Big 5 and Narcisissm

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Who uses Facebook? An investigation into The

relationship between the Big Five, shyness,
narcissism, loneliness, and Facebook usage
Impact Factor: 2.69 DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2011.02.004 Source: DBLP



Tracii Ryan

Sophia Xenos

RMIT University

RMIT University





Available from: Tracii Ryan

Retrieved on: 26 August 2015

Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2011) 16581664

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Who uses Facebook? An investigation into the relationship between the Big Five,
shyness, narcissism, loneliness, and Facebook usage
Tracii Ryan, Sophia Xenos
RMIT University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Available online 8 March 2011
Big Five

a b s t r a c t
The unprecedented popularity of the social networking site Facebook raises a number of important questions regarding the impact it has on sociality. However, as Facebook is a very recent social phenomenon,
there is a distinct lack of psychological theory relating to its use. While research has begun to identify the
types of people who use Facebook, this line of investigation has been limited to student populations. The
current study aimed to investigate how personality inuences usage or non-usage of Facebook. The sample consisted of 1324 self-selected Australian Internet users (1158 Facebook users and 166 Facebook nonusers), between the ages of 18 and 44. Participants were required to complete an online questionnaire
package comprising the Big Five Inventory (BFI), the Narcissistic Personality Inventory 29-item version
(NPI-29), the Revised Cheek and Buss Shyness Scale (RCBS), and the Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale
for Adults Short version (SELSA-S). Facebook users also completed a Facebook usage questionnaire. The
results showed that Facebook users tend to be more extraverted and narcissistic, but less conscientious
and socially lonely, than nonusers. Furthermore, frequency of Facebook use and preferences for specic
features were also shown to vary as a result of certain characteristics, such as neuroticism, loneliness,
shyness and narcissism. It is hoped that research in this area continues, and leads to the development
of theory regarding the implications and gratications of Facebook use.
2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
The popularity of the social networking site Facebook is unprecedented: It is currently the second most frequently visited website
on the Internet (Alexa Internet Inc., 2011) and attracts a global
audience of over 606 million people (Gonzalez, 2011). Enthusiasm
for Facebook is particularly apparent in Australia, as close to half of
the population are reported to be active users (Gonzalez, 2011). In
light of gures such as these, it is not surprising that Facebook has
been found to impact on the sociality of its users. For instance, a
number of studies have found that Facebook use is associated with
gains in social capital (Burke, Marlow, & Lento, 2010; Ellison,
Steineld, & Lampe, 2007; Steineld, Ellison, & Lampe, 2008). Furthermore, a recent qualitative study suggests that Facebook may
be changing the way individuals communicate and associate with
one another (Richardson & Hessey, 2009).
Despite the potential implications of Facebook use, there is a
distinct lack of empirically derived theory in this area. This may
be because Facebook is a relatively recent social phenomenon,
and as such, there has been limited opportunity for exploratory research. However, in the last two years, a growing number of

Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 3 9925 1081; fax: +61 3 9925 3587.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Xenos).
0747-5632/$ - see front matter 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

researchers have recognised the importance of such research, and

are working towards identifying the types of people who use Facebook (Hargittai, 2008; Raacke & Bonds-Raacke, 2008; Sheldon,
2009; Tufekci, 2008). In order to effectively achieve this goal, some
researchers have focused on the relationship between Facebook
use and various aspects of personality (Amichai-Hamburger,
2002; Buffardi & Campbell, 2008; Mehdizadeh, 2010; Orr et al.,
2009; Ross et al., 2009; Sheldon, 2008). According to AmichaiHamburger (2002), this kind of research is crucial as personality
is a highly relevant factor in determining behaviour on the Internet (p. 6).

1.1. Personality and the Internet

In 1974, Rosengren (1974) argued that individual differences,
such as age, gender, and personality, inuence the use of mass
media. This theory has been successfully applied in research relating to preferences for popular media, such as movies, music, and
television shows (Weaver, 1991), as well as books and cultural
activities (Kraaykamp & van Eijck, 2005). However, since the rise
of the World Wide Web as a prominent form of mass media, the
Internet has seemingly dominated this area of scientic enquiry
(Amichai-Hamburger, Wainapel, & Fox, 2002; Amiel & Sargent,
2004; Birnie & Horvath, 2002; Engelberg & Sjberg, 2004;

T. Ryan, S. Xenos / Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2011) 16581664

Hamburger & Ben-Artzi, 2000; Thayer & Ray, 2006; Tosun &
Lajunen, 2010).
Rather than looking at the relationship between Internet use and
specic traits, the majority of research in this area has been based on
broad models of personality. The Five-Factor Model, otherwise
known as the Big Five (Goldberg, 1990), is arguably the most commonly used model for this purpose (Ehrenberg, Juckes, White, &
Walsh, 2008; Landers & Lounsbury, 2006; Swickert, Hittner, Harris,
& Herring, 2002; Tuten & Bosnjak, 2001). The Big Five is based on the
theory that an individuals personality can be evaluated by determining how they rank on ve bipolar factors: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to
experience (McCrae & John, 1992). Within each of these ve broad
factors, a range of more specic personality traits are represented.
For example, individuals high in openness to experience tend to
be creative, original, and curious, while individuals low in this factor
tend to be down to earth, conventional, and have a narrow range of
interests (Costa & McCrae, 1992). The importance of each of the Big
Five personality factors has been independently validated by a number of researchers, and empirical testing across various methods and
cultures has shown this model to be widely replicable (for a detailed
review see McCrae and John, 1992).
Several of the Big Five personality factors are believed to be associated with the way individuals interact with and maintain their social relationships. For example, extraversion is positively correlated
with both the size of social networks, and the amount of social interaction that an individual engages in Aspendorpf and Wilpers (1998).
Due to its relevance to social behaviour, the Big Five factors have
recently been employed to investigate the use of certain forms of
online social media, such as social networking sites (AmichaiHamburger & Vinitzky, 2010; Correa, Hinsley, & de Ziga, 2010;
Ross et al., 2009) and blogs (Guadagno, Okdie, & Eno, 2008).
1.2. The Big Five and Facebook
Ross et al. (2009) and Amichai-Hamburger and Vinitzky (2010)
looked specically at the relationship between the Big Five factors
and usage of Facebook. Their results showed that a number of
these factors are associated with particular patterns of Facebook
use. For example, extraverted individuals generally have more
Facebook Friends (Amichai-Hamburger & Vinitzky, 2010), and belong to more Facebook Groups1 (Ross et al., 2009), than introverted
individuals. Furthermore, individuals who are high in neuroticism
are more likely than emotionally stable individuals to prefer using
the Wall2 (Ross et al., 2009). As Ross et al. (2009) explain, a possible
reason for the latter result is that the Wall offers people with neurotic tendencies the opportunity to take their time formulating
messages and responses. As a consequence, the potential for unintentionally revealing personal information to others is reduced.
Despite the prediction that extraverted people would engage in
more frequent use of Facebook, while conscientious people would
engage in less, neither Ross et al. (2009) nor Amichai-Hamburger
and Vinitzky (2010) found any signicant relationships between
the Big Five factors and intensity of Facebook use. In response to
this, Ross et al. (2009) argued that, as a measure of personality,
the Big Five might be too broad to reect the nuances associated
with Facebook usage. They suggested that future Facebook-related
research should include a number of narrow personality traits,
such as shyness and narcissism. Some researchers have begun to
examine the relationships between these traits and Facebook

Facebook Groups are generally based around popular interests and activities.
Users can join existing Groups or create their own.
Each Facebook user has a Wall that their friends can use to write messages or post
links for the user to see. Communication on the Wall is asynchronous, and the posted
information is generally viewable to other Facebook users.


use: Buffardi and Campbell (2008) and Mehdizadeh (2010) investigated Facebook use among narcissistic individuals, while Sheldon
(2008) and Orr et al. (2009) focused on the association between
Facebook use and shyness.
1.3. Shyness, narcissism, and Facebook
The results of the studies by Buffardi & Campbell (2008) and
Mehdizadeh (2010) indicate that people with high levels of narcissism engage in frequent use of Facebook. According to those
researchers, this trend is attributable to the fact that Facebook
encourages users to engage in self-promoting and supercial behaviours, such as posting photos and writing status updates (Buffardi &
Campbell, 2008; Mehdizadeh, 2010). As Buffardi and Campbell
(2008) point out, the prevalence of narcissistic individuals on Facebook may lead to a rise in narcissistic behaviour among users in general, as such behaviour may begin to be viewed as acceptable.
Therefore, this is an area worthy of further investigation.
In regards to shyness, the results of the study by Orr et al.
(2009) demonstrated that shy people spend signicantly more
time using Facebook than non-shy people. Similarly, Sheldon
(2008) found that people who are socially anxious like to use Facebook to combat loneliness. These outcomes may stem from the fact
that shy and socially anxious people tend to feel more comfortable
maintaining social relationships in online settings than they do in
face-to-face interactions (Ebeling-Witte, Frank, & Lester, 2007). If
this is the case, Facebook use may lead to benecial outcomes for
these particular people, such as increased social capital (Steineld
et al., 2008). However, as neither Sheldon (2008) nor Orr et al.
(2009) examined exactly how shy and socially anxious people
were spending their time on Facebook, this conclusion may be
erroneous. Shy people may instead be spending large amounts of
their time engaging in non-social behaviour on Facebook, such as
playing games. Again, this is an area that warrants further
1.4. Rationale for the current study
The research discussed so far suggests that the specic gratications of Facebook users may differ as a function of their individual
personality characteristics. Such ndings represent an important
rst step for the foundation of Facebook-related theory. However,
as the results of these studies have been based on data derived
exclusively from university students, generalisability to the typical
Facebook user is limited. It is therefore essential that these studies
are replicated in wider populations, preferably in samples recruited from the Internet. Furthermore, in order to obtain a more
accurate representation of the types of people that Facebook appeals to, it is recommended that researchers compare the personality characteristics of Facebook users with those of nonusers. In
response to these issues, the current study was designed to investigate the relationship between personality and Facebook usage in
a large population of Australian Internet users. In keeping with
previous research, this study focused on the narrow traits of shyness and narcissism, as well as the Big Five personality factors. In
addition, the emotional state of loneliness was included, as engaging in social behaviour on the Internet has previously been found
to reduce levels of loneliness (Shaw & Gant, 2002).
1.5. Aims and hypotheses
The specic aims of the current study were twofold: to explore
the possibility that people with certain characteristics were more
likely to be Facebook users, and to ascertain whether these characteristics were related to differential usage of the site. It was
hypothesised that individuals with higher scores on extraversion


T. Ryan, S. Xenos / Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2011) 16581664

and narcissism would be more likely to be Facebook users, while

individuals with greater levels of conscientiousness and loneliness
would tend to be Facebook nonusers. In regards to Facebook usage
habits, it was expected that shy and lonely people would spend
more time using Facebook per day, while conscientious people
would spend less. It was further predicted that high levels of extraversion would be associated with increased preference for the
communicative features of Facebook, such as Chat.3 Additionally,
people with higher levels of neuroticism were expected to prefer
the asynchronous methods of communication on Facebook, such as
the Wall. Finally, individuals with narcissitic tendencies were predicted to enjoy using Facebook features that could be used for selfpromotion, such as Status Updates4 and Photos.5
2. Method
2.1. Participants
A total of 1635 self-selected Australian Internet users participated in the study. In order to obtain a sample that was representative of average Australian Facebook users (Gonzalez, 2011),
participants were required to be between 18 and 44 years old. Data
from participants who failed to complete the online questionnaire
(n = 311) were removed from the study. Of the 1324 remaining
participants, 166 were Facebook nonusers (96 men and 70 women,
Mage group = 2534), and 1158 were Facebook users (460 men and
698 women, Mage group = 2534).
2.2. Materials
Participants were required to complete an online questionnaire
package consisting of 124 questions. The questionnaire comprised:
1. A plain language explanatory statement (PLS). The PLS was
designed to inform the participant about the aims of the study,
as well as the risks and benets associated with participation.
2. A set of ve non-identifying demographic questions relating to
age, gender, Australian residency, type of Internet connection,
and daily Internet usage.
3. The Big Five Inventory (BFI; John, Donahue, & Kentle, 1991). The
BFI is a 44-item measure that yields a score for each of the Big
Five personality factors: extraversion (eight items), agreeableness (nine items), conscientiousness (nine items), neuroticism
(eight items), and openness to experience (10 items). Each item
consists of a short statement, and respondents are required to
rate the degree to which they agree with each statement on a
5-point Likert scale (1 = Strongly disagree to 5 = Strongly
agree). The BFI was deemed to be a good choice for the current
study, as it can be completed in less than 5 min, and it has
strong psychometric properties. For instance, the BFI is known
to have clear factor structure, and each subscale has been
shown to have satisfactory reliability and validity among Internet respondents (Srivastava, John, Gosling, & Potter, 2003). The
testretest reliability coefcients for each of the ve subscales
are good, and range between .76 and .83 (Gosling, Rentfrow,
& Swann, 2003). The internal consistency coefcients for each
of the subscales are also good: extraversion (a = .86), agreeableness (a = .79), conscientiousness (a = .82), neuroticism (a = .84),
and openness to experience (a = .80) (Srivastava et al., 2003).

4. The Narcissistic Personality Inventory 29-item version (NPI

29; Kansi, 2003). The NPI-29 is a forced-choice dichotomous
measure of narcissistic tendencies. It provides a total narcissism
score, as well as scores for four sub-factors: leadership/power
(eight items), exhibitionism/self-admiration (seven items),
superiority/arrogance (six items), and uniqueness/entitlement
(eight items) (for more detail on the sub-factors of the NPI-29
refer to Svindseth et al., 2009). The NPI-29 was chosen for the
current study as it has norms derived from a general population
(Kansi, 2003; Svindseth et al., 2009), whereas other versions of
the NPI do not. Testretest correlations for the NPI-29 are satisfactory at .93 for total narcissism, .89 for leadership, .80 for
exhibitionism, .64 for superiority, and .74 for uniqueness. Internal consistencies are adequate for the sub-factors of leadership
(a = .70) and exhibitionism (a = .64), however the coefcients
for superiority (a = .52) and uniqueness (a = .51) appear to be
below the acceptable level (Svindseth et al., 2009). As a result
of their poor internal consistency, the sub-factors of superiority
and uniqueness were not included in the data analyses.
5. The Revised Cheek and Buss Shyness Scale (RCBS; Cheek, 1983).
The RCBS is a 13-item measure of shyness that uses a 5-point
Likert scale to measure the extent to which the respondent feels
that each item is characteristic of them (1 = Very uncharacteristic to 5 = Very characteristic). The RCBS was selected as it is
one of the most widely used measures of shyness, and it can be
completed in a short amount of time. It also has sound psychometric properties: An evaluation of the RCBS found it to have
strong internal consistency (a = .86) and testretest reliability
(r = .88), as well as good convergent and discriminant validity
(Hopko, Stowell, Jones, Armento, & Cheek, 2005).
6. The Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale for Adults Short
version (SELSA-S; DiTommaso, Brannen, & Best, 2004). The
SELSA-S consists of 15 items, and produces a total loneliness
score as well as scores for three sub-factors of loneliness; family
(ve items), romantic (ve items) and social (ve items). Users
rate their level of agreement with each item using a 7-point Likert scale (1 = Strongly disagree to 7 = Strongly agree). The
psychometric properties of the SELSA-S are good: Concurrent
and discriminant validity has been established, while internal
consistency for the subscales ranges from .87 to .90 (DiTommaso et al., 2004). An independent evaluation of seven popular
measures of loneliness recommended the SELSA-S based on
its high internal consistency (Cramer & Barry, 1999). This recommendation inuenced the researchers decision to include
it within the current study.
7. A Facebook usage questionnaire. This questionnaire consisted of
18 questions relating to Facebook usage, such as On average,
how much time per day do you spend on Facebook?, and
was adapted from the Facebook Questionnaire, which has been
successfully used by Ross et al. (2009). Data from this questionnaire were used to see if there was an association between the
measured personality characteristics and frequency of Facebook
use, as well as preferences for particular Facebook features. The
former was measured by asking for the average amount of time
spent on Facebook per day (possible responses ranged from
10 min or less to More than 4 h), while the latter was measured using a 5-point Likert-type scale (1 = Dislike a great
deal, 3 = Neutral, and 5 = Like a great deal). Facebook nonusers were not required to complete this questionnaire.
2.3. Procedure

Chat is an instant messaging application that allows Facebook users to engage in

real-time communication with their Facebook Friends.
Status updates are short user-generated public messages that generally contain
information about what the Facebook user is doing or thinking at that point in time.
Photos is an application that allows Facebook users to upload personal photos,
with or without captions, and share them with their Facebook friends.

Ethical clearance was obtained from the RMIT University Human

Research Ethics Committee. Participants were then recruited over a
three week period between August and September 2010. Facebook
users and nonusers were recruited through advertisements placed


T. Ryan, S. Xenos / Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2011) 16581664

in threads on six popular Australian online discussion forums Best

Recipes, Big Footy, Bub Hub, Essential Baby, MacTalk and VicHorse.
Permission was obtained from the administrator or moderators of
each forum prior to the posting of the advertisement. In addition
to forum advertisements, a Facebook advertisement was also used
to recruit Facebook users. This advertisement was specically targeted to appear on the prole pages of Australian Facebook users
between the ages of 18 and 44.
All participants were offered feedback on the BFI as an incentive
to participate. Individuals who chose to participate in the study
clicked either on the link provided in the forum thread, or directly
on the Facebook advertisement. They were then taken to the online
questionnaire package, which was hosted on the third-party website SurveyMonkey. After reading the PLS, participants were required to check a box indicating whether or not they agreed to
participate in the study. Those that gave their consent to participate proceeded to the online questionnaire package, while those
that did not were forwarded to a page thanking them for their
time. In order to ensure that participation was limited to people
meeting the inclusion criteria, the same procedure was followed
for the questions relating to age and residency - people who indicated that they were not an Australian resident, or that they were
under 18 or over 44, were diverted to the thank you page.
After completing all the items in the questionnaire, each participant was given their feedback on the BFI. In order to calculate
which level of feedback was appropriate, each subscale was automatically scored and converted into a percentile rank following
the procedure described in the BFI test manual (McConochie,
2007). For each of the ve subscales, ve different levels of feedback were created; low scoring (percentile ranks of 19 or less),
moderate low scoring (percentile ranks between 20 and 39), average scoring (percentile ranks between 40 and 59), moderate high
scoring (percentile ranks between 60 and 79), and high scoring
(percentile ranks higher than 80). Participants received their percentile rank for each subscale, as well as a short explanation of
what the score meant. For instance, a rank of 91 on the trait of
extraversion received You are an extremely fun loving, friendly,
and affectionate person. You have lots of energy, and are usually
very optimistic, while a rank of 12 received You are a fairly introverted person. You feel quite comfortable spending time by yourself. This feedback was adapted from descriptions of the Big Five
factors provided in Cervone and Pervin (2008). After participants
had nished reading their feedback, they then clicked through to
the thank you page and the questionnaire concluded. Raw data
were then imported into the statistical software package Predictive
Analytics Software GradPack 18 and prepared for statistical analysis.
3. Results

gle-factor between subjects multivariate analyses of variance

(MANOVA) were performed. The rst of these looked at the Big
Five factors, and a signicant multivariate effect was found, Wilks
K = .98, F(5, 1318) = 6.56, p < .001, multivariate g2 = .24. Follow-up
univariate analyses of each dependent variable revealed that Facebook users had signicantly higher scores on extraversion,
F(1, 1322) = 19.48, p < .001, g2 = .02, and signicantly lower scores
on conscientiousness, F(1, 1322) = 4.66, p = .031, g2 = .01, than
The second MANOVA included the dependent variables shyness
and loneliness, as well as the three sub-factors of loneliness:
romantic, family, and social loneliness. Again, a signicant multivariate effect was found, Wilks K = .98, F(5, 1318) = 5.66,
p < .001, multivariate g2 = .02. Follow-up univariate analyses of
each dependent variable found that Facebook nonusers were signicantly more likely than users to be shy, F(1, 1322) = 4.22,
p = .040, g2 = .01, and to experience social loneliness, F(1, 1322) =
19.40, p < .001, g2 = .01. On the other hand, Facebook users had signicantly higher levels of family loneliness, F(1, 1322) = 4.08,
p = .044, g2 = .01, than nonusers. The dependent variables of total
loneliness, F(1, 1322) = .87, p = .35, g2 = .01, and romantic loneliness, F(1, 1322) = .73, p = .39, g2 = .01, were not signicant.
The nal MANOVA included the dependent variable of narcissism, as well as two of its sub-factors exhibitionism and leadership. Once again, a signicant multivariate effect with these
variables was found, Wilks K = .988, F(3, 1320) = 5.48, p = .001,
multivariate g2 = .01. Follow-up univariate analyses revealed that
Facebook users were signicantly more likely than nonusers to
have higher levels of total narcissism, F(1, 1322) = 11.92, p = .001,
g2 = .01, exhibitionism, F(1, 1322) = 15.02, p < .001, g2 = .01, and
leadership, F(1, 1322) = 5.01, p < .025, g2 = .01.
3.2. Frequency of Facebook use
In regards to time spent using Facebook, 17% of users spent
10 min or less, 24% spent between 10 and 30 min, 23% spent between 31 and 60 min, 17% spent one to 2 h, and 19% spent 2 h or
more on the site per day. The covariance between time spent on
Facebook per day and each personality variable was calculated
using Pearsons product-moment correlation coefcient (twotailed). There was a signicant positive correlation between time
spent on Facebook per day and two of the personality variables:
neuroticism, r(1158) = .20, p < .001, and total loneliness,

Table 1
Means (and standard deviations) of personality characteristics among Facebook users
and nonusers.

For the purpose of analysis, data from Facebook users and nonusers were split into two groups. Wherever necessary, items were
reverse scored and total and subscale scores were calculated. In order to deal with missing data, the mean score for each item was
calculated and substituted for the missing value. Normality was
tested for each of the personality measures by assessing stemand-leaf plots and histograms. As the sample was large, skewness
and kurtosis statistics were not calculated (Field, 2005). An alpha
coefcient of .05 was used for all statistical tests.
3.1. Differences between Facebook users and nonusers
The mean scores of Facebook users and nonusers for each of the
personality characteristics are presented in Table 1. In order to
investigate whether people with certain types of characteristics
were more likely to be Facebook users or nonusers, a series of sin-

Facebook users
(n = 1158)

Facebook nonusers
(n = 166)

Big Five




2.82 (.73)

2.94 (.74)





10.28 (5.07)
1.80 (1.69)
3.63 (2.16)





8.85 (4.20)
1.28 (1.35)
3.23 (1.94)


T. Ryan, S. Xenos / Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2011) 16581664

r(1158) = .15, p < .001. There was also a signicant negative correlation between time spent on Facebook per day and conscientiousness, r(1158) = .14, p < .001. There was no signicant relationship
between time spent on Facebook per day and shyness, r(1158) =
.04, p = .15, or any of the sub-factors of loneliness romantic,
r(1158) = .01, p = .60, family, r(1158) = .01, p = .64, and social,
r(1158) = .04, p = .19.
3.3. Preference for Facebook features
The most preferred Facebook features were Photos (M = 3.70,
SD = 1.57), Messages (M = 3.57, SD = 1.49), the Wall (M = 3.53,
SD = 1.50), and Status Updates (M = 3.51, SD = 1.55). Games
(M = 2.52, SD = 1.52), Notes (M = 2.73, SD = 1.21), and Events
(M = 3.18, SD = 1.47) were least preferred. Both the Wall (28.9%,
N = 335) and Messages (23.2%, N = 269) appear to be the most preferred means of communication on Facebook.
The covariance between preferences for the communicative features of Facebook and the personality variables of extraversion and
neuroticism were calculated using Pearsons correlation coefcient
(two-tailed). Extraversion was signicantly positively correlated
with preferences for all of the communicative features of Facebook: Chat, r(1158) = .09, p = .003, Messages, r(1158) = .15,
p < .001, Comments, r(1158) = .09, p < .001, and the Wall, r(1158) =
.13, p < .001. On the other hand, the associations between neuroticism and the communicative features of Facebook were varied.
There was a signicant correlation between neuroticism and preference for the Wall, r(1158) = .09, p = .003, but not for Messages,
r(1158) = .05, p = .08, Comments, r(1158) = .05, p = .08, or Chat,
r = -.03, p = .24.
Pearsons correlation coefcients (two-tailed) were also calculated to investigate the relationship between preferences for Photos and Status Updates and narcissism. There were signicant
positive correlations between preference for Photos and narcissism, r(1158) = .10, p = .001, as well as the sub-factor of exhibitionism, r(1158) = .14, p < .001. There was no signicant correlation
between preference for Photos and leadership, r(1158) = .04,
p = .14. There was also a signicant positive correlation between
preference for the Status Update feature and exhibitionism,
r(1158) = .06, p = .039, however this relationship was not signicant for total narcissism, r(1158) = .03, p = .26, or leadership,
r(1158) = .03, p = .92.
3.4. Factor analysis
A principal component factor analysis with Varimax rotation revealed that preferences for Facebook features load into four factors: Active Social Contributions, Passive Engagement, News and
Information, and Real-Time Social Interaction. Factor pattern coefcients for the four factors are presented in Table 2. The covariance
between each personality variable and preferences for Facebook
features (by factor) were calculated using Pearsons correlation
coefcient (two-tailed). The results are presented in Table 3, and
signicant correlations are indicated.
4. Discussion
The current study aims to identify the personality characteristics associated with being a Facebook user or nonuser, and to
examine whether these characteristics are related to the way people use the site. The results show that Facebook users are more
likely to be extraverted and narcissistic, but they also have stronger feelings of family loneliness. On the other hand, Facebook nonusers are more likely to be conscientious, shy, and socially lonely.
Furthermore, with the exception of romantic loneliness, all of the

Table 2
Factor loadings for exploratory factor analysis with varimax rotation of preferences
for Facebook features.





News feed
Fan pages





Note: Factor loadings >.60 are in boldface. ASC = Active Social Contributions;
PE = Passive Engagement; NI = News and Information; RTSI = Real-Time Social

Table 3
Correlations between personality characteristics and factors of Facebook feature

Big Five traits


Preference of Facebook features























Note. ASC = Active Social Contributions; PE = Passive Engagement; NI = News and

Information; RTSI = Real-Time Social Interaction.
N = 1158.
p < .05 (two-tailed).
p < .01 (two-tailed).
p < .001 (two-tailed).

measured personality characteristics are signicantly associated

with differential preferences for particular types of Facebook
In terms of specic hypotheses, the prediction that extraverted
people would be more likely to use Facebook than introverted people was supported. This result corresponds with previous research
by Correa et al. (2010), and strengthens Tosun and Lajunens (2010)
argument that extraverted people use social networking sites as a
means of social extension. Extraversion is also positively related to
the use of the communicative features of Facebook, such as the
Wall and Chat. This nding supports the hypothesis made in this
study, but contradicts the ndings of Ross et al. (2009). This may
be because Facebook has undergone changes since Ross et al.
(2009) performed their study. For instance, the recent addition of
the Chat application may have increased the appeal that Facebook
has for extraverted individuals. On the other hand, the differing results may be attributable to the fact that Ross et al. (2009) only
looked at Facebook usage among university students.

T. Ryan, S. Xenos / Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2011) 16581664

In regards to the predictions made about Facebook use and narcissism, both hypotheses are supported. Firstly, Facebook users
have higher levels of total narcissism, exhibitionism, and leadership than Facebook nonusers. Secondly, individuals with higher
scores on exhibitionism also have higher preferences for Photos
and Status Updates. These ndings validate previous research by
Buffardi and Campbell (2008) and Mehdizadeh (2010), and substantiate the proposition that Facebook is particularly appealing
for narcissistic and exhibitionistic people. In fact, it could be argued
that Facebook specically graties the narcissistic individuals
need to engage in self-promoting and supercial behaviour.
The prediction that Facebook nonusers would have greater levels
of loneliness than users has also been conrmed, although only for
the sub-factor of social loneliness. Although there has been no previous research in this area, the obtained results are plausible because people with smaller social networks would generally be less
motivated to use a website such as Facebook. However, as Correa
et al. (2010) point out, the Internet is an increasingly user-generated
environment, and individuals who choose not to engage may be
limiting their ability to advance socially. Clearly, this is an area
where further research is justied, as the results also show that
Facebook users have signicantly higher levels of family loneliness
than nonusers. Furthermore, the nding that lonely people tend to
spend more time on Facebook per day, and have higher preferences
for the passive features of Facebook, is particularly concerning.
In regards to specic patterns of Facebook use, the rst hypothesis states that shy people will spend more time on Facebook than
non-shy people. However, the results show no signicant relationship between shyness and frequency of Facebook use. These ndings contradict those reported by Orr et al. (2009), and further
suggest that results obtained from student populations are not always representative of typical Facebook users. In terms of Facebook usage habits, people with higher levels of neuroticism are
more likely to prefer using the Wall. This result supports the
hypothesis made in the current study, and provides additional evidence that neurotic people tend to prefer asynchronous forms of
online communication (Ross et al., 2009). It also accounts for the
fact that previous researchers have reported a negative relationship between neuroticism and use of instant messaging clients
(Amiel and Sargent, 2004; Swickert et al., 2002).
4.1. Limitations and future research
Two major limitations associated with the current study need
to be addressed. Firstly, the incentive of receiving feedback on
the BFI personality measure may have motivated people who did
not t the inclusion criteria to lie in order to participate. In order
to avoid this problem, researchers employing a similar methodology are advised to allow individuals from a wide range of ages
and nationalities to participate. Responses from participants outside the desired ranges can then be removed at the data analysis
stage, thus limiting the need for participants to lie. Secondly, the
methods of recruitment employed in this study may have led to
sample bias. In particular, the sample may have contained a higher
than normal proportion of heavy Internet users. Furthermore, because the participants were recruited from Facebook and Internet
discussion forums, the sample may have also been biased towards
people who enjoy engaging in social interaction on the Internet.
Researchers wishing to undertake further investigation in this area
would do well to recruit participants on other types of websites, as
well as using traditional ofine methods of recruitment.
5. Conclusion
It is hoped that the results within this paper will serve as a
foundation for the development of much needed psychological


theory relating to the use of Facebook. While a few signicant differences have been found between Facebook users and nonusers,
for the most part the results of the current study suggests that
Facebook appeals to individuals with a variety of characteristics.
The data relating to more specic Facebook usage conrms this:
Facebook graties its users in different ways depending on their
individual characteristics. Unfortunately, an in-depth discussion
of the specic results underlying this argument is beyond the
scope of the current study. However, one of the most noteworthy
ndings was the tendency for neurotic and lonely individuals to
spend greater amounts of time on Facebook per day than nonlonely individuals. For lonely people in particular, it appears that
they are mainly using Facebook to partake in passive activities, instead of providing active social contributions. Such ndings suggest that not all Facebook users are using the site to improve
their social capital, unlike other research had implied (Burke
et al., 2010; Ellison et al., 2007; Steineld et al., 2008). However,
due to the small effect sizes reported in the current study, these
arguments require further validation. It is therefore recommended
that researchers continue to examine the relationship between
individual characteristics and specic patterns of Facebook usage,
particularly in samples that are representative of typical Facebook

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