Newsletter 21 July

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21 July 2015

PHONE 9457 2644

A Message from the Principals

Welcome back to everyone for another term. I hope that students, their families and the staff members had a
relaxing, healthy and enjoyable holiday break. Undoubtedly, it will be another busy term as our students complete
another dynamic and busy program of work. This term will see our students practising for and competing in the
Faction Athletics Carnival towards the end of term and also experiencing Book Week again. With Open Night
coming up in the middle of the term, classes will again be preparing their rooms for that evening. In addition, we
will have our usual number of excursions across the school, making for an engaging and full ten weeks. If you are
a new family to our school, we welcome you and hope that your children will enjoy their experience at Riverton.

Congratulations to all those students who won awards at the final assembly for the term held on Friday 3 July.
The awards reflect the hard work, commitment and abilities demonstrated by the winners, who earned those
awards. Thank you to the large number of parents who attended and to the student leaders for their impressive
leadership during the event.
With Mrs Coles leaving the campus at the end of last term to take up a Deputy Principal position at Leeming SHS
Education Support Centre, Mr. Sean Smeed will be teaching in Room 16. We thank Kerryn for her outstanding
contribution to our campus over 12 years here, and we wish her well at Leeming. On behalf of the campus, I
would like to welcome Mr Smeed to the school and wish him all the best during his time here.
Yesterday, we held our School Development Day with our teachers travelling to several schools across the
Riverton Rossmoyne network to attend morning sessions relating to the Australian curriculum, specifically looking
at assessment, standards and planning. The afternoon was spent back at Riverton, where our teaching teams
worked on performance management and peer coaching.

Our Year 4 students travelled to the Hyogo Prefectural Government Cultural Centre in City Beach on Friday 4
July on a Japanese language excursion. They took the opportunity to practise their Japanese language skills and
participate in a variety of sporting and cultural activities as well as viewing a number of Japanese displays. A
fantastic day was enjoyed by all the students. Thanks again to Ms Hall for her organisation and also to the
parents for their support on the day.

Paul Grundy Principal

Angie Kellow Relief Principal

Education Support Centre

Kindy Enrolments for 2016


Tuesday 21st July
Term 3 commences
Friday 24th July
Uniform shop open 8.30am
Monday 27th July
Uniform shop open 2.30pm
Tuesday 28th July
P&C Meeting at 7.00pm
Friday 31st July
School Assembly
Uniform shop open

Applications close this Friday 24th July

The school is now taking applications for enrolments
for Kindergarten students in 2016. Children born
between 1 July 2011 and 30 June 2012 are eligible
for Kindy. Applications close on Friday 24 July.
Applications for enrolment forms are available from the
school office. A copy of the birth certificate, passports
if not born in Australia and proof of address; lease /
purchase agreement and utility account are required
on application.

Office Hours
The Admin office will be open on Tuesday mornings
from 8.30am and not 8.00am. Thank you.

Term Two Subject Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received
subject awards for Term Two;

Mathematician of the Term Awards

Aidan Chan
Room 1
Wilson Wang
Room 2
Elvin Lam
Room 3
Hanlin Shao
Room 4
Sean Bahre
Room 5
Johan Mathew
Room 8
Arjun Kalyanasundaram Room 9
Mahir Shafi
Room 10
Calvin Cao
Room 11
Darian Shamsuddin
Room 12
Kevin Zhu
Room 13
Jordan Lew
Room 15
Zavier West
Room 16
Kane Kutniewski
Room 17
Tiana Adam
Room 18
Cyrus Christo
Room 20
Priska Pellaupessy
Room 21
Julian Lee
Room 22

Music Awards
Noriaki Jayasekara
Chern Yue Khor
Jalay Ashti
Sport Awards
Ella Scorer
Inesh Sarukkalige
Lortoria Fono
LOTE Awards
Matthew Quinn
Rishi Shankara
Ashley Hii
Chen Xu Lim
EAL Award
Clement Chu

EAL News
English as an Additional Language

Reader of the Term Awards

Zara Whyatt
Room 1
Jiah Punnoose
Room 2
Hayesha Laig
Room 3
Elise Powell
Room 4
Chen Yu Lim
Room 5
Paige Bond
Room 8
Ryan Hu
Room 9
Noriaki Jayasekara
Room 10
Ryan Leong
Room 11
Gijoon Han
Room 12
Inesh Sarukkalige
Room 13
Asher Harding
Room 15
Joshua Leeming
Room 16
Max Edmonds
Room 17
Gabriel Yacopetti
Room 18
Tiaana Wintz
Room 20
Krish Kalyanasundaram Room 21
Emily Annison
Room 22

Writer of the Term Awards

Jack London
Room 1
Charlotte Saylor
Room 2
Jacob Saylor
Room 3
Anushka Banerjee
Room 4
Lucy Ming
Room 5
Ryan Powell
Room 8
Jimmy Jiang
Room 9
Zoe Green
Room 10
Chloe Tangg
Room 11
Jazmine McKeown
Room 12
Huimin Liu
Room 13
Christian Mordant
Room 15
Ayden Falzon
Room 16
Liam Ford
Room 17
Rishi Shankara
Room 18
Jerome Hu
Room 20
Keely Case
Room 21
Chen Xu Lim
Room 22

Cultural Club will commence next week. We are

looking for parents from any culture including Aussies
who would like to share something for example a
recipe or sharing your countrys culture. It is a
wonderful opportunity to share something special
about yourselves and be a part of your child's
education. The club will meet at lunch time in the
science room. For more information please come to
the EAL office. Thank you

Emma Fox, Margie Campbell & Janelle Jeffery

EAL Specialists

Sports News
Winter Carnival


On Tuesday the 30 of June, Riverton took teams for

AFL, Netball, Soccer and Hockey to participate in the
Winter Carnival. Our teams were competitive
throughout the competition with the majority of teams
placing between 3
and 4 . I would like to
congratulate Mrs Wallace and the Killer Bees hockey
team for winning the Hockey Shield. I would also like
to thank and congratulate all the students, parents and
staff who helped out on the day.

Girls Only Auskick Pre Primary - Year 3

Riverton will be hosting a Girls Only Auskick Centre
every Wednesday from 3:15pm - 4:15pm over a 4
week period. The program will cost $30 and students
will receive an East Fremantle football, some posters
and a drink bottle. Notes will be sent home in the next
couple of days.

Sporting Schools


The Sporting Schools Athletics program will begin next

week. Notes will be sent home to interested students
in the next couple of days. There will be 3 sessions per
week, with Monday (Years 3/4), Wednesday (Years
1/2) and Friday (Years 5/6). The sessions will run from
7:30am - 8:30am. I will be there to supervise the
sessions. This program is funded by the government
which means it's FREE for the students.


8:30am 9:15am
2:30pm 3:15pm

Friday 24 July
Monday 27 July

All sizes of dresses are now back in stock. They can

be worn in winter with tights/leggings and an
undershirt if you feel the cold, and are cooler option for

Rhys Brooks
Physical Education Specialist

Entertainment Books

Parent Group News

P&C Meeting

Tuesday 28 July at 7pm in the staff room. All

welcome! Please come along and help the P&C
achieve wonderful things for all the kids at the school!
Together we can achieve more!

West Australian Coupons

A very big thank you to the parents (Gill, Natalie,
Bianca, Andrea, Joel, Sarah, and the Education
Assistants) that helped for the Wednesday sessions
coupons cutting, and those families that collected the
coupons from The West Australian. Special mention to
Kane and Blake Peckham for collecting well over 30
coupons each.
In total we collected 1683 coupons and submitted
these over the holidays we will now cross our fingers
and hold thumbs that we get chosen as a prize winner!
Watch this space!

Help Needed: Grant Applications

The P&C wants to submit as many grant proposals as
possible to various businesses (namely Coles/ Telstra
/ Waterwise / City of Canning etc / BHP Billiton - there
is a list of at least 20). We need help with the writing of
these grants.
If you have an hour to spare and access to a
computer, and you are able to write a meaningful
request for support, please contact Gillian,
[email protected] or on 0479
076 616. This can be done in your own time, after
hours and your kind assistance will be greatly

Celebrating Us: The Book!

Can you help? Do you own a business?
Would you like to advertise your business to the
school community and help the P & C?
Our book is almost ready for publication and we
expect to sell at least 300 books.
To assist in publishing this fabulous book and to keep
the price of each book at $5 we are asking for
sponsorship from local businesses.
$200 will give you 1/8 of an A4 page.
$100 will give you 1/16 of an A4 page.
Please contact Claire Money-Horrocks on 0434 096
405 for further information and to confirm your support.
Thank you!

There are still some Entertainment books available.

Books are $65 each with 20% from every book sold
going back to the P&C. Order online at
3t84 .

Aussie Farmers
Order your fruit & veg online and simply enter
Rivertons code 2276 at the checkout to earn cash
back for our school. It's a great way to support Aussie
Farmers and your local community. Go to

Community News
Woolworths Earn & Learn
We are excited to be taking
part in the Woolworths Earn &
Learn program. You can help
our school by collecting
Woolworths Earn & Learn
Woolworths Earn & Learn
Points when you shop at
Woolworths between Monday
15 July and Tuesday 8 Sept 2015. We will redeem
these for awesome educational resources for our
Simply pop them onto a Woolworths Earn & Learn
Points Sheet and once it's completed, just bring it back
to school or drop it into the Collection Box at your local
Woolies. The more we collect, the more we can
redeem. There are thousands of products available
through the Woolworths Earn & Learn program, and
we'd like to get lots of new gear! Products in the range
include resources for mathematics, English, science,
art & crafts, through to sports gear, library supplies
and more.
We are grateful for your support and look forward to a
successful program. If you have any questions, please
ask at school.





Uniform order forms are available at Riverton

Primarys front office for those students who have
enrolled at R.S.H.S for 2016.

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