
tex of classes of material world units, and and «peaks» possess relative stability.
consists of whole six waves. The objects of the material world, having
The scalar stability wave carries in it similar sizes, are at an organic balance
several laws, connected with the coordi- between the tendency to divide and the
nate in the bar. But these laws are bound tendency to fuse. All attempts to move
not to the bar, but to the vertex of the them from their position leads to energet-
sinusoids «saddle points» – upper points ic disturbances.
and «pits» – lower points. Once more we The shifting from the position of val-
remind that at the moment of creation, ley point involves energy consumption
at that infinitesimally small fraction of a and on the contrary the efforts to move the
second, when at the centers of the future object from the position in the centre of the
galaxies appeared the first maximons, «peak» leads to release of energy.
at that instant the vertex of the sinusoids In a sense the sinusoid dynamics of
passed exactly through the coordinates scalar stability controls the evolutionary
of the centers of the classes. I beg your processes of units of the material world.
pardon for the repetition. Moreover in it the main or even only
The sinusoid has a beginning and end. reason of evolution of the Universe.
The beginning corresponds to the size of a It is very important to understand
Maximon, i.e. located at the point 10 –34,8 m one of the basic laws in organization of
on the logarithmic bar with base 10 and unit the World order – the Law of division of
of measurement – metre. The end of the functions between the size scale and sca-
sinusoid at the moment of creation is at the lar stability sinusoid. The bar of sizes
point 1025.2 m on the bar that corresponds dictates things in the material world what
to the initial size of the Metagalaxy. Thus the proportion of their sizes should be –
the distribution vector of wave stability is electron lesser by five orders than the
located from left to right, similarly as the atomic nucleus, the atomic nucleus less
direction of the bar itself. by five orders than the atom etc. Starting
If one is to go over the sinusoid from from the Maximon twelve steps up on the
left to right, then each rise from the pit bar by five orders up to the Metagalaxy,
to the saddle point is the zone, where the which initially is 60 orders greater than the
tendency to division predominates over maximon.
the tendencies of synthesis. In other words The scalar stability sinusoid by the
the material objects in these zones, by crests and pits of its six waves indicates
definition they are six, develop, using the the fields permitted and prohibited for
technology of division. the processes of division and synthesis.
And vice versa, each of the six falls – One excludes the other. The sinusoid with
its vortex points indicates the points of the period of existence of matter, isotrop-ic
stability between division and synthesis, at over all the space of the hypermatrix. One
that the lower points are potential sources more very important property: Time, based
of energy, the upper points con-sume on the process of «recession» of galaxies,
energy. ends at the moment of termination of the
The initial unchanged reference point existence of galaxies.
for the bar of sizes and the scalar stability There is no galaxy, there is no «re-
sinusoid is the size of a maximon. In cession» – no time, end of the world,
relation to the last point – another extreme completion of the life cycle of the Universe.
of the graph scale and sinusoid are setup People, animals, galaxies die and are
differently. born, hypermatrix augments its volume
Bar of sizes as any scale by its nature even before it succeeds to create a new
is a hard ruler with fixed marks. Twelve physical space for galaxies receding with
marks correspond to the average sizes half the speed of light and the universal
of objects of the material world – atoms, time uniformly counts second after second
man, stars etc. During the life cycle of until it stops at the mark 1.24×1022 sec. It is
the Universe the real sizes of the units only left to find out why and how this shall
of the material world remain closer to its take place.
initial, calculated par values. However, The sinusoid of scalar stability obeys
only the Maximon is absolutely equal to two rules. It connects the point, equal in
itself. Of course not all people are of the size of a maximon with a point, equal in
same height, not all atoms of the same size size of a Metagalaxy, and it always con-
and stars strongly vary in size even in the sists of six complete waves.
process of its evolution, but there exists If one were to explain in short why it
some normal distribution and peak of this is so, then we shall remember about the
distribution was and remains equal to the wave nature of the Universe. All matter
par value. It is for all the units except one. and all tangible substance of the world are
Metagalaxy grows in size from the moment a particular case, modification of the wave
of its appearance. The Galaxies move from processes. Among the large multi-tude of
the centre of the Metagalaxy saving cells waves of different purposes there is main
of the fixed hypermatrix from “overheat by wave in the Material world – sinusoid of
maximon inclusions” and together solving the scalar stability. You, my Soul, imagine
the problem of Hypertime. The sizes of all a name, short and precise.
units of mat-ter remain the same as it were, This sinusoid covers all scale units of
but the Metagalaxy for 400,000 billion the material world and therefore con-nects
years in-creases in size from 1025.2 m to the maximon, unchangeable in size, with
1030.2 m, i.e. by 105 times, or one hundred the variable, growing in size Metagalaxy
thou-sand times. and six unvarying in quantity waves on the
The expansion process of the Meta- sinusoid.
galaxy holds all the data to become the The expansion of the physical volume
material basis of the universal reference of the Metagalaxy, increase in its size
of time. The process of «recession» of carries with it «extension» of the sinusoid
galaxies is continuous, uniform, equal to of scalar stability. This extension does
7.9. Phases 13–15. Completion of the life cycle of the Universe
not change the number of waves, but uni- in size of the Metagalaxy constituted 0.425
formly shifts all, except the «maximonic orders. The initial value was 1025.2 m, and
wave», its points, increasing the pitch of the at present – 1025.625 m.
sinusoid by one sixth of its initial value. For the centre of the seventh class, which
Then the most interesting thing follows. man decorates by his presence, including
The centers of scale classes by definition us, at present has a shift in re-spect to “its”
remain at the initial marks of the bar, and the fourth vertex of the sinusoid – 0.25 order.
vertex of the sinusoids of scalar stability – It was – 100.2 m, but has become – 100.45 m.
«valley points» and «peaks» steadily But we remember that it is a cumulative,
creeps to the right be-hind the expanding average index having spread to all objects
Metagalaxy. As a result there appears a of the animal and plant kingdom.
scale error between the nominal size of the The centers of all odd classes pass
unit and the abscess of the corresponding from the condition of saddle stability to
stability point on the sinusoid. the condition of preferred division, and the
Those material objects, which by its centers of even classes – from the position
actual sizes occupied yesterday a stable of stability at the «peaks» are pushed to
position at the «valley point» or «peak», field of preferred synthesis. At that the
today lose their place. The sinusoid of shift is more, the nearer the seg-ment
scalar stability “slips’ from under them under consideration is to the right side of
and in the stable condition there are ob- the sinusoid.
jects with other size characteristics. To the moment, when the size of the
Isn’t it true that it reminds of some- Metagalaxy reaches 1030.2 m the sinusoid
thing? «Today the chief, tomorrow – fool» extends to half the phase, and the centers
or «It is forbidden to enter twice the same of the 10th and 11th classes – «Nucleus
river». It seems that it is forbidden because of the galaxy» and «Galaxy» are at those
the galaxies recede, the hypermatrix is zones of the sinusoid, which have almost
moving, the sinusoid of the scalar stability the opposite value.
is extended, the world is constantly and The Galaxy was at the «valley point»,
irreversibly changing, the rules of the to the right «synthesis», to the left «divi-
present day are not equal fully with the sion», energy is consumed. And became
rules of yesterday. Here it is the reason – in the «peak», to the right «division»,
of development on a spiral, and not on a to the left «synthesis», energy is released.
circle! With the nucleus of the Galaxy it is the
According to data on scientific re- same evolution, only in a mirror variant.
search from the moment of the start of What happens, if at one point two ob-
existence of the Metagalaxy 15-20 billion jects equal in size, but opposite in sign of
years have passed. In compared to the charge meet? They annul. Mutually de-
calculated life cycle it is too small. We stroy. What happens, if the flower born for
live in the first generation of galaxies and heat and light is kept in darkness and cold.
probably in the first, maximum second There will be no flower.
generation of stars of «our» galaxy. You only imagine, my Soul, what
However for this time the shift of the right happens with the universe in its short life.
point of the sinusoid following the growth (Life always and is short for all).
Being born some 15 billion years ago specific changes take place at all the
it was of the size 1025.2 m and began to scale levels of matter from the first class
expand with the speed of 65,000 km/sec, (photon), where the changes are minimal
along the line from the centre and peri- up to the eleventh class (Galaxy), where
phery, i.e. along the radius. The total di- the shift is almost half the wave, i.e. it
ametric speed of increase of size consti- comes to the position of anti-phase.
tuted accordingly ~ 130,000 km/sec. This It is interesting to note that the peaks of
is slightly less than half the speed of light. the zero class (Maximon) and the twelfth
Is it too much or less? The expansion wave class (Metagalaxy) remain un-changed
of the macrocosm, if it was to cross the in relation to the sinusoid of the scalar
Sun, would have spent on it 11 seconds. stability. Really, the maximon by definition
What is Sun a dust in the Ga-laxy, and has not shifted since it is the beginning
in the Metagalaxy? If we were to have point of the bar and sinusoid of scalar
a ruler of the size of a Metaga-laxy and stability, and the point corres-ponding to
fate let us live a hundred year life, for all the location of the Metagalaxy has shifted
our life we would not have measured the simultaneously and to an equal degree
increase in diameter of the Metagalaxy both on the bar and with the extended
even one millionth fraction of a percent. sinusoid as its extreme right point, once
The Metagalaxy during its life cycle again leading to the thought, that the
expanding by leaps and bounds increases Metagalaxy and maximon in some manner
by a hundred thousand times. are one unit or different manifestation of
If one is to conditionally equate man one substance. Maximon is the plan of the
to the initial Metagalaxy both by size and Material world and its building element at
time scale, then for the normal 98 years of the same time, and the Metagalaxy is the
life this man will grow to the size of Earth building con-structed. Well they are one,
with average speed three millime-ters per isn’t it?!
second. The speed is comparable with the My soul! Let me not superimpose the
self-rhythm of such a conditional man. In fantasy to hypotheses and intuitive as-
reality moving at half the speed of light the sumptions. There is no more specific idea
expansion wave of the Metagalaxy leads to how the onset of sinusoid to anti-phase
fall in the density of matter by 15 orders leads to the cessation of existence and
from 10 –28.6 to 10 –43.6 g/cm3. Here you can’t disassembly of the Universe. Probably
imagine any ma-terial analogy. You can’t like human old age, it comes gradually
compare with any gas. and irreversibly, at that the processes of
But it is not the size of the expanded ripening and becoming old permeates all
Metagalaxy that is the cause of its con- the scale levels of matter. To the moment
traction and complete disappearance. of completion of the life cycle, the main
The physical increase in size of the Me- construction element of substance – atom
tagalaxy in only the circumstance, re- is at the middle of the «division zone»
quired for shifting the right end of the and its erstwhile saddle point of stability
sinusoid of the scalar stability – the basic shifts to the field of objects a hundred
regulator of evolutionary processes. times bigger in size. What shall happen in
With the «extension» of the sinusoid the nuclei of galaxies, where the source of
7.9. Phases 13–15. Completion of the life cycle of the Universe
maximons is located and matter is formed the existence boundary. Maybe no jump
up to the nucleus of the atom and the atoms is required. Thus everything is lead to a
themselves? What can take place there, point, and the point as known does not
if the energy vector practically changed have size, moreover, beyond the point
direction? Probably the process of star there is nothing.
formation gradually will slow down and How long the does the Lord sleep, does
come to naught. The stars existing at that he have dreams, and is there any evolution
moment end their natural life cycle and that forces him to awake? I do not know.
gradually the galaxies shall vanish. After May be the break between the cycles
them the periphery of the material world is equal to the length of the life cycle of
shall vanish and after it the noumenal the Universe, maybe it prolongs only a
world and its periphery. All that constituted second – it is a very big value – three-
the Universe including the hypermatrix, fourths of a full logarithmic time bar, and
«bars» and even the α point with remains may be 10 –80 sec?
of the unspent potential (if it had not been All three suppositions are senseless, be-
spent to that moment to zero), all these cause beyond the point «omega» nothing
sublimate to the point Ω, which for the is there, and time also is not there. What
time of the cycle had been pumped with difference does it make, important is
potential thanks to the work of the System. another thing. There will surely be the
The contraction of the non-material part of next cycle of the Lord’s manifestation in
the Universe probably takes place at such existence. The Lord again will start dis-
infinitesimally small fraction of seconds sipating in the Universe to be created by
as the creation of all non-material part of Him. Again the Universe created by him
the World. shall begin to nurture the next incarnation
In the end all the potential of the Un- of the Lord, saturated with happiness and
iverse without remains concentrates at pain of passing through the hypostasis of
the “omega” point for the next life cycle. the material world.
The frequency of self-oscillations at this My Soul, we should understand the
point reaches 1080 Hz and possibly makes role meted to us and learn to balance the
some more jumps, allowing to go the freedom of choice given to us by God by
condition of «Non-existence», i.e. to cross our capacity to not do evil and fall into the
sin of godlessness.
Prayer III
You half-opened me the door to Your it a lesson, liability and mission.
workshop. You have become closer to me, but
I strived so much to understand Your the details of Your appearance has been
Concept… apparent and the picture has become
I could not live without under-standing, complicated.
why life is given to me… I have understood: The road to
I wanted to know Your price for You is absolutely open, but the path of
people’s deeds and conducts… true approximation passes through the
perfection of my soul, soul of each man,
You gave me answers to my questions. through over-coming the vanity of devilish
The World created by You is worth of You. acts of fornication in us.
You are a genius Designer and genius You sent me to the World in order that I
Engineer. raised and fostered the flower of a pure soul
Your Creation is functional, and gave it to You. I, man, Your creation in
economical and harmonious. Gran-diose whom You completed Your path to Matter,
by its size, it is easy in trans-parency and should give back my conscience, heart and
smart on structural principles, because soul for Your new birth.
at the base of Your intention is wisdom, Not a simple thing. But there is no task
morality and internal dignity. from You that is not ex-ecutable. Your
O Lord! burden is bright and joyous.
Thank You and do not put You Let there always Your light in me!
revelation as my achievement. But I see in
Spiritual entity for the “omega” point by galaxy with cellular structure not having
the efforts of the Universe created. physical or material properties, but capa-
It is important to note that the act of ble to instantaneously transfer and store
creation of the World and the act of dis- practically unlimited information. The
sipation in it in essence is one and the same working frequency of the Noumenal world
action for which the author simply could and its periphery is about 1060 Hz.
not choose a suitable term. As soon as the Noumenal model de-
The unfolding of the Universe is made fined itself, found some relatively ba-
in stages. From the «alpha» point (First lanced condition, begins the replication of
cause) the Spiritual entity builds the Bar, the noumenal image of the galaxy and all
which gives the number of future objects of that forms it and distribution in space of
the Universe and proportion of their sizes. the Hypermatrix in accordance with the
The bar is the first structure made from noumenal image of the Metagalaxy.
cells of the future Hypermatrix. Each of Hereupon creation of the material plan
the cells is the Spi-ritual entity, responsible of the Universe takes place. Exactly at
in future for objects of the Universe of a the centres of the future galaxies ap-pear
particular size. rotating sources of maximons, from which
The next stage is the formation of proto-matter is formed in several stages,
Spiritual entities, responsible for making and then matter, gas-dust clouds form and
the design of the Universe. They con-ceive then everything is in full con-cordance
and decide by which laws the World shall with the scientific-atheistic perceptions of
be organized and how it shall look. modern cosmology.
The spiritual entity of the bar and The concentrations of clouds leads to
creators of the Universe design have self star formation and stellar-planetary sys-
frequency to the order of 1070 Hz. tems appear. At the «fortunately» located
Thereafter the periphery of the Nou- planets biological life appears.
menal world is lined up – the structure Each Galaxy, and may be each stellar
for generation and control of the World system has its Periphery – the monitoring
of noumens, – thought-objects of the fu- and control device over everything that
ture world of matter. After which the takes place there. Its operating frequency
Noumenal world is created and the ela- is 1050 Hz and it is capable of exchanging
boration and balancing of the complete information with the periphery of the
noumenal model of vital activity of the Noumenal world.
world of matter begins. The scripts of birth All things from which the Universe
and development of material units, their is made of can be combined into 22
interaction and evolution are played and classes, if it is to be classified according
fine-tuned. The periphery and noumens to attributes of scale and level of organi-
are nothing but yet other hypostasis of the zation. Both scales are divided into 12
Spiritual entity filling with him the World classes and accommodated on orthogonal
he creates. axes. Distribution of units in coordinates
In parallel or a little later the process of of these axes gives the conditional graph-
unfolding the Hypermatrix takes place – ical diagram of the Universe. The units are
filling the volume of the future Meta- distributed by classes in the following way.
task of man as a product and element of Religion, Belief, man, life, death,
the System of Universe is located. The freedom, morality, and a mass of other
Universe has been created by the Lord, important things and the Lord Himself –
created for the Lord and created from all these concepts are turned by a new face,
His substance. brightened by a singular system-oriented
World is the means of existence of idea.
the Lord. The Lord is eternal, but his The process of perception of the
manifestations are of a cyclic nature. world by man is only gaining momentum.
He comes from «Non-existence» in the During the last 150-200 years we note a
form of a first cell of the Hypermatrix – torrent of discoveries in natural sciences.
«alpha» point, turns the world structure V.I. Vernadsky sharply felt this process,
at the expense of its own substance and when he wrote:
completely transfers to the hypostasis of
the Universe, where the noumenal world «We are at the threshold of great changes in
creates an unlimited number of material the perception of world… We are going through
worlds. The purpose of these worlds is to not a crisis, affecting the weak souls, but a great
breakthrough in scientific thought of mankind,
create a thinking matter, teach it ethics, happening only once in a thousand years, going
omniscience and wisdom. Then gather and through scientific achievements, equal to which
store information about the experience of many genera-tions of our ancestors had never
passing through matter. Accumulate the seen…
experience and positive spiritual energy in We are only beginning to realize the
some local field of the hypermatrix during overwhelming power, free scientific thought,
the whole life cycle of the Metagalaxy. In great creative force of Homo sapiens, human
free personality, manifestation of the great
the end after 400,000 billions of years the
cosmic force, whose kingdom is ahead. It
contraction of the information obtained approaches us fast against all expectations by
and spiritual energy into a single cell of this breakthrough» [28, p. 518, 519].
the hypermatrix – «Omega» point, which
goes into «Non-existence» and is there till The successes of sciences, being
the moment of Its subsequent appearance. confirmed by practical applications,
advance to space and deep into matter,
*** constantly warm up hope of understanding
the true, deep mechanism and reasons of
There now, my Soul, new knowledge the Universe. The law of analogy, inherent
has opened before us. Before us is the to human thought regularly gives birth to
full picture of the Universe from the be- one and the same simple thought: if it is
ginning to the end. The Author is known, possible to comprehend that created, then
the motives are known, and the role of man it is possible to comprehend the Creator.
in the World order has become clear. Reason, which has grown up to rationali-ty,
The information is so much and its searches rational explanation of the Creator’s
meaning is so important and radical that nature. Religion, theology do not give the
the question arises: What to do now with opportunity to realize such aspirations.
the formed system of perception about the That is why the idea of rational path
world? to God at some moment was discarded by
something. What is belief, they say, when I Yes, evil rules the World, but not the World
comprehend and see that it is so?» [95, p. 149]. in general but the world of people. This
evil originates from the people themselves.
Even V.I. Vernadsky, a man who was This evil can be overcome, but for this, as
not very religious, but tolerant to religion, Jakob Böhme wrote:
said with his bright God given providential
mind: «We should come out of all arrogance,
deception, anger, envy, greed and stubborn-
«Humanity lives in a deep crisis of reli- ness, and deliver all our heart and soul to the
gious consciousness and probably is at the God Holy Spirit…» [68, p. 198].
verge of a new religious creation. The old
religious conceptions should be deepened To whom are we indebted? Why are
and rearranged, primarily, under influence of we indebted? Because such is the mission
growth in scientific thought» [28, p. 332].
of man in the system of Universe. Till man
does not replace the animal instincts by
My Soul! The idea to «understand in-stead
absolute morality, he will be followed by
of believe» is close to us. It has always been and
social conflicts, diseases, depression and
shall be close and ne-cessary for the thinking
all other troubles making life unpleasant.
people. Here we should say that anybody can
We now know – the main «formula» of
be in the number of thinking people.
God is «Absolute omnipotence balanced
Life had suppressed you, hit painfully and
by absolute ethics». The Lord has
you pondered and the simple idea came to your
immeasurable forces, but in order that
mind: «I have done some-thing contradicting
they do not damage they are counteracted
to the laws of God» – you became a thinking
by renunciation or morality, system of
man. It means that you thought how to act and
prohibitions not less powerful by its nature.
or atone the sin.
Man is a smaller model of the Lord.
Within the framework of his world man
«…decrepit Adam in us, through daily
attrition and confession, should be sunk and gradually acquires power. By his meas-
die with all his sins and malicious cravings ures an unlimited power, enough to de-
and in his place a new man in us should arise stroy himself and the whole world. Before
and resuscitate and who shall live in truth and man stands the task of himself building
purity eternally before God» Martin Luther his ethics, adequate for the power given to
[68, p. 116]. him. Such is the program of our species.
Such is the lesson to man from the Creator,
The perception opened to us signifies: a lesson that everyone must learn.
It usually simply list of books that it our thoughts coincided. Here, look: there
was visible, the citation whence is taken. is a person who thinks the same as you. He
But I would like to recede has sent. I lived during other time, in other country,
address to you, the people expensive to but we with it have found the same nugget
me who have written the books who are of True!
conformable to my thoughts. To you that One hundred, another of authors.
who is now live, and to souls of those who The majority of them are close to me on
can be met in the best World. spirit, a little – it is possible, reincarnation
I want to thank you for support. You, ancestors. And still there are three-four,
yes my wife serve me as a support and with which at me the tense relations: they
safenes in this world turned inside out. think at all how I, but their knowledge and
You the fact of the existence said to me World vision is deep also are interesting.
that angrily, generated the deviation and However it, soul washing, all our
illness is people, that angrily incomimng company. Colleagues. And as many
is surmountable, and light of the Divine worthy people haven't got to a circle of my
true is eternal. Its love is eternal. Its attention! How many the necessary books
omnipotence is boundless and Its ethics not It is read! To think terribly. And can be,
are absolute. that I have written all, already by someone
Many of you suffered from unfreedom, have been understood and described? And
to someone the destiny has brought terrible such it is possible.
deprivations and tests, to someone martyr But the World is combined and the
death. But you were firm spirit and that Lord is high. I after all and itself so have
rescued my soul. much gathered at you. Almost on each
focal point I found a hypothesis and a
«When gloom waves curl
prediction in your books.
And my spirit asks simplification,
I rummage in books, as a dog, And you, soul washing, my future «I»,
Searching for a grass for treatment ». read, think, fill up this list, and Remember:
I.Guberman [35, with. 507] there is no the opening which ninety
percent wouldn't be prepared by previous
And how many time you gave me generations.
pleasure, happiness and self-trust when
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Atom (Атом) the chemically Creation from the 2nd through the 14th
indivisible «building block» of matter. of phase, and then all the experience of
Is in the 5th class out of 12 on the axis the life cycle of Creation is contracted
of scale and 4th out of 12 on the axis of again into one cell of hyper-matrix and
organisation level. One of the 22 units of everything else disappears. This point
matter. Consists of a nucleus surrounded bears the name «God-Omega». The point
by electrons. The diameter of an electron of sleep and inaction of Spiritual Being,
is 10 billion times smaller than its orbit the point, where all necessary information
and an atomic nucleus is 100,000 times is assembled as well as the entire reserve
larger than an electron. If an electron of the renewed Goodness necessary for
is represented by a ball 1 millimetre in developing the next cycle of Of creation.
diameter, then the atomic nucleus will be
100 meters in diameter and the distance Attributes (Атрибуты) See
between electron and nucleus will be «Attributes of God».
10,000 kilometres. It is hard to visualise.
If our Earth is represented as a ball 1 Attributes of the Lord (Атрибу-
millimetre in diameter, then the sun would ты Господа) imprescriptible, intrinsic
be the size of a small melon and the distance and innate characteristics of the Lord and
between them would be around 12 paces. His Hypostasi: Freedom, Goodness, All-
In the providential sense, the atom is the might, Ethics, Love, Will, Number, Logic,
universal building block of the first order. Harmony, Moderation, Beauty, Creative
There are around 100 types of atoms. Only Ability, Truth, Providence, Omniscience,
100 «moulded bricks» for creating all of Omnipotence. God creates the Universe
the diversification of the material world and governs it with aid of His Attributes
is really on the small side. That is why
there are two more orders in the array of
building blocks of matter: «molecules» Angel of Death (Ангел смерти)
and «bio-molecules». See references. A spirit that accompanies all spiritual
material objects from the time of their
«Alpha» point (Точка «альфа») – appearance in the world until the end of
The Alpha and the Omega points are the their life cycle. Is responsible for the time
starting and end points of the process of and form of the cessation of vital activity
Creation. Those from which Creation for the process of integrating remains into
begins and ends. The «Alpha Point», the biosphere as well as transmission of
God-Way, the Customer of Creation, the information and karma to the associated
Point Of Nonexistence, which began its subsystem on the periphery of the material
emanation of Goodness in the Universe world. Opposed by the Guardian Angel.
and therefore became existence for the
first time. See Figs. 56-59. Next come the All-seeing omniscience (Всеве-
phases of development and evolution of дение) One of attributes of the Lord.
only unlimited, but is much more useful The meaning of beauty of is to develop the
and convenient and may be done «custom- measure of the similarity humans to god.
made» with any set of previously provided
tailor-made properties. Cascade emission (Каскадная
эмиссия) . One of the basic principles
Biopolymers (Биополимеры) of the technology of creation. The Lord
thousands and millions of identical builds Creation from himself, returning
bio-molecules making up a unified, from his resource reserves some part to
homogenous construct with tailor-made the building of the first level of Creation
properties. A «building block» in the nearest to him. When this conditionally
creation of objects of plant and animal life. first level is built, it, being God’s creation,
builds the following second, lower
Biosphere (Биосфера) the thin level itself and so on. Thus, the floors of
layer of contact between the atmosphere creation are built from the functioning of
and the surface of the planet. The result spiritual beings of the ethereal world to
of and reason for evolution of organic life. the hierarchy of the units of matter, from
It owes its existence primarily to solar God[a] to humans and then to «the subject
energy. The meeting place of animate of the spirituality»of the renewed God.
and inanimate nature. Plays the role of a The capability of the objects of creation
placenta for the origin and development to generate objects of the following, lower
of biological life. As a unit of matter, level is the basis of a cascade emission.
it is in the 8th class on the axis of scale God turns into things, but these things
and around the 7th or 8th class of level reveal the ineradicable tendency to give
of organisation. Contains attributes of birth to the things of the following levels.
animate and inanimate nature. In the material world, a cascade emission
develops in two directions: along the
Beauty (Красота) One of «the axis of scale and along the axis of level
Attributes of the Lord», which manifest of organisation. See also «Principle
themselves in the second phase of the of decrease in the level of frequency»,
developments of the World Order (Fig. 56). «Principle of cascade sequence».
Beauty is the aesthetic quality of an object,
the trace of godly nature in the object of Classification cell (Классификаци-
creation. Beauty is the external reflection онная ячейка) The consequence of the
of the attributes of the Creator. All the objective property of the material objects
spiritual beings of the ethereal world and is to be grouped according to the features
humans are capable of seeing and of feeling of similarity, according to the following
Beauty. Without the external observer, features: scale- dimensional, physical
beauty is not perceived by anyone and nature (inorganic substance, aggregation
loses urgency. Subjects perceiving beauty from the inorganic substance, biological
can have varying abilities to feel it. The objects), structure-forming according
ability for humans to perceive beauty is to the status of object (class-forming or
associated with their proximity to God. transitional) and certain others. Is notable
Only like is capable of perceiving like. that if all material objects are passed
and construction of both Worlds (See Fig. Ego (Эго) – The human selfness,
56 – Phase 3; Fig. 62; Fig. 63 – Step 3; 65). that which distinguishes one person from
another, the internal world of a person, the
Evolutionary scaling factor (Эво- essence of the «I» of a specific person. The
люционный масштабный коэффи- phenomenon «Ego» is the consequence of
циент) – As distinct from the constant an unprecedented degree of freedom given
scale factor, evolutionary scale factor is to humans. The spiritual being hardly
formed not by the scale ranking, but by possesses such a pronounced ego, or
the sinusoid of scale stability, which is maybe does not even have one at all. From
extended following the expansion of the a human point of view, an Ego is composed
metagalaxy. Therefore, the completion of two parts – genetic and acquired. On
of the life cycle of Creation evolutionary one hand, our «I» is that which our parents
scale factor grows from 105 tо 105.035×n, gave us, and they received it from their
where the «n» is the index number of parents, etc. On the other hand, everyone
class according to the scale of the level learns something in the course of his or
organisation. See so «The Increment of her life, comes to understand something, is
the scale ranking», «Scale harmony of the disillusioned about something, enriching
Universe». or spoiling his or her «I», and by the end
of his or her life has changed his or her
Evolution of the material world genotype slightly. The Lord probably
(Эволюция материального мира) – has a different view of Ego. The spiritual
The evolution of the material world is being, following the evolution of the
systemically subordinate to purposes and to human «species» has the least possible
the tasks of the system of Creation. The task consideration for our Ego. Their object is
of material world is to ensure such evolution two almost infinite evolutionary chains –
of its units that will lead to the generation one is the chain of karma and the other is
of a spirit and the maturing of the «subject the line of heredity. To a certain degree
of spirituality» in each solar system for both of these chains are associated with
the synthesis of a common «God-Omega» the person’s parental pair, but could just
capable of carrying out the next life cycle as easily be unrelated to it. God may lay
of Creation. At the same time, the material down these factors in various ways, guided
world is autonomous and endowed with by His own conclusions, but as soon as a
complete freedom within the framework of choice is made, a new person appears with
the laws of order. It builds itself from the the predetermined Ego and the fate with
simple units to the complex, relying only which he or she has the right to change
on the information placed in maximon. with the work of his or her soul or absence
There are no mechanisms of direct external thereof. See also «Soul», «Noumenal of
influence on the evolution of matter, but soul», «Work of the soul».
effective control nevertheless exists. It is
built in a mediated manner through the Element (Элемент) – A certain
choice of states of equilibrium, karma, part that is a component of a whole. The
noumens and many other means. See so system of the material part of Creation
«freedom in the material world». entire consists of a hierarchy of different
elements, but there are cases, when an The freedom of units of matter grows in
object is the direct sum of the elements of proportion to its approaching the point
one form, polymers for example. However, «Omega». Each step according to the
more frequently the different types of scale of level of organisation gives a new
elements of one class make up the structure increase in the freedom until, at the next-
of the object of the following level. One to-last step, a person has so much of it that
hundred forms of atoms connected in the problem of moral choice will inevitably
different ways comprise the tens of appear. And then the process of the ethical
thousands of forms of the molecules of the evolution of the human starts, which
mineral world, star in their totality form leads to the appearance of the «subject of
galaxies, galaxies form metagalaxy, etc. spirituality», which knows how to limit
In the ethereal world, where analysis, not the freedom of its omnipotence through
synthesis, predominates, the concept of absolute ethics.
element is hardly suitable. At every stage
of the ethereal world, the united thing, Freedom and necessity (Свобо-
after being divided into parts, forms new да и необходимость) – The problem is
objects. See of also «Part and Whole», not in what freedom and necessity are,
«Quantity», «Number». but in where one starts and the other
ends. In the ethereal world, Spiritual
Ethics (Этика) – One of the basic Beings do not have this problem. Divine
«Attributes of the Lord». The capability ethics are divine because they know
of the Lord for the self-restraint of His their boundaries. In the material world,
«omnipotence» in line with the aims freedom exists, necessity exists, but
and the tasks of Creation. Divine ethics ethics is present only in two of the 12
regulates the use of all resources with classes of the level of organisation. The
absolute accuracy and uses all of the degree of freedom grows in proportion
Attributes of the Lord, all of His solutions to an increase in the complexity of
and actions. «The divinity» of the ethics objects. See Fig. 43. Maximons and
inherent in the Lord consists of its total metagalaxies have zero freedom being
correlation with the target function of wholly subordinated to necessity, while
the system of Creation. For humans humans are given enormous freedom
the understanding of divine ethics is a but are set before the necessity of moral
strict condition of specific survival and choice, with which they far from always
a providential goal. See also «Morality», manage to acquit themselves. The subect
«Freedom in the material world». of spirituality, however, is completely
freed from necessity as a form of
Freedom in the material world external coercion, because in knowing
(Свобода в материальном мире) The and understanding Divine law and being
material world itself knows how to build guided by the highest ethics, it always
and track its evolutionary development on acts according to the laws and rules of
its own. This is necessary that the creation the World Order. See so «Freedom in the
of matter the renewed Spiritual Being – material world».
be independent and it is self-sufficient.
Goal (Цель) See «Target function.» idea about the object of the experiment.
Our accepted understanding of the
Harmony (Гармония) One of concept of scale harmony of material
the «Attributes of the Lord.» The certain peace (by S.I. Sukhonos) involves
relation of parts to the whole. Such division the use of the two additional scales of
of the whole into parts which provides level of organisation and scale-time in
balancing of the purposes and interests of combination with the hypothesis about
parts and the whole, i.е. it does not break the 22 system-forming units of matter.
with the general definition of objectives of Using the methodology of technological
the system of the Universe. See also «Scale analysis they revealed serious heuristic
harmony». potential, which made it possible to
construct a relatively final and internally
Herz (Герц) Unit of measure of the non-contradictory hypothesis of the
frequency of oscillatory processes, equal world order. The hypothesis is as correct
to number of fluctuations in a second. It is as possible, and no more than that.
named after its inventor. One Hertz is equal
to one full fluctuation within one second. It Hypertime (Гипервремя) A universal
is applied to a designation of fluctuation by way to measure time based on the constancy
frequency less than one second. The highest of the process of recession of galaxies. The
frequency used in a design of the Universe speed of the elimination of a periphery of
1081 Hz. The highest frequency in the a metagalaxy, as well as the borders of a
world of a matter is 1023 Hz. See «Waves», hypermatrix from the center of a metagalaxy
«Frequencies». size have remained constant over 320,000
billion years. The ethereal world and its
Hierarchy principle (Принцип иерар- inhabitants – spiritual beings – are not subject
хичности) One of the basic principles of to relativistic effect most likely live according
the Technology of Creation. The universe built to this clock.
by the Lord is stratified in three measurements:
dimensional-scale, frequency-temporary and Hypermatrix (Гиперматрица)
level of organisation. Stratification indicates a The structure formed of cells – non-material
«multitiered nature». Each «tier» has its own cubic spaces snug against each other with
laws, order, and tasks. The stratification of a side measuring 10-35 m. There were 10180
the units of matter on organisation level has such cells art the time of the beginning of
hierarchical nature. The lower «tier» gives the life cycle of the Universe. Most likely
birth to or ensures generation of the following the Hypermatrix formed sphere inside of
upper «tier». The hierarchic principle covers which both the ethereal and the material
the ethereal world, but everything in it is worlds are placed. There is nothing outside
vice versa: more complex objects form less of the Hypermatrix. I do not know what
complex ones. a cell of a Hypermatrix is made of, how
it is made and what kinds of walls divide
Heuristic potential (Эвристиче- it. There is no concept of «matter» in the
ский потенциал) – The ability of one ethereal world. However it is known that
or another hypothesis to reveal true cells must accept, transfer, accumulate
and process the information. Also, cells systems of both worlds. See Fig. 66.
work in several strictly certain frequency The time between the occurrence
ranges, and each range is fixed to certain of an object in the system of Creation
class of spiritual beings and one range for and its disappearance from the Creation
a Maximon. Each range is responsible for (transition into another quality). Life cycle
the performance of a strictly determined includes a birth, a becoming, an active part,
function and the purpose of the System of a fading and a death. Duration of life cycle
the Universe. See «Flash», «Maximon». In is associated with two time characteristics
scales of one frequency range, the speed inherent in all objects of the Universe. The
of information transfer is instant from first of these is its own rhythm, or clock
edge to edge of the Hypermatrix. From frequency, that is duration, or frequency
the time of creation and before end of the of the basic life-supporting oscillatory
existence, the Hypermatrix extends due process. The second is the threshold of
to an increase in the number of cells with time sensitivity, which is an interval of
the speed which is not enabling material time so small that its unitary addition or
objects to touch the edge and thus creating reduction is not reflected in any way in
effect of infinity for the world of matter. the activity of object, and not identified
Expansion of the Hypermatrix entails a at all by it. The time of the life cycle of
stretching of «waves of scale stability» any unit from any area of the material
that in due course leads to end of the life world contains 10 billion of its own (clock)
cycle of the Universe. See also «Time». rhythms, and the threshold of sensitivity
makes up one percent of the duration of its
Hyperspace (Гиперпространство) – rhythm. For the ethereal world the situation
The space formed by the Hypermatrix, is little bit different. The life cycle of an
serves as accommodation for the Universe, ethereal object is the time of a continuous
including the ethereal and material worlds. information signal as much as is possible,
See «Hypermatrix». and the duration of the existence of the
ethereal object is dictated by the duration
Hierarchy of functions and tasks of life cycle of the material object which
(Иерархия функций и задач) it supervises. The duration of the shortest
The universe the most complicated life cycle can occur in the ethereal world. It
multilevel «totally self-contained system». is 10-70 seconds and the longest is 1,2×1022
Management of a similar object is possible seconds in the world of a matter. See also
only by means of an adequate multilevel «Time period», «Sensitivity threshold».
hierarchical control system, where each
level and every functional block solves local Increment of the scale ranking
problems, the mosaic of which produces a (Шаг масштабной шкалы) – The same
result that meets the general target function as the scale factor of 105 times. Such is the
of the system. The hierarchy and division dimensional step from one unit of matter
of functions exist in the ethereal world, is to another. See Fig. 16. The dimensional-
and are also in control over the world of scale-logarithmic ranking consists of 60
matter. In addition, a system of monitoring tenfold steps. The extreme left point is
and feedback corrects the management lower than the extreme right by 1060 times.
This axis is divided into 11 complete of creation is perpendicular to the axis of scale
classes and two sub-classes. Each class and passes through the points of «Alpha»
occupies five tenfold steps. This is the and «Omega». Specifically, «Diagonal 7/12»
increment of the scale ranking discovered lies in this plane and has the key value for the
by S.I. Sukhonos. The increment of the vital activity of Creation. All unit-bearers of
scale ranking (scale factor) is constant and spirituality are located here: plants, animals,
equal to 105. humans, the «subject of spirituality», the
Lord «Alpha» and the Lord «Omega». The
Invariance of a maximon (Ин- points these units belong to an equal degree
вариантность максимона) As is to the plane of Creation and the key section.
known, the maximon is a phenomenon Through them is possible to exchange
of the information activity of a cell of a information between these planes, and what
hypermatrix. See «Maximon». Invariancy is more, pass on to the control and existence
consists in universality and is more planes. Specifically, around the divine
precisely information transferred by diagonal as ridge, the entire construction of
the maximon being absolutely identical the periphery of God’s Worlds is being built,
regardless of in what specific cell of which answers the general objective function
a hypermatrix it manifests itself. Two of the system to switch over from the state
maximons simultaneously «lighting» two of «Alpha» to the state of «Omega» See Figs.
cells at opposite ends of the Megagalaxy 48, 49,55.
are absolutely identical. The maximon
being identical does not extend to the Life (Жизнь) See «Animate and
operative part of the information inclusion inanimate» with regard to biological value. By
of this maximon in a certain object and the same token, in a system-wdie representation
about an impulse of movement of this for the Universe, «Life» is the name of one of
object in the space of the Hypermatrix. three higher planes of the ethereal world. The
However this part of disappearing name is borrowed from the Christ’s statement
information is small in comparison with «I am the way, the truth and the life». The
the standard «genetic» package storing the «life» plane is an information frequency
description of Creation. The invariancy of area of the ethereal world where noumens of
a maximon is not absolute in a long-term units of matter are created and developed, i.e.
temporal aspect. Maximon it is generated the future material world is modelled, and
by forces of the noumenal world, and then when it is created, there is a levelling by
feeds on a feedback from the world of correction of noumens. The curator of this part
matter which objectively varies under of the Universe is «God-Life». From the point
influence of the «recession of Galaxies» of view of process of Creation, it is a Phase 3
factor. As a result the noumenal clichés of of the World Order, and the spiritual being
material objects gradually change, but at a the «Executor» creates the Periphery of
rate imperceptible for life cycle of a solar the Universe and both worlds ethereal and
system. material.See «Noumenal world», «Life cycle».
Key section (Ключевое сечение) «Law» («Закономерность») – In a
The plane cutting through the graphic model general sense, the steady property of an object
to react in the same way to identical conditions. any unit from any area of the material
The search for an outline explaining the order world contains 10 billion of its own (clock)
of the World is reduced in the beginning to a rhythms, and the threshold of sensitivity
search of the fundamental, most basic laws makes up one percent of the duration of its
in the arrangement of the world closest to us. rhythm. For the ethereal world the situation
Such laws turned out to be: is little bit different. The life cycle of an
a) reducibility of all material objects of ethereal object is the time of a continuous
the Universe to 22 «basic units». information signal as much as is possible,
b) Conformity of the sizes of basic units and the duration of the existence of the
to twelve steps of the scale dimensional ethereal object is dictated by the duration
ranking, with a rhythm of 105 between of life cycle of the material object which
steps. it supervises. The duration of the shortest
c) Hierarchical organisation of basic life cycle can occur in the ethereal world. It
units on the basis of level of organisation. is 10-70 seconds and the longest is 1,2×1022
Performance of a principle structural seconds in the world of a matter. See also
inclusion or structural causality for base «Time period», «Sensitivity threshold».
units assembled in a chain in terms of
rising complexity. Logarithmic scale of time (Лога-
d) Adaptability of units of matter to рифмическая шкала времени) is
a scale-time (frequency) hierarchy. These the scale on which each division indicates
regularities have allowed construction of a a value 10 times more than the previous
«Graphic diagram of the material world» and one. Decimal multiplicity allows building
stemming from it, a subsequent representation a convenient and visual time scale, where
of all Creation as a whole. the longest and shortest time intervals
are accommodated, such as they are the
Life cycle (Жизненный цикл) only ones that are in the System of The
The time between the occurrence of World Order. In total, it required 104
an object in the system of Creation and tenfold steps so that the shortest interval of
its disappearance from the Creation time – 10-81 seconds – and the longest
(transition into another quality). Life cycle of 320,000 billion years (1022 seconds) –
includes a birth, a becoming, an active part, were accommodated on one diagram. It is
a fading and a death. Duration of life cycle a gigantic scale, but in logarithmic form it
is associated with two time characteristics fits on a figure in a book (Figs. 37, 71)
inherent in all objects of the Universe. The
first of these is its own rhythm, or clock Logic (Логика) One of the
frequency, that is duration, or frequency «Attributes of the Lord». Logic is the
of the basic life-supporting oscillatory law of godly thinking, the arsenal of the
process. The second is the threshold of effective methods of reasoning and the
time sensitivity, which is an interval of rules of reaching conclusions. It is the
time so small that its unitary addition or most common decision-making technique
reduction is not reflected in any way in of spiritual beings of all levels. Formally
the activity of object, and not identified it is the methodological basis of laws and
at all by it. The time of the life cycle of rules of the world order. The laws of logic
of established by the Lord in the second 1080 Hz. Such are the parameters of the
phase of world creation, are not further Divine light.
corrected, and they acquire absolute
force until the end of the life cycle of Linkage principle (Принцип звен-
Creation. The laws of logic are invariable ности) One of the basic principles of
in time, space and at the different levels the Technology of Creation. Each self-
of organisation, and they are the same contained thing or the phenomenon-link
for the ethereal and material worlds. in the chain of creating the Creation.
The main activity of spiritual beings is In the ethereal world, the preceding
to think and to make decisions, to think component is always higher and the
professionally, rapidly, accurately, with subsequent component is always lower
minimum expenditure of time and energy. in terms of level of organisation. But in
Logic is the collection of the elementary the material world this is vice versa: the
algorithms, from which cognitive process preceding component is always lower,
is forms independent of its content. Logic and the subsequent component is always
attends the system of Creation and it is higher in terms of level of organisation.
orientated to the achievements of system- Moreover, components in the chain cannot
wide target function. be transposed or ejected in the ethereal or
material world. The order of the sequence
Love (Любовь) One of the in both worlds is absolute. Link to Link.
«Attributes of the Lord». It is manifested The unbroken chain of acts of creation.
in the first phase of the development of
the World Order. Love plays the role of Multiplicity (Кратность) The
the basic motive of world creation. The integral insertion of one number into
Lord loves himself, loves to create, loves another. Three parameters became the
his creations. And this is sufficiently basis of the construction of Creation size,
easy to understand for humans. But the level of organisation, time. Two of them
Lord loves also his emission into matter, size and time – have a continuous metrics
his destruction, purification and revival and units of measurement. However, to
in the appearance of matter, his catharsis build simple scales for them does not make
and, finally his renewal and agonizing practical sense, as much as the smaller of
collection of his new spiritual essence. the objects is smaller than the larger. The
He is prepared to go for risk, sufferings scales turn out to be boundless. In such
and pain for the love. This is how the cases, the logarithmic scales are used where
other side of love looks. Such is the are each division is more than the other not by
disbursements of godly love for the world, one unit of measurement but by several
but he nevertheless chooses love. times of a factor of two units, three
units and so on. Experience shows that it
Light (Свет) Fluctuations in the is especially convenient to use 10 multiple
frequency range from от 0.4×1014 Hz to calibration of the scales. Specifically,
0.72×1014 Hz are perceived by human this multiplicity gives the visibility of the
eye as light. Spiritual Beings exchanged scales without the essential loss of detail in
signals at frequencies from 1060 Hz to the representation of the object. Moreover,
commands are born in four operating level of organisation, the Microcosm occupies
planes and are transferred on two the three lowest classes and identically
monitoring planes. Operating planes have coincides with the bottom branch of the graph
a three-layer structure and perform three of the Mega-universe. Clock frequencies of
functions: store the noumen as the standard objects in the microcosm range from 1052 Hz
of the operated object, store a set of typical to 1016 Hz.
technologies and management techniques
and generate correction signals on the Minerals (Минералы) Inorganic
basis of comparison of a real condition of substances that are the result of the bonding
the object with its noumen using standard of two or more chemical elements. Can
solutions. Planes of monitoring are single- exist in gaseous, liquid, crystal or solid
layer and single-function. Their task is to form. Represent the substance from which
transfer the information on their status and such space objects as planets, their satellites
functioning to the units of matter to the and small cosmic bodies are created. Stars
area of the formation of noumens. See also and the cores of large planets, where the
«Periphery of the noumenal world». temperature and pressure are very great,
change nuclear structure of the minerals
Microcosm (Микромир) The part forming them.
of a material world corresponding the first
third of a scale-dimensional ranking (Figs. Morality (Нравственность) is
17, 23) encompasses units of matter in the approximately the same as ethics and morals.
sizes from 10-34.8 m to 10-14.565 m, that is: Behaviour and acts of humans as result of a
a maximon, an electron and the nucleus of constantly having to choose between goods
atom, as well as two hypothetical units with and evil. Along with «Spirituality» and
the conditional names «Photon» and «nucleus «Knowledge» is one of three base attributes
of an electron». The general logic of scale- of modern humankind and «the civilised
dimensional classification says that they person». The providential role of morality
should be between an electron and a maximon, consists of serving as a reliable counterbalance
but they are not described by science yet. to «Omnipotence», to which humans are
The actual microcosm is the universe of moving in advancing rate. Uncontrolled
the initial substance of matter, space, time omnipotence is fatally dangerous to the
and forces of interaction, characteristic for species. But the external control and direct
the given area of the material world. In a control are forbidden for spontaneous matter.
microcosm, where distance between objects That is why self-control in the form of morals
is smaller than the nucleus of an atom, “strong is therefore necessary. See also «Ethics».
interactions” dominate. The boundary they
overcome electromagnetic forces is at the Meaning (Смысл) – The meaning of
10-14.66 m mark. This size exactly coincides things and phenomena is hidden in their place
with position by the upper boundary of the and function within the system of Creation.
Microcosm during the moment of creation of There are no things without meaning. But only
the Universe 15 billion years ago, and proves the Lord, possessed of absolute omniscience,
with great accuracy the calibration of the can judge the real significance of things. See
scale-dimensional ranking. On the scale of «Providence».
«Oblivion» lasts, most likely, no more 10- See also «Classification cell», «Class-
given its own clock frequency of 1080 forming objects», «Concordance of
Hz. The time sensitivity threshold is 10-81. scales».
The condition of «Oblivion» contains the
information of the previous life cycle of the Periphery of the material world (Пе-
Universe and potential for realisation of a риферия Материального мира)
subsequent cycle. However, such densely Part of the «Peripheries of Creation»,
packed information is a specific, unique responsible for the regular functioning of
substratum – «Goodness». Oblivion is the the Material world, as part of the System
latent hypostasis of the One God finishing of Creation and maintenance of its system
and beginning a cycle of a life of Creation. purposes, See Figs. 49, 54. Carries out the
See also «Existence». following functions: management of the
material world in terms of extraordinary
deviations; the function of nonexistence,
«Omega» point (Точка «Omega») i.e. the termination of life cycle; function of
See «Alpha» point. tracking scale-dimensional dependencies
and restrictions and the function of
Organic world (Органический мир) monitoring of existence. The «Material
The part of the material world, including units world» is free from any direct influence
of a biological origin, as distinct from from and management. Otherwise it could
«Microcosm», «Macrocosm» and «Megaworld» create the units allocated by freedom of
where units do not possess biological life. On a choice. Therefore its periphery works
scale of «Level of the organisation», it occupies through a random mechanism, or a pre-
the 6th through the 8th classes, See Fig. 26. The existence selection of characteristics of
providential purpose of the organic world is to the future unit, changing its circumstances
create units of matter, able to think, distinguish of environment, genotype and karma.
between good and evil, to understand and learn The periphery of the material world
the «Attributes of the Lord», and as a result create has the information-accumulation
a Spiritual Being, born of matter, possessing mechanism for experience, the life cycle
«Omnipotence» and «Absolute Ethics». This and the mechanism of conversion of
being will be able to realize the following life cycle positive experience into the «Goodness»
of Creation. See also «Super-biological object», substratum. See also «Periphery of
«Animate and inanimate». Creation», «Periphery of TSCS totally
self-contained system».
Parameter (Параметр) is an
engineering concept – the size describing Periphery of Creation (Перифе-
any property of an object or phenomenon. рия Мироздания) is the information
A measured quality of a matter. A way of operating system responsible for objects
the describing things of which the material of the noumenal and material worlds
world consists. Analysis shows, that among (Fig. 49). Actually noumen units and
boundless number of possible parameters units of matter are placed on the plane of
of matter, there are three system-forming Creation and are reminiscent of playing
ones: «Size», «Organisation» and «Time». card (Fig. 47), and around of each of the
The island of material world, begins its Beings, responsible for the sampling and
history with maximons or protomatter transmission of information on the life and
and finishes the life cycle in 3×1017 (10 death of objects of Creation. The diagram
billion) years, returning to protomatter of functioning of the Plane of monitoring
or full information «dissolution» is shown on Fig. 52. See also Fig. 49.
transition into information. During this
time, under favourable conditions on one Plane of non-existence (Плоскость
or several planets or even their satellites a небытия) an element of the design
biosphere and biological life develops. The «Peripheries of Creation». The conditional
providential purpose of a solar system is graphic location of Spiritual Beings,
to successfully travel the entire path of the objects responsible for nonexistence of
evolution of matter from a maximon up to objects of the ethereal and the material
the «subject of spirituality» and to transfer worlds. It organizes the end of life. It is
the experience gained in the form of a opposed to the «Plane of Existence» with
set of information to the corresponding which it makes up a uniform functional
branch of the «Periphery of the material block in system of Creation. See «Vector
world». For 400,000 billion years of the of influence», Figs. 49, 54, 55.
existence of the Metagalaxy, 3.6×1024 solar
systems send their “packages.” Received Plane of management of the material
on frequency 1043 Hz this information world (Плоскость управления ма-
is processed and accumulates on the териальным Миром) an element of
frequency 1080 Hz, borrowing only one the design «Periphery of Creation». The
cell of the Hypermatrix, which by the end conditional graphic location of Spiritual
of current life cycle of Creation becomes a Beings, responsible for management of
Spiritual Being, capable of going through the material world. Analyzes its current
the next cycle of Creation. condition, compares it with noumens and
sends out correction signals. Thus the entire
Plane of existence (Плоскость бы- process of controlling matter is constructed
тия) Element of the design «Peripheries so that it does not touch upon the freedom of
of Creation». The conditional graphic the self-development of a matter. Therefore
location of Spiritual Beings, responsible the operating impulses are combined with
for the existence of both worlds – ethereal instances of conditions of equilibrium, or
and material. Gives life. It is opposed work through the mechanisms of karma
to the «Plane of nonexistence», which and genesis. It is connected with the “Plane
takes life from which makes a uniform of management of the noumen world”
functional block in the system of Creation. with which it makes a uniform functional
See «Vector of influence», Figs. 49, 54, 55. block in system of Creation.See «Vectors of
influence», Figs. 49, 54, 55.
Plane of monitoring (Плоскость
мониторинга) More precisely the plane Plane of management of the noumenal
of monitoring existence as an element of world (Плоскость управления ноу-
the design «Peripheries of Creation». The менальным Миром) an element of
conditional graphic location of Spiritual the design «Periphery of Creation». The
correspond the quantum of space and the meaning of the process of «recession» can
quantum of time. In other words, in the be examined in terms of several aspects.
region of the material world, there are no First of all, the execution of the function
objects with a size of less than 10-34.8 m and of an absolute clock for keeping track of
the processes of shorter than 10-43 seconds. hyper-time. Secondly, recession makes
A cube with a side of10-34.8 m is nothing irreversible changes in the structure
else but a cell of a «hypermatrix» (See of Creation, bringing the life cycle of
the universal space in which Creation is Creation to completion. Thirdly, an effect
located and which is Creation. «The cell» of the «infinity» of the universe is achieved
of hyper-matrix not a material formation, for material objects, which cannot reach
but has a size and fixed location in the the speed of «recession» in the periphery
«hyper-matrix». The cell is revealed of metagalaxy. Fourthly, there is the load
through the information activity, which distribution on maximons. During the
is manifested on several frequency ranges motion of galaxies, the probability of
independent of one another. See «Flash», constant or frequent «switching on» of
«Maximon», «Quantum of time», «Scale- one and the same cells of hyper-matrix
time niche», Fig. 27. is reduced. See of also «Hypermatrix»,
«Hypertime», «Cell», «Flash».
Quantity (Количество) The
number of elements which form object and Reflectivity of worlds (Зеркальность
the number of subsystems of those forming миров) The material world and the ethereal
the system. The analysis of the numbers, world have mirror similarity and mirror
which describe a quantity of objects shows symmetry. However, if in the material world,
that there are a small quantity of numbers a reflection of an object is its an optical non-
which occur much more frequently material copy, the phenomenon of the smooth
than others. The Creator has «favourite surface of the World Order has opposite
numbers»: 1020, 1010,105, 20, 10, 5, 7, 12, structure. The ethereal sample of the Universe
6, 3, 1, and also two derived numbers is primary, and the world of a matter is its
144 (12×12) and 60 (20×3). Why is this so? duplicated reflection, a material embodiment.
Only the Creator knows. The plane of reflection passes through points
of the beginning and the end of a scale
Recession of galaxies (Разбега- ranking – the Maximon and the Metagalaxy
ние Галактик) The process of the units. These objects belong equally to the
movement of galaxies from the centre to ethereal and material worlds. The ethereal
the periphery of the metagalaxy. At the world, basis of which is the noumenal world,
time of its formation, the metagalaxy’s generates a plan dynamic, ethereal model
diameter is 1025.2 m. In 15 billion years it of a material world with which it is possible
is 1025.625 m, i.e., it increased approximately to do a matrix ideal samples of noumens of
two-and-a-half times. However, by the all units of matter. The Material world is free
time of the completion of its life cycle in in its development; however, it is arranged
320,000 billion of years, the diameter of so that its natural evolution gradually rejects
metagalaxy will be 1030 m, i.e., an increase all specific decisions except for those that
by a factor of 100,000. The providential are similar to noumens. The «Periphery of
the material world» regulates this law, the associated with achievement of balance
construction of which is also reflected by an between its growing power and adequate
analogous structure in the ethereal world growth of the ethics of behaviour. The
«Peripheries of the nuomen world». Alpha providential goal of specific evolution
and Omega, points that are reflective in of the person consists in its transition,
relation to one another are crowning both the regeneration in «the Subject of spirituality»
ethereal material worlds and are the Gods – the unit of 12 classes on the scale of level
of the previous and subsequent iteration of of organisation.
Scale stability wave (Волна мас-
Radiant energy (Излучение) штабной устойчивости) The sinusoid
Scientists term the range of fluctuations built up along the scale-dimensional
of frequencies between from 1014 до 1020 ranking with primary step in size in two
Hz (from visible light to gamma rays) as steps of a scale or 1010 number of times.
radiant energy. However, to reach the Defines areas where units of matter have
frequency at which Maximon expresses the propensity to synthesise or to divide.
itself – 1043 Hz there are 23 more exponent The sinusoid is attached at one end like
parts. They too belong to the world of a spring to the maximon unit and at the
matter. What about radiant energies? What other end to the «Metagalaxy». As a
are they used for? It is too complex even to result of expansion of the metagalaxy,
speculate. the «spring» is stretched and the areas
of preferable synthesis and division are
Reason (Разум) The capability of displaced relative to the coordinates of
self-awareness and analytical thinking. units of matter fixed on a scale. As a result,
The presence of language and abstract 400,000 billion years later, the right edge
descriptive thinking is assumed. The of a sinusoid comes into a condition of
attribute of humans comprising their an antiphase to the initial position, that
basic specific difference from the realm possibly serves as the mechanism for the
of animals. The basic tool of the specific completion of the life cycle of the Universe.
victory of humans over the animal
kingdom. The limitation of reason is that Stability wave (Волна устойчиво-
it has no spiritual or ethical component. сти) See «Scale stability wave».
In order not to cause harm, reason must
be under the control of adequate ethics. Spirituality (Духовность) –The
See also «Omnipotence», «Spirituality», distinctive specific attribute inherent to some
«Work of the soul». extent in a greater part of modern people.
Sources of spirituality are comprehension of
Specific human evolution (Видовая monotheism and the primacy of the spiritual
эволюция человека) specific evolution above the material. Spirituality is shown in
of humans as fauna has probably come to internal orientation of the person towards God,
an end. Today, evolution proceeds basically in the search by the person of his or her place
in sphere of social attitudes. The strategic and a role in the world God created, in love of
line of the further human evolution will be God and His creations, in the desire to be to a
student and assistant of God. Spirituality forms seconds – approximately 10 billion years.
the fifth, penultimate level of depth of soul of In this amount of time, the solar system
the person, almost the same as conscience. sees the birth of the world, its blossoming
Spirituality is the quality allowing the person’s and doomsday. There are 10 billion stars
ethics to approach the nouminal level set by existing simultaneously in the life cycle of
God. Spirituality, along with with «Morals» a galaxy, which is 1.2×1021 seconds. 3,600
and «Knowledge» are three distinctive qualities generations of stars shine during its life
of modern humankind – «the civilised person». cycle. 3.6×1024 stars will be born and go
out in the Metagalaxy for the entire cycle
Soul (Душа) The most complex of Creation. It is specifically this number
thing generated from a pyramid of of times that the local script of the full life
matter that is present in units of the 11th cycle of matter repeats itself.
and 12th classes on the scale of level of
organisation. The soul is responsible for Sound (Звук) Frequency fluctuations
the ethics of the person and his or her of the environment which are in a condition
attitude to other people and to the God. to be perceived by humans. The sounds
The soul is endowed with the properties heard by humans are in a frequency range
of reason, will and ability to make ethical from 16 to 20,000 Hz.
assessments. The Soul of a person is
that area where there is a transition from Scale (Масштаб) «The multiplicity»
the 11th to the 12-th class of a level of of increase or decrease of the object in
complexity from «person» to «subject of question. It adapts for convenience in
spirituality» to the transitive unit from comparison to objects and the visibility of
the world of matter to the world of spirit. their complete range. See also «Step of the
The soul has a complex structure and scale ranking», «Scale plans of Creation»,
depends substantially on genetic factors «Scale-dimensional concept».
and circumstances of environment, but
gives the person the ability of correction Scale harmony (Масштаб-
and self-improvement given the person’s ная гармония) «Scale Harmony of
good will and orientation to the Creator. the Universe» is the title of a book by
S.I. Sukhonos [109], whose ideas were
Stars (Звезды) From the point of gratefully used by the author for the
view of a systemic vision of the Universe, construction of the model of the material
the star represents the center of «islands part of the universe. The main aspects of
of matter», consisting apart from the star this concept:
itself, giving warmth and light, of planets – the correlation of all material objects
on which part conditions for the origin to the 12 classes of scale-dimensional
and development of a biological life, ranking with a range from 10-35m to 1025m
occurrence of humans and, as a result, and an incrementation of classes of 105
«the subjects of spirituality» are created. times
The solar system (see «Planetary system») – the existence of «the waves of
also is a material world in its full systemic the structural stability» – sinusoids
sense. The life cycle of a star is 3.3×1017 determining the region on the scale
grouped in a row where each step differs hypothetical 12th unit on the scale of level
from previous in size by 100,000 times of the organisation. Combines attributes
(105), or by five orders. At the beginning of of material and ethereal objects, and over
the scale, there is maximon of 10-35 m and half of it belongs to the ethereal world.
at the end, a mega-galaxy of 10-35 m. See As it is impossible for the cleverest dog
also «Scale harmony», «Scale symmetry to understand a human essence, so it is
of the universe», «Scale temporary niche», not for us to know what a human will
«Scale range». reincarnate into when his or her specific
maturation ends. However, no one
Scale plans of Creation (Масштаб- prohibits the use of reason, logic and the
ные планы Мироздания) Twelve techniques of extrapolation. It will already
steps or classes on the scale logarithmic probably be the Spiritual Being, imbued
scale of the sizes of steps with a step of with a significant, if not full, measure of
100,000 times of 105. For each step of «Omnipotence» and a measure of «Ethics»
the plan, one or several of units of mater adequate to it. Possibly, the nature of its
is fixed. Therefore, all 22 units of the physical material shell will be changed to a
material world are distributed according to substratum with binary properties capable
the scale plans of universe. Each plan with of freely passing from the materially
its units fulfills the specific function in the perceived hypostasis to the informational-
system of the material world. Inter-plan ethereal hypostasis and back. Maximon
contacts as a rule do not go further than moulds of corresponding material objects
adjacent stages. See Fig. 60[A]. See also probably possess similar ambivalence.
«Scale harmony», «Scale symmetry of the Well, besides, for Him as Spiritual Being,
universe», «Scale- dimensional concept». Divine attributes will be inherent, maybe
not all of them or completely, but they will
Scale range (Масштабный диапа- be present. And with regard to frequency,
зон) The number of scale steps in the it will for certain receive an output to the
scale of a specific feature. If we accept clock frequency of a maximon – 1052 Hz.
the universal multiplicity of the step of 10 And this is the beginning of the footpath
times and examine the scales of size, mass, leading to the maximum frequency areas
time, density, we will get the following of the ethereal world. The providential
picture. The scale of sizes has 60 steps; the function «Unit No. 12» is to fill up a
scales of masses, at least 81 steps, the time mosaic of image God of the next cycle of
scale, 104 steps; the scale of the density, at Creation with love, omnipotence, ethics –
least 49 steps. The number of steps does the basic Divine attributes purified by the
not depend on the unit of measurement. catharsis of passage through matter. See
It shows to how many more orders the also «Love» «Ethics», «Omnipotence»,
largest value of the indicator is compared «The Work of soul».
to the lowest value.
Structural reliability of the material
Super-biological object (Над- world (Надежность конструкции ма-
биологический объект) is the териального мира) Reliability is
same as the «Subject of spirituality», a an engineering concept that extends to
world, where dimensional and temporary times, and three regions with four classes
characteristics are adequate to each other. each correspond to three classes of forces:
See also «Time-space niche» and Fig. 71. subatomic, electromagnetic, gravitational.
Space (Пространство) The volume The scale-dimensional feature determines
occupied by the objects of the material the periodic tendency of material objects
world. Largest volume is the hyper-matrix towards synthesis and division, as well as
and the metagalaxy inside of it, which a number of other parameters of matter.
has the diameter of 1025 m. The smallest See also «Basic scale factor», «Scale-
volume is a cell of the hyper-matrix a dimensional concept».
cube with the side of 10-35 m. Between
them there is a scale of 10 classes with with Synergy (Синергетика) – The capability
incrementation of 105 times. Any space is of complex systems to self-organise. There is no
a place occupied by an object of Creation. system more complex than Creation. It entirely
There are no spaces without things created builds itself; therefore, synergy is one of the
by God and there also is no space without most important properties of the world order.
God. A synergetic jump to a higher stage of level of
organisation occurs relatively rarely and only
States of balance (Равновесные со- in a the huge number of repetitive attempts –
стояния) A situation in which different iterations, the purpose of which is «total
scenarios of further motion of a material sorting of versions». The sorting of versions
object are equally possible and equally is accompanied by filtering according to the
permitted. At this time all laws and feature of viability through the mechanism of
rules that influence the situation balance specific competition. Furthermore, a synergetic
each other and thus are reduced to zero. act is connected with the mechanisms of
Selection or exit out of the situation can genesis, with the freedom in the sorting of the
be random or goal-directed, the freedom versions of evolutionary development and it is
of the system in this case is not disrupted. unconditionally subordinated to the influence
Varying by the vector of exit out ot the of the general-purpose function of Creation.
states of equilibrium, the supersystem See of also «Churning of the world», «Freedom
completes its tasks without disrupting and necessity», «Programme of the evolution
the freedom and independence of the of Creation».
Synthesis and division (Синтез и
Size (Размер) The linear extent of деление) – The «wave of scale stability»
material objects. One of three structure- passes along the scale-dimensional ranking,
forming factors of Creation. The two others alternating the regions in which an object
are «time» and «level of organisation». The approaches synthesis or division, Fig. 60 F.
logarithmic dimensional-scale ranking There are six complete waves. The objects,
includes sizes from 10-35 m to 1025 m. Units located on the crests of the waves, are «in
of matter, with few exceptions, reveal the saddle». Those that correspond to the
properties of distribution in 12 classes lower points of the sinusoid are located
according to the feature of size. The scale «in the pits». The wave of scale stability
distance between centers of classes is 105 (sinusoid) indicates by its apexes where
the points inclined to synthesis and those cell, plants, animals, humans, (subjects of
to division are located the dimensional spirituality?), biosphere, planet, nucleus
scale. «Stretching» of sinusoid changes of a star, star, planetary system, nucleus
the coordinates of the regions of preferable of a galaxy, galaxy, metagalaxy. The
synthesis and division. This discrepancy three units in brackets are still in no way
serves as one of the main engines of the known to science, but the general logic of
curtailment of activity and existence of the system, dictates their necessity. See
Creation. See also «Wave of scale stability», Figs. 12, 13, 16, 40, 41. See of also: «Unit»,
«Contraction of the universe» and Fig. 73. «Classification cell», «Class-forming
Sinusoid of scale stability (Синусо-
ида масштабной устойчивости) – The Strucure (Структура) – The structure
same as «Wave of scale stability». of universe starts from an immeasurable
point and goes to another immeasurable
System (Система) As is known, point. Between these states, isolated from
a System is a complex multifunctional each other by period of 400,000 billion
object. As a rule, it is capable of self- years, the evolution of Creation occurs,
maintenance, self-development and self with the expansion and contraction of its
reproduction. Creation is also a systemic structure. See the series of diagrams in
object, but in contrast to the customary Figs. 56-59. The structure of Creation is
open systems for which there is the comprised of ethereal and material objects,
concept of environment, Creation is a which have united fundamental nature in
system, apart from which there is nothing. terms of the activity of the cells of hyper-
Entirely nothing. Everything, from the matrix, generated by the controlling
object that devised it to the last result of its influence Of Spiritual Beings of different
activity, all of it is a system. See «Totally levels. The hierarchy of spiritual beings
self-contained system». originates from self-division of the one
original God. He decides to create the
System-forming unit (Системоо- Univers, is created by the Universe, he
бразующий агрегат) – Material objects, creates its structure, is dissolved in it, and it
possessing properties and structures gives birth to it again, renovated, immortal,
amenable to classification according to having passed through the material realm,
the features of size, time and level of ready to develop the following cycle of
organisation. It turned out that this triple Creation.
classification is not only possible, but is
also absolute, i.e., all material objects are Specific weight (Удельный вес) See
plotted in the framework of this three- «Density».
aspect classification and there is nothing
in the material world that would remain System levels (Уровни систе-
outside its framework. There is the total of мы) – The levels of the organisational
22 units: Maximon, (photon?), (nucleus of hierarchy, 12 classes according to the
electron?), electron, atomic nucleus, atom, feaure of the level of the organisation of
molecule, bio-molecule, cell nucleus, material objects. See Figs. 12, 13, 16. The
never breaks them. In sequence of Creation is The designation of the noumenal «workshop»
in Phase 1. See Fig. 57. is to design such units of matter so that
they would be viable, answer restrictions
The Churning of the universe (Ми- of System, do not contradict each other,
ровое пахтание) An allegorical image consolidate systemically in the direction
of the development of the Universe. The of the target function of the system and
creation of the universe is in some aspects safely function in a material hypostasis.
similar to long process of churning and God-Alpha, God-Way, the Customer of
whipping milk in order to get butter. This Creation occupy the «Alpha» point of the
was noticed in ancient India. Creation of a noumenal world, therefore 21 units remain
more complex structure from less complex which need to be not only thought out, but
structures without external intervention is simulated and model tested. Actually, in
a «synergistic act» possible only through a the world of information, these processes
very large number of attempts – iterations. and stages are combined. The mutual
Any way you cut it, evolution from simple grinding of thought patterns and noumens
to complex is a rather painstaking and goes on for a long time, until all interests,
awfully long process – at any rate, from our tasks and goals are properly balanced.
human point of view. The second analogy From this time onward thought patters
is associated with the rotational movement become noumens – full and obligatory
of churning. Movement in a circle, the standards for units of matter. A noumen
wavy process of repetition and cycles of is certainly not a material unit, but there
repetitions – all of this is present when the is a full and versatile information model
Creator creates the Universe. And the last of the unit, that any specific material unit
similar feature is a parity of the volume of always only a special case of a noumen.
milk and hte volume of oil received from Matter is free in its evolutionary creativity,
it. You need a lot of milk and get only a but noumens are created to stand at the
little butter. There are many star islands of end of the evolutionary tunnel and to be
matter, many planets bearing a biosphere, the guiding light for the way of matter.
many worthy people, but not enough and Noumens are stable, but are not absolute.
very little of those capable to rise up to the The noumen of each unit it is connected
Divine level of ethics and spirituality. by the billions of its incarnations in all
the corners of the Universe. “Maximon
Thought patterns of material objects moulds of corresponding material objects”
(Мыслеобразы материальных объ- going through their life cycles, experience
ектов) are the same as noumens. Not to a comprehensive change of space, the
be confused with «Maximon mould of a unidirectional accumulative current of time
material object». Thought patters of units and signal what specifications are required
of matter are born in the noumenal world to be entered in noumens. Thought patters
in sequence from the thought patterns of do not stop working on the perfection and
humans up to thought patterns of maximons adaptation of noumens even for a minute.
and metagalaxies (Fig. 64). A thought pattern But this process goes at its own almost
is a phenomenon of the ethereal world, imperceptible pace during the life cycle
combining properties of object and subject. of a solar system. From the time when
the sun ignited to the time it will go out, exclude any direct contacts between things
noumens will be practically unchanged. that perform different functions in the system
See also «Periphery of the material world», of Creation. In each taxon, its own forces,
«Periphery of the noumenal world» and laws and techniques prevail, so there is no
«Plane of monitoring». point in confusing them. The Lord planned it
that way! See of also «Space-time taxonomy».
Threshold of temporal sensitivity
(Порог временной чувствитель-ности) Technique of incarnation (Техноло-
Such a short temporary period, that its гия воплощения) – Incarnation in the part
single addition or exclusion is practically of the passage from nonexistence to existence
imperceptible and does not change the is actually the formation of the second point,
rhythm of the object of Creation. As a rule, the the second cell of future hypermatrix. Thus
threshold of temporal sensitivity comprises far, the entire world is wrapped into one point,
one hundredth of its own rhythm (clock and there is no one to say about it that it exists;
frequency). The concept of the threshold of therefore, it does not exist. As soon as the first
temporal sensitivity extends not only to the circulated «God-Alpha» cell appears, the
units of matter but also to Spiritual Beings isolation it ends. Nonexistence begins to flow
of all hierarchies and hypostases. See also into existence. Further incarnation includes the
«Scale-time niche». multi-stage process of forming the periphery
of both worlds, creation the ethereal and
The work of the soul (Работа души) material worlds themselves, their evolution
The conscious, voluntary act of choice and repeated renewal. In this case, the
between good and evil in favour of good. technique of the incarnation of spirit into the
Correlation of the ethics of one’s behaviour material and then of the material into the spirit
with “the voice of conscience.” Unconstrained is subordinated to the principles of «linkage,
motion towards God on the basis of the hierarchical quality, cascade sequence and
knowledge of world order, moral choice, frequency reductions». Any incarnation and
through tovercoming evil and through the existence of objects in material form precedes
catharsis. See of also «Spirituality», «Soul… the process of the of «thought patterns» of
future material objects. Simulations based on
Taxon (Таксон) – An element or cell of the principle of «total sorting of versions», and
the three-dimensional temporal classification taking place at frequencies 1010 are larger than
of material objects. There is a solid connection the real process itself.
between the characteristics of size and time. A
range of temporal characteristics corresponds Totally self-contained system TSCS
to each range of sizes. Fig. 41. The taxon (Тотально самозамкнутая систе-
analysis has made it possible to pass from ма ТСС) – a system without an external
the two-dimensional idea of the material environment. A system, which carries in itself
world in coordinates of “size of organisation its purpose, resources and result. It can be said
level” to the three-dimensional, Fig. 40. The of this system that there is nothing besides
providential purpose of the taxonomic three- this system in existence and all that exists
dimensional classification of material objects is a part of this system. The definition itself
is to guarantee non-mixing and generally leads directly to the sameness between the
concept of the TSCS and the concept of God. evolutionary scenarios, which suppress the less
So it is. We examine Creation, the process viable versions of the development of objects.
of Creation and the Creator himself from Furthermore, the versions of evolution which
a systemic point of view. Seek and ye shall contradict the general purposes of the system
find. A TSCS consists strictly of system and of Creation are forbidden. In other respects,
periphery. See Fig. 46. The periphery includes all possible «batches» are played out and the
the «Customer’s» system with his universal noumenon of the object, containing the pattern
resource, from which the periphery and of its evolutionary history, is created as a
system itself are created. The periphery forms result. The material world is granted creative
the environment and system of externl control independence, but nevertheless disposes of
of the system. Only the system is inside the the noumen of things and although follows
periphery. It is relatively free and fulfills its evolutionary pathways, it does not end the
the function for which it was created by the evolution until it arrives at a thing similar to
«Customer». The universal resource-stroke, noumen’s standard.
i.e., the resource of the renewed quality, is the
output of system. In the process of the system Three-dimensional taxonomy of
and its periphery functioning, the «Customer» the material world (Трехмерная так-
gradually spends His initial universal resource сономия материального мира) – The
and completely «departs» into the system. classification of the material objects with
Simultaneously from the time the TSCS the aid of three interconnected parameters:
begins to function, the universal resource- dimensional-scale, organisation level and
stroke enters the position of customer. Without time characteristics. It was explained that the
being mixed up with the initial resource, the indicated metrics were interconnected through
universal resource-stroke «fills» the position the objects of the classification of the 22 units
of the Customer, and up to the moment of of matter. The entire material world is divided
the completion of the life cycle of the system, by six, or even 12, three-dimensional taxons.
it has renewed the «Customer» capable of The units of matter with identical thresholds
repeating life cycle. The TSCS does not give of dimensional and temporal sensitivity
or receive energy or information from outside enter into each taxon, and so relate to one
itself. Absolutely nothing, but it is capable of and the same class of level of organisation.
the absolute conversion from «anything» into An electron cannot directly interact with a
making everything, and turning everything galaxy. But in a taxon all things are «their
into «nothing». «Nothing» in this case means own» any thing can have contact with and
a faceless universal resource. be perceived by any another. See Figs. 40,41,
«Class-forming objects», «Scale-dimensional
Total enumeration of versions (Тоталь- concept», «Organisation», «Time».
ный перебор вариантов) –
The special feature of the process of the Target function (Целевая функция)
dynamic simulation of thought patterns of – The purpose of an object as the element of
the material objects. It consists of the sorting a system. Each smallest part of the enormity
of all the versions without exception of the Of Creation has its own purpose or target
evolution of future material objects. The only function, which not only has particular value,
limitation in this sorting is the more successful but is part of the complex hierarchical tree of
objectives. In the final analysis, it participates are exactly positioned in 12 classes of another
in achieving of the general goal of the system hierarchy the scale-size hierarchy. See Fig.
as a whole. The target function of Creation, as 16. All things in the material world are part of
the author sees it, consists of the passage of the one or another unit of matter. Units include,
spiritual being from the «alpha»point to the in order of scale: maximon, photon (?), core
«omega» point, regeneration on the basis of electron (?), electron, atomic nucleus, atom,
the experience of «passage»into the material molecule, bio-molecule, cellular nucleus, cell,
and the synthesis of the renewed spiritual plants, animals, humans, «spiritual entity»
being for the realisation of the following cycle (?), biosphere, planet, core of a star, star, solar
of Creation. See so «Tasks», «Material world», system, galactic core, galaxy, metagalaxy.
«Planetary system». The units not completely known to science
are marked with a question mark. The third
Universal resource (Универсальный structure-forming factor is the frequency and
ресурс) – The concept associated with the time factor. It allows building a space-time
organisation of the TSCS. The Customer of taxonomy of units of the material world. See
the system is the initial reason for its existence, Fig. 38. Each unit has a certain providential
and by his very nature has nothing behind function and as a whole they facilitate the work
his back. He contains everything out of of the Systems of Creation and the achievement
which system will be created and everything of the system-wide goal repetition of the life
thanks to which it will exist and develope. cycle of the renewed system. See also «Scale
In view of this circumstance, the Customer Harmony», «Scale Symmetry of the Universe»,
contains a certain «universal resource» from «Scale-time Niche» and the «The Large Scale
which eveything required for the system Plans of Creation».
will originate: idea, diagram, law, materials,
energy… Therefore it is called universal, Vector of influence (Вектор влияния)
which can be turned into everything required. Incorporeal influence used on objects of the
For «TSCS of Creation» created by God as the spiritual and material worlds with the purpose
Customer of «Alpha», the universal resource of the control and development of their
appears as «Goodness» accumulated as the functioning according to their regular system
result of the previous life cycle of Creation. functions. Kinds of Vectors of influence: scale,
See «Goodness», «‘Alpha’ point». organisational, administrative, resource,
Unit (Агрегат) system-forming object existence (life), non-existence (death) and
of the material world. Analysis of matter shows the system-wide Vector of influence time.
that it manifests itself in 22 phenomena See Fig. 40.
units bound by three system-forming factors: Vectors of structuring and destructuring
hierarchical level organisation, scale-size (Векторы структуризации и деструкту-
hierarchy and scale-time (frequency) hierarchy. ризации) The tendency of units of matter to
Units of matter form a 12-step hierarchy form a structural hierarchy from the lowest to
according to their level of organisation the highest classes on an axis of complexity – in
(complexity). Each unit below an ordered step favour of development and complication, and
in one form or another is a structure-forming on an axis of scale – to increase in weight and
element for the unit of the next level’s step. volume of objects. Any return movement on
This is with the exception of cases where units axes is accordingly accompanied by reduction
Table of contents
Autor's introduction . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Introduction to the second edition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Prayer I . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
I. What do we know about the Creator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
II. What do we know about origin of the universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .18
III. What do we know about structure of the Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 24
IV. What do we know about the control of the Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
CONSISTS OF? . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
1.1. Linear size scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . ..36
1.2. Mass scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. .38
1.3. Density scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .39
1.4. Time scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .40
1.5. Frequency scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .41
1.6. Scale of quantity of elements, forming objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .43
1.7. Scale of complexity or level of organisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
1.8. Providentiality or predestination scale . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .46
1.9. Which two scales to choose? . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .48
5.2. Synergetic evolution of matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
5.3. Synergy – the Process of Churning the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140
5.4. Space-time taxonomy of the material World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161
5.5. Borders of the material World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
6. NON-MATERIAL WORLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179
6.1. How I searched for the non-material World in the wrong place and in the
wrong way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .180
6.2. The universe - a totally self-closed system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 192
6.3. Periphery design of the universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Prayer II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .217
7. TECHNOLOGY OF THE WORLD ORDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .218
7.1. Phase 0. «Beyond-existence» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
7.2. Phase 1. Existence, «Originator» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .241
7.3. Phase 2. Scale harmony, «The Contractor» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
7.4. Phase 3. Generation of design, «Executor» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .244
7.5. Phase 4. Generation of the periphery of the Universe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248
7.6. Phase 5. Noumenal World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .256
7.7. Phase 6–11. Material World. Operation of periphery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
7.8. Phase 12. The function of humans in the world order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
7.9. Phase 13–15. Completion of the life cycle of the Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .289
Prayer III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .309
8. UNDERSTANDING INSTEAD OF BELIEF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Subject heading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .324
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to those who helped me create
this book, expressing interest and giving insights to its author.
I give thanks to my wife, my guardian angel, for creating the conditions I needed
during all the years I worked on the book, for her patience and support; for her unsel-
fishness, honesty, and great female intuition.
Or, more simply – for her love!
And also I want to thank you, Dear heart, my reader, who waded through such a
com-plicated book. Before you were aware of it, I had already been communicating with
you. I tried to make it understandable to you, thought about your possible reactions and
corrected what I had written. You helped me a lot, thank you.
And now it is your turn.
Jesus Christ said once: «I receive not honor from men» [John 5:41]. Messiah, sent by
God, cannot depend on people’s likes or dislikes. His task has already been formu-lated
by the One who sent him and is controlled by Him.
And I am a common person, not a messiah, not a prophet, not even a priest. Lord
has been, and is supporting me, but now it is the time for the feedback of readers. Un-
derstanding and compliments would be pleasant for me to hear, of course, but reasoned
objections and even categorical denials would be interesting and useful for my work.
Yet, I do not wish to hear the words dictated by envy, anger, resentment, and am-
bition. This will be not constructive but simply boring. Thus I suggest my honorable
opponents show mutual tolerance, or even better – benevolent style of communica-tions.
There is nothing dividing us, as we are all in search of the truth.
This book contains approximately one third of what has been revealed to my un-
derstanding. I am sure that information, provided by readers, will help me write future
books, if publishing these should please the Lord. No need to worry about authors
rights. I absolutely respect rules about quotations and source reference. My interests
were and continue to be in the structure of the universe and the role of humans in it.
My e-mail address: [email protected]
Once again, thank you one and all!
Victor A. Korniloff
Introduction in the theory of world order
Publishers «ontoPrint»
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