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Faruk Civan, Ph.D.

Faruk Civan, Ph.D.
Alumni Chair Professor
U.S. Citizen, Married, Two Children
Mewbourne School of Petroleum and Geological Engineering 801Cedarbrook Drive
The University of Oklahoma Norman, OK 73072-4242
100 East Boyd, T 301 Sarkeys Energy Center Tel. /Fax (405) 329-3886
Norman, OK 73019 E-mail: [email protected]
Cell Ph. (405) 414-7386
Homepage: www.coecs.ou.edu/Faruk.Civan/
Ph.D., University of Oklahoma, Chemical Engineering, July 1978
M.S., University of Texas at Austin, Chemical Engineering, May 1975
M.E., Advanced Degree Engineering (graduated with High honors) Technical University of
Chemical Engineering, August 1971
Academic Experience
The University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
Alumni Chair Professor, 16/8/2003-present
Brian and Sandra O'Brien Presidential Professorship, 5/2002-2006
Professor, 08/92 - Present
Associate Professor, 08/87 - 08/92
Assistant Professor, 09/83 - 08/87
Visiting Assistant Professor, 09/80 - 09/83
Research Assistant, 06/77 - 06/78
Research Assistant, 06/75 - 09/75
Technical University of Istanbul
Assistant Professor, 11/78 - 08/80
Assistant Instructor, 11/71 - 09/73
Industrial Experience
Consultant, Petrolite Corporation, 05/16/97- 07/15/97
Consultant, ICP-UNAL Research Project at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 08/14-18/95
Reservoir Engineering Consultant, Enserch Exploration, Inc., Dallas, TX, 05/86 - 08/86
Reservoir Engineering Consultant, Mobil Research and Development Corporation, Dallas
Division, Dallas, TX, 05/85 - 08/85

Consultant, University Technologists, Inc., Norman, OK, 09/80 - 09/81
Practical Training, Sumerbank Textiles, Eyup, Istanbul, Turkey, summer of 1970
Practical Training, Eczacibasi Ceramics, Yunus, Istanbul, Turkey, summer of 1969
Practical Training, Kutahya Fertilizers, Kutahya, Turkey, summer of 1968
Recognition of 26 years of service as a faculty member in the Mewbourne School of Petroleum
and Geological Engineering at the University of Oklahoma, 4/2007
Plaque in Recognition of Contributions and Dedication to the Development of Petroleum
Technology, Halliburton Energy Services, 11/2006
Member of the SPE Twenty-Five Year Club in recognition of more than twenty-five years'
continuous membership in the Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006
Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 2005-2006
Strathmore's Who's Who, 2005-2006
Albert Einstein Medal of Honor in recognition of outstanding contributions and service in the
of Petroleum Engineering, October 11, 2005
Plaque in Recognition of Contributions and Dedication to the Development of Petroleum
Technology, Halliburton Energy Services, 9/2003
Alumni Chair Professor, 16/8/2003-present
SPE Distinguished Achievement Award For Petroleum Engineering Faculty, 2003
Brian and Sandra O'Brien Presidential Professorship, 5/2002-2006
Kapitsa Medal of Honor for outstanding contributions to the field of engineering, 10/2002
Directors Distinguished Service Award, 2000
Plaque in Recognition of Contributions and Dedication to the Development of Petroleum
Technology, Halliburton Energy Services, 9/2000
MAPCO Distinguished Lectureship Award, 1998
Conoco Distinguished Lectureship Award, 1995
Gulf-Western Distinguished Lecturer Award, 1991, 1992
Halliburton Distinguished Lectureship Award, 1988-1992
Associates Distinguished Lecturer, 1986-1987
Young Faculty Development Award, 1985-1986
Young Faculty Development Award, 1984-1985
Outstanding Young Men of America, 1984-1985
Faculty Excellence Award, 1983-1984
Outstanding Young Men of America, 1983
Outstanding Young Men of America, 1982
Sun Oil Faculty Support Award, fall 1982
Sun Oil Teaching Award, summer 1981
Research Assistantship, the University of Oklahoma, 06/75 - 09/75, 06/77 - 06/78
NATO Fellowship, the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, 09/73 - 05/75
Fellowship from Koc Holding Company, 09/67 - 06/71
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Society of Petroleum Engineers
The Petroleum Society
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Pi Epsilon Tau
Unconventional gas and oil recovery
o Shale gas
o Coalbed gas
o Hydrate gas
Multi-phase flow assurance and mitigation
o Reservoirs
o Wells
o Pipelines
Thermal and solvent-extraction processes

o Heavy-oil recovery
o Geothermal energy recovery
o Coal to liquid and gas to liquid conversion
Enhanced recovery by flue gas sequestration
o Carbon capture
o Coalbed gas
o Oil production
Oil and gas transportation and storage
o Salt cavern storage
o Pipeline networks
Multi-phase transport phenomena in porous media
o Recovery mechanisms for oil and gas in extremely tight reservoirs
o Multiphase fluid mobility and distribution
o Fluids and porous media characterization
Modeling, simulation, and optimization
o Systems dynamics and design
o Robust numerical methods
Environmental protection
o Fires
o Accidental releases
60 Theses and 52 Dissertations completed
5 Thesis and 4 Dissertations in progress
12 Completed
Editorial/Reviewing Service Position (15 Total)
International Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology, Editorial Board Member, 01/06Present
Journal of Porous Media, Editorial Advisory Board, 08/01 - Present
ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Associate Editors Board, 05/01- Present
Turkish Journal of Oil and Gas, Technical Editors Board, 05/95 - Present
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Associate Editors Board, 09/90 - Present
Guest Editor of a Special Issue of the Journal of Energy Resources Technology (JERT),
Transactions of ASME, on Advancements in the Evaluation and Mitigation of Formation
in Petroleum Reservoirs, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 127, September 2005
Editor, Near Wellbore Damage and Remediation, Special Issue, J. of Petroleum Science and
Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 1/2, 02/97, 196 pages
Member, Journal of Petroleum Technology, Special Series Committee, 1996-1997
Technical Editor, SPE Reservoir Engineering J., 04/93 - 09/97
Co-Editor, Hydrocarbon Recovery and Related Topics, Special Issue, J. of Petroleum
and Engineering, Vol. 3, Nos. 1/2, 10/89, 200 pages
Reviewed papers for Stimulation II Session, 1987 SPE Production Operations Symposium,
Oklahoma City, OK, 1987
Editorial Assistant, J. of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 10/86 - 09/90
Book Review Editor, J. of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Elsevier Science Pub., 10/86 09/90
Reviewed papers for the Proceedings of the IMSE85, Integral Methods in Science and
Engineering, University of Texas, Arlington, TX, 03/18-21/85
Reviewed papers for Journals of Society of Petroleum Engineers, Numerical Methods for
Differential Equations, J. Petroleum Science and Engineering, In-situ J., Integral Methods in
Science and Engineering, Journal of Computational Physics, Journal of Canadian Petroleum
Technology, Journal of Petroleum Technology, SPE Reservoir Engineering, J. Mathematical and
Computer Modeling, Turkish Oil and Gas J., J. of Porous Media, ASME Journal of Energy
Resources Technology, J. Colloid and Interface Science, AIChE J., Chemical Engineering

Journal, Geophysical Research Letters, OGST Oil & Gas Science and Technology-Revue de
Transport in Porous Media, Powder Technology, European Polymer Journal.
Books and Book Contributions (19 Total)
Civan, F., Reservoir Formation Damage- Fundamentals, Modeling, Assessment, and
2nd Ed., Gulf Professional Pub., Elsevier, Burlington, MA, ISBN-13: 978-0-7506-7738-7, ISBN10:
0-7506-7738-4, 1114 p., 2007, www.elsevier.com.
Tth, J.; Bdi, T.; Szcs, P.; Civan, F., Area Diagnosis of Well Drainage in Waterflooding,
Lakatos (ed): Smart Fields, Smart Wells, and Smart Technologies, Progress in Oilfield
Vol. 7, Akadmiai Kiad, ISBN 978 963 05 8550 7, pp. 301-321, 2007.
Tth, J., Bdi, T., Szcs, P., and Civan, F., "Well Drainage Area Diagnostics at Waterflooding,"
Intellectual Service for Oil & Gas Industry Analysis, Solution, Perspectives, Proceedings,
Four, G. Patko and A. M. Shammazov (Eds.), Ufa State Petroleum Technological University,
Russia, Miskolc University, Hungary, ISBN 978-963-661-761-5, pp. 1-12, 2007.
Civan, F., Pitting During Crystal Dissolution: Modeling and Analysis, Encyclopedia of Surface
and Colloid Science, Second Edition, P. Somasundaran (ed.), Taylor & Francis: New York; Vol.
pp. 4674 - 4685, 2006.
Szcs, P., Civan, F., and Tth, A., Application of Geostatistics in Calibration of Groundwater
Modeling, Progress in Oilfield Chemistry, I. Lakatos (ed.): Managing Matured Fields and Wells Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, ISBN: 9 630583 01 1, Vol. 6, pp. 195-209, 2006.
Civan, F. and Nguyen, V., Modeling Particle Migration and Deposition in Porous Media by
Parallel Pathways with Exchange, Chapter 11, Handbook of Porous Media, Second Edition,
Vafai, K. (Ed.), CRC Press, Taylor&Francis Group, LLC, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 457-484, 2005.
Civan, F. and Rasmussen, M.L., "Analytical Models for Porous Media Impairment by Particles
Rectilinear and Radial Flows, Chapter 12, Handbook of Porous Media, Second Edition, Vafai,
(Ed.), CRC Press, Taylor&Francis Group, LLC, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 485-542, 2005.
Civan, F., Natural Gas Transportation and Storage, Encyclopedia of Energy, Cleveland, C.
(ed.), Elsevier Inc., Vol. 4, pp. 273-282, 2004.
Gonzalez, C.M.C., Hughes, R.G., Civan, F., and Taylor, C., Phenomenological Modeling of
Hydrate Formation and Dissociation, in "Advances in the Study of Gas Hydrates," book, Taylor,
C.E. and Kwan, J.T. (Eds.) Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, Chapter 3, pp. 27-41, 254 p.,
Civan, F., Modeling and Analysis of Pitting During Crystal Dissolution, in Encyclopedia of
Surface and Colloid Science, A. Hubbard (ed.), Marcel-Dekker Inc., New York- Basel, NY, pp.
3463-3465, May 2002.
Tth, J., Bdi, T., Szcs, P., and Civan, F., Linear Equations Derived from Laboratory
Experiments to Describe Immiscible Displacement, in Intellectual Service for Oil&Gas IndustryAnalysis, Solutions, Perspectives, Proceedings, A. M. Shammazov and L. Besenyei (Eds.), UFA
State Petroleum Technological University and Miskolc University, ISBN 5-7831-0311-X, pp. 259276, 2000.
Civan, F., Reservoir Formation Damage- Fundamentals, Modeling, Assessment, and
1st Ed., Gulf Pub. Co., Houston, TX, and Butterworth-Heinemann, Woburn, MA, ISBN 0-88415301-0, 2000, 742 p.
Civan, F. and Gupta, A., Improved Recovery of Oil and Gas, in Encyclopedia of Earth
Sciences, Dasch, E.J.(Ed.), Simon & Schuster Macmillan Pub. Co., New York, Vol.2, 1996, pp.
Civan, F., Finite Analytic Method for Numerical Solution of Mathematical Models, Integral
Methods in Science and Engineering (90), series in computational and physical processes in

mechanics and thermal sciences, Haji-Sheikh, A. et al.(Eds.), Hemisphere Pub. Co., New York,
1991, 270-281.
Civan, F., Quadrature and Cubature Methods for Numerical Solution of Integro-Differential
Equations, Integral Methods in Science and Engineering (90), series in computational and
physical processes in mechanics and thermal sciences, Haji-Sheikh, et al. (Eds.), Hemisphere
Pub. Co., New York, 1991, pp. 282-297.
Civan, F. and Knapp, R.M., A Phenomenological Model for Solvent Comminution of Coal,
Alternative Energy Sources VIII, T.N. Veziroglu (Ed.), Vol. 2, Hemisphere Pub. Co., New York,
1989, pp. 173-189.
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Faruk Civan, Curriculum Vitae
Kukreti, A.R., Civan, F., and Rajapaksa, Y., Finite Element Solution for Flow of Immiscible
in Petroleum Reservoirs, Book Chapter in Enhanced Oil Recovery, II, Processes and
Operations, Donaldson, et al. (Eds.), Vol. 17B, Elsevier Science Pub., B. V., Amsterdam, ISBN
0444-42933-6, 1989, pp. 511-577.
Civan, F., Knapp, R.M., Wang, M-K, and Hagen, A., Solvent Selection for Coal Comminution,
T.N. Veziroglu (Ed.), Alternative Energy Sources VII, Hydrocarbons/Energy Transfer, Vol. 5, pp.
71-75, Hemisphere Pub. Co., New York, 1987.
Civan, F. and Sliepcevich, C.M., Solving Integro-Differential Equations by the Quadrature
Method, Integral Methods in Science and Engineering, Payne F.R. et al. (Eds.), Hemisphere
Pub. Co., New York, 1986, pp. 106-113.
Publications in Referred Journals (110 Total)
Tran, T.V., Civan, F., and Robb, I., Correlating Flowing Time and Condition for Perforation
Plugging by Suspended Particles, Paper SPE120847-MS, SPE Drilling and Completion journal,
2008, accepted.
Daneshfar, J., Hughes, R.G., and Civan, F., Feasibility Investigation and Modeling Analysis of
CO2 Sequestration in Arbuckle Formation Utilizing Salt Water Disposal Wells, Journal of
Resources Technology, 2008, accepted.
Civan, F., Letter to the Editor Referring to the paper by Henderson et al., Chemical
Science, 2008, accepted.
Publications in Proceedings (139 Total)
Tran, T.V., Civan, F., and Robb, I., "Correlating Flowing Time and Condition for Perforation
Plugging by Suspended Particles," Paper SPE-120473-PP, the 2009 SPE Production
Symposium held April 4-8, 2009 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, accepted.
Tth, J., Bdi, T., Szcs, P., and Civan, F., Ktkrzet Diagnosztika Vzkiszortssal Mvelt
Olajtelepeknl, the 27th International Petroleum and Gas Conference, Siofok, Hungary,
September 16-19, 2008.
Civan, F., A Systematic Approach to Formation Damage Assessment and Remediation,
EXPL-3-FC-171, the VI INGEPET 2008 International Seminar, Lima, Peru, October 13-17,
Akinbobuyi, A. and Civan, F., Improved Correlation of The Permeability of Geological Porous
Formation Using the Bundle of Leaky Tubes Model, Paper EXPL-4-FC-160, the VI INGEPET
2008 International Seminar, Lima, Peru, October 13-17, 2008.
Michel, G. and Civan, F., "Accurate Modeling of Relaxation Time and Liquid Holdup for
Multiphase Flow in Production Wells," Paper SPE-115738-PP, the 2008 SPE Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition held 21-SEP-08 to 24-SEP-08 in Denver, Colorado.
Ekweribe, C., Civan, F., Lee, H.S., and Singh, P., "Effect of System Pressure on Restart
Conditions of Subsea Pipelines," Paper SPE-115672-PP, the 2008 SPE Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition held 21-SEP-08 to 24-SEP-08 in Denver, Colorado.
Michel, G. and Civan, F., "Simulation of Nonisothermal and Nonequilibrium Multiphase
Hydraulics, proceedings of the 18th ITU Petroleum and Natural Gas Seminar and Exhibition,
Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 20-30, June 19-20, 2008.

Civan, F., Temperature Effect on Convection-Diffusion Transport Involving Fines Migration and
Deposition in Geological Porous Media, Paper No. 452, 2008 IAHR International Groundwater
Symposium, Istanbul Turkey, June 18-20, 2008.
Civan, F., Robust Time-Space Practical-Finite-Analytic Solution to Models of Flow and
in Subsurface Formations, Paper No. 453, 2008 IAHR International Groundwater Symposium,
Istanbul Turkey, June 18-20, 2008.
Sarac, S. and Civan, F., Mechanisms, Parameters, and Modeling of Naphthenate SoapInduced
Formation Damage," Paper SPE-112434-PP, the 2008 SPE International Symposium &
Exhibition on Formation Damage Control held 13-15 February 2008 in Lafayette, Louisiana.
Civan, F., Permeability Impairment and Flow Reduction in Porous Media under NonEquilibrium
Particle Deposition Conditions, Second International Conference on Porous Media and its
Applications in Science, Engineering, and Industry, June 17-21, 2007, Kauai, Hawaii.
Civan, F., Practical Finite-Analytic Method- An Overview, Second International Conference on
Porous Media and its Applications in Science, Engineering, and Industry, June 17-21, 2007,
Kauai, Hawaii.
Civan, F., "Optimal Scheduling of Well Treatment in Commingled Formations Undergoing a
Wellbore Damage, Paper SPE-107856-PP, 7th SPE European Formation Damage Conference,
30 May - 1 June 2007, Scheveningen, The Netherlands.
Civan, F., "Formation Damage Mechanisms and Their Phenomenological Modeling- An
Overview," Paper SPE-107857-PP, 7th SPE European Formation Damage Conference, 30 May
1 June 2007 Scheveningen, The Netherlands.
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Faruk Civan, Curriculum Vitae
Michel, G. and Civan, F., "Modeling Rapid Multiphase Flow in Wells and Pipelines under
and Non-Isothermal Conditions," Paper SPE-107958-PP, the 2007 SPE Rocky
Mountain Oil and Gas Technology Symposium held 16-18 April 2007, Denver, CO., USA.
Sarac, S. and Civan, F., Experimental Investigation and Modeling of Naphthenate Soap
Precipitation Kinetics in Petroleum Reservoirs," Paper SPE-106074-PP, the 2007 International
Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry held 28-FEB-07 to 02-MAR-07 in The Woodlands, TX.
Tth, J., Bdi, T., Szcs, P., and Civan, F., Near-Wellbore Field Water / Oil Relative
Inferred from Production with Increasing Water-Cut, paper SPE 102312, the 2006 SPE Annual
Technical Conference & Exhibition, 24-SEP-06 to 27-SEP-06 in San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Jahediesfanjani, H. and Civan, F., "Effect of Resident Water on Enhanced Coalbed Gas
Recovery by Simultaneous CO2/N2 Injection," Paper SPE-102634-PP, the 2006 SPE Annual
Technical Conference & Exhibition, 24-SEP-06 to 27-SEP-06 in San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Michel, G. and Civan, F., "Modeling Nonisothermal Rapid Multiphase Flow in Wells under
Nonequilibrium Conditions," paper SPE-102231-PP, the 2006 SPE Annual Technical
& Exhibition, 24-SEP-06 to 27-SEP-06 in San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Civan, F., Mechanisms, Modeling, and Effect of Particulate Processes in Completion and
Formation Damage, IAPG Third Production Congreso, 19-22 September 2006, Mendoza,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Civan, F., Optimal Design of Multi-Stage Natural Gas Compression With Inter- and AfterCoolers
Using the Mollier-Type Charts, IAPG Third Production Congreso, 19-22 September 2006,
Mendoza, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Jahediesfanjani, H. and Civan, F., "Improving Performance of the Naturally Fractured
Reservoirs by Means of the Various Stimulation and Completion Techniques," Paper SPE103986-PP, the 2006 International Oil Conference and Exhibition in Mexico, 31-AUG-06 to 02SEP-06 in Cancun, Mexico, 2006.
Civan, F., "Including Non-isothermal Effects in Models for Acidizing Hydraulically Fractured

in Carbonate Reservoirs," Paper SPE-104023-PP, the 2006 International Oil Conference and
Exhibition in Mexico, 31-AUG-06 to 02-SEP-06 in Cancun, Mexico, 2006.
Civan, F. and Rasmussen, M.L., "Determining Parameters of Matrix-Fracture Interface Fluid
Transfer from Laboratory Tests ," Paper SPE-104028-PP, the 2006 International Oil Conference
and Exhibition in Mexico, 31-AUG-06 to 02-SEP-06 in Cancun, Mexico, 2006.
Rasmussen, M.L. and Civan, F., "Implications of Linearization in Analytical Modeling of MatrixFracture Transfer Functions with Skin Effect," Paper SPE-104027-PP, the 2006 International Oil
Conference and Exhibition in Mexico, 31-AUG-06 to 02-SEP-06 in Cancun, Mexico, 2006.
Civan, F., "Modeling Gas Storage in Underground Salt Caverns, proceedings of the 16th ITU
Petroleum and Natural Gas Seminar and Exhibition, Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey, June 29-30,
pp. 91-97.
Jahediesfanjani, H. and Civan, F., Assessment of Stimulation and Completion Techniques in
Naturally Fractured Reservoirs, Paper EXPL-3-HJ-34, the V INGEPET 2005 International
Seminar, Lima, Peru, Nov. 8-11 2005.
Michel-Villazon, R.M. and Civan, F., Numerical Determination of Relative Permeability from
Unsteady-State Fluid Displacements, Paper EXPL-4-RV-55, the V INGEPET 2005 International
Seminar, Lima, Peru, Nov.8-11 2005.
Tth, J., Szcs, P., Bdi, T., and Civan, F., Determining Relative Permeability from UnsteadyState Radial Fluid Displacements, Paper SPE 94994, the 2005 Society of Petroleum Engineers
Annual Technical and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, USA. 9-12 Oct 2005.
Civan, F., Effect of Completion Damage on Well Performance, Workshop 18: Contemporary
and Gas Well Completion and Work over Jobs, Petroleum Engineering Summer School, The
Inter-University Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 13-17, 2005.
Bodi T., Toth J., Szucs P., Civan F.: "Fluidumcsere radialis aramlasi rendszerben," OMBKE
Nemzetkozi Olaj- es Gazipari Konferencia, Kiallitas, 2005. 09. 21-24. Tihany. (CD-R01).
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Faruk Civan, Curriculum Vitae
Jahediesfanjani, H., Civan, F., Rapid Determination of Equilibrium Gas Isotherms in Wet
Coalbeds from Non-equilibrium State Measurements, Paper 0520, the 2005 International
Coalbed Methane Symposium, Tuscaloosa, Alabama USA, May 16-20, 2005.
Jahediesfanjani, H., Civan, F., Productivity of Fractured and Non-Fractured Horizontal Wells in
Coalbed methane reservoirs, paper 0521, the 2005 International Coalbed Methane
Tuscaloosa, Alabama USA, May 16-20, 2005.
Vasquez, J., Dalrymple, D., Eoff, L., Reddy, B. R., Sierra, L., and Civan, F., High- Temperature
Conformance Polymer Systems: Development and Evaluation, Paper SPESA-0517, presented
at the 2005 SPE Saudi Arabia Section Symposium, Dhahran in May 14-16, 2005.
Bodi, T., Toth, J., Szucs, P., Civan, F.: "Interpretation of displacement data obtained from
unsteady-state radial fluid flow systems," Proc. 13th European Symp. On Improved Oil
Budapest, Hungary, 25-27 April 2005, (D07).
Wang, S. and Civan, F., "Preventing Asphaltene Deposition in Oil Reservoirs by Early Water
Injection," SPE Paper 94268-PP, the 2005 Production Operations Symposium, 17-19-April 2005
in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Civan, F., "Improved Permeability Equation from the Bundle-of-Leaky-Capillary-Tubes Model,"
SPE Paper 94271-PP, the 2005 Production Operations Symposium, 17-19-April 2005 in
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Civan, F. and Rasmussen, M.L., "Determination of Parameters for Matrix-Fracture Transfer
Functions from Laboratory Data," SPE Paper 94267-PP, the 2005 Production Operations
Symposium, 17-19-April 2005 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Civan, F. and Rasmussen, M.L., "Value Assessment Using the Modified Black-Scholes
Equation," SPE Paper 94520-PP, the 2005 Hydrocarbon Economics and Evaluation
3-5 April 2005 in Dallas, TX.
Vasquez, J., Dalrymple, D., Eoff, L., Reddy, B. R., and Civan, F., Development and Evaluation

High-Temperature Conformance Polymer Systems, SPE Paper 93156, the 2005 Intl.
on Oilfield Chemistry, 2-4 February 2005 in 1601 Lake Robbins Dr, The Woodlands TX 77380.
Civan, F., Modeling Well Performance under Non-equilibrium Deposition Conditions, repeat
SPE Paper 67234, the 2004 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 26-29
2004 in Houston, Texas.
Civan, F., Including Non-equilibrium Effects in Models for Rapid Multiphase Flow in Wells,
Paper 90583, the 2004 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 26-29 September
2004 in Houston, Texas.
Civan, F., Leaky-Tube Permeability Model for Identification, Characterization, and Calibration
Reservoir Flow Units, Paper SPE 84603, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
Denver, Colorado, 5 - 8 October 2003.
Civan, F. and Rasmussen, M.L., Analysis and Interpretation of Gas Diffusion in Quiescent
Reservoir, Drilling, and Completion Fluids: Equilibrium vs. Non-equilibrium Models, Paper SPE
84072, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, 5 - 8 October
Tth, J., Szcs, P., Bdi, T., and Civan, F., Determination of Relative Permeability for
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Cores from Unsteady-State Fluid Displacements, 12th
European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery- Kazan, Russia, 8 - 10 September 2003, 11 p.
Rasmussen, M.L. and Civan, F., Full, Short, and Long-Time Analytical Solutions For Hindered
Matrix-Fracture Transfer Models of Naturally Fractured Petroleum Reservoirs, Paper SPE
80892, SPE Mid-Continent Operations Symposium, Oklahoma City, OK, 22-25 March 2003.
Civan, F. and Rasmussen, M.L., Modeling and Validation of Hindered-Matrix-Fracture Transfer
for Naturally Fractured Petroleum Reservoirs, Paper SPE 80918, SPE Mid-Continent
Symposium, Oklahoma City, OK, 22-25 March 2003.
Vasquez, J., Civan, F., Dalrymple, E.D., Eoff, L., Reddy, B. R., Shaw, M. T., and Brown, D.L.,
Laboratory Evaluation of High Temperature Conformance Polymer Systems, Paper SPE
SPE Mid- Continent Operations Symposium , Oklahoma City, OK, 22-25 March 2003.
Sanghvi, G., Garcia, D., Civan, F., Shaw, M.T., Campbell, S.E., and Bartrip, K.A., "Large-Scale
Laboratory Investigation of Corrosion Inhibiting Emulsion Placement in Wells," Paper SPE
Proceedings of the 2003 SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry , Houston, TX, 5-7
February 2003 and Paper SPE 80905, Proceedings of the SPE Mid- Continent Operations
Symposium , Oklahoma City, OK, 22-25 March 2003.
Campbell, S.E., Bartrip, K.A., Civan, F., Sanghvi, G., and Garcia, D., "The Transport of
Inhibitor During Batch Application," Paper NACE 03337, Corrosion NACExpo 2003 58th Annual
Conference&Exposition, San Diego, CA, 16-20 March 2003, 11p.
Patino, O., Civan, F., Shah, S.N., Zornes, D., and Spingler, E., Identification of Mechanisms
Parameters of Formation Damage Associated with Chemical Flooding, Paper SPE 80271,
Proceedings of the 2003 SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry , Houston, TX, 1619 February 2003.
Brown, R.L., Wiggins, M.L., Penuela, G., Hughes, R.G., Civan, F., and Martinez Torres, L.:
"Relating saturation and permeability to elastic properties of fractured rocks," in SEG Annual
Meeting Expanded Technical Program Abstracts with Biographies, vol.72, pp.113-116, Salt Lake
City, UT (October 6-11, 2002).
Civan, F., A Multiphase Model For Evaluation of Filtration During Drilling and Fracturing of
Wells, Paper SPE 77599, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio,
Texas, 29 September2 October 2002.
Steingerger, A., Civan, F., and Hughes, R.G., Phenomenological Inventory Analysis of
Underground Gas Storage in Salt Caverns, Paper SPE 77346, SPE Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition , San Antonio, Texas, 29 September2 October 2002, and
Rock Mechanics Conference , Irving, Texas, 20-23 October 2002.

Penuela, G., Hughes, R.G., Civan, F., and Wiggins, M.L., Elongated-Slab Models for
Interporosity Flow in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs, presented at the Naturally Fractured
Reservoirs meeting, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, June 4, 2002.
Penuela, G., Civan, F., Hughes, R.G., and. Wiggins, M.L., "Time-Dependent Shape Factors for
Interporosity Flow in Naturally Fractured Gas-Condensate Reservoirs", SPE 75524 SPE Gas
Technology Symposium, Calgary, 30 April- May 2, 2002.
Civan, F. and Rasmussen, M.L., Analytical Matrix-Fracture Transfer Models For Oil Recovery
Hindered-Capillary Imbibition, SPE 75164, SPE/DOE Thirteenth Symposium on Improved Oil
Recovery, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1317 April 2002.
Civan, F. and Rasmussen, M.L., Improved Measurement of Gas Diffusivity for Miscible Gas
Flooding Under Nonequilibrium vs. Equilibrium Conditions, SPE 75135, SPE/DOE Thirteenth
Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1317 April 2002.
Penuela, G., Hughes, R.G., and Civan, F., and. Wiggins, M.L., "Time-Dependent Shape
for Secondary Recovery in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs", SPE 75234 SPE/DOE Thirteenth
Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1317 April 2002.
Civan, F., Fractal Formulation of the Porosity and Permeability Relationship Resulting in A
Power-Law Flow Units Equation- A Leaky-Tube Model, Paper SPE 73785, Proceedings of the
SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage, Lafayette, Louisiana, 23-24 February
Civan, F., A Triple-Mechanism Fractal Model With Hydraulic Dispersion For Gas Permeation
Tight Reservoirs, Paper SPE 74368, SPE Intl. Petroleum Conference and Exhibition,
Villahermosa, Mexico, 10-12 February 2002.
Civan, F. and Rasmussen, M.L., Analytical Hindered-Matrix-Fracture Transfer Models For
Naturally Fractured Gas Reservoirs, Paper SPE 74364, SPE Intl. Petroleum Conference and
Exhibition, Villahermosa, Mexico, 10-12 February 2002.
Tth, J., Szcs, P., Bdi, T., and Civan, F., Direct Determination of Relative Permeability from
Non-Steady-State Constant Pressure and Rate Displacements, Paper SPE 67318, SPE MidContinent Operations Symposium, Oklahoma City, OK, March 2001.
Civan, F. and Rasmussen, M.L., Improved Prediction of Waterflood Sweep Efficiency Using
Multi-Exponent Matrix-to-Fracture Transfer Functions, Paper SPE 67279, SPE Mid- Continent
Operations Symposium, Oklahoma City, OK, March 2001.
Civan, F., Modeling Well Performance under Non-Equilibrium Deposition Conditions, Paper
SPE 67234, SPE Mid- Continent Operations Symposium, in Oklahoma City, OK, March 2001.
Page 21 of 34
Faruk Civan, Curriculum Vitae
Civan, F., Water Sensitivity and Swelling Characteristics of Petroleum-Bearing Formations:
Kinetics and Correlation, Paper SPE 67293, SPE Mid-Continent Operations Symposium, in
Oklahoma City, OK, March 2001.
Civan, F. and Rasmussen, M.L., Accurate Measurement of Gas Diffusivity in Oil and Brine
Reservoir Conditions, Paper SPE 67319, SPE Mid-Continent Operations Symposium,
City, OK, March 2001.
Wang, S. and Civan, F., "Productivity Decline of Vertical and Horizontal Wells by Ashphaltene
Deposition in Petroleum Reservoirs," Paper SPE 64991, Proceedings of the SPE International
Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, TX, February 2001.
Civan, F., Dewers, T., and Atkinson, G., Carbonate Scale Prediction Under In Situ Conditions
Deep Reservoir Formations, Paper IBP 054, Rio Oil&Gas Expo and Conference, October 2000.
Wang, S. and Civan, F., Field Simulation of Asphaltene Deposition for Asphaltenic Petroleum
Reservoirs, Paper IBP 055, Rio Oil&Gas Expo and Conference, October 2000.
Penuela, G. and Civan, F., Gas-Condensate Well Test Analysis With and Without Relative
Permeability Curves, Paper SPE 63160, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
Dallas, Texas, 1-4 October 2000.
Civan, F., Significance of the Non-Darcy Behavior on the Fluid Loss into High-Permeability
Formations, Paper SPE 63054, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas,
Texas, 1-4 October 2000.

Prada, A, Civan, F., and Dalrymple, E.D., Evaluation of Gelation Systems for Conformance
Control, Paper SPE 59322, SPE/DOE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium, Tulsa, OK, April 3-5,
Prada, A, Civan, F., and Dalrymple, E.D., Evaluation Of Gelation Systems For Conformance
Control, Paper SPE 59322, SPE Permian Basin Oil&Gas Rec. Conference , March 21-23,
Civan, F., Predictability of Porosity and Permeability Alterations by Geochemical and
Geomechanical Rock and Fluid Interactions, Paper SPE 58746, Proceedings of the SPE
International Symposium on Formation Damage, Lafayette, Louisiana, 23-24 February 2000.
Wang, S., Civan, F., and Strycker, A., Simulation of Paraffin and Asphaltene Deposition in
Porous Media, Paper SPE 50746, Proceedings of the 1999 SPE Mid-Continent Operations
Symposium , Oklahoma City, OK, 28-31 March 1999, pp.57-66.
Civan, F., Wang, W., and Gupta, A., Effect of Wettability and Matrix to Fracture Transfer on the
Waterflooding in Fractured Reservoirs, Paper SPE 52197, Proceedings of the 1999 SPE MidContinent Operations Symposium , Oklahoma City, OK, 28-31 March 1999, pp.513-522.
Civan, F., Interpretation and Correlation of Clay Swelling Measurements, Paper SPE 52134,
Proceedings of the 1999 SPE Mid-Continent Operations Symposium, Oklahoma City, OK, 28-31
March 1999, pp.167-175.
Civan, F., Phenomenological Filtration Model for Highly Compressible Filter Cakes Involving
Non-Darcy Flow, Paper SPE 52147, Proceedings of the 1999 SPE Mid-Continent Operations
Symposium, Oklahoma City, OK, 28-31 March 1999, pp.195-201.
Civan, F., Predictive Model for Filter Cake Buildup and Filtrate Invasion with Non-Darcy
Paper SPE 52149, Proceedings of the 1999 SPE Mid-Continent Operations Symposium ,
Oklahoma City, OK, 28-31 March 1999, pp.203-210.
Civan, F., Martin, R., and Weers, J.J., Characterization of Corrosion Inhibiting Emulsions for
Continuous Well Treatment, Paper SPE 50719, Proceedings of the 1999 SPE International
Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, TX, 16-19 February 1999, pp.191-206.
Wang, S., Civan, F., and Strycker, A., Simulation of Paraffin and Asphaltene Deposition in
Porous Media, Paper SPE 50746, Proceedings of the 1999 SPE International Symposium on
Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, TX, 16-19 February 1999, pp.449-458.
Shedid, S., Civan, F., and Weers, J.J., Experimental Investigation of the Corrosion Inhibiting
Emulsion Placement in Vertical Wells, Proceedings of the 4th International Petroleum
Environmental Conf., San Antonio, TX, 09/09-12/97.
Page 22 of 34
Faruk Civan, Curriculum Vitae
Civan, F., Convenient Formulations for Immiscible Displacement in Porous Media, Paper
36701, Proceedings of the 71st SPE Annual Tech. Conf. and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado,
10/06-09/96, pp. 223-236.
Ucan, S. and Civan, F., Simultaneous Estimation of Relative Permeability and Capillary
for Non-Darcy Flow- Steady-State, Paper SPE 35271, Proceedings of the 1996 SPE MidContinent Gas Symposium, Amarillo, TX, 04/29-30/96, pp. 155-163.
Civan, F. and Evans, R.D., Determination of Non-Darcy Flow Parameters Using a Differential
Formulation of the Forchheimer Equations, Paper SPE 35621, Proceedings of the SPE Gas
Technology Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 04/28/96 - 05/01/96, pp. 415-429.
Civan, F., A Time-Space Solution Approach for Simulation of Flow in Subsurface Reservoirs,
Proceedings of the 11th Petroleum Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, Ankara, Turkey, 04/1517/96, pp. 161-167.
Civan, F., Interactions of the Horizontal Wellbore Hydraulics and Formation Damage, Paper
SPE 35213, Proceedings of the SPE Permian Basin Oil & Gas Recovery Conf., Midland, TX,
03/27-29/96, pp. 561-569.
Civan, F., A Multi-Purpose Formation Damage Model, Paper SPE 31101, Proceedings of the
SPE Formation Damage Symposium, Lafayette, LA, 02/14-15/96, pp.311-326.
Civan, F., Modeling and Simulation of Formation Damage by Organic Deposition,
of the First International Symposium on Colloid Chemistry in Oil Production: Asphaltenes and
Wax Deposition, ISCOP95, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 11/26-29/95, pp. 102-107.

Current Publications in Progress
Civan, F. and Rasmussen, M.L., Parameters of Matrix-Fracture Fluid Transfer Obtained by
Modeling of Core Tests," Paper SPE-104028-PP, SPEJ, 2008, pending.
Rasmussen, M.L. and Civan, F., "Implications of Linearization in Analytical Modeling of MatrixFracture Transfer Functions with Skin Effect," Paper SPE-104027-PP, SPEJ, 2008, pending.
Tth, J., Bdi, T., Szcs, P., and Civan, F., Predicting the In-Situ Relative Permeability from
Production Well-Drainage Diagnostics During Waterflooding of Oil Reservoirs, Transport in
Porous Media, 2007, pending.
il Recovery, Tulsa, OK, 07/84.
Reports (30 Total)
(w/Osisanya): Drilling Fluid Filtration Loss While Drilling, Undergraduate Design Project
from the Schlumberger Ambassadors Program, 2003.
Wiggins, M.L., Brown, R.L., Civan, F. and Hughes, R.G.: "Final Technical Report: Development
Reservoir Characterization Techniques and Production Models for Exploiting Naturally Fractured
Reservoirs," Contract DE-AC26-99BC15212 submitted to the US DOE, February 2003.
(w/Wiggins et al.) Development of Reservoir Characterization Techniques and Production
Models For Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Final Report, U.S. Department of Energy, 8/2003.
(w/Wiggins et al.) Development of Reservoir Characterization Techniques and Production
Models For Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Semiannual Progress Report, U.S. Department of
Energy, 12/31/2002.
Experimental Studies For Flow And Downhole Placement Of Corrosion Inhibiting Emulsions in
Wells, Baker Petrolite, 10/2002.
(w/Wiggins et al.) Development of Reservoir Characterization Techniques and Production
Models For Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Semiannual Progress Report, U.S. Department of
Energy, 6/2001.
(w/Prada) Evaluation of Gels for Profile Modification, Final Report, 5/98, Halliburton Energy
(w/Wang) Simulator Development for Interpretation of Laboratory Core Tests Involving
Deposition During the Flow of Oil, Final Report, 09/20/97, BDM Petroleum Technologies.
(w/Shedid) Experimental Investigation of the Corrosion Inhibiting Emulsion Placement in
Wells, Final Report, 07/19/96, Petrolite Corporation.
(w/Vinod and Shah) Chapter 9, Proppant Transport Simulation, published in Fracturing Fluid
Characterization Facility, Annual Report for 01/95 - 12/95, prepared by the School of Petroleum
and Geological Engineering, University of Oklahoma, published by the Gas Research Institute,
(w/Kukreti and Zaman) Effect of Fluid Hydraulics on Petroleum Rock Behavior, Report No.
CEES/OCAST-AR2-084/1994-1995/1, 08/95, Project No. AR2-084, Contract No. 4814, 360
A Time-Space Solution Approach for Prediction of Sweep Efficiency of Water Flooding Using
Cubature Method, Final Report, 11/95, U.S. DOE Contract No. DE-FG22-94BC14970.
(w/Evans) Characterization of Non-Darcy Multiphase Flow in Petroleum Bearing Formations,
Final Report, 04/94, U.S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC22-90BC14659.
(w/Kukreti and Zaman) Effect of Fluid Hydraulics on Petroleum Rock Behavior, Project No.
AR2084, Contract No. 4387, 05/93, OCAST Project Report.
Predictability of Formation Damage: An Assessment Study and Generalized Models, Final
Report, 04/94, U.S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC22-90BC14658.
(w/Roegiers and Sarma) Chemo-Mechanical Treatment of Deep Coal Seam for Permeability
Improvement, Final Report, 10/91, GRI Contract No. 5090-214-2029.
(w/Kukreti and Zaman) Constitutive Modeling of Geological Formations Considering Porosity
Permeability Alterations Due to Fluid Withdrawal, Final Report, 07/26/91, U.S. Dept. of the
Interior, Bureau of Mines, University of Oklahoma OMMRRI Grant No. G1104140.

(w/Roegiers) Chemo-mechanical Treatment of Deep Coal Seam for Permeability
Semiannual Report, 02/05/91, GRI Contract No. 5090-214-2029.
Page 31 of 34
Faruk Civan, Curriculum Vitae
Analytical and Experimental Studies on the Generation, Migration, and Retention of Fine
Particles During Flow Through Porous Formation, Final Report to the U.S. Department of
Energy, Report No. DE-FG01-87FE61146, 01/89. (Research project report/University of
Oklahoma technical paper.) Funded research report.
(w/Knapp) Feasibility Study and System Design for an Operational Solvent Comminution
for Mining Deep and Thin Bituminous Coal Reserves, Final Report to the U.S. Department of
Energy, Report No. DE-FG01-87FE61146, 01/89. (Research project report/University of
Oklahoma technical paper.) Funded research report.
(w/Tiab) Thermodynamic Analysis of Fluid Flow in Porous Media, Final Report to the Natl
Science Foundation - EPSCoR Program, Report No. NSF-EPSCoR R11-8610676, 05/89.
(Research project report/University of Oklahoma technical paper.) Funded research report.
(w/Donaldson) Quantitative Evaluation of Rapid Flow in Porous Media, Energy Resources
Institute, University of Oklahoma, 07/87 - 06/88.
(w/Knapp, Dosser, and Pucelik) 1986-87 University of Oklahoma Program Review: School of
Petroleum and Geological Engineering Self Study Report, 11/87.
(w/Knapp, Evans, and Dosser) School of Petroleum and Geological Engineering Strategy for
Excellence Report, 04/88.
(w/Knapp, McInerney, Menzie, and Jenneman) The Use of Microorganisms in Enhanced Oil
Recovery, Second Annual Report, 10/01/82 - 12/31/84, Work performed under Contract No.
AS19-80BC10300 for Bartlesville Project Office, U.S. Dept. of Energy, Bartlesville, OK, Report
No. DOE/BC/10300-43, (DE85000132), 11/85. (Research project report/University of Oklahoma
technical paper.) Funded research report.
(w/Kukreti and Zaman) Modeling of Flow of Immiscible Fluids in Heterogeneous Irregular
Shaped Reservoirs for Efficient Oil Recovery, Report to Energy Research Institute, University
Oklahoma, Report No. CEES/PGE/ERI/84-85-1; 09/85. (Research project report/University of
Oklahoma technical paper.) Funded research report.
(w/Knapp) In Situ Mining of Bituminous Coal via Solvent Comminution Process, Oklahoma
Mining Mineral Resources Research Institute, 1985 Research Report. (Research project
report/University of Oklahoma technical paper.) Funded research report.
Solution of Equation for Convection-Diffusion Through Porous Media by Special
Energy Resources Center, University of Oklahoma, 1982 Research Report. (Research project
report/University of Oklahoma technical paper.) Funded research report.
Civan, F., Solution of Transport Phenomena Type Models by the Method of Differential
Quadratures as Illustrated on the LNG Vapor Dispersion Process Modeling, Ph.D. Dissertation,
University of Oklahoma, 1978. (Research project report/University of Oklahoma technical
Civan, F., Pilot-Plant Mixer Design and Determination of the Optimum Operation Conditions to
Prepare a Suspension of CaCO3 in Water, Technical University of Istanbul, 1971. (Research
project report/Technical University of Istanbul technical paper.) Thesis for Advanced Engineering
Industry Short Courses Offered (12 Totals)
Reservoir Formation damage: Diagnosis, assessment, and mitigation.
Well Damage and Flow Assurance: Wellbore hydraulics, diagnosis, assessment, and
Petroleum Reservoir Engineering: Analyses, modeling, and simulation.
Natural Gas Engineering
Natural Gas Processing
Oil and Gas Transportation and Storage
Petrophysics and Reservoir Characterization.
Multi-Phase Transport Phenomena in Porous Media
Fluid Flow in Porous Media

Petroleum Reservoir Fluids
Mathematical Simulation Models
Environmental Pollution Modeling and Simulation (Ground, Sea and Lake, and Air)

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