Newsletter: St. Andrew's Church of England (VC) Primary School
Newsletter: St. Andrew's Church of England (VC) Primary School
Newsletter: St. Andrew's Church of England (VC) Primary School
Mill Race, Stanstead Abbotts, Nr. Ware, SG12 8BZ Email:[email protected] Phone 01920 870097
Newsletter 2 Spring 2014 Dear Parents and Carers, Time is flying by at a ridiculous speed and another packed week comes to an end! This week in our work on Respect, we along with Disneys rabbit Thumper, learnt that if we have nothing kind to say, it is better to say nothing! Like shaving foam from a can or the genie from the lamp, once unkind words are said, they cannot be unsaid and even a heartfelt apology doesnt take away the hurt! Respect involves a consideration of the feelings of others to treat one another as we would wish to be treated, or in Christian terms, to go even further and to love one another as Jesus loves us. Sometimes this is a hard task. We love our children, but they do not come with a rule book or a manual. We all do our very best, but there is no training for what is definitely the hardest job in the world and the biggest responsibility. Sometimes we just know that there must be an easier way! Now, help is at hand. This week you should have received an invitation to join The Nurturing Programme. This 10 week course is being run on Tuesday afternoons (21 st January 1st April) in the Bobtails building by Family Links, who aim to help us to put the jigsaw pieces together in order to get the best out of family life. Mrs. Lewis (Nursery) did this course when her children were small and recommends it highly. We are so convinced that the course will be helpful that we are offering both course and child care FREE to St. Andrews parents. Please speak to the Office ASAP if you are interested, at the time of writing 5 places remain. Family and friends of children in Year 5 are invited to join us for the first Class Assembly of the new term, next Friday (24th January) at 9.05am in the School Hall.
Attendance Matters: This weeks Star Attendees are Year 1. Well done to you all - enjoy your extra playtime!
From the Office: Thank you to all those who returned the questionnaires that were sent out last week. The Mathletics responses were overwhelmingly positive and as a result we will be ordering the program. There has been some additional interest in the Year 3-6 Physikids, however there are still some spare places. Challenge Sport are prepared to let children attend a one-off session as a trial next Monday 20th January. (Parents who have already paid will have a further session added next half term.) Any child doing this can express their wish for a particular sport to be included. St. Andrews Church will be holding their first Messy Church of 2014 this Sunday from 4pm-6pm. Lots of craft and finishing with a sit down tea! It's for all the family - parents, even grandparents. No cost, but the church ask that families book (on 01920 411924) so that they get enough materials in!! Broxbourne Theatre Company offer you one child ticket free with each adult ticket in the stalls for this evenings Puss in Boots (Book on 01992 441946). Bobtails are holding a Bingo Night on Friday 31st January in the School Hall. Tickets are 5 each and are available from Dawn Gardner (Years 1 and 4) and Teresa Crabb (Year 6). Mr. Fone, who teaches brass in school on Mondays has an unexpected vacancy for a junior-aged child to learn the cornet. An instrument is available for use. Please let the Office know if you are interested.
Welcomes this week to the youngest seven of our Nursery children who have now joined us, as well as to Olivia Barnett who has settled seamlessly into Year 2. We hope that they and their families will be very happy with us. Have a good weekend, Rosemary Woodall (Headteacher)