JAPAN Western Science and Japanese Culture
JAPAN Western Science and Japanese Culture
JAPAN Western Science and Japanese Culture
Western science and
Japanese culture
1. Introduction
Western science and technology (S&T) were brought to Japan from the 16th
century via Portugal and the Netherlands. Through the mid-19th century,
Japan was a closed country, permitting commerce only with the Dutch. This
precedent was broken by the American naval expedition that came to Japan
in 1853 from the east and, in one stroke, the country reluctantly opened
its doors to Western countries. The Tokugawa shogunate was overturned
by the Meiji Restoration in 1868, and that marked the beginning of
Japan’s modernisation.
It was only after the Meiji Restoration that education in modern Western
S&T could formally be offered, though Japan had its own tradition of S&T
before then (Nagahama, 1994). As a consequence, the Japanese people
have interacted with modern science for only about 150 years. After taking
political steps to introduce Western S&T, Japan as a nation hastened along
in the spirit of trying to catch up and then surpass it. During that time,
most Japanese people believed that S&T would gradually advance if left in
the hands of specialists, and Japan would go on to win fame as an advanced
country. This chapter presents a short history of science communication in
Japan in this context (see also Watanabe, 2017).
Communicating Science
The Japanese government followed this policy during the latter half
of the century.
The Council for Science and Technology was established in 1959 to advise the
prime minister on S&T-related policies. In its first policy proposal in 1960,
the council opined that while it was vital for Japan to develop a talented
workforce to drive its long-term pursuit of the sciences and technologies
needed to grow the economy and improve lives, the Japanese people lacked
basic knowledge of and education on these subjects. Moreover, there just
wasn’t the required political will and public sentiment to provide support
for such activities. Therefore, the council said, the government must start by
raising awareness of S&T among the populace. It can be said that this policy
marked the dawn of public administration aimed at boosting the public
understanding of science and technology (PUST).
That same year, National Science and Technology Week was established.
It is the week around 18 April each year, the day itself having been known as
Invention Day since 1954. It might be one of the earliest attempts of its kind
in the world, with even countries like the UK not starting a national science
week until 1994 (Briggs, 2001). That same year the Japanese government and
industry together established the Japan Science Foundation to contribute to
1 This is an authoritative annual report on the Japanese goverment’s science and technology
policies. It features special themes as the main topics every year.
2 All citation from Japanese documents are translated by authors.
22. Japan
The 1960 policy proposal by the Council for Science and Technology
mentioned above also set long-range targets in various S&T fields. These
focused on achieving, within 10 years, a general advance in living standards
and proposed the necessary strategies for fostering capable human resources.
These were presented as being necessary for economic development. It also
highlighted the need to promote PUST on the grounds that ‘Public knowledge
and literacy regarding S&T are very poor and the political and public bases
for the support of S&T are very weak’ (from the council’s recommendation
(Council for Science and Technology, 1960)). Such a top-down policy was
sustained during the 1960s and 1970s.
The Japanese government continued to tout ‘the dream of S&T’ until the
1970s. In Japan, a national opinion survey of public attitudes toward S&T—
its main question being whether or not people have an interest in science
news—has been conducted almost every five years since 1976. Although
the significance of such a survey has been controversial (Durant, Evans and
Thomas, 1989), we can recognise an interesting trend by analysing differences
among generations. From the results of the survey, it was shown that people
in their 20s and 30s reported the highest levels of interest in S&T in 1976,
and this generation would maintain its interest in S&T throughout the
survey period (Watanabe and Imai, 2003). This may be attributable to the
PUST Policy implemented by the government during the 1960s and 1970s.
As the 1980s began, while people’s lives had become richer to some degree, the
negative aspects of cutting-edge S&T had also become apparent, and society
on the whole had grown increasingly indifferent to science. The White Paper
on Science and Technology: Trajectory and Prospects on the Development
of Science and Technology published in 1980, the year following the Three
Mile Island accident in the US, contained a section titled ‘Requirements for
Promoting Science and Technology’. It claimed that ‘Public understanding
and cooperation are necessary for promoting S&T’. We should note that this
Communicating Science
However, even these kinds of events that convey the pleasures of science
to the youth would appear to be insufficient for instilling a recognition of
the importance of knowing how to make the most out of science in daily
life. Evidence of this comes from the Program for International Student
Assessment (PISA) survey of 15-year-olds in 2006. It showed that only 8 per
cent of Japanese students expected to have a science-related occupation at
the age of 30, the lowest proportion in the world (OECD, 2007). Although
Japan’s children may get good grades in these subjects, it appears that they do
not wish to work in S&T-related jobs.
At the same time, it seems important that people appreciate S&T not just
as mere tools but also as a great cultural heritage or property that has been
built by humankind. The days when it was thought best to leave matters in
the hands of specialists tied to narrow specialised fields are gone. The time
22. Japan
has come for each and every citizen to think about the ways in which they
interact with science. Achieving this calls for a new goal. This was the situation
in Japan at the end of the 20th century when the new concept of science
communication was born. But despite the new ways of thinking about science
communication in international discussions, the Japanese government still
focused on education, understanding and interest with regard to science. The
government enacted the Science and Technology Basic Law in 1995 with the
aim of raising the standards of S&T in Japan and set out the First Science
and Technology Basic Plan, a five-year government plan that included the
promotion of PUST (Science and Technology Agency, 1996).
In the UK, the Select Committee on Science & Technology of the House of
Lords published its Third Report: Science and Society (House of Lords, 2000)
and the report Science and the Public (Office of Science and Technology
and Wellcome Trust, 2000) was also published in the wake of the bovine
spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) outbreak. This marked a shift in the S&T
policy of the UK government toward promoting public engagement with
science and technology (PEST).
In response to such world trends, the Japanese Society for Science and
Technology Studies was founded in 2001. Japanese researchers in the field of
S&T studies have sparked a new wave of PEST in Japan, holding events such
as consensus conferences on the topic of gene therapy. Preceding this, two
reports championing science communication were published in Japan, one
proposing the establishment of ‘science communication plazas’ (Nakamura,
1991) and the other proposing the founding of ‘S&T communication
centres’ (Nagahama, Kuwahara and Nishimoto, 1991). The former proposal
was realised in 1993 in Osaka, Japan, with the JT Biohistory Research Hall,
a unique research centre with exhibitions open to the public. The latter
proposal was for facilities such as S&T study (STS) centres. These have yet to
be realised despite being the focus of a report published by a government think
tank, the National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP). An
informal meeting held by the Minister of Science and Technology ventured
that ‘Interpreters who can explain cutting-edge science topics to the layperson
are essential’ (the detail of the informal meeting is discussed in Watanabe
and Imai, 2003).3 Consequently, the early inroads made by the science
communication movement in Japan were driven by government promotion
3 National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, Miraikan, was founded in 2001.
The concept of Miraikan might be based on this declaration. Miraikan introduced an on-the-job
training system for science communication professionals. Science Interpreters—this name was changed
to Science Communicators a few years later—are appointed on a fixed-term basis for a maximum of five
years. About 40 Science Communicators engage in science communication activities during their terms.
Communicating Science
based on the ‘deficit model’ or people in the academic field of STS within
their community. This was one reason why science educators and science
centre personnel who had been supporting PUST since the 1960s were
unfamiliar with the new concept and practice of science communication.
transfer between experts and the public in societal issues related to the two
subjects’ (Hokkaido University CoSTEP, n.d.). These two programs were
offered as certificate programs rather than as full degree programs, so that
students specialising in any disciplinary subjects for their degree could
participate. In contrast, the Master of Arts Program for Journalist Education
in Science and Technology (MAJESTy) at Waseda University was set up as
a postgraduate degree program in order to ‘train students as journalists who
can make a balanced assessment of issues surrounding science and technology
both today and in the future’ (Waseda University, n.d.). These programs were
partly modelled on overseas examples.
Another certificate training program in science communication for
postgraduate students was started at the National Museum of Nature and
Science in 2006 (Ogawa, Kamei and Shimizu, 2006). The program is run in
collaboration with universities.
In 2006, Science Agora was started in Tokyo with the support of the Japan
Science and Technology Agency. It is an annual forum that aims to be
a pivot for a network linking all kinds of science communication activities
together. The event is essentially a miniature version of the AAAS Annual
Meeting and similar to Europe’s EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF), except
that Science Agora features free admission and anyone can attend any
session. Science Agora is said to be ‘like a big salad bowl’ (Umehara and
Watanabe, 2012): a wide variety of people including families, students,
teachers, researchers, administrators, politicians and science communication
practitioners are gathered in one place and mixed together. Science Agora
2016 hosted 213 programs, with roughly 6,000 visitors over the course of
four days. Science Agora has fostered network-building among key sectors
of science communication. In 2009, a new type of science festival based on
the modern concept of science communication was launched in two cities:
Hakodate in Hokkaido and Mitaka in Tokyo (these two cities have no science
centres). This was an additional side effect of Science Agora. These festivals
have built up positive reputations and a number of other cities have launched
their own new-type science festivals.
Communicating Science
22. Japan
doing and learning science, which would distract public attention away
from uncertainty in science and thus possibly lead to uncritical trust in
science (Kobayashi, 2007). Those critical views on the early development of
official science communication in Japan pointed to the imbalance between
understanding-oriented programs and engagement-oriented programs, and
they called for more systematic attention to be paid to developing other
models for the democratic governance of S&T.
Communicating Science
22. Japan
The Japanese public learned a great deal after the March 11 earthquake and
the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. Since then people have set
up their own local networks to exchange information about radiation risks.
For example, many regional communities have procured their own Geiger
counters and begun monitoring radiation levels in their local areas with
experts’ advice for peace of mind. Over 30 science cafés about radiation effects
or the earthquake were held all over Japan during the two and a half months
immediately following March 11. This unfortunate incident has taught us
a major lesson and encouraged people to adopt a bottom-up approach.
Toward the end of 2011, the Japanese Association for Science Communication
(JASC) was established. The mission of JASC is to construct a network of
science communication practitioners and to propagate and share the concept
and methods of science communication across all communities nationwide.
The association started out with about 200 members and has since increased
to roughly 400. It operates self‑sufficiently using just membership fees.
Communicating Science
would potentially turn our attention away from visions, thoughts and broader
contexts that are behind such seemingly understanding-oriented approaches
to science communication. It would also possibly prevent us from exploring
what the practice of science communication—hether it be oriented towards
understanding or engagement—actually means to science–society relations.
What we need in future science communication research, therefore, should be
to map out a wide variety of forms of science communication in our society—
some are initiated by the government and/or scientific research institutions
and others are more or less bottom-up—and to empirically investigate their
meanings from the perspectives of people involved in them on the ground. In
such empirical, exploratory and interpretive research practice, we need to go
beyond the understanding–engagement dichotomy.
22. Japan
7. Conclusion
Figure 22.1 above represents the development of science communication
policy in Japan. Japan’s policy of PUST has shifted to PEST since 2003. That
year there were a number of simultaneous developments with regard to science
communication. The key report that advocated for the promotion of science
communication and a textbook on science communication were published.
The most important consequence was that the report triggered a change in
government policy. Although the shift may have begun as a somewhat top-
down contrivance and still PUST-minded, it has gradually put down firm
roots across Japan.
Things changed dramatically in the wake of the large-scale earthquake and the
Fukushima nuclear power plant accident on 11 March 2011. The Japanese
government had to change its science and technology policy, and the public
gained the realisation that the government is not necessarily trustworthy and
people have to look out for themselves. This would appear to be counter to
the principles of science communication. Nevertheless, at a local community
level people have shown mutual compassion and established solid links
amongst themselves, so a ray of hope can be found there. An updated version
of science communication, i.e. ‘Science Communication 2.0’, must be
launched. For this we must look to grassroots science communication.
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22. Japan
Event Name Date Comment
First interactive science Miraikan – The 2001
centre established. National Museum of
Emerging Science and
First national (or large Youngsters’ Science 1992 A generic name of science
regional) science festival. Festival festivals and a network.
First held in Tokyo, Nagoya
and Osaka, and now
over 100 cities hold their
own festivals.
2006: Science Agora
is an annual science
communication event in
Japan held in Tokyo, and
the biggest in Japan
An association of science Japanese Association 1994 2011: Japanese
writers or journalists of Science and Association for Science
or communicators Technology Journalists Communication
First university courses University of Tokyo 2005 Courses for postgraduate
to train science Hokkaido University students started with
communicators. Waseda University support of five-year limited
government subsidies
First master’s students in JT Biohistory Research 1995 It was not a training course
science communication Hall in affiliation with for science communicators
graduate. Graduate School but a research course of
of Science, Osaka science communication
Communicating Science
Professor Masataka Watanabe is president of the Japanese Association
for Science Communication and Specially Appointed Professor at Tohoku
University, Sendai, Japan.
Dr Mitsuru Kudo is an associate professor at the Centre for the Study of
Co*Design, Osaka University, Japan.
This text is taken from Communicating Science: A Global Perspective,
edited by Toss Gascoigne, Bernard Schiele, Joan Leach, Michelle
Riedlinger, Bruce V. Lewenstein, Luisa Massarani and Peter Broks,
published 2020 by ANU Press, The Australian National University,
Canberra, Australia.