A5 Environmental Management Programs

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Hotel Madera Hong Kong

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Date: 23/8/2013

1. Objectives of the Environmental Management Program (EMP)

The EMP aims to achieve the following objectives:
To provide a structure or framework within which the environmental
management requirements will be implemented, audited and reported on, in
order to ensure that potential impacts on the environment are minimized.
To set out the mitigation measures and environmental specifications which are
required to be implemented during the various phases of the development in
order to minimize the extent of environmental impacts, to manage environmental
impacts and where possible to improve the condition of the environment.
To state standards and guidelines that are required to be achieved in terms of
environmental legislation and authorization conditions.
To provide a clear indication of the environmental management requirements of
each of the role players involved.
2. Planning
1. Identification of environmental aspects of current or relevant former activities,
products and services. Examples of these aspects include:
Air emissions;
Effluents discharge;
Consumption of raw materials and natural resources;
Use of energy;
Noise emissions;
Physical aspects, such as size, form, colour and appearance;
Solid waste and by-products.
2. Consideration of aspects which are connected to the hotels services and activities,
such as
Packaging and transport;
Environmental aspects and practices of suppliers and contractors;
Wildlife and biodiversity;
Sale, use and disposal of products which are no longer used;
3. Introduction of criteria and procedures to identify relevant aspects;
4. Documentation and filing of relevant environmental aspects.
For the identification and evaluation of environmental aspects the following has to be
Location of the activities;
Costs and time required for the analysis;
Availability of reliable data.
For the identification of environmental aspects data which was originally collected for
other purposes can be used in order to save time and costs.
3. Implementation and operation
Competence, training and awareness
Training, information and motivation of employees have to be carried out
properly. Environmental activities can only be successful and lasting if employees
from all parts of the Hotel Madera Hong Kong are included in the environmental
system. The employees have to be trained and motivated to ensure that they are aware
of the impact their work has on the environment. Therefore, their training needs have
to be identified in order to qualify them for work within the framework of the
environmental management system.

Hotel Madera Hong Kong

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Date: 23/8/2013

Focused training guarantees that all processes with direct environmental impact
are carried out by qualified personnel, thus reducing the risk of accidents and
The Hotel Madera Hong Kong has to:
Define the responsibility for a communication concept and its implementation;
Facilitate internal communication by using instruments such as:
Monthly/weekly team meetings;
Internal letters;
For external communication the following stakeholders are relevant:
Press and media;
Possible instruments for a communication concept and its implementation are:
Environmental reports of the entire hotel or for individual sites;
Presentation of hotel-specific environmental activities in the business report;
Information events for selected focus groups;
Information and data for a technical audience;
Measures for the motivation of employees.
Control of documents
The documents have to be clearly identified. It is especially important to indicate
the revision status to ensure that only the most recent documents are used, e.g. by
revision numbers and revision lists. Lists of all persons who receive documents as
well as a list of all versions have to be kept to ensure permanent updating. The
responsibility for the production and release of documents has to be defined
(environmental manager, process manager, etc.) At the same time, the system
documentation should not be too complicated. If possible electronic data processing
and electronic means of communication should be used.
Operational control
This chapter comprises descriptions of regulations for processes which have a
relevant impact on the environment and can be controlled by the Hotel Madera Hong
Kong. Practically speaking, this includes areas such as:
Storage of materials and especially hazardous materials;
Operation of environmentally relevant plants;
Waste management;
Water and waste water management;
Energy management.
Emergency preparedness and response
For all activities and areas where emergency situations and accidents can occur,
appropriate procedures have to be defined. In Hotel Madera Hong Kong, risk
managers, fire fighters or similar persons are in charge of these procedures.

Hotel Madera Hong Kong

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Date: 23/8/2013

For the use of hazardous materials and for the prevention of accidents individual
procedures have to be written.
Manuals for plants and machinery typically include chapters on reaction to
accidents and emergency situations.
The standard approach in the development of procedures to prevent risks and
minimize danger is:
Identification of the danger (e.g. flammable liquids, storage tanks and
compressed gases);
Identification of the most likely emergency situation or accident and the
potential damage;
Identification of suitable methods and measures to react to an accident or an
emergency situation;
Identification of the necessary measures to minimize the environmental impact;
Establishing plans to facilitate communication in emergency situations;
Periodical check of the reaction of the organization in emergency situations;
Training of persons who are in charge during emergency situations;
Compilation of a list of responsible persons and emergency services including
their telephone numbers (fire brigade, cleanup services);
Identification of evacuation routes and collection points and drawing up of a
fire safety plan;
Compilation of a checklist with potential partners for emergency help during
accidents and similar situations.
4. Monitoring and measurement
Besides site-specific threshold values for concentrations and loads of pollutants,
the authorities usually include procedures and standards for measuring and monitoring
these values in their permits.
In addition, all the necessary process parameters have to be measured which are
critical for evaluating whether the objectives of the environmental program have been
Measurements which are not automatically documented have to be registered in
journals. Usually this is the operators responsibility. These duties have to be
documented in the relevant job descriptions and work instructions.
A checklist for inspection of equipment has to be kept which includes the
following parameters:
Emission parameters;
Location of sampling;
Equipment to be used;
Storage of the equipment;
Corresponding standard for sampling and analysis;
Frequency of measurements;
5. Internal audit
The initial review and the system audit are instruments used by management and
include a systematically documented, regular and objective evaluation of the
performance of the Hotel Madera Hong Kong, the management and the processes.
Rules and responsibilities for audits have to be defined.

Hotel Madera Hong Kong

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Date: 23/8/2013

The procedure for an audit has to cover the following elements:

Organization and resources;
Planning and preparation;
Activities during the audit;
Report on conclusions, follow-up measures and frequency.
Audits can be performed by qualified internal auditors or by external auditors.
The internal audit team should consist of employees from different departments
of the Hotel Madera Hong Kong to ensure the objectivity of the audit process.
Auditors cannot audit their own department. Personnel also need to conduct EMS
tasks have received appropriate training and that their awareness and competences are
consistent with the level of complexity of their function.
Beyond that, their skills should include:
Enthusiasm (make membership voluntary where possible);
Attention to detail;
Ability to act independently;
Ability to make decisions and stick to them.

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