Author's Accepted Manuscript: Talanta
Author's Accepted Manuscript: Talanta
Author's Accepted Manuscript: Talanta
Bactericidal water filters were developed. For this purpose, nitrocellulose membrane filters
were impregnated with different biosynthesized silver nanoparticles. Silver nanoparticles
(AgNPs) from Aspergillus niger (AgNPs-Asp), Cryptococcus laurentii (AgNPs-Cry) and
Rhodotorula glutinis (AgNPs-Rho) were used for impregnating nitrocellulose filters. The
bactericidal properties of these nanoparticles against Escherichia coli, Enterococcus
faecalis and Pseudomona aeruginosa were successfully demonstrated. The higher
antimicrobial effect was observed for AgNPs-Rho. This fact would be related not only to
the smallest particles, but also to polysaccharides groups that surrounding these particles.
Moreover, in this study, complete inhibition of bacterial growth was observed on
nitrocellulose membrane filters impregnated with 1 mg L-1 of biosynthesized AgNPs. This
concentration was able to reduce the bacteria colony count by over 5 orders of magnitude,
doing suitable for a water purification device.
1. Introduction
Globally, eighty percent of gastrointestinal infectious and parasitic diseases are due
to the use of non-potable water. Poor hygiene and lack or malfunctions of health services
are some of the reasons for which diarrhea remains a major health problem in developing
countries. Contaminated water and food are regarded as the main vehicles involved in the
transmission of bacteria, viruses or parasites. Most pathogenic microorganisms contained in
the water are removed in the early stages of treatment for water purification. However,
water disinfection is necessary as one of the last steps to prevent drinking water is harmful
to our health. In special situations, silver salts are used to maintain the bacteriological
quality of drinking-water [1]. However, high levels of silver content in water could cause
possible human health effects [2]; so it must be taken with special care.
In the last years, the biosynthesis of metallic nanoparticles has been proposed as an
environmental friendly alternative to chemical and physical methods [3]. These last
methods, usually, employ hazardous and toxic chemicals such as reducing agents, organic
solvents, or non-biodegradable stabilizing agents which are potentially dangerous to the
environment and biological systems [4].
Hence, biogenic approach, in particular the usage of microorganisms has offered a reliable,
simple, nontoxic and environmental friendly method [15-17].
According to the World Health Organization [18], many people worldwide do not
have access to clean and potable water sources. The greatest water borne threat to human
health is bacterial contamination of drinking water sources, leading to outbreaks of several
diseases [19]. Recently, considerable interest has arisen in the use of nanotechnology for
water purification [20]. In particular, nanomaterials can be used for small-scale or point-ofuse systems for water systems [2, 21] that are not connected to a central network and for
emergency response following disasters. Such systems should be cheap, highly portable,
non toxic, easy to use and distribute and require low energy input.
In the present work were used commercial AgNPs (Sigma Chemical, St. Louis, MO,
USA) obtained by chemical synthesis and different extracellular biosynthesized AgNPs
obtained from A. niger (NRRL 1419), C. laurentii (BNM 0525) and R. glutinis (BNM
0524). The nanoparticles were synthesized and characterized in Industrial Microbiology
Laboratory of Universidad Nacional de San Luis (Data unpublished). Characteristics are
shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Water borne pathogens such as E. coli (ATCC 8739), P. aeruginosa (ATCC 9027)
and E. faecalis (ATCC 29212) were used as testing organisms. E. coli measures
approximately 0.5 m in width by 2 m in length, while E. faecalis measures 0.6 m in
width by 2 m in length and P. aeruginosa measures 0.5 m in width by 1.5 m in length.
To prepare bacterial culture, bacteria were added to 100 mL of sterilized nutrient broth and
agitated on a shaker (120 rpm) at 37 C during 24 h. The bacteria were separated from the
nutrient broth by centrifuging for 10 min at 2800 rpm and then suspended in sterilized tap
water and diluted to approximately 105 colony-forming units (CFU) mL-1.
Figure 1
The silver loss from nitrocellulose membrane filter impregnated with AgNPs was
determinate in the filtrate by ICP-OES [BAIRD (Bedford, MA, USA) ICP 2070]. The 1 mCzerny Turner monochromator had a holographic grating with 1800 grooves mm -1. The
328.068 silver wavelength was used and systems were expressed as peak height, which was
corrected against the reagents blank.
In Figure 3, the different deposited AgNPs on the nitrocellulose filters was also
evidenced using EDS (energy dispersive spectrometry). The presences of Ag peaks were
observed in greater proportion in the nitrocellulose filters with biosynthesized AgNPs
(Figure 3b, 3c and 3d) than commercial AgNPs (Figure 3a). These results confirmed
micrographs obtained by SEM.
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
After filtration, the filtered liquids were analyzed by plate count method [28]. In all
cases the bacterial growth was negative, since the bacteria were retained on the filter also in
the case of nitrocellulose filter without nanoparticles. But the control nitrocellulose
membrane filter (without silver particles) did not show any inhibitory activity against the
pathogen bacteria when the count of pathogens was performed with the retained by the
filters. Table 2 show the degree of inhibition of filters impregnated with the different
AgNPs. The bacterial growth is represented with the plus sign (+), and growth inhibition is
shown with a minus sign (-). It is noted that the inhibition of E. coli, P. aeruginosa and E.
faecalis was depended on the concentration and the origin of AgNPs.
Filters with nanoparticles from R. glutinis and C. laurentii were more effectives
than filters with nanoparticles from A. niger or chemicals (Sigma Chemical, St. Louis, MO,
USA), against all bacteria. But, filters with nanopaticles from A. niger were more effectives
against P. aeruginosa, than filters with chemical nanoparticles.
It is necessary to emphasize that the tested AgNPs have bactericidal effects resulting
not only in inhibition of bacterial growth but also in killing bacteria. This irreversible
inhibition of bacterial growth is desirable to prevent bacterial colonization of drinking
water sources. In addition, all the impregnated filters preparations were perfectly stable for
at least 8 month.
Table 2
The content of silver was analyzed in the effluent water by ICP-OES. The
maximum average concentration of Ag+ leached from Ag NPs in the liquid filtrate were
16.10-5 mg L-1, 2 .10-5 mg L-1, 7.10-5 mg L-1 and 1.10-5 mg L-1 for AgNPs-Com, AgNPsAsp, AgNPs-Cry and AgNPs-Rho respectively. According to World Health Organization
(WHO) [1], higher levels of silver, up to 0.1 mg L-1 (a concentration that gives a total dose
over 70 years of half the human with no observed adverse effect level of 10 g), could then
be tolerated without risk to health. In all case; levels of silver were below the limit
recommended by WHO in relation to human health.
Furthermore, the average concentration of Ag+ in the liquid filtrate of commercial
AgNPs was an order of magnitude higher than biosynthesized AgNPs. Probably the major
adherence to the biosynthesized AgNPs could be due to the protein and carbohydrate
groups, encouraging a greater interaction with nitrocellulose membrane filter.
In order to establishing the stability of filters impregnated with AgNPs, a tap water
solution was prepared with E. feacalis at a concentration of 105 CFU mL-1. Different levels
of the solution (0.5, 1, 3, 5 and 7 L) were filtered at a flow of 25 mL min-1. The filters used
were impregnated with AgNPs-Asp. Subsequently, the filters were incubated for 48 hours.
No growth was observed on any of the filters. These results showed a significant stability
of impregnated filters, making them cheap and reliable for purifying water.
Another test was conducted to evaluate if AgNPs will affect the porosity of the
nitrocellulose membrane filter. In this context, the different membrane filters were analyzed
by bubble point method, to detect the largest pores in a membrane filter. The analysis
was performed using Bubble Point Tester "it-BP-HP (measure range 200-7500 mbar),
wetted with water. According to the results observed in Table 3, the pores sizes were
slightly reduced by applying of different nanoparticles, especially by biosynthesized
nanoparticles. However, using ANOVA test, there were no significant differences (p <0.05)
between the groups with respect to commercial nitrocellulose membrane filter without
Table 3
4. Conclusions
The authors would like to thank Universidad Nacional de San Luis, the Agencia
Nacional de Promocin Cientfica y Tecnolgica, and the Consejo Nacional de
Investigaciones Cientficas y Tcnicas (CONICET) for providing the financial means and
laboratory facilities.
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A new method including nanotechnologies was used for water treatment.
An impregnated filter with commercial and biosynthesized AgNPs was used.
Antibacterial effectiveness was evaluated in water samples according to WHO.
Biosynthesized AgNPs reduced the bacteria colony count.
Antimicrobial activity could be given by polysaccharides over silver nanoparticles.
Table 1
40 4
Aspergillus niger
40 5
35 10
15 8
Table 2
Ag NPs-Rhoa
Ag NPs-Crya
Ag NPs-Coma
E. coli
E. faecalis
P. aeruginosa
Table 3
Table 3. Study of pore size change of the nitrocellulose membrane filters by AgNPs, using
the bubble point method.
Figure 1
Figure 1. Scheme for possible interaction mechanism between the carbonyl groups of
proteins coated to the biosynthesized AgNPs with the nitrate groups of nitrocellulose filters.
Figure 2
Figure 2. SEM characterization of the nitrocellulose filters with different AgNPs and water
(negative control). (a) AgNP-Com, (b) AgNP-Asp, (c) AgNP-Cry, (d) AgNP-Rho and (e)
negative control.
Figure 3
Figure 3. EDS spectra of the nitrocellulose filters with different AgNPs. (a) AgNP-Com,
(b) AgNP-Asp, (c) AgNP-Cry, (d) AgNP-Rho, and (e) a negative control.
Figure 4
Figure 4. Silver mapping on nitrocellulose filters with different AgNPs. (a) AgNP-Com,
(b) AgNP-Asp, (c) AgNP-Cry and (d) AgNP-Rho. The bright areas correspond to AgNPs.