Bahaya HF

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Pam Koontz

Environmental Health & Safety

University of Tennessee, Knoxville


What is Hydrofluoric Acid ?

Hydrofluoric acid is a weak inorganic acid.
Primarily used in industrial processes: glass

etching, metal cleaning, laboratory reagents,

Can be found in household products: rust
removers, automotive detailing products,
stain removers.

Hydrofluoric Acid Chemical

Clear, colorless liquid.
Density similar to water.

Distinct ability to dissolve glass.

May form explosive levels of hydrogen upon

contact with many metals.

It will attack glazes, enamels, pottery,
concrete, and leather.
ACGIH ceiling limit and OSHA TWA is 3 PPM

Dangers of Hydrofluoric Acid

Hydrofluoric Acid is one of the most dangerous
acids known. It needs to be treated differently
than even strong acids like Sulfuric and
Hydrofluoric Acid is an acid like no other. It is so
potent that contact with it may not even be

noticed until long after serious damage has been

done. Even very strong acids, and mixtures of
acids, like Aqua Forte and Aqua Regia, do not
have the power to cause death and injury in the
way that Hydrofluoric Acid can.

Why is HF so Dangerous?
HF has two mechanisms that cause tissue

Corrosive Burns from free hydrogen ions
Chemical Burns from tissue penetration of the fluoride

Fluoride ions penetrate and form insoluble salts

with calcium and magnesium.
Soluble salts are also formed with other cations
but dissociate rapidly. Consequently, fluoride
ions release, and further tissue destruction

Hydrofluoric Acid vs Other

Hydrofluoric acid (HF) differs from other acids
because the fluoride ion readily penetrates the
skin, causing destruction of deep tissue layers,
including bone. Pain associated with exposure to
solutions of HF (1-50%) may be delayed for 1-24
hours. If HF is not rapidly neutralized and the

fluoride ion bound, tissue destruction may

continue for days and result in limb loss or death.
HF is similar to other acids in that the initial
extent of a burn depends on the concentration,
the temperature, and the duration of contact
with the acid.

HF Mortality/Morbidity
Local effects include tissue destruction and

necrosis. Burns may involve underlying bone.

Systemic fluoride ion poisoning, from severe
burns is associated with hypocalcemia (low
calcium levels), hyperkalemia (high
potassium levels), hypomagnesemia (low
magnesium levels) and sudden death.
Deaths have been reported from
concentrated acid burns involving as little as
2.5% Body Surface Area (BSA).

Storing Hydrofluoric Acid

Store in a cool, dry place away from
incompatible materials. HF reacts with many

materials therefore avoid contact with glass,

concrete, metals, water, other acids, oxidizers,
reducers, alkalis, combustibles, organics and
Store in containers made of polyethylene or
fluorocarbon plastic, lead, or platinum. Place
storage bottles in polyethylene secondary
containment trays.
Never store HF in glass containers.

Ensure all areas where HF is used are equipped
with proper spill response equipment. Small
spills can be neutralized by covering with
magnesium sulfate (dry) and absorbed with spill
control pads or other absorbent materials. Add
sodium bicarbonate or magnesium oxide to an
absorbent and place in a plastic container for

disposal. Wash the spill site with a sodium

bicarbonate solution. Or use a commercial spill
kit. Call EHS (4-5084) to dispose of spill clean-up
materials. All spill clean-up materials must be
placed in a plastic container.

3M's Universal Sorbent is recommended, as it
does not react with HF. Organic spill kits that
contain Floor-Dri, kitty litter, vermiculite or sand
should not be used because HF reacts with silica
to produce silicon tetrafluoride, a toxic gas.
If the spill is large, in a confined space, or in an

area where there is not adequate ventilation, or

if the acid is concentrated evacuate the room
and immediately report the spill to EHS (4-5084)
or after hours call 911.

Fire and Explosion Hazard

Hydrogen fluoride is non-combustible, but may
create irritating and corrosive fumes of fluorides
when heated or in combination with steam or
water. Since hydrogen fluoride does not burn,
use an extinguishing agent suitable for
surrounding fire. Use water to absorb fumes and

keep containers cool. Heat released when water

or steam combines with hydrogen fluoride or
hydrofluoric acid could be hazardous. For fires
involving hydrofluoric acid, apply water in
flooding quantities. Hydrofluoric acid and
various metals may form hydrogen (extremely
flammable gas) creating a fire hazard.

Symptoms of Hydrofluoric
Acid Burns
The Hydrogen Fluoride molecule is so mobile

that it may easily pass through the skin.

Because Fluorine has an extremely high
affinity for Calcium, bones will be attacked,
and this may result in hypocalcaemia. There
may be no pain immediately after the burn,
leading the injured person to believe that
they are not in danger.

Symptoms of Exposure

Erythema (skin redness) and pain may be

delayed up to 24 hours, often not reported
until tissue damage is extreme. In one study,
7% HF produced symptoms in 1 to several
hours, 12% HF in less than one hour, and
14.5% HF immediately.

Symptoms of Exposure
CONCENTRATIONS 20 TO 50% - Erythema

and pain may be delayed from 1 to 8 hours,

and is often not reported until tissue damage
is extreme.
CONCENTRATIONS GREATER THAN 50% Produces immediate burning, erythema, and
tissue damage.

Decontamination and First

Immediately remove all exposed clothing taking

necessary precautions to prevent self-exposure

(wear gloves) while washing all exposed areas with
copious amounts of water.
Application of 2.5 to 33% calcium gluconate or
carbonate gel or slurry, either placed into a surgical
glove into which the affected extremity is then
placed, or rubbed into the burn, is recommended.
Use calcium gluconate for dermal treatment only.
chloride is irritating to the tissues and may cause

Decontamination and First

Aid cont.

While the victim is being rinsed with water,

someone should call to arrange treatment by

medical personnel. Call 911 and tell the
dispatcher the following:
There is a person that has been in exposed to

Hydrofluoric Acid and the victim is in this location.

Please send an ambulance to transport to UT
Medical Center.
Alert the hospital than someone with HF burns is
en route.
Immediately washing off the acid is of primary

Decontamination and First

Aid cont.

After the affected area is flushed with copious

amounts of water for at least one minute,
calcium gluconate gel is to be applied using
these guidelines. A 2.5% calcium gluconate gel
will be located inside the HF exposure kit within
the laboratory. Apply the gel after putting on the
HF exposure kit. Do not use latex gloves; they
are not effective against HF. Note the time when

the calcium gluconate gel was first applied to the

contaminated site. Provide this information to
the EMS team.

Decontamination and First

Aid cont.
The victim must be escorted to the hospital

by the responding person or assisting lab

A copy of the MSDS and the CHP must be
also taken to the hospital
After EMS arrives they shall call the
Emergency Room doctor for instructions and
for the approval to administer the calcium
carbonate tablets (antacid tablets) found in
the Spill Exposure Kit

Before beginning work involving HF an

exposure kit must be available and located in

the laboratory area. The exposure kit must
contain the following items:
Container of calcium gluconate gel
This gel must be inspected before each use of HF or
at least monthly to ensure the gel has not been
removed or has not reached the expiration date. If a
tube of the gel has been opened, a new container
must be purchased and the old container discarded.
No work with HF can be done with an expired tube
of calcium gluconate gel.


2 pairs of Neoprene or Nitrile (22mil) gloves
1 heavy-duty polyethylene bag to be used for

items contaminated by HF
1 HF Contaminated Waste Label
Copy of CHP and MSDS to take to the
emergency room
Calcium Carbonate (antacid tablets)

Other Routes of Exposure SYSTEMIC TOXICITY

Systemic fluoride toxicity may result from

ingestion, inhalation, or extensive dermal

burns. Hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia,
hyperkalemia (potassium), pulmonary
edema, metabolic acidosis, ventricular
arrhythmias, and death are possible.

Other Routes of Exposure EYE EXPOSURE

May result in severe ocular damage with

concentrations greater than 0.5%. Fume

exposure commonly causes eye irritation and
can also cause ocular injury. Signs and
symptoms may be delayed.

First Aid for Eye Exposure

Immediately flush eyes for at least 5 minutes

with copious cool flowing water. The victim

should then be transported to a medical
facility. If a sterile 1% calcium gluconate
solution is available and MEDICAL
PERSONNEL are available then following the
5 minutes wash time, 1% calcium gluconate
irrigation should be started.
Call 911 and inform them of Hydrofluoric Acid
exposure and instruct them to notify hospital
of person in transport.

Other Routes of Exposure ORAL EXPOSURE

Ingestion may result in vomiting and

abdominal pain; painful necrotic lesions,

hemorrhagic gastritis, and pancreatitis have
been reported after significant exposure.

Other Routes of Exposure INHALATION EXPOSURE

Inhalation of hydrofluoric acid vapors may

cause severe throat irritation, cough,

dyspnea, cyanosis, lung injury and pulmonary
edema resulting in death.

First Aid for Inhalation

If a large volume of Hydrofluoric Acid gas is
Immediately remove the victim to clean air. Call 911
Inform 911 operator of Hydrofluoric Acid exposure and

instruct them to notify hospital of person in transport

Inhalation of Hydrofluoric Acid fumes may cause
swelling in the respiratory tract up to 24 hours after
exposure. Persons who have inhaled Hydrofluoric Acid
vapors may need prophylactic oxygen treatment and
must be seen by a physician as soon as possible

HF Accidents
1981 At the Sullivan Park Research Facility

of Corning, Inc., an HF tank leaked. A cleanup crew went in without proper respirators
and 2 workers died.
1994 A lab tech in Western Australia died
from burns sustained when he accidentally
spilled concentrated (70%) HF on himself.
1996 A NYC sanitation worker died of toxic
fumes released when HF blew up in the back
of his truck.



Extract from Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists Newsletter,

December 1994:
An accident in Perth highlighted just how hazardous this acid can be and
it is worth recounting for the benefit of any lab working or hygienists
whose work may involve advising others who use this substance.
On November 12, a 37 year old man died in the Intensive Care Unit of
Fremantle Hospital after he accidentally splashed about 100 ml of a 70%
solution on his right leg on October 28. It was estimated that the extent
of the spill covered about 10% of his total body area. The individual was
working as a technician in a small paleontology laboratory, which was
attached to a private residence. HF is used in the industry to digest
silicates in ore samples. The victim immediately attempted to remove
the spill from his clothing hosing himself down with a hose attached to a
sink in the laboratory. He then ran from the laboratory to the swimming
pool in the garden, and he remained in the pool until the ambulance
arrived within the hour. At the time he appeared confused, possibly as a
result of shock. The following week his right leg was amputated,
however despite this, the individual eventually succumbed to the toxic
effects of the hydrofluoric acid 2 weeks after the initial spill.

Minimum Lethal Exposure ORAL

Death has occurred after ingestion of 1.5 grams of

hydrofluoric acid (concentration unknown) within

6.5 hours of ingestion. Postmortem findings in this
case revealed no gross tissue damage and a liver
fluoride level of 165 micrograms/100 gram.
A 33-year-old man who ingested 3 to 4 ounces of a
rust remover (unstated HF concentration) died
within 45 to 60 minutes. At autopsy, severe mucosal
edema of the stomach and hemorrhage and necrosis
of the pancreas were noted. The postmortem blood
fluoride level was 56.2 milligrams/liter.
Ingestion of 15 milliliters of a 9 percent solution was
reported to cause death.

Minimum Lethal Exposure DERMAL

A dermal exposure to 70 percent hydrofluoric acid over a

2.5 percent total body surface area resulted in death. The

serum calcium level was 2.2 milligrams/deciliter.
An adult patient who developed 25 percent total body
surface area second degree burns after exposure to a 70
percent hydrofluoric acid preparation died in cardiac arrest.
Ionized serum calcium level was 1.7 milligrams per deciliter
(normal: 4 to 4.8) immediately premortem.
Two workers died following a splash exposure of 70 percent
hydrofluoric acid to the face, chest, arms and legs. Both
workers were promptly removed from site of exposure.
Clothing was removed and burns were initially treated at
the workplace with a cold shower and alcohol was applied
to burn areas. Suitable protective clothing was not worn at
the workplace.

Minimum Lethal Exposure DERMAL

A woman died from severe chemical burns of

the skin and lungs, with intense pulmonary

hemorrhagic edema after having acid thrown
onto her face during an attack.
A patient with HF burns involving 8 percent of
his body died from intractable cardiac
arrhythmia secondary to the depletion of
ionized calcium.

Minimum Lethal Exposure INHALATION

Estimates of the lowest lethal concentrations

for hydrogen fluoride range from 50-250 ppm

for 5 minute exposure and are based on
accidental, voluntary and occupational
exposure information.

Study of Fatal HF Poisonings


MEDICINE 40:215220 (2001)

From 1984 to 1994 9 deaths were
investigated from 8 industrial incidents
Unsafe work practices were implicated in
each incident
Calcium chloride or gluconate was noted to
have been administered to 5 of the 9 victims

Study of Fatal HF Poisonings

- Use of Calcium Treatment

Approximate time from

exposure to death

Calcium gluconate
administered? (Y/N)

Time from exposure

to administration


3 h 30min

15 h



1h 30 min



2 h 30min



1.5 h



HF Burn - Grade 1
Grade 1 a
white burn
mark and/or
and pain.

HF Burn Grade 3
Grade 3 - a
white burn
mark and/or
and pain,
blistering and

Mild HF burn to thigh from

commercial rust stain

Handling Hydrofluoric Acid

Familiarize yourself with the hazards specific to HF

before handling.
HF should never be handled by anyone who has not been
trained to use it.
Always handle HF in:
A properly functioning fume hood
An area equipped with a Safety Shower/Eye Wash

Calcium Gluconate should be available for skin


Handling Hydrofluoric Acid

Recommended Personal Protective Equipment:

Face shield (plastic)
Gloves: Thin disposable gloves (such as 4, 6, or 8 mil blue Nitrile glove) used in
laboratory operations provide a contact barrier only and should be disposed of
immediately when contamination is suspected. Thicker (10-20 mil) PVC or
neoprene gloves provide good resistance to HF but do not provide the necessary
dexterity for most lab procedures. Thinner PVC or poly (food handling) gloves
can provide some resistance to HF, but should also be changed immediately at
the first sign of contamination. Disposable gloves should never be worn without
double gloving because of the potential for pinholes and exposure. A combination
of double gloves, Nitrile and poly, can be used to provide greater protection from
a broader range of materials.

Acid resistant apron

Long pants, sleeves, and closed toe shoes (always required when
working with corrosives)

Working With HF Safely

Never use Hydrofluoric Acid when working

alone or after hours. Always ensure that

knowledgeable laboratory personnel have
been alerted and at least one is in the general
All lab personnel, not just those who will be
using Hydrofluoric Acid, should be informed
of the dangers of this chemical and the
emergency procedures necessary in case of
an accident. A sign should be posted to alert
people that work with Hydrofluoric Acid is in

Working With HF Safely

All persons who will be using Hydrofluoric

Acid must be made aware of its properties

and trained in proper procedures for use and
Laboratories which keep or use Hydrofluoric
Acid gas or concentrated solutions (>1%
Hydrofluoric Acid) should have emergency
procedures on hand as well as an MSDS.

Working With HF Safely

Laboratories which keep or use Hydrofluoric

Acid gas or concentrated solutions (>1%

Hydrofluoric Acid) must have an operational
safety shower and eye wash in their
Before beginning any procedure involving

Hydrofluoric Acid, make sure the access to the

emergency shower and eyewash is unobstructed.

Working With HF Safely

Undergraduate students should never be

given the task of mixing Hydrofluoric Acid

solutions. Only experienced persons familiar
with its properties should handle the
concentrated acid.
Clean up all spills promptly.
Purchase HF in limited quantities. Keep as
little on hand as possible (3 month or less

Working With HF Safely

When working with Hydrofluoric Acid or

concentrated HF solutions (> 1%):

Work in a fume hood with the sash as low as

possible. Wear goggles and a face shield. Wear a

long-sleeved, buttoned lab coat, pants or long
skirt, and closed-toe shoes. Wear Neoprene or
Nitrile (22mil) gloves or other Hydrofluoric Acid
resistant gloves (Hydrofluoric Acid burns around
the fingernails are extremely painful, difficult to
treat, and may require surgical removal of the
nail). A chemically resistant apron is also

Working With HF Safely

Double gloving is highly recommended. Make

sure your gloves have no pin-holes.

Any exposure to Hydrofluoric Acid must be
medically evaluated.
Do not leave tongs, stirrers, etc., which have
been contaminated with HF in fume hoods
where other people may pick them up or
otherwise come into contact with them.

Working With HF Safely

Any unattended containers must be labelled.

If it is not feasible to do this, and containers

must be left in the laboratory fume hood
unattended by the HF user, place a placard or
sign in the fume hood indicating the HF
When the work has been completed and
personal protective equipment has been
removed, wash hands thoroughly with soap
and water.

Working With HF Safely

Properly dispose of contaminated disposable

gloves, aprons, etc in a plastic container and

close it so it is spill proof. All waste containers
must be labeled with a hazardous waste label
with the chemical name written out.
eg: hydrofluoric acid - NOT HF!!

Working With HF Safely

The principle investigator shall supply a CHP

for the processes involving HF to affected

employees and verify that they understand it.
Employees should understand the health and
physical hazards of HF. The ability of HF to
inflict damage without initial pain should be

Working With HF Safely

Solutions with concentrations > 50% may release

hazardous concentrations of HF vapor under conditions

of poor ventilation and require respirator use. If
employees wish to use respirators when using HF, such
respirators shall ONLY be obtained after proper training
in respirator use. The principle investigator shall ensure
that only employees who have received respirator
training and have received appropriate medical exams by
an Occupational Health Physician are allowed to wear
respirators. Persons wearing respirators must also be fit
tested for their respirator annually.

Summary of Hydrofluoric Acid

Hydrofluoric Acid is an extremely dangerous chemical, and can

cause death from a skin exposure of less than 3% of body area.

Special training, preparation, Personal Protective Equipment,
and handling precautions are needed at all times.
This training is not a substitute for medical advice, Risk
Assessments, Chemical Safety Data Sheets, or any other
professional service that needs to be used before dealing with
Hydrofluoric Acid.
If you are exposed to hydrofluoric acid seek medical attention
immediately, even if you do not feel pain. It may take up to 24
hrs to feel the pain from <20% HF exposure.
In order to warn and protect others from the hazard of HF, a
warning sign indicating the use of HF should be posted. - demo





To complete the Hydrofluoric Acid Safety Training Module, please click here for the quiz

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