SSRN 3305329
SSRN 3305329
SSRN 3305329
Silent Listeners:
The Evolution of Privacy and
Disclosure on Facebook
Fred Stutzman∗ , Ralph Gross† , Alessandro Acquisti‡
Abstract. Over the past decade, social network sites have experienced dramatic
growth in popularity, reaching most demographics and providing new opportuni-
ties for interaction and socialization. Through this growth, users have been chal-
lenged to manage novel privacy concerns and balance nuanced trade-offs between
disclosing and withholding personal information. To date, however, no study has
documented how privacy and disclosure evolved on social network sites over an
extended period of time. In this manuscript we use profile data from a longitudi-
nal panel of 5,076 Facebook users to understand how their privacy and disclosure
behavior changed between 2005—the early days of the network—and 2011. Our
analysis highlights three contrasting trends. First, over time Facebook users in our
dataset exhibited increasingly privacy-seeking behavior, progressively decreasing
the amount of personal data shared publicly with unconnected profiles in the same
network. However, and second, changes implemented by Facebook near the end of
the period of time under our observation arrested or in some cases inverted that
trend. Third, the amount and scope of personal information that Facebook users
revealed privately to other connected profiles actually increased over time—and
because of that, so did disclosures to “silent listeners” on the network: Facebook
itself, third-party apps, and (indirectly) advertisers. These findings highlight the
tension between privacy choices as expressions of individual subjective preferences,
and the role of the environment in shaping those choices.
Keywords: social network sites, Facebook, disclosure, privacy
1 Introduction
In recent years, the landscape of social network sites has been characterized by growth
and evolution. Virtually all US teenagers use social network sites, as well as almost
half of all US online adults [44]—an approximate five-fold increase since 2005. At the
same time, social network site platforms have evolved. Facebook and LinkedIn (and,
more recently, Google+) have experienced tremendous growth, while early players such
as Myspace and Friendster have contracted. The rise of micro-blogging services such
as Twitter and Tumblr has threatened more traditional networking sites, contributing
to rapid development of new products and evolving norms of privacy. It is against this
backdrop of evolution and change that we present an analysis of privacy and disclosure
behavior in a longitudinal panel of 5,076 members of the Carnegie Mellon University
∗ Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, mailto:[email protected]
† Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, mailto:[email protected]
‡ Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, mailto:[email protected]
Facebook network, whose public disclosures we collected between 2005 and 2011.
Much of the current research on privacy in social network sites has been cross-
sectional, using surveys or data mining to explore social network sites at one or two
points in time. However, in the last decade, the use of social network sites has rapidly
evolved, as new participants joined various platforms and individuals iteratively changed
disclosure and privacy settings. In this manuscript, we attempt to tell the story of
this evolution through the lens of a set of Facebook members, combining quantitative
analysis of their public disclosures and qualitative analysis of changes to the Facebook
network over time. The longitudinal dataset, created with Institutional Review Board
(IRB) permission and de-identified, contains only publicly visible content shared by
members of the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Facebook network with the rest of
the network. Within the dataset, we construct and examine the disclosure behaviors of
a specific subset of users. In particular, we follow a panel of early joiners of the network,
and we explore what was being shared on their Facebook profiles, with whom, and how
this sharing changed over time. One limitation of this data is that it cannot reflect a
random sample of current Facebook users; hence, extrapolations to the general Facebook
population should be considered with caution. On the other hand, its longitudinal
nature offers an unprecedented view of the long term evolution of privacy and disclosure
behavior on a social network site.
Taking a long-term longitudinal perspective allows us to connect three contrasting
trends, and uncover field evidence consistent with the results of lab experiments focused
on understanding privacy and disclosure behavior. When considered together, those
trends bear witness to the role of, and tensions between, both endogenous (user-driven)
and exogenous (network-driven) factors in influencing privacy choices and the dynamics
of online disclosure.
First, we find quantitative evidence that, over time, Facebook users in our dataset
exhibited increasingly privacy-seeking behavior: they became more protective of their
personal information by progressively limiting data publicly shared with “strangers”
(profiles in the same Facebook network but unconnected to the user).1 This pattern
is consistent across all profile fields (or data types) we investigated. This first result
may be interpreted as an example of consumers, as autonomous agents, expressing and
acting upon their subjective preferences while negotiating with a service—the resulting
outcome being that some consumers increasingly took privacy choices.
However, we also observe a second result: policy and interface changes implemented
by Facebook near the end of the period of time under our observation seemingly altered
that outcome and countered such privacy-seeking behavior by arresting and in some
cases inverting the trend we just described.2 Specifically, between 2009 and 2010, we
observe a significant increase in the public sharing of various types of personal informa-
1 The scope and meaning of “public” sharing changed over time on Facebook. In early 2005, users
could share publicly with the rest of their .edu network, but not with members of other networks. By
2011, it was possible to share publicly with any other user on Facebook. For consistency, and since our
analysis begins in 2005 and is conducted from the point of view of an unconnected profile on the CMU
Facebook network, here and in the rest of the manuscript by the term “public” we refer to sharing with
the rest of the network.
tion. We causally link this trend reversal to specific changes in Facebook’s site interface
and default settings, and find that by the time our data collection ended (May 2011),
disclosures in the majority of fields had not gone back down to the levels reached before
those changes. This second result, therefore, highlights the power of the environment
in affecting individual choices: the entity that controls the structure (in this case, Face-
book), ultimately remains able to affect how actors make choices in that environment.
Such finding, based on field data, is consistent with previous experimental evidence
highlighting the role of asymmetric information [1] and default settings [5] in affecting
privacy choices.
Third, and finally, we discuss qualitative evidence that, over time, the amount and
scope of personal information that Facebook users revealed to their Facebook “friends”
(that is, to other connected profiles) actually increased. In doing so, however—and
in parallel to their reducing disclosures to stranger profiles—users ended up increasing
their personal disclosures to other entities on the network as well: third-party apps,
(indirectly) advertisers, and Facebook itself. Sometimes, this occurred without users’
explicit consent or even awareness [7, 34, 60].3 Hence, the “silent listeners.” When
linked to the two previous findings, this latter trend appears consistent with recent
experimental evidence in the field of privacy decision making. Access to increasingly
granular settings (which help individuals determine which profile data other Facebook
users get to peruse) may increase members’ feeling of control and selectively direct
their attention towards the sharing taking place with other members of the network
covered under those settings; in turn, perceptions of control over personal data [11]
and misdirection of users’ attention [4] have been linked in the literature to increases
in disclosures of sensitive information to strangers. Social network sites remain in part
”imagined” communities [2], where intended audiences do not necessarily map to actual
Considered together, these findings illustrate the challenges users of social network
sites face when trying to manage online privacy, the power of providers of social media
services to affect their disclosure and privacy behavior, and the potential limits of notice
and consent mechanisms in addressing consumers’ online privacy concerns [4]. More
broadly, the results highlight the tension between privacy choices as expressions of
individual subjective preferences, and the role of the environment—as well as factors
such as asymmetric information, bounded rationality, or cognitive biases—in affecting
those choices. Like a modern Sisyphus, some consumers strive to reach their chosen
“privacy spot”—their desired balance between revealing and protecting—only to be
taken aback by the next privacy challenge.
2 Our references to policy and interface changes and reversals of previous trends merely describe a
process and its consequences; in this manuscript, we do not investigate the motivations or goals that
inspired said changes.
3 See, also, the Federal Trade Commission’s 2011 complaint In the Matter of FACEBOOK, INC., at
2 Background
Between 2004 (the year Thefacebook was launched) and 2011, social network sites expe-
rienced remarkable growth in active users, as well as shifts in popularity. In particular,
even as more niche and diversified players started appearing, the market consolidated,
with Facebook achieving dominance.
Facebook’s transition from a university-focused social network site for students to a
global social network site, however, was not seamless. In particular, changes to Face-
book network structure and a series of unpopular moves raised users’ privacy concerns.
When Facebook debuted in 2004, the site was segmented by university, so that univer-
sity network membership created a meaningful privacy boundary. Although university
networks could be quite large (e.g., [2, 54]), this boundary generally separated students
from family, employers, and municipal law enforcement. Starting in 2006, Facebook
gradually liberalized its policies for site membership, and began changing (and eventu-
ally discounting) the value of “networks” within the service. Facebook was rewarded for
these moves, with adoption climbing through a billion users as of late 2012.4 As for its
users, Facebook’s growth in popularity proved both an opportunity and challenge. In-
creasingly, users could articulate a greater portion of their “social graph” in the service,
and take advantage of the benefits reaped from the establishment and maintenance of
large weak-tie networks [20]. With the presence of a larger portion of users’ personal
networks, however, came new challenges, such as the presence of multiple contextual
networks in the site—a phenomenon highlighted by Acquisti and Gross by referring
to early campus-based Facebook networks as “imagined” communities [2]. Individuals
faced challenges as they attempted to share information in the presence of coworkers,
family, and distant friends in a single social network site (e.g., [17, 21, 53]).
The hurdles of managing disclosure across multiple social contexts in a social network
site have been referred to as “context collapse” [50]. According to Lampinen and col-
leagues [40, 41], individuals employ a range of strategies to manage multiple contexts in
social network sites, including self-censorship and withdrawal of content, creating more
inclusive group identities, and sharing different types of content in different spaces. In
addition to these behavioral and mental strategies for context and privacy management,
individuals also turn towards the application of privacy settings within the site. Nu-
merous studies documented both an increase in privacy awareness and privacy-seeking
behaviors within Facebook by students [9, 44, 46, 59] and the contextual application of
privacy settings in relation to perceived harms [15, 55].
Research on social network sites often explores the disclosure behavior of social net-
work site users. Because social network sites thrive on peer-produced content, disclosure
is often concomitant with site use. The definition of social network sites, posed by boyd
and Ellison, illustrates the importance of disclosure. The authors state that social net-
work sites allow the creation of “public or semi-public profiles within a bounded system”
and foster the articulation of lists of personal connections within the system [8]. That
is, a social network site is characterized by what you say about yourself, who you choose
4 See “Newsroom - Key Facts,” Facebook:
NewsAreaId=22, last accessed on February 25, 2013.
to publicly associate with, and increasingly, what your connections say about you.
The earliest studies of social network site use provided empirical evidence of the
remarkable disclosure practices within the site. Early work by Gross and Acquisti [28],
and Acquisti and Gross [2] found that students in the Carnegie Mellon University Face-
book network extensively shared sensitive information such as political views and sexual
orientation on Facebook, and that information shared on Facebook was generally self-
reported as valid. Other studies conducted at the time in different university networks,
including Stutzman [54] and Lampe et al. [37], further evidenced the high degree of
personal disclosure within social network sites. Large-scale studies such as Thelwall
[57] and Caverlee and Webb [14] provided evidence of similar disclosure phenomena in
Myspace, once the leading social network site. These findings were corroborated by a
national probability study conducted by Lenhart and Madden [43].
Researchers have considered a range of motivations for disclosure in social network
sites. Drawing on the work of Erving Goffman [25], Donath and boyd [18] and boyd and
Heer [10] described the use of a social network site as a performance of identity. Users of
social network sites are therefore challenged to strategically present themselves, through
the constructed profile, to their increasingly diverse network of social ties. As noted by
Lampe et al. [37], the motivations for use, and disclosure within, a social network site
are a function of offline outcomes such as relational formation and deepening. Work
by Bumgarner [12] and Joinson [33] illustrated the social motive of social network site
use: use of social network sites was driven by participant desire to connect and learn
about one another; without significant personal sharing in these sites, these motives of
use would not be addressed.
In addition to the shifting nature of networks in Facebook, changes to the interface
and site policies have produced public backlash that has increased awareness of privacy
in social networks (e.g., [27, 30, 31]). To encourage disclosure on the platform, Face-
book has consistently changed the nature of sharing certain items in the platform, and
the default sharing settings for new accounts.5 These site-directed changes may affect
disclosure by altering the level of trust individuals have in Facebook, which was initially
described as a more trusted social network site when compared with Myspace [19, 22].
While Facebook has changed substantially over the years, to our knowledge no large-
scale, long-term longitudinal analysis has yet described the effects of these changes.
For example, the large-scale analysis employed by Gjoka et al. [24, 23] focuses on a
short time period. Recent work by Dey, Jelveh, and Ross [16] employs a longitudinal
perspective, but is limited to a two-year window (2010 and 2011). Similar works by
Lewis [45] and colleagues [46] draw on the Time, Taste, and Ties Harvard network
Facebook dataset.
5 See, for instance, “Facebook’s Eroding Privacy Policy: A Timeline,” Electronic Frontier Foun-
Facebook IDs) from the dataset. Naturally, extant research on statistical re-identification—see, for
instance, [56]—has demonstrated that de-identified data can often be re-identified by third-parties.
user ID (as their user IDs were not created as part of the CMU Facebook network),
we analyzed seed members friends lists to identify new entrants. Through inspection of
the network and observation of the new account ID assignment pattern we were able
to effectively capture existing Facebook members as they joined the CMU network.
Although we attempted to exhaustively capture the Carnegie Mellon Facebook network
at each snapshot, it is likely that earlier snapshots, such as 2005 and 2006, are more
exhaustive given the linear nature of Facebook ID assignment.
7 For example, an individual may have created, and then deleted, their account, which effectively
Panel Members
Undergraduate Members
1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990
Figure 1: Raw distribution of reported birth years (n=5,076) for the Carnegie Mellon
Yearly Snapshot Dataset. The shaded area represents likely undergraduate members of
the panel. An additional 284 members of the panel reported birth dates that were not
within the 1978–1989 range.
“locked” the user ID to a non-existent profile. To examine this, we visited a selection of “null” t0
profiles and did not find any content (i.e., 404 error), which means these IDs are not appropriate for
inclusion in the panel.
8 “Carnegie Mellon at a Glance,”
Disclosure category refers to the type of disclosure, as categorized by the authors. Under
Note, FT: free text input, DD: drop down list, L: “Like” button. For a number of items,
the way the items are added to the profile changes over time, which is noted.
Hometown : : : : : : : :
Favorite Music : : : : : : : :
Favorite Movies : : : : : : : :
Favorite Books : : : : : : : :
Interests : : : : : : : :
Birthdate : : : : : : : :
Instant Messenger : : : : : : : :
Political Affilitation : : : : : : : :
Looking For : : : : : : : :
Phone : : : : : : : :
Address : : : : : : :
within a Facebook network, users tended to share much information publicly [28]. For
example, over 70% of our panel shared their birthdate, high school, hometown, and
instant messenger information. However, there were some types of information less
commonly shared—the prime examples being the individual’s residential address (12%)
and their phone number (33%). This finding is consistent with previous research, and it
hints to Facebook’s use as a vehicle for identity formation and expression as a primary
early motivator of use (e.g., [39]).
Examining panel sharing over time, we see a consistent reduction in the proportion
of the population sharing all profile elements, as the chart moves from reds and purples
in 2005 to dark blues in 2009. As Facebook grew in popularity, and new features were
added, the individuals in our panel became less public with the information they shared.
In 2010, we begin to notice a reversal in the trend of certain types of information sharing.
That is, in previous years we have observed declining public sharing for almost every
variable we collected; in 2010, we see this trend of declining public sharing “reverse” in
that for certain variables, public disclosure starts increasing. While this reversal does
not mitigate all of the previous reduced disclosure (e.g., it does not restore disclosure
levels to their 2004 maximums), it is interesting to observe. For this reason, we explore
some of the potential causes for this reversal in depth throughout the paper.
Element t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6
Birthdate .862 .747 .645 .568 .224 .146 .132
High School .860 .713 .606 .538 .219 .392 .413
Hometown .785 m .611 .355 .136 .333 .408
Political Affiliation .604 .498 .423 .369 .136 .082 .058
IM .739 .547 .426 .378 .144 .135 .019
Phone .336 .170 .134 .122 .037 .046 .026
Address .120 m .114 .086 .077 .104 .074
Looking For .567 .305 .237 .204 .077 .101 m
Interests .691 .564 .447 .390 .149 .218 .215
Favorite Music .669 .537 .445 .389 .135 .368 .362
Favorite Books .607 .481 .401 .357 .128 .194 .204
Favorite Movies .656 .529 .431 .380 .131 .257 .264
Note: Raw means represent proportions of the population sharing
the particular profile element. Missing observations coded as “m.”
Personal Information Disclosure Trends 2005-2011
.2 .4 .6 .8
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Crawl Year Crawl Year
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Crawl Year Crawl Year
Figure 3: Personal information disclosure trends, 2005–2011. Note: trend lines are
collection error, we went back to raw data and verified that this trend reversal was
legitimate. As we note below, the reversal is robust across other profile elements (such
as contacts and interests). We believe this trend reversal to be the direct result of policy
and interface changes on behalf of Facebook, and we discuss those further in Section
Contact Information Disclosure Trends 2005-2011
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Crawl Year Crawl Year
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Crawl Year Crawl Year
Figure 4: Contact information disclosure trends, 2005–2011. Note: trend lines are
to the one we observed in public disclosure of personal information. Raw means are
reported in Table 3, and should be interpreted as the proportion of the population
sharing that particular profile element. Between waves t0 and t4 , we observe less contact
information being shared with the network. As with personal information, we attribute
the general declining trend to the turn towards private profiles. At t5 , we observe the
trend either pausing (e.g., phone, IM, Looking for) or in fact reversing (e.g., address
information; p=0.000, group-means t-test).10 We believe this general reversal to be the
direct result of policy and interface changes on behalf of Facebook (see Section 4.5).
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Crawl Year Crawl Year
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Crawl Year Crawl Year
Figure 5: Interest information disclosure trends, 2005–2011. Note: trend lines are
[38] argue that interest information is important because it creates opportunities for
finding common ground between individuals. This process of finding common ground—
such as a shared favorite book or movie—may ease the process of relational formation or
deepening. As college students are frequently building new relationships and deepening
existing relationships, we expect a high degree of interest information disclosure. Panel
trends are reported in Figure 5.
Again, we observe the consistent trend of decreasing disclosure of interest information
between waves t0 and t4 , and a sharp reversal of the trend between waves t4 and t5
(p=0.000, group-means t-test). Raw means are reported in Table 3, and should be
interpreted as the proportion of the population sharing the particular interest element.
of content from the profile. Indeed, and broadly speaking, our panel individuals shared
less information publicly in 2011 than they did when they first joined Facebook. This
could be due to a variety of factors, including: evolution in subjective privacy pref-
erences; access to more granular privacy settings; growing expertise with settings and
controls; increasing awareness of, or attention devoted to, privacy risks in online social
networks. This finding is consistent with other recent research, which has highlighted
growing privacy awareness among Facebook users [27, 30, 31] (compared with early
studies of the network [2]) and an uptick in privacy-seeking behaviors [15, 55, 16]).
However, to our knowledge, the Carnegie Mellon Yearly Snapshot Dataset offers the
first longitudinal field evidence of how the trend started in the early days of the net-
work, and progressed over several years of Facebook history. Our data is also consistent
with self-report surveys indicating that, over time, an increasing number of Facebook
users chose more protective privacy settings [42, 48], which leads us to believe that the
reduction in disclosure in our dataset was likely due to the adoption of privacy settings,
rather than merely information removal.11
For a certain number of elements, however, we identified a reversal of this trend: be-
tween the years 2009 and 2010, individuals started sharing their high school, hometown,
address, interests, and their favorite movies, books, and music in significantly higher
amounts. While the general decreasing trend appears consistent with extant research,
the combination of that trend and the smaller trend reversal is surprising. Having
observed this trend to be robust across a number of profile information elements, we
turn to an analysis of its possible explanations, focusing on changes in Facebook’s site
interface and default settings in late 2009 and early 2010.
Note, first, that the trend reversal was observed in our dataset between t4 and t5 ;
that is, between the snapshot of the CMU Facebook network taken on October 4, 2009,
and the snapshot taken on November 12, 2010. In analyzing such trend reversal, we
were first struck by its selective nature of the reversal; in particular, we were interested
in why the reversal only affected certain types of profile elements. After inspecting the
data, and ruling out data corruption as a cause, we explored policy and design changes
instituted by Facebook in the period between our 2009 and 2010 data collections, and
ended up concluding that the reversal was, with high probability, the result of policy
and interface changes by Facebook—in particular, the redesign of Facebook’s privacy
interface announced on December 9, 200912 and the introduction of Facebook commu-
nity pages and connected profiles announced on April 19, 201013 —which took place in
the period within our t4 and t5 snapshots.
The introduction of a new privacy interface to Facebook was described as follows:
“We’re happy to be offering you simpler tools to control your experience on Facebook.
11 We can exclude the possibility that the results are driven by students graduating and leaving
Carnegie Mellon University: over 98% of panel participants remained members of the CMU Facebook
network as of 2011. Besides, leaving the network would not invalidate the basic premise of the analysis,
which focuses on what of a Facebook profile remains visible to someone else in the CMU network.
12 See “New Tools to Control Your Experience,” Facebook Blog:
We encourage you to take the time to explore them and consider what settings are right
for you.”14 Through the addition of highly granular privacy controls, Facebook argued
that individuals would be better able to share information with audiences of their choice.
However, Facebook’s new privacy interface proved to be confusing to users, resulting in
public retractions and updates by the company.15 In fact, the Facebook privacy changes
became one of the major issues in a 2011 FTC complaint against Facebook that led to
the settlement barring “further deceptive privacy changes.”16 Among other parts of the
FTC’s claim, the following is alleged:
The Privacy Wizard did not adequately disclose that users no longer
could restrict access to their newly-designated PAI via their Profile Privacy
Settings, Friends App Settings, or Search Privacy Settings, or that their ex-
isting choices to restrict access to such information via these settings would
be overridden. For example, the Wizard did not disclose that a user’s exist-
ing choice to share her Friend List with Only Friends would be overridden,
and that this information would be made accessible to the public.
Choosing Facebook privacy settings to correctly match one’s preferences can be diffi-
cult. Although our data does suggest that, between 2005 and 2009, Facebook users may
have become increasingly willing—and able—to protect information on their profiles,
disclosure errors remain possible.17 Following Facebook’s December 2009 changes, users’
cognitive burden—and therefore opportunities for errors—arguably increased. New in-
formation was deemed “Publicly Accessible Information” (PAI), which was not directly
identified in the Facebook Privacy Wizard. Hence, when individuals stepped through
the wizard, in agreeing to the terms, they unknowingly grandfathered in previous pri-
vate information. Thus, now it was public (an example of how asymmetric information
between users and providers of a service [1], and default settings [5], may affect privacy
The new interface may have caused users to make information public that was not
previously public, therefore contributing to the trend reversal. However, this does not
address the question about why the trend reversal was selective, affecting only certain
elements of the profile. For this question, we turned to the rollout of Facebook’s com-
munity pages and connected profiles. These changes are described on the Facebook blog
as follows:
What if you could take this one step further, by linking your profile to
14 See “New Tools to Control Your Experience,” Facebook Blog:
found dichotomies between how visible some Facebook members believed their profiles to be, and how
visible their profiles actually were [2]; similar results were also found by [49].
Pages about your interests, affiliations and favorite activities? Today, we’re
adding two features that do just that.
Community Pages
Community Pages are a new type of Facebook Page dedicated to a topic
or experience that is owned collectively by the community connected to it.
Just like official Pages for businesses, organizations and public figures, Com-
munity Pages let you connect with others who share similar interests and
During 2009 and 2010, Facebook moved a large number of profile elements to the
new status of a Page. Pages are Facebook’s official representation of an entity—such as
a band, restaurant, or TV show. Using the Like button users can link the page to one’s
profile. However, there was a catch:
Keep in mind that Facebook Pages you connect to are public. You can
control which friends are able to see connections listed on your profile, but
you may still show up on Pages you’re connected to. If you don’t want
to show up on those Pages, simply disconnect from them by clicking the
“Unlike” link in the bottom left column of the Page. You always decide
what connections to make.19
books, and movies, the profile elements “current city, hometown, education and work,
and likes and interests” now were connected as pages. Reflecting back on the items
that comprise our reversal—high school, hometown, address, interests, and their fa-
vorite movies, books, and music—we see a complete matchup between this information
and the information converted to Pages by Facebook in 2010. For this reason, we con-
clude that the trend reversal that occurred in our dataset between October 4, 2009 and
November 12, 2010 was not indicative of a popular trend to share more information
publicly, but more likely the result of the December 9, 2009 and April 19, 2010 policy
and interface changes on a largely unsuspecting public. By the time our data collection
ended (May 5, 2011), with few exceptions (such as address information) disclosures of
most types of personal information had not gone back down to the levels they had
reached before Facebook’s changes.
Unlike the analysis we presented in Section 4, which was primarily quantitative, the
analysis in this section is mainly qualitative, as it focuses on structural changes to the
Facebook network during the period under our observation. However, below we show
that the findings of the qualitative investigation are consistent with data points from a
variety of sources. Furthermore, while the analysis in the previous sections was based on
a novel dataset, here we rely on a combination of existing data and research; however,
we are able to revisit that extant research under the lights of what we learned from the
analysis of the CMU data. In doing so, we connect trends in public disclosures to the
seemingly contrasting trends in private disclosures. Specifically, we observe that, while
decreasing their public disclosures, Facebook users at the same time likely increased
their private disclosures to connected Facebook friends, both in terms of scope and
amount of personal data. By doing so, they increased their disclosures to other entities
as well: third-party apps, advertisers, and Facebook itself. Whereas the first trend
presented in Section 4 of this manuscript, considered in isolation, would paint a picture
of Facebook users as increasingly willing and able to take the protection of privacy
in their own hands, the combination of these diverse disclosure trends highlights the
challenges associated with effectively managing one’s online disclosures.
The trend towards decreasing disclosures we highlighted in the previous sections was
based on the subset of Facebook profile fields which existed in 2005 (Table 2), and was
limited to what members of the CMU Facebook network chose to make publicly available
to all other members of the same network. However, during the period of time under
our observation, two significant system changes occurred: first, Facebook profile fields
and the user interface kept evolving; second, modifications to privacy controls allowed
Facebook members to privately disclose information to subsets of other Facebook users
(rather than to the entire network). There are at least four reasons to believe that, as
a result, Facebook users increased their private disclosures over time.
First, the number of profile fields available to Facebook members to share informa-
tion expanded over time. Compare Table 5, which shows the list of fields of a Facebook
profile in 2005, to Tables 6, 7, and 8, which list the fields at the time of writing (2012).
The number of fields in 2012 is over three times the number in 2005.
Second: certain fields started being used dynamically, for repeated sharing: for in-
stance, status updates in 2006 and the Timeline in 2011. These fields enable users to
share new information frequently (often multiple times a day) as opposed to fields for
sharing static information that never changes (e.g., hometown), or fields for sharing in-
frequently changing information (e.g., favorite music). This trend reflects Facebook pro-
files’ transition from static representations of a member’s personal information (his/her
gender) or personally identifying information (name), to ‘habitats’ through which new
information is frequently created (Likes, status updates, comments and messages to
other users, places visited, events attended, and so forth) by virtue of interacting with
others (users, companies, sites) through the network. This trends also exemplifies the
transformation in the type and quality of personal information explicitly or implicitly
disclosed by the user about herself.20
20 See, also, the “taxonomy” of online social networking data proposed in [52].
Third, more diverse user data started being generated by third-party apps (which
were introduced in 2007). Often, an app “creates” additional data points about a user
(see Table 4, which includes a selection of currently popular Facebook apps, and the
information they elicit or generate). These data can be posted by the app on the user’s
profile and transmitted to developers. For instance, the Spotify app shows songs the
user is listening to on the user’s profile, and the TripAdvisor app shows information
about the user’s trips. As of October 2012, the usage base for the apps listed in the
table ranged from 55 million (ChefVille) to 3.9 million (Four Square) Facebook users
(based on estimates reported at
Fourth, friends connected to a Facebook user started being able to add information
about that user: for instance, by tagging individuals in photos in 2006, and by tagging
their location in 2010. Schneier [52] refers to this as “incidental” data: “what other
people post about you.”
The availability of additional and more dynamic data fields illustrates that the scope
for potential disclosures increased over time, but offers no proof that Facebook users
actually started revealing more, or more diverse, personal information over time to
their connected friends.21 However, a variety of data points support the conclusion that
Facebook private disclosures did increase over time—in scope and amount.
First, survey data reported by [29] suggests that, on an average day in 2010, 15% of
US adult Facebook users updated their own status, 22% commented on another’s post
or status, 20% commented on another user’s photos, and 26% “Liked” another user’s
content (in fact, 20% of women and 9% of men “Like” multiple times daily). Whereas
in 2005 the overwhelming majority of fields available to Facebook users consisted of
static or rarely updatable information (see Table 5), by 2010 a significant proportion of
Facebook users would generate new information daily.
Second, qualitative inferences from profile data recently made available by a small set
of Facebook users on the “Europe vs. Facebook” site are consistent with the above data
points. While far from being statistically significant or generalizable, the documents
point at profiles with much vaster amounts of disclosed information in 2011 than the
profiles in the 2005 snapshot of the CMU network.22
Third, and perhaps more importantly: in 2011, Facebook disclosed that the amount
of information shared by the average Facebook user was, in fact, doubling every year
[58]—an exponential rate of growth.
Considering that Facebook users in our dataset moved towards lower public disclo-
sures over time across all data categories we analyzed, and that—as noted in Section
4.5—similar trends have been reported in shorter field studies or survey studies for other
data fields as well,23 it is reasonable to infer that the intended recipients of the increased
21 For instance, one year after the introduction of “frictionless sharing” (which allows sharing of
personal information without direct user intervention), a Facebook manager was quoted as stating that
users’ reaction to this passive form of sharing had not been “strong” [26].
22 See, last accessed on February
25, 2013.
disclosures described in this section were not the general public, but other selected Face-
book users (for instance, the user’s friends, and friends of friends). In other words, the
increased disclosures were likely and primarily intended as private disclosures. However,
such increased private disclosures ended up reaching entities other than a user’s friends.
The first such entity is, of course, Facebook itself. In addition to all the fields listed
in Tables 6, 7, and 8, the provider of the network also maintains access to users’ less
visible information, such as logins or visited profiles.24 That information may later be
made available to entities Facebook chooses, or is compelled, to share data with—such
as law enforcement [13].
The second entity, or set of entities, is represented by third-party apps. By default,
at present Facebook apps get access to a user’s “basic information”—that is, name,
profile picture, cover photo, networks, username, user ID, gender information, as well
as any other information the user has shared publicly on their profiles. In addition, an
app installed by a Facebook user can access the fields of another Facebook member’s
profile connected to that user (for instance, Family and Relationships, Interested in, or
Religious and Political Views). Furthermore, apps can request access to additional fields
of data (the user cannot opt-out; they can simply decide not to use the app). Wang et
al. recently analyzed the information actually accessed by over 9,000 popular Facebook
apps [60]. By comparing each app’s popularity with the number of data permission
requests issued by the app, the authors concluded that “[Facebook] users shared their
basic information more than 500 million times with apps.” In addition, Facebook users
revealed to third-party apps more sensitive information (including a profile element
for which this manuscript uncovered a trend of decreasing public disclosure within the
CMU dataset): birthday (138 million permissions requested), user location (55 million
permissions requested), user photos (nearly 25 million permissions requested), or the
location of the user’s friends (8 million permissions requested). Research has consis-
tently shown that such user information is often harvested by Facebook apps without
individuals’ precise knowledge or even awareness [7, 34, 60].
Third, information from private fields can also be used by Facebook advertisers.
Although advertisers do not have direct access to the data, they can microtarget their
ads based on the information provided in profile fields, including private ones.25 For
instance, [51] used targeted ads to display an invitation to participate in a scientific
study to “women aged 18 to 45 years with an IP address in Italy whom [were] selected
by applying 2 Italian keywords (in English: ‘pregnancy’ and ‘delivery’) to ‘likes’ and
23 Both self-report surveys [42, 48] and recent field data gathered by [16] for the NYC Facebook
network suggest that the trend towards lower public disclosure was not unique to the fields we analyzed
in Table 2, but has extended to other fields (such as friends lists), or the complete profile.
24 Schneier [52] refers to service data (the data provided to a social networking site in order to use
it), behavioral data (data the site collects “about your habits by recording what you do and who you
do it with”), and derived data (which can be inferred about a user based on the rest of the available
data). For a sample of the data stored by Facebook about a user, see, again, “Europe vs. Facebook”
site at, last accessed on February 25,
25 Facebook help center notes: “For example, if you are a children’s toy store located in Springfield
you may want to target people who live in your city who are parents.” See “What are the benefits
of choosing a more targeted audience versus a broader audience?,” Facebook Help Center: http:
//, last accessed on February 25, 2013.
26 In addition, data leakages are possible. Krishnamurthy and Wills found in 2009 that some third-
party apps were leaking users’ unique identifiers for sharing with third-party aggregators and advertising
partners [36]. Korolova found in 2010 that the microtargeting capabilities of Facebook advertising
system could be exploited for privacy violations [35].
27 Also see, again, the Federal Trade Commission’s 2011 complaint In the Matter of FACEBOOK,
Table 4: Popular Facebook apps and the information they generate about a user
(Sources:, Wall Street Journal, and individual websites for the listed apps)
AppName Type Data
ChefVille Game Food preferences
TripAdvisor Travel Trip recs./history/checkins
Yahoo! Social Bar News/Social Reader Yahoo activity reported
Instagram Photo Photo sharing/check-ins (FB)
Microsoft Live Utilities/Communication Social/search engine
Bing Utilities Social/search engine
Spotify Music/Entertainment Music choices
Scribd Utilities Interests for reading/publishing
SchoolFeed Online Communications Connects users to others
Between You and Me Dating Dating
MyPad for iPad FB for iPad Recreates FB for an iPad
Skype Utilities Communications/networking
FourSquare Utilities Aggregates Check-ins
invalidate the main conclusions of the current analysis, which focused on the trends
in public disclosures of personal information over time. It does affect, however, the
discussion of how much information remains available to third-parties (such as apps
providers) and to Facebook itself.
Third, our quantitative analysis was restricted to the fields which existed on Face-
book in 2005, and the analysis presented in Section 5 was mainly qualitative, and
included only a preliminary investigation of additional fields. However, using a consis-
tent set of fields, and a consistent set of users, allowed us to more precisely define and
explain trends in disclosure and privacy behavior over the past seven years.
As our analysis revealed, a robust trend of declining public disclosure emerged over
the years across a broad range of Facebook profile elements—including personal, con-
tact, and interest information. We also observed a significant shift for many of these
profile elements between the years 2009 and 2010, when public disclosure increased. We
concluded that changes to privacy policy and interface settings by Facebook produced
greater public disclosures. In other words, exogenous changes effected by Facebook near
the end of the period of time under our observation arrested or inverted an endogenous,
user-driven trend of members trying to protect their privacy by managing the public
disclosure of their personal information.
On the other hand, we also observed that, over time, the amount and scope of
personal information that Facebook users have revealed to friends’ profiles seems to
have markedly increased—and thus, so have disclosures to Facebook itself, third-party
apps, and (indirectly) advertisers. Such findings highlight the challenges users of social
network sites face when trying to manage online privacy, and the power of providers
of social media services to affect individuals’ disclosure and privacy behavior through
interfaces and default settings.
The authors gratefully acknowledge research support from the following organizations: National
Science Foundation (Award CNS-1012763), IWT SBO Project on Security and Privacy for On-
line Social Networks (SPION), U.S. Army Research Office under Contract DAAD190210389
through Carnegie Mellon CyLab, and TRUST (Team for Research in Ubiquitous Secure Tech-
nology), which receives support from the National Science Foundation (NSF award number
CCF-0424422). The authors also acknowledge support from LARC—Carnegie Mellon Uni-
versity and Singapore Management University’s Living Analytics Research Centre, which is
supported by the Singapore National Research Foundation. The authors are also thankful to
the team of RAs who made the data collection and analysis possible: Siddarth Adukia, Nithin
Betegeri, Aravind Bharadwaj, Markus Huber, Kumar Kunal, Dhruv Mohindra, Seth Monteith,
Rahul Pandey, Manisha Raisinghani, Ganesh Raj, Askhat Singha, Venkata Tumuluri, Ioanis
Alexander Biternas Wischnienski, as well as Yogesh Badwe, Varun Gandhi, Nitin Grewal, Anuj
Gupta, Himanshu Koshe, Hazel Mary, Nidhu Nalin, Snigdha Nayak, Amber Pahare, Shivkant
Rande, Nithin Reddy, Sharat Sannabhadti, and Thejas Varier. In addition, the authors are
grateful for comments and suggestions by Idris Adjerid, danah boyd, Laura Brandimarte, Clau-
dia Diaz, Jennifer Granick, Chris Hoofnagle, Jennifer King, Jonathan Mayer, Aleecia McDon-
ald, Sasha Romanosky, Sonam Samat, Ashkan Soltani, workshop and conference participants,
Steve Fienberg, Kira Bokalders, and the editors at the Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality.
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