Japanese Technology Policy: History and A New Perspective: RIETI Discussion Paper Series 01-E-001
Japanese Technology Policy: History and A New Perspective: RIETI Discussion Paper Series 01-E-001
Japanese Technology Policy: History and A New Perspective: RIETI Discussion Paper Series 01-E-001
Yuko Harayama
Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry
August 2001
The last decade of the 20th century was marked by the emergence of a "knowledge-based
economy," with governments in most OECD countries intensifying their commitment to the
underlying research and development activities.
Japan is no exception. The Japanese government affirmed setting the objectives of a
"Nation Based on Science and Technology" as the fundamental policy goal in 1980 and since
then it has implemented several laws and policy packages in the fields of science, technology,
industry and higher education, with the common denominator being "Industry-UniversityState cooperation." This policy orientation has been consolidated by the Science and
Technology Basic Law, introduced in 1995, which gave the government legal competence in
science and technology.
This trend tends to reinforce stereotypic images of the Japanese innovation system, such
as the "government picking up technological paths" or "industry and government working
hand-in-hand." Does this perception reflect reality? This study attempts to clarify this by
How the technology policy evolved during the postwar period in Japan;
What its impact was on the private sector's decision on R&D activities;
What the underlying philosophy was of the government's R&D policies, if one existed;
What the new perspective is.
1. Introduction
The last decade of the 20th century was marked by the emergence of a "knowledge-based
economy" (OECD, 2000), where technological innovation seemed to function as the engine of
growth, and governments in most OECD countries intensified their commitment to the
underlying research and development (R&D) activities. Reflecting this orientation, we are
also observing a phenomenon of convergence among economic, technology and research
Japan is no exception. The Japanese government affirmed setting the objectives of a
"Nation based on Science and Technology" as the fundamental policy goal in its 1980 white
paper on science and technology (STA, 1980). Since then it has implemented several laws and
policy packages in the fields of science, technology, industry and higher education, with the
common denominator being "Industry-University-State 1 tripartite cooperation." This policy
orientation has been consolidated by the Science and Technology Basic Law, introduced in
1995, which gave the government legal competence in promoting the advancement of science
and technology. The R&D expenditure financed by the government is expected to attain 1%
of GDP during the second term Science and Technology Basic Plan (2001-2005).2
This trend tends to reinforce stereotypic images of the Japanese innovation system,
such as the "government picking up technological paths" or "industry and government
working hand-in-hand," despite the fact that, in Japan, R&D activities are financed and
performed mainly by the industry sector.3
Does this perception reflect reality? This study attempts to clarify this. Pursuing the
proposition of Nathan Rosenberg (1994) that "technology and science, which are now
acknowledged to be central to the achievement of economic growth, need to be understood as
path-dependent phenomena", we examine:
How the technology policy evolved during the postwar period in Japan;
What its impact was on the private sector's decision on R&D activities;
What the underlying philosophy was of the government's R&D policies, if one existed;
What the new perspective is.
Our analysis will be based on a literature survey and interviews conduced by the author with
government officials in charge of the planning of the industrial technology policy.4
This study is organized as follows. Section 2 identifies the evolutionary path of the
Japanese technology policy after WWII, with a particular emphasis on the first white paper on
technology (1949) and the Large Scale Industrial Research and Development System
introduced in 1966. Section 3 focuses on the Science and Technology Basic Law (1995) and
Basic Plan (1996) to investigate how Japan expects to shift towards a "nation based on the
creation of science and technology." Section 4 attempts to perceive the new trend for the 21st
century's technology policy through the analysis of the Science and Technology Basic Plan II
(2001). Section 5 concludes.
A complete overview of science, technology and industrial policies in Japan is beyond
the scope of this study. Our emphasis is just on the technology policy. This choice reflects our
point of view that places the technology policy at the intersection between the industrial and
science policies.
Given these guidelines, the government could intervene in several ways, for example by
giving fiscal incentives for technology transfers, by subsidizing the training of engineers,
investing in the technological infrastructure, and by fixing the rules of the game concerning
standardization,14 normalization and measurement.
Three existing institutions the patent system, academic societies, and training of
engineers were expected to play a crucial role in making these government measures
The patent system, allocating a temporal monopoly to the inventor, was considered as an
incentive mechanism for technological innovation in accordance with Schumpeter's point of
view. Japanese officials were already aware of the property rights issue as a means of
diffusion and dissemination of new technology rather than the passive use of rights for
defensive purposes. The white paper, however, recognized that there were some problems in
its application. The existing laws related to industrial property rights, such as the patent law,
the utility model law, the trademark law, etc. These were copies of Western countries' laws
without any adaptation to the Japanese context, so that social acceptance of this institution
was limited. Furthermore, there was no institution to control and enforce property rights.
Japanese officials viewed academic societies as having two roles: through meetings and
publications, they provided a place of exchange and communication among university
researchers and people from industry; and by participating different government commissions,
members of academic societies contributed to the formulation of guidelines on technology
issues, such as standardization. However, these possible contributions were not adequately
perceived by the industry people at the time, as noted by Masaru Masuda.15
The formal training of engineers was considered to be a key factor in being able to
implement the above-cited scientific approach of production. To ameliorate the quality of
future engineers, the white paper pointed out the importance of having a background in the
fundamental sciences for high-level engineers on one hand, and the need for students to have
some practical experience within industry during their university curriculum on the other.
What should be retained from this overview? First, the white paper emphasized "industrial
technology," i.e. technology with a practical application in industry, rather than focusing on
technology seeds based on R&D activities. Second, the idea of an innovation system based on
the patent system, standardization, quality control, the contribution of academic societies and
the high-level training of engineers was already present. Third, the white paper urged strong
political support to develop a technology-based economy. It is worth noting that all these
elements constituted the key ideas of the "national strategies for industrial technology," 16
which marked a keen shift in the Japanese technology policy by the end of the 1990's.
2.3 Paradigm Shift: A Large-Scale Industrial Research and Development System
During the 1950's, the trend for importing technologies continued. Japan was successful in
incorporating and improving imported technologies, 17 and backed by reinforced quality
control, the production process was greatly improved during the 1960's. A new trend in
technology appeared during the same period: private companies started to set up research
laboratories, called "Central Research Laboratories," which were devoted to developing their
own technologies. Despite the official intention of Japan developing its own technology, in
The "Law on the standardization" (No. 185) and the "Subsidies for development system" were voted on in
Interview by the author.
See Section 4.1.
The most cited example is Sony's transistor radio.
finds its justification in the linear model of innovation,19 marked the orientation of Japan's
technology policy until the late 1990's.
Practically, a big project is implemented in the following way. The Industrial
Technology Council at the MITI selects a technological avenue after consultation with
industrial circles. The Agency of Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) attached to the
MITI is then charged with designing and planning a big project along the selected technology
avenue, after consultation with the Industrial Science and Technology Commission located
within the AIST. Generally, a big project covers the phase of development of the "basic
technologies" and the phase of "system set-up" that gathers these basic technologies that is
to say, a big project is expected to present a "pre-commercial product" in its final stage. In
accordance with the concerned industrial circle, a research association is founded. This is
charged with coordinating sub-research projects commissioned by the AIST to its member
companies, and surveying up-to-date information on the technological avenue. Related AIST
national research laboratories contribute to develop a basic technology and evaluate it. They
also carry out feasibility studies on how to use research results. As for research results, patents
and know-how generated within a big project become the property of the State. However,
priority is given to commissioned companies to use the patents (Nihon keizai chosa kyogikai,
1988). The Japan Industrial Technology Association (JITA) was founded in 1969 to handle
the task of technology transfer, dissemination and the valorization of these results.
What this research system introduces is the presence of a research association. The
latter provides member companies with a place to meet other industrial people working in a
related field, exchange information, share ideas, and to share the results generated by ongoing
research activities. Thus a research association facilitates establishing a network of people and
ideas. Another merit of a research association is its light structure: it is easy to create and
dissolve a research association through the choice of a technological avenue (Group for
promoting the 20th anniversary, 1987).
For member companies, being enrolled in a big project guarantees long-term financial
support from the government, gives credibility to pursuing risky research projects without
immediate prospects for commercialization, allows easy access to up-dated information and
facilitates information-sharing among them. All these elements were expected to consolidate
the technological capability of member companies in the new technology field.
The lack of flexibility is often perceived as a drawback. Once objectives were defined
and research planned, adapting them to the intermediate results obtained within the
advancement of the project became a complex and arduous task, the consistency of the initial
planning having a high priority. Another drawback was the fact that the technologies
developed within a big project were not easily translated into a commercial end product,
especially when the selected technology avenue had not been experimented with elsewhere
(Harayama, 2000).
The choice of technological avenues pursued during the 1960's and 1970's was
dictated in some cases by social needs, such as finding solutions to the problems of pollution,
traffic jams, and water shortages, but the main driving force was the need to fill the
technology gap between Japan and the United States. During this period, Japan had a model
of a technological path, and following this direction, participating companies consolidated
their technological base and succeeded in catching up with American companies in
appropriate fields (Group for promoting the 20th anniversary, 1987).
The "Linear model of innovation" describes the step-by-step process of turning an idea into a commercial
product, starting from basic research, passing through application research and development, and ending in
The situation became more complex in the 1980's when Japan entered the post catchup phase. With no model to follow, Japan had to select technological avenues in its own way,
which involved more risk and uncertainty; the technology required became more complex and
What was the significance of the big projects? The MITI was successful in enlarging
its competency; hence the "industrial technology policy," which included the underlying R&D
activities. One of the consequences was that the MITI's technology policy would be more
focused on technology creation rather than on technology innovation closer to product
commercialization. The AIST, through its functions of planner and manager of big projects,
acquired a certain authority vis--vis private companies, moving from its original function to
give technological support to Japanese companies.
2.4 Incremental Changes
Parallel to the big projects, but based on the same scheme, several R&D systems were
introduced during the 1970's and 1980's.
The advent of the first oil crisis urged the Japanese government to diversify its energy
supply and to exploit new and clean energy sources. Following the recommendation of the
Council for Science and Technology 20 (5th Report), the "New Energy Technology R&D
System," called the Sunshine project, was implemented in 1974 by the MITI (Nihon keizai
chosa kyogikai, 1988). The "Energy Conservation Technology R&D System," called the
Moonlight project, was added in 1978 to complement the Sunshine project. As R&D systems,
the Sunshine and Moonlight projects function in exactly the same way as the big projects, and
differ only in the fields covered. The New Energy Development Organization (NEDO), a
special corporation,21 was founded in 1980 under the authority of the MITI with the aim of
managing the Sunshine and Moonlight projects. It is worth noting that with the NEDO, the
MITI was equipped with a dual structure of R&D management: the AIST and the NEDO.
In 1981, the MITI founded the "Next Generation Industry Basic Technology R&D
System," called Next Generation, along the lines of the government's objective to become a
"Nation based on Science and Technology," as noted in the 1980 white paper on science and
technology. It marked the end of the catch-up phase and the government's intentions were
reflected in its targeted fields, such as biotechnology, information processing, and new
materials, which required basic level R&D. However, the way the Next Generation was
planned and managed was exactly the same as the big projects. Because of this fact, the basic
and innovative nature of this new system was somewhat diluted according to Masuda.22
Besides the MITI, the Science and Technology Agency (STA) introduced the "System
for Promotion of Coordinated and Creative Science and Technology" in 1981 (Nihon Keizai
Chosa Kyogikai, 1988). The Ministry of Education (ME) 23 implemented "Cooperative
Founded in 1959 as a consultative body attached to the cabinet of the Prime Minister with a secretariat at STA.
The Prime Minister shall consult the Council on science and technology policy and respect its recommendations.
The Council, presided over by the Prime Minister, is composed of ten members, among them ministers of the
Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance, presidents of the Economic Planning Agency, STA and the
Science Council of Japan.
"Special corporation" is defined as a public enterprise not directly attached to a Division of a Ministry, an
agency, or a local government. It may be founded under a special law or jointly established by the government
and the private sector (Furuta, 1996).
Interview by the author.
There is a rough division of competency among the ME, the STA and the MITI: the ME is competent in the
"academic sciences", which covers social sciences, humanities, exact sciences and life sciences, including their
applications (Law for Establishing ME); the STA for the "science and technology" which covers finalized
Research with the Private Sector" in 1983 and the "Center for Cooperative Research"24 in
1987. The STA's system consisted of contract-based five-year Industry-University-State joint
research projects focusing on technological seeds. The ME, as the competent authority on
higher education, focused on the research cooperation between national universities and
industry. "Cooperative Research with the Private Sector" gave private sector researchers and
engineers open access to university laboratories, and the "Center for Cooperative Research"
provided the space within national university campuses to carry out cooperative and
commissioned research and training to private sector engineers. It is worth noting that all
these policies underscored the need for Industry-University research cooperation.
In 1988, the NEDO was transformed into the New Energy and Industrial Technology
Development Organization 25 acquiring a new competency in industrial technology R&D.
Although the budget envelope for this new function was limited with regard to the energy
issue, the NEDO was charged with supporting private-sector basic research activities by
providing R&D infrastructure. Thus the NEDO supplemented the AIST to some extent: the
former is charged with implementing the industrial technology policy that the latter designed.
However, in reality the distinction in terms of competency between the AIST and the NEDO
became blurred, with increasing duplication of paperwork and a more complex bureaucracy.
Following this organizational change, a structural change occurred in the MITI's R&D
systems. In 1993, the MITI decided to merge the Large Scale Industrial Research and
Development System, the Next Generation Industry Basic Technology R&D System and the
National Research and Development Programs for Medical and Welfare Apparatus (1976)
into the Industrial Science and Technology System.26 The main reason for this change was to
overcome contradictions that occurred within these systems and to reduce redundancy. The
idea of "system set-up," inherent to the big project, was abandoned, leaving it able to
accumulate the basic knowledge underpinning innovative technologies. However, at the
management level, the established order was difficult to remove, and the inertia of going back
towards the idea of "system set-up" remains today.27
In fact, this shift towards more fundamental work followed the trend that became
apparent during the 1980's as a consequence of external pressure and internal circumstances.
Indeed the United States solicited Japan to do more fundamental research and not just behave
like a free rider. Japanese private companies were successful in accumulating experiences and
capability in R&D, exploiting different R&D programs and supports provided by the
government, and also benefiting from the fruits of their economic growth. They invested
heavily in basic research activities generating the boom of the "Central Research
Laboratories." AIST's national research laboratories were no exception. They clearly oriented
their activities toward basic research, moving further away from industry and the market
To sum up, by the end of the 1980's, the catch-up strategy was replaced by the search
for innovative technologies. This orientation shift implied change not only in R&D targeted
fields, but also in the way R&D was conceived, planned and managed, so that the "Big
research and excludes social sciences and humanities; and the MITI for "industrial technology" which is simply
defined as "industry related technologies under the authority of the MITI" (Law for Consolidating Research and
Development System Relating to Industrial Technology).
In 2000, there were fifty-three Centers founded within national universities.
Its legal base is the Law for Straightening R&D System for industrial technology (1988, No. 33). Despite this
functional change, the institution continues to be called "NEDO."
The system continues to be called "Big project."
One of the Big projects, "Micromachine Technology Project," illustrates this fact (Harayama, 2000).
Project," which became the reference point for the Japanese research system, had to be
restructured. It also highlighted the problem of competency: the officially recognized
distinction between "industrial technology," "academic sciences" and "science and
technology" lost its pertinence, as did the complementarity among the MITI, the ME, and the
STA in their function as science and technology policy planners. They concentrated their
efforts to gain a share of the budget allocation. As a result, the lack of coordination tended to
reduce the efficiency of government R&D investment.
3. The Shift Toward the "Nation Based on Creation of Science and Technology"
Being aware of this fundamental change, the government adopted the "Science and
Technology Basic Law" in 1995 and implemented policy measures to adapt the way the
Science and Technology (S&T) was organized and managed.
3.1 The Science and Technology Basic Law
The 1990's were often called "the lost decade," referring to the prolonged economic recession
Japan faced. With this background, the Science and Technology Basic Law was promulgated
in 1995 to equip the government with a legal basis to pursue the objective of the "Nation
Based on the Creation of Science and Technology,"28 which required the costly and long-term
engagement of the government.
It is worth noting that in 1968 the Council for Science and Technology recommended
that the government formulate a Science and Technology Basic Law (Group for promoting
the 20th anniversary, 1987). However, this failed due to a strong opposition by academia
against the unavoidable idea of Industry-University cooperation (Haseda, 1996). In the 1990's,
the social pressure on academia to increase efficiency and accountability became apparent. In
this context, a closer tie with industry could be considered an argument to justify public
support for its research activities.
Given the stake in terms of the political power such a law assigns to the concerned
ministries and agencies,29 this law took the form of a member bill. A group of cross-party Diet
members prepared the outline with the STA's support. A compromise among different related
ministries, agencies and political parties was negotiated before the bill was submitted to the
The Law can be summarized as follows: The State becomes "responsible for
formulating and implementing comprehensive policies with regard to the promotion of S&T."
Thus the former is expected to take the necessary measures, especially a budgetary one. The
Law emphasizes concern about the cooperation between national research laboratories,
universities and the private sector, the right balance between basic research, applied research
and development, and the training of researchers. Particular attention is paid to preserving the
autonomy of researchers and specifying research activities within the university sector. This
clause left the university sector a means of circumventing those applications that were
unacceptable to them. The Law envisages the establishment of a basic plan to promote S&T,
which will contain operational policies. The Council for Science and Technology has to be
consulted prior to formulation of the basic plan.
The additional term "Creation" compared to the former objective of "Nation Based on Science and
Technology" also signals the end of the catch-up phase.
The STA, the ME, the MITI and the Ministry of Finance (MoF).
Called the "Program to support 10,000 post-docs." This program was expected to revitalize S&T activities in
Japan. The ME, the STA, the MITI, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Health contributed to this
Between industry, universities and national research laboratories.
companies for joint research, and to improve the quality of training engineers (Internship and
The Patent Issue Related to National Universities
Before getting into the analysis of technology transfer, we proceed with a brief review on the
patent issue related to national universities. The reason for focusing on national universities,
which are expected to play a leading role in the process of technology transfer, is that they do
not have a legal personality in Japan. They are considered divisions of the ME, so that the
State, as the employer of national university's faculty members, shall be the patent owner, as
opposed to the case of private universities.
Who has the right to own the patent when an invention is made by faculty at a national
university as a result of research activity conducted within the national university? The
answer depends on the conditions of the funding, on the nature of the research (applied
research or basic research), and on which researcher contributed to the generation of the
invention (faculty and/or private company's researcher).
Article 35 of the Patent Law on "employees' inventions" stipulates that "the employer
shall have a non-exclusive license to the patent right concerned, where an employee has
obtained a patent for an invention which falls within the scope of the business of the
employer." Regarding inventions made by a national university's faculty,32 the rights related
to the invention belong to the employee, i.e. the faculty, 33 since 1978, following the
recommendation of the Science Council which mentioned the incentive nature of patent
ownership (WG on external research funds, 1999).
There are some exceptions to this rule. The State owns the right to a patent in cases of
applied research when expenditure was supported by the State, including joint and
commissioned research by the private sector.34 Applied research in the fields of big sciences
using state-owned large-scale research facilities, such as nuclear reactors or accelerators, are
also similar to the case of "employees' inventions." In these cases, the Japanese Science and
Technology Cooperation (JSTC) is charged with carrying out the patenting operation.
Whatever the ownership of the right to patent, the faculty is obliged to report the
invention to the rector. National universities have an obligation to set up a "Committee for
Invention," which must state who owns the right to patent the inventions made by faculty
members and to decide whether or not the State exerts this right when the latter is allowed to
do so. The rector validates recommendations expressed by the Committee.
Regarding joint research with the private sector, the Committee for Invention states
whether the invention is made jointly between the faculty and private-sector researchers or not,
and whether or not the invention belongs to the State. In the case of joint inventions, in
general the patent is jointly applied. Then the private sector can designate a third party
entitled to the status of preferential licensee.35
In the case of commissioned research where the State owns the right to patent, the
funding institution 36 or a third party designated by the former, shall have the status of
preferential licensee. Article 7 of the Law for Promoting Research Cooperation gives the
Notice No.117 on "the patent issue of invention made by faculty at national university" by the director of the
Science and International Affairs Bureau and the chief of the Budget and Accounts Division, ME (1978).
The employee always has the option to transfer this right to the State.
Private sector includes private companies and special corporations.
Notice No.195 on "joint research with the private sector" by the director of the Science and International
Affairs Bureau and the Chief of the Budget and Accounts Division, ME (1999).
Including private companies, semi-governmental special corporations, cooperatives, state organizations,
international organizations, foreign governments, and foreign institutions.
possibility of assigning the patent to up to 50% of a funding institution located outside the
nation, and by extension, to special corporations.
Once patented by the State, the invention becomes national property.37 The concerned
ministry or agency is allowed to manage and to dispose of this asset, in particular with regards
to the license. To prevent the invention from becoming obsolete during the patenting
procedure, licensing is authorized once the patent is filed. The JSTC is also charged with
carrying out the licensing operation.38
Technology transfer from universities to industry
Observing that inventions made within universities are under-exploited and recognizing that
valorization of these dormant technologies in terms of new products or creation of frontier
industries is of social value, the Law for Promoting University-Industry Technology Transfer,
called the Law on Technology License Organizations (TLOs), was promulgated in 1998. This
Law, prepared jointly by the MITI39 and the ME, aimed at facilitating technology transfers
from universities to industry.
Given the number of non-finalized research projects within universities, the right to
patent the invention falls into the hands of the faculty in the majority of cases (WG on
external research funds, 1999). In general, the technology transfer takes place on the basis of a
case-by-case contract or that of an informal agreement between a faculty member and a
private company, which results in a limited return to the inventor and his affiliate institution.
Thus, the Law on TLOs was implemented to create a "virtuous cycle of technology transfer"
by facilitating the patenting and licensing of privately patentable inventions,40 which shall
generate a financial return that will be reinvested in research activities within the university.
The technology transfer business is defined as follows:
Information gathering on inventions with a potential for commercialization generated
within associated universities;
Acquisition of the right to patent and patent filing of selected inventions among the latter,
or assignment of a patent, and acquisition of an exclusive license of already patented
Licensing (exclusive and non-exclusive license) or assignment of above patents to private
Passing on to the researchers and to their affiliate institution a part of the licensing and
other revenues.
The TLO, charged with executing the technology transfer business, may be organized as a
stock company or a corporation according to the Commercial Code in the case of national
universities, and also as a division of a school corporation in the case of private universities.
The TLOs, once approved (shonin) by the Minister of ME or Minister of MITI on the
basis of the execution plan they present, become eligible to receive subsidies, 41 debt
guarantees and support for information gathering, provided by the Industrial Structure
Improvement Fund.
Thus it falls under the jurisdiction of the Public Finance Law and the National Property Law.
Between1978 and 1999, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science was also charged with administrative
tasks and the licensing of patents generated within national universities.
The Office for the Promotion of University-Industry Cooperation implemented in 1996 was in charge of this
Regarding national universities, they consist of faculty-owned inventions, and regarding private and public
universities, they also cover those owned by the university.
Limited to an annual subsidy of 20 million yen per TLO during the first five years.
Besides the conditions guaranteed by the law, the TLOs may benefit from the service of
the "patent distribution adviser" dispatched by the Patent Office and managed by the Japan
Technomart Foundation without charge to reinforce their competence in legal issues.42
Regarding patents generated within national universities and owned by the State, the Law
defines another category of TLOs those said to be "accredited (nintei)" by the competent
Ministers. They are allowed to file and to keep the patent free of charge, and to exploit these
As for the licensee, the law introduced a derogation to the Law for Facilitating the
Creation of New Business allowing SME to remain the beneficiary of the investment
provided by the SME Investing and Promoting Company beyond the limit of capital fixed to
100 million yen.
After the first period of application, some supplementary measures were taken to
improve the operation of the TLOs. The Industrial Revitalization Law, 44 enacted in 1999,
allowed the TLOs to benefit from a reduction in the filing and patent fees during the first three
years of their operation. The Law for Reinforcing Industrial Technology, enacted in 2000,
allowed the approved TLOs to use facilities located on national university campuses for their
operation free of charge.
Despite these incremental adjustments, the number of approved TLOs and licensing
contracts remained limited.45 Indeed, the implementation and the functioning of TLOs needs
the support of both faculties and private companies, which implies a rupture in the informal
relationship based on tacit agreements and the acceptance of the new rules of the game, such
as contract-based relationships. TLOs have to prove themselves and convince these players of
their usefulness by culminating in successful experiences.
The focus of current TLOs on patenting activities may be another source of limitation.
The TLOs have to aim at transferring technologies in a more pragmatic way, in that the
transfer of the right to patent to the private sector has to be envisaged as one option. However,
in this case, TLOs have to preserve the right to force the private sector party to valorize the
invention within a reasonable amount of time and to guarantee a reasonable level of return to
the inventor and his institution. Another possibility would be to reinforce the TLO's function
of intermediary by informing the private sector not only about existing inventions but also
about the potential of universities to generate new inventions through joint or commissioned
research projects. The crucial question for the TLOs becomes: "How to build a mutually
beneficial relationship between industry and universities?"
Facilitating the Exchange of People
Deregulation is underway regarding the exchange of people.
Measures 46 facilitating national university faculties to conduct research or to act as
consultants within the private sector were taken in 1999.
The article on this issue went into effect in 1999.
Another important issue of this law concerns commissioned research funded by the State, including special
corporations. Hence the right to intellectual property rights belongs to the commissioned research institution.
This law is called "Japanese Bayh-Dole Act" for this reason.
There are twenty approved TLOs (August 2001) and sixty-nine cases of licensing (December 2000) (Data
from the Japan TLO Association).
Amendment to the Special Law on the Public Servants in Education (1998) and other notices by the ME.
At the end of March 2001, there were thirty-six faculties acting as members of the executive boards of private
companies (www.jinji.admix.go.jp/kengyo/).
Twenty-one laboratories were implemented.
In 2000, 218 four-year universities accepted attributing a certain number of credits to the internships (of which
It is worth noting that the ME expressed reservations that internship must remain as
part of a training program and not be used as a recruitment tool. Indeed, private companies
perceive internships as a means of picking up some students well-suited to their needs and
also to their "company's culture," given that having an intern is costly in terms of time,
personnel and administrative tasks. That is, the success of the internship rests above all on the
recognition that private companies have of their social role: by acting as a training-partner,
they contribute to improving the average level of the quality of future graduates, which is
beneficial for the industry and also for the society as a whole.
Accreditation of Education Programs
The University Council at ME recognized in its report (November 2000) the potential of the
accreditation system to improve the quality of education programs within universities. At a
more practical level, the engineering community in the search for international recognition of
their diplomas found a means to attain this objective in the accreditation system, as noted by
Masahiro Hashimoto.50 In this context, the engineering community was the first to move by
supporting a study group comprised of representatives of the STA, ME, MITI, and Ministry
of Construction.
The Japanese Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (JABEE) was founded
in 1999 as a non-governmental association. It is supported by the government, i.e. ME, MITI
and Ministry of Agriculture, and by representatives of industry, mainly the Japan Federation
of Economic Organizations, with the participation of academic societies related to the field of
engineering. The JABEE proposes to evaluate engineering educational programs and to
decide whether or not to accredit the program according to the results of its evaluation. The
evaluation committee will be composed of representatives of member academic societies.
The implementation of the accreditation system is in progress: some twenty
universities will participate to test the proposed evaluation during the coming year. The
accrediting activity is expected to start officially in 2002, according to Kitami.
At this stage of advancement, there are some foreseeable problems:
There are no experienced examiners. Thus a training program for the task of evaluation
has to be envisaged.
How will such accreditation acquire social acceptance and recognition?
How will the results of the evaluation be exploited to improve the quality of the
engineering educational program?
All these measures rest on the idea that universities must be players in the national innovation
system in reconstruction. However, the expectation among related ministries, mainly the ME
and the MITI, diverge on the way in which universities and their faculties must act at the
ground level. Thus, the coordination and cooperation among these ministries becomes crucial
in order to successfully exploit the complementarity between industry and universities.
Given the fact that these measures have been through a cumulative process, the
landscape of the Japanese technology policy became more complex and less transparent. To
build up a coherent system for a technology policy, a revision of the way in which the
government conceives and implements policy measures is urged.
On the university side, in the context of diminishing numbers of eighteen-year-olds,
increasing demand for social accountability, and a vast administrative reform of the Central
Government in progress, this repositioning of universities within the social structure provides
a justification for their raison d'tre. It is up to the universities to find the right balance
between their fundamental missions and these newly claimed social contributions. The ME's
reservations do not mean that universities have an alibi to stay inside their ivory towers.
4. New Trend for the 21st Century
Since the publication of the first white paper on technology in 1949, the MITI's stance on
industrial technology has evolved over time, and accordingly, new laws and measures were
added as described in the above sections. However, building up a national innovation system
requires more than assembling individual measures. It implies the founding of a philosophy
on industrial technology, a structural and organizational reform of the actual systems based on
it, and a clear indication of the policy direction.
4.1 MITI's New Philosophy or the Return to the Source
This move toward the rebuilding of the technological innovation system51 was initiated in
1998 at a meeting of the Industrial Technology Council's General Committee at the MITI
(Masuda, 2000). The new orientation of industrial technology policy presented at this meeting
A comprehensive approach to build a fertile social structure for technological innovation;
A management with the objective of industrial technology policy;
A review of the existing policy tools to build a more coherent and comprehensive system
of policy instruments.
There are two innovations in this proposal: first, the social contributions of technological
innovation were considered the final technology policies instead of technological
advancement; second the idea of "National Strategies for Industrial Technology" 52 was
evoked. This new orientation received a positive echo at the Industry Competitive Council53
and the Prime Minister made a commitment to implement a strategic plan for industrial
technology based on Industry-University-State cooperation. It is worth noting that the Japan
Federation of Economic Organizations (1998) expressed their interest in building up a
comprehensive strategic technology policy. Concretely, the Industrial Structural Reform and
Employment Measures Headquarters, headed by the Prime Minister, decided that the strategic
plan for national industrial technology will be reflected in the Science and Technology Basic
Plan II scheduled for 2001. Herewith, the Committee for National Strategies for Industrial
Technology consists of representatives of industry, universities and the government, and a
working group on industrial technology within the Special Committee for a Basic Plan at the
Council for Science and Technology was founded.54
How do we define the underlying philosophy of this new approach? First, while
maintaining the dichotomy between fundamental research and applied research, which
justifies the division of labor between the ME and the MITI, it is recognized that applied
research may lead to the discovery of new fundamental knowledge. This first point implies
the move from the "Linear Model of Innovation" to the "Chain Linked Model" (Aoki and
The "technological innovation" includes the full range of conceptualization & planning, technology creation,
technology transmission and diffusion, technology valorization, technology management and social acceptance,
social evaluation and feedback.
See Section 4.2.
At its fourth meeting in June 1999. This Council, consisting of Ministers and representatives from industry and
those attached to the Prime Minister's office, was founded in 1999 by Prime Minister Obuchi with the aim of
tackling the problem of unemployment and promoting new industry.
Within the MITI, the Strategy Planning Office was founded in July 1999.
Rosenberg, 1989), which recognizes the presence of feedback between different steps leading
to product innovation. Second, the industrial technology policy is regarded as the result of
academic policy, science policy, education policy, and economic & industry policy (Masuda,
2000). The consequences are that the Industry-University-State tripartite cooperation becomes
the core issue of industrial technology policy, and that the university is expected to become a
key player through its research function, training function and also its guiding role vis--vis
society. Third, the consequent social benefit must form part of the criteria for the selection of
policy tools. Thus the latter must indicate clearly the objective it wishes to attain and assure
social accountability. It is worth noting that the policy tools presented in Section 3.3 can be
seen as a first sign of this philosophy.
How will this philosophy be translated in terms of a technological innovation system? The
MITI proposes to build a system of R&D policy measures consisting of four categories of
support instead of the actual patchwork of several dozen systems and programs:
1. Grants for finalized basic research;
2. Support for finalized research projects;
3. Subsidies to support the practical use of new knowledge responding to the social needs;
4. Strengthening of the social infrastructure55 beyond the research infrastructure, including
culture collections, technologies of measurement, metrology, standardization, and data
gathering on the security of chemical products.
In this new environment the functioning of the proposed system rests on a more active
participation of universities and academic societies. Being aware of this fact, the Office for
the Promotion of University-Industry Cooperation was upgraded to a division within the
framework of the Administrative Reform of the Central Government in January 2001.
Regarding the selection and implementation of industrial technology policy, the MITI
proposes to implement a three-level evaluation system:56
Policy evaluation, which will be done as a last resort by the voters;
Adequacy of projects implemented with the objective of their supporting policy, with a
particular focus on the technical aspect;
Project evaluation according to its objective, essentially based on peer review.
What is striking is the similarity of MITI's new philosophy with that of Riken, and
especially with the main ideas of the first white paper on technology. Indeed, Riken was built
on the dynamics generated by the valorization of the research result and the reinvestment of
this fruit into fundamental research activities. The creation of a virtuous cycle is precisely the
ultimate goal of MITI's new philosophy. With regards to the first white paper, the elements,
such as valorization of knowledge generated within the university, industry-university
cooperation, and consolidation of the technological infrastructure, were already emphasized
as keys to a successful foundation of the innovation system.
Fifty years separates these precepts and Japan has sailed various seas during this period.
So how do we explain this return to the source? One of the reasons that may be put forward is
that this period was dominated by a myopic vision in the absence of an underlying philosophy.
During the 1950's, the development of the basic industries such as coal, electricity and steel
was the priority. Thus the objective of the technology policy was above all to help private
companies working in these industries. During the 1960's, effort was concentrated on the
The National Institute of Technology and Evaluation and the Chemical Evaluation and Research Institute are
expected to play leading roles in this perspective.
The Basic Plan II proposes an evaluation system along this line. See Section 4.3.
adaptation and improvement of imported technologies and Japan grasped the catch up with
success. The 1970's were dominated by energy and environmental problems and Japan
succeeded in shifting from a technology policy orientated to heavy industry to one orientated
to the high tech industry, with a particular focus on electronics. The international pressure
against a "basic research free ride" during the 1980's, in the context of the "bubble economy,"
induced the private sector and national research laboratories to invest strongly in the fields of
basic research, deviating the concern of policy-makers from the valorization of industrial
technology. The economic recession, which characterized the 1990's, was the incentive to
review past policies. The government was attentive and responsive to the change in
environment, and proposed a number of incremental and individual policy measures that were
far removed from building up a coherent innovation system founded on a long-term vision.
Hence, these last fifty years allowed Japan to accumulate knowledge, not only within
universities and national research laboratories, but also within private companies. There is an
important stock of intellectual assets in terms of ideas, know-how and people waiting to be
utilized in a more coherent way. In this context, the rethinking of the role of government and
the reconstruction of the industrial technology policy were timely and indispensable.
One can find another similarity between MITI's philosophy and the US technology policy
pursued during the 1980's and reinforced under the Clinton administration. As noted in
Section 2.4, Japan's free-ride attitude was considered a serious threat during the 1980's.
Congress decided to enlarge the federal government's role in R&D, and proposed supporting
development of a technology conducive to marketable products by reinforcing the cooperation
between industry, university and government laboratories 57 (Schacht, 1998). The Clinton
administration (Clinton Technology Policy Initiative, 1993) considered technical
advancement as part of its economic policy and clearly indicated that the federal government's
effort should be directed into the valorization of technology in terms of new products and a
production process through targeted investments and Government-Industry-Academia
cooperation, beyond its traditional support of basic research. The National Science and
Technology Council was founded in 1993 with the aim to "coordinate science, space, and
technology" and to "coordinate the diverse parts of the Federal research and development
enterprise." It is worth noting that again Japan was cited as a successful case of industrial
technology advancement orchestrated by the government; hence it gave a rationale for a more
active role of the federal government in the technology issue.
Is Japan catching up to the US in the field of technology policy? Undeniably, the US
technology policy gave Japan the rationale for a more development-oriented and targeted
technology policy.58 However the challenges that face these respective governments seem to
be quite different, so that the significance of their technology policy is far from being
identical. In the US, industry and research universities have long and consolidated
experiences of cooperation (Rosenberg, 2000), and the federal government reinforced its role
of complementation and catalyst, while in Japan, the cooperation between industry and
research universities has remained limited due to the existing institutional, legal, and cultural
barriers. The implementation of the new philosophy calls for the removal or reduction of these
barriers and the cohesion of all implied players industry, universities and State beyond the
incentive measures. In this context, the Japanese government's task will be above all to
convince industry and universities to build up a mutually beneficial relationship, and not just
to complement one another.
Several laws and programs, such as the Advanced Technology Program, the Stevenson-Wydler Technology
Innovation Act and its successive amendments, and the Bayh-Dole Act, were implemented in this direction.
As mentioned in the Overview of the "National Strategies for Industrial Technology" (2000). See Section 4.2.
Sixteen sectors were selected to implement the sector-specific strategy. Among them were biotechnology,
information technology, machinery, chemistry, energy, environment, materials, and automotive.
The Preparatory Office of the Science and Technology Basic Plan,60 set up at the STA
and consisting of representatives from the STA, the ME and the MITI, started to review the
Basic Plan I in 1999. Its aims were to assess the effects of the Basic Plan I, to identify
inherent problems and to take them into consideration when preparing the Basic Plan II. Their
conclusion61 is summarized in Table 2.
Remaining problems
To be improved
Investment in physical infrastructure was insufficient (total
amount of budget has decreased between the period 19911995 and 1996-2000)
The number of research support staffs by researcher remained
low (0.84 at national labs and 0.24 at national universities in
Absence of feedback
Lack of transparency
Limited effect
Source: "Follow-up of the Science and Technology Basic Plan" (January 2000)
The result is that the expectation of the Basic Plan I was not fully realized although the
quality of the R&D environment was improved to a certain extent. Nevertheless, given that,
the first Basic Plan I remained inertly tied to the linear model of innovation and was focused
on "science" and "research activities," so that Japan still encounters difficulties when
translating inventions in terms of innovative products. In other words, the "interface with the
society" is not yet wholly established. To overcome this problem, the Basic Plan II launches
its concept of science and technology as follows: science and technology within the society,
serving the society, and receiving feedback from the society.62 Accordingly, it defines three
general objectives that Japan has to pursue, which are:
To become a center of knowledge creation and exploitation;
To build up a secure society;
To ensure international competitiveness and sustainable development,
and specify how science and technology may contribute to reach these objectives.
Competitive environment
Evaluation system
Supporting system
R&D management
To enlarge the competency and the responsibility of the head of a research institution
To make organization of R&D flexible
Tripartite cooperation
The major change with regards to the Basic Plan I is that the government clearly affirms its
intention to build a technological innovation system which will serve the society as a whole,
and its preference for a "strategic" and "targeted" approach.
Besides the traditional support for basic research, research funds will be allocated
giving priority to the fields of life sciences, information technology, environment, nanotechnology and materials, energy, manufacturing technology, social infrastructure, and new
frontiers likely to bring solutions to the major problems that will face society in the future.
This choice reflects the guidelines of the National Strategies for Industrial Technology,
though the argument to develop new markets is attenuated.
Regarding the innovation system, the Basic Plan II indicates the way the reform must be
In summary, the Basic Plan II presents a vision of an innovation system functioning in a
competitive environment and is based on close ties between industry, universities and national
research laboratories, and on the dynamics generated by the exchange of people and ideas
across these three sectors. Given the case of the United-States, which successfully stimulated
the high-tech industry and engineered economic growth during the last decade by exploiting
the synergy and complementarity between these sectors in a highly competitive environment,
the Basic Plan II seems to go in the right direction. However the question remains as to
whether the measures and means it proposes are justified, adequate and adaptable in the
Japanese context.
The first point, "the creation of a competitive environment coupled with an evaluation
system", can be perceived as a remedy for the malfunctioning of State intervention. Indeed,
the market force alone is unable to induce an efficient level of R&D activities due to their
public good characteristics and the presence of high costs, externalities, and high risk.
Generally the State can intervene by implementing patent law, by executing R&D itself
(through national research laboratories), by subsidizing R&D activities, by picking up
winners, and by forming research consortia, etc. The efficiency of these measures depends
greatly on the capacity of the State to overcome the problem of asymmetric information. The
State faces problems such as:
On which criteria the allocation of research funds must be based;
How to guarantee that the researcher pursues an initially declared objective once research
funds are allocated;
If the State has allowed researchers the discretion to adjust their research projects
according to the intermediary research results.
There is no guarantee that the State has better information than the private sector, thus the
problem of public failure may arise. In this context, the decision to increase competitive
research funds and to reinforce an evaluation system, which are likely to increase
transparency of the State's decision-making process, is a move in the right direction, assuming
that the administrative tasks remain manageable and that all players accept these new rules. It
is worth noting that these measures are more easily applied in some research fields, mainly
engineering, applied sciences, and life sciences, than in others, such as humanities and social
sciences. In the latter, research activities contribute to increasing the knowledge base, and
thus are likely to increase social welfare in the long-term, though their immediate social
contribution remains limited. For this reason, and recognizing that only the State can maintain
"discipline-diversity," the competitive allocation of research funds must be prevented from
being directed only by a myopic approach and short-term gain.
See Table 3.
With regard to tripartite cooperation, legal, 64 administrative, and cultural barriers exist
between industry, universities and national research laboratories. They restrain the free
movement of people and ideas, which may result in an inefficient allocation of resources and
in a deceleration of the process of innovation. Thus it is up to the State to remove or reduce
these barriers and it has the capacity to do this, at least with legal and administrative barriers
as illustrated in Section 3.3. The revision of the status of national universities is beyond the
scope of the Basic Plan II. However, our point of view is that the acquisition of legal status by
national universities is a pre-condition65 before discussions on mutually beneficial tripartite
cooperation can take place, the reason being that the latter should be based on decisionmaking by each player, and not by their tutors. The example of patent ownership within the
framework of commissioned research by a private company is illustrative: the host national
university is not eligible to become a patent owner, so that all inventions resulting from
research activities under the contract fall into the hands of the State. As for the cultural barrier,
the top-down approach is less well suited, the reason being that the perception one has of
others does not change by decree. The State shall provide occasions to establish an informal
network of people across sectors, for example by supporting private initiatives to organize
forums or meetings. This is the solution proposed by the Basic Plan II to resolve the problem
of asymmetric information between public research institutions and industry. By giving
incentives in this direction, the State may play the role of catalyst.
The coordination among Ministries and Agencies involved in the sciences and technology,
especially the ME, MITI and STA, constitutes a key element for a successful implementation
of technology policy.66 The reason for this is that each of them has its own competency and
research institutions so that there is a strong possibility that their interests will diverge and
that they will act as substitutes and even as competitors, instead of playing a complementary
role. Putting aside the cultural aspects specific to each institution, the main barrier to the
coordination comes from the fact that these Ministries and Agencies have a double function: a
planning function and implementation, i.e. the execution of research projects. The weight in
terms of R&D budget67 is likely to induce a certain political power, thus policy planning may
be biased towards the Ministry's or Agency's interests.
Until January 2001, the STA was assigned to plan, design, and implement science and
technology policy with the aim of promoting science and technology in a coherent, efficient
and effective way. The Council for Science and Technology, as a consultative organ on
science and technology policies, has the means to play the role of coordinator. The fact is that
neither the STA nor the Council for Science and Technology were able to arbitrate different
points of view. One of the reasons may be the double function of the former, and the limited
number of permanent staff and restricted competency of the latter. In practice, the Ministry of
Finance plays the role of arbitrator at times of budget negotiations, with the risk that the
financial considerations overshadow the scientific, technological, economic and social
For example, the national university is under the jurisdiction of the Special Law for Civil Servants in
Education, the Official Requirements for the Establishment of Universities, the Law for Establishing National
Schools, and National Schools Special Public Finance Law among others.
Independent of the actual discussion on whether or not to apply the Independent Administrative Institution
Law to national universities.
Since January 2001, the MITI was renamed Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). The ME and
STA were merged and became Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).
However this fusion will certainly take time to become operational, and the problem of coordination between the
MEXT and the METI remains. For these reasons, we maintain our argument in favor of coordination.
Percentage of R&D expenditures by Ministry and Agency on the total R&D expenditure of the government in
1999: 41.7% ME, 24.5% STA, 16.1% MITI (ME, 1999).
The General Science and Technology Council, the successor of the Science and
Technology Council founded in January 2001, is expected to play the role of coordinator. The
main changes are as follows:
The General Council, including its secretariat,68 is directly attached to the Cabinet Office;
Its membership was enlarged69;
There are fifty to sixty staff70 including representatives of the industry sector.
In addition to these organizational changes, the General Council is allowed to advise the
Prime Minister and other related Ministers on the science and technology policy, including
resource allocation, beyond its consultative function (Law for Establishing Cabinet Office,
2000; Council for Administration Reform of the Central Government, 1997). Another
innovation is the move from "science and technology" to the "academic sciences." By adding
the term "General", the General Council intends to cover science and technology in a
comprehensive way, including the humanities and social sciences, going beyond exact
sciences, life sciences and engineering. The General Council shall prove its capacity to
coordinate at the ground level, starting with the Basic Plan II.
5. Conclusion
The evolution of the Japanese technology policy shows that it is not just limited to
technological advancement, but rather, there are significant economic, political and
institutional implications. Thus, a comprehensive approach is needed to prevent generating
any negative outcomes and to take advantage of the synergy that may exist among different
With regards to the investment in the innovation process, the presence of market
failures and the fact that the social rate of return is superior to the private rate of return
justifies the State's intervention. The question remains over how to choose the means.
Although a clear philosophy was already expressed in the 1949 white paper, the Japanese
technology policy has often been dictated by short-term visions and external pressures. Japan
had to wait until the advent of the 1990's recession before any reconsideration of its
technology policy was instigated. The new philosophy, with a particular emphasis on social
contribution, fixes objectives that promote tripartite cooperation, to create a competitive
environment and set an evaluation system. Accordingly, different means are proposed within
the framework of the Basic Plan II. However, one must keep in mind that these objectives are
not the ultimate aims of the plan, just a means to remove or reduce existing barriers to free the
flow of people and ideas, to set the rules of the game, and to generate the dynamics of
This is our last comment on the decision-making process. The trend, which dominates
throughout this review of Japans technology policy, is the top-down approach. The State acts
as a social planner by making decisions based on the information it possesses. In this context,
the problem of asymmetric information may arise, and in some cases it is less costly to let
private agents decide on their own preferences and then take advantage of the private
The secretariat of its predecessor was hosted by the Bureau of Science and Technology Policy (STA) and with
the support of the Division of Academic Affairs at the Science and International Affairs Bureau (ME) regarding
the university issue.
Passing from ten to the maximum number of fourteen and leaving to the Prime Minister a greater margin to
define the composition of members.
Representatives from the STA and MITI and one civilian were appointed as chief executives of the secretariat.
The five positions for counselor are occupied by representatives from the STA, MITI and Ministry of
Agriculture (Yomiuri, October 29th 2000).
initiative, i.e. to benefit the bottom-up approach. How do we find the right balance between
these two approaches? Our point of view is that the principle of subsidiarity has to decide on
the relationship between private agents and the State: when private agents manifest difficulty
in overcoming market failures, it is up to the State to intervene in a concerted manner,
respecting the principles of accountability and assuming its social responsibility.
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List of interviewed persons
Junichi Kitami, Office for the Promotion of University-Industry Cooperation, MITI,
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Masaru Masuda, AIST, MITI, August 2000.
Hironori Nakanishi, Technology Strategy Planning Office, AIST, MITI, October 1999.
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Akito Tani, Technology Strategy Planning Office, AIST, MITI, August 2000.
7. Translation
Academic Corporation
Gakko hojin
Accounts Law
Kaikei ho
Kogyo gijutsu in
Applied research
Oyo kenkyu
Cabinet Office
Cabinet decision
Kakugi kettei
Commissioned research
Itaku kenkyu
Hatsumei iinkai
Kaigi (Shingikai)
Kogyoka shiken
Development Programs for Medical and Iryo fukushi kiki gijutsu kenkyu kaihatsu
Welfare Apparatus
Division of Evaluation
Hyoka bu
Kotokyoiku kyoku
Dormant patent
Kyumin tokkyo
Evaluation Committee
Hyoka iinkai
Experimental Laboratory
General Committee
Sogo bukai
Shogaku kifukin
Industrial Council
Seisan chosakai
Rikagaku kenkyujo
Intellectual assets
Chiteki shisan
IT Strategy Council
IT senryaku kaigi
Joint Research
Kyodo kenkyu
Naikakufu sechi ho
Monbusho sechi ho
Kogyo hyojunka ho
Measuring control
Keisoku kanri
No shomu sho
Shoko sho
Tsusan kensajo
Kokuyu zaisan ho
Office of Science and Technology Basic Kagaku gijutu kihon keikaku shitsu
Tokkyo ho
Zaisei ho
Public cooperation
Tokushu hojin
Koeki hojin
R&D Officer
Research Association
Kenkyu kumiai
Research Laboratory
Research Institute
Science Council
Special Committee for Basic Plan at the Kagaku gijutsu kaigi kihon keikaku
Council for Science and Technology
tokubetsu kaigo
Special Corporation
Tokushu hojin
Sunshine Project
Sunshine keikaku
Supplementary budget
Hosei yosan
Kisei kanwa suishin 3 kanen keikaku
University Council
Daigaku shingikai
Boei tokkyo