ABO Discrepanices
ABO Discrepanices
ABO Discrepanices
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III. Severe hypogammaglobulinemia: Anti A and Anti B are often present in very low concentration in
patients with inherited immunodeficiency and in rare X-linked Wiskott- Aldrich syndrome . Anti-A and antiB may also be present in very low concentration in patient immunosuppressed by therapy or disease and
in patients undergoing intensive plasma exchange.
IV. ABO incompatible HPC transplantation: ABO incompatible HPC transplantation with induction of
tolerance e.g. group A patient receiving group O bone marrow will have circulating group O red cell but
will only produce Anti B antibody.
V. In chimerism: That is, a person with dual population of cells from more than one zygote. Presence of
two populations of red cells of different ABO group may lead to absence of antibodies . Twin chimerism
occurs when hematopoietic stem cells migrate between vascular bridges which allow mixing of blood
between two fetuses. chimeric twins have immune tolerance; they do not make against A ro B antigens
that are absent from their own red cells but present on cells of engrafted twins.
VI. Pediatric patients receiving long term parentral and entral nutrition which is sterile and free of
bacteria . It is believed that the immunizing source for such naturally occurring antibodies is gut and
environmental bacteria which have been shown to possess ABO like structures on their
lipopolysaccharide coats .
II. Leukaemia may yield weakened A or B antigen : In acute leukaemia, the A antigen may be
weakened . Sometimes the blood appears to contain a mixture of group A and group O cells or of A1
and weak A . In other cases the red cells react weakly with anti-A, even behaving like A or A . In a
patient with erythroleukaemia, of group B, 60% of the cells were not agglutinated by anti-B and appeared
to be group O, but were really very weak B, when separated from the normal B cells they would absorb
anti-B .
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III. Acquired B , B(A) and A(B) phenotypes: Acquired B results from the action of bacterial
deacetylase, which converts N-acetylgalactosamine to ?-galactosamine, which is very similar to
galactose, the chief determinant of B. The second type of acquired B that may be called the passenger
antigen type is caused by adsorption of B-like bacterial products on to O or A cells but occurs only in
vitro .
IV. Out of group transfusion or ABO mismatched hematopoietic progenitor stem cell
transplantation: ABOcompatible but not identical transfusion of red cell (e.g. group O red cells
transfused to group A or B person) results in artificially induced chimerism. ABO mismatched
hematopoietic stem cell transplant (e.g. group O person transplanted with group A or B marrow, group A
or B person transplanted with group O marrow).
V. Neutralization of anti A and anti B typing reagent by high concentration of A or B soluble
substances in serum with serum or plasma suspended red cell
VI. Chimerism in fraternal twins, mosaicism arising from dispermy: Tetra-gametic or dispermic
chimeras present with chimerism in all tissues and are more frequently identified because of infertility and
rarely because of mixed populations of red cells
Resolution of group II discrepancies
a. Weaker reactions with antisera can be resolved by enhancing reaction of antigen with respective
antisera by incubating test mixture at room temperature for 15-30 minutes
b. Sub groups causing group discrepancies can be resolved by adsorption elution studies
c. Acquired B phenomenon can be resolved by lowering P of monoclonal antisera. Anti B in the serum
of acquired B person does not agglutinate autologous red cells (autocontrol negative). Secretor status of
person can resolve acquired B, saliva of acquired B person contains A substance not B substance. Serum
of acquired B person contains A substance.
serum protein ratio, or high molecular weight volume expanders can aggregate reagent red cells and can
mimic agglutination. Rouleaux are red cell aggregates that adhere along their flat surfaces, giving a
stacked coin appearance microscopically. Rouleaux will disperse when suspended in saline. True
agglutination is stable in the presence of saline.
Group IV discrepancies
These discrepancies are because of miscellaneous problems. These can be due toI. Recent transfusion of out of group plasma containing component.
II. Cold alloantibodies (e.g. anti M) or autoantibodies (e.g. anti I), P dependent autoantibodies, a reagent
dependent antibody (e.g. EDTA, paraben) leading to unexpected positive eaction.
a different clone
e. Treat patients RBCs with enzymes to enhance antigen expression.
f. Read microscopically
g. For weak subgroups of A, testing may include:
1) Confirmation that a subgroup of A is present by testing RBCs with anti-A1
2) Using anti-A,B in testing is more sensitive to A antigen than human source
anti-A in some instances
3) Secretor studies
4) Adsorption/elution studies
B. Unexpected Positive Reactions
1. Rouleaux
a. Characteristic stack of coins appearance to red blood cells resembling
b. Caused by elevated globulin levels in serum
c. Common in multiple myeloma or when patient has received plasma expanders
d. Resolved by washing RBCs well
2. Whartons jelly in cord bloods Gelatinous material that can trap red blood cells,
appearing like agglutination. Wash cells a minimum of 2 times before testing. CLS
422 Clinical Immunohematology I Student Lab Page 5 of
ABO Discrepancies - Handout
3. Red blood cells coated with cold autoantibodies
a. Wash cells with warm saline
b. Use prewarm technique antibodies elute from cells at 37o
1) Add 1 drop of anti-A or 1 drop of anti-B to appropriately labeled tube(s).
2) Add 3 4 drops of patients RBC suspension a third tube.
3) Place all of the tubes in a 37o
C heat block and incubate for 3-5 minutes.
4) Following incubation, add one drop of heated cells to the heated anti-sera.
5) Immediately centrifuge, read and record results.
c. Treat cells with chloroquine or EGA to remove autoantibody
4. Polyagglutinable red blood cells
a. Patients cells react with all antisera, including control (may be 6% albumin or
Rh-hr control).
b. Types of polyagglutination
1) T activation (T is for Thomsen)
a) Alteration of RBC membrane by bacterial or viral enzymes that act to
expose hidden T antigen
b) Exposed T antigen reacts with anti-T present in all normal human serum,
including conventional anti-A and anti-B typing sera (not seen as
frequently when using monoclonal reagents)
2) Tn activation
a) Abnormality of red cell membrane- not bacterial
b) Permanent
3) Other types of polyagglutination
a) Tk, Th, and VA activation - bacterial
b) Cad and NOR inherited
c. Resolution:
1) Switch to monoclonal reagents
2) Polybrene will not agglutinate T activated cells
3) Secretor studies
4) Adsorption/elution studies
5) Identified by testing with lectins
5. Acquired B phenomenon; B-like antigen CLS 422 Clinical Immunohematology I
Student Lab Page 6 of
ABO Discrepancies - Handout
a. Group A1 RBCs acquire B-like antigens in vivo due to bacterial enzymes,
screen cells to rule out reactions due to cold agglutinins CLS 422 Clinical
Immunohematology I Student Lab Page 8 of
ABO Discrepancies - Handout
d. Increase plasma from 2 drops to 4, 5 or 10 drops vs. 1 drop of RBC suspension
e. Treat reagent A and B cells with enzymes to enhance antigen expression
f. Read microscopically
B. Unexpected positive reactions:
1. Rouleaux Resolve using saline replacement technique
a. Spin tube containing patient plasma and reagent red blood cells a second time
b. Carefully remove from centrifuge; remove plasma using a pipette.
c. Add 2 drops of saline, using a pipette
d. Read for agglutination
1) True agglutination will persist
2) Rouleaux will be dispersed
2. Cold autoantibodies
a. Specificities:
1) Anti-I most common - reacts with all adult cells; does not react with cord
blood cells
2) Anti-H in A1 or A1B patient
b. Resolution:
1) Prewarm technique (2 tubes with patients plasma, 1 tube with 2 -3 drops A1
cells, 1 tube with 2-3 drops B cells, warm to 37o
C and proceed with testing as
described previously)
2) Cold autoabsorption
a) Incubate an equal volume of washed patient RBCs and patient plasma
together at 4o
C for up to one hour.
i. Every 15 minutes during incubation, mix tube and check for