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Modern Asian Studies, 15, 2 (1981), pp. 203-234. Printed in Great Britain.
Since the nineteenth century scholars have depicted Indian castes as
timeless, fixed communities whose customs, rituals, and occupational
specialities evolved at an unidentifiable point in the distant past. It has
now been shown, however, that many jatis are of relatively recent origin,
and historians have been able to trace the economic, political, and
religious changes which acted to form individual caste groups during the
colonial period.1 Several recent works on south India have argued that
the agglomerations of artisans and cultivators described as castes in
British ethnographies and Census reports had no real cohesion and were
often no more than unstable political alliances or 'administrative fictions'. In this view it was the misconceived European notion of castes as
rigid, competing corporations which stimulated the formation of many
south Indian castes after 1880.2
The Paravas of southern Tamilnadu who form the subject of this
paper were not an artificial constituency born out of political opportunism, but an endogamous, cohesive jati with uniform rites and domestic customs and strong internal leadership. Their consolidation began
Abbreviations: BOR, Board of Revenue; JT, Jati Thalavan (Parava caste headman);
MMA, Madura Mission Archives (Archives of the Jesuit missions in southern Tamilnadu, located at Sacred Heart College, Shembaganur, Madura District); PCD, Parava
Caste Documents collection, Tuticorin; TCR, Tirunelveli Collectorate Records; TNA,
Tamil Nadu Archives, Madras.
I am grateful to the Managers of the Smuts Memorial Fund, the Worts Travelling
Scholars Fund, the Cambridge Historical Society, and to New Hall, Cambridge whose
generous grants enabled me to carry out research in India during 1976 and 1977.
See, for example, Frank F. Conlon, A Caste in a Changing World: The Chitrapur
Saraswat Brahmans, 1700-1935 (Berkeley, 1977).
David Washbrook, 'The Development of Caste Organisation in South India 1880 to
1925', in C. J. Baker and D. A. Washbrook (eds), South India: Political Institutions and
Political Change 1880-1940 (Delhi, 1975), pp. 150-203.
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well before the colonial period, and they possessed highly organized
caste institutions by the sixteenth century A.D. The paradox here is that
the Paravas are all Roman Catholics rather than Hindus. They were
converted to Christianity in the 1530s and 1540s by missionaries under
the jurisdiction of the Portuguese ecclesiastical hierarchy (the 'Padroadd') based in Goa. 3 Under these evangelists the Paravas' Roman
Catholic rites and doctrines came to reinforce their Hindu caste structure. It is rare in south Indian agrarian society for jatis to be organized
on a regional basis, with hereditary caste headmen and assemblies of
elders holding power over the group as a whole. The Paravas belong to a
category of artisans, traders, and other specialized castes with relatively
strong corporate organization.4 The group is all the more striking, then,
in that while unanimously Christian, their cohesion as ajati and their
system of caste leadership were more elaborate and longer-lived than
those of most Hindu groups in south India.
This paper will ask how the Paravas' tight caste structure was maintained during the colonial period, and how the group's social organization was influenced by its role as a client community under European
powers. This bond between colonial patrons and Parava caste leaders
developed within the special conditions of the economy of coastal Tamilnadu. From ancient times the group operated the famous pearling
industry centred in the Gulf of Manaar between southeastern Tamilnadu and Ceylon. 5 Pearl diving demanded sophisticated maritime skills
and a command of specialized information about the location and
tending of the pearl oyster beds in the region. Each colonial power
recognized that it could cream off the profits of the pearl trade most
effectively by building up the authority of Parava caste headmen and
village elders. These notables would then possess the power and prestige
required to recruit and discipline divers and oversee the official diving
sessions or 'fisheries'. Therefore one aim of this paper is to trace the
relationship between secular political power and religious leadership
within the south Indian caste system.
There is a wider aim here as well. In addition to the pearl industry this
On the Padroado Real (royal patronage), which gave Portugal the right to control
Roman Catholic churches overseas, see C. R. Boxer, The Portuguese Seaborne Empire
1413-1825 (London, 1969), pp. 228-33.
Wash brook, 'The Development of Caste Organisation', pp. 150-75; Edgar
Thurston, Castes and Tribes of Southern India (Madras, 1909), VI, pp. 333-4.
James Steuart, An Account of the Pearl Fisheries of Ceylon (Colombo, 1843); James
Hornell, The Indian Pearl Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar and Palk Bay. Madras Fisheries
Bureau, Bulletin xvi (Madras, 1922); S. Arunachalam, The History of the Pearl Fishery of
the Tamil Coast (Annamalainagar, 1952).
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and then up the Keralan coast almost as far as Trivandrum (see map). 8
Most of these settlements are clustered along the shore at the fringes of
more densely settled agricultural areas. Inhabited only by Paravas,
these villages are interspersed with separate Muslim fishing and trading
settlements. Numerous Hindu and Christian Nadar (Shanar) cultivators live in separate inland villages nearby, and there are Parayan cheris
(untouchable hamlets) located at the outskirts of most of these centres.
There has also been a large population of Paravas in the major commercial and industrial town of Tuticorin since the 1580s. The total Parava
population was roughly 30,000 in i860 and 50,000 in 1915.9
The evidence suggests that the Paravas' distinctive identity and
strong caste institutions began to emerge well before the colonial period.
Like the Europeans, the early Pandya rulers of the Tamil country
required the collaboration of specialized fishing groups to operate the
pearling industry for them. The Pandyas and their tributary chiefs
apparently treated the Paravas as a distinct community, receiving
periodic levies from Parava caste notables who managed the fisheries
and received set shares of pearling revenues.10 The Paravas' conversion
to Christianity took place at the climax of a savage maritime war
(1527-39) between the Portuguese and Muslim naval forces allied with
the Zamorin of Calicut. In 1532 a delegation of seventy Paravas
appealed to the Portuguese authorities at Cochin for protection against
their long-standing rivals, the Lebbai Muslim divers patronized by local
Hindu and Muslim chieftains. The Portuguese immediately recognized
the value of a client community allied to their interests in the struggle to
control the Tirunelveli pearl revenues. A party ofPadroado clerics sailed
to the southeast coast, and within months 20,000 baptisms were
reported among Paravas in thirty maritime villages.11
Small groups of Paravas had also settled in inland market centres such as Alvartirunageri and Pettai by the 1650s. [Fr. A. Caussanel, S.J.] 'Historical NotesTinnevelly
District' MS, n.d. [1925?], pp. 21-37, MMA.
Figures compiled from H. R. Pate, Tinnevelly, vol. 1, Madras District Gazetteers
(Madras, 1917), p. 121; Madras Catholic Directory for 1875, 1890, 1896; Fr. L. Verdier,
SJ. 'Memoire sur la caste des Paravers', report dated Palamcottah, i860 (typescript
copy) in Lettres de la nouvelle mission du Madure (bound vols) I, pp. 83-110, MMA.
Stephen C. Motha, A Short History of the Jathithalaimai or the Chieftainship of the
Bharathars (Tuticorin, n.d. [1926?]). Bharatha[r] is a common English variant of
" C . R. De Silva, 'The Portuguese and Pearl Fishing offSouth India and Sri Lanka',
South Asia I:i (n.s.) (1978), 14-28; Pate, Tinnevelly, pp. 230-1; Daniello Bartoli,
Dell'istoria della Compagnia di Gesd: L'Asia. 3 vols (Milano, 1831), I, p. 49. On the Paravas'
conversion, see Georg Schurhammer, Francis Xavier: His Life, His Times, vol. II, India
1541-1545 (trans. M. J. Costelloe) (Rome, 1977), pp. 260-6; R. Caldwell, A Political and
General History of the District of Tinnevelly (Madras, 1881), p. 68; Simon Casie Chitty,
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(C. Comorin)
10 miles
20 miles
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commercial practice, and the notables applied for his official sanction in
marriages and the appointment of new office-holders. With the help of
lesser office-holders (sitatis), the village elders collected kanikkai (fees or
taxes) from each Parava household and forwarded these sums to the jati
thalavan. The Parava caste documents also contain valuable evidence
about internal religious disputes which broke out among the Paravas
after 1839, and much of the discussion which follows is based on this
material. 15
The Jesuit missionary Francis Xavier (1506-52; canonized 1621)
reached the Tirunelveli coast in 1542, ten years after the Paravas'
tactical profession of Christianity. Directed to consolidate the new
converts' attachment to the Portuguese and to instruct them in
Christian doctrine, he built a number of chapels and baptized or
re-baptized several thousand Paravas. 16 It is remarkable that Xavier'smission left such a lasting mark on the group's traditions and observances: he spent less than two years in the Parava centres, and his
religious instruction consisted mainly in teaching the inhabitants of each
village to recite the Creed, the Ave, and the Pater Noster, which he had
memorized syllable by syllable in highly inaccurate Tamil. 17 Nonetheless Xavier's Padroado successors established such a successful bond
between the group's Christian ritual organization and their existing
traditions and economic concerns that they retained their Christian
affiliation for the next 400 years. Christianity became in effect a 'caste
lifestyle' for the Paravas. Francis Xavier himself became a focus for the
group's sense of community and shared ritual life, much like a caste deity
or sanctified spiritual preceptor among Hindus. 18
This collection of some 500 Tamil, Dutch, French, and English manuscripts is
designated here PCD. They include reports on the operation of the pearl fisheries as well
as letters to and from the jati thalavan on social, religious, and financial matters. Most
are dated between 1850 and 1935, but there are also pearling records and sanads
confirming the succession of caste notables dating from c. 1750. The Paravas' Christian
barbers and Hindu washermen performed functions analagous to those of Hindu service
communities, carrying caste insignia in processions and playing an important part in
marriage, birth, puberty, and death rituals. In the nineteenth century the Paravas also
had at least two regional assemblies (nattus) which met at regular intervals to deal with
religious and commercial matters affecting specified groups of Parava villages.
Schurhammer, Francis Xavier, II, pp. 300-10; H. J. Coleridge (ed.), The Life and
Letters of St. Francis Xavier, 2 vols (London, 1881), I, pp. 151-87.
Ibid., pp. 151-3; Schurhammer, Francis Xavier, II, pp. 308-9. The Paravas' distinctive Portuguese names date from this period. They still use Christian forenames roughly
translated into Tamil (Susai for Joseph, Suroni for Jerome, Xaverimuthu for Xavier,
etc.) Their Portuguese surnames (Fernando, Roche, Miranda, deRose, Costa, etc.)
mark offexogamous descent groups within the jati.
Throughout the colonial period families of Parava caste notables claimed an
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The rituals and church festivals created for the Paravas by the
Portuguese specifically confirmed and underlined the authority of the
caste headman and lesser notables. They emphasized the jati thalavan's
role as 'little king' and head of the caste, giving him a role in the Paravas'
religious life which was analagous to the function of Hindu chiefs and
rulers as protectors and chief donors [jajamanas] in Hindu shrines.
Parava caste histories stress the royal 'Pandya' origins of the jati thalavan, 1 9 and in the nineteenth century disapproving Jesuit missionaries
regularly referred to the conventions of kingship which centred on the
jati thalavan. One of them remarked in 1841:
A l'exemple des autres Indiens, ils aiment a se considerer comme une caste; dont
ils se portent bien haut l'honneur et les interets;... ils ne sont pas faches de jouer
a la royaute, et de voir dans leur chef de caste une ombre de roi... Ce fantome
de roi nomme, et par consequent tient dans sa main, les chefs des divers villages
et forme ainsi une organisation generale qui lui donne une grande puissance sur
ce pauvre peuple.20
The jati thalavan's standing was displayed above all through his
leading position in the cult of the Paravas' special patroness, an apparition of the Virgin known as Our Lady of Snows. The group's most sacred
ritual object has long been a wooden statue of the Virgin in this
incarnation. The figure was placed in the main Parava church at
Tuticorin in 1582, when the town became the Portuguese commercial
headquarters in the south. This church of Our Lady of Snows is known
colloquially as the Periyakovil (Tarn, 'great church') or Madakovil
('Mother' or 'Virgin Mary church'). The Virgin-patroness took on even
greater importance for the Paravas than the figure of St Francis, and her
position can be compared with that of a Hindu tutelary goddess.21
ancestral connection with St Francis. For example, one important lineage still believe
that they are descendants of a Goan catechist who accompanied St Francis to Tirunelveli, while their detractor's insist that this figure was really only the saint's cook and body
servant. Many of the Paravas' St Francis legends originated as Hindu folk traditions.
Near Manapad there is a shrine in a cave said to have been inhabited by the saint, but
local Hindus had long venerated the cave as the birthplace of a deified hero (virulu). The
ease with which Roman Catholic beliefs fused with existing folk traditions was one of the
Padroado's great strengths in building up Christian identity among south Indian converts. See J. M. Villavarayan, The Diocese of Kottar. A Review of ils Growth (Nagercoil,
'95 6 )>PP- l 6 - ' 7 19
E.g. Swarnam Edward (ed.), Pandiya Vamsa Parambarai (Tamil) (Madurai, 1911);
Directory of the Diocese of Tuticorin. Golden Jubilee Souvenir (1923-1973) (Tamil) (Tuticorin,
1973). PP- I 0 - ' 8 20
J . Bertrand, Leltres edifiantes el curieuses de la nouvelle mission du Madure', 2 vols (Paris,
1865), II, p. 24.
' The name derives from the original church of Our Lady of Snows, a fourth-century
Roman basilica built on the site of a miraculous mid-summer fall of snow. The August
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close to him held all the prestigious roles as patrons and donors in the
event. A set of twenty-one distinctive painted banners resembling Hindu
procession flags were kept in the jati thalavan's house: these were
formally handed over to Parava caste barbers who acted as banner
carriers during the festival. The Golden Car processions were also
required to stop for special prayers at apantal erected in front of the caste
headman's house. These interludes were similar to the tirukkans (ritual
halts) staged during Hindu utsavam processions at the houses of prominent festival donors. 29
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provide the expertise required to run the pearling industry, and the
Dutch endorsed their powers and prestige as the Portuguese had
done. 31
As these commercial connections with Ceylon became the most profitable activity open to the Paravas, participation in overseas trade in
itself became a reference point in the Paravas' status system. Caste
notables predominated in the group's trade to Ceylon, and so the
distinction between trading families and the mass of fishermen and
labourers emerged as the most important division within the community. By the early eighteenth century ritual and social pre-eminence
among the Paravas came to be defined in terms of commercial activity.
A new title, mejaikarar, became the usual designation for the dominant
Tuticorin lineages connected with the jati thalavan's family. This status
category rapidly became an endogamous subdivision within the jati:
only recognized mejaikarar could marry with the headman's lineage, and
the mass of dependent, ritually inferior Paravas belonged to a separate
subdivision known as kamarakkarar.32
The Dutch ceded Tuticorin to the English East India Company in
1825. After a period of decline in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, in the 1830s British officials reported a dramatic
upsurge in shipping and commerce in Tuticorin and many other
Tirunelveli ports. This expansion was based on the nineteenth-century
cotton boom which made Tuticorin the chief cotton port in south India
by 1845, and the second largest port in the Madras Presidency by the
end of the century. 33 The town was an important regional mart for
jaggery (palm sugar), fish, and other Tirunelveli commodities, but it
functioned principally as an export centre for cotton produced in the
T C R vol. 7968/110/30 August 1839/TNA; Nieuhoff, Voyages and Travels, I I , p. 295;
J a m e s Hornell, The Sacred Chank of India. Madras Fisheries Bureau, Bulletin No. 7
( M a d r a s , 1914), p p . 8 - 1 2 . An M S sanadm Dutch, dated 9 J u n e 1799 and signed by the
Dutch governor of Ceylon, confirms the succession of the jati thalavan: P C D . O n the
endorsement of P a r a v a village notables by the Dutch, see M o t h a , Jathithalaimai, p p . 8-9.
Mejaikarar (from Tarn, mejai: table) suggests persons entitled to dine at the headman's table, hence those of the same ritual standing as the jati thalavan. Verdier's
' M e m o i r e ' states: 'Les nobles [mejaikarar] seuls ont le droit d'asseoir a la table ou le chef
[jati t h a l a v a n ] prend son festin.' See Chitty, 'History of the Parawas', p p . 133-4; P a t e >
Tinnevelly, p. 123. T h e terms are used primarily in Tuticorin, but all Parava settlements
observed the same distinction between ritually inferior fishermen and superior trading
families (from w h o m village adapans, sitatis, and pattangattis were d r a w n ) .
T r a d e in Tuticorin increased ten-fold in sixty years. T h e town's population was
about 4,300 in 1839; 10,500 in 1871; 16,300 in 1881; 25,100 in 1891; 28,000 in 1901; and
40,200 in 1911. TCR vol. 7968/158/19 December 1839/TNA; Census of India 1911, vol.
XII,-pt ii, pp. 8-14; T C R vol. 7976/85/11 April 1848/TNA; TCR vol. 7973/244/5
November 1845/TNA; Pate, Tinnevelly, pp. 20, 447-8.
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mejaikarar over the kamarakkarar majority. This meant that the caste
notables took on a new function in recruiting and channelling labour
which reinforced their ritual and social superiority.38 At the same time
the British still required the caste hierarchy's services in the pearl trade.
The Madras government ratified each successor to the headmanship as
the Dutch had done, and conferred administrative privileges and
powers on the jati thalavan such as the responsibility for collecting
moturpha (head taxes) from Tuticorin Paravas. 39
Although the established mejaikarar families made the greatest gains in
this period, the nineteenth-century trade boom was so extensive that
many ritually inferior fishing and labouring families managed to move
into trade between 1830 and 1900. In 1839 about ten per cent of
Tuticorin's Parava population belonged to the mejai subdivision, but
this was not a rigidly closed class. 40 Instead, the group's status system
was flexible enough to accommodate a considerable shift in the distribution of wealth within the caste. By 1850 the Paravas evolved a formal
procedure which allowed new kamarakkarar traders to gain public recognition as mejaikarar in return for a cash fee and a demonstration of
deference to thejati thalavan:
II faut que le bourgeois [Jesuit name for non-mejai traders] qui desire monter
gagne les bonnes graces du Sadi Talavane [jati thalavan] et lui paie au moins
de 90 a 100 Rupees. Moyennant cela une service a cette table lui sera concedee
et il sera ennoblit.41
It follows, then, that the Paravas' ritually and economically privileged
subdivision would almost certainly have assimilated these newly prosperous kamarakkarar throughout the nineteenth century. The unrest and
violence which erupted over the next fifty years might never have
occurred had it not been for thejesuits' efforts to unseat thejati thalavan
by smashing the caste notables' control of churches and religious activities. The next section will explore these developments.
(Madras, 1884); Steuart, The Pearl Fisheries ojCeylon, pp. 10, 90. The Madras authorities
were so scrupulous in preserving the Paravas' customary institutions that they continued
the practice of paying a daily wage to the group's hereditary shark charmers, whose
incantations were deemed to be essential to the divers' safety. Ibid., pp. 14, 95. There are
English sanads dated 1808, 1856, 1889, and 1926 confirming the succession of new jati
thalavans: PCD.
Calculated from figures in TCR vol. 7968/158/19 December 1839/TNA.
Verdier, 'Memoire'.
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honorifics when banns were read. When the Jesuits were new to Tirunelvili it was easy for ritually inferior families to exploit the missionaries'
ignorance by inducing them to grant new honours more rapidly than
the established system would allow. 45
By 1841 the mission had grasped the principles of the Parava status
system well enough to challenge the caste headman's function as the sole
arbiter of precedence within the group. Since the Paravas did not have
their own priests until 1894,46 they were dependent upon either European or Goan priests to perform the sacraments for them. This was an
important tactical advantage for the Jesuits. The scheme of caste
honours could only operate fully in conjunction with ritualists willing to
provide the sacraments: the allocation of ceremonial privileges was
organized around marriage, festival masses, and the other sacraments. 47
Therefore the missionaries soon developed the tactic of collecting partisans by offering them ceremonial privileges which the caste elite had not
yet sanctioned. As recognized ritual specialists the missionaries automatically possessed the authority to endorse their supporters' claims to
higher caste rank. Several families at the fringe of the mejai status group
attached themselves to the Jesuits, and one of the caste headman's
brothers offered himself as a counter-jati thalavan under Jesuit
patronage. This challege might have succeeded except that the brother
died a few months later, and the mission's faction split apart in squabbling over a successor.48
The Jesuits soon lost their valuable monopoly of the sacraments,
because at this point the Portuguese ecclesiastical hierarchy in Goa
initiated a campaign to seize control of the Parava churches from the
Madura Mission. The conflict sprang from a dispute between the
Papacy and the Portuguese Crown over the right of missionary
'patronage' in India. But this obscure international debate had important ramifications for Christians in Tamilnadu because it provided the
Paravas and many other convert groups with two rival church authorities, both backed by European prestige and resources, and both compet45
Verdier, 'Memoire'.
On Fr. L. X. Fernandes, the first ordained Parava, see J. E. A. Pereira, Rev. Fr.
L. X. Fernandes: An Appreciation (Madras, 1936).
Even though priests performed these necessary services, their parishioners did not
hesitate to defy and even assault their Goan and European missionaries in the course of
local disputes. Priests were often treated as retainers whose importance derived from
their role in sustaining the communicant's ritual status. This view of the priest as a
functionary was closer to the Hindu conception of the pujan than to the orthodox
Catholic view of the priest as a figure of absolute spiritual authority.
Verdier, 'Memoire'.
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ing for their allegiance.49 In August 1841 the jati thalavan and a large
group of families allied with him broke formally with the Jesuits and
declared their attachment to the Goan Padroado hierarchy. A local
sub-magistrate then confirmed the alliance after a riot near the Periyakovil which he blamed on the Jesuits' partisans. He declared the jati
thalavan sole authority over the Periyakovil, and ruled that only Goan
priests approved by the jati thalavan, and not the Jesuits, had the right
to officiate in the church of Our Lady of Snows. 50
Although the Jesuits were debarred by this from the Paravas' richest
and most sacred shrine, they continued the battle to undercut the jati
thalavan, and the conflict with the Goan hierarchy was subsumed and
assimilated into this struggle. Attacks on the position of the caste elite in
Tuticorin had remarkably quick repercussions in the localities, and the
resulting unrest in Parava centres throughout Tirunelveli clearly illustrates the tight integration of the group's social and economic networks.
During the 1840s and 1850s there were continual outbreaks in Manapad, Periyatalei, Virapandiyanpatanam, and most of the other villages. 5 ' Local quarrels over ritual precedence as well as 'practical' issues
such as fishing rights and house boundaries were regularly transformed
into contests between the Jesuits and the alliance of Goan priests and
caste notables. In all these villages dissident factions accepted patronage
from one of the two jurisdictions. The next step was usually a violent
street battle as the dissidents rushed to seize parish churches in the name
of the Jesuits or the Padroado.52
It is striking that the sign of victory in these clashes was a demonstration of control over churches and their adjacent streets and compounds. During the 1870s the Jesuits made much more extensive use of
the Paravas' system of'honours' and status in attacking the jati thalavan. In particular they devised tactics aimed at loosening the caste
headman's authority over shrines in Tuticorin, as they realized that his
powers in the ritual sphere hinged on the special connection between
caste rank and control over churches and procession routes. The disputes which followed provide vivid evidence of the parallels between the
beliefs and religious practices of Tamil Christians and Hindus with
The battle between Padroado and Jesuit authorities is traced in the Madras Catholic
Expositor, May 1846, April-September 1847, April-June 1849.
Verdier, 'Memoire'.
Fr Francis Xavier Costa (Goan priest based in Periyatalei) to Collector, copy of
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22 1
thalavan. Therefore the demand represented the most serious attack yet
on the primacy of the caste headman. 56
The petitioners lost this second suit, but it still set the pattern for joint
Jesuh-kamarakkarar action for the next forty years. 57 This clash also
reveals that by the 1870s the Jesuits themselves were operating according to the same principles of ritual 'honour' which influenced their
Parava opponents as well as large numbers of Tamil Hindus. The
kamarakkarar never stopped using the Periyakovil as the main reference
point in any attempt to gain new 'honours' under the mission's auspices,
even though the Jesuits had built a new separate church (known as the
Cinnakovii. 'lesser church') for their affiliates.58 The mission itself tacitly
accepted the primacy of the group's existing shrines and caste symbols,
as the inducements it offered to Jesuit supporters always focused on
access to Periyakovil precincts or other established signs of rank and
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many mejaikarar. Many boat-owning families, especially those previously involved in recruiting workers for the Tuticorin harbour works,
made important gains as contractors in the Colombo harbour projects
during the 1880s: Tuticorin's best-known magnate family, the RocheVictorias, began their rise as harbour contractors in Ceylon in about
1885. 61
Because of this boom many more kamarakkarar than ever before sought
to make new displays of ceremonial prestige. This is not to say that rapid
economic change in itself overturned relationships of precedence and
authority within the group. While many more families became prosperous enough to sponsor prestigious festival rites after 1880, the crisis of
leadership which overtook the Paravas still derived from a combination
of ritual, social, and economic factors. Furthermore this crisis was set in
motion only when the Jesuits renewed their attack on the group's caste
notables in 1891: the 1880s had been a comparatively untroubled time
for the headman and mejaikarar. Thejati thalavan Dom Gabriel de Cruz
Vaiz Paldano died without a male heir in 1889. The group had never
needed to devise a system for passing on the headmanship in default of a
male heir, and as a result dissident kamarakkarar families were able to
delay the installation of a successor (Vaiz Paldano's daughter's son)
until September 1891. 62
This internal clash gave the Jesuits an ideal opportunity to intensify
the insecure status of the new caste headman. Only weeks after his
installation they threw their support to a number of kamarakkarar families who had taken the unprecedented step of constructing their own
ceremonial caste emblems. 63 The point of this move was to assert higher
ritual standing since control of caste regalia was a well-known mark of
precedence within the group. But it was also a tactic in clear defiance of
the jati thalavan's monopoly of caste rites and regalia. Paravas in
Tuticorin and the villages had traditionally applied for the banners,
torches, and other insignia in the caste headman's keeping when they
small-scale dealer hawking piece-goods around the coastal villages. He then married
into the family of S. S. Fernando, a Manapad Parava who had just started a commercial
venture in Ceylon. By 1900 their textile importing concern was one of the most successful
Parava businesses. They and other prosperous Manapad grocers, liquor importers, and
piece-goods dealers returned from Ceylon to build the showy European-style houses for
which Manapad is famous in Tirunelveli. Interviews, Manapad and Tuticorin, AugustSeptember 1977.
Interviews with the Roche-Victoria family, Tuticorin, August 1977.
J T to Collector, Tuticorin, 24 July 1889/PCD; 'The Bharathars of Tuticorin, 24
July 1889/PCD; 'The Bharathars of Tuticorin' tojesuit authorities, printed memorial,
29 September 1891/PCD.
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karar traders who had already sought to spend their new wealth on rites
and 'honours' reserved for ritually superior Paravas. 68 These donors
arranged for the construction of a massive glass-sided ter patterned on
the one used in the feast of Our Lady of Snows. In it was placed a
certified relic of St Fidelis, specially obtained from Rome. With musicians and barbers carrying flags, caste emblems, and capparams, the
celebrants planned to take the procession along the whole length of the
Periyakovil procession route, in direct defiance of the jati thalavan. 69
The result was one of the worst riots in the community's history. As the
dissident kamarakkarar tried to force their way into the Periyakovil with
their ter and regalia, they were attacked by hundreds of the jati thalavan's supporters. The crowd stoned the capparams with their crosses and
saints' images, and shattered the glass-panelled ter and relic. 70
Despite the violence and the expensive court cases which followed the
riot, in the next months the mission continued to encourage their
proteges to defy the headman and press for the right to carry their own
emblems into the Periyakovil precincts. 71 Disorder and opposition to the
caste hierarchy spread to many outlying villages. In Sippikulam unruly
local families flouted adapans who had tried to punish them for misdemeanours by forbidding them to use caste regalia in marriage
celebrations. 72 In another centre dissident Paravas defied a similar
order banning marriage processions by borrowing ceremonial banners
and insignia from the Jesuits' Parava partisans in nearby Moorkaiyur
and Sippikulam. 73 In 1895 the Jesuits stepped up the pressure by
prohibiting their affiliates from contributing to the regional collections
of kanikkai levied by the mel nattu (assembly of southwestern Parava
villages) in the name of the caste headman. 74 Many village notables
became convinced that the jati thalavan could only shore up his threat68
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ened authority by insisting more rigorously than ever before on customary tribute and gestures of respect from members of the caste, as
indicated by this appeal from the Kutapuzhi pattangatti:
Your Highness must pass strict orders as regards the offerings to your kind self
from every village. The amount should be definitely noted . . . For auspicious
functions such as marriages and funerals, betel should be distributed in the
name of Your Highness and then only according to the village custom. Unless
people of our community heed to your conditions you need not work for their
welfare and save them from riots and calamities done to them by other
M a n a p a d caste notable (signature obliterated) to J T , 11 J u l y 1896/PCD.
J T to Bp. Mylapore ( M S draft), Tuticorin, J u l y 1901/PCD.
Report included in M a d r a s B O R Proceedings 2081/12 October 1900; and B O R
Proceedings 534/22 August 1890/copies in PCD.
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required to form their policies in reference to the jati thalavan and the
existing honours system, and were never able to build up separate rituals
and church discipline in their own right. And a survey of the surviving
nineteenth-century caste documents shows how resilient the group's
caste institutions were at a time when the movement of labour to towns
and plantations and the expansion of the cash economy tended to
undermine customary authority within agrarian society in the south.
Parava caste notables managed to command considerable respect
even at the height of the community's riots and disputes. Their survival
can be explained both by the long tradition of deference to the jati
thalavan and village elders, and by the caste elite's skill in adapting to
commercial expansion after 1880. For example, the caste headman
managed to play the role of'little king' with remarkable conviction until
well into the 1920s. Parava supplicants and village notables continued
to use traditional salutations stressing the jati thalavan's 'royal' status:
'To the jati thalavan, King of the Bharatha Dynasty: his glory hides the
sun; his palanquin is drawn by lions.' 82 'We are always at your beck and
call . . . with the hope of getting all comfort and protection from Your
Honour.' 83 'We have no other father, mother, or master than Your
Highness.' 84 The jati thalavan used this language of sovereignty as well,
referring to Parava villagers as 'Our subjects' 85 and calling his residence
in Tuticorin Pandiyapathy Palace. 86 And in 1928 he formulated a
history of his family based loosely on the discoveries of the Indus Valley
civilizations: 'I am a lineal descendant of the noble Bharathar Kings.
India is called after my forefathers the land of the Bharathars. The pearl
fisheries far famed in history belonged to them.' 87
If we turn to the day-to-day operations of the caste notables rather
than their behaviour in crisis, it becomes clear that the Parava village
notables continued to carry out their customary duties in the midst of
the community's conflicts. The caste documents contain hundreds of
routine reports from village elders to the jati thalavan, notifying him of
marriages, property disputes, clashes over fishing rights, and tallies of
the village levies which they collected (often in defiance of the Jesuits'
ban on forwardingkanikkai to the caste headman). This material vividly
illustrates the jati thalavan's specialized knowledge of the Parava
localities and their resources, and it was this which made him an
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A typical letter sets out details of a dispute over an inheritance of Rs 107 plus a small
land-holding. Alandalei village notable to J T , 31 August 1891/PCD; and see similar
reports from Alandalei (8 December 1893); and Moorkaiyur (29 November
Joseph Fernando to J T , 8 November 1891/PCD.
Suroni Pedar Poobalarayan to J T , 19 August 1894/PCD.
McKim Marriott and Ronald Inden, 'Caste Systems' in The New Encyclopaedia
Britannica, III (1974), pp. 983-4.
Kollam Sinnakadai notables toJT, 1895 (date incomplete)/PCD.
Punnayakayal kattalaikaran to J T , 4 June 1894/PCD. In another case a Manapad
woman bore an illegitimate daughter and then rejoined her trader husband in Colombo.
The Manapad adapan appealed for a ruling on whether the daughter should be acknowledged as a member of the caste and whether she should receive the usual rites for Parava
girls at puberty. Thomas Ignaci Leo toJT, Colombo, 27 December 1891/PCD.
Sippikulam sitalis t o J T , 23-9-1891/PCD. Offenders were made to parade through
the village wearing a crown of thorns or make their way around the village church on
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this sanction was usually imposed at the initiative of local elders. Among
the Paravas, however, ritual and economic ties were not confined to
individual localities. Cases of expulsion and readmission to caste were
invariably referred to the jati thalavan, and the same economic changes
which tended to break down the authority of regional caste assemblies
and headmen among Hindus actually strengthened many of the powers
of the Parava notables. 95 The Paravas' trading connections and regular
migration to the diving sites meant that the institutions of caste had to
operate over a wide geographical area. Therefore it became increasingly
important for the group to take collective steps in cases of outcasting and
the jati thalavan and the regional nattu assemblies were often called upon
to publicize sanctions against outcast Paravas. 96
The mobility of Parava labourers and traders also enhanced the
importance of the caste notables' role in safeguarding 'pure' and correct
marriage alliances within the group. The further they moved from their
home localities, the more frequently commercial men and labourers had
to secure guarantees of legitimate caste standing. 97 Only thejati thalavan and village elders could provide these certifications. The caste
documents contain numerous appeals from migrants based in Madura,
Colombo, and other centres calling on the caste headman to certify their
caste standing so that they could make suitable marriages back in
Tirunelveli. 98
In the economic as well as the ritual and social sphere, the Parava
caste notables were exceptionally influential. In agrarian society it was
the minority of dominant land-holders rather than caste leaders as such
who controlled labour, credit, and marketing in their localities.99 But
like Hindu trading groups, the Paravas had their own sources of credit,
and they used caste connections to organize these credit dealings. 100
From an early period, for example, thejati thalavan and other notables
their knees. Reports to J T from Vaippar, 6 October 1891; Sippikulam, 23 September
Pallam village 'elder' t o J T (damaged: 1891?), P C D .
After the outcasting of a fisherman from Pallam, t h e j a t i thalavan ordered one of
the nattu assemblies to stop the marriage of the offender's d a u g h t e r with a man from Alur.
Reports to thejati thalavan dated 31 May 1896; 27 M a y 1896/PCD.
A labourer who had migrated to Tuticorin appealed for a testimonial certifying his
respectability and caste purity: his son's marriage to a girl from Uvari had been delayed
by rumours that he was 'of an indecent and very low family'. Petition to J T , Tuticorin, 6
May 1895/PCD. And a M a n a p a d trader based in Ceylon applied to thejati thalavan for
a formal certification of his standing as a 'decent member of the Parava community' so
that his son could marry. 13 February 1895/PCD.
Washbrook, The Emergence of Provincial Politics, pp. 6 8 - 8 5 .
See Washbrook's treatment of the Komatis, 'Development of Caste Organisation', p. 152.
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Representatives of western nattu to J T , July 1892 (date incomplete)/PCD; Punnaiyaur munsif to J T , 17 August 1893/PCD.
Punnayakayal gramam munsif to J T , 19 August 1893/PCD.
Manuel Packiam Fernando t o J T (village, date obliterated 1896?) PCD.
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What then does this study of the Paravas demonstrate about the operation of caste and Christian identity in colonial south India, and about
the relationship between institutions of economic and ritual authority?
The Paravas' specialized occupations helped to promote some degree of
corporate identity within the group even before the advent of the
Portuguese. Their close internal organization was then fostered by the
European powers who all required a tightly knit client group to organize
pearling in the Gulf of Manaar. But these economic and political factors
did not in themselves give rise to the Paravas' resilient social structure.
The real explanation lies in the interplay of material and ritual elements
in the group's development: the Paravas' tight caste structure was
strengthened by their religious traditions, and this communal organiza112
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