Body Condition Scoring of Sheep

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EC 1433
April 1994

Body condition scoring of sheep

J. Thompson and H. Meyer

hroughout the production

cycle, sheep producers
must know whether or not
their sheep are in condition (too
thin, too fat, or just right) for the
stage of production: breeding, late
pregnancy, and lactation.

Spinous process

Weight at a given stage of production is the best indicator, but as

there is a wide variation in mature
size between individuals and
breeds, it is extremely difficult to
use weight to determine proper
condition. Body condition scoring
describes the condition of a sheep,
is convenient, and is much more
accurate than a simple eye appraisal.
A body condition score estimates
condition of muscling and fat
development. Scoring is based on
feeling the level of muscling and
fat deposition over and around the
vertebrae in the loin region (Figures 13). In addition to the central
spinal column, loin vertebrae have
a vertical bone protrusion (spinous
process) and a short horizontal
protrusion on each side (transverse

James M. Thompson, Extension sheep

specialist, and Howard H. Meyer,
associate professor of animal sciences;
Oregon State University.

Figure 1.Feel for the spine in the

center of the sheeps back, behind
its last rib and in front of its hip

Figure 2.Feel for the tips of the

transverse processes.

Transverse process

Figure 3.Feel for fullness of

muscle and fat cover.

Archival copy. For current version, see:

process). Both of these protrusions

are felt and used to assess an
individual body condition score.

Spine prominent and sharp

No fat cover

The system used most widely in

the United States is based on a
scale of 1 to 5. The five scores
(Figures 48) are:

Transverse process
Fingers easily
pass under

Condition 1 (Emaciated)
Spinous processes are sharp and
prominent. Loin eye muscle is
shallow with no fat cover. Transverse processes are sharp; one can
pass fingers under ends. It is
possible to feel between each

Figure 4.Condition 1
Spine prominent and smooth
Thin fat cover
Muscles medium

process rounded

Condition 2 (Thin)
Spinous processes are sharp and
prominent. Loin eye muscle has
little fat cover but is full. Transverse processes are smooth and
slightly rounded. It is possible to
pass fingers under the ends of the
transverse processes with a little

Fingers go under
with pressure

Figure 5.Condition 2
Spine smooth rounded
Moderate fat cover
Muscles full

Condition 3 (Average)
Spinous processes are smooth and
rounded and one can feel individual processes only with pressure. Transverse processes are
smooth and well covered, and firm
pressure is needed to feel over the
ends. Loin eye muscle is full with
some fat cover.

Fingers need
hard pressure
to find ends

Figure 6.Condition 3
Spine detected only as a line

Condition 4 (Fat)

Fat cover thick

Spinous processes can be detected

only with pressure as a hard line.
Transverse processes cannot be
felt. Loin eye muscle is full with a
thick fat cover.

Muscles full

be felt

Figure 7.Condition 4

Archival copy. For current version, see:

Condition 5 (Obese)

Spine not detectable; fat

dimple over spine

Spinous processes cannot be

detected. There is a depression
between fat where spine would
normally be felt. Transverse
processes cannot be detected. Loin
eye muscle is very full with a very
thick fat cover.
The system contains everything
from emaciated sheep to those that
are grossly obese due to overfeeding or being nonproductive. In
most typical sheep flocks, over 90
percent of the sheep should have a
body condition score of 2, 3, or 4.
It is recommended that half scores
be used between 2 and 4, giving
the following scores: 1, 2, 2.5, 3,
3.5, 4, and 5.
The intermediate half scores are
helpful when an animals condition
is not clear. Keep in mind that
placing an exact score is not as
important as being able to assign a
relative score. A body condition
score of 3 versus a 3.5 is not such a
big deal, but the relative difference
between a 2.5 and 4 certainly is of
Other than practical experience,
there is little available research
comparing condition scores with
performance. The majority of the
research reported has dealt with
the relationship of body condition
score at breeding to ovulation rate
and subsequent lambing percentage. Generally, the better the body
condition score at mating, the
higher the ovulation rate and
therefore the higher the potential
lambing percentage. However,
ewes with a condition score greater
than 4 at breeding tend to have a
higher incidence of barrenness.
Ewes with a condition score less

Fat cover dense

Muscles very full

process not

Figure 8.Condition 5

than 3 at breeding will be more

responsive to the effects of flushing than those with condition
scores at 3.03.5 at mating.
Two research trials conducted by
Oregon State University found that
ewe body condition score at
lambing had an effect on total
pounds of lamb weaned per ewe.
Ewes with a body condition score
of 3 to 4 at lambing lost fewer
offspring and weaned more pounds
of lamb than those with a condition
score of 2.5 or less.
In one study, ewes with a body
condition score of 4 at lambing had
a total weight of lamb weaned per
ewe that was 82 percent greater
than ewes with a body condition
score of 2.5. The total weight
weaned was 113 pounds versus 62
pounds per ewe. The increase in
total weaning weight was due to
improved lamb survival and
heavier weaning weights.
In the other study, there was a 33
percent difference in total weight
of lamb weaned (64 versus 85
pounds per ewe) between ewes
with pre-lambing body condition
scores of 2.5 to 3.5. This increase
in pounds of lamb weaned was
primarily due to improved lamb
survival for offspring from the

ewes with the higher body condition score.

Some suggested (optimum)
condition score values for the
various stages of the production
cycle are:
Production stage
Optimum score
EarlyMid Gestation
Lambing (singles)
2 or higher

The scores suggested above should

allow for optimum productivity in
highly prolific ewes. On average, a
difference of one unit of condition
score is equivalent to about 13
percent of the live weight of a ewe
at a moderate (33.5) body condition score. Thus, a ewe with a
maintenance weight of 150 pounds
would need to gain approximately
20 pounds to go from a body
condition score of 2.5 to 3.5.
Body condition scoring is a
subjective way to evaluate the
status of a sheep flocka potential
tool for producers to increase
production efficiency in their

Archival copy. For current version, see:

For further reading

Khan, K., H.H. Meyer and J.M.
Thompson. 1992. Effect of prelambing supplementation and
ewe body condition score on
lamb survival and total weight
of lamb weaned. Proceedings
Western Section American
Society of Animal Science
Russel, A. 1991. Body condition
scoring of sheep. In: E. Boden
(Ed.) Sheep and Goat Practice.
p 3. Bailliere Tindall, Philadelphia.

Extension Service, Oregon State University, Corvallis, O.E. Smith, director. This publication was produced and distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and
June 30, 1914. Extension work is a cooperative program of Oregon State University, the
U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Oregon counties.
Oregon State University Extension Service offers educational programs, activities, and
materialswithout regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disabilityas
required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Oregon State University
Extension Service is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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