07a4ec05-Thermal Engineering - I
07a4ec05-Thermal Engineering - I
07a4ec05-Thermal Engineering - I
II B.Tech II Semester Supplimentary Examinations,January 2010
Common to Mechanical Engineering, Automobile Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
2. (a) Show that for degree of reaction of 50% for the symmetrical blade axial flow
air compressor.
(b) What is isentropic efficiency of axial flow compressor? Derive its equation.
3. Draw and discuss relative merits of I and F head type engines? [16]
4. (a) Name the various measurements which are to be taken in a test of an I.C.
(b) An engine is used on a job requiring 110 kW B.P., the mechanical efficiency of
the engine is 80 % and the engine used 50 kg fuel per hour under the conditions
of operation. A design improvement is made which reduces the engine friction
by 5 kW. Assuming the indicated thermal efficiency remains the same, how
many kg of fuel per hour will be saved. [6+10]
5. An engine used for pumping water develops a brake power of 3.68 Kw. Its indicated
thermal efficiency is 30%, mechanical efficiency is 80%, calorific value of the fuel is
42,0000 Kj/Kg and its specific gravity=0.815 calculate:
6. (a) Draw the pressure and velocity variations across the centrifugal compressor
and explain salient features.
(b) Draw the schematic diagram of vane-less diffuser for the centrifugal flow com-
pressor and explain its working along with limitations. [8+8]
7. (a) Derive the equation for maximum discharge for multi stage compression of
reciprocating air compressor with perfect inter cooling.
Code No: 44014 R07 Set No. 2
(b) A two stage air compressor with perfect inter cooling takes in air at 1 bar and
300 K. The law of compression in both the stages is PV1.3 = constant. The
compressed air is delivered at 9 bar. Calculate for unit mass flow rate of air,
the minimum work done and the heat rejected in the inter cooler. Compare
the values if compression is carried out with the single stage air compressor.
Code No: 44014 R07 Set No. 4
II B.Tech II Semester Supplimentary Examinations,January 2010
Common to Mechanical Engineering, Automobile Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Draw and discuss relative merits of T and L head type engines? [16]
2. (a) Define carburetion.
(b) Explain the factors that affect the process of carburetion. [4+12]
3. (a) Derive an expression for the optimum inter cooler pressure for a two stage
reciprocating air compressor with perfect inter cooling.
(b) A single stage double acting reciprocating air compressor is driven by a 39
kW electric motor with a transmission efficiency of 95%. Air is drawn in at
0.98 bar and 288 K and compressed according to the law pV1.2 = C to 5.8 bar.
The compressor runs at 100 rpm with a piston speed of 1.5 m/s. [8+8]
4. (a) Compare the actual and fuel-air cycle of a gasoline engine?
(b) What are the assumptions for fuel-air cycles? [8+8]
5. (a) The efficiency of axial flow compressor is very sensitive to blade angles. Why?
(b) Explain the functions of stator blades that are installed in each stage of an
axial flow compressor. [8+8]
6. In a test on two stroke oil engine, the following results were obtained: speed =
350 rev/min; Net brake load = 600 N; Mean effective pressure = 2.66 bar; Fuel
consumption = 3.2 kg/h; cooling water used = 495 kg/h; Temperatures of jacket
water at inlet and outlet = 300 C and 500 C; Exhaust gases per kg of fuel = 32
kg; Temperature of exhaust gases = 4320 C; specific heat of exhaust gases = 1.005
kJ/kg K; Inlet air temperature = 320 C. Draw up a heat balance for the engine if
its cylinder diameter = 205 mm and stroke = 275 mm; brake drum. diameter =
1.0 m; calorific value of fuel = 40870 kJ/kg. [16]
7. Bring out clearly the processes of combustion in CI engines and also explain various
stages of combustion? [16]
8. Determine the absolute Mach number of the flow at the exit of a radial vaned
impeller of a centrifugal compressor when the radial component of the velocity at
the impeller exit is 28 m/s and the slip factor is 0.9. The impeller tip speed is 350
m/s. If the impeller area is 0.08 m2 and the total head isentropic efficiency is 90%,
determine mass flow rate. Assume atmospheric condition is 288 K and 1 bar. [16]
Code No: 44014 R07 Set No. 1
II B.Tech II Semester Supplimentary Examinations,January 2010
Common to Mechanical Engineering, Automobile Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) Classify the air compressors based on their working principle and state their
(b) A single stage single acting reciprocating air compressor with 0.3 m bore and
0.4 m stroke runs at 400 rpm. The suction pressure is 1 bar at 300 K and the
delivery pressure is 5 bar. Find the power required to run it, if the compres-
sion is isothermal, adiabatic and compression follow pv1.3 = C. Also find the
isothermal efficiency. [6+10]
2. (a) Explain the working principle of Roots blower with suitable diagrams.
(b) A centrifugal compressor delivers 54 kg of air per minute at pressure of 200
kPa, when compressing air from 100 kPa and 150 C. If the temperature of air
delivered is 970 C, and no heat is added to the air from the external sources
during compression, determine the efficiency of the compressor relative to ideal
adiabatic compression and power absorbed. [8+8]
5. Draw the superimposed velocity triangles for the following cases of axial flow com-
pressor and explain the salient points.
(a) R = 50 %.
(b) R < 50 %.
(c) R > 50 %. [16]
6. Explain the phenomenon of knock in CI engines and compare with SI engine knock?
Code No: 44014 R07 Set No. 1
8. How is turbulence helpful in SI engines combustion, Explain with suitable sketches
how this can produced with different combustion chambers? [16]
Code No: 44014 R07 Set No. 3
II B.Tech II Semester Supplimentary Examinations,January 2010
Common to Mechanical Engineering, Automobile Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) Derive the equation for work required for a single stage reciprocating air com-
(b) A double acting air compressor works with an indicated power of 37 kW. Air is
drawn in at 1 bar 300 K and compressed according to the law pv1.2 = constant
to 7 bar. The compressor runs at 200 rpm with average piston speed of 2.5
m/s. By neglecting the clearance, calculate the dimensions of the cylinder.
2. (a) Derive the work input requirement for an axial flow air compressor and explain
the salient points.
(b) What is meant by work done factor? Derive its equation for the axial flow
compressor. [8+8]
4. What will be the effect on the efficiency a diesel cycle having a compression ratio
of 20 and a cut-off ratio is 5% of the swept volume, if Cv decreases by 2%. Given
T3 /T2 =1.67. [16]
7. In a centrifugal compressor with inlet guide vanes, air leaving the guide vanes
has a velocity of 91.5 m/s at 700 C to the tangential direction. Determine the
inlet relative Mach number, assuming frictionless flow through the guide vanes and
impeller total head isentropic efficiency. The outer operating conditions are follows:
Impeller diameter at inlet = 457 mm; impeller diameter at exit = 762 mm; radial
component of velocity at the impeller exit = 53.4 m/s; slip factor = 0.9; speed =
11000 rpm; static pressure at impeller exit = 223 kPa; atmospheric temperature
and pressure are 288 K and 1.013 bar respectively. [16]
Code No: 44014 R07 Set No. 3
8. The fuel supplied to a Diesel engine has a gross calorific value of 44800 kJ/kg and
contains 85.4% C and12.3% H2 . The average temperature of the exhaust gases is
2600 C and their volumetric analysis gives CO2 : 5.77%, CO : 0.12%, O2 :13.09%,
N2 (by difference) : 81.02 %. Find:
(a) the heat carried away by the exhaust expressed as percentage of the heat
supplied and.
(b) the mass of air per kg of fuel in excess of that theoretically required for com-
plete combustion. Take mean specific heat of the dry exhaust gases as 1 kJ/kg
K and atmospheric temperature as 170 C. Air contains 23% oxygen on mass
basis. [16]