Newsletter 21 July
Newsletter 21 July
Newsletter 21 July
21 July 2015
Congratulations to all those students who won awards at the final assembly for the term held on Friday 3 July.
The awards reflect the hard work, commitment and abilities demonstrated by the winners, who earned those
awards. Thank you to the large number of parents who attended and to the student leaders for their impressive
leadership during the event.
With Mrs Coles leaving the campus at the end of last term to take up a Deputy Principal position at Leeming SHS
Education Support Centre, Mr. Sean Smeed will be teaching in Room 16. We thank Kerryn for her outstanding
contribution to our campus over 12 years here, and we wish her well at Leeming. On behalf of the campus, I
would like to welcome Mr Smeed to the school and wish him all the best during his time here.
Yesterday, we held our School Development Day with our teachers travelling to several schools across the
Riverton Rossmoyne network to attend morning sessions relating to the Australian curriculum, specifically looking
at assessment, standards and planning. The afternoon was spent back at Riverton, where our teaching teams
worked on performance management and peer coaching.
Our Year 4 students travelled to the Hyogo Prefectural Government Cultural Centre in City Beach on Friday 4
July on a Japanese language excursion. They took the opportunity to practise their Japanese language skills and
participate in a variety of sporting and cultural activities as well as viewing a number of Japanese displays. A
fantastic day was enjoyed by all the students. Thanks again to Ms Hall for her organisation and also to the
parents for their support on the day.
Office Hours
The Admin office will be open on Tuesday mornings
from 8.30am and not 8.00am. Thank you.
Music Awards
Noriaki Jayasekara
Chern Yue Khor
Jalay Ashti
Sport Awards
Ella Scorer
Inesh Sarukkalige
Lortoria Fono
LOTE Awards
Matthew Quinn
Rishi Shankara
Ashley Hii
Chen Xu Lim
EAL Award
Clement Chu
EAL News
English as an Additional Language
Sports News
Winter Carnival
Sporting Schools
8:30am 9:15am
2:30pm 3:15pm
Friday 24 July
Monday 27 July
Rhys Brooks
Physical Education Specialist
Entertainment Books
Aussie Farmers
Order your fruit & veg online and simply enter
Rivertons code 2276 at the checkout to earn cash
back for our school. It's a great way to support Aussie
Farmers and your local community. Go to
Community News
Woolworths Earn & Learn
We are excited to be taking
part in the Woolworths Earn &
Learn program. You can help
our school by collecting
Woolworths Earn & Learn
Woolworths Earn & Learn
Points when you shop at
Woolworths between Monday
15 July and Tuesday 8 Sept 2015. We will redeem
these for awesome educational resources for our
Simply pop them onto a Woolworths Earn & Learn
Points Sheet and once it's completed, just bring it back
to school or drop it into the Collection Box at your local
Woolies. The more we collect, the more we can
redeem. There are thousands of products available
through the Woolworths Earn & Learn program, and
we'd like to get lots of new gear! Products in the range
include resources for mathematics, English, science,
art & crafts, through to sports gear, library supplies
and more.
We are grateful for your support and look forward to a
successful program. If you have any questions, please
ask at school.