IMS-ISP-41 Objective & Targets, Programmes

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Doc. No.

: IMS-ISP-41
TARGET Issue No.: 02 (01.09.2019)
(GC-I & GC-II)
Rev. No.: 00

1.0 Purpose To set objectives and targets, to meet various requirements of the
Integrated Management System (Quality, Environment, Health
and Safety Management System) Policy at different level and
functions of the organization & establish Management
Programme(s)/ Continual Improvement to achieve stated
objectives & targets.
2.0 Scope Applicable to all processes, environmental aspects, OHS hazards
of the activities, products and services of Garima Casting.
3.0 Responsibility : MR
4.0 Cross Reference  Integrated Management System Manual
 Standard requirements
ISO 9001 :2015 : 6.2
ISO 14001:2015 : 6.2
ISO 45001:2018 : 6.2

 Corporate and IMS Policies and guidelines

5.0 Definition Continual improvement is recurring activity that seeks to
increase the organization’s effectiveness and efficiency in
: fulfilling the requirements of the organization as well as its
stakeholders – customers, suppliers, employees, investors,
community etc.
6.0 Procedure : As per below:

Chief Executive Officer

Manager QMS & QA Management Representative (Approved by)
(Prepared By) (Reviewed By)
Page 1 of 6
Doc. No.: IMS-ISP-41
TARGET Issue No.: 02 (01.09.2019)
(GC-I & GC-II)
Rev. No.: 00

S.N Activity Responsibility

1. IMS objectives & targets (short term, medium term & long term) shall Dept. Head
be established in consultation with MR.
2. Prepare a list of IMS objectives and targets approved by the steering Dept. Head
committee. These will be based on: along with the
 Quality & EHS Policy MR
 Legal & Other requirements
 Significant environmental aspects and OH&S Hazards
 Energy and business risks
 Technological options
 Operational, financial and business Requirements
 Feasibility studies
 Views of interested parties or business concerns
 Any other as decided by Project or corporate head(s).
3. The significant environmental aspects and significant/non acceptable Core team
OH&S risk / Hazardous which were identified during evaluation stage association
considering: with HODs
 Legal requirements, business concern and views of interested
 Domino concern, legal concern, chronic effect & quantitative
criteria are prioritized for feasibility analysis for setting objectives
and targets in the prescribed format.
4. Possibility of elimination and /or reduction is considered at the first Concerned
place, otherwise putting controls procedure: HODs
5. In case of elimination and reduction, the means to achieve shall be Concerned
considered as follows: HOD / MR
 Technological-up gradation or modification in the existing
 Physical improvement (new or Modifications)

Chief Executive Officer

Manager QMS & QA Management Representative (Approved by)
(Prepared By) (Reviewed By)
Page 2 of 6
Doc. No.: IMS-ISP-41
TARGET Issue No.: 02 (01.09.2019)
(GC-I & GC-II)
Rev. No.: 00

S.N Activity Responsibility

 Feasibility study, if required: In case elimination/ reduction are not
possible, control shall be ensured through technique / training or
both may be applicable.
 Where as possible the quantifiable objectives and targets shall be

Chief Executive Officer

Manager QMS & QA Management Representative (Approved by)
(Prepared By) (Reviewed By)
Page 3 of 6
Doc. No.: IMS-ISP-41
TARGET Issue No.: 02 (01.09.2019)
(GC-I & GC-II)
Rev. No.: 00

S.N Activity Responsibility

6. To establish the operational and economic viability of identified means Concerned
of elimination/reduction and intended control measure. HOD
7. Wherever possibility of elimination/reduction does exists and found Concerned
operationally and economically viable, objectives and targets (short HOD
term, Medium term and long Term) shall be established.
8. The division define the processes in line with the Quality & EHS Concerned
Policy Set the objectives and targets in line with the Plant and HOD
corporate objectives and targets.
9. Objectives and targets should be set in accordance with Quality & EHS Concerned
Policy commitments in the form of technology adoption/physical HODs / MR

improvement/feasibility study and quantitative reductions with

specified time frame. The objectives and target shall be specific,
measurable, achievable, and relevant and time bound and utilise
resource in line with ALARP (As low as reasonably Practicable)
10. To consider the new significant environmental aspect & impact and MR /
OHS hazards & risks and the effectiveness of the control measures. HODs

11. To maintain a list of updated objectives and targets and track them MR
through performance indicators known as divisional MIS.
12. Objectives and targets shall be reviewed in management review MR
committee meeting including the need for setting new objectives and
targets for continual improvement based on internal audit results,
analysis of data & corrective action.
13. On the basis of objectives and targets set, each division head shall Concerned
prepare management program in the prescribed format. Management HOD / MR

Program shall reflect action plan for associated activities along with
the designated responsibility and completion date. (Refer enclosed
format for management program). Whenever desirable and or

Chief Executive Officer

Manager QMS & QA Management Representative (Approved by)
(Prepared By) (Reviewed By)
Page 4 of 6
Doc. No.: IMS-ISP-41
TARGET Issue No.: 02 (01.09.2019)
(GC-I & GC-II)
Rev. No.: 00

S.N Activity Responsibility

necessary, consult management review committee for formulation/
revision/ approval of the program.
14. The designated person who has overall responsibility of Concerned
implementation of the program shall monitor progress of management HOD / MR

program on regular basis. He shall also be sending “Quarterly

Management Program Progress Report” to MR in the prescribed
format. Management Review Committee shall consider the progress
made in achieving management program.
15. MR shall conduct review meetings to evaluate the progress of MR
management program once in a quarter.
16. The request for revision or changes shall be made to MR by the MR
concerned HOD and the MR may permit changes based on new
development or modified activity or operating condition and or it may
be kept for Top Management decision.
17. Every Management Program shall include an auditable performance HOD
indicator against which progress of management program shall be
measured / assessed.
18. Maintain updated list of Management Programmes. MR
19. Garima Casting identifies the IMS planning through the sequence of MR
processes and interface chart and Improvement actions are taken
through asset Optimisation Division.
20. The integrity of the management system is maintained when changes MR
to the IMS are planned and implemented.

7.0 Records :

Chief Executive Officer

Manager QMS & QA Management Representative (Approved by)
(Prepared By) (Reviewed By)
Page 5 of 6
Doc. No.: IMS-ISP-41
TARGET Issue No.: 02 (01.09.2019)
(GC-I & GC-II)
Rev. No.: 00

Record Title Record No. Resp. Retention

Master List Including Objectives and IMS-MRM-F-02 MR 1 Years
Format for Management program IMS-MRM-FO4 Dept. HOD/ 1 Years

Chief Executive Officer

Manager QMS & QA Management Representative (Approved by)
(Prepared By) (Reviewed By)
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